2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
def filterLayer(layer):
if layer is None:
2021-05-05 19:05:54 +00:00
#print("filterLayer: empty")
2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
return None
2021-05-05 19:05:54 +00:00
2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
#if layer.GetName() in ["buildingfootprint", "Site_Address_Points", "mergedbuildings", "namedparcels"]:
2021-09-01 06:15:28 +00:00
if layer.GetName() in ["buildings_filtered"]: # simplified_conflated_buildings # _filtered
2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
return layer
def filterTags(attrs):
if attrs is None:
2021-05-05 19:05:54 +00:00
#print("filterTags: empty")
2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
return None
tags = { "building": "yes" }
2021-04-28 21:40:55 +00:00
#if "gid" in attrs and attrs["gid"] != "":
#tags["x_son_imp:gid"] = attrs["gid"] #TODO: remove
2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
if "addr:state" in attrs and attrs["addr:state"] != "":
tags["addr:state"] = attrs["addr:state"]
if "addr:city" in attrs and attrs["addr:city"] != "":
tags["addr:city"] = attrs["addr:city"]
if "addr:street" in attrs and attrs["addr:street"] != "":
tags["addr:street"] = attrs["addr:street"]
if "addr:housenumber" in attrs and attrs["addr:housenumber"] != "":
tags["addr:housenumber"] = attrs["addr:housenumber"]
if "addr:unit" in attrs and attrs["addr:unit"] != "":
tags["addr:unit"] = attrs["addr:unit"]
2021-04-28 21:40:55 +00:00
if "usecode" in attrs and attrs["usecode"] != "":
#tags["x_son_imp:usecode"] = int(attrs["usecode"]) #TODO: remove
2021-09-01 06:15:28 +00:00
# SELECT count(*), usecode FROM public.buildings group by usecode order by count desc;
2021-09-07 04:28:06 +00:00
# SELECT usecode, usecdesc, usectype FROM public.parcels_public_shapefile group by usecode, usecdesc, usectype order by usecode asc;
2021-04-28 21:40:55 +00:00
# big categories to catch all
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 1 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 23:
tags["building"] = "house" # 1-23 is low density res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 30 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 49:
tags["building"] = "apartments" # 30-49 is multifamily
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 50 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 57:
tags["building"] = "residential" # 50-57 is misc res (rural)
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 60 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 78:
tags["building"] = "hotel" # 60-78 is hotel/motel/bnb/boarding
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 80 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 97:
tags["building"] = "residential" # 80-97 is misc residential and trailer parks
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 100 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 102:
tags["building"] = "commercial" # 100-102 is misc commercial
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 110 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 169:
tags["building"] = "retail" # 110-169 is shopping/stores
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 170 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 203:
tags["building"] = "office" # 170-203 is generally offices
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 210 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 291:
tags["building"] = "retail" #210-291 is various commercial
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 301 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 394:
tags["building"] = "industrial" # various industrial
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 400 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 592:
tags["building"] = "farm" # various agricultural
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 600 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 691:
tags["building"] = "commercial" # various commercial recreation
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 720 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 730:
tags["building"] = "school" # schools
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 741 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 753:
tags["building"] = "hospital" # medical or care facility
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 770 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 892:
tags["building"] = "commercial" # misc commercial
if int(attrs["usecode"]) >= 900 and int(attrs["usecode"]) <= 948:
tags["building"] = "government" # misc govt
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 10:
tags["building"] = "house" # 10 is either single family, duplex, attached, or vacant residential
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 51:
tags["building"] = "house" # 51 is rural residential single or more
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 17:
tags["building"] = "house" # 17 is single family or attached res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 21:
tags["building"] = "residential" # 21 is generally low density residential/multifamily or care facility
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 23:
tags["building"] = "house" # 23 is sfd or granny or rural res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 52:
tags["building"] = "house" # 52 is rural res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 22:
tags["building"] = "residential" # 22 is rural, sfd, or 3 unit multifamily
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 50:
tags["building"] = "farm" # 50 is vacant, rural, or ag mix
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 423:
tags["building"] = "farm" # 423 is vineyard ag with or without house
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 15:
tags["building"] = "semidetached_house" # 15 is attached or condo, probably duplex-ish
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 57:
tags["building"] = "house" # rural res, granny
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 34:
tags["building"] = "house" # sfd or fourplex
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 1:
tags["building"] = "house" # sfd or granny
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 320:
tags["building"] = "warehouse" # warehouse commercial
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 170:
tags["building"] = "office" # one story office comm
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 56:
tags["building"] = "house" # rural manufactured res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 422:
tags["building"] = "farm" # vineyard
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 32:
tags["building"] = "apartments" # 3 units, 2+ struct res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 541:
tags["building"] = "farm" # pasture / with res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 94:
tags["building"] = "house" # manuf. home condo lot
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 540:
tags["building"] = "farm" # pasture / with res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 31:
tags["building"] = "apartments" # triplex, 1 struct
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 171:
tags["building"] = "office" # 1-2 story office
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 54:
tags["building"] = "house" # rural res
# if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 0: # vacant commercia/residential
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 110:
tags["building"] = "retail" # single story comm store
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 35:
tags["building"] = "apartments" # 4 unit, 2+ struct res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 310:
tags["building"] = "industrial" # light manuf indust
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 16:
tags["building"] = "house" # manuf home
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 311:
tags["building"] = "industrial" # light warehouse/manuf
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 19:
tags["building"] = "residential" # rural res / enforceably restricted dwell
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 561:
tags["building"] = "house" # hardwood ag with res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 42:
tags["building"] = "apartments" # 5-10 res, 2+ struct
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 560:
tags["building"] = "farm" # hardwood ag
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 13:
tags["building"] = "residential" # sfd / nonconform
#if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 5: # county comm shop or res lot with improv
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 710:
tags["building"] = "church" # religious
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 281:
tags["building"] = "retail" # auto brake shop
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 113:
tags["building"] = "retail" # comm store plus res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 210:
tags["building"] = "retail" # restaurant
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 41:
tags["building"] = "apartments" # 5-10 res unit, 1 struct
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 421:
tags["building"] = "house" # vineyard with res
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 96:
tags["building"] = "house" # manuf home or condo lot
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 190:
tags["building"] = "office" # medical offices
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 280:
tags["building"] = "retail" # auto repair
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 112:
tags["building"] = "retail" # multiple comm stores
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 913:
tags["building"] = "yes" # state park
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 914:
tags["building"] = "school" # state school
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 915:
tags["building"] = "hospital" # state hospital
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 923:
tags["building"] = "yes" # county park
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 924:
tags["building"] = "hospital" # county hospital
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 926:
tags["building"] = "airport" # county airport
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 933:
tags["building"] = "yes" # city park
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 935:
tags["building"] = "parking" # city parking
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 936:
tags["building"] = "airport" # city airport
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 940:
tags["building"] = "school" # school dist
if int(attrs["usecode"]) == 941:
tags["building"] = "fire_station" # fire district
2021-02-04 18:43:33 +00:00
return tags