
140 lines
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def filterLayer(layer):
if layer is None:
print("filterLayer: empty")
return None
#if layer.GetName() in ["buildingfootprint", "Site_Address_Points", "mergedbuildings", "namedparcels"]:
if layer.GetName() in ["buildingfootprint_filtered", "Site_Address_Points_filtered", "mergedbuildings_filtered", "namedparcels_filtered"]:
return layer
def mergeToRanges(ls):
""" Takes a list like ['1', '2', '3', '5', '8', 9'] and returns a list like
['1-3', '5', '8', '9'] """
if len(ls) < 2:
return ls
i = 0
while i < len(ls)-1 and \
((ls[i].isdigit() and ls[i+1].isdigit() and \
int(ls[i])+1 == int(ls[i+1])) or \
(len(ls[i]) == 1 and len(ls[i+1]) == 1 and \
ord(ls[i])+1 == ord(ls[i+1]))):
i += 1
if i < 2:
return ls[0:i+1]+mergeToRanges(ls[i+1:])
return [ls[0]+'-'+ls[i]]+mergeToRanges(ls[i+1:])
# I don't actually know if the building heights are in US standard feet or
# survey feet. But the difference is less than the significant digits for the
# tallest building.
SURVEY_FEET_TO_METER = 1200.0/3937.0
def filterTags(attrs):
if attrs is None:
print("filterTags: empty")
return None
tags = {}
if "bldgelev" in attrs:
# BuildingFootprint
tags["building"] = "yes"
# Always appear, has equivalent
tags["height"] = "%.02f"%round(float(attrs["bldgheight"])*SURVEY_FEET_TO_METER, 2)
tags["ele"] = "%.02f"%round(float(attrs["bldgelev"])*SURVEY_FEET_TO_METER, 2)
# Always appear, no equivalent: FACILITYID
# Sometimes appear, no equivalent: LASTUPDATE
if "Inc_Muni" in attrs:
# Site_Address_Points
# Always appear, has equivalent
tags["addr:city"] = attrs["Inc_Muni"]
# Sometimes appear, has equivalent
addr = attrs["Add_Number"]
if addr:
addr = addr.split(';')
m = max(map(len, addr))
addr.sort(key=lambda a: a.rjust(m))
addr = ';'.join(mergeToRanges(addr))
if attrs["AddNum_Suf"]:
addr += " " + attrs["AddNum_Suf"]
tags["addr:housenumber"] = addr
street = attrs["CompName"]
if street:
if street.startswith("St "): street = "Saint"+street[2:]
elif street.startswith("Mt "): street = "Mount"+street[2:]
elif street.startswith("East St "): street = "East Saint"+street[7:]
elif street.startswith("West St "): street = "West Saint"+street[7:]
tags["addr:street"] = street
units = attrs["Unit"]
if units:
units = units.split(';')
m = max(map(len, units))
units.sort(key=lambda a: a.rjust(m))
units = ';'.join(mergeToRanges(units))
tags["addr:unit"] = units
zipcode = attrs["Post_Code"]
if zipcode: tags["addr:postcode"] = zipcode
pt = attrs["Place_Type"]
#if pt == "BU":
#tags["office"] = "yes"
if pt == "ED":
tags["amenity"] = "school"
elif pt == "FB":
tags["amenity"] = "place_of_worship"
elif pt == "GO":
tags["office"] = "government"
elif pt == "GQ":
# Salvation army
tags["amenity"] = "social_facility"
elif pt == "HS":
tags["amenity"] = "hospital"
elif pt == "HT" and not units:
tags["tourism"] = "hotel"
elif pt == "RE":
tags["club"] = "sport"
elif pt == "RT":
tags["amenity"] = "restaurant"
elif pt == "RL":
tags["shop"] = "yes"
elif pt == "TR":
tags["public_transport"] = "platform"
# Always appear, no equivalent: OBJECTID, Site_NGUID, ESN, Lat, Long, Status, Juris_Auth, LastUpdate, LastEditor, GlobalID
# FullMailin could be used for addr:full, but it's unneeded.
# Sometimes appear, no equivalent: RCL_NGUID, StreetMast, ParcelID, CondoParce, UnitID, RSN, PSAP_ID, St_PreDirA, St_PreTyp, StreetName, St_PosTyp, St_PosTypC, St_PosTypU, St_PosDir, Feanme, FullName, Unit_Type, Building, FullUnit, FullAddres, Addtl_Loc, LSt_PreDir, LSt_Name, LSt_Type, Uninc_Comm, Post_Comm, Source, Effective, Notes
# Always the same: Client_ID, County, State, Country, Placement
# Always empty: Site_NGU00, AddNum_Pre, St_PreMod, St_PreDir, St_PreSep, St_PosMod, Floor, Room, Seat, Post_Code4, APN, LStPostDir, AddCode, AddDataURI, Nbrhd_Comm, MSAGComm, LandmkName, Mile_Post, Elev, Expire
if "Inc_Muni" in attrs and "bldgelev" in attrs:
# Merged address/buildings
# other Place_Type are Common Area (multi-use), Miscellaneous
tags["building"] = {"BU": "commercial",
"ED": "school",
"FB": "religious",
"GO": "government",
"HS": "hospital",
"HT": "hotel",
"MH": "static_caravan",
"Condominium": "residential",
"MF": "residential",
"RL": "retail",
"RT": "retail",
"SF": "house"}.get(attrs["Place_Type"], "yes")
if "Addtl_Loc" in attrs and "Inc_Muni" not in attrs:
# Named parcels
tags["landuse"] = "residential"
tags["name"] = attrs["Addtl_Loc"].title()
return tags