# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "concurrent" require "stud/interval" require "java" require "logstash-output-jdbc_jars" class LogStash::Outputs::Jdbc < LogStash::Outputs::Base STRFTIME_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d %T.%L".freeze # Will never work, but only because it duplicates data (i.e. duplicate keys) # Will throw a warning. SQL_STATES_IGNORE = [ ### Constraint Violation # Integrity constraint violation. 23000, # A violation of the constraint imposed by a unique index or a unique constraint occurred. 23505 ] # Will never work because of SQL statement errors. # Will throw an error. SQL_STATES_FATAL = [ ### Data Exception # Character data, right truncation occurred. Field too small. 22001, # Numeric value out of range. 22003, # A null value is not allowed. 22004, # Invalid datetime format. 22007, # A parameter or host variable value is invalid. 22023, # Character conversion resulted in truncation. 22524, ### Constraint Violation # The insert or update value of a foreign key is invalid. 23503, # The range of values for the identity column or sequence is exhausted. 23522 ] config_name "jdbc" # Driver class - Reintroduced for https://github.com/theangryangel/logstash-output-jdbc/issues/26 config :driver_class, :validate => :string # Does the JDBC driver support autocommit? config :driver_auto_commit, :validate => :boolean, :default => true, :required => true # Where to find the jar # Defaults to not required, and to the original behaviour config :driver_jar_path, :validate => :string, :required => false # jdbc connection string config :connection_string, :validate => :string, :required => true # jdbc username - optional, maybe in the connection string config :username, :validate => :string, :required => false # jdbc password - optional, maybe in the connection string config :password, :validate => :string, :required => false # [ "insert into table (message) values(?)", "%{message}" ] config :statement, :validate => :array, :required => true # If this is an unsafe statement, use event.sprintf # This also has potential performance penalties due to having to create a # new statement for each event, rather than adding to the batch and issuing # multiple inserts in 1 go config :unsafe_statement, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Number of connections in the pool to maintain config :max_pool_size, :validate => :number, :default => 5 # Connection timeout config :connection_timeout, :validate => :number, :default => 10000 # We buffer a certain number of events before flushing that out to SQL. # This setting controls how many events will be buffered before sending a # batch of events. config :flush_size, :validate => :number, :default => 1000 # Set initial interval in seconds between retries. Doubled on each retry up to `retry_max_interval` config :retry_initial_interval, :validate => :number, :default => 2 # Maximum time between retries, in seconds config :retry_max_interval, :validate => :number, :default => 128 # Maximum number of sequential failed attempts, before we stop retrying. # If set to < 1, then it will infinitely retry. # At the default values this is a little over 10 minutes config :max_flush_exceptions, :validate => :number, :default => 10 config :max_repeat_exceptions, :obsolete => "This has been replaced by max_flush_exceptions - which behaves slightly differently. Please check the documentation." config :max_repeat_exceptions_time, :obsolete => "This is no longer required" config :idle_flush_time, :obsolete => "No longer necessary under Logstash v5" public def register @logger.info("JDBC - Starting up") LogStash::Logger.setup_log4j(@logger) load_jar_files! @stopping = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false) if (@flush_size > 1000) @logger.warn("JDBC - Flush size is set to > 1000") end if @statement.length < 1 @logger.error("JDBC - No statement provided. Configuration error.") end if (!@unsafe_statement and @statement.length < 2) @logger.error("JDBC - Statement has no parameters. No events will be inserted into SQL as you're not passing any event data. Likely configuration error.") end setup_and_test_pool! end def multi_receive(events) events.each_slice(@flush_size) do |slice| retrying_submit(slice) end end def teardown @pool.close() super end def close @stopping.make_true end private def setup_and_test_pool! # Setup pool @pool = Java::ComZaxxerHikari::HikariDataSource.new @pool.setAutoCommit(@driver_auto_commit) @pool.setDriverClassName(@driver_class) if @driver_class @pool.setJdbcUrl(@connection_string) @pool.setUsername(@username) if @username @pool.setPassword(@password) if @password @pool.setMaximumPoolSize(@max_pool_size) @pool.setConnectionTimeout(@connection_timeout) validate_connection_timeout = (@connection_timeout / 1000) / 2 # Test connection test_connection = @pool.getConnection() unless test_connection.isValid(validate_connection_timeout) @logger.error("JDBC - Connection is not valid. Please check connection string or that your JDBC endpoint is available.") end test_connection.close() end def load_jar_files! # Load jar from driver path unless @driver_jar_path.nil? raise Exception.new("JDBC - Could not find jar file at given path. Check config.") unless File.exists? @driver_jar_path require @driver_jar_path return end # Revert original behaviour of loading from vendor directory # if no path given if ENV['LOGSTASH_HOME'] jarpath = File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_HOME'], "/vendor/jar/jdbc/*.jar") else jarpath = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../vendor/jar/jdbc/*.jar") end @logger.debug("JDBC - jarpath", path: jarpath) jars = Dir[jarpath] raise Exception.new("JDBC - No jars found in jarpath. Have you read the README?") if jars.empty? jars.each do |jar| @logger.debug("JDBC - Loaded jar", :jar => jar) require jar end end def submit(events) connection = nil statement = nil events_to_retry = [] begin connection = @pool.getConnection() rescue => e log_jdbc_exception(e) return events end events.each do |event| begin if @unsafe_statement == true statement = connection.prepareStatement(event.sprintf(@statement[0])) else statement = connection.prepareStatement(@statement[0]) end statement = add_statement_event_params(statement, event) if @statement.length > 1 statement.execute() rescue java.sql.SQLException => e if SQL_STATES_IGNORE.include? e.getSQLState() @logger.warn('JDBC - Dropping event. Ignore-able exception (duplicate key most likely)', exception: e, event: event) elsif SQL_STATES_FATAL.include? e.getSQLState() @logger.error('JDBC - Fatal SQL exception. Can never succeed. Dropping event.', exception: e, event: event) else log_jdbc_exception(e) events_to_retry.push(event) end rescue => e # Something else happened. log_jdbc_exception(e) events_to_retry.push(event) ensure statement.close() unless statement.nil? end end connection.close() unless connection.nil? return events_to_retry end def retrying_submit(actions) # Initially we submit the full list of actions submit_actions = actions attempts = 0 sleep_interval = @retry_initial_interval while submit_actions && submit_actions.length > 0 return if !submit_actions || submit_actions.empty? # If everything's a success we move along # We retry whatever didn't succeed submit_actions = submit(submit_actions) # Everything was a success! break if !submit_actions || submit_actions.empty? if @max_flush_exceptions > 0 attempts += 1 if attempts > @max_flush_exceptions @logger.error("JDBC - max_flush_exceptions has been reached. #{submit_actions.length} events have been unable to be sent to SQL and are being dropped. See previously logged exceptions for details.") break end end # If we're retrying the action sleep for the recommended interval # Double the interval for the next time through to achieve exponential backoff Stud.stoppable_sleep(sleep_interval) { @stopping.true? } sleep_interval = next_sleep_interval(sleep_interval) end end def add_statement_event_params(statement, event) @statement[1..-1].each_with_index do |i, idx| case event.get(i) when Time # See LogStash::Timestamp, below, for the why behind strftime. statement.setString(idx + 1, event.get(i).strftime(STRFTIME_FMT)) when LogStash::Timestamp # XXX: Using setString as opposed to setTimestamp, because setTimestamp # doesn't behave correctly in some drivers (Known: sqlite) # # Additionally this does not use `to_iso8601`, since some SQL databases # choke on the 'T' in the string (Known: Derby). # # strftime appears to be the most reliable across drivers. statement.setString(idx + 1, event.get(i).time.strftime(STRFTIME_FMT)) when Fixnum, Integer statement.setInt(idx + 1, event.get(i)) when Float statement.setFloat(idx + 1, event.get(i)) when String statement.setString(idx + 1, event.get(i)) when true statement.setBoolean(idx + 1, true) when false statement.setBoolean(idx + 1, false) else if event.get(i).nil? and i =~ /%\{/ statement.setString(idx + 1, event.sprintf(i)) else statement.setString(idx + 1, nil) end end end statement end def log_jdbc_exception(exception) current_exception = exception loop do @logger.warn("JDBC Exception encountered: Will automatically retry.", :exception => current_exception) current_exception = current_exception.getNextException() break if current_exception == nil end end def next_sleep_interval(current_interval) doubled = current_interval * 2 doubled > @retry_max_interval ? @retry_max_interval : doubled end end # class LogStash::Outputs::jdbc