# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "stud/buffer" require "java" require "logstash-output-jdbc_jars" class LogStash::Outputs::Jdbc < LogStash::Outputs::Base # Adds buffer support include Stud::Buffer config_name "jdbc" # Driver class - No longer required config :driver_class, :obsolete => "driver_class is no longer required and can be removed from your configuration" # Where to find the jar # Defaults to not required, and to the original behaviour config :driver_jar_path, :validate => :string, :required => false # jdbc connection string config :connection_string, :validate => :string, :required => true # jdbc username - optional, maybe in the connection string config :username, :validate => :string, :required => false # jdbc password - optional, maybe in the connection string config :password, :validate => :string, :required => false # [ "insert into table (message) values(?)", "%{message}" ] config :statement, :validate => :array, :required => true # If this is an unsafe statement, use event.sprintf # This also has potential performance penalties due to having to create a # new statement for each event, rather than adding to the batch and issuing # multiple inserts in 1 go config :unsafe_statement, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Number of connections in the pool to maintain config :max_pool_size, :validate => :number, :default => 5 # Connection timeout config :connection_timeout, :validate => :number, :default => 2800 # We buffer a certain number of events before flushing that out to SQL. # This setting controls how many events will be buffered before sending a # batch of events. config :flush_size, :validate => :number, :default => 1000 # The amount of time since last flush before a flush is forced. # # This setting helps ensure slow event rates don't get stuck in Logstash. # For example, if your `flush_size` is 100, and you have received 10 events, # and it has been more than `idle_flush_time` seconds since the last flush, # Logstash will flush those 10 events automatically. # # This helps keep both fast and slow log streams moving along in # a timely manner. # # If you change this value please ensure that you change # max_repeat_exceptions_time accordingly. config :idle_flush_time, :validate => :number, :default => 1 # Maximum number of repeating (sequential) exceptions, before we stop retrying # If set to < 1, then it will infinitely retry. config :max_repeat_exceptions, :validate => :number, :default => 4 # The max number of seconds since the last exception, before we consider it # a different cause. # This value should be carefully considered in respect to idle_flush_time. config :max_repeat_exceptions_time, :validate => :number, :default => 30 public def register @logger.info("JDBC - Starting up") load_jar_files! @pool = Java::ComZaxxerHikari::HikariDataSource.new @pool.setJdbcUrl(@connection_string) @pool.setUsername(@username) if @username @pool.setPassword(@password) if @password @pool.setMaximumPoolSize(@max_pool_size) @pool.setConnectionTimeout(@connection_timeout) if (@flush_size > 1000) @logger.warn("JDBC - Flush size is set to > 1000") end @repeat_exception_count = 0 @last_exception_time = Time.now if (@max_repeat_exceptions > 0) and ((@idle_flush_time * @max_repeat_exceptions) > @max_repeat_exceptions_time) @logger.warn("JDBC - max_repeat_exceptions_time is set such that it may still permit a looping exception. You probably changed idle_flush_time. Considering increasing max_repeat_exceptions_time.") end buffer_initialize( :max_items => @flush_size, :max_interval => @idle_flush_time, :logger => @logger ) end def receive(event) return unless output?(event) or event.cancelled? return unless @statement.length > 0 buffer_receive(event) end def flush(events, teardown=false) if @unsafe_statement == true unsafe_flush(events, teardown) else safe_flush(events, teardown) end end def on_flush_error(e) return if @max_repeat_exceptions < 1 if @last_exception == e.to_s @repeat_exception_count += 1 else @repeat_exception_count = 0 end if (@repeat_exception_count >= @max_repeat_exceptions) and (Time.now - @last_exception_time) < @max_repeat_exceptions_time @logger.error("JDBC - Exception repeated more than the maximum configured", :exception => e, :max_repeat_exceptions => @max_repeat_exceptions, :max_repeat_exceptions_time => @max_repeat_exceptions_time) raise e end @last_exception_time = Time.now @last_exception = e.to_s end def teardown buffer_flush(:final => true) @pool.close() super end private def load_jar_files! # Load jar from driver path unless @driver_jar_path.nil? raise Exception.new("JDBC - Could not find jar file at given path. Check config.") unless File.exists? @driver_jar_path require @driver_jar_path return end # Revert original behaviour of loading from vendor directory # if no path given if ENV['LOGSTASH_HOME'] jarpath = File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_HOME'], "/vendor/jar/jdbc/*.jar") else jarpath = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../vendor/jar/jdbc/*.jar") end @logger.debug("JDBC - jarpath", path: jarpath) jars = Dir[jarpath] raise Exception.new("JDBC - No jars found in jarpath. Have you read the README?") if jars.empty? jars.each do |jar| @logger.debug("JDBC - Loaded jar", :jar => jar) require jar end end def safe_flush(events, teardown=false) connection = @pool.getConnection() statement = connection.prepareStatement(@statement[0]) events.each do |event| next if event.cancelled? next if @statement.length < 2 statement = add_statement_event_params(statement, event) statement.addBatch() end begin statement.executeBatch() statement.close() rescue => e # Raising an exception will incur a retry from Stud::Buffer. # Since the exceutebatch failed this should mean any events failed to be # inserted will be re-run. We're going to log it for the lols anyway. log_jdbc_exception(e) ensure connection.close(); end end def unsafe_flush(events, teardown=false) connection = @pool.getConnection() events.each do |event| next if event.cancelled? statement = connection.prepareStatement(event.sprintf(@statement[0])) statement = add_statement_event_params(statement, event) if @statement.length > 1 begin statement.execute() # cancel the event, since we may end up outputting the same event multiple times # if an exception happens later down the line event.cancel rescue => e # Raising an exception will incur a retry from Stud::Buffer. # We log for the lols. log_jdbc_exception(e) ensure statement.close() connection.close() end end end def add_statement_event_params(statement, event) @statement[1..-1].each_with_index do |i, idx| case event[i] when Time, LogStash::Timestamp # Most reliable solution, cross JDBC driver statement.setString(idx + 1, event[i].iso8601()) when Fixnum, Integer statement.setInt(idx + 1, event[i]) when Float statement.setFloat(idx + 1, event[i]) when String statement.setString(idx + 1, event[i]) when true statement.setBoolean(idx + 1, true) when false statement.setBoolean(idx + 1, false) else statement.setString(idx + 1, event.sprintf(i)) end end statement end def log_jdbc_exception(e) ce = e loop do @logger.error("JDBC Exception encountered: Will automatically retry.", :exception => ce) ce = e.getNextException() break if ce == nil end end end # class LogStash::Outputs::jdbc