
2409 lines
84 KiB
Executable File

if ( !class_exists( 'Simple_Map' ) ) {
class Simple_Map {
var $plugin_url;
var $plugin_domain = 'SimpleMap';
// Initialize the plugin
function Simple_Map() {
$plugin_dir = basename( SIMPLEMAP_PATH );
load_plugin_textdomain( $this->plugin_domain, 'wp-content/plugins/' . $plugin_dir . '/lang', $plugin_dir . '/lang' );
$this->plugin_url = SIMPLEMAP_URL;
// Add shortcode handler
add_shortcode( 'simplemap', array( &$this, 'display_map' ) );
// Enqueue frontend scripts & styles into <head>
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'enqueue_frontend_scripts_styles' ) );
// Enqueue backend scripts
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'enqueue_backend_scripts_styles' ) );
// Add hook for master js file
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'google_map_js_script' ) );
// Add hook for general options js file
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'general_options_js_script' ) );
// Query vars
add_filter( 'query_vars', array( &$this, 'register_query_vars' ) );
// Backwards compat for core sm taxonomies
add_filter( 'sm_category-text', array( &$this, 'backwards_compat_categories_text' ) );
add_filter( 'sm_tag-text', array( &$this, 'backwards_compat_tags_text' ) );
add_filter( 'sm_day-text', array( &$this, 'backwards_compat_days_text' ) );
add_filter( 'sm_time-text', array( &$this, 'backwards_compat_times_text' ) );
// This function generates the code to display the map
function display_map( $atts ) {
$options = $this->get_options();
$atts = $this->parse_shortcode_atts( $atts );
extract( $atts );
$to_display = '';
$to_display .= $this->location_search_form( $atts );
if ( $powered_by )
$to_display .= '<div id="powered_by_simplemap">' . sprintf( __( 'Powered by %s SimpleMap', 'SimpleMap' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">' ) . '</a></div>';
// Hide map?
$hidemap = ( $hide_map ) ? "display:none; " : '';
// Hide list?
$hidelist = $hide_list ? "display:none; " : '';
// Map Width and height
$map_width = ( '' == $map_width ) ? $options['map_width'] : $map_width;
$map_height = ( '' == $map_height ) ? $options['map_height'] : $map_height;
// Updating Div
$sm_updating_img_src = apply_filters( 'sm_updating_img_src', SIMPLEMAP_URL . '/inc/images/loading.gif' );
$sm_updating_div_size = apply_filters( 'sm_updating_img_size', 'height:' . $map_height . ';width:' . $map_width . ';' );
$to_display .= '<div id="simplemap-updating" style="'. $sm_updating_div_size. '"><img src="' . $sm_updating_img_src . '" alt="' . __( 'Loading new locations', 'SimpleMap' ) . '" /></div>';
$to_display .= '<div id="simplemap" style="' . $hidemap . 'width: ' . $map_width . '; height: ' . $map_height . ';"></div>';
$to_display .= '<div id="results" style="' . $hidelist . 'width: ' . $map_width . ';"></div>';
$to_display .= '<div id="pagination"></div>';
$to_display .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$to_display .= '(function($) { ';
// Load Locations
$is_sm_search = isset( $_REQUEST['location_is_search_results'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$do_search_function = '
load_simplemap( lat, lng, aspid, ascid, asma, shortcode_zoom_level, map_type, shortcode_autoload );
//searchLocations( ' . absint( $is_sm_search ) . ' );
$to_display .= '$(document).ready(function() {
var lat = "' . esc_js( $default_lat ) . '";
var lng = "' . esc_js( $default_lng ) . '";
var aspid = "' . esc_js( $adsense_publisher_id ) . '";
var ascid = "' . esc_js( $adsense_channel_id ) . '";
var asma = "' . esc_js( $adsense_max_ads ) . '";
var shortcode_zoom_level = "' . esc_js( $zoom_level ) . '";
var map_type = "' . esc_js( $map_type ) . '";
var shortcode_autoload = "' . esc_js( $autoload ) . '";
var auto_locate = "' . esc_js( $options['auto_locate'] ) . '";
var sm_autolocate_complete = false;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
if ( !' . absint( $is_sm_search ) . ' && auto_locate == "ip" ) {
jQuery.getJSON( "", function(location) {
lat = location.latitude;
lng = location.longitude;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_city_field") ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_city_field").value =;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_country_field") ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_country_field").value = location.country_code;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_state_field") ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_state_field").value = location.region_code;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_zip_field") ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_zip_field").value = location.zipcode;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_default_lat" ) ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_default_lat").value = lat;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_default_lng" ) ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_default_lng").value = lng;
' . $do_search_function . '
searchLocations( 1 );
}).error(function() {
' . $do_search_function . '
searchLocations( ' . absint( $is_sm_search ) . ' );
else if ( !' . absint( $is_sm_search ) . ' && auto_locate == "html5" ) {
// Ugly hack for FireFox "Not Now" option
setTimeout(function () {
if ( sm_autolocate_complete == false ) {
' . $do_search_function . ' searchLocations( 0 );
}, 10000);
function(position) {
lat = position.coords.latitude;
lng = position.coords.longitude;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_default_lat" ) ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_default_lat").value = lat;
if ( document.getElementById("location_search_default_lng" ) ) {
document.getElementById("location_search_default_lng").value = lng;
sm_autolocate_complete = true;
' . $do_search_function . '
searchLocations( 1 );
function(error) {
sm_autolocate_complete = true;
' . $do_search_function . '
searchLocations( ' . absint( $is_sm_search ) . ' );
else {
sm_autolocate_complete = true;
' . $do_search_function . '
searchLocations( ' . absint( $is_sm_search ) . ' );
$to_display .= '});';
$to_display .= '})(jQuery);';
$to_display .= '</script>';
return apply_filters( 'sm-display-map', $to_display, $atts );
// This function returns the location search form
function location_search_form( $atts ) {
global $post;
// Grab default SimpleMap options
$options = $this->get_options();
// Merge default simplemap options with default shortcode options and provided shortcode options
$atts = $this->parse_shortcode_atts( $atts );
// Create individual vars for each att
extract( $atts );
// Array of the names for all taxonomies registered with sm-location post type
$sm_tax_names = get_object_taxonomies( 'sm-location' );
// Array of field names for this form (with label syntax stripped
$form_field_names = $this->get_form_field_names_from_shortcode_atts( $search_fields );
// Form onsubmit, action, and method values
$on_submit = apply_filters( 'sm-location-search-onsubmit', ' onsubmit="searchLocations( 1 ); return false; "', $post->ID );
$action = apply_filters( 'sm-locaiton-search-action', get_permalink(), $post->ID );
$method = apply_filters( 'sm-location-search-method', 'post', $post->ID );
// Form Field Values
$address_value = get_query_var( 'location_search_address' );
$city_value = isset( $_REQUEST['location_search_city'] ) ? $_REQUEST['location_search_city'] : '';
$state_value = isset( $_REQUEST['location_search_state'] ) ? $_REQUEST['location_search_state'] : '';
$zip_value = get_query_var( 'location_search_zip' );
$country_value = get_query_var( 'location_search_country' );
$radius_value = isset( $_REQUEST['location_search_distance'] ) ? $_REQUEST['location_search_distance'] : $radius;
$limit_value = isset( $_REQUEST['location_search_limit'] ) ? $_REQUEST['location_search_limit'] : $limit;
$page_value = get_query_var( 'location_search_page' );
$is_sm_search = isset( $_REQUEST['location_is_search_results'] ) ? 1 : 0;
// Normal Field inputs
$ffi['street'] = array( 'label' => apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-street', __( 'Street: ', 'SimpleMap' ), $post ), 'input' => '<input type="text" id="location_search_address_field" name="location_search_address" value="' . esc_attr( $address_value ) . '" />' );
$ffi['city'] = array( 'label' => apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-city', __( 'City: ', 'SimpleMap' ), $post ), 'input' => '<input type="text" id="location_search_city_field" name="location_search_city" value="' . esc_attr( $city_value ) . '" />' );
$ffi['state'] = array( 'label' => apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-state', __( 'State: ', 'SimpleMap' ), $post ), 'input' => '<input type="text" id="location_search_state_field" name="location_search_state" value="' . esc_attr( $state_value ) . '" />' );
$ffi['zip'] = array( 'label' => apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-zip', __( 'Zip: ', 'SimpleMap' ), $post ), 'input' => '<input type="text" id="location_search_zip_field" name="location_search_zip" value="' . esc_attr( $zip_value ) . '" />' );
$ffi['country'] = array( 'label' => apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-country', __( 'Country: ', 'SimpleMap' ), $post ), 'input' => '<input type="text" id="location_search_country_field" name="location_search_country" value="' . esc_attr( $country_value ) . '" />' );
$ffi['empty'] = array( 'label' => '', 'input' => '' );
$ffi['submit'] = array( 'label' => '', 'input' => '<input type="submit" value="' . apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-search', __('Search', 'SimpleMap'), $post ) . '" id="location_search_submit_field" class="submit" />' );
$ffi['distance'] = $this->add_distance_field( $radius_value, $units );
$hidden_fields = array();
// Visible Taxonomy Field Inputs
foreach ( $sm_tax_names as $tax_name ) {
if ( in_array( $tax_name, $form_field_names ) && $this->show_taxonomy_filter( $atts, $tax_name ) )
$ffi[$tax_name] = $this->add_taxonomy_fields( $atts, $tax_name );
$hidden_fields[] = '<input type="hidden" name="location_search_' . str_replace( '-', '_', $tax_name ) . '_field" value="1" />';
// More Taxonomy Fields
foreach ( $sm_tax_names as $tax_name ) {
$hidden_fields[] = '<input type="hidden" id="avail_' . str_replace( '-', '_', $tax_name ) . '" value="' . $atts[str_replace( '-', '_', $tax_name )] . '" />';
// Hide search?
