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[ -82.053935798998907, 28.797599445397321 ], [ -82.053932721390822, 28.798235082085181 ], [ -82.053930621975681, 28.798916805710437 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 583", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.067804933966926, 28.791987653488409 ], [ -82.06782325976063, 28.792062625658648 ], [ -82.067844918008376, 28.792150926935353 ], [ -82.067866576760963, 28.792292541336412 ], [ -82.067876572126536, 28.792409165665607 ], [ -82.067889900194984, 28.792547448345342 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 77th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976083983737382, 28.654496398802962 ], [ -81.9760337309595, 28.654498254946088 ], [ -81.975990634327005, 28.654511514263344 ], [ -81.975948642018508, 28.654535825568676 ], [ -81.975905543970995, 28.654595498282077 ], [ -81.975866867710266, 28.654670641415233 ], [ 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[ -81.996729003313746, 28.840313138191696 ], [ -81.996858928958389, 28.840335926480765 ], [ -81.996935480155173, 28.840357810176044 ], [ -81.997023023760363, 28.840392685502028 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 1st Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.050596446445581, 28.610132880394165 ], [ -82.050536757441563, 28.610122959384842 ], [ -82.05046829475026, 28.610122984455288 ], [ -82.050396857970455, 28.61012826490942 ], [ -82.050369007420599, 28.610132963647182 ], [ -82.050309444519797, 28.610147319975493 ], [ -82.050257968854439, 28.610170343022968 ], [ -82.0502222576484, 28.610191368845022 ], [ -82.050168690787885, 28.610235778100613 ], [ -82.050125384943399, 28.610269246331541 ], [ -82.050082075783195, 28.61029793394734 ], [ -82.050028844196504, 28.610331533883162 ], [ -82.049968334410252, 28.610361324946552 ], [ -82.049888974794527, 28.610399003847256 ], [ -82.049830327169033, 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-82.007660890453323, 28.906996749305492 ], [ -82.007657948029248, 28.906812829503469 ], [ -82.007656753502701, 28.906459894703069 ], [ -82.007652607768023, 28.905914052264272 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 1st Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.054696040037655, 28.608702808316195 ], [ -82.054353063422511, 28.608696830720572 ], [ -82.053795295454577, 28.608697048755293 ], [ -82.053545862598384, 28.608700202150583 ], [ -82.053364498628596, 28.608700870764455 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cleveland Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031376080613285, 28.865474946329289 ], [ -82.030719983532592, 28.86547452122408 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.080807231207316, 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[ -82.004508010953217, 28.885634105826931 ], [ -82.004545059166816, 28.885632002392274 ], [ -82.004582558791753, 28.885637825649429 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 740", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.064572208783687, 28.610064243261412 ], [ -82.063763385148732, 28.610048581851075 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979028863363851, 28.872121770219596 ], [ -81.979210860006702, 28.872114834645377 ], [ -81.979464073980992, 28.872100943094697 ], [ -81.979544137106529, 28.872092515218498 ], [ -81.979544553301139, 28.872092471069294 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Haislip Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988993635777419, 28.854615998013376 ], [ -81.989156644123597, 28.854268597686293 ] 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[ -81.990491368089081, 28.773841442811424 ], [ -81.990596607309428, 28.773811561050351 ], [ -81.991708753290894, 28.773582898638228 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bertram Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044687118317725, 28.883287737562888 ], [ -82.044595249793346, 28.883108714100228 ], [ -82.044509108964306, 28.88301145790907 ], [ -82.044350720127369, 28.882936430740909 ], [ -82.044209003896171, 28.882916978822383 ], [ -82.044064508538611, 28.882941987620182 ], [ -82.043753287981616, 28.8830281264555 ], [ -82.043647652108106, 28.883047768113858 ], [ -82.043518053026062, 28.883066635924958 ], [ -82.043365613863585, 28.883071104721591 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trinidad Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989422616019894, 28.945960659584237 ], [ -81.989413473169819, 28.94645579665757 ], [ -81.989409732933481, 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28.751711631923211 ], [ -82.010789454445259, 28.751708832503816 ], [ -82.010733508684552, 28.751725616111436 ], [ -82.010708331928498, 28.751747993647012 ], [ -82.010691548493241, 28.751784358317657 ], [ -82.010680359010365, 28.751834710329 ], [ -82.01068035860898, 28.751893453095182 ], [ -82.010666369398393, 28.752433331342893 ], [ -82.01064958597253, 28.752492075316596 ], [ -82.010618356295524, 28.752542492827711 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bermudez Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966855939461723, 28.919430873584467 ], [ -81.966869459252663, 28.919427867769812 ], [ -81.966891458865575, 28.919419918562735 ], [ -81.966906843760242, 28.919411674471867 ], [ -81.966924902923267, 28.919398175162467 ], [ -81.966944281148898, 28.919377617510676 ], [ -81.967044121700766, 28.91919109501378 ], [ -81.967324383296742, 28.918658251983956 ], [ -81.9673498525312, 28.918610108038589 ], [ -81.967359420747627, 28.918581250413627 ], [ -81.96736407763288, 28.918552387982253 ], [ -81.967366444574523, 28.918513483333857 ], [ -81.967366512713625, 28.918297853406028 ], [ -81.967366522980058, 28.918268609974472 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Deskin Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967744233571381, 28.830638982471513 ], [ -81.967743849498433, 28.830638394074242 ], [ -81.96767490347645, 28.830557016355463 ], [ -81.967621564752932, 28.830504289752298 ], [ -81.967526591604937, 28.83042424199979 ], [ -81.967478448084606, 28.830401120431471 ], [ -81.967336617452702, 28.830350665030377 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.068441892523495, 28.853614710231227 ], [ -82.067967008715243, 28.853102098093853 ], [ -82.067218367667607, 28.852383166899113 ], [ -82.066906070650063, 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28.853837373163216 ], [ -81.998693049587132, 28.853841034694881 ], [ -81.998692394652807, 28.853842077752876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Main Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038900589403809, 28.867065418640397 ], [ -82.038622026329705, 28.867664803401627 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.152315232173166, 28.802201127829612 ], [ -82.152165846005772, 28.802473719501485 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.201553807796628, 28.60530146775476 ], [ -82.201795187508864, 28.605017136942386 ], [ -82.202021376476736, 28.604736268848182 ], [ -82.202249705076014, 28.60445367643047 ], [ -82.202382246144481, 28.604297054506151 ], [ -82.202499237688002, 28.604157300441855 ], [ -82.202622090126965, 28.604026820820646 ], [ -82.202729207737548, 28.603919397623812 ], [ -82.202810476011763, 28.603841236902777 ], [ -82.202941942531339, 28.603734464854146 ], [ -82.203085874672084, 28.60362767499003 ], [ -82.203202681475744, 28.603541603458094 ], [ -82.20328468301976, 28.603485121862931 ], [ -82.203381876119849, 28.603423251318599 ], [ -82.203472998855844, 28.603366755084174 ], [ -82.203591470059578, 28.603299484578219 ], [ -82.20375249566581, 28.603221413369194 ], [ -82.203965155461617, 28.603111061053706 ], [ -82.20496474031043, 28.602637216250866 ], [ -82.20561491790302, 28.602327601734586 ], [ -82.205751644700911, 28.602265668888641 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quailey Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999586527117927, 28.85105347014342 ], [ -81.999772025155693, 28.85097695254905 ], [ -81.999890279428897, 28.850906232803997 ], [ -82.000325987275943, 28.85056147311802 ], [ -82.000454873357285, 28.850463865567988 ], [ -82.000598264213437, 28.85036493151512 ], [ -82.000710235385412, 28.850288672263417 ], [ -82.000807052730806, 28.850232071470398 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C Thomas Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.030469730192451, 28.837415590534697 ], [ -82.030437279332688, 28.837707808949872 ], [ -82.030469890742737, 28.837971367469816 ], [ -82.030515487037391, 28.838131787603462 ], [ -82.030548044986716, 28.838211995505326 ], [ -82.030671718911336, 28.838338022200283 ], [ -82.030821420263266, 28.838458311519471 ], [ -82.031192436661144, 28.838819197028002 ], [ -82.031290075380866, 28.838922307717443 ], [ -82.031342152837851, 28.838985322946787 ], [ -82.03138123078358, 28.839105636697557 ], [ -82.031400779628427, 28.839197306634063 ], [ -82.031394710712718, 28.839868295873568 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Thurston 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-82.099604461020434, 28.930932240916732 ], [ -82.099066987148234, 28.930937182007519 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Churchill Downs", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022666598245124, 28.920457046878337 ], [ -82.022616592537332, 28.92049349611564 ], [ -82.022580081127543, 28.920525167274132 ], [ -82.022556403303696, 28.920555628151728 ], [ -82.022526745012428, 28.920603517851127 ], [ -82.022484244526467, 28.920704327499717 ], [ -82.022442323520508, 28.920795985952051 ], [ -82.022409058092862, 28.920867679684193 ], [ -82.022361058522804, 28.920945132443588 ], [ -82.022307527294345, 28.921014293977777 ], [ -82.022212266139618, 28.921134524948801 ], [ -82.022146650579842, 28.921204259514127 ], [ -82.022077845117849, 28.921277491856426 ], [ -82.021995296699146, 28.921339629012941 ], [ -82.021932786568996, 28.921380891928319 ], [ -82.021870274656834, 28.921418717066871 ], [ -82.021798650203237, 28.921455020538666 ], [ -82.021740353223734, 28.921477471631594 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Timber Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981714450142988, 28.807136929639647 ], [ -81.981683272290809, 28.807301537696887 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 641", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.248813207044265, 28.633203376286883 ], [ -82.248860721171596, 28.633232066577545 ], [ -82.24894974454493, 28.633258065904819 ], [ -82.249658465928846, 28.633256766626101 ], [ -82.250052865755933, 28.63325865811769 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hinton Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034072308046845, 28.792496389094442 ], [ -82.034157423690786, 28.792578780869352 ], [ -82.034215917302973, 28.792621790504811 ], [ -82.034274496203892, 28.792652796622626 ], [ -82.034335332014194, 28.792675298756194 ], [ -82.034395807672013, 28.792689480723027 ], [ -82.034462805159549, 28.792697475681571 ], [ -82.034629751303186, 28.792713933672047 ], [ -82.034850376092024, 28.792735685341199 ], [ -82.035155129198486, 28.792765727387426 ], [ -82.035275999591647, 28.792777644119546 ], [ -82.035409851558711, 28.792790980365638 ], [ -82.035446856071289, 28.792798045915955 ], [ -82.035492580324799, 28.792813670362928 ], [ -82.035533902224614, 28.792835761901571 ], [ -82.035572578002458, 28.792865989362838 ], [ -82.035602963369982, 28.792900273041468 ], [ -82.035629130281663, 28.792945679710954 ], [ -82.035641155330254, 28.79298121059832 ], [ -82.035651656989288, 28.793046505573955 ], [ -82.035675753636923, 28.793213263937712 ], [ -82.035731119025556, 28.793615567512717 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orange Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986319777232211, 28.747256611504412 ], [ -81.986566443238289, 28.747030149795581 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brookside Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012041538273635, 28.898661632330658 ], [ -82.01205070654666, 28.898649139218353 ], [ -82.012065847923623, 28.898622480400991 ], [ -82.012079696994945, 28.898592571610045 ], [ -82.012097397265038, 28.898553611524932 ], [ -82.012158666553844, 28.898333355928649 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barr Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982404829917925, 28.757749861819207 ], [ -81.982343185896895, 28.757922048524158 ], [ -81.982334899090333, 28.758087773507736 ], [ -81.982357685979011, 28.758288713734157 ], [ -81.982401187827293, 28.758526943158991 ], [ -81.98247748868711, 28.758803369263383 ], [ -81.982544805972381, 28.759034774791857 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trend Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954406636833042, 28.955044986539885 ], [ -81.954419986376678, 28.955870586041133 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stillwater Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955471135687688, 28.899561424279891 ], [ -81.955422169996837, 28.899379611007145 ], [ -81.955381620540152, 28.899209799283149 ], [ -81.955342783315061, 28.898995303552976 ], [ -81.955333167238123, 28.898934181317308 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canvas Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043955797553508, 28.928510395922768 ], [ -82.043556458306213, 28.928506212944786 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Adams Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985222947315336, 28.911483417871562 ], [ -81.985155790578659, 28.911170230999442 ], [ -81.985114982274098, 28.911034778024195 ], [ -81.985057175490098, 28.910916169026411 ], [ -81.984977881193259, 28.910797557579986 ], [ -81.984884128472032, 28.910689600581435 ], [ -81.984759120231175, 28.910564795848767 ], [ -81.984683141454269, 28.910489843183083 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tharp Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025733718607938, 28.833357089239225 ], [ -82.025901110767833, 28.833341553757538 ], [ -82.026050029569973, 28.83331798468113 ], [ -82.026176287118389, 28.833290935906174 ], [ -82.026286289856913, 28.833252047303482 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Charlene Place", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981051174250027, 28.807156837256773 ], [ 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-82.128136019292953, 28.905380795098814 ], [ -82.129025911443577, 28.905381770373772 ], [ -82.130795341502008, 28.905378250799352 ], [ -82.131780431515011, 28.905379115824115 ], [ -82.132144665962429, 28.905378761494859 ], [ -82.132316431942925, 28.9053767709959 ], [ -82.132469559607316, 28.905363876240454 ], [ -82.132616465576291, 28.905340057904382 ], [ -82.132719912884681, 28.905318103778534 ], [ -82.132823355532764, 28.905292507913419 ], [ -82.132920590311656, 28.905266918067678 ], [ -82.133034361485812, 28.905224921696629 ], [ -82.133505962828949, 28.905031427304287 ], [ -82.133667299529051, 28.904965709930156 ], [ -82.133820381948624, 28.904916390724527 ], [ -82.133977611320205, 28.904876173204766 ], [ -82.134083125837662, 28.904852394251815 ], [ -82.134182438486391, 28.904834084766254 ], [ -82.134277617242091, 28.904819422779404 ], [ -82.134457642662767, 28.904802854698293 ], [ -82.13462319283218, 28.904795405844204 ], [ -82.134819794080443, 28.904793389247825 ], [ 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28.803712716035424 ], [ -81.987141744530589, 28.802159211698168 ], [ -81.987191700505946, 28.802136057747273 ], [ -81.987239026966321, 28.80211985223383 ], [ -81.987278466087957, 28.802107118953273 ], [ -81.987327761457991, 28.802107124539059 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.070526346612908, 28.799883165116444 ], [ -82.071221805012854, 28.799879772396082 ], [ -82.071557908368987, 28.79987935665423 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994009866483751, 28.909179524873366 ], [ -81.993967553646883, 28.909190160123021 ], [ -81.993921211581778, 28.909204339399054 ], [ -81.993890987447372, 28.90922029332917 ], [ -81.993862779342507, 28.909236249151462 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal 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28.906339692359158 ], [ -82.020204489045483, 28.906321560563466 ], [ -82.020135029046912, 28.906299607825822 ], [ -82.020028234180003, 28.906259324847301 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rowan Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97330613808532, 28.788401504371958 ], [ -81.974027252802344, 28.788579656870883 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alexa Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959448647673753, 28.897141168342582 ], [ -81.959663678090635, 28.897018573667069 ], [ -81.959882498863152, 28.896874253310529 ], [ -81.959931147790698, 28.896842296670059 ], [ -81.960038245772566, 28.896690377769186 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 419", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.141107505944575, 