diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 90bb107..6f4aa34 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ See [https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/The_Villages_Road_and_Address_Import](h * For addresses: * The Addresses shapefile is recorded in the ESRI:102659 CRS, you may need to convert or reproject to/from. * `ADD_NUM` becomes the virtual `addr:housenumber` (or `addr:house` temporarily, avoiding addr:house which is a real tag) - * `"UNIT"+"LOT"` becomes the virtual `addr:unit` (sometimes the LOT key is used for multiple units in a range) + * `UNIT` becomes the virtual `addr:unit` (sometimes the LOT key is used for multiple units in a range, but mostly it's unrelated lot IDs and not useful) * `SADD` becomes the virtual `addr:street` (or `addr:stree` temporarily) via the `getformattedstreetnamefromaddress("SADD")` custom expression * `POST_COMM` becomes the virual `addr:city` via the `title("POST_COMM")` expression (we care about postal community addresses not what municipality a place might be governed by) * `POST_CODE` becomes `addr:postcode` (or `addr:postc` temporarily) @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ See [https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/The_Villages_Road_and_Address_Import](h * `maxspeed=10 mph` added manually in JOSM * Use the Filter with Form function to Select all entries with `"LIFECYCLE"='Current'` * Export to Geojson, only exporting **selected** entries, **selecting only the OSM-formatted fields we want**. +* Here you can rename temporary columns like `addr:house` to `addr:housenumber`. * Ensure the export file is in the `EPSG:4326 - WGS84` CRS. * Open in JSOM. It's suggested to begin with roads first, addresses second, so the addresses can be placed in context. * In the Roads dataset, select and remove all relations from the geojson/shapefile layer: the data often has one relation per road and this is improper for OSM import.