#!/bin/bash <. LICENSE function usage { echo 'Usage: pamela-scanner [OPTIONS] -i INTERFACE Interface to arp-scan -o URL The url of the pamela upload script (including /upload.php) -s TIME The time to sleep between scans in seconds. -h Shows help Pamela is an arp-scanner, it uploads the mac addresses in your local lan on a webserver where you get a visual representation of the mac addresses present. Multiple people on multiple lans can run pamela together against the same server, where all results are agregated. In short, pamela gives you an overview of how big the shared network is.' exit 1 } IF='wlan0' OUT='' SLEEP='120' TEMP=$(getopt -o 'hi:o:s:-n' "pamela arp scanner" -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Could not parse parameters..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set "$TEMP" while true do shift; [ -z "$1" ] && break; case "$1" in -i) IF="$2"; shift;; -o) OUT="$2"; shift;; -s) SLEEP="$2"; shift;; -h|'-?') usage; break;; *) echo "Unknown param: [$1]"; usage; exit 1; esac done if [ "$(id -ru)" != "0" ] then echo "Must be root to run pamela-scanner" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$(which arp-scan)" ] then echo "Could not find arp-scan, which is required for pamela to scan the mac addresses" fi while true do echo $(date)" scanning..." NETMASK="$(ip -4 addr show "$IF" | egrep -o "brd [0-9\.]+" | egrep -o "[0-9\.]+")" MACS="" NUM_MACS=0 for M in $(arp-scan -R -i 10 --interface "$IF" --localnet | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep :.*: | sort | uniq) do [ -n "$MACS" ] && MACS="$MACS,$M" || MACS="$M"; let "NUM_MACS=NUM_MACS+1" done POST="sn=$NETMASK&macs=$MACS" RESULT=$(wget "$OUT" -O - --quiet --post-data "$POST" || echo "wget error: $?") if [ -n "$RESULT" ] then echo Error uploading results: echo "$RESULT" fi echo $(date)" Uploaded $NUM_MACS mac addresses..." echo $(date)" sleeping..." sleep "$SLEEP" done