class PaymentsController < ApplicationController # GET /payments # GET /payments.json def index @payments = Payment.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.json { render json: @payments } end end # GET /payments/1 # GET /payments/1.json def show @payment = Payment.find(params[:id]) paypal =['username'],APP_CONFIG['password'],APP_CONFIG['signature'],APP_CONFIG['url'].to_sym) @paypal_result = paypal.do_get_recurring_payments_profile_details(@payment.profile, {}) Rails.logger.debug "PROFILE DETAILS:"+@paypal_result.inspect # {"PROFILEID"=>"I-C07L0WXLH25Y", # "STATUS"=>"Active" # "AUTOBILLOUTAMT"=>"NoAutoBill" # "DESC"=>"_Why's Ruby Camping Adventures - Monthly Tips And Tricks For Camping Development" # "MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS"=>"0" # "SUBSCRIBERNAME"=>"Will Bradley" # "PROFILESTARTDATE"=>"2013-05-01T07:00:00Z" # "PROFILEREFERENCE"=>"INV20091122" # "NEXTBILLINGDATE"=>"2013-05-01T10:00:00Z" # "NUMCYCLESCOMPLETED"=>"0" # "NUMCYCLESREMAINING"=>"11" # "OUTSTANDINGBALANCE"=>"0.00" # "FAILEDPAYMENTCOUNT"=>"0" # "TRIALAMTPAID"=>"0.00" # "REGULARAMTPAID"=>"0.00" # "AGGREGATEAMT"=>"0.00" # "AGGREGATEOPTIONALAMT"=>"0.00" # "FINALPAYMENTDUEDATE"=>"2014-03-01T10:00:00Z" # "TIMESTAMP"=>"2013-04-30T08:56:47Z" # "CORRELATIONID"=>"e305cb3e7287c" # "ACK"=>"Success" # "VERSION"=>"74.0" # "BUILD"=>"5650305" # "SHIPTOSTREET"=>"1 Main St" # "SHIPTOCITY"=>"San Jose" # "SHIPTOSTATE"=>"CA" # "SHIPTOZIP"=>"95131" # "SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"=>"US" # "SHIPTOCOUNTRY"=>"US" # "SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME"=>"United States" # "SHIPADDRESSOWNER"=>"PayPal" # "SHIPADDRESSSTATUS"=>"Unconfirmed" # "BILLINGPERIOD"=>"Month" # "BILLINGFREQUENCY"=>"1" # "TOTALBILLINGCYCLES"=>"11" # "CURRENCYCODE"=>"USD" # "AMT"=>"5.00" # "SHIPPINGAMT"=>"0.00" # "TAXAMT"=>"0.00" # "REGULARBILLINGPERIOD"=>"Month" # "REGULARBILLINGFREQUENCY"=>"1" # "REGULARTOTALBILLINGCYCLES"=>"11" # "REGULARCURRENCYCODE"=>"USD" # "REGULARAMT"=>"5.00" # "REGULARSHIPPINGAMT"=>"0.00" # "REGULARTAXAMT"=>"0.00"} respond_to do |format| if @paypal_result['ACK'] == 'Success' format.html # show.html.erb format.json { render json: @payment } else format.html { redirect_to payments_url, notice: 'There was a problem contacting PayPal. This issue has been logged.' } format.json { render json: @payment.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # GET /payments/new # GET /payments/new.json def new @payment = paypal =['username'],APP_CONFIG['password'],APP_CONFIG['signature'],APP_CONFIG['url'].to_sym) subscription_request = { "PAYMENTACTION" => "Sale", "L_BILLINGTYPE0" => "RecurringPayments", "DESC" => "_Why's Ruby Camping Adventures", "L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0" => "_Why's Ruby Camping Adventures - Monthly Tips And Tricks For Camping Development" } response = paypal.set_express_checkout( return_url='http://localhost:3000/payments/confirmed', cancel_url='http://localhost:3000/payments/aborted', amount='5.00', currency='USD', other_params=subscription_request) Rails.logger.debug "SETEXPRESSCHECKOUT:"+response.inspect @token = (response.ack == 'Success') ? response['TOKEN'] : '' respond_to do |format| if response['ACK'] == 'Success' format.html # new.html.erb format.json { render json: @payment } else Rails.logger.warn "SETEXPRESSCHECKOUT ERROR:"+response.inspect format.html { redirect_to payments_url, notice: 'There was a problem contacting PayPal. This issue has been logged.' } format.json { render json: @payment.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def confirmed token = params[:token] paypal =['username'],APP_CONFIG['password'],APP_CONFIG['signature'],APP_CONFIG['url'].to_sym) response = paypal.do_get_express_checkout_details(token) error = false if response['ACK'] != 'Success' Rails.logger.warn "GETEXPRESSCHECKOUT ERROR:"+response.inspect error = true else Rails.logger.debug "GETEXPRESSCHECKOUT:"+response.inspect response = paypal.do_express_checkout_payment(token=token, payment_action='Sale', payer_id=response['PAYERID'], amount='5.00') #transaction_id = response['TRANSACTIONID'] if response['ACK'] != 'Success' Rails.logger.warn "DOEXPESSCHECKOUT ERROR:"+response.inspect error = true else Rails.logger.debug "DOEXPESSCHECKOUT:"+response.inspect response = paypal.do_create_recurring_payments_profile(token, start_date=(Time.parse(response['TIMESTAMP']) + 1.minute).iso8601, # Start date has to be in the future according to PayPal profile_reference='INV20091122', description="_Why's Ruby Camping Adventures - Monthly Tips And Tricks For Camping Development", billing_period='Month', billing_frequency=1, total_billing_cycles=nil, # nil/0 = infinite amount='5.00', currency='USD') if response['ACK'] != 'Success' Rails.logger.warn "CREATERECURRINGPAYMENT ERROR:"+response.inspect error = true else Rails.logger.debug "CREATERECURRINGPAYMENT:"+response.inspect profile_id = response['PROFILEID'] @payment ={profile: profile_id}) unless Rails.logger.warn "Payment Save ERROR:"+response.inspect error = true end end end end respond_to do |format| unless error format.html { redirect_to payments_url, notice: 'Payment was successfully created.' } format.json { render json: @payment, status: :created, location: @payment } else @payment.errors.add_to_base "There was a problem processing your subscription. This issue has been logged." format.html { redirect_to payments_url } format.json { render json: @payment.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # GET /payments/1/edit # def edit # @payment = Payment.find(params[:id]) # end # POST /payments # POST /payments.json # def create # @payment =[:payment]) # respond_to do |format| # if # format.html { redirect_to @payment, notice: 'Payment was successfully created.' } # format.json { render json: @payment, status: :created, location: @payment } # else # format.html { render action: "new" } # format.json { render json: @payment.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } # end # end # end # PUT /payments/1 # PUT /payments/1.json # def update # @payment = Payment.find(params[:id]) # respond_to do |format| # if @payment.update_attributes(params[:payment]) # format.html { redirect_to @payment, notice: 'Payment was successfully updated.' } # format.json { head :no_content } # else # format.html { render action: "edit" } # format.json { render json: @payment.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } # end # end # end # DELETE /payments/1 # DELETE /payments/1.json # def destroy # @payment = Payment.find(params[:id]) # @payment.destroy # respond_to do |format| # format.html { redirect_to payments_url } # format.json { head :no_content } # end # end end