$hidesearch = $hide_search ? " style='display:none;' " : '';
$location_search = '<div id="map_search" >';
$location_search .= '<a id="map_top"></a>';
$location_search .= '<form ' . $on_submit . ' name="location_search_form" id="location_search_form" action="' . $action . '" method="' . $method . '">';
$location_search .= '<table class="location_search"' . $hidesearch . '>';
$location_search .= apply_filters( 'sm-location-search-table-top', '', $post );
$location_search .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $search_form_cols . '" class="location_search_title">' . apply_filters( 'sm-location-search-title', $search_title, $post->ID ) . '</td></tr>';
// Loop through field inputs and print table
$search_form_tr = 0;
$search_form_trs = array();
$search_field_td = 1;
$search_fields = explode( '||', $search_fields);
if ( ! in_array( 'submit', $search_fields ) ) {
$hidden_fields[] = '<input type="submit" style="display: none;" />';
foreach ( $search_fields as $field_key => $field_labelvalue ) {
switch( substr( $field_labelvalue, 0, 8 ) ) {
case 'labelbr_' :
$field_label = true;
$field_br = '<br />';
$field_value = substr( $field_labelvalue, 8 );
case 'labelsp_' :
$field_label = true;
$field_br = '&nbsp';
$field_value = substr( $field_labelvalue, 8 );
case 'labeltd_' :
$field_label = true;
$field_br = "</td>\n\t\t<td>";
$field_value = substr( $field_labelvalue, 8 );
default :
$field_label = false;
$field_br = '';
$field_value = $field_labelvalue;
// Back compat for class names
switch ( $field_value ) {
case 'sm-category' :
$class_value = 'cat';
case 'sm-tag' :
$class_value = 'tag';
case 'sm-day' :
$class_value = 'day';
case 'sm-time' :
$class_value = 'time';
case 'address' :
$class_value = 'street';
default :
$class_value = $field_value;
// Print open TR if on column 1
if ( 1 === $search_field_td ) {
$search_form_tr_data = "\n\t<tr id='location_search_" . esc_attr( $search_form_tr ) . "_tr' class='location_search_row'>";
// Print field for this position
if ( 'span' == $field_value ) {
if ( $tr_data_array = explode( '<td ', $search_form_tr_data ) ) {
$target_td = end( $tr_data_array );
end( $tr_data_array );
$key = key( $tr_data_array );
if ( 'colspan="' != substr( $target_td, 0, 9 ) ) {
$tr_data_array[$key] = 'colspan="2" ' . $target_td;
//echo "<pre>";print_r($tr_data_array);die();
} else {
$numcells = substr( $target_td, 9, 1);
$tr_data_array[$key] = substr_replace( $target_td, $numcells + 1, 9, 1 );
$search_form_tr_data = implode( '<td ', $tr_data_array );
} else {
// The extra column needs to be counted independent of whether the field_value isset so that we don't lose count.
if ( "</td>\n\t\t<td>" == $field_br ) {
$field_br = "</td>\n\t\t<td id='location_search_" . esc_attr( substr( $field_labelvalue, 8 ) ) . "_fields'>";
if ( isset( $ffi[$field_value] ) && 'empty' != $field_value && 'span' != $field_value ) {
// If the field_br is a space, we need to wrap the label in a div so that it floats left too.
if ( '&nbsp' == $field_br ) {
$ffi[$field_value]['label'] = '<div class="float_text_left">' . $ffi[$field_value]['label'] . '</div>';
$taxonomy_class = ( isset( $options['taxonomies'][$field_value] ) ? 'location_search_taxonomy_cell' : '' );
$search_form_tr_data .= "\n\t\t<td class='location_search_" . esc_attr( $class_value ) . "_cell $taxonomy_class location_search_cell'>";
if ( $field_label ) {
if ( isset( $ffi[$field_value]['label'] ) ) {
$search_form_tr_data .= $ffi[$field_value]['label'];
$search_form_tr_data .= $field_br;
$search_form_tr_data .= isset( $ffi[$field_value]['input'] ) ? $ffi[$field_value]['input'] . '</td>' : '</td>';
} else {
$search_form_tr_data .= "\n\t\t<td class='location_search_empty_cell location_search_cell'></td>";
// Print close TR if on column 3 or higher (for safety)
if ( $search_form_cols <= $search_field_td ) {
$search_form_tr_data .= "\n\t</tr>";
$search_field_td = 0;
// Only keep the rows that contain an actionable item.
if ( strpos( $search_form_tr_data, 'input' ) || strpos( $search_form_tr_data, 'select' ) ) {
$search_form_trs[] = $search_form_tr_data;
// Bump search field count
// Add table fields
if ( ! empty( $search_form_trs ) ) {
$location_search .= implode( ' ', $search_form_trs );
$location_search .= apply_filters( 'sm-location-search-before-submit', '', $post );
$location_search .= '</table>';
// Add hidden fields
if ( ! empty( $hidden_fields ) ) {
$location_search .= implode( ' ', $hidden_fields );
// Lat / Lng
$location_search .= "<input type='hidden' id='location_search_default_lat' value='" . $default_lat . "' />";
$location_search .= "<input type='hidden' id='location_search_default_lng' value='" . $default_lng . "' />";
// Hidden value for limit
$location_search .= "<input type='hidden' id='location_search_limit' value='" . $limit_value . "' />";
// Hidden value for page
$location_search .= "<input type='hidden' id='location_search_page' value='" . $page_value . "' />";
// Hidden value set to true if we got here via search
$location_search .= "<input type='hidden' id='location_is_search_results' name='sm-location-search' value='" . $is_sm_search . "' />";
$location_search .= '</form>';
$location_search .= '</div>'; // close map_search div
return apply_filters( 'sm_location_search_form', $location_search, $atts );
// Separates form field names from label syntax attached to them when submitted via shortcode
function get_form_field_names_from_shortcode_atts( $fields ) {
// String to array
$fields = explode( '||', $fields);
foreach( $fields as $key => $field ) {
switch( substr( $field, 0, 8 ) ) {
case 'labelbr_' :
$field_names[] = substr( $field, 8 );
case 'labelsp_' :
$field_names[] = substr( $field, 8 );
case 'labeltd_' :
$field_names[] = substr( $field, 8 );
default :
$field_names[] = $field;
return (array) $field_names;
// Determines if we're supposed to show this taxonomy's filter options in the form
function show_taxonomy_filter( $atts, $tax_name ) {
// Convert tax_name to PHP safe equiv
$php_tax_name = str_replace( '-', '_', $tax_name );
// Convert Given Taxonomy's 'show filter' into a generic one
$key = 'show_' . $php_tax_name . '_filter';
$show_taxes_filter = $atts[$key];
if ( false != $show_taxes_filter && 'false' != $show_taxes_filter )
return true;
return false;
// Adds Distance field to form
function add_distance_field( $radius_value, $units ) {
global $post;
// Distance
$distance_input = '<select id="location_search_distance_field" name="location_search_distance" >';
foreach ( $this->get_search_radii() as $value ) {
$r = (int) $value;
$distance_input .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' . selected( $radius_value, $value, false ) . '>' . $value . ' ' . $units . "</option>\n";
$distance_input .= '</select>';
return array( 'label' => apply_filters( 'sm-search-label-distance', __( 'Select a distance: ', 'SimpleMap' ), $post ), 'input' => $distance_input );
// Adds taxonomy fields to search form
function add_taxonomy_fields( $atts, $taxonomy ) {
global $post;
// Get taxonomy object or return empty;
if ( ! $tax_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ) )
return '';
$options = $this->get_options();
$atts = $this->parse_shortcode_atts( $atts );
extract( $atts );
$php_taxonomy = str_replace( '-', '_', $taxonomy );
// Convert Specific Taxonomy var names and var values to Generic var names and var values
$taxonomies = $atts[$php_taxonomy];
$tax_hidden_name = 'avail_' . $php_taxonomy;
$show_taxes_filter = $atts['show_' . $php_taxonomy . '_filter'];
$tax_field_name = $php_taxonomy;
// This originates at the comma separated list of taxonomy ids in the shortcode. ie: sm_category='1,3,5'
$taxes_avail = $atts[$tax_hidden_name];
// Place available taxes in array
$taxes_avail = explode( ',', $taxes_avail );
$taxes_array = array();
// Loop through all cats and create array of available cats
if ( $all_taxes = get_terms( $taxonomy ) ) {
foreach ( $all_taxes as $key => $value ){
if ( '' == $taxes_avail[0] || in_array( $value->term_id, $taxes_avail ) ) {
$taxes_array[] = $value->term_id;
$taxes_avail = $taxes_array;
// Show taxes filters if allowed
$tax_search = '';
$tax_label = apply_filters( $php_taxonomy . '-text', __( $tax_object->labels->singular_name . ': ' ), 'SimpleMap' );
$taxes_array = apply_filters( 'sm-search-from-taxonomies', $taxes_array, $taxonomy );
if ( 'checkboxes' == $taxonomy_field_type ) {
// Print checkbox for each available cat
foreach( $taxes_array as $key => $taxid ) {
if( $term = get_term_by( 'id', $taxid, $taxonomy ) ) {
$tax_checked = isset( $_REQUEST['location_search_' . $tax_field_name . '_' . esc_attr( $term->term_id ) . 'field'] ) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '';
$tax_search .= '<label for="location_search_' . $tax_field_name . '_field_' . esc_attr( $term->term_id ) . '" class="no-linebreak"><input rel="location_search_' . $tax_field_name . '_field" type="checkbox" name="location_search_' . $tax_field_name . '_' . esc_attr( $term->term_id ) . 'field" id="location_search_' . $tax_field_name . '_field_' . esc_attr( $term->term_id ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( $term->term_id ) . '" ' . $tax_checked . '/> ' . esc_attr( $term->name ) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</label> ';
} elseif( 'select' == $taxonomy_field_type ) {
// Print selectbox if that's what we're doing
$tax_select = "<select id='location_search_" . esc_attr( $tax_field_name ) . "_select' name='location_search_" . esc_attr( $tax_field_name ) . "_select' >";
$tax_select .= "<option value=''>" . apply_filters( 'sm-search-tax-select-default', __( 'Select a value', 'SimpleMap' ), $taxonomy ) . "</option>";
foreach( $taxes_array as $key => $taxid ) {
if( $term = get_term_by( 'id', $taxid, $taxonomy ) ) {
$tax_checked = isset( $_REQUEST['location_search_' . esc_attr( $tax_field_name ) . '_select' ] ) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '';
$tax_select .= '<option rel="location_search_' . esc_attr( $tax_field_name ) . '_select_val"' . ' value="' . esc_attr( $term->term_id ) . '" ' . $tax_checked . '>' . esc_attr( $term->name ) . '</option>';
$tax_select .= "</select>";
if ( ! empty( $taxid ) )
$tax_search .= $tax_select;
return array( 'label' => $tax_label, 'input' => $tax_search );
// This function enqueues all the javascript and stylesheets
function enqueue_frontend_scripts_styles() {
global $post;
$options = $this->get_options();
// Rewrite rules if we've changed the location permalink slug
if ( get_option( 'sm-rewrite-rules' ) ) {
global $wp_rewrite;
delete_option( 'sm-rewrite-rules' );
// Frontend only
if ( ! is_admin() && is_object( $post ) || apply_filters( 'sm-force-frontend-js', '__return_false' ) ) {
// Bail if we're not showing on all pages and this isn't a map page
if ( ! in_array( $post->ID, explode( ',', $options['map_pages'] ) ) && ! in_array( 0, explode( ',', $options['map_pages'] ) ) )
return false;
// Check for use of custom stylesheet and load styles
if ( strstr( $options['map_stylesheet'], 'simplemap-styles' ) )
$style_url = plugins_url() . '/' . $options['map_stylesheet'];
$style_url = SIMPLEMAP_URL . '/' . $options['map_stylesheet'];
// Load styles
wp_enqueue_style( 'simplemap-map-style', $style_url );
// Scripts
wp_enqueue_script( 'simplemap-master-js', get_home_url() . '?simplemap-master-js=1&smpid=' . $post->ID, array( 'jquery' ) );
// Google API v3 does not need a key
$url_params = array(
'sensor' => 'false',
'v' => '3',
'language' => $options['default_language'],
'region' => $options['default_country'],
if ( $options['adsense_for_maps'] ) {
$url_params['libraries'] = 'adsense';
wp_enqueue_script( 'simplemap-google-api', SIMPLEMAP_MAPS_JS_API . http_build_query( $url_params, '', '&amp;' ) );
// This function enqueues all the javascript and stylesheets
function enqueue_backend_scripts_styles() {
// Admin only
if ( is_admin() ) {
$options = $this->get_options();
wp_enqueue_style( 'simplemap-admin', SIMPLEMAP_URL . '/inc/styles/admin.css' );
// SimpleMap General options
if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && 'simplemap' == $_GET['page'] )
wp_enqueue_script( 'simplemap-general-options-js', get_home_url() . '/?simplemap-general-options-js', array( 'jquery' ) );
// Google API v3 does not need a key
$url_params = array(
'v' => '3',
'sensor' => 'false',
'language' => $options['default_language'],
'region' => $options['default_country'],
wp_enqueue_script( 'simplemap-google-api', SIMPLEMAP_MAPS_JS_API . http_build_query( $url_params, '', '&amp;' ) );
// JS Script for general options page
function general_options_js_script() {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['simplemap-general-options-js'] ) )
header( 'Status: 200 OK', false, 200 );
header( 'Content-type: application/x-javascript' );
do_action( 'sm-master-js-headers' );
$options = $this->get_options();
do_action( 'sm-general-options-js' );
function codeAddress() {
// if this is modified, modify mirror function in master-js php function
var d_address = document.getElementById("default_address").value;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': d_address }, function( results, status ) {
if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
var latlng = results[0].geometry.location;
document.getElementById("default_lat").value =;
document.getElementById("default_lng").value = latlng.lng();
} else {
alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
// This function prints the JS
function google_map_js_script() {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['simplemap-master-js'] ) )
header( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" );
header( "Content-type: application/x-javascript" );
$options = $this->get_options();
var default_lat = <?php echo esc_js( $options['default_lat'] ); ?>;
var default_lng = <?php echo esc_js( $options['default_lng'] ); ?>;
var default_radius = <?php echo esc_js( $options['default_radius'] ); ?>;
var zoom_level = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['zoom_level'] ); ?>';
var map_width = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['map_width'] ); ?>';
var map_height = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['map_height'] ); ?>';
var special_text = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['special_text'] ); ?>';
var units = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['units'] ); ?>';
var limit = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['results_limit'] ); ?>';
var plugin_url = '<?php echo esc_js( SIMPLEMAP_URL ); ?>';
var visit_website_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-visit-website-text', __( 'Visit Website', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var get_directions_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-get-directions-text', __( 'Get Directions', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var location_tab_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-location-text', __( 'Location', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var description_tab_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-description-text', __( 'Description', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var phone_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-phone-text', __( 'Phone', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var fax_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-fax-text', __( 'Fax', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var email_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-email-text', __( 'Email', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var taxonomy_text = {};
if ( $taxonomies = $this->get_sm_taxonomies( 'array', '', true, 'object' ) ) {
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
taxonomy_text.<?php echo $taxonomy->name; ?> = '<?php echo apply_filters( $taxonomy->name . '-text', __( $taxonomy->labels->name, 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var noresults_text = '<?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-no-results-found-text', __( 'No results found.', 'SimpleMap' ) ); ?>';
var default_domain = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['default_domain'] ); ?>';
var address_format = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['address_format'] ); ?>';
var siteurl = '<?php echo esc_js( get_home_url() ); ?>';
var map;
var geocoder;
var autoload = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['autoload'] ); ?>';
var auto_locate = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['auto_locate'] ); ?>';
var markersArray = [];
var infowindowsArray = [];
function clearInfoWindows() {
if (infowindowsArray) {
for (var i=0;i<infowindowsArray.length;i++) {
function clearOverlays() {
if (markersArray) {
for (var i=0;i<markersArray.length;i++) {
//function load_simplemap( lat, lng, aspid, ascid, asma ) {
function load_simplemap( lat, lng, aspid, ascid, asma, shortcode_zoom_level, map_type, shortcode_autoload ) {
zoom_level = shortcode_zoom_level;
autoload = shortcode_autoload;
if ( '' == $options['api_key'] ) {
jQuery( "#simplemap" ).html( "<p style='padding:10px;'><?php printf( __( 'You must enter an API Key in <a href=\"%s\">General Settings</a> before your maps will work.', 'SimpleMap' ), admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap' ) ); ?></p>" );
do_action( 'sm-load-simplemap-js-top' );
if ( lat == 0 ) {
lat = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['default_lat'] ); ?>';
if ( lng == 0 ) {
lng = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['default_lng'] ); ?>';
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng( lat, lng );
var myOptions = {
zoom: parseInt(zoom_level),
center: latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId[map_type]
map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( "simplemap" ), myOptions );
// Adsense for Google Maps
if ( '' != $options['adsense_pub_id'] && $options['adsense_for_maps'] ) {
$default_adsense_publisher_id = isset( $options['adsense_pub_id'] ) ? $options['adsense_pub_id'] : '';
$default_adsense_channel_id = isset( $options['adsense_channel_id'] ) ? $options['adsense_channel_id'] : '';
$default_adsense_max_ads = isset( $options['adsense_max_ads'] ) ? $options['adsense_max_ads'] : 2;
// Adsense ID. If no shortcode, check for options. If not options, use blank string.
if ( aspid == 0 )
aspid = '<?php echo esc_js( $default_adsense_publisher_id ); ?>';
// Channel ID. If no shortcode, check for options. If not options, use blank string.
if ( ascid == 0 )
ascid = '<?php echo esc_js( $default_adsense_channel_id ); ?>';
// Max ads per map. If no shortcode, check for options. If no options, use 2.
if ( asma == 0 )
asma = '<?php echo esc_js( $default_adsense_max_ads ); ?>';
var publisher_id = aspid;
var adUnitDiv = document.createElement('div');
var adUnitOptions = {
channelNumber: ascid,
format: google.maps.adsense.AdFormat.HALF_BANNER,
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP,
map: map,
visible: true,
publisherId: publisher_id
adUnit = new google.maps.adsense.AdUnit(adUnitDiv, adUnitOptions);
do_action( 'sm-load-simplemap-js-bottom' );
function codeAddress() {
// if this is modified, modify mirror function in general-options-js php function
var d_address = document.getElementById("default_address").value;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': d_address }, function( results, status ) {
if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
var latlng = results[0].geometry.location;
document.getElementById("default_lat").value =;
document.getElementById("default_lng").value = latlng.lng();
} else {
alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
function codeNewAddress() {
if (document.getElementById("store_lat").value != '' && document.getElementById("store_lng").value != '') {
else {
var address = '';
var street = document.getElementById("store_address").value;
var city = document.getElementById("store_city").value;
var state = document.getElementById("store_state").value;
var country = document.getElementById("store_country").value;
if (street) { address += street + ', '; }
if (city) { address += city + ', '; }
if (state) { address += state + ', '; }
address += country;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address }, function( results, status ) {
if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
var latlng = results[0].geometry.location;
document.getElementById("store_lat").value =;
document.getElementById("store_lng").value = latlng.lng();
} else {
alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
function codeChangedAddress() {
var address = '';
var street = document.getElementById("store_address").value;
var city = document.getElementById("store_city").value;
var state = document.getElementById("store_state").value;
var country = document.getElementById("store_country").value;
if (street) { address += street + ', '; }
if (city) { address += city + ', '; }
if (state) { address += state + ', '; }
address += country;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address }, function( results, status ) {
if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
var latlng = results[0].geometry.location;
document.getElementById("store_lat").value =;
document.getElementById("store_lng").value = latlng.lng();
} else {
alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
function searchLocations( is_search ) {
// Init searchData
var searchData = {};
searchData.taxes = {};
// Set defaults for search form fields
searchData.address = ''; = '';
searchData.state = ''; = ''; = '';
if ( null != document.getElementById('location_search_address_field') ) {
searchData.address = document.getElementById('location_search_address_field').value;
if ( null != document.getElementById('location_search_city_field') ) { = document.getElementById('location_search_city_field').value;
if ( null != document.getElementById('location_search_country_field') ) { = document.getElementById('location_search_country_field').value;;
if ( null != document.getElementById('location_search_state_field') ) {
searchData.state = document.getElementById('location_search_state_field').value;
if ( null != document.getElementById('location_search_zip_field') ) { = document.getElementById('location_search_zip_field').value;
if ( null != document.getElementById('location_search_distance_field') ) {
searchData.radius = document.getElementById('location_search_distance_field').value;
} = document.getElementById('location_search_default_lat').value;
searchData.lng = document.getElementById('location_search_default_lng').value;
searchData.limit = document.getElementById('location_search_limit').value; = document.getElementById('location_search_page').value;
searchData.searching = document.getElementById('location_is_search_results').value;
// Do SimpleMap Taxonomies
if ( $taxnames = get_object_taxonomies( 'sm-location' ) ) {
foreach ( $taxnames as $name ) {
$php_name = str_replace( '-', '_', $name );
// Do taxnonomy for checkboxes
searchData.taxes.<?php echo $php_name; ?> = '';
var checks_found = false;
jQuery( 'input[rel=location_search_<?php echo $php_name; ?>_field]' ).each( function() {
checks_found = true;
if ( jQuery( this ).attr( 'checked' ) && jQuery( this ).attr( 'value' ) != null ) {
<?php echo 'searchData.taxes.' . $php_name; ?> += jQuery( this ).attr( 'value' ) + ',';
// Do taxnonomy for select box if checks weren't found
if ( false == checks_found ) {
jQuery( 'option[rel=location_search_<?php echo $php_name; ?>_select_val]' ).each( function() {
if ( jQuery( this ).attr( 'selected' ) && jQuery( this ).attr( 'value' ) != null ) {
<?php echo 'searchData.taxes.' . $php_name; ?> += jQuery( this ).attr( 'value' ) + ',';
var query = '';
var start = 0;
if ( searchData.address && searchData.address != '' ) {
query += searchData.address + ', ';
if ( && != '' ) {
query += + ', ';
if ( searchData.state && searchData.state != '' ) {
query += searchData.state + ', ';
if ( && != '' ) {
query += + ', ';
if ( && != '' ) {
query += + ', ';
// Query
if ( query != null ) {
query = query.slice(0, -2);
if ( searchData.limit == '' || searchData.limit == null ) {
searchData.limit = 0;
if ( == '' || == null ) { = 0;
if ( searchData.radius == '' || searchData.radius == null ) {
searchData.radius = 0;
// Taxonomies
if ( $taxnames = get_object_taxonomies( 'sm-location' ) ) {
foreach ( $taxnames as $name ) {
$php_name = str_replace( '-', '_', $name );
if ( <?php echo 'searchData.taxes.' . $php_name; ?> != null ) {
var _<?php echo $php_name; ?> = <?php echo 'searchData.taxes.' . $php_name; ?>.slice(0, -1);
} else {
var _<?php echo $php_name; ?> = '';
// Append available taxes logic if no taxes are selected but limited taxes were passed through shortcode as available
if ( '' != document.getElementById('avail_<?php echo $php_name; ?>').value && '' == _<?php echo $php_name; ?> ) {
_<?php echo $php_name; ?> = 'OR,' + document.getElementById('avail_<?php echo $php_name; ?>').value;
searchData.taxes.<?php echo $php_name; ?> = _<?php echo $php_name; ?>;
// Load default location if query is empty
if ( query == '' || query == null ) {
if ( != 0 && searchData.lng != 0 )
query = + ', ' + searchData.lng;
query = '<?php echo esc_js( $options['default_lat'] ); ?>, <?php echo esc_js( $options['default_lng'] ); ?>';
// Searching
if ( 1 == searchData.searching || 1 == is_search ) {
is_search = 1;
searchData.source = 'search';
} else {
is_search = 0;
searchData.source = 'initial_load';
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': query }, function( results, status ) {
if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) { = results[0].geometry.location;
if ( 'none' != autoload || is_search ) {
if ( 'all' == autoload && is_search != 1 ) {
searchData.radius = 0;
//searchData.limit = 0;
if (! { = new GLatLng( 44.9799654, -93.2638361 );
searchData.query_type = 'all';
searchData.mapLock = 'unlock';
searchData.homeAddress = query;
function searchLocationsNear(searchData) {
// Radius
if ( searchData.radius != null && searchData.radius != '' ) {
searchData.radius = parseInt( searchData.radius );
if ( units == 'km' ) {
searchData.radius = parseInt( searchData.radius ) / 1.609344;
} else if ( autoload == 'all' ) {
searchData.radius = 0;
} else {
if ( units == 'mi' ) {
searchData.radius = parseInt( default_radius );
} else if ( units == 'km' ) {
searchData.radius = parseInt( default_radius ) / 1.609344;
// Build search URL
if ( $taxonomies = $this->get_sm_taxonomies( 'array', '', true ) ) {
$js_tax_string = '';
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$js_tax_string .= "'&$taxonomy=' + searchData.taxes.$taxonomy + ";
var searchUrl = siteurl + '/?sm-xml-search=1&lat=' + + '&lng=' + + '&radius=' + searchData.radius + '&namequery=' + searchData.homeAddress + '&query_type=' + searchData.query_type + '&limit=' + searchData.limit + '&page=' + + <?php echo $js_tax_string; ?>'&address=' + searchData.address + '&city=' + + '&state=' + searchData.state + '&zip=' + + '&pid=<?php echo esc_js( absint( $_GET['smpid'] ) ); ?>';
<?php if ( apply_filters( 'sm-use-updating-image', true ) ) : ?>
// Display Updating Message and hide search results
if ( jQuery( "#simplemap" ).is(":visible") ) {
jQuery( "#simplemap" ).hide();
jQuery( "#simplemap-updating" ).show();
<?php endif; ?>
jQuery( "#results" ).html( '' );
jQuery.get( searchUrl, {}, function(data) {
<?php if ( apply_filters( 'sm-use-updating-image', true ) ) : ?>
// Hide Updating Message
if ( jQuery( "#simplemap-updating" ).is(":visible") ) {
jQuery( "#simplemap-updating" ).hide();
jQuery( "#simplemap" ).show();
<?php endif; ?>
var results = document.getElementById('results');
results.innerHTML = '';
// parse JSON from server
var jsonData = jQuery( eval(data) )[0];
var total_pages = jsonData.total_pages;
var this_page = jsonData.this_page;
// Create page links
page_links = "";
page_links += '<a href="?location_search_page='+i+'"';
if(i == this_page){
page_links += ' class="active"';
page_links += '>'+i+'</a> ';
jQuery( "#pagination" ).html( page_links );
// Create markers
var markers = jQuery( jsonData.locations );
if (markers.length == 0) {
results.innerHTML = '<h3>' + noresults_text + '</h3>';
map.setCenter( );
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
markers.each( function () {
var locationData = this;
locationData.distance = parseFloat(locationData.distance);
locationData.point = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(, parseFloat(locationData.lng));
locationData.homeAddress = searchData.homeAddress;
var marker = createMarker(locationData);
var sidebarEntry = createSidebarEntry(marker, locationData, searchData);
// Make centeral marker on search
if ( 'search' == searchData.source && <?php echo apply_filters( 'sm-show-search-marker-image', 'true' ); ?>) {
var searchMarkerOptions = {}; = map;
searchMarkerOptions.position =;
searchMarkerOptions.icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
'<?php echo esc_js( apply_filters( 'sm-search-marker-image-url', SIMPLEMAP_URL . "/inc/images/blue-dot.png" ) );?>',
new google.maps.Size(20, 32),
new google.maps.Point(0,0),
new google.maps.Point(0,32)
var searchMarkerTitle = '';
if ( '' != searchData.address ) {
searchMarkerTitle += searchData.address + ' ';
if ( '' != ) {
searchMarkerTitle += + ' ';
if ( '' != searchData.state ) {
searchMarkerTitle += searchData.state + ' ';
if ( '' != ) {
searchMarkerTitle += + ' ';
var searchMarker = new google.maps.Marker( searchMarkerOptions );
searchMarker.title = searchMarkerTitle;
// If the search button was clicked, limit to a 15px zoom
if ( 'search' == searchData.source ) {
map.fitBounds( bounds );
if ( map.getZoom() > 15 ) {
map.setZoom( 15 );
} else {
// If initial load of map, zoom to default settings
// Paranoia - fix container sizing bug -- pdb
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "idle", function(){
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
function stringFilter(s) {
filteredValues = "emnpxt%"; // Characters stripped out
var i;
var returnString = "";
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // Search through string and append to unfiltered values to returnString.
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (filteredValues.indexOf(c) == -1) returnString += c;
return returnString;
function createMarker( locationData ) {
// Init tax heights
locationData.taxonomyheights = [];
// Allow plugin users to define Maker Options (including custom images)
var markerOptions = {};
if ( 'function' == typeof window.simplemapCustomMarkers ) {
markerOptions = simplemapCustomMarkers( locationData );
// Allow developers to turn of description in bubble. (Return true to hide)
<?php if ( true === apply_filters( 'sm-hide-bubble-description', false ) ) : ?>
locationData.description = '';
<?php endif; ?> = map;
markerOptions.position = locationData.point;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker( markerOptions );
marker.title =;
var mapwidth;
var mapheight;
var maxbubblewidth;
var maxbubbleheight;
mapwidth = document.getElementById("simplemap");
if ( typeof mapwidth != 'undefined' ) {
mapwidth = mapwidth.offsetWidth;
} else {
if ( typeof map_width != 'undefined' ) {
mapwidth = Number(stringFilter(map_width));
} else {
mapwidth = 400;
mapheight = document.getElementById("simplemap");
if ( typeof mapheight != 'undefined' ) {
mapheight = mapheight.offsetHeight;
} else {
if ( typeof map_height != 'undefined' ) {
mapheight = Number(stringFilter(map_height));
} else {
mapheight = 200;
maxbubblewidth = Math.round(mapwidth / 1.5);
maxbubbleheight = Math.round(mapheight / 2.2);
var fontsize = 12;
var lineheight = 12;
if (locationData.taxes.sm_category && locationData.taxes.sm_category != '' ) {
var titleheight = 3 + Math.floor(( + locationData.taxes.sm_category.length) * fontsize / (maxbubblewidth * 1.5));
} else {
var titleheight = 3 + Math.floor(( * fontsize / (maxbubblewidth * 1.5));
var addressheight = 2;
if (locationData.address2 != '') {
addressheight += 1;
if ( != '' || locationData.fax != '') {
addressheight += 1;
if ( != '') {
addressheight += 1;
if (locationData.fax != '') {
addressheight += 1;
for (jstax in locationData.taxes) {
if ( locationData.taxes[jstax] !== '' ) {
locationData.taxonomyheights[jstax] = 3 + Math.floor((locationData.taxes[jstax][length]) * fontsize / (maxbubblewidth * 1.5));
var linksheight = 2;
var totalheight = titleheight + addressheight;
for (jstax in locationData.taxes) {
if ( 'sm_category' != jstax ) {
totalheight += locationData.taxonomyheights[jstax];
totalheight = (totalheight + 1) * fontsize;
if (totalheight > maxbubbleheight) {
totalheight = maxbubbleheight;
if ( isNaN( totalheight ) || totalheight > maxbubbleheight ) {
totalheight = maxbubbleheight;
var html = '<div class="markertext" style="max-width: ' + maxbubblewidth + 'px; height: ' + totalheight + 'px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;">';
html += '<h3 style="margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; border-top: none;">';
if ( '' != locationData.permalink ) {
html += '<a href="' + locationData.permalink + '">';
html +=;
if ( '' != locationData.permalink ) {
html += '</a>';
if (locationData.taxes.sm_category && locationData.taxes.sm_category != null && locationData.taxes.sm_category != '' ) {
html += '<br /><span class="bubble_category">' + locationData.taxes.sm_category + '</span>';
html += '</h3>';
html += '<p class="buble_address">' + locationData.address;
if (locationData.address2 != '') {
html += '<br />' + locationData.address2;
// Address Data
if (address_format == 'town, province postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + ', ' + locationData.state + ' ' + + '</p>';
} else if (address_format == 'town province postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + locationData.state + ' ' + + '</p>';
} else if (address_format == 'town-province postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + '-' + locationData.state + ' ' + + '</p>';
} else if (address_format == 'postalcode town-province') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + '-' + locationData.state + '</p>';
} else if (address_format == 'postalcode town, province') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + ', ' + locationData.state + '</p>';
} else if (address_format == 'postalcode town') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + '</p>';
} else if (address_format == 'town postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + '</p>';
// Phone and Fax Data
if ( != null && != '') {
html += '<p class="bubble_contact"><span class="bubble_phone">' + phone_text + ': ' + + '</span>';
if ( != null && != '') {
html += '<br />' + email_text + ': <a class="bubble_email" href="mailto:' + + '">' + + '</a>';
if (locationData.fax != null && locationData.fax != '') {
html += '<br /><span class="bubble_fax">' + fax_text + ': ' + locationData.fax + '</span>';
html += '</p>';
} else if (locationData.fax != null && locationData.fax != '') {
html += '<p>' + fax_text + ': ' + locationData.fax + '</p>';
html += '<p class="bubble_tags">';
for (jstax in locationData.taxes) {
if ( 'sm_category' == jstax ) {
if ( locationData.taxes[jstax] != null && locationData.taxes[jstax] != '' ) {
html += taxonomy_text[jstax] + ': ' + locationData.taxes[jstax] + '<br />';
html += '</p>';
var dir_address = locationData.point.toUrlValue(10);
var dir_address2 = '';
if (locationData.address) { dir_address2 += locationData.address; }
if ( { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 +=; };
if (locationData.state) { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += locationData.state; };
if ( { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 +=; };
if ( { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 +=; };
if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address = locationData.point.toUrlValue(10) + '(' + escape( dir_address2 ) + ')'; };
html += ' <p class="bubble_links"><a class="bubble_directions" href="http://google' + default_domain + '/maps?saddr=' + locationData.homeAddress + '&daddr=' + dir_address + '" target="_blank">' + get_directions_text + '</a>';
if (locationData.url != '') {
html += ' <span class="bubble_website">&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="' + locationData.url + '" title="' + + '" target="_blank">' + visit_website_text + '</a></span>';
html += ' </p>';
if (locationData.description != '' && locationData.description != null) {
var numlines = Math.ceil(locationData.description.length / 40);
var newlines = locationData.description.split('<br />').length - 1;
var totalheight2 = 0;
if ( locationData.description.indexOf('<img') == -1) {
totalheight2 = (numlines + newlines + 1) * fontsize;
else {
var numberindex = locationData.description.indexOf('height=') + 8;
var numberend = locationData.description.indexOf('"', numberindex);
var imageheight = Number(locationData.description.substring(numberindex, numberend));
totalheight2 = ((numlines + newlines - 2) * fontsize) + imageheight;
if (totalheight2 > maxbubbleheight) {
totalheight2 = maxbubbleheight;
//marker.openInfoWindowTabsHtml([new GInfoWindowTab(location_tab_text, html), new GInfoWindowTab(description_tab_text, html2)], {maxWidth: maxbubblewidth});
// tabs aren't possible with the Google Maps api v3
html += '<hr /><p>' + locationData.description + '</p>';
html += ' </div>';
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
var infowidth = 0;
if ( maxbubblewidth <= 100 ) {
infowidth = document.getElementById("simplemap");
if ( typeof infowidth != 'undefined' ) {
infowidth = infowidth.offsetWidth;
} else {
infowidth = 400;
infowidth = infowidth * (maxbubblewidth / 100.0);
if ( infowidth < maxbubblewidth ) infowidth = maxbubblewidth;
infowidth = parseInt(infowidth) + 'px';
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
maxWidth: infowidth,
content: html
});, marker);
window.location = '#map_top';
return marker;
function createSidebarEntry(marker, locationData, searchData) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
// Beginning of result
var html = '<div id="location_' + locationData.postid + '" class="result">';
// Flagged special
if (locationData.special == 1 && special_text != '') {
html += '<div class="special">' + special_text + '</div>';
// Name & distance
html += '<div class="result_name">';
html += '<h3 style="margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; border-top: none;">';
if (locationData.permalink != null && locationData.permalink != '') {
html += '<a href="' + locationData.permalink + '">';
html +=;
if (locationData.permalink != null && locationData.permalink != '') {
html += '</a>';
if (locationData.distance.toFixed(1) != 'NaN') {
if (units == 'mi') {
html+= ' <small class="result_distance">' + locationData.distance.toFixed(1) + ' miles</small>';
else if (units == 'km') {
html+= ' <small class="result_distance">' + (locationData.distance * 1.609344).toFixed(1) + ' km</small>';
html += '</h3></div>';
// Address
html += '<div class="result_address"><address>' + locationData.address;
if (locationData.address2 != '') {
html += '<br />' + locationData.address2;
if (address_format == 'town, province postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + ', ' + locationData.state + ' ' + + '</address></div>';
else if (address_format == 'town province postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + locationData.state + ' ' + + '</address></div>';
else if (address_format == 'town-province postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + '-' + locationData.state + ' ' + + '</address></div>';
else if (address_format == 'postalcode town-province') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + '-' + locationData.state + '</address></div>';
else if (address_format == 'postalcode town, province') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + ', ' + locationData.state + '</address></div>';
else if (address_format == 'postalcode town') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + '</address></div>';
else if (address_format == 'town postalcode') {
html += '<br />' + + ' ' + + '</address></div>';
// Phone, email, and fax numbers
html += '<div class="result_phone">';
if ( != null && != '') {
html += phone_text + ': ' +;
if ( != null && != '') {
html += '<span class="result_email"><br />' + email_text + ': <a href="mailto:' + + '">' + + '</a></span>';
if (locationData.fax != null && locationData.fax != '') {
html += '<span class="result_fax"><br />' + fax_text + ': ' + locationData.fax + '</span>';
html += '</div>';
// Links section
html += '<div class="result_links">';
// Visit Website link
html += '<div class="result_website">';
if (locationData.url != null && locationData.url != 'http://' && locationData.url != '') {
html += '<a href="' + locationData.url + '" title="' + + '" target="_blank">' + visit_website_text + '</a>';
html += '</div>';
// Get Directions link
if (locationData.distance.toFixed(1) != 'NaN') {
var dir_address = locationData.point.toUrlValue(10);
var dir_address2 = '';
if (locationData.address) { dir_address2 += locationData.address; }
if ( { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += };
if (locationData.state) { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += locationData.state };
if ( { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += };
if ( { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += };
if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address += '(' + escape( dir_address2 ) + ')' };
html += '<a class="result_directions" href="http://google' + default_domain + '/maps?saddr=' + searchData.homeAddress + '&daddr=' + dir_address + '" target="_blank">' + get_directions_text + '</a>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
<?php if ( apply_filters( 'sm-show-results-description', false ) ) : ?>
html += '<div class="sm-results-description">';
html += locationData.description;
html += '</div>';
html += '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
<?php endif; ?>
// Taxonomy lists
for (jstax in locationData.taxes) {
if ( locationData.taxes[jstax] != null && locationData.taxes[jstax] != '' ) {
html += '<div class="' + jstax + '_list"><small><strong>' + taxonomy_text[jstax] + ':</strong> ' + locationData.taxes[jstax] + '</small></div>';
// End of result
html += '</div>';
div.innerHTML = html; = 'pointer'; = 0;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(div, 'click', function() {
google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'click');
return div;
// This function geocodes a location
function geocode_location( $address='', $city='', $state='', $zip='', $country='', $key='' ) {
$options = $this->get_options();
// Create URL encoded comma separated list of address elements that != ''
$to_geocode = urlencode( implode( ', ', array_filter( compact( 'address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country' ) ) ) );
// Base URL
$base_url = SIMPLEMAP_MAPS_WS_API . 'geocode/json?sensor=false&region=' . substr( $options['default_domain'], strrpos( $options['default_domain'], '.' ) + 1 );
// Add query
$request_url = $base_url . "&address=" . $to_geocode;
$response = wp_remote_get( $request_url );
// TODO: Handle this situation better
if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$body = json_decode( $response['body'] );
$status = $body->status;
if ( $status == 'OK' ) {
// Successful geocode
//echo "<pre>";print_r( $body );die();
$location = $body->results[0]->geometry->location;
// Format: Longitude, Latitude, Altitude
$lat = $location->lat;
$lng = $location->lng;
return compact( 'body', 'status', 'lat', 'lng' );
} else {
return false;
// Returns list of SimpleMap Taxonomies
function get_sm_taxonomies( $format='array', $prefix='', $php_safe=false, $output='names' ) {
$taxes = array();
if ( $taxes = get_object_taxonomies( 'sm-location', $output ) ) {
foreach( $taxes as $key => $tax ) {
// Convert to PHP safe and add prefix
if ( $php_safe && 'names' == $output )
$taxes[$key] = str_replace( '-', '_', $prefix.$tax );
elseif ( $php_safe )
$taxes[$key]->name = str_replace( '-', '_', $prefix.$tax->name );
// Convert to string if needed
if ( 'string' == $format )
$taxes = implode( ', ', $taxes );
return $taxes;
function get_taxonomy_settings( $taxonomy = null ) {
$standard_taxonomies = array(
'sm-category' => array( 'singular' => 'Category', 'plural' => 'Categories', 'hierarchical' => true, 'field' => 'category' ),
'sm-tag' => array( 'singular' => 'Tag', 'plural' => 'Tags', 'field' => 'tags' ),
'sm-day' => array( 'singular' => 'Day', 'plural' => 'Days', 'field' => 'days', 'description' => 'day of week' ),
'sm-time' => array( 'singular' => 'Time', 'plural' => 'Times', 'field' => 'times', 'description' => 'time of day' ),
if ( empty( $taxonomy ) ) {
return $standard_taxonomies;
if ( isset( $standard_taxonomies[$taxonomy] ) ) {
return $standard_taxonomies[$taxonomy];
else {
$singular = ucwords( substr( $taxonomy, strpos( $taxonomy, '-' ) + 1 ) );
return array( 'singular' => $singular, 'plural' => $singular . 's' );
// This function returns the default SimpleMap options
function get_options() {
$options = array();
$saved = get_option( 'SimpleMap_options' );
if ( !empty( $saved ) ) {
$options = $saved;
static $default = null;
if ( empty( $default ) ) {
$default = array(
'map_width' => '100%',
'map_height' => '350px',
'default_lat' => '44.968684',
'default_lng' => '-93.215561',
'zoom_level' => '10',
'default_radius' => '10',
'map_type' => 'ROADMAP',
'special_text' => '',
'default_state' => '',
'default_country' => 'US',
'default_language' => 'en',
'default_domain' => '.com',
'map_stylesheet' => 'inc/styles/light.css',
'units' => 'mi',
'autoload' => 'all',
'lock_default_location' => false,
'results_limit' => '1',//'20',
'results_page' => '0',
'address_format' => 'town, province postalcode',
'powered_by' => 0,
'enable_permalinks' => 0,
'permalink_slug' => 'location',
'display_search' => 'show',
'map_pages' => '0',
'adsense_for_maps' => 0,
'adsense_pub_id' => '',
'adsense_channel_id' => '',
'adsense_max_ads' => 2,
//'api_key' => '',
'auto_locate' => '',
'taxonomies' => array(
'sm-category' => $this->get_taxonomy_settings( 'sm-category' ),
'sm-tag' => $this->get_taxonomy_settings( 'sm-tag' ),
$valid_map_type_map = array(
if ( empty( $valid_map_type_map[$options['map_type']] ) ) {
$options['map_type'] = $default['map_type'];
else {
$options['map_type'] = $valid_map_type_map[$options['map_type']];
$options += $default;
if ( isset( $options['days_taxonomy'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $options['days_taxonomy'] ) ) {
$options['taxonomies']['sm-day'] = $this->get_taxonomy_settings( 'sm-day' );
unset( $options['days_taxonomy'] );
if ( isset( $options['time_taxonomy'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $options['time_taxonomy'] ) ) {
$options['taxonomies']['sm-time'] = $this->get_taxonomy_settings( 'sm-time' );
unset( $options['time_taxonomy'] );
if ( $saved != $options ) {
update_option( 'SimpleMap_options', $options );
return $options;
// Google Domains
function get_domain_options() {
$domains_list = array(
'United States' => '.com',
'Austria' => '.at',
'Australia' => '',
'Bosnia and Herzegovina' => '',
'Belgium' => '.be',
'Brazil' => '',
'Canada' => '.ca',
'Switzerland' => '.ch',
'Czech Republic' => '.cz',
'Germany' => '.de',
'Denmark' => '.dk',
'Spain' => '.es',
'Finland' => '.fi',
'France' => '.fr',
'Italy' => '.it',
'Japan' => '.jp',
'Netherlands' => '.nl',
