Map Reduce ========== The Doctrine MongoDB ODM fully supports the `map reduce`_ functionality via its :doc:`Query Builder API `. .. note:: From the MongoDB manual: Map-reduce is a data processing paradigm for condensing large volumes of data into useful aggregated results. In MongoDB, map-reduce operations use custom JavaScript functions to map, or associate, values to a key. If a key has multiple values mapped to it, the operation reduces the values for the key to a single object. Imagine a situation where you had an application with a document named ``Event`` and it was related to a ``User`` document: .. code-block:: php createQueryBuilder('Documents\User') ->field('type') ->equals('sale') ->map('function() { emit(this.user.$id, 1); }') ->reduce('function(k, vals) { var sum = 0; for (var i in vals) { sum += vals[i]; } return sum; }'); $query = $qb->getQuery(); $results = $query->execute(); foreach ($results as $user) { printf("User %s had %d sale(s).\n", $user['_id'], $user['value']); } .. note:: The query builder also has a ``finalize()`` method, which may be used to specify a `finalize function`_ to be executed after the reduce step. When using map reduce with Doctrine, the results are not hydrated into objects. Instead, the raw results are returned directly from MongoDB. The preceding example is equivalent to executing the following command via the PHP driver directly: .. code-block:: php selectDB('my_db'); $map = new MongoCode('function() { emit(this.user.$id, 1); }'); $reduce = new MongoCode('function(k, vals) { var sum = 0; for (var i in vals) { sum += vals[i]; } return sum; }'); $result = $db->command(array( 'mapreduce' => 'events', 'map' => $map, 'reduce' => $reduce, 'query' => array('type' => 'sale'), )); foreach ($result['results'] as $user) { printf("User %s had %d sale(s).\n", $user['_id'], $user['value']); } .. _`map reduce`: .. _`finalize function`: