Sonoma County Building/Parcel/Address Import

Based on

For project status see

original_data from:

Overpass query (you may save as OSM file, shapefile, or postgres sql dump depending on your overpass client)

area[name="Sonoma County"];

If using an Overpass -> QGIS -> Postgres dump, save it as osmquery_buildings_pgdump.sql for later. Otherwise osm2pgsql should create tables like son_polygon for later.


The postgis package appropriate for the version of postgres server you have installed (in my case, 11)


  • sudo apt install postgresql-11 postgresql-11-postgis-3 shp2pgsql osm2pgsql

Debian (shp2pgsql is included in postgis)

  • sudo apt install postgresql postgis osm2pgsql

  • The postgresql server started/running/configured and database gis created


  • Run the following SQL as a superuser (postgres) inside the gis database to enable the PostGIS and hstore extensions: CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
  • Unzip the original_data and open a shell in that folder.
  • Here we are assuming that county data is in WGS84/EPSG4236 format, which was true as of last check and is also what OSM uses.
  • Run from your shell: shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I Parcels__Public_.shp | psql -d gis -U postgres -W
  • shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I Sonoma_County_Building_Outlines.shp | psql -d gis -U postgres -W
  • shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I osm-buildings-01-03.shp | psql -d gis -U postgres -W

Now all the data is in Postgres. For processing and conflation, read through and execute conflation.sql as per your comfort level.

Internal Notes

shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I Parcels__Public_.shp | psql -d openstreetmap -U openstreetmap -W -h localhost -p 54321
shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I Sonoma_County_Building_Outlines.shp | psql -d openstreetmap -U openstreetmap -W -h localhost -p 54321
psql -d openstreetmap -U openstreetmap -W -h localhost -p 54321 -f osmquery-pgdump.sql

osm2pgsql -d gis -c --prefix son --slim --extra-attributes --hstore --latlong sonoma-orig-buildings-20201219.osm -U postgres -W`
osm2pgsql -d openstreetmap -c --prefix son --slim --extra-attributes --hstore --latlong norcal-latest-20200103.osm.pbf -U openstreetmap -W -H localhost -P 54321
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Readme 534 MiB
PLpgSQL 67.9%
Python 22%
Shell 10.1%