Blending the ORM and MongoDB ODM ================================ Since the start of the `Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper`_ project people have asked how it can be integrated with the `ORM`_. This article will demonstrates how you can integrate the two transparently, maintaining a clean domain model. This example will have a `Product` that is stored in MongoDB and the `Order` stored in a MySQL database. Define Product -------------- First lets define our `Product` document: .. code-block:: php id; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } } Define Entity ------------- Next create the `Order` entity that has a `$product` and `$productId` property linking it to the `Product` that is stored with MongoDB: .. code-block:: php id; } public function getProductId() { return $this->productId; } public function setProduct(Product $product) { $this->productId = $product->getId(); $this->product = $product; } public function getProduct() { return $this->product; } } Event Subscriber ---------------- Now we need to setup an event subscriber that will set the `$product` property of all `Order` instances to a reference to the document product so it can be lazily loaded when it is accessed the first time. So first register a new event subscriber: .. code-block:: php getEventManager(); $eventManager->addEventListener( array(\Doctrine\ORM\Events::postLoad), new MyEventSubscriber($dm) ); So now we need to define a class named `MyEventSubscriber` and pass a dependency to the `DocumentManager`. It will have a `postLoad()` method that sets the product document reference: .. code-block:: php dm = $dm; } public function postLoad(LifecycleEventArgs $eventArgs) { $order = $eventArgs->getEntity(); $em = $eventArgs->getEntityManager(); $productReflProp = $em->getClassMetadata('Entities\Order') ->reflClass->getProperty('product'); $productReflProp->setAccessible(true); $productReflProp->setValue( $order, $this->dm->getReference('Documents\Product', $order->getProductId()) ); } } The `postLoad` method will be invoked after an ORM entity is loaded from the database. This allows us to use the `DocumentManager` to set the `$product` property with a reference to the `Product` document with the product id we previously stored. Working with Products and Orders -------------------------------- First create a new `Product`: .. code-block:: php setTitle('Test Product'); $dm->persist($product); $dm->flush(); Now create a new `Order` and link it to a `Product` in MySQL: .. code-block:: php setProduct($product); $em->persist($order); $em->flush(); Later we can retrieve the entity and lazily load the reference to the document in MongoDB: .. code-block:: php find('Order', $order->getId()); // Instance of an uninitialized product proxy $product = $order->getProduct(); // Initializes proxy and queries the database echo "Order Title: " . $product->getTitle(); If you were to print the `$order` you would see that we got back regular PHP objects: .. code-block:: php 53 [productId:Entities\Order:private] => 4c74a1868ead0ed7a9000000 [product:Entities\Order:private] => Proxies\DocumentsProductProxy Object ( [__isInitialized__] => 1 [id:Documents\Product:private] => 4c74a1868ead0ed7a9000000 [title:Documents\Product:private] => Test Product ) ) .. _Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper: .. _ORM: