2009-11-28 19:02:03 +01:00

2350 lines
72 KiB

P R O C E S S I N G - 0 . 0 . J S
a port of the Processing visualization language
License : MIT
Developer : John Resig:
Web Site :
Java Version :
Github Repo. :
Bug Tracking :
Mozilla POW! :
Maintained by : Seneca:
// Attach Processing to the window
this.Processing = function Processing( aElement, aCode ){
// Get the DOM element if string was passed
if( typeof aElement == "string" ){
aElement = document.getElementById( aElement );
// Build an Processing functions and env. vars into 'p'
var p = buildProcessing( aElement );
// Send aCode Processing syntax to be converted to JavaScript
if( aCode ){ p.init( aCode ); }
return p;
// IE Unfriendly AJAX Method
var ajax=function( url ){
var AJAX;
if( AJAX = new XMLHttpRequest() ){ "GET", url, false );
AJAX.send( null );
return AJAX.responseText;
return false;
// Automatic Initialization Method
var init = function(){
var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName( 'canvas' ),
datasrc = undefined;
for( var i = 0; l = i < canvas.length; i++ ){
if( datasrc = canvas[ i ].getAttribute( 'datasrc' ) ){
Processing( canvas[ i ], ajax( datasrc ) );
addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function(){ init(); }, false );
// Parse Processing (Java-like) syntax to JavaScript syntax with Regex
var parse = Processing.parse = function parse( aCode, p ){
// Remove end-of-line comments
aCode = aCode.replace( /\/\/ .*\n/g, "\n" );
// Weird parsing errors with %
aCode = aCode.replace( /([^\s])%([^\s])/g, "$1 % $2" );
// Simple convert a function-like thing to function
aCode = aCode.replace( /(?:static )?(\w+ )(\w+)\s*(\([^\)]*\)\s*{)/g, function( all, type, name, args ){
if ( name == "if" || name == "for" || name == "while" ) {
return all;
} else {
return "Processing." + name + " = function " + name + args;
// Attach import() to p{} bypassing JS command, allowing for extrernal library loading
aCode = aCode.replace( /import \(|import\(/g, "p.Import(" );
// Force .length() to be .length
aCode = aCode.replace( /\.length\(\)/g, ".length" );
// foo( int foo, float bar )
aCode = aCode.replace( /([\(,]\s*)(\w+)((?:\[\])+| )\s*(\w+\s*[\),])/g, "$1$4" );
aCode = aCode.replace( /([\(,]\s*)(\w+)((?:\[\])+| )\s*(\w+\s*[\),])/g, "$1$4" );
// float[] foo = new float[5];
aCode = aCode.replace( /new (\w+)((?:\[([^\]]*)\])+)/g, function( all, name, args ){
return "new ArrayList(" + args.slice(1,-1).split("][").join(", ") + ")";
// What does this do?
aCode = aCode.replace( /(?:static )?\w+\[\]\s*(\w+)\[?\]?\s*=\s*{.*?};/g, function( all ){
return all.replace( /{/g, "[").replace(/}/g, "]" );
// int|float foo;
var intFloat = /(\n\s*(?:int|float)(?:\[\])?(?:\s*|[^\(]*?,\s*))([a-z]\w*)(;|,)/i;
while( intFloat.test(aCode) ){
aCode = aCode.replace( new RegExp( intFloat ), function( all, type, name, sep ){
return type + " " + name + " = 0" + sep;
// float foo = 5;
aCode = aCode.replace( /(?:static )?(\w+)((?:\[\])+| ) *(\w+)\[?\]?(\s*[=,;])/g, function( all, type, arr, name, sep ){
if ( type == "return" )
return all;
return "var " + name + sep;
// Fix Array[] foo = {...} to [...]
aCode = aCode.replace( /=\s*{((.|\s)*?)};/g, function(all,data){
return "= [" + data.replace(/{/g, "[").replace(/}/g, "]") + "]";
// super() is a reserved word
aCode = aCode.replace( /super\(/g, "superMethod(" );
var classes = [ "int", "float", "boolean", "string" ];
function ClassReplace( all, name, extend, vars, last ){
classes.push( name );
var static = "";
vars = vars.replace( /final\s+var\s+(\w+\s*=\s*.*?;)/g, function( all, set ){
static += " " + name + "." + set;
return "";
// Move arguments up from constructor and wrap contents with
// a with(this), and unwrap constructor
return "function " + name + "() {with(this){\n " +
( extend ? "var __self=this;function superMethod(){extendClass(__self,arguments," + extend + ");}\n" : "" ) +
// Replace var foo = 0; with = 0;
// and force var foo; to become = null;
.replace( /,\s?/g, ";\n this." )
.replace( /\b(var |final |public )+\s*/g, "this." )
.replace( /\b(var |final |public )+\s*/g, "this." )
.replace( /this.(\w+);/g, "this.$1 = null;" ) +
( extend ? "extendClass(this, " + extend + ");\n" : "" ) +
"<CLASS " + name + " " + static + ">" + ( typeof last == "string" ? last : name + "(" );
var matchClasses = /(?:public |abstract |static )*class (\w+)\s*(?:extends\s*(\w+)\s*)?{\s*((?:.|\n)*?)\b\1\s*\(/g;
var matchNoCon = /(?:public |abstract |static )*class (\w+)\s*(?:extends\s*(\w+)\s*)?{\s*((?:.|\n)*?)(Processing)/g;
aCode = aCode.replace( matchClasses, ClassReplace );
aCode = aCode.replace( matchNoCon, ClassReplace );
var matchClass = /<CLASS (\w+) (.*?)>/, m;
while ( ( m = aCode.match( matchClass ) ) ){
var left = RegExp.leftContext,
allRest = RegExp.rightContext,
rest = nextBrace( allRest ),
className = m[ 1 ],
staticVars = m[ 2 ] || "";
allRest = allRest.slice( rest.length + 1 );
rest = rest.replace( new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\(([^\\)]*?)\\)\\s*{", "g"), function( all, args ){
args = args.split( /,\s*?/ );
if( args[ 0 ].match( /^\s*$/ ) ){
var fn = "if ( arguments.length == " + args.length + " ) {\n";
for ( var i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) {
fn += " var " + args[ i ] + " = arguments["+ i +"];\n";
return fn;
// Fix class method names
// this.collide = function() { ... }
// and add closing } for with(this) ...
