mirror of
synced 2024-03-08 13:27:46 +00:00
Rework to directly edit strings with complexity
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,239 +2,339 @@
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-o88AwQnZB+VDvE9tvIXrMQaPlFFSUTR+nldQm1LuPXQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-rbsA2VBKQhggwzxH7pPCaAqO46MgnOM80zW1RWuH61DGLwZJEdK2Kadq2F9CUG65" crossorigin="anonymous">
<style type="text/css">
input[type='text'][readonly] {
background: transparent;
color: white;
border-collapse: collapse;
border: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadLocale(){
var commitHash = "b7138ae7f7f7f78da042edc8496d012ad4058334";
var sourceUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/"+commitHash+"/data/sound-strings/"+$("#localeSelect").val()+".json/localize.json";
var fancyUrl = "https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/blob/"+commitHash+"/data/sound-strings/"+$("#localeSelect").val()+".json/localize.json"
function parseSoundTxt(raw) {
var lines = raw.split("\n");
var thisSection = "";
var out = {};
$("#sourceUrl").attr("href", fancyUrl).text($("#localeSelect").val()+".json");
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++) {
var line = lines[i];
$.getJSON(sourceUrl, function(data){
var sectionMatch = line.match(/\s+\[(\w+)\]/);
var stringMatch = line.match(/\s+([\w\-]+) = (.+)/);
const distance = [
const direction = [
const nextStreets = [
"Main Street",
"Highway 99",
"Exit 12, Main Street, London",
// dist_direction_onto_street
// then
// you_have_reached_the_destination
// unknown_camera
var inputPre = "<div class='input-group mb-3'><button type='button' class='playtts btn btn-outline-secondary'>🔊</button><button class='editbutton btn btn-secondary' type='button'>Edit</button><button class='savebutton btn btn-success' style='display: none;' type='button'>Save</button><input class='form-control' disabled='disabled' type='text' value='";
var inputPost = "' /></div>";
$.each(direction, function(i, dir){
// can't "you'll arrive" in the present tense
if (dir != "destination") {
$("#out-a").append(inputPre + data[dir] + inputPost);
if (sectionMatch && sectionMatch.length > 1) {
thisSection = sectionMatch[1];
} else if (stringMatch && stringMatch.length > 2) {
if (!out[stringMatch[1]]) {
out[stringMatch[1]] = {};
out[stringMatch[1]][thisSection] = stringMatch[2];
} else {
console.log("no match:", line);
$.each(direction, function(i, dir){
// can't "then" past your destination
if (dir != "destination") {
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
$("#out-b").append(inputPre + data[dir] + " " + data['then'] + " " + data[nextDir] + inputPost);
return out;
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
$("#out-c").append(inputPre + data[dist] + " " + data[dir] + inputPost);
function buildTranStringInput(key, value) {
return "<span class='tranString badge text-bg-primary'><input type='text' class='stringTxt' readonly data-key='"+
key +
"' value='" +
value +
"'> <button class='editbutton btn btn-xs btn-light' type='button' style='display:none;'>✏️</button><button class='savebutton btn btn-xs btn-success' style='display: none;' type='button'>Save</button></span>";
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
// can't "then" past your destination
if (dir != "destination") {
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
$("#out-d").append(inputPre + data[dist] + " " + data[dir] + " " + data['then'] + " " + data[nextDir] + inputPost);
function showData(){
var locale = $("#localeSelect").val();
var data = parseSoundTxt(window.soundTxtRaw)[locale];
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
var ttsFmt = data['dist_direction_onto_street'];
var streetDir = data[dir];
if (data[dir+"_street"]) {
streetDir = data[dir+"_street"]; // overwrite the direction string if present for street TTS
window.originalSoundData = data;
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%1$s", data[dist].replace(/[\.。।]/g, "")); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%2$s", streetDir.replace(/[\.。।]/g, "")); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%3$s", nextStreets[(i+1) % nextStreets.length]);
const distance = [
$("#out-e").append(inputPre + ttsFmt + inputPost);
const direction = [
"destination" // exception: shouldn't have a street afterwards
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
var ttsFmt = data['dist_direction_onto_street'];
var streetDir = data[dir];
if (data[dir+"_street"]) {
streetDir = data[dir+"_street"]; // overwrite the direction string if present for street TTS
const nextStreets = [
"Main Street",
"Highway 99",
"Exit 12, Main Street, London",
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%1$s", data[dist].replace(/[\.。।]/g, "")); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%2$s", streetDir.replace(/[\.。।]/g, "")); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%3$s", nextStreets[(i+1) % nextStreets.length]);
// dist_direction_onto_street
// then
// you_have_reached_the_destination
// unknown_camera
$("#out-f").append(inputPre + ttsFmt + " " + data['then'] + " " + data[nextDir] + inputPost);
$("#out-g").append(inputPre + data['you_have_reached_the_destination'] + inputPost);
$("#out-g").append(inputPre + data['unknown_camera'] + inputPost);
var inputPre = "<div class='input-group mb-3'><button type='button' class='playtts btn btn-outline-secondary'>🔊</button><div class='form-control'>";
var inputPost = "</div></div>";
var tranStringTtsPre = "<span class='tranString badge text-bg-secondary'>";
var sibling = $($(this).siblings(".form-control")[0]);
// console.log(sibling);
// console.log(sibling.val());
sibling.data("orig-value", sibling.val());
// console.log(sibling.data("orig-value"));
sibling.prop( "disabled", false );
var changes = [];
var thisSaveButton = $(this);
var thisSibling = $($(this).siblings(".form-control")[0]);
thisSibling.prop( "disabled", true );
$("div.output .form-control").each(function(i,o){
var sibling = $(o);
// console.log("orig",sibling.data("orig-value"));
// console.log("val",sibling.val());
if (sibling.data("orig-value") && sibling.data("orig-value") != sibling.val()) {
// console.log("got",sibling.val());
changes.push([sibling.data("orig-value"), sibling.val()]);
if (changes.length > 0){
var out = "";
var locale = $("#localeSelect").val();
$.each(changes, function(x,y){
// console.log(x,y);
out += "- "+locale+" = "+y[0]+"\n"+
"+ "+locale+" = "+y[1]+"\n"
// console.log("writing", out);
$("#submitpopup textarea").text("Translation change request:\n```\n"+
"# data/strings/sound.txt\n"+
// $("#closesubmitpopup").click(function(){
// $("#submitpopup").hide();
// });
$('.copyToClipboard').click(function () {
$('#submitpopup textarea').select();
var text = $($(this).siblings(".form-control")[0]).val();
const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(
msg.voice = voices[$("#voiceSelect").val()];
if (window.hideTts) {
$.each(direction, function(i, dir){
// can't "you'll arrive" in the present tense
if (dir != "destination") {
$("#out-a").append(inputPre +
buildTranStringInput(dir, data[dir]) +
$.each(data, function(i, d){
$.each(direction, function(i, dir){
// can't "then" past your destination
if (dir != "destination") {
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
$("#out-b").append(inputPre +
tranStringPre + data[dir] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data['then'] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data[nextDir] + tranStringPost +
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
$("#out-c").append(inputPre +
tranStringPre + data[dist] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data[dir] + tranStringPost +
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
// can't "then" past your destination
if (dir != "destination") {
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
$("#out-d").append(inputPre +
tranStringPre + data[dist] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data[dir] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data['then'] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data[nextDir] + tranStringPost +
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
var ttsFmt = data['dist_direction_onto_street'];
var streetDir = data[dir];
if (data[dir+"_street"]) {
streetDir = data[dir+"_street"]; // overwrite the direction string if present for street TTS