'Norway' => '.no',
'New Zealand' => '',
'Poland' => '.pl',
'Russia' => '.ru',
'Sweden' => '.se',
'Taiwan' => '.tw',
'United Kingdom' => '',
'South Africa' => ''
return apply_filters( 'sm-domain-list', $domains_list );
// Region list from
// Used for Maps v3 localization:
function get_region_options() {
$region_list = array(
'US' => 'United States',
'AR' => 'Argentina',
'AU' => 'Australia',
'AT' => 'Austria',
'BE' => 'Belgium',
'BR' => 'Brazil',
'CA' => 'Canada',
'CL' => 'Chile',
'CN' => 'China',
'CO' => 'Colombia',
'HR' => 'Croatia',
'CZ' => 'Czech Republic',
'DK' => 'Denmark',
'EG' => 'Egypt',
'FI' => 'Finland',
'FR' => 'France',
'DE' => 'Germany',
'HU' => 'Hungary',
'IN' => 'India',
'IE' => 'Ireland',
'IL' => 'Israel',
'IT' => 'Italy',
'JP' => 'Japan',
'MY' => 'Malaysia',
'MX' => 'Mexico',
'MA' => 'Morocco',
'NL' => 'Netherlands',
'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
'NG' => 'Nigeria',
'NO' => 'Norway',
'PL' => 'Poland',
'PT' => 'Portugal',
'RU' => 'Russian Federation',
'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'ZA' => 'South Africa',
'KR' => 'South Korea',
'ES' => 'Spain',
'SE' => 'Sweden',
'CH' => 'Switzerland',
'TH' => 'Thailand',
'TR' => 'Turkey',
'UA' => 'Ukraine',
'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
return apply_filters( 'sm-region-list', $region_list );
// Country list
function get_country_options() {
$country_list = array(
'US' => 'United States',
'AF' => 'Afghanistan',
'AL' => 'Albania',
'DZ' => 'Algeria',
'AS' => 'American Samoa',
'AD' => 'Andorra',
'AO' => 'Angola',
'AI' => 'Anguilla',
'AQ' => 'Antarctica',
'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'AR' => 'Argentina',
'AM' => 'Armenia',
'AW' => 'Aruba',
'AU' => 'Australia',
'AT' => 'Austria',
'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan',
'BS' => 'Bahamas',
'BH' => 'Bahrain',
'BD' => 'Bangladesh',
'BB' => 'Barbados',
'BY' => 'Belarus',
'BE' => 'Belgium',
'BZ' => 'Belize',
'BJ' => 'Benin',
'BM' => 'Bermuda',
'BT' => 'Bhutan',
'BO' => 'Bolivia',
'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegowina',
'BW' => 'Botswana',
'BV' => 'Bouvet Island',
'BR' => 'Brazil',
'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'BG' => 'Bulgaria',
'BF' => 'Burkina Faso',
'BI' => 'Burundi',
'KH' => 'Cambodia',
'CM' => 'Cameroon',
'CA' => 'Canada',
'CV' => 'Cape Verde',
'KY' => 'Cayman Islands',
'CF' => 'Central African Republic',
'TD' => 'Chad',
'CL' => 'Chile',
'CN' => 'China',
'CX' => 'Christmas Island',
'CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
'CO' => 'Colombia',
'KM' => 'Comoros',
'CG' => 'Congo',
'CD' => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the',
'CK' => 'Cook Islands',
'CR' => 'Costa Rica',
'CI' => 'Cote D\'Ivoire',
'HR' => 'Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)',
'CU' => 'Cuba',
'CY' => 'Cyprus',
'CZ' => 'Czech Republic',
'DK' => 'Denmark',
'DJ' => 'Djibouti',
'DM' => 'Dominica',
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic',
'TP' => 'East Timor',
'EC' => 'Ecuador',
'EG' => 'Egypt',
'SV' => 'El Salvador',
'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'ER' => 'Eritrea',
'EE' => 'Estonia',
'ET' => 'Ethiopia',
'FK' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
'FO' => 'Faroe Islands',
'FJ' => 'Fiji',
'FI' => 'Finland',
'FR' => 'France',
'FX' => 'France, Metropolitan',
'GF' => 'French Guiana',
'PF' => 'French Polynesia',
'TF' => 'French Southern Territories',
'GA' => 'Gabon',
'GM' => 'Gambia',
'GE' => 'Georgia',
'DE' => 'Germany',
'GH' => 'Ghana',
'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
'GR' => 'Greece',
'GL' => 'Greenland',
'GD' => 'Grenada',
'GP' => 'Guadeloupe',
'GU' => 'Guam',
'GT' => 'Guatemala',
'GN' => 'Guinea',
'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'GY' => 'Guyana',
'HT' => 'Haiti',
'HM' => 'Heard and Mc Donald Islands',
'VA' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
'HN' => 'Honduras',
'HK' => 'Hong Kong',
'HU' => 'Hungary',
'IS' => 'Iceland',
'IN' => 'India',
'ID' => 'Indonesia',
'IR' => 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)',
'IQ' => 'Iraq',
'IE' => 'Ireland',
'IL' => 'Israel',
'IT' => 'Italy',
'JM' => 'Jamaica',
'JP' => 'Japan',
'JO' => 'Jordan',
'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan',
'KE' => 'Kenya',
'KI' => 'Kiribati',
'KP' => 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of',
'KR' => 'Korea, Republic of',
'KW' => 'Kuwait',
'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'LA' => 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',
'LV' => 'Latvia',
'LB' => 'Lebanon',
'LS' => 'Lesotho',
'LR' => 'Liberia',
'LY' => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
'LI' => 'Liechtenstein',
'LT' => 'Lithuania',
'LU' => 'Luxembourg',
'MO' => 'Macau',
'MK' => 'Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of',
'MG' => 'Madagascar',
'MW' => 'Malawi',
'MY' => 'Malaysia',
'MV' => 'Maldives',
'ML' => 'Mali',
'MT' => 'Malta',
'MH' => 'Marshall Islands',
'MQ' => 'Martinique',
'MR' => 'Mauritania',
'MU' => 'Mauritius',
'YT' => 'Mayotte',
'MX' => 'Mexico',
'FM' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
'MD' => 'Moldova, Republic of',
'MC' => 'Monaco',
'MN' => 'Mongolia',
'MS' => 'Montserrat',
'MA' => 'Morocco',
'MZ' => 'Mozambique',
'MM' => 'Myanmar',
'NA' => 'Namibia',
'NR' => 'Nauru',
'NP' => 'Nepal',
'NL' => 'Netherlands',
'AN' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
'NC' => 'New Caledonia',
'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
'NI' => 'Nicaragua',
'NE' => 'Niger',
'NG' => 'Nigeria',
'NU' => 'Niue',
'NF' => 'Norfolk Island',
'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'NO' => 'Norway',
'OM' => 'Oman',
'PK' => 'Pakistan',
'PW' => 'Palau',
'PA' => 'Panama',
'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'PY' => 'Paraguay',
'PE' => 'Peru',
'PH' => 'Philippines',
'PN' => 'Pitcairn',
'PL' => 'Poland',
'PT' => 'Portugal',
'PR' => 'Puerto Rico',
'QA' => 'Qatar',
'RE' => 'Reunion',
'RO' => 'Romania',
'RU' => 'Russian Federation',
'RW' => 'Rwanda',
'KN' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia',
'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and The Grenadines',
'WS' => 'Samoa',
'SM' => 'San Marino',
'ST' => 'Sao Tome And Principe',
'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'SN' => 'Senegal',
'SC' => 'Seychelles',
'SL' => 'Sierra Leone',
'SG' => 'Singapore',
'SK' => 'Slovakia (Slovak Republic)',
'SI' => 'Slovenia',
'SB' => 'Solomon Islands',
'SO' => 'Somalia',
'ZA' => 'South Africa',
'GS' => 'South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands',
'ES' => 'Spain',
'LK' => 'Sri Lanka',
'SH' => 'St. Helena',
'PM' => 'St. Pierre and Miquelon',
'SD' => 'Sudan',
'SR' => 'Suriname',
'SJ' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands',
'SZ' => 'Swaziland',
'SE' => 'Sweden',
'CH' => 'Switzerland',
'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'TW' => 'Taiwan',
'TJ' => 'Tajikistan',
'TZ' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
'TH' => 'Thailand',
'TG' => 'Togo',
'TK' => 'Tokelau',
'TO' => 'Tonga',
'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'TN' => 'Tunisia',
'TR' => 'Turkey',
'TM' => 'Turkmenistan',
'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
'TV' => 'Tuvalu',
'UG' => 'Uganda',
'UA' => 'Ukraine',
'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates',
'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
'UM' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
'UY' => 'Uruguay',
'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan',
'VU' => 'Vanuatu',
'VE' => 'Venezuela',
'VN' => 'Vietnam',
'VG' => 'Virgin Islands (British)',
'VI' => 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)',
'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna Islands',
'EH' => 'Western Sahara',
'YE' => 'Yemen',
'YU' => 'Yugoslavia',
'ZM' => 'Zambia',
'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe'
return apply_filters( 'sm-country-list', $country_list );
// Region list from
// Used for Maps v3 localization:
function get_language_options() {
$language_list = array(
'ar' => 'Arabic',
'eu' => 'Basque',
'bg' => 'Bulgarian',
'bn' => 'Bengali',
'ca' => 'Catalan',
'cs' => 'Czech',
'da' => 'Danish',
'de' => 'German',
'el' => 'Greek',
'en' => 'English',
'en-AU' => 'English (Australian)',
'en-GB' => 'English (Great Britain)',
'es' => 'Spanish',
'eu' => 'Basque',
'fa' => 'Farsi',
'fi' => 'Finnish',
'fil' => 'Filipino',
'fr' => 'French',
'gl' => 'Galician',
'gu' => 'Gujarati',
'hi' => 'Hindi',
'hr' => 'Croatian',
'hu' => 'Hungarian',
'id' => 'Indonesian',
'it' => 'Italian',
'iw' => 'Hebrew',
'ja' => 'Japanese',
'kn' => 'Kannada',