rest = rest.replace( /(?:public )?Processing.\w+ = function (\w+)\((.*?)\)/g, function( all, name, args ){
return "ADDMETHOD(this, '" + name + "', function(" + args + ")";
var matchMethod = /ADDMETHOD([\s\S]*?{)/, mc;
var methods = "";
while ( ( mc = rest.match( matchMethod ) ) ){
var prev = RegExp.leftContext,
allNext = RegExp.rightContext,
next = nextBrace(allNext);
methods += "addMethod" + mc[ 1 ] + next + "});";
rest = prev + allNext.slice( next.length + 1 );
rest = methods + rest;
aCode = left + rest + "\n}}" + staticVars + allRest;
// Do some tidying up, where necessary
aCode = aCode.replace( /Processing.\w+ = function addMethod/g, "addMethod" );
function nextBrace( right ) {
var rest = right,
position = 0,
leftCount = 1,
rightCount = 0;
while( leftCount != rightCount ) {
var nextLeft = rest.indexOf( "{" ),
nextRight = rest.indexOf( "}" );
if( nextLeft < nextRight && nextLeft != - 1 ) {
rest = rest.slice( nextLeft + 1 );
position += nextLeft + 1;
rest = rest.slice( nextRight + 1 );
position += nextRight + 1;
return right.slice( 0, position - 1 );
// Handle (int) Casting
aCode = aCode.replace( /\(int\)/g, "0|" );
// Remove Casting
aCode = aCode.replace( new RegExp("\\((" + classes.join("|") + ")(\\[\\])?\\)", "g"), "" );
// Convert 3.0f to just 3.0
aCode = aCode.replace( /(\d+)f[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "$1" );
// Force numbers to exist //
//aCode = aCode.replace(/([^.])(\w+)\s*\+=/g, "$1$2 = ($2||0) +");
//! // Force characters-as-bytes to work --> Ping: Andor
aCode = aCode.replace(/('[a-zA-Z0-9]')/g, "$1.charCodeAt(0)");
// Convert #aaaaaa into color
aCode = aCode.replace(/#([a-f0-9]{6})/ig, function(m, hex){
var num = toNumbers(hex);
return "DefaultColor(" + num[0] + "," + num[1] + "," + num[2] + ")";
function toNumbers( str ){
var ret = [];
str.replace( /(..)/g, function( str ){
ret.push( parseInt( str, 16 ) );
return ret;
return aCode;
// Attach Processing functions to 'p'
function buildProcessing( curElement ){
// Create the 'p' object
var p = {};
// Set Processing defaults / environment variables = 'Processing.js Instance';
p.PI = Math.PI;
p.TWO_PI = 2 * p.PI;
p.HALF_PI = p.PI / 2;
p.P3D = 3;
p.CORNER = 0;
p.RADIUS = 1;
p.CENTER = 2;
p.POLYGON = 2;
p.QUADS = 5;
p.POINTS = 7;
p.LINES = 8;
p.CORNERS = 10;
p.CLOSE = true;
p.RGB = 1;
p.HSB = 2;
// KeyCode table
p.CENTER = 88888880;
p.CODED = 88888888;
p.UP = 88888870;
p.RIGHT = 88888871;
p.DOWN = 88888872;
p.LEFT = 88888869;
//! // Description required...
p.codedKeys = [ 69, 70, 71, 72 ];
// "Private" variables used to maintain state
var curContext = curElement.getContext( "2d" ),
doFill = true,
doStroke = true,
loopStarted = false,
hasBackground = false,
doLoop = true,
looping = 0,
curRectMode = p.CORNER,
curEllipseMode = p.CENTER,
inSetup = false,
inDraw = false,
curBackground = "rgba( 204, 204, 204, 1 )",
curFrameRate = 1000,
curMsPerFrame = 1,
curShape = p.POLYGON,
curShapeCount = 0,
curvePoints = [],
curTightness = 0,
opacityRange = 255,
redRange = 255,
greenRange = 255,
blueRange = 255,
pathOpen = false,
mousePressed = false,
keyPressed = false,
curColorMode = p.RGB;
curTint = - 1,
curTextSize = 12,
curTextFont = "Arial",
getLoaded = false,
start = ( new Date ).getTime();
p.context = curContext;
var firstX,
// Store a line for println(), print() handline
p.ln = "";
// Glyph path storage for textFonts
p.glyphTable = {};
// Global vars for tracking mouse position
p.pmouseX = 0;
p.pmouseY = 0;
p.mouseX = 0;
p.mouseY = 0;
p.mouseButton = 0;
p.mouseDown = false;
// Undefined event handlers to be replaced by user when needed
p.mouseClicked = undefined;
p.mouseDragged = undefined;
p.mouseMoved = undefined;
p.mousePressed = undefined;
p.mouseReleased = undefined;
p.keyPressed = undefined;
p.keyReleased = undefined;
p.draw = undefined;
p.setup = undefined;
// The height/width of the canvas
p.width = curElement.width - 0;
p.height = curElement.height - 0;
// The current animation frame
p.frameCount = 0;
// Array handling
p.shorten = function( ary ){
var newary = new Array();
// copy array into new array
var len = ary.length;
for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
newary[ i ] = ary[ i ];
return newary;
p.expand = function( ary, newSize ){
var newary = new Array();
var len = ary.length
for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
newary[ i ] = ary[ i ];
if( arguments.length == 1 ){
// double size of array
newary.length *= 2;
}else if( arguments.length == 2 ){
// size is newSize
newary.length = newSize;
return newary;
p.ArrayList = function ArrayList( size, size2, size3 ){
var array = new Array( 0 | size );
if( size2 ){
for( var i = 0; i < size; i++ ){
array[ i ] = [];
for( var j = 0; j < size2; j++ ){
var a = array[ i ][ j ] = size3 ? new Array( size3 ) : 0 ;
for( var k = 0; k < size3; k++ ){ a[ k ] = 0; }
for( var i = 0; i < size; i++ ){ array[ i ] = 0; }
array.get = function( i ){ return this[ i ]; };
array.add = function( item ){ return this.push( item ); };
array.size = function( ){ return this.length; };
array.clear = function( ){ this.length = 0; };
array.remove = function( i ){ return this.splice( i, 1 ); };
array.isEmpty = function( ){ return !this.length; };
array.clone = function( ){
var a = new ArrayList( size );
for( var i = 0; i < size; i++ ){
a[ i ] = this[ i ];
return a;
return array;
// Color functions
// In case I ever need to do HSV conversion:
p.color = function color( aValue1, aValue2, aValue3, aValue4 ) {
var aColor = "";
if ( arguments.length == 3 ) {
aColor = p.color( aValue1, aValue2, aValue3, opacityRange );
} else if ( arguments.length == 4 ) {
var a = aValue4 / opacityRange;
a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : a;
if ( curColorMode == p.HSB ) {
var rgb = HSBtoRGB(aValue1, aValue2, aValue3);
var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
} else {
var r = getColor(aValue1, redRange);
var g = getColor(aValue2, greenRange);
var b = getColor(aValue3, blueRange);
aColor = "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + a + ")";
} else if ( typeof aValue1 == "string" ) {
aColor = aValue1;
if ( arguments.length == 2 ) {
var c = aColor.split(",");
c[3] = (aValue2 / opacityRange) + ")";
aColor = c.join(",");
} else if ( arguments.length == 2 ) {
aColor = p.color( aValue1, aValue1, aValue1, aValue2 );
} else if ( typeof aValue1 == "number" && aValue1 < 256 && aValue1 >= 0) {
aColor = p.color( aValue1, aValue1, aValue1, opacityRange );
} else if ( typeof aValue1 == "number" ) {
var intcolor = 0;
if( aValue1 < 0 ){
intcolor = 4294967296 - ( aValue1 * -1 );
intcolor = aValue1;
var ac = Math.floor((intcolor % 4294967296) / 16777216);
var rc = Math.floor((intcolor % 16777216) / 65536);
var gc = Math.floor((intcolor % 65536) / 256);
var bc = intcolor % 256;
aColor = p.color( rc, gc, bc, ac );
} else {
aColor = p.color( redRange, greenRange, blueRange, opacityRange );
// HSB conversion function from Mootools, MIT Licensed
function HSBtoRGB(h, s, b) {
h = (h / redRange) * 360;
s = (s / greenRange) * 100;
b = (b / blueRange) * 100;
var br = Math.round(b / 100 * 255);
if (s == 0){
return [br, br, br];
} else {
var hue = h % 360;
var f = hue % 60;
var p = Math.round((b * (100 - s)) / 10000 * 255);
var q = Math.round((b * (6000 - s * f)) / 600000 * 255);
var t = Math.round((b * (6000 - s * (60 - f))) / 600000 * 255);
switch (Math.floor(hue / 60)){
case 0: return [br, t, p];
case 1: return [q, br, p];
case 2: return [p, br, t];
case 3: return [p, q, br];
case 4: return [t, p, br];
case 5: return [br, p, q];
function getColor( aValue, range ) {
return Math.round(255 * (aValue / range));
return aColor;
} = function( aColor ){ return parseInt( verifyChannel( aColor ).slice( 5 ) ); }; = function( aColor ){ return parseInt( verifyChannel( aColor ).split( "," )[ 1 ] ); }; = function( aColor ){ return parseInt( verifyChannel( aColor ).split( "," )[ 2 ] ); };
p.alpha = function( aColor ){ return parseInt( parseFloat( verifyChannel( aColor ).split( "," )[ 3 ] ) * 255 ); };
function verifyChannel( aColor ){
if( aColor.constructor == Array ){
return aColor;
} else {
return p.color( aColor );
p.lerpColor = function lerpColor( c1, c2, amt ){
// Get RGBA values for Color 1 to floats
var colors1 = p.color( c1 ).split( "," );
var r1 = parseInt( colors1[ 0 ].split( "(" )[ 1 ] );
var g1 = parseInt( colors1[ 1 ] );
var b1 = parseInt( colors1[ 2 ] );
var a1 = parseFloat( colors1[ 3 ].split( ")" )[ 0 ] );
// Get RGBA values for Color 2 to floats
var colors2 = p.color( c2 ).split( "," );
var r2 = parseInt( colors2[ 0 ].split( "(" )[ 1 ] );
var g2 = parseInt( colors2[ 1 ] );
var b2 = parseInt( colors2[ 2 ] );
var a2 = parseFloat( colors2[ 3 ].split( ")" )[ 0 ] );
// Return lerp value for each channel, INT for color, Float for Alpha-range
var r = parseInt( p.lerp( r1, r2, amt ) );
var g = parseInt( p.lerp( g1, g2, amt ) );
var b = parseInt( p.lerp( b1, b2, amt ) );
var a = parseFloat( p.lerp( a1, a2, amt ) );
return aColor = "rgba("+ r +","+ g +","+ b +","+ a +")";
// Forced default color mode for #aaaaaa style
p.DefaultColor = function( aValue1, aValue2, aValue3 ){
var tmpColorMode = curColorMode;
curColorMode = p.RGB;
var c = p.color(aValue1 / 255 * redRange, aValue2 / 255 * greenRange, aValue3 / 255 * blueRange );
curColorMode = tmpColorMode;
return c;
p.colorMode = function colorMode( mode, range1, range2, range3, range4 ){
curColorMode = mode;
if( arguments.length >= 4 ){ redRange = range1; greenRange = range2; blueRange = range3; }
if( arguments.length == 5 ){ opacityRange = range4; }
if( arguments.length == 2 ){ p.colorMode( mode, range1, range1, range1, range1 ); }
// Canvas-Matrix manipulation
p.translate = function translate( x, y ){ curContext.translate( x, y ); };
p.scale = function scale( x, y ) { curContext.scale( x, y || x ); };
p.rotate = function rotate( aAngle ) { curContext.rotate( aAngle ); };
p.pushMatrix = function pushMatrix() {; };
p.popMatrix = function popMatrix() { curContext.restore(); };
p.ortho = function ortho(){};
//Time based functions
p.year = function year() { return ( new Date ).getYear() + 1900; };
p.month = function month() { return ( new Date ).getMonth(); }; = function day() { return ( new Date ).getDay(); };
p.hour = function hour() { return ( new Date ).getHours(); };
p.minute = function minute(){ return ( new Date ).getMinutes(); };
p.second = function second(){ return ( new Date ).getSeconds(); };
p.millis = function millis(){ return ( new Date ) .getTime() - start; };
p.noLoop = function noLoop(){ doLoop = false; };
p.redraw = function redraw(){
if( hasBackground ){ p.background(); }
inDraw = true;
inDraw = false;
p.loop = function loop(){
if( loopStarted ){ return; }
looping = setInterval( function(){
try {
catch( e ){
clearInterval( looping );
throw e;
}, curMsPerFrame );
loopStarted = true;
p.frameRate = function frameRate( aRate ){
curFrameRate = aRate;
curMsPerFrame = 1000 / curFrameRate;
p.exit = function exit(){
clearInterval( looping );
// MISC functions
p.cursor = function(mode){; } = function( href, target ) { window.location = href; };
p.beginDraw = function beginDraw(){};
p.endDraw = function endDraw(){};
p.ajax = ajax;
// Imports an external Processing.js library
p.Import = function Import( lib ){
eval( p.ajax( lib ) );
// String functions
p.nfs = function( num, left, right){
var str;
// array handling
if (typeof num == "object"){
str = new Array();
len = num.length;
for(var i=0; i < len; i++){
str[i] = p.nfs(num[i], left, right);
else if (arguments.length == 3){
var negative = false;
if (num < 0)
negative = true;
str = "" + Math.abs(num);
var digits = ("" + Math.floor(Math.abs(num))).length;
var count = left - digits;
while (count > 0){
str = "0" + str;
// get the number of decimal places, if none will be -1
var decimals = ("" + Math.abs(num)).length - digits - 1;
if (decimals == -1 && right > 0)
str = str + ".";
if (decimals != -1)
count = right - decimals;
else if (decimals == -1 && right > 0){
count = right;
count = 0;
while (count > 0){
str = str + "0";
str = (negative ? "-" : " ") + str;
else if (arguments.length == 2){
str = p.nfs(num, left, 0);
return str;
p.unhex = function( str ){
var value = 0,
multiplier = 1,
num = 0;
var len = str.length - 1;
for (var i = len ; i >= 0; i--){
case "0": num = 0; break;
case "1": num = 1; break;
case "2": num = 2; break;
case "3": num = 3; break;
case "4": num = 4; break;
case "5": num = 5; break;
case "6": num = 6; break;
case "7": num = 7; break;
case "8": num = 8; break;
case "9": num = 9; break;
case "A":
case "a": num = 10; break;
case "B":
case "b": num = 11; break;
case "C":
case "c": num = 12; break;
case "D":
case "d": num = 13; break;
case "E":
case "e": num = 14; break;
case "F":
case "f": num = 15; break;
default:return 0; break;
value += num * multiplier;
multiplier *= 16;
// correct for int overflow java expectation
if (value > 2147483647)
value -= 4294967296;
return value;
// Load a file or URL into strings
p.loadStrings = function loadStrings( url ){
return p.ajax( url ).split( "\n" );
}; = function( num, pad ){
var str = "" + num;
while ( pad - str.length ){
str = "0" + str;
return str;
String.prototype.replaceAll = function( re, replace ){
return this.replace( new RegExp( re, "g" ), replace );
// Returns a line to lnPrinted() for user handling
p.lnPrinted = function lnPrinted(){};
p.printed = function printed() {};
// Event to send output to user control function print()/println()
p.println = function println(){
// Not working on Safari :( find work around!
if( arguments.callee.caller ){
var Caller =;
if( arguments.length > 1 ){
Caller != "print" ?
p.ln = arguments :
p.ln = arguments[ 0 ] ;
p.ln = arguments[ 0 ] ;
//Returns a line to lnPrinted() for user error handling/debugging
Caller == "print" ?
p.printed( arguments ) :
p.lnPrinted() ;
// Converts a number to a string
p.str = function str( aNumber ){ return aNumber+''; }
p.print = function print(){ p.println(arguments[ 0 ] ) };
p.char = function char( key ){ return key; };
// Math functions
p.sq = function sq ( aNumber ){ return aNumber * aNumber; };
p.sqrt = function sqrt ( aNumber ){ return Math.sqrt( aNumber ); }; = function int ( aNumber ){ return Math.floor( aNumber ); };
p.min = function min ( aNumber, aNumber2 ){ return Math.min( aNumber, aNumber2 ); };
p.max = function max ( aNumber, aNumber2 ){ return Math.max( aNumber, aNumber2 ); };
p.floor = function floor ( aNumber ){ return Math.floor( aNumber ); };
p.float = function float ( aNumber ){ return parseFloat( aNumber ); };
p.ceil = function ceil ( aNumber ){ return Math.ceil( aNumber ); };
p.round = function round ( aNumber ){ return Math.round( aNumber ); };
p.lerp = function lerp ( value1, value2, amt ){ return ( ( value2 - value1 ) * amt ) + value1; };
p.abs = function abs ( aNumber ){ return Math.abs( aNumber ); };
p.cos = function cos ( aNumber ){ return Math.cos( aNumber ); };
p.sin = function sin ( aNumber ){ return Math.sin( aNumber ); };
p.pow = function pow ( aNumber, aExponent ){ return Math.pow( aNumber, aExponent ); };
p.sqrt = function sqrt ( aNumber ){ return Math.sqrt( aNumber ); };
p.atan2 = function atan2 ( aNumber, aNumber2 ){ return Math.atan2( aNumber, aNumber2 ); };
p.radians = function radians( aAngle ){ return ( aAngle / 180 ) * p.PI; };
p.dist = function dist( x1, y1, x2, y2 ){
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow( x2 - x1, 2 ) + Math.pow( y2 - y1, 2 ) );
}; = function map( value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop ){
return ostart + ( ostop - ostart ) * ( ( value - istart ) / ( istop - istart ) );
p.Random = function(){
var haveNextNextGaussian = false,
this.nextGaussian = function(){
if( haveNextNextGaussian ){
haveNextNextGaussian = false;
return nextNextGaussian;
var v1, v2, s;
v1 = 2 * p.random( 1 ) - 1; // between -1.0 and 1.0
v2 = 2 * p.random( 1 ) - 1; // between -1.0 and 1.0
s = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
while( s >= 1 || s == 0 );
var multiplier = Math.sqrt( - 2 * Math.log( s ) / s );
nextNextGaussian = v2 * multiplier;
haveNextNextGaussian = true;
return v1 * multiplier;
//! This can't be right... right?
p.byte = function byte( aNumber ){ return aNumber || 0; };
p.norm = function norm( aNumber, low, high ){
var range = high-low;
return ( ( 1 / range ) * aNumber ) - ( ( 1 / range ) * low );
p.random = function random( aMin, aMax ) {
return arguments.length == 2 ?
aMin + ( Math.random() * ( aMax - aMin ) ) :
Math.random() * aMin ;
// From:
p.noise = function( x, y, z ){
return arguments.length >= 2 ?
PerlinNoise_2D( x, y, z ) :
PerlinNoise_3D( x, x, z ) ;
function Noise( x, y ){
var n = x + y * 57;
n = ( n << 13 ) ^ n;
return Math.abs( 1.0 - ( ( ( n * ( ( n * n * 15731 ) + 789221 ) + 1376312589 ) & 0x7fffffff ) / 1073741824.0 ) );
function SmoothedNoise( x, y ){
var corners = ( Noise( x - 1, y - 1 ) + Noise( x + 1, y - 1 ) + Noise( x - 1, y + 1 ) + Noise( x + 1, y + 1 ) ) / 16,
sides = ( Noise( x - 1, y ) + Noise( x + 1, y ) + Noise( x, y - 1 ) + Noise( x, y + 1 ) ) / 8,
center = Noise( x, y ) / 4;
return corners + sides + center;
function InterpolatedNoise( x, y ){
var integer_X = Math.floor( x );
var fractional_X = x - integer_X;
var integer_Y = Math.floor( y );
var fractional_Y = y - integer_Y;
var v1 = SmoothedNoise( integer_X, integer_Y ),
v2 = SmoothedNoise( integer_X + 1, integer_Y ),
v3 = SmoothedNoise( integer_X, integer_Y + 1 ),
v4 = SmoothedNoise( integer_X + 1, integer_Y + 1 );
var i1 = Interpolate( v1, v2, fractional_X ),
i2 = Interpolate( v3, v4, fractional_X );
return Interpolate( i1, i2, fractional_Y );
function PerlinNoise_2D( x, y ){
var total = 0,
p = 0.25,
n = 3;
for( var i = 0; i <= n; i++ ){
var frequency = Math.pow( 2, i );
var amplitude = Math.pow( p, i );
total += InterpolatedNoise( x * frequency, y * frequency ) * amplitude;
return total;
function Interpolate( a, b, x ){
var ft = x * p.PI;
var f = (1 - Math.cos( ft ) ) * .5;
return a * ( 1 - f ) + b * f;
p.constrain = function constrain( aNumber, aMin, aMax ){
return Math.min( Math.max( aNumber, aMin ), aMax );
p.degrees = function degrees( aAngle ){
aAngle = ( aAngle * 180 ) / p.PI;
if (aAngle < 0) {aAngle = 360 + aAngle}
return aAngle;
p.size = function size( aWidth, aHeight ){
var fillStyle = curContext.fillStyle,
strokeStyle = curContext.strokeStyle;
curElement.width = p.width = aWidth;
curElement.height = p.height = aHeight;
curContext.fillStyle = fillStyle;
curContext.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
// Style functions
p.noStroke = function noStroke() { doStroke = false; };
p.noFill = function noFill() { doFill = false; };
p.smooth = function smooth() {};
p.noSmooth = function noSmooth() {};
p.fill = function fill(){
doFill = true;
curContext.fillStyle = p.color.apply( this, arguments );
p.stroke = function stroke(){
doStroke = true;
curContext.strokeStyle = p.color.apply( this, arguments );
p.strokeWeight = function strokeWeight( w ){
curContext.lineWidth = w;
// Vector drawing functions
p.Point = function Point( x, y ){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.copy = function(){
return new Point( x, y );
p.point = function point( x, y ){
var oldFill = curContext.fillStyle;
curContext.fillStyle = curContext.strokeStyle;
curContext.fillRect( Math.round( x ), Math.round( y ), 1, 1 );
curContext.fillStyle = oldFill;
p.beginShape = function beginShape( type ){
curShape = type;
curShapeCount = 0;
curvePoints = [];
p.endShape = function endShape( close ){
if( curShapeCount != 0 ){
if( close || doFill ){ curContext.lineTo( firstX, firstY ); }
if( doFill ){ curContext.fill(); }
if( doStroke ){ curContext.stroke(); }
curShapeCount = 0;
pathOpen = false;
if( pathOpen ){
if ( doFill ){ curContext.fill(); }
if ( doStroke ){ curContext.stroke(); }
curShapeCount = 0;
pathOpen = false;
p.vertex = function vertex( x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3 ){
if( curShapeCount == 0 && curShape != p.POINTS ){
pathOpen = true;
curContext.moveTo( x, y );
firstX = x;
firstY = y;
if( curShape == p.POINTS ){
p.point( x, y );
}else if( arguments.length == 2 ){
if( curShape != p.QUAD_STRIP || curShapeCount != 2 ){
curContext.lineTo( x, y );
if( curShape == p.TRIANGLE_STRIP ){
if( curShapeCount == 2 ){
// finish shape
p.endShape( p.CLOSE );
pathOpen = true;
// redraw last line to start next shape
curContext.moveTo( prevX, prevY );
curContext.lineTo( x, y );
curShapeCount = 1;
firstX = prevX;
firstY = prevY;
if( curShape == p.TRIANGLE_FAN && curShapeCount == 2 ){
// finish shape
p.endShape( p.CLOSE) ;
pathOpen = true;
// redraw last line to start next shape
curContext.moveTo( firstX, firstY );
curContext.lineTo( x, y );
curShapeCount = 1;
if( curShape == p.QUAD_STRIP && curShapeCount == 3 ){
// finish shape
curContext.lineTo( prevX, prevY );
pathOpen = true;
// redraw lines to start next shape
curContext.moveTo( prevX, prevY );
curContext.lineTo( x, y );
curShapeCount = 1;
if( curShape == p.QUAD_STRIP ){
firstX = secondX;
firstY = secondY;
secondX = prevX;
secondY = prevY;
}else if( arguments.length == 4 ){
if( curShapeCount > 1 ){
curContext.moveTo( prevX, prevY );
curContext.quadraticCurveTo( firstX, firstY, x, y );
curShapeCount = 1;
}else if( arguments.length == 6 ){
curContext.bezierCurveTo( x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3 );
prevX = x;
prevY = y;
curShapeCount ++;
if( curShape == p.LINES && curShapeCount == 2 ||
( curShape == p.TRIANGLES ) && curShapeCount == 3 ||
( curShape == p.QUADS ) && curShapeCount == 4
p.endShape( p.CLOSE );
p.curveVertex = function( x, y, x2, y2 ){
if( curvePoints.length < 3 ){
curvePoints.push( [ x, y ] );
var b = [], s = 1 - curTightness;
* Matrix to convert from Catmull-Rom to cubic Bezier
* where t = curTightness
* |0 1 0 0 |
* |(t-1)/6 1 (1-t)/6 0 |
* |0 (1-t)/6 1 (t-1)/6 |
* |0 0 0 0 |
curvePoints.push( [ x, y ] );
b[ 0 ] = [ curvePoints[ 1 ][ 0 ], curvePoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] ];
b[ 1 ] = [ curvePoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] + ( s * curvePoints[ 2 ][ 0 ] - s * curvePoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) / 6, curvePoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] + ( s * curvePoints[ 2 ][ 1 ] - s * curvePoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) / 6 ];
b[ 2 ] = [ curvePoints[ 2 ][ 0 ] + ( s * curvePoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] - s * curvePoints[ 3 ][ 0 ] ) / 6, curvePoints[ 2 ][ 1 ] + ( s * curvePoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] - s * curvePoints[ 3 ][ 1 ] ) / 6 ];
b[ 3 ] = [ curvePoints[ 2 ][ 0 ], curvePoints[ 2 ][ 1 ] ];
if( !pathOpen ){
p.vertex( b[ 0 ][ 0 ], b[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
curShapeCount = 1;
b[ 1 ][ 0 ],
b[ 1 ][ 1 ],
b[ 2 ][ 0 ],
b[ 2 ][ 1 ],
b[ 3 ][ 0 ],
b[ 3 ][ 1 ]
p.curveTightness = function( tightness ){ curTightness = tightness; };
p.bezierVertex = p.vertex;
p.rectMode = function rectMode( aRectMode ){ curRectMode = aRectMode; };
p.imageMode = function (){};
p.ellipseMode = function ellipseMode( aEllipseMode ) { curEllipseMode = aEllipseMode; };
p.arc = function arc( x, y, width, height, start, stop ){
if( width <= 0 ){ return; }
if( curEllipseMode == p.CORNER ){
x += width / 2;
y += height / 2;
curContext.moveTo( x, y );
curContext.arc( x, y, curEllipseMode == p.CENTER_RADIUS ? width : width/2, start, stop, false );
if( doStroke ){ curContext.stroke(); }
curContext.lineTo( x, y );
if( doFill ){ curContext.fill(); }
p.line = function line( x1, y1, x2, y2 ){
curContext.lineCap = "round";
curContext.moveTo( x1 || 0, y1 || 0 );
curContext.lineTo( x2 || 0, y2 || 0 );
p.bezier = function bezier( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 ){
curContext.lineCap = "butt";
curContext.moveTo( x1, y1 );
curContext.bezierCurveTo( x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 );
p.triangle = function triangle( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ){
p.vertex( x1, y1 );
p.vertex( x2, y2 );
p.vertex( x3, y3 );
p.quad = function quad( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 ){
curContext.lineCap = "square";
p.vertex( x1, y1 );
p.vertex( x2, y2 );
p.vertex( x3, y3 );
p.vertex( x4, y4 );
p.rect = function rect( x, y, width, height ){
if( !( width + height ) ){ return; }
var offsetStart = 0;
var offsetEnd = 0;
if( curRectMode == p.CORNERS ){
width -= x;
height -= y;
if( curRectMode == p.RADIUS ){
width *= 2;
height *= 2;
if( curRectMode == p.CENTER || curRectMode == p.RADIUS ){
x -= width / 2;
y -= height / 2;
Math.round( x ) - offsetStart,
Math.round( y ) - offsetStart,
Math.round( width ) + offsetEnd,
Math.round( height ) + offsetEnd
if( doFill ){ curContext.fill(); }
if( doStroke ){ curContext.stroke() };
p.ellipse = function ellipse( x, y, width, height ){
x = x || 0;
y = y || 0;
if( width <= 0 && height <= 0 ){ return; }
if( curEllipseMode == p.RADIUS ){
width *= 2;
height *= 2;
var offsetStart = 0;
// Shortcut for drawing a circle
if( width == height ){
curContext.arc( x - offsetStart, y - offsetStart, width / 2, 0, p.TWO_PI, false );
var w = width/2,
h = height/2,
C = 0.5522847498307933;
var c_x = C * w,
c_y = C * h;
//! Do we still need this? I hope the Canvas arc() more capable by now?