28.804102796498327 ], [ -82.141097186931333, 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-82.010876722282703, 28.888567677766304 ], [ -82.010857548178365, 28.888527254351974 ], [ -82.010791348250024, 28.88840567706189 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meadows Circle", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.113428600605516, 28.677900531219176 ], [ -82.114007730620827, 28.677903887929851 ], [ -82.114053450789356, 28.67790385061857 ], [ -82.114090457416395, 28.677899980256878 ], [ -82.114127461927183, 28.677892269564808 ], [ -82.114162269338891, 28.677867279251942 ], [ -82.114181829048604, 28.677834623755082 ], [ -82.114227118303305, 28.677437145884699 ], [ -82.11422490664026, 28.677406427865048 ], [ -82.114211807211234, 28.67737187863796 ], [ -82.11418347477543, 28.677345021901665 ], [ -82.114144258790361, 28.677320095328913 ], [ -82.114087639733015, 28.677308621720041 ], [ -82.113782839653624, 28.677308875356548 ], [ -82.113667460547546, 28.67731857323902 ], [ -82.113564158680646, 28.677390548906615 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28.588494997992989 ], [ -82.149004027281009, 28.588493774664126 ], [ -82.149004423822134, 28.588492963927362 ], [ -82.149005559420118, 28.588490643666589 ], [ -82.149006401441468, 28.588488928295998 ], [ -82.149007479959749, 28.588486729011453 ], [ -82.149008227172217, 28.588485203236356 ], [ -82.149009093651628, 28.588483432796124 ], [ -82.149009840866583, 28.588481908825692 ], [ -82.149011170153457, 28.588479196736635 ], [ -82.149011642130034, 28.588478232519233 ], [ -82.149012076390107, 28.588477345944479 ], [ -82.149013388348266, 28.588474669968026 ], [ -82.149014696223446, 28.588471998507718 ], [ -82.149015354750645, 28.58847065510264 ], [ -82.149016548453844, 28.588468216571439 ], [ -82.149018054097056, 28.588465146059647 ], [ -82.149019427216118, 28.588462343688363 ], [ -82.14902083703187, 28.588459465480213 ], [ -82.1490221510266, 28.588456784087381 ], [ -82.14902261994493, 28.588455826189673 ], [ -82.149023932919789, 28.588453146602621 ], [ -82.149024420187729, 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28.588361052947651 ], [ -82.149071267240245, 28.588356537011709 ], [ -82.149073351886415, 28.58835228018841 ], [ -82.149073889105878, 28.588351185059796 ], [ -82.149077004355604, 28.58834482645668 ], [ -82.149078085925197, 28.5883426181448 ], [ -82.14908968350116, 28.588318947852532 ], [ -82.149091256307898, 28.588315660704261 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Worth Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014435959959059, 28.946705842642672 ], [ -82.014447237031021, 28.94673822295761 ], [ -82.014472162425136, 28.946875568278919 ], [ -82.014486015016544, 28.946958567847613 ], [ -82.014501128129822, 28.947062594312428 ], [ -82.014507424326425, 28.947113502817327 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Raise Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956321802098913, 28.954807520522735 ], [ -81.95625387895636, 28.954823019585696 ], [ 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[ [ -82.02080503054907, 28.791301482777879 ], [ -82.020848884145451, 28.791224955583051 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 641", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.252823037036578, 28.635461083040692 ], [ -82.25351265660538, 28.635651429330938 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 430a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.13587570561414, 28.800954633693042 ], [ -82.136297600337045, 28.801101456989329 ], [ -82.136435324628565, 28.801158572929275 ], [ -82.136477427645715, 28.801192209318526 ], [ -82.136498504218906, 28.801227551441002 ], [ -82.136513852965109, 28.801269635056361 ], [ -82.136527297791872, 28.801316772613195 ], [ -82.136529283730283, 28.801375709456735 ], [ -82.136546698020283, 28.801535668668421 ], [ -82.136567986830784, 28.80173603750422 ], [ -82.136591129113782, 28.801889256105131 ], [ 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28.917342269111007 ], [ -81.966017759690345, 28.917351741533448 ], [ -81.966065348632853, 28.917363704514401 ], [ -81.966123701427975, 28.917379224347211 ], [ -81.966194211474161, 28.91739924968326 ], [ -81.966244936478233, 