'ko' => 'Korean',
'lt' => 'Lithuanian',
'lv' => 'Latvian',
'ml' => 'Malayalam',
'mr' => 'Marathi',
'nl' => 'Dutch',
'no' => 'Norwegian',
'pl' => 'Polish',
'pt' => 'Portuguese',
'pt-BR' => 'Portuguese (Brazil)',
'pt-PT' => 'Portuguese (Portugal)',
'ro' => 'Romanian',
'ru' => 'Russian',
'sk' => 'Slovak',
'sl' => 'Slovenian',
'sr' => 'Serbian',
'sv' => 'Swedish',
'tl' => 'Tagalog',
'ta' => 'Tamil',
'te' => 'Telugu',
'th' => 'Thai',
'tr' => 'Turkish',
'uk' => 'Ukrainian',
'vi' => 'Vietnamese',
'zh-CN' => 'Chinese (Simplified)',
'zh-TW' => 'Chinese (Traditional)',
return apply_filters( 'sm-language-list', $language_list );
function get_auto_locate_options() {
$auto_locate_list = array(
'' => 'No Automatic Location',
'ip' => 'Use IP Address',
'html5' => 'Use HTML5',
return apply_filters( 'sm-auto-locte-list', $auto_locate_list );
// Echo the toolbar
function show_toolbar( $title = '' ) {
global $simple_map;
$options = $simple_map->get_options();
if ( '' == $title )
$title = 'SimpleMap';
<table class="sm-toolbar" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td class="sm-page-title">
<h2><?php _e( $title, 'SimpleMap' ); ?></h2>
<td class="sm-toolbar-item">
<a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php _e( 'Go to the SimpleMap Home Page', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'SimpleMap Home Page', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></a>
<td class="sm-toolbar-item">
<a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap-help' ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Premium Support', 'SimpleMap' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Premium Support', 'SimpleMap' ); ?></a>
<td class="sm-toolbar-item">
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" />
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="DTJBYXGQFSW64" />
<input type="image" src="" style="border: none;" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" />
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" />
if ( !isset( $options['api_key'] ) || $options['api_key'] == '' )
echo '<div class="error"><p>' . __( 'You must enter an API key for your domain.', 'SimpleMap' ).' <a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=simplemap' ) . '">' . __( 'Enter a key on the General Options page.', 'SimpleMap' ) . '</a></p></div>';
// Return the available search_radii
function get_search_radii(){
$search_radii = array( 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000 );
return apply_filters( 'sm-search-radii', $search_radii );
// What link are we using for google's API
function get_api_link() {
$lo = str_replace('_', '-', get_locale());
$l = substr($lo, 0, 2);
switch($l) {
case 'es':
case 'de':
case 'ja':
case 'ko':
case 'ru':
$api_link = "$l/apis/maps/signup.html";
case 'pt':
case 'zh':
$api_link = "$lo/apis/maps/signup.html";
case 'en':
$api_link = "";
return $api_link;
// Returns true if legacy tables exist in the DB
function legacy_tables_exist() {
global $wpdb;
$sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $wpdb->prefix . "simple_map'";
if ( $tables = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ) ) {
return true;
return false;
// Search form / widget query vars
function register_query_vars( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'location_search_address';
$vars[] = 'location_search_city';
$vars[] = 'location_search_state';
$vars[] = 'location_search_zip';
$vars[] = 'location_search_distance';
$vars[] = 'location_search_limit';
$vars[] = 'location_search_page';
$vars[] = 'location_is_search_results';
return $vars;
* Parses the shortcode attributes with the default options and returns array
* @since 2.3
function parse_shortcode_atts( $shortcode_atts ) {
$options = $this->get_options();
$default_atts = $this->get_default_shortcode_atts();
$atts = shortcode_atts( $default_atts, $shortcode_atts );
// If deprecated shortcodes were used, replace with current ones
if ( isset( $atts['show_categories_filter'] ) )
$atts['show_sm_category_filter'] = $atts['show_categories_filter'];
if ( isset( $atts['show_tags_filter'] ) )
$atts['show_sm_tag_filter'] = $atts['show_tags_filter'];
if ( isset( $atts['show_days_filter'] ) )
$atts['show_sm_day_filter'] = $atts['show_days_filter'];
if ( isset( $atts['show_times_filter'] ) )
$atts['show_sm_time_filter'] = $atts['show_times_filter'];
if ( isset( $atts['categories'] ) )
$atts['sm_category'] = $atts['categories'];
if ( isset( $atts['tags'] ) )
$atts['sm_tag'] = $atts['tags'];
if ( isset( $atts['days'] ) )
$atts['sm_day'] = $atts['days'];
if ( isset( $atts['times'] ) )
$atts['sm_time'] = $atts['times'];
// Determine if we need to hide the search form or not
if ( '' == $atts['hide_search'] ) {
// Use default value
if ( 'show' == $options['display_search'] )
$atts['hide_search'] = 0;
$atts['hide_search'] = 1;
// Set categories and tags to available equivelants
$atts['avail_sm_category'] = $atts['sm_category'];
$atts['avail_sm_tag'] = $atts['sm_tag'];
$atts['avail_sm_day'] = $atts['sm_day'];
$atts['avail_sm_time'] = $atts['sm_time'];
// Default lat / lng from shortcode?
if ( ! $atts['default_lat'] )
$atts['default_lat'] = $options['default_lat'];
if ( ! $atts['default_lng'] )
$atts['default_lng'] = $options['default_lng'];
// Doing powered by?
if ( '' == $atts['powered_by'] ) {
// Use default value
$atts['powered_by'] = $options['powered_by'];
} else {
// Use shortcode
if ( 0 == $atts['powered_by'] )
$atts['powered_by'] = 0;
$atts['powered_by'] = 1;
// Default units or shortcode units?
if ( 'km' != $atts['units'] && 'mi' != $atts['units'] )
$atts['units'] = $options['units'];
// Default radius or shortcode radius?
if ( '' != $atts['radius'] && in_array( $atts['radius'], $this->get_search_radii() ) )
$atts['radius'] = absint( $atts['radius'] );
$atts['radius'] = $options['default_radius'];
//Make sure we have limit
if ( '' == $atts['limit'] )
$atts['limit'] = $options['results_limit'];
//Make sure we have page
if ( '' == $atts['page'] )
$atts['page'] = $options['results_page'];
// Clean search_field_cols
if ( 0 === absint( $atts['search_form_cols'] ) )
$atts['search_form_cols'] = $default_atts['search_form_cols'];
// Which type of map are we using?
if ( '' == $atts['map_type'] )
$atts['map_type'] = $options['map_type'];
// Height of the map?
if ( '' == $atts['map_height'] )
$atts['map_height'] = $options['map_height'];
// Width of the map?
if ( '' == $atts['map_width'] )
$atts['map_width'] = $options['map_width'];
// Which zoom level are we using?
if ( '' == $atts['zoom_level'] )
$atts['zoom_level'] = $options['zoom_level'];
// Which autoload option are we using?
if ( '' == $atts['autoload'] )
$atts['autoload'] = $options['autoload'];
// Return final array
return $atts;
* Returns default shortcode attributes
* @since 2.3
function get_default_shortcode_atts() {
$options = $this->get_options();
$tax_atts = array();
$tax_search_fields = array();
foreach ( $options['taxonomies'] as $taxonomy => $taxonomy_info ) {
$tax_search_fields[] = "||labeltd_$taxonomy||empty";
$safe_tax = str_replace('-', '_', $taxonomy);
$tax_atts[$safe_tax] = '';
$tax_atts['show_' . $safe_tax . '_filter'] = 1;
// The following are deprecated. Don't use them.
$tax_atts[strtolower($taxonomy_info['plural'])] = null;
$tax_atts['show_' . strtolower($taxonomy_info['plural']) . '_filter'] = null;
$atts = $tax_atts + array(
'search_title' => __( 'Find Locations Near:', 'SimpleMap' ),
'search_form_type' => 'table',
'search_form_cols' => 3,
'search_fields' => 'labelbr_street||labelbr_city||labelbr_state||labelbr_zip||empty||empty||labeltd_distance||empty' . implode('', $tax_search_fields) . '||submit||empty||empty',
'taxonomy_field_type' => 'checkboxes',
'hide_search' => '',
'hide_map' => 0,
'hide_list' => 0,
'default_lat' => 0,
'default_lng' => 0,
'adsense_publisher_id' => 0,
'adsense_channel_id' => 0,
'adsense_max_ads' => 0,
'map_width' => '',
'map_height' => '',
'units' => '',
'radius' => '',
'limit' => '',
'page' => '',
'autoload' => '',
'zoom_level' => '',
'map_type' => '',
'powered_by' => '',
'sm_day' => '',
'sm_time' => ''
return apply_filters( 'sm-default-shortcode-atts', $atts );
// This function filters category text labels
function backwards_compat_categories_text( $text ) {
return __( 'Categories', 'SimpleMap' );
// This function filters category text labels
function backwards_compat_tags_text( $text ) {
return __( 'Tags', 'SimpleMap' );
// This function filters category text labels
function backwards_compat_days_text( $text ) {
return __( 'Days', 'SimpleMap' );
// This function filters category text labels
function backwards_compat_times_text( $text ) {
return __( 'Times', 'SimpleMap' );