curContext.moveTo( x + w, y );
curContext.bezierCurveTo( x+w , y-c_y , x+c_x , y-h , x , y-h );
curContext.bezierCurveTo( x-c_x , y-h , x-w , y-c_y , x-w , y );
curContext.bezierCurveTo( x-w , y+c_y , x-c_x , y+h, x, y+h );
curContext.bezierCurveTo( x+c_x , y+h , x+w , y+c_y , x+w , y );
if( doFill ){ curContext.fill(); }
if( doStroke ){ curContext.stroke(); }
// Raster drawing functions
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = function save( file ){};
// Loads an image for display. Type is unused. Callback is fired on load.
p.loadImage = function loadImage( file, type, callback ){
var img = document.createElement( 'img' );
img.src = file;
img.onload = function(){
var h = this.height,
w = this.width;
var canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" );
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
var context = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
context.drawImage( this, 0, 0 ); = buildImageObject( context.getImageData( 0, 0, w, h ) ); = img;
return img;
// Gets a single pixel or block of pixels from the current Canvas Context
p.get = function get( x, y ){
if( !arguments.length ){
var c = p.createGraphics( p.width, p.height );
c.image( curContext, 0, 0 );
return c;
if( !getLoaded ){
getLoaded = buildImageObject( curContext.getImageData( 0, 0, p.width, p.height ) );
return getLoaded.get( x, y );
// Creates a new Processing instance and passes it back for... processing
p.createGraphics = function createGraphics( w, h ){
var canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" );
var ret = buildProcessing( canvas );
ret.size( w, h );
ret.canvas = canvas;
return ret;
// Paints a pixel array into the canvas
p.set = function set( x, y, obj ){
if( obj && obj.img ){
p.image( obj, x, y );
var oldFill = curContext.fillStyle,
color = obj;
curContext.fillStyle = color;
curContext.fillRect( Math.round( x ), Math.round( y ), 1, 1 );
curContext.fillStyle = oldFill;
// Gets a 1-Dimensional pixel array from Canvas
p.loadPixels = function(){
p.pixels = buildImageObject( curContext.getImageData(0, 0, p.width, p.height) ).pixels;
// Draws a 1-Dimensional pixel array to Canvas
p.updatePixels = function() {
var colors = /(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/,
pixels = {};
pixels.width = p.width;
pixels.height = p.height; = [];
if( curContext.createImageData ){
pixels = curContext.createImageData( p.width, p.height );
var data =,
pos = 0;
for( var i = 0, l = p.pixels.length; i < l; i++ ){
var c = ( p.pixels[i] || "rgba(0,0,0,1)" ).match( colors );
data[ pos + 0 ] = parseInt( c[ 1 ] );
data[ pos + 1 ] = parseInt( c[ 2 ] );
data[ pos + 2 ] = parseInt( c[ 3 ] );
data[ pos + 3 ] = parseFloat( c[ 4 ] ) * 255;
pos += 4;
curContext.putImageData( pixels, 0, 0 );
// Draw an image or a color to the background
p.background = function background( img ) {
if( arguments.length ){
if( && ){
curBackground =;
curBackground = p.color.apply( this, arguments );
if( curBackground.img ){
p.image( img, 0, 0 );
var oldFill = curContext.fillStyle;
curContext.fillStyle = curBackground + "";
curContext.fillRect( 0, 0, p.width, p.height );
curContext.fillStyle = oldFill;
p.AniSprite = function( prefix, frames ){
this.images = [];
this.pos = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < frames; i++ ){
this.images.push( prefix + i, ( "" + frames ).length ) + ".gif" );
this.display = function( x, y ){
p.image_old( this.images[ this.pos ], x, y );
if( ++this.pos >= frames ){
this.pos = 0;
this.getWidth = function(){ return getImage_old( this.images[ 0 ] ).width; };
this.getHeight = function(){ return getImage_old( this.images[ 0 ] ).height; };
function buildImageObject( obj ){
var pixels =;
var data = p.createImage( obj.width, obj.height );
if( data.__defineGetter__ && data.__lookupGetter__ && !data.__lookupGetter__( "pixels" ) ){
var pixelsDone;
data.__defineGetter__( "pixels", function(){
if( pixelsDone ){
return pixelsDone;
pixelsDone = [];
for( var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4 ){
pixels[ i ],
pixels[ i + 1 ],
pixels[ i + 2 ],
pixels[ i + 3 ])
return pixelsDone;
data.pixels = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4 ){
data.pixels.push( p.color(
pixels[ i ],
pixels[ i + 1 ],
pixels[ i + 2 ],
pixels[ i + 3 ]
return data;
p.createImage = function createImage( w, h, mode ){
var data = {};
data.width = w;
data.height = h; = [];
if( curContext.createImageData ) {
data = curContext.createImageData( w, h );
data.pixels = new Array( w * h );
data.get = function( x, y ){
return this.pixels[ w * y + x ];
data._mask = null;
data.mask = function( img ){
this._mask = img;
data.loadPixels = function(){};
data.updatePixels = function(){};
return data;
function getImage( img ){
if( typeof img == "string" ){
return document.getElementById( img );
if( img.img ){
return img.img;
}else if( img.getContext || img.canvas ){
img.pixels = img.getContext( '2d' ).createImageData( img.width, img.height );
for( var i = 0, l = img.pixels.length; i < l; i++ ){
var pos = i * 4;
var c = ( img.pixels[ i ] || "rgba(0,0,0,1)" ).slice( 5, - 1 ).split( "," );[ pos + 0 ] = parseInt( c[ 0 ] );[ pos + 1 ] = parseInt( c[ 1 ] );[ pos + 2 ] = parseInt( c[ 2 ] );[ pos + 3 ] = parseFloat( c[ 3 ] ) * 100;
var canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" );
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
var context = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
context.putImageData( img.pixels, 0, 0 );
img.canvas = canvas;
return img;
// Depreciating "getImage_old" from PJS - currently here to support AniSprite
function getImage_old( img ){
if( typeof img == "string" ){
return document.getElementById( img );
if( img.img || img.canvas ){
return img.img || img.canvas;
for( var i = 0, l = img.pixels.length; i < l; i++ ){
var pos = i * 4;
var c = ( img.pixels[ i ] || "rgba(0,0,0,1)" ).slice( 5, - 1 ).split( "," );[ pos + 0 ] = parseInt( c[ 0 ] );[ pos + 1 ] = parseInt( c[ 1 ] );[ pos + 2 ] = parseInt( c[ 2 ] );[ pos + 3 ] = parseFloat( c[ 3 ] ) * 100;
var canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" );
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
var context = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
context.putImageData( img, 0, 0 );
img.canvas = canvas;
return canvas;
// Depreciating "getImage_old" from PJS - currently here to support AniSprite
p.image_old=function image_old(img,x,y,w,h){
x = x || 0;
y = y || 0;
var obj = getImage( img );
if( curTint >= 0 ){
var oldAlpha = curContext.globalAlpha;
curContext.globalAlpha = curTint / opacityRange;
if( arguments.length == 3 ){
curContext.drawImage( obj, x, y );
curContext.drawImage( obj, x, y, w, h );
if( curTint >= 0 ){
curContext.globalAlpha = oldAlpha;
if( img._mask ){
var oldComposite = curContext.globalCompositeOperation;
curContext.globalCompositeOperation = "darker";
p.image( img._mask, x, y );
curContext.globalCompositeOperation = oldComposite;
// Draws an image to the Canvas
p.image = function image( img, x, y, w, h ){
if( || img.canvas ){
x = x || 0;
y = y || 0;
var obj = getImage( || img.canvas );
if( curTint >= 0 ){
var oldAlpha = curContext.globalAlpha;
curContext.globalAlpha = curTint / opacityRange;
if( arguments.length == 3 ){
curContext.drawImage( obj, x, y );
curContext.drawImage( obj, x, y, w, h );
if( curTint >= 0 ){
curContext.globalAlpha = oldAlpha;
if( img._mask ){
var oldComposite = curContext.globalCompositeOperation;
curContext.globalCompositeOperation = "darker";
p.image( img._mask, x, y );
curContext.globalCompositeOperation = oldComposite;
if( typeof img == 'string' ){
// Clears hole in the Canvas or the whole Canvas
p.clear = function clear ( x, y, width, height ) {
if( arguments.length == 0 ){
curContext.clearRect( x, y, width, height );
curContext.clearRect( 0, 0, p.width, p.height );
p.tint = function tint( rgb, a ){
curTint = a;
// Font handling
// Loads a font from an SVG or Canvas API
p.loadFont = function loadFont( name ){
if( name.indexOf( ".svg" ) == - 1 ){
return {
name: name,
width: function( str ){
if( curContext.mozMeasureText ){
return curContext.mozMeasureText(
typeof str == "number" ?
