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2014-02-19 02:11:50 +00:00
if ( !class_exists( 'SM_Options' ) ) {
class SM_Options{
// update options of form submission
function sm_options() {
add_action( 'admin_init', array( &$this, 'update_options' ) );
// Processes Options form if loaded
function update_options() {
global $simple_map, $sm_locations;
// Delete all SimpleMap data.
if ( isset( $_GET['sm-action'] ) && 'delete-simplemap' == $_GET['sm-action'] ) {
// Confirm we have both permisssion to do this and we have intent to do this.
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && ( check_admin_referer( 'delete-simplemap-locations' ) || check_admin_referer( 'delete-simplemap' ) ) ) {
// Delete locations
while ( $locations = query_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'sm-location', 'posts_per_page' => 200 ) ) ) {
// Delete posts (and therby postmeta as well). Second arg bypasses trash
foreach ( $locations as $key => $location ) {
set_time_limit( 20 );
wp_delete_post( $location->ID, true );
$options = $simple_map->get_options();
$taxonomies = $options['taxonomies'];
$original_taxonomies = array_keys( $simple_map->get_taxonomy_settings() );
if ( is_array( $original_taxonomies ) ) {
foreach ( $original_taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$taxonomies[$taxonomy] = true;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) {
$sm_locations->register_location_taxonomy( $taxonomy, array() );
// Delete taxonomy terms
$args = array( 'hide_empty' => 0 );
if ( $terms = get_terms( array_keys( $taxonomies ), $args ) ) {
foreach ( $terms as $key => $term ) {
wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy );
// Delete Options
if ( get_option( 'SimpleMap_options' ) && empty( $_GET['locations-only'] ) ) {
delete_option( 'SimpleMap_options' );
do_action( 'sm-delete-all-data' );
wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap' ) );
$options = $simple_map->get_options();
// Update Options if form was submitted or if WordPress options doesn't exist yet.
if ( isset( $_POST['sm_general_options_submitted'] ) ) {
check_admin_referer( 'sm-general-options' );
$new_options = $options;
// Validate POST Options
//$new_options['api_key'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['api_key'] ) ) ? $_POST['api_key'] : '';
$new_options['map_width'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['map_width'] ) ) ? $_POST['map_width'] : $options['map_width'];
$new_options['map_height'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['map_height'] ) ) ? $_POST['map_height'] : $options['map_height'];
$new_options['default_lat'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_lat'] ) ) ? $_POST['default_lat'] : $options['default_lat'] ;
$new_options['default_lng'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_lng'] ) ) ? $_POST['default_lng'] : $options['default_lng'] ;
$new_options['zoom_level'] = ( isset( $_POST['zoom_level'] ) ) ? absint( $_POST['zoom_level'] ) : $options['zoom_level'] ;
$new_options['default_radius'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_radius'] ) ) ? absint( $_POST['default_radius'] ) : $options['default_radius'] ;
$new_options['map_type'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['map_type'] ) ) ? $_POST['map_type'] : $options['map_type'];
$new_options['special_text'] = ( isset( $_POST['special_text'] ) ) ? $_POST['special_text'] : $options['special_text'];
$new_options['default_state'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_state'] ) ) ? $_POST['default_state'] : $options['default_state'];
$new_options['default_country'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_country'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['default_country'] ) : $options['default_country'];
$new_options['default_language'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_language'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['default_language'] ) : $options['default_language'];
$new_options['default_domain'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['default_domain'] ) ) ? $_POST['default_domain'] : $options['default_domain'];
$new_options['address_format'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['address_format'] ) ) ? $_POST['address_format'] : $options['address_format'];
$new_options['map_stylesheet'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['map_stylesheet'] ) ) ? $_POST['map_stylesheet'] : $options['map_stylesheet'];
$new_options['units'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['units'] ) ) ? $_POST['units'] : $options['units'];
$new_options['results_limit'] = ( isset( $_POST['results_limit'] ) ) ? absint( $_POST['results_limit'] ) : $options['results_limit'];
$new_options['autoload'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['autoload'] ) ) ? $_POST['autoload'] : $options['autoload'];
$new_options['map_pages'] = ( isset( $_POST['map_pages'] ) ) ? $_POST['map_pages'] : $options['map_pages'];
$new_options['lock_default_location'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['lock_default_location'] ) ) ? true : $options['lock_default_location'];
$new_options['powered_by'] = ( isset( $_POST['powered_by'] ) && 'on' == $_POST['powered_by'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$new_options['enable_permalinks'] = ( isset( $_POST['enable_permalinks'] ) && 'on' == $_POST['enable_permalinks'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$new_options['permalink_slug'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['permalink_slug'] ) ) ? $_POST['permalink_slug'] : $options['permalink_slug'];
$new_options['adsense_for_maps'] = ( isset( $_POST['adsense_for_maps'] ) && 'on' == $_POST['adsense_for_maps'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$new_options['adsense_pub_id'] = ( isset( $_POST['adsense_pub_id'] ) ) ? $_POST['adsense_pub_id'] : $options['adsense_pub_id'];
$new_options['adsense_channel_id'] = ( isset( $_POST['adsense_channel_id'] ) ) ? $_POST['adsense_channel_id'] : $options['adsense_channel_id'];
$new_options['adsense_max_ads'] = ( isset( $_POST['adsense_max_ads'] ) ) ? absint( $_POST['adsense_max_ads'] ) : $options['adsense_max_ads'];
$new_options['display_search'] = ( ! empty( $_POST['display_search'] ) ) ? $_POST['display_search'] : $options['display_search'];
$new_options['auto_locate'] = ( isset( $_POST['auto_locate'] ) ) ? $_POST['auto_locate'] : $options['auto_locate'];
foreach ( $new_options['taxonomies'] as $taxonomy => $tax_info ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['taxonomies'][$taxonomy]['active'] ) ) {
$new_tax_options = $_POST['taxonomies'][$taxonomy];
//echo 'UPDATE(' . $taxonomy . ' - ' . json_encode( array_diff_assoc( array_filter( $new_tax_options ), $tax_info ) ) . ')' . PHP_EOL;
$new_options['taxonomies'][$taxonomy] = array_filter( $new_tax_options ) + $tax_info;
else {
//echo 'DISABLE(' . $taxonomy . ')' . PHP_EOL;
if ( isset( $_POST['taxonomies'] ) ) {
foreach ( $_POST['taxonomies'] as $taxonomy => $tax_info ) {
if ( isset( $tax_info['active'] ) ) {
//echo 'ENABLE(' . $taxonomy . ')' . PHP_EOL;
$new_options['taxonomies'][$taxonomy] = $simple_map->get_taxonomy_settings( $taxonomy );
$new_options = apply_filters( 'sm-new-general-options', $new_options, $options );
if ( $new_options !== $options && update_option( 'SimpleMap_options', $new_options ) ) {
if ( $new_options['enable_permalinks'] !== $options['enable_permalinks'] || $new_options['permalink_slug'] !== $options['permalink_slug'] ) {
update_option( 'sm-rewrite-rules', true );
do_action( 'sm-general-options-updated' );
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap&sm-msg=1' ) );
// Prints the options page
function print_page(){
global $simple_map, $wpdb;
$options = $simple_map->get_options();
extract( $options );
// Set Autoload Vars
$count = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE post_type = 'sm-location' AND post_status = 'publish'" );
if ( $count >= 250 ) {
$disabled_autoload = false; // let it happen. we're limiting to 500 in the query
$disabledmsg = sprintf( __( 'You have to many locations to auto-load them all. Only the closest %d will be displayed if auto-load all is selected.', 'SimpleMap' ), '250' );
} else {
$disabled_autoload = false;
$disabledmsg = '';
// Extract styles
$themes1 = $themes2 = array();
if ( file_exists( SIMPLEMAP_PATH . '/inc/styles' ) )
$themes1 = $this->read_styles( SIMPLEMAP_PATH . '/inc/styles' );
if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/simplemap-styles' ) )
$themes2 = $this->read_styles( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/simplemap-styles' );
$themes1 = apply_filters( 'sm-general-options-themes1', $themes1 );
$themes2 = apply_filters( 'sm-general-options-themes1', $themes2 );
<div class="wrap">
// Title
$sm_page_title = apply_filters( 'sm-general-options-page-title', 'SimpleMap: General Options' );
// Toolbar
$simple_map->show_toolbar( $sm_page_title );
// Messages
if ( isset( $_GET['sm-msg'] ) && '1' == $_GET['sm-msg'] )
echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>'.__('SimpleMap settings saved.', 'SimpleMap').'</p></div>';
<div id="dashboard-widgets-wrap" class="clear">
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="sm_general_options_submitted" value="1" />
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'sm-general-options' ); ?>
