Forward port from v2.x branch. Try and address

This commit is contained in:
Karl Southern 2016-09-15 20:33:40 +01:00
parent 238ef153e4
commit 64a6bcfd55
3 changed files with 23 additions and 20 deletions

@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class LogStash::Outputs::Jdbc < LogStash::Outputs::Base
value = i
case value
when Time
# See LogStash::Timestamp, below, for the why behind strftime.
@ -275,7 +275,11 @@ class LogStash::Outputs::Jdbc < LogStash::Outputs::Base
# strftime appears to be the most reliable across drivers.
statement.setString(idx + 1, value.time.strftime(STRFTIME_FMT))
when Fixnum, Integer
statement.setInt(idx + 1, value)
if value > 2147483647 or value < -2147483648
statement.setLong(idx + 1, value)
statement.setInt(idx + 1, value)
when Float
statement.setFloat(idx + 1, value)
when String
@ -303,7 +307,7 @@ class LogStash::Outputs::Jdbc < LogStash::Outputs::Base
log_method = (retrying ? 'warn' : 'error')
loop do
@logger.send(log_method, log_text, :exception => current_exception, :backtrace => current_exception.backtrace)
@logger.send(log_method, log_text, :exception => current_exception)
if current_exception.respond_to? 'getNextException'
current_exception = current_exception.getNextException()

@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ RSpec.shared_context 'when outputting messages' do
let(:jdbc_create_table) do
"CREATE table #{jdbc_test_table} (created_at datetime not null, message varchar(512) not null, message_sprintf varchar(512) not null, static_int int not null, static_bit bit not null)"
"CREATE table #{jdbc_test_table} (created_at datetime not null, message varchar(512) not null, message_sprintf varchar(512) not null, static_int int not null, static_bit bit not null, static_bigint bigint not null)"
let(:jdbc_statement) do
["insert into #{jdbc_test_table} (created_at, message, message_sprintf, static_int, static_bit) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", '@timestamp', 'message', 'sprintf-%{message}', 1, true]
["insert into #{jdbc_test_table} (created_at, message, message_sprintf, static_int, static_bit, static_bigint) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", '@timestamp', 'message', 'sprintf-%{message}', 1, true, 4000881632477184]
let(:systemd_database_service) do
@ -124,25 +124,24 @@ RSpec.shared_context 'when outputting messages' do
# Check that everything is fine right now
expect { p.multi_receive([event]) }.not_to raise_error
# Start a thread to stop and restart the service.
cmd = 'sudo /etc/init.d/%<service>s* %<action>s'
`which systemctl`
if $?.success?
start_stop_cmd = 'sudo systemctl %<action>s %<service>s'
cmd = cmd % { action: 'stop', service: systemd_database_service }
# Start a thread to restart the service after the fact.
t = { |systemd_database_service|
start_stop_cmd = 'sudo /etc/init.d/%<service>s* %<action>s'
`which systemctl`
if $?.success?
start_stop_cmd = 'sudo systemctl %<action>s %<service>s'
cmd = start_stop_cmd % { action: 'stop', service: systemd_database_service }
sleep 10
sleep 20
cmd = start_stop_cmd % { action: 'start', service: systemd_database_service }
# Wait a few seconds to the service to stop
sleep 5
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).at_least(:once).with(/JDBC - Exception. Retrying/, Hash)
expect { p.multi_receive([event]) }.to_not raise_error

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe 'logstash-output-jdbc: derby', if: ENV['JDBC_DERBY_JAR'] do
let(:jdbc_create_table) do
"CREATE table #{jdbc_test_table} (created_at timestamp not null, message varchar(512) not null, message_sprintf varchar(512) not null, static_int int not null, static_bit boolean not null)"
"CREATE table #{jdbc_test_table} (created_at timestamp not null, message varchar(512) not null, message_sprintf varchar(512) not null, static_int int not null, static_bit boolean not null, static_bigint bigint not null)"
let(:jdbc_settings) do