String.fromCharCode( str ) :
) / curTextSize;
return 0;
// If the font is a glyph, calculate by SVG table
var font = p.loadGlyphs( name );
return {
name : name,
glyph : true,
units_per_em : font.units_per_em,
horiz_adv_x : 1 / font.units_per_em * font.horiz_adv_x,
ascent : font.ascent,
descent : font.descent,
width :
function( str ){
var width = 0;
var len = str.length;
for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
try{ width += parseFloat( p.glyphLook( p.glyphTable[ name ], str[ i ] ).horiz_adv_x ); }
catch( e ){ ; }
return width / p.glyphTable[ name ].units_per_em;
// Sets a 'current font' for use
p.textFont = function textFont( name, size ){
curTextFont = name;
p.textSize( size );
// Sets the font size
p.textSize = function textSize( size ){
//! Was this meant to return textSize value if no arguments were passed?
if( size ){
curTextSize = size;
p.textAlign = function textAlign(){};
// A lookup table for characters that can not be referenced by Object
p.glyphLook = function glyphLook( font, chr ){
switch( chr ){
case "1" : return font[ "one" ]; break;
case "2" : return font[ "two" ]; break;
case "3" : return font[ "three" ]; break;
case "4" : return font[ "four" ]; break;
case "5" : return font[ "five" ]; break;
case "6" : return font[ "six" ]; break;
case "7" : return font[ "seven" ]; break;
case "8" : return font[ "eight" ]; break;
case "9" : return font[ "nine" ]; break;
case "0" : return font[ "zero" ]; break;
case " " : return font[ "space" ]; break;
case "$" : return font[ "dollar" ]; break;
case "!" : return font[ "exclam" ]; break;
case '"' : return font[ "quotedbl" ]; break;
case "#" : return font[ "numbersign" ]; break;
case "%" : return font[ "percent" ]; break;
case "&" : return font[ "ampersand" ]; break;
case "'" : return font[ "quotesingle" ]; break;
case "(" : return font[ "parenleft" ]; break;
case ")" : return font[ "parenright" ]; break;
case "*" : return font[ "asterisk" ]; break;
case "+" : return font[ "plus" ]; break;
case "," : return font[ "comma" ]; break;
case "-" : return font[ "hyphen" ]; break;
case "." : return font[ "period" ]; break;
case "/" : return font[ "slash" ]; break;
case "_" : return font[ "underscore" ]; break;
case ":" : return font[ "colon" ]; break;
case ";" : return font[ "semicolon" ]; break;
case "<" : return font[ "less" ]; break;
case "=" : return font[ "equal" ]; break;
case ">" : return font[ "greater" ]; break;
case "?" : return font[ "question" ]; break;
case "@" : return font[ "at" ]; break;
case "[" : return font[ "bracketleft" ]; break;
case "\\" : return font[ "backslash" ]; break;
case "]" : return font[ "bracketright" ]; break;
case "^" : return font[ "asciicircum" ]; break;
case "`" : return font[ "grave" ]; break;
case "{" : return font[ "braceleft" ]; break;
case "|" : return font[ "bar" ]; break;
case "}" : return font[ "braceright" ]; break;
case "~" : return font[ "asciitilde" ]; break;
// If the character is not 'special', access it by object reference
default : return font[ chr ]; break;
}catch( e ){ ; }
// Print some text to the Canvas
p.text = function text( str, x, y ){
// If the font is a standard Canvas font...
if( !curTextFont.glyph ){
if( str && curContext.mozDrawText ){;
curContext.mozTextStyle = curTextSize + "px " +;
curContext.translate( x, y );
typeof str == "number" ?
String.fromCharCode( str ) :
str ) ;
// If the font is a Batik SVG font...
var font = p.glyphTable[ ];;
curContext.translate( x, y + curTextSize );
var upem = font[ "units_per_em" ],
newScale = 1 / upem * curTextSize;
curContext.scale( newScale, newScale );
var len = str.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
// Test character against glyph table
try{ p.glyphLook( font, str[ i ] ).draw(); }
catch( e ){ ; }
// Load Batik SVG Fonts and parse to pre-def objects for quick rendering
p.loadGlyphs = function loadGlyph( url ){
// Load and parse Batik SVG font as XML into a Processing Glyph object
var loadXML = function loadXML(){
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
catch( e ){
xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument( "", "", null );
catch( e ){
p.println( e.message );
xmlDoc.async = false;
xmlDoc.load( url );
parse( xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName( "svg" )[ 0 ] );
catch( e ){
// Google Chrome, Safari etc.