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-page-top' ); ?>
<div id='dashboard-widgets' class='metabox-holder'>
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-dash-widgets-top' ); ?>
<div class='postbox-container' style='width:49%;'>
<div id='normal-sortables' class='meta-box-sortables ui-sortable'>
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-normal-sortables-top' ); ?>
<div class="postbox">
<h3><?php _e( 'Location Defaults', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<p class="sub"><?php _e( 'If most of your locations are in the same area, choose the country and state/province here to make adding new locations easier.', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></p>
<div class="table">
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><label for="default_domain"><?php _e( 'Google Maps Domain', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="default_domain" id="default_domain">
foreach ( $simple_map->get_domain_options() as $key => $value ) {
echo "<option value='" . $value . "' " . selected( $default_domain, $value, false ) . ">" . $key . " (" . $value . ")</option>\n";
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><label for="default_country"><?php _e( 'Default Country', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="default_country" id="default_country">
foreach ( $simple_map->get_country_options() as $key => $value ) {
echo "<option value='" . $key . "' " . selected( $default_country, $key, false ) . ">" . $value . "</option>\n";
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><label for="default_language"><?php _e( 'Default Language', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="default_language" id="default_language">
foreach ( $simple_map->get_language_options() as $key => $value ) {
echo "<option value='" . $key . "' " . selected( $default_language, $key, false ) . ">" . $value . "</option>\n";
<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="default_state"><?php _e( 'Default State/Province', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<td><input type="text" name="default_state" id="default_state" size="30" value="<?php echo $default_state; ?>" /></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><label for="address_format"><?php _e( 'Address Format', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select id="address_format" name="address_format">
<option value="town, province postalcode" <?php selected( $address_format, 'town, province postalcode' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . '], [' . __( 'State/Province', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<option value="town province postalcode" <?php selected( $address_format, 'town province postalcode' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'State/Province', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<option value="town-province postalcode" <?php selected( $address_format, 'town-province postalcode' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . '] - [' . __( 'State/Province', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __('Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<option value="postalcode town-province" <?php selected( $address_format, 'postalcode town-province' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . '] - [' . __( 'State/Province', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<option value="postalcode town, province" <?php selected( $address_format, 'postalcode town, province' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . '], [' . __( 'State/Province', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<option value="postalcode town" <?php selected( $address_format, 'postalcode town' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<option value="town postalcode" <?php selected( $address_format, 'town postalcode' ); ?>><?php echo '[' . __( 'City/Town', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . __( 'Zip/Postal Code', 'SimpleMap' ) . ']'; ?></option>
<span class="hidden" id="order_1"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: Minneapolis, MN 55403</span>
<span class="hidden" id="order_2"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: Minneapolis MN 55403</span>
<span class="hidden" id="order_3"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: S&atilde;o Paulo - SP 85070</span>
<span class="hidden" id="order_4"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: 85070 S&atilde;o Paulo - SP</span>
<span class="hidden" id="order_5"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: 46800 Puerto Vallarta, JAL</span>
<span class="hidden" id="order_6"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: 126 25&nbsp;&nbsp;Stockholm</span>
