# frozen_string_literal: true require "pathname" module GitHubChangelogGenerator ParserError = Class.new(StandardError) # ParserFile is a configuration file reader which sets options in the # given Hash. # # In your project's root, you can put a file named # .github_changelog_generator to override defaults. # # Example: # header_label=# My Super Changelog # ; Comments are allowed # future-release=5.0.0 # # Ruby-style comments, too # since-tag=1.0.0 # # The configuration format is some-key=value or some_key=value. # class ParserFile # @param options [Hash] options to be configured from file contents # @param file [nil,IO] configuration file handle, defaults to opening `.github_changelog_generator` def initialize(options, file = open_settings_file) @options = options @file = file end # Sets options using configuration file content def parse! return unless @file @file.each_with_index { |line, i| parse_line!(line, i + 1) } @file.close end private FILENAME = ".github_changelog_generator" def open_settings_file path = Pathname(File.expand_path(FILENAME)) File.open(path) if path.exist? end def parse_line!(line, line_number) return if non_configuration_line?(line) option_name, value = extract_pair(line) @options[option_key_for(option_name)] = convert_value(value, option_name) rescue raise ParserError, "Failed on line ##{line_number}: \"#{line.gsub(/[\n\r]+/, '')}\"" end # Returns true if the line starts with a pound sign or a semi-colon. def non_configuration_line?(line) line =~ /^[\#;]/ || line =~ /^[\s]+$/ end # Returns a the option name as a symbol and its string value sans newlines. # # @param line [String] unparsed line from config file # @return [Array] def extract_pair(line) key, value = line.split("=", 2) [key.tr("-", "_").to_sym, value.gsub(/[\n\r]+/, "")] end KNOWN_ARRAY_KEYS = [:exclude_labels, :include_labels, :bug_labels, :enhancement_labels, :issue_line_labels, :between_tags, :exclude_tags] KNOWN_INTEGER_KEYS = [:max_issues] def convert_value(value, option_name) if KNOWN_ARRAY_KEYS.include?(option_name) value.split(",") elsif KNOWN_INTEGER_KEYS.include?(option_name) value.to_i elsif value =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i true elsif value =~ /^(false|f|no|n|0)$/i false else value end end IRREGULAR_OPTIONS = { bugs_label: :bug_prefix, enhancement_label: :enhancement_prefix, issues_label: :issue_prefix, header_label: :header, front_matter: :frontmatter, pr_label: :merge_prefix, issues_wo_labels: :add_issues_wo_labels, pr_wo_labels: :add_pr_wo_labels, pull_requests: :pulls, filter_by_milestone: :filter_issues_by_milestone, github_api: :github_endpoint } def option_key_for(option_name) IRREGULAR_OPTIONS.fetch(option_name) { option_name } end end end