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%1$s", tranStringPre + data[dist].replace(/[\.。।]/g, "") + tranStringPost); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%2$s", tranStringPre + streetDir.replace(/[\.。।]/g, "") + tranStringPost); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%3$s", tranStringPre + nextStreets[(i+1) % nextStreets.length] + tranStringPost);
$("#out-e").append(inputPre +
tranStringTtsPre + ttsFmt + tranStringPost +
$.each(distance, function(i, dist){
var dir = direction[i % direction.length];
var nextDir = direction[(i + 1) % direction.length];
var ttsFmt = data['dist_direction_onto_street'];
var streetDir = data[dir];
if (data[dir+"_street"]) {
streetDir = data[dir+"_street"]; // overwrite the direction string if present for street TTS
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%1$s", tranStringPre + data[dist].replace(/[\.。।]/g, "") + tranStringPost); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%2$s", tranStringPre + streetDir.replace(/[\.。।]/g, "") + tranStringPost); // no full stops
ttsFmt = ttsFmt.replace("%3$s", tranStringPre + nextStreets[(i+1) % nextStreets.length] + tranStringPost);
$("#out-f").append(inputPre +
tranStringTtsPre + ttsFmt + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data['then'] + tranStringPost +
tranStringPre + data[nextDir] + tranStringPost +
$("#out-g").append(inputPre +
tranStringPre + data['you_have_reached_the_destination'] + tranStringPost +
$("#out-g").append(inputPre +
tranStringPre + data['unknown_camera'] + tranStringPost +
let editBtn = $(this).children(".editbutton");
if (editBtn.prop("disabled") == false) {
editBtn.show(); // only show when not disabled
}, function(){
var changes = [];
var stringTxt = $(this).siblings(".stringTxt")[0];
window.originalSoundData[$(stringTxt).data("key")] = $(stringTxt).val();
$("#submitpopup textarea").text("Translation change request:\n```\n"+
"# data/strings/sound.txt\n"+
$("div.output .form-control").each(function(i,o){
var sibling = $(o);
// console.log("orig",sibling.data("orig-value"));
// console.log("val",sibling.val());
if (sibling.data("orig-value") && sibling.data("orig-value") != sibling.val()) {
// console.log("got",sibling.val());
changes.push([sibling.data("orig-value"), sibling.val()]);
if (changes.length > 0){
var out = "";
var locale = $("#localeSelect").val();
$.each(changes, function(x,y){
// console.log(x,y);
out += "- "+locale+" = "+y[0]+"\n"+
"+ "+locale+" = "+y[1]+"\n"
// console.log("writing", out);
// $("#closesubmitpopup").click(function(){
// $("#submitpopup").hide();
// });
$('.copyToClipboard').click(function () {
$('#submitpopup textarea').select();
var text = $($(this).siblings(".form-control")[0]).val();
const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(
msg.voice = voices[$("#voiceSelect").val()];
if (window.hideTts) {
function loadLocale(){
var commitHash = "b7138ae7f7f7f78da042edc8496d012ad4058334";
var sourceUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/"+commitHash+"/data/strings/sound.txt";
$("#sourceUrl").attr("href", sourceUrl).text("sound.txt");
if (!window.soundTxtRaw) {
$.get(sourceUrl, function(rawData){
window.soundTxtRaw = rawData;
} else {
<style type="text/css">
@ -244,6 +344,11 @@
padding-bottom: 1em;
border-bottom: 1px dashed;
.btn.btn-xs {
--bs-btn-padding-y: .25rem;
--bs-btn-padding-x: .5rem;
--bs-btn-font-size: .5rem;
<body style="padding: 1em;">
@ -326,7 +431,7 @@
const synth = window.speechSynthesis;
var voices;
function loadTts(){
voices = synth.getVoices();
$.each(voices, function(i, voice){
$("#voiceSelect").append('<option value="'+i+'" lang="'+voice.lang+'">'+voice.name+'</option>');
@ -377,17 +482,21 @@
params.set('lang', $("#localeSelect").val());
document.location.search = params.toString();
// params.set('lang', $("#localeSelect").val());
// document.location.search = params.toString();
params.set('tts', $("#voiceSelect").val());
document.location.search = params.toString();
// params.set('tts', $("#voiceSelect").val());
// document.location.search = params.toString();
$(document).ready(function(){ loadTts(); });
Reference in New Issue
Block a user