<span class="hidden" id="order_7"><br /><?php _e( 'Example', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>: London&nbsp;&nbsp;EC1Y 8SY</span>
</div> <!-- table -->
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Save Options', 'SimpleMap' ) ?>" /><br /><br />
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!-- inside -->
</div> <!-- postbox -->
<!-- #### MAP CONFIGURATION #### -->
<div class="postbox">
<h3><?php _e( 'Map Configuration', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<p class="sub"><?php printf( __( 'See %s the Help page%s for an explanation of these options.', 'SimpleMap' ), '<a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=simplemap-help">', '</a>&nbsp;' ); ?></p>
<div class="table">
<table class="form-table">
<?php /*
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><label for="api_key"><?php _e( 'Google Maps API Key', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<input type="text" name="api_key" id="api_key" size="50" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $api_key ); ?>" /><br />
<small><em><?php printf( __( '%s Click here%s to sign up for a Google Maps API key for your domain.', 'SimpleMap' ), '<a href="' . $simple_map->get_api_link() . '">', '</a>'); ?></em></small>
*/ ?>
<tr valign="top">
if ( TRUE ) {
$disabled_api = false;
$api_how_to = __( 'Type in an address, state, or zip to geocode the default location.', 'SimpleMap' );
} else {
$disabled_api = true;
$api_how_to = __( 'After you enter an API Key, you can type in an address, state, or zip here to geocode the default location.', 'SimpleMap' );
<td width="150"><label for="default_lat"><?php _e( 'Starting Location', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<label for="default_lat" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"><?php _e( 'Latitude:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?> </label>
<input type="text" name="default_lat" id="default_lat" size="13" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $default_lat ); ?>" /><br />
<label for="default_lng" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"><?php _e( 'Longitude:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?> </label>
<input type="text" name="default_lng" id="default_lng" size="13" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $default_lng ); ?>" />
<input <?php disabled( $disabled_api ); ?> type="text" name="default_address" id="default_address" size="30" value="" />&nbsp;<a class="button" <?php disabled( $disabled_api ); ?> onclick="codeAddress();return false;" href="#"><?php _e( 'Geocode Address', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></a>
<br /><small><span class='howto'><?php echo $api_how_to; ?></span></small>
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="units"><?php _e( 'Distance Units', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="units" id="units">
<option value="mi" <?php selected( $units, 'mi' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Miles', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></option>
<option value="km" <?php selected( $units, 'km' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Kilometers', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></option>
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="default_radius"><?php _e( 'Default Search Radius', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="default_radius" id="default_radius">
foreach ( $simple_map->get_search_radii() as $value ) {
echo "<option value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "' " . selected( $value, $default_radius, false ) . ">" . esc_attr( $value ) . " " . esc_attr( $units ) . "</option>\n";
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="results_limit"><?php _e( 'Number of Results to Display', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="results_limit" id="results_limit">
<option value="0" <?php selected( $results_limit, 0 ); ?>>No Limit</option>
for ( $i = 5; $i <= 50; $i += 5 ) {
echo "<option value='" . esc_attr( $i ) . "' " . selected( $results_limit, $i, false ) . ">" . esc_attr( $i ) . "</option>\n";
</select><br />
<small><span class='howto'><?php _e( 'Select "No Limit" to display all results within the search radius.', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></span></small>
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="autoload"><?php _e( 'Auto-Load Database', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="autoload" id="autoload">
<option value="none" <?php selected( $autoload, 'none' ); ?>><?php _e( 'No auto-load', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></option>
