boolean debug = true; int screenx = 1024; int screeny = 768; int camx = 640; int camy = 480; String camname = "/dev/video1"; // to adjust, uncomment the println(Capture.list()); line below and read the names on the console. // How different must a pixel be to be a "motion" pixel float threshold = 50; // How high of a color value must a pixel be to be a "draw" pixel int highthreshold = 205; //0 = nothing, 255 = blue; // 0 = black, 765 = white int whitethreshold = 254; //0 = nothing, 255 = blue; // 0 = black, 765 = white int spread = 0; // width of threshold int redspread = 80; // width of threshold int greenspread = 0; // width of threshold int bluespread = 40; // width of threshold // How fast to fade out painting int decay = 1; import*; import gifAnimation.*; // Variable for capture device Capture video; // Previous Frame PImage prevFrame; // DRAW Frame PImage drawFrame; // Black Frame PImage blackFrame; // Pixel loop variables int loc; int screenloc,screenloc2,screenloc3,screenloc4,screenloc5,screenloc6,screenloc7,screenloc8,screenloc9; color current; color previous; color mycolor; float r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2; float diff; float videoscalex, videoscaley; //boolean sketchFullScreen() { // return true; //} void setup() { //smooth(2); size(screenx,screeny); //println(Capture.list()); video = new Capture(this, camx, camy, camname); video.start(); // Create an empty image the same size as the video prevFrame = createImage(video.width,video.height,RGB); // Create a drawing canvas the same size as the screen drawFrame = createImage(width,height,RGB); // Create a black frame to blend drawFrame with blackFrame = createImage(width,height,RGB); blackFrame.loadPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < blackFrame.pixels.length; i++) { blackFrame.pixels[i] = color(255-decay, 255-decay, 255-decay); } blackFrame.updatePixels(); videoscalex = float(screenx)/float(camx); videoscaley = float(screeny)/float(camy); } void draw() { image(drawFrame,0,0); drawFrame.blend(blackFrame,0,0,blackFrame.width,blackFrame.height,0,0,drawFrame.width,drawFrame.height,MULTIPLY); // Capture video if (video.available()) { // Save previous frame for motion detection!! prevFrame.copy(video,0,0,video.width,video.height,0,0,video.width,video.height); // Before we read the new frame, we always save the previous frame for comparison! prevFrame.updatePixels();; } loadPixels(); video.loadPixels(); drawFrame.loadPixels(); // Begin loop to walk through every 4th pixel for (int x = 0; x < video.width-1; x = x+4 ) { for (int y = 0; y < video.height-1; y = y+4 ) { loc = x + y*video.width; // Step 1, what is the 1D pixel location current = video.pixels[loc]; // Step 2, what is the current color previous = prevFrame.pixels[loc]; // Step 3, what is the previous color // Step 4, compare colors (previous vs. current) r1 = red(current); g1 = green(current); b1 = blue(current); r2 = red(previous); g2 = green(previous); b2 = blue(previous); diff = dist(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2); // Step 5, How different are the colors? // If the color at that pixel is bright blue, then there is a drawing tool at that pixel. if (b1 > highthreshold || r1 > highthreshold || g1 > highthreshold) { // show webcam onscreen (2x2 pixels wide: screenloc = width-int(x*videoscalex) + int(y*videoscaley)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc2 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+1 + int(y*videoscaley)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc3 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+2 + int(y*videoscaley)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc4 = width-int(x*videoscalex) + int((y*videoscaley)+1)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc5 = width-int(x*videoscalex) + int((y*videoscaley)+2)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc6 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+1 + int((y*videoscaley)+1)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc7 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+2 + int((y*videoscaley)+1)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc8 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+1 + int((y*videoscaley)+2)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc9 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+2 + int((y*videoscaley)+2)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see boolean draw = false; if(r1 > highthreshold && g1 < highthreshold-redspread && b1 < highthreshold-redspread){ mycolor = color(255,0,0); draw = true; } // 225, 160, 160 if(g1 > highthreshold && r1 < highthreshold-spread && b1 < highthreshold-greenspread){ mycolor = color(0,255,0); draw = true; } // 211, 234, 120 if(b1 > highthreshold && r1 < highthreshold-bluespread && g1 < highthreshold-spread){ mycolor = color(0,0,255); draw = true; } // 145, 239, 249 if(b1 > whitethreshold && r1 > whitethreshold && b1 > whitethreshold){ mycolor = color(255,255,255); draw = true; } if(draw){ drawFrame.pixels[screenloc] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc2] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc3] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc4] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc5] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc6] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc7] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc8] = mycolor; drawFrame.pixels[screenloc9] = mycolor; } } // If the color at that pixel has changed, then there is motion at that pixel. else if (diff > threshold) { // show webcam onscreen (2x2 pixels wide: screenloc = width-int(x*videoscalex) + int(y*videoscaley)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc2 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+2 + int(y*videoscaley)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc3 = width-int(x*videoscalex) + int((y*videoscaley)+2)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see screenloc4 = width-int(x*videoscalex)+2 + int((y*videoscaley)+2)*width; // translate to a location onscreen so we can see pixels[screenloc] = color(255,255,255); pixels[screenloc2] = color(255,0,0); pixels[screenloc3] = color(0,255,0); pixels[screenloc4] = color(0,0,255); } } } updatePixels(); drawFrame.updatePixels(); if(debug){ fill(255, 255, 255); text("Threshold: "+threshold,40,40); text("Highthreshold: "+highthreshold,40,60); text("Whitethreshold: "+whitethreshold,40,80); text("Spread: "+spread,40,100); text("Redspread: "+redspread,40,110); text("Greenspread: "+greenspread,40,120); text("Bluespread: "+bluespread,40,130); } } void keyPressed() { if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == UP) { } else if (keyCode == DOWN) { } } else if (key == 'd'){ debug = !debug; } else if (key == 't'){ threshold++; } else if (key == 'T'){ threshold--; } else if (key == 'h'){ highthreshold++; } else if (key == 'H'){ highthreshold--; } else if (key == 'w'){ whitethreshold++; } else if (key == 'W'){ whitethreshold--; } else if (key == 's'){ spread++; } else if (key == 'S'){ spread--; } else if (key == 'r'){ redspread++; } else if (key == 'R'){ redspread--; } else if (key == 'g'){ greenspread++; } else if (key == 'G'){ greenspread--; } else if (key == 'b'){ bluespread++; } else if (key == 'B'){ bluespread--; } }