p.println( e.message );
var xmlhttp = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false );
xmlhttp.send( null );
parse( xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement );
catch( e ){ ; }
// Return arrays of SVG commands and coords
var regex = function regex( needle, hay ){
var regexp = new RegExp( needle, "g" ),
results = [],
i = 0;
while( results[ i ] = regexp.exec( hay ) ){ i++; }
return results;
// Parse SVG font-file into block of Canvas commands
var parse = function parse( svg ){
// Store font attributes
var font = svg.getElementsByTagName( "font" );
p.glyphTable[ url ][ "horiz_adv_x" ] = font[ 0 ].getAttribute( "horiz-adv-x" );
var font_face = svg.getElementsByTagName( "font-face" )[ 0 ];
p.glyphTable[ url ][ "units_per_em" ] = parseFloat( font_face.getAttribute( "units-per-em") );
p.glyphTable[ url ][ "ascent" ] = parseFloat( font_face.getAttribute( "ascent" ) );
p.glyphTable[ url ][ "descent" ] = parseFloat( font_face.getAttribute( "descent" ) );
var getXY = "[0-9\-]+",
glyph = svg.getElementsByTagName( "glyph" ),
len = glyph.length;
// Loop through each glyph in the SVG
for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
// Store attributes for this glyph
var unicode = glyph[ i ].getAttribute( "unicode" );
var name = glyph[ i ].getAttribute( "glyph-name" );
var horiz_adv_x = glyph[ i ].getAttribute( "horiz-adv-x" );
if( horiz_adv_x == null ){ var horiz_adv_x = p.glyphTable[ url ][ 'horiz_adv_x' ]; }
var buildPath = function buildPath( d ){
var c = regex( "[A-Za-z][0-9\- ]+|Z", d );
// Begin storing path object
var path = "var path={draw:function(){curContext.beginPath();;";
var x = 0,
y = 0,
cx = 0,
cy = 0,
nx = 0,
ny = 0,
d = 0,
a = 0,
lastCom = "",
lenC = c.length - 1;
// Loop through SVG commands translating to canvas eqivs functions in path object
for( var j = 0; j < lenC; j++ ){
var com = c[ j ][ 0 ],
xy = regex( getXY, com );
switch( com[ 0 ] ){
case "M": //curContext.moveTo(x,-y);
x = parseFloat( xy[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
y = parseFloat( xy[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
//! Brackets needed on (-y)?
path += "curContext.moveTo("+ x +","+ (-y) +");";
case "L": //curContext.lineTo(x,-y);
x = parseFloat( xy[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
y = parseFloat( xy[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
path += "curContext.lineTo("+ x +","+ (-y) +");";
case "H"://curContext.lineTo(x,-y)
x = parseFloat( xy[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
path += "curContext.lineTo("+ x +","+ (-y) +");";
case "V"://curContext.lineTo(x,-y);
y = parseFloat( xy[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
path += "curContext.lineTo("+ x +","+ (-y) +");";
case "T"://curContext.quadraticCurveTo(cx,-cy,nx,-ny);
nx = parseFloat( xy[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
ny = parseFloat( xy[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
if( lastCom == "Q" || lastCom == "T" ){
d = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( x - cx, 2 ) + Math.pow( cy - y, 2 ) );
a = Math.PI+Math.atan2( cx - x, cy - y );
cx = x + ( Math.sin( a ) * ( d ) );
cy = y + ( Math.cos( a ) * ( d ) );
cx = x;
cy = y;
path += "curContext.quadraticCurveTo("+ cx +","+ (-cy) +","+ nx +","+ (-ny) +");";
x = nx;
y = ny;
case "Q"://curContext.quadraticCurveTo(cx,-cy,nx,-ny);
cx = parseFloat( xy[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
cy = parseFloat( xy[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
nx = parseFloat( xy[ 2 ][ 0 ] );
ny = parseFloat( xy[ 3 ][ 0 ] );
path += "curContext.quadraticCurveTo("+ cx +","+ (-cy) +","+ nx +","+ (-ny) +");";
x = nx;
y = ny;
case "Z"://curContext.closePath();
path += "curContext.closePath();";
lastCom = com[ 0 ];
path += "doStroke?curContext.stroke():0;";
path += "doFill?curContext.fill():0;";
path += "curContext.restore();";
path += "curContext.translate("+ horiz_adv_x +",0);";
path += "}}";
return path;
var d = glyph[ i ].getAttribute( "d" );
// Split path commands in glpyh
if( d !== undefined ){
var path = buildPath( d );
eval( path );
// Store glyph data to table object
p.glyphTable[ url ][ name ] = {
name : name,
unicode : unicode,
horiz_adv_x : horiz_adv_x,
draw : path.draw
} // finished adding glyphs to table
// Create a new object in glyphTable to store this font
p.glyphTable[ url ] = {};
// Begin loading the Batik SVG font...
loadXML( url );
// Return the loaded font for attribute grabbing
return p.glyphTable[ url ];
// Class methods
p.extendClass = function extendClass( obj, args, fn ){
if( arguments.length == 3 ){
fn.apply( obj, args );
}else{ obj );
p.addMethod = function addMethod( object, name, fn ){
if( object[ name ] ){
var args = fn.length,
oldfn = object[ name ];
object[ name ] = function(){
if( arguments.length == args ){
return fn.apply( this, arguments );
return oldfn.apply( this, arguments );
object[ name ] = fn;
// Set up environment
p.init = function init(code){
p.stroke( 0 );
p.fill( 255 );
// Canvas has trouble rendering single pixel stuff on whole-pixel
// counts, so we slightly offset it (this is super lame).
curContext.translate( 0.5, 0.5 );
// The fun bit!
if( code ){
(function( Processing ){
with ( p ){
eval(parse(code, p));
})( p );
if( p.setup ){
inSetup = true;
inSetup = false;
if( p.draw ){
if( !doLoop ){
} else {
// Event handling
attach( curElement, "mousemove" , function(e){
var scrollX = window.scrollX != null ? window.scrollX : window.pageXOffset;
var scrollY = window.scrollY != null ? window.scrollY : window.pageYOffset;
p.pmouseX = p.mouseX;
p.pmouseY = p.mouseY;
p.mouseX = e.clientX - curElement.offsetLeft + scrollX;
p.mouseY = e.clientY - curElement.offsetTop + scrollY;
if( p.mouseMoved ){ p.mouseMoved(); }
if( mousePressed && p.mouseDragged ){ p.mouseDragged(); }
attach( curElement, "mouseout" , function( e ){ p.cursor("auto"); });
attach( curElement, "mousedown", function( e ){
mousePressed = true;
case 1: p.mouseButton = p.LEFT; break;
case 2: p.mouseButton = p.CENTER; break;
case 3: p.mouseButton = p.RIGHT; break;
p.mouseDown = true;
if( typeof p.mousePressed == "function" ){ p.mousePressed(); }
else{ p.mousePressed = true; }
attach( curElement, "contextmenu", function( e ){
attach( curElement, "mouseup", function( e ){
mousePressed = false;
if( p.mouseClicked ){ p.mouseClicked(); }
if( typeof p.mousePressed != "function" ){ p.mousePressed = false; }
if( p.mouseReleased ){ p.mouseReleased(); }
attach( document, "keydown", function( e ){
keyPressed = true;
p.key = e.keyCode + 32;
var i, len = p.codedKeys.length;
for( i=0; i < len; i++ ){
if( p.key == p.codedKeys[ i ] ){
case 70: p.keyCode = p.UP ; break;
case 71: p.keyCode = p.RIGHT ; break;
case 72: p.keyCode = p.DOWN ; break;
case 69: p.keyCode = p.LEFT ; break;
if( e.shiftKey ){ p.key = String.fromCharCode(p.key).toUpperCase().charCodeAt( 0 ); }
if( typeof p.keyPressed == "function" ){ p.keyPressed(); }
else{ p.keyPressed = true; }
attach( document, "keyup", function( e ){
keyPressed = false;
if( typeof p.keyPressed != "function" ){ p.keyPressed = false; }
if( p.keyReleased ){ p.keyReleased(); }
function attach(elem, type, fn) {
if( elem.addEventListener ){ elem.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); }
else{ elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, fn ); }
return p;