<option value="some" <?php selected( $autoload, 'some' ); ?>><?php _e('Auto-load search results', 'SimpleMap'); ?></option>
<option value="all" <?php selected( $autoload, 'all' );?> <?php disabled( $disabled_autoload ); ?>><?php _e('Auto-load all locations', 'SimpleMap'); ?></option>
<br />
<small><em><?php _e( sprintf ( '%sNo auto-load%s shows map without any locations.%s%sAuto-load search results%s displays map based on default values for search form.%s%sAuto-load all%s ignores default search form values and loads all locations.', '<strong>', '</strong>', '<br />', '<strong>', '</strong>', '<br />', '<strong>', '</strong>' ) ); ?></em></small>
<?php if ( $disabledmsg != '' ) { echo '<br /><small style="color:red";><em>' . $disabledmsg . '</small></em>'; } ?>
<!--<br /><label for="lock_default_location" id="lock_default_location_label"><input type="checkbox" name="lock_default_location" id="lock_default_location" value="1" <?php checked( $lock_default_location ); ?> /> <?php _e('Stick to default location set above', 'SimpleMap'); ?></label>-->
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="zoom_level"><?php _e('Default Zoom Level', 'SimpleMap'); ?></label></td>
<select name="zoom_level" id="zoom_level">
<option value='0' <?php selected( $zoom_level, 0 ); ?> >Auto Zoom</option>
for ( $i = 1; $i <= 19; $i++ ) {
echo "<option value='" . esc_attr( $i ) . "' " . selected( $zoom_level, $i, false ) . ">" . esc_attr( $i ) . "</option>\n";
</select><br />
<small><em><?php _e( '1 is the most zoomed out (the whole world is visible) and 19 is the most zoomed in.', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></em></small>
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="special_text"><?php _e( 'Special Location Label', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<input type="text" name="special_text" id="special_text" size="30" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $special_text ); ?>" />
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="map_pages"><?php _e( 'Map Page IDs', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<input type="text" name="map_pages" id="map_pages" size="30" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $map_pages ); ?>" /><br />
<small><em><?php _e( 'Enter the IDs of the pages/posts the map will appear on, separated by commas. The map scripts will only be loaded on those pages. Leave blank or enter 0 to load the scripts on all pages.', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></em></small>
</div> <!-- table -->
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Save Options', 'SimpleMap' ) ?>" /><br /><br />
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!-- inside -->
</div> <!-- postbox -->
<!-- Optional Features -->
<div class="postbox">
<h3><?php _e( 'Optional / Experimental Features', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<p class="sub"><?php printf( __( 'See %s the Help page%s for an explanation of these options.', 'SimpleMap' ), '<a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=simplemap-help">', '</a>&nbsp;' ); ?></p>
<div class="table">
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><?php _e( 'Permalinks', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></td>
<label for="enable_permalinks"><input type="checkbox" name="enable_permalinks" id="enable_permalinks" <?php checked( $enable_permalinks ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'Enable location permalinks?', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label>
<br /><label for="permalink_slug"><small><?php _e( 'Location permalink folder?', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></small> <input type="text" name="permalink_slug" id="permalink_slug" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $permalink_slug ); ?>" /></label>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><?php _e( 'Location Taxonomies', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></td>
$standard_taxonomies = $simple_map->get_taxonomy_settings();
$taxonomies += $standard_taxonomies;
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $tax_info ) {
$safe = str_replace( '-', '_', $taxonomy );
$label = isset( $tax_info['description'] ) ? $tax_info['description'] : str_replace( 'sm-', '', $taxonomy );
$active = !empty( $options['taxonomies'][$taxonomy] );
echo '<label for="taxonomies_' . $safe . '"><input type="checkbox" name="taxonomies[' . $taxonomy . '][active]" id="taxonomies_' . $safe . '" ' . checked( $active, true, false ) . ' /> ' . __( 'Enable ' . $label . ' taxonomies?', 'SimpleMap' ) . '</label>';
echo '<br />';
if ( $active && !isset( $standard_taxonomies[$taxonomy] ) ) {
