JhgNexmoBundle ================== Integrates Nexmo services in Symfony2. You require an API key/secret pair (you can try it for free). Installation ------------ Add this bundle to your `composer.json` file: { "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/javihernandezgil/nexmo-bundle.git" } ], "require": { "javihernandezgil/nexmo-bundle": "dev-master" } } Register the bundle in 'app/AppKernel.php': // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Jhg\NexmoBundle\JhgNexmoBundle(), ); } Configuration ------------- Configure your app config in `app/config/parameters.yml`. # app/config/parameters.yml nexmo_api_key: your_nexmo_api_key nexmo_api_secret: your_nexmo_api_key nexmo_from_name: App Name If you want distribute your app in `app/config/parameters.yml.dist` too: # app/config/parameters.yml.dist nexmo_api_key: ~ nexmo_api_secret: ~ nexmo_from_name: ~ Enable the bundle's configuration in `app/config/config.yml`: # app/config/config.yml jhg_nexmo: api_key: %nexmo_api_key% api_secret: %nexmo_api_secret% from_name: %nexmo_from_name% Usage ----- ### Send SMS with service $sender = $this->getContainer()->get('jhg_nexmo_sms'); $sender->sendText($number, $message, $fromName); If no $fromName is provided 'jhg_nexmo.from_name' is used. This from name is limited to 11 characters (spaces and special chars are not allowed). ### Send SMS with command You can send a SMS message using the proviced command php app/console nexmo:sms:send +34666555444 MyApp "Hello World!!" Reference --------- https://docs.nexmo.com/index.php/messaging-sms-api/send-message