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Marc Remolt 2011-06-05 14:01:47 +02:00
parent 76830ec51c
commit c7c76a709b

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@ -2,16 +2,24 @@
This litte project is an importer for WordPress XML dumps into refinerycms(-blog).
So far, only blog-relevant data gets imported, I'm working on the cms pages part.
You can find the source code on github:
Keep in mind, this gem imports blog posts and pages, NOT the media files, as they are not
part of the XML dump! You have to manually readd them to Refinery.
The same goes for links to other pages on your site. WordPress exports them just as <a>-Tags.
If your site (blog) structure uses new urls, the links WILL break! For example, if you used
the popular WP blog url structure "YYYY-MM/slug", be warned that Refinery just uses "blog/slug".
So your inner site links will point to the old WP url.
== Prerequisites
As refinerycms-wordpress-import is an addon for RefineryCMS, is shares the prerequisites with it.
So you'll first need a running installation of refinerycms and refinerycms-blog. Make sure
the site is running, all migrations are run and you created the first refinery user.
== Installation
Just add the gem to your projects Gemfile:
@ -26,9 +34,10 @@ and run
== Usage
Importing the XML dump is done via 3 rake tasks:
Importing the XML dump is done via rake tasks:
rake wordpress:reset_blog
@ -53,6 +62,31 @@ The task will then skip all posts that are not published.
This one combines the two previous tasks.
If you also want to import the cms part of WordPress, three more rake tasks manage
the import into RefineryCMS Pages:
rake wordpress:reset_pages
This task deletes all data from the cms tables, ensuring a clean import. Otherwise existing
pages could break the import because of duplicate IDs.
rake wordpress:import_pages[file_name]
This task imports all the WordPress pages into Refinery. The page structure (parent - child)
is preserved.
If you want to skip the draft pages, add the ONLY_PUBLISHED parameter to this task,
just like with wordpress:import_blog.
rake wordpress:import_pages[file_name] ONLY_PUBLISHED=true
If you want to clean the tables and import in one task:
rake wordpress:reset_and_import_pages[file_name]
== Usage on ZSH
One more hint for users of zsh (like myself):
The square brackets following the rake task need to be escaped on zsh, as they have a
@ -62,6 +96,7 @@ special meaning there. So the syntax is:
Ugly, but it works. This is the case for all rake tasks by the way, not just mine.
== Feedback
This is still a very new gem. It manages to import my own blog and a standard WordPress 3.1 dump with some sample posts.