echo '<div style="margin: 5px 0px 5px 15px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc;">';
echo '<label for="taxonomies_' . $safe . '_singular">' . __( 'Singular Form', 'SimpleMap' );
echo ': <input type="text" name="taxonomies[' . $taxonomy . '][singular]" id="taxonomies_' . $safe . '_singular" value="' . esc_attr( $tax_info['singular'] ) . '" /></label>';
echo '<br />';
echo '<label for="taxonomies_' . $safe . '_plural">' . __( 'Plural Form', 'SimpleMap' );
echo ': <input type="text" name="taxonomies[' . $taxonomy . '][plural]" id="taxonomies_' . $safe . '_plural" value="' . esc_attr( $tax_info['plural'] ) . '" /></label>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<br />';
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><?php _e( 'Google Adsense for Maps', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></td>
<label for="adsense_for_maps"><input type="checkbox" name="adsense_for_maps" id="adsense_for_maps" <?php checked( $adsense_for_maps ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'Enable Adense for Maps?', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label>
<br /><label for="adsense_pub_id"><small><?php _e( 'Default Adsense Publisher ID:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></small> <input type="text" name="adsense_pub_id" id="adsense_pub_id" size="30" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $adsense_pub_id ); ?>" /></label>
<br /><label for="adsense_channel_id"><small><?php _e( 'Default Adsense Channel ID:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></small> <input type="text" name="adsense_channel_id" id="adsense_channel_id" size="30" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $adsense_channel_id ); ?>" /></label>
<br /><label for="adsense_max_ads"><small><?php _e( 'Max number of ads on map:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></small> <input type="text" name="adsense_max_ads" id="adsense_max_ads" size="10" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $adsense_max_ads ); ?>" /></label>
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="auto_locate"><?php _e( 'Auto-detect Location', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="auto_locate" id="auto_locate">
foreach ( $simple_map->get_auto_locate_options() as $value => $label ) {
echo "<option value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "' " . selected( $value, $auto_locate, false ) . ">" . esc_attr( $label ) . "</option>\n";
</select><br />
<small><span class='howto'><?php _e( 'IP based detection does not prompt the user for permission and is faster than HTML5. HTML5 is more precise.' ); ?></span></small>
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Save Options', 'SimpleMap' ) ?>" /><br /><br />
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-normal-sortables-bottom' ); ?>
<div class='postbox-container' style='width:49%;'>
<div id='side-sortables' class='meta-box-sortables ui-sortable'>
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-side-sortables-top' ); ?>
<!-- #### PREMIUM SUPPORT #### -->
<div class="postbox" >
<h3 style='color:#fff;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #000;background: #fff url( <?php echo SIMPLEMAP_URL; ?>/inc/images/blue-grad.png ) top left repeat-x;'><?php _e( 'Premium Support and Features', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside" style='padding: 0pt 10px 10px;' >
// Check for premium support status
global $simplemap_ps;
if ( ! url_has_ftps_for_item( $simplemap_ps ) ) : ?>
<h4><?php printf( __( 'SimpleMap Premium Support Benefits', 'SimpleMap' ), esc_attr( site_url() ) ); ?></h4>
<?php printf( __( 'SimpleMap now offers a premium support package for the low cost of %s per year per domain.', 'SimpleMap' ), '$30.00 USD' ); ?>
<?php _e( 'By signing up for SimpleMap premium support, you help to ensure future enhancements to this excellent project as well as the following benefits:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>
<ul style='margin-left:25px;list-style-type:disc'>
<li><?php _e( 'Around the clock access to our extensive knowledge base and support forum from within your WordPress dashboard', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( 'Professional and timely response times to all your questions from the SimpleMap team', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( 'A 10% discount for any custom functionality you request from the SimpleMap developers', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( 'A 6-12 month advance access to new features integrated into the auto upgrade functionality of WordPress', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></li>
