| driver_jar_path | String | File path to jar file containing your JDBC driver. This is optional, and all JDBC jars may be placed in $LOGSTASH_HOME/vendor/jar/jdbc instead. | No | |
| connection_test | Boolean | Run a JDBC connection test. Some drivers do not function correctly, and you may need to disable the connection test to supress an error. Cockroach with the postgres JDBC driver is such an example. | No | Yes |
| connection_test_query | String | Connection test and init query string, required for some JDBC drivers that don't support isValid(). Typically you'd set to this "SELECT 1" | No | |
| username | String | JDBC username - this is optional as it may be included in the connection string, for many drivers | No | |
| password | String | JDBC password - this is optional as it may be included in the connection string, for many drivers | No | |
| statement | Array | An array of strings representing the SQL statement to run. Index 0 is the SQL statement that is prepared, all other array entries are passed in as parameters (in order). A parameter may either be a property of the event (i.e. "@timestamp", or "host") or a formatted string (i.e. "%{host} - %{message}" or "%{message}"). If a key is passed then it will be automatically converted as required for insertion into SQL. If it's a formatted string then it will be passed in verbatim. | Yes | |
| unsafe_statement | Boolean | If yes, the statement is evaluated for event fields - this allows you to use dynamic table names, etc. **This is highly dangerous** and you should **not** use this unless you are 100% sure that the field(s) you are passing in are 100% safe. Failure to do so will result in possible SQL injections. Example statement: [ "insert into %{table_name_field} (column) values(?)", "fieldname" ] | No | False |
| max_flush_exceptions | Number | Number of sequential flushes which cause an exception, before the set of events are discarded. Set to a value less than 1 if you never want it to stop. This should be carefully configured with respect to retry_initial_interval and retry_max_interval, if your SQL server is not highly available | No | 10 |
| retry_initial_interval | Number | Number of seconds before the initial retry in the event of a failure. On each failure it will be doubled until it reaches retry_max_interval | No | 2 |
| retry_sql_states | Array of strings | An array of custom SQL state codes you wish to retry until `max_flush_exceptions`. Useful if you're using a JDBC driver which returns retry-able, but non-standard SQL state codes in it's exceptions. | No | [] |