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<registry xmlns="" id="ipv6-address-space">
<title>Internet Protocol Version 6 Address Space</title>
<note>The IPv6 address management function was formally delegated to
IANA in December 1995 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc1881"/>. The registration procedure
was confirmed with the IETF Chair in March 2010.</note>
<registry id="ipv6-address-space-1">
<registration_rule>IESG Approval</registration_rule>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<xref type="note" data="1"/>
<xref type="note" data="5"/>
<xref type="note" data="6"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<xref type="note" data="8"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4048"/>
<xref type="note" data="2"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Global Unicast</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<xref type="note" data="3"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Unique Local Unicast</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4193"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Link Local Unicast</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3879"/>
<xref type="note" data="4"/>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<xref type="note" data="7"/>
<footnote anchor="1">The "unspecified address", the "loopback address", and the IPv6
Addresses with Embedded IPv4 Addresses are assigned out of the
0000::/8 address block.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="2">0200::/7 was previously defined as an OSI NSAP-mapped prefix set
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4548"/>. This definition has been deprecated as of December
2004 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4048"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="3">The IPv6 Unicast space encompasses the entire IPv6 address range
with the exception of FF00::/8. <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/> IANA unicast address
assignments are currently limited to the IPv6 unicast address
range of 2000::/3. IANA assignments from this block are registered
in the IANA registry: <xref type="registry" data="ipv6-unicast-address-assignments"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="4">FEC0::/10 was previously defined as a Site-Local scoped address
prefix. This definition has been deprecated as of September 2004
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3879"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="5">0000::/96 was previously defined as the "IPv4-compatible IPv6
address" prefix. This definition has been deprecated by <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="6">The "Well Known Prefix" 64:ff9b::/96 used in an algorithmic
mapping between IPv4 to IPv6 addresses is defined out of the
0000::/8 address block, per <xref type="rfc" data="rfc6052"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="7">IANA assignments from this block are registered
in the IPv6 Multicast Address Space Registry: <xref type="registry" data="ipv6-multicast-addresses"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="8">0100::/64 is assigned as a Discard-Only Prefix for remote triggered blackhole routing as per <xref type="rfc" data="rfc6666"/>.</footnote>