<ul style='margin-left:25px;list-style-type:none'>
<li><a href='<?php echo get_ftps_paypal_button( $simplemap_ps ); ?>'><?php _e( 'Signup Now', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></a></li>
<li><a target='_blank' href='<?php echo get_ftps_learn_more_link( $simplemap_ps ); ?>'><?php _e( 'Learn More', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></a></li>
<?php else : ?>
<p class='howto'><?php printf( "Your premium support for <code>%s</code> was purchased on <code>%s</code> by <code>%s</code> (%s). It will remain valid for this URL until <code>%s</code>.", get_ftps_site( $simplemap_ps ), date( "F d, Y", get_ftps_purchase_date( $simplemap_ps ) ), get_ftps_name( $simplemap_ps ), get_ftps_email( $simplemap_ps ), date( "F d, Y", get_ftps_exp_date( $simplemap_ps ) ) ); ?></p>
<p><a href='#' id='premium_help'><?php _e( 'Launch Premium Support widget', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></a> | <a target="blank" href="<?php echo get_ftps_sso_key( $simplemap_ps ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Visit Premium Support web site', 'SimpleMap' );?></a></p>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
Tender = {
hideToggle: true,
sso: "<?php echo get_ftps_sso_key( $simplemap_ps ); ?>",
widgetToggles: [document.getElementById('premium_help')]
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- inside -->
</div> <!-- postbox -->
<!-- #### MAP STYLES #### -->
<div class="postbox" >
<h3><?php _e( 'Map Style Defaults', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<p class="sub"><?php printf( __( 'To insert SimpleMap into a post or page, type this shortcode in the body: %s', 'SimpleMap' ), '<code>[simplemap]</code>' ); ?></p>
<div class="table">
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="150"><label for="map_width"><?php _e( 'Map Size', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<label for="map_width" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"><?php _e( 'Width:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?> </label>
<input type="text" name="map_width" id="map_width" size="13" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $map_width ); ?>" /><br />
<label for="map_height" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"><?php _e( 'Height:', 'SimpleMap' ); ?> </label>
<input type="text" name="map_height" id="map_height" size="13" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $map_height ); ?>" /><br />
<small><em><?php printf( __( 'Enter a numeric value with CSS units, such as %s or %s.', 'SimpleMap' ), '</em><code>100%</code><em>', '</em><code>500px</code><em>' ); ?></em></small>
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="map_type"><?php _e( 'Default Map Type', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<div class="radio-thumbnail<?php if ( 'ROADMAP' == $map_type ) { echo ' radio-thumbnail-current'; } ?>">
<label style="display: block;" for="map_type_normal">
<img src="<?php echo SIMPLEMAP_URL; ?>/inc/images/map-type-normal.jpg" width="100" height="100" style="border: 1px solid #999;" /><br /><?php _e('Road map', 'SimpleMap'); ?><br />
<input type="radio" style="border: none;" name="map_type" id="map_type_normal" value="ROADMAP" <?php checked( $map_type, 'ROADMAP' ); ?> />
<div class="radio-thumbnail<?php if ( 'SATELLITE' == $map_type ) { echo ' radio-thumbnail-current'; } ?>">
<label style="display: block;" for="map_type_satellite">
<img src="<?php echo SIMPLEMAP_URL; ?>/inc/images/map-type-satellite.jpg" width="100" height="100" style="border: 1px solid #999;" /><br /><?php _e('Satellite map', 'SimpleMap'); ?><br />
<input type="radio" style="border: none;" name="map_type" id="map_type_satellite" value="SATELLITE" <?php checked( $map_type, 'SATELLITE' ); ?> />
<div class="radio-thumbnail<?php if ( 'HYBRID' == $map_type ) { echo ' radio-thumbnail-current'; } ?>">
<label style="display: block;" for="map_type_hybrid">
<img src="<?php echo SIMPLEMAP_URL; ?>/inc/images/map-type-hybrid.jpg" width="100" height="100" style="border: 1px solid #999;" /><br /><?php _e('Hybrid map', 'SimpleMap'); ?><br />
<input type="radio" style="border: none;" name="map_type" id="map_type_hybrid" value="HYBRID" <?php checked( $map_type, 'HYBRID' ); ?> />
<div class="radio-thumbnail<?php if ( 'TERRAIN' == $map_type ) { echo ' radio-thumbnail-current'; } ?>">
<label style="display: block;" for="map_type_terrain">
<img src="<?php echo SIMPLEMAP_URL; ?>/inc/images/map-type-terrain.jpg" width="100" height="100" style="border: 1px solid #999;" /><br /><?php _e('Terrain map', 'SimpleMap'); ?><br />
<input type="radio" style="border: none;" name="map_type" id="map_type_terrain" value="TERRAIN" <?php checked( $map_type, 'TERRAIN' ); ?> />
