module WordPressImport class Post < Page def tags # xml dump has "post_tag" for wordpress 3.1 and "tag" for 3.0 path = if node.xpath("category[@domain='post_tag']").count > 0 "category[@domain='post_tag']" else "category[@domain='tag']" end node.xpath(path).collect do |tag_node| end end def tag_list tags.collect(&:name).join(',') end def categories node.xpath("category[@domain='category']").collect do |cat| end end def comments node.xpath("wp:comment").collect do |comment_node| end end # blog_slug is used to identify which blog this import is from def to_rails(blog_slug) user = ::User.find_by_wp_username(creator) if user.nil? raise "User with wp_username #{creator} not found" end post = ::Post.create({ :wp_post_id => post_id, :slug => post_name, :user_id =>, :title => title, :created_at => post_date, :published_at => publish_date, :wp_link => link, :wp_blog => blog_slug, :translations_attributes => { "0" => { :locale => "en", :title => title, :body => content_formatted, # merge the translation's category list with the wordpress post's :category_list => categories.collect(&:name) | tags.collect(&:name) }} }) if post.errors.blank? puts "Post #{post_name} imported." return post.reload else puts post.inspect raise post.errors.full_messages.to_s end end end end