<tr valign="top">
<td><label for="map_stylesheet"><?php _e( 'Theme', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label></td>
<select name="map_stylesheet" id="map_stylesheet">
echo '<optgroup label="' . __( 'Default Themes', 'SimpleMap' ) . '">' . "\n";
foreach ( $themes1 as $file => $name ) {
$file_full = 'inc/styles/' . $file;
echo '<option value="' . esc_attr( $file_full ) . '" ' . selected( $map_stylesheet, $file_full, false ) . '>' . esc_attr( $name ) . '</option>' . "\n";
echo '</optgroup>' . "\n";
if (!empty($themes2)) {
echo '<optgroup label="'.__('Custom Themes', 'SimpleMap').'">'."\n";
foreach ($themes2 as $file => $name) {
$file_full = 'simplemap-styles/' . $file;
echo '<option value="' . esc_attr( $file_full ) . '" ' . selected( $map_stylesheet, $file_full, false ) . '>' . esc_attr( $name ) . '</option>' . "\n";
echo '</optgroup>'."\n";
</select><br />
<small><em><?php printf( __( 'To add your own theme, upload your own CSS file to a new directory in your plugins folder called %s simplemap-styles%s. To give it a name, use the following header in the top of your stylesheet:', 'SimpleMap' ), '</em><code>', '</code><em>' ); ?></em></small><br />
<div style="margin-left: 20px;">
<code style="color: #060; background: none;">/*<br />Theme Name: THEME_NAME_HERE<br />*/</code>
<tr valign="middle">
<label for="display_search"><?php _e( 'Display Search Form', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label>
<label for="display_search_yes"><input type="radio" name="display_search" id="display_search_yes" value="show" <?php checked( $display_search, 'show' ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'Yes', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<label for="display_search_no"><input type="radio" name="display_search" id="display_search_no" value="hide" <?php checked( $display_search, 'hide' ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'No', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label><br />
<tr valign="middle">
<label for="powered_by"><?php _e('SimpleMap Link', 'SimpleMap'); ?></label>
<label for="powered_by"><input type="checkbox" name="powered_by" id="powered_by" <?php checked( $powered_by ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'Show the "Powered by SimpleMap" link', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></label>
</div> <!-- table -->
<p class="submit" align="right">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Save Options', 'SimpleMap' ) ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!-- inside -->
</div> <!-- postbox -->
<div class="postbox" >
<h3><?php _e( 'Delete SimpleMap Data', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<p class="sub"><span style="color: red;"><?php _e( 'CAUTION! Uninstalling SimpleMap will completely delete all current locations, categories, tags and options. This is irreversible.' , 'SimpleMap' ); ?></span></p>
<p style='text-align:center;'><a onclick="javascript:return confirm('<?php _e( 'Last chance! Pressing OK will delete all SimpleMap locations. Your settings will not be deleted.'); ?>')" href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap&sm-action=delete-simplemap&locations-only=true' ), 'delete-simplemap-locations' ); ?>" ><?php _e( 'Clicking this link will remove all locations but preserve your settings.'); ?></a></p>
<p style='text-align:center;'><a onclick="javascript:return confirm('<?php _e( 'Last chance! Pressing OK will delete all SimpleMap data.'); ?>')" href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap&sm-action=delete-simplemap' ), 'delete-simplemap' ); ?>" ><?php _e( 'Clicking this link will remove all data from the database.'); ?></a></p>
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-side-sortables-bottom' ); ?>
</div> <!-- meta-box-sortables -->
</div> <!-- postbox-container -->
<?php do_action( 'sm-general-options-dash-widgets-bottom' ); ?>
</div> <!-- dashboard-widgets -->
<p style='float:right;margin-right:25px;'><a href=';hosted_button_id=DTJBYXGQFSW64'>Donate via PayPal</a></p>
<div class="clear">
</div><!-- dashboard-widgets-wrap -->
</div> <!-- wrap -->
// Locate and list style options / location
function read_styles( $dir ) {
$themes = array();
if ( $handle = opendir( $dir ) ) {
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn" && $file != 'admin.css' ) {
$theme_data = implode( '', file( $dir . '/' . $file ) );
$name = '';
if (preg_match( '|Theme Name:(.*)$|mi', $theme_data, $matches ) )
$name = _cleanup_header_comment( $matches[1] );
$name = basename( $file );
$themes[$file] = $name;
closedir( $handle );
return( $themes );