28.917414528430157 ], [ -81.966290676665182, 28.917428946015136 ], [ -81.96635070787508, 28.917449002017449 ], [ -81.966393813814477, 28.917462447132184 ], [ -81.966422076682178, 28.917471261536473 ], [ -81.9664619239594, 28.917483280183838 ], [ -81.966497926131922, 28.91749334077641 ], [ -81.966546275906637, 28.917506022908015 ], [ -81.966595630942024, 28.917518005090638 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Belvedere Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016194726567733, 28.926388612238814 ], [ -82.016220208159979, 28.926355543754031 ], [ -82.0162798040583, 28.926276875583451 ], [ -82.016369194193402, 28.926145765179225 ], [ -82.016434104898437, 28.926022337042102 ], [ -82.016486882099215, 28.925909958917881 ], [ -82.016539655908829, 28.925763119397764 ], [ -82.016565182952505, 28.925647748852345 ], [ -82.016585600449787, 28.925526385861815 ], [ -82.016594076798967, 28.925273173637422 ], [ -82.016570970247955, 28.925083603175583 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.10458248981864, 28.754967499685332 ], [ -82.105070951638567, 28.755150075909903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Azteca Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998644752720622, 28.950611474356542 ], [ -81.998659626603015, 28.950367604720789 ], [ -81.998665264698161, 28.950182983106565 ], [ -81.99868823210069, 28.949897322961409 ], [ -81.998714808527254, 28.949661878128982 ], [ -81.998739088440729, 28.949460896324776 ], [ -81.998773052418059, 28.949248318346974 ], [ -81.99880393213013, 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-81.998091619506212, 28.87121099567301 ], [ -81.998152926385572, 28.871165980695874 ], [ -81.998219162695335, 28.871126753133584 ], [ -81.998234256116703, 28.871118977301325 ], [ -81.998299760256273, 28.871089916840226 ], [ -81.998374474612945, 28.871064672309064 ], [ -81.998451780200057, 28.871046441371298 ], [ -81.998530824163467, 28.871035421616714 ], [ -81.998557062093525, 28.871033396259854 ], [ -81.998961541665949, 28.8710162837585 ], [ -81.999117110621484, 28.871009438370347 ], [ -81.999168560335988, 28.871005912556178 ], [ -81.999230809321929, 28.870995014077984 ], [ -81.999276568921815, 28.870982051897265 ], [ -81.999436027044069, 28.87096493615206 ], [ -81.99949825646641, 28.870958088891289 ], [ -81.999611042605281, 28.870961513634303 ], [ -81.999723830757318, 28.870971784056888 ], [ -81.999873339127731, 28.871007040142981 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Flamingo Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981553921938598, 28.908228342596352 ], [ -81.981758263882938, 28.908136172959896 ], [ -81.98188924530713, 28.908097007601381 ], [ -81.982014987087297, 28.908078584340142 ], [ -81.982118797804716, 28.908059709582329 ], [ -81.982194833704611, 28.908045013192872 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cazaras Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974764784075404, 28.952535679450239 ], [ -81.974837157620385, 28.952657306736107 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 472", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026842764186455, 28.90912256182245 ], [ -82.026711449749868, 28.909119940024283 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 521a", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04731249892744, 28.801966157963548 ], [ -82.046794119932613, 28.80195374292121 ], [ 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28.941658255791548 ], [ -81.971679562246365, 28.941668402586984 ], [ -81.971690927072956, 28.941685906780545 ], [ -81.971698026062441, 28.941705908521282 ], [ -81.97169801987846, 28.941728409915932 ], [ -81.971690908860651, 28.941752158581107 ], [ -81.971675270306648, 28.94177325179491 ], [ -81.9715552177408, 28.941848937765744 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jacqueline Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034330704822921, 28.828520910494795 ], [ -82.034334222548097, 28.828337593058436 ], [ -82.03434084960675, 28.827798425184103 ], [ -82.034359504894525, 28.827733512984508 ], [ -82.034404513364663, 28.827675621387392 ], [ -82.034453980841718, 28.827635977848082 ], [ -82.034461631424776, 28.827631357019733 ], [ -82.03452531102306, 28.827608297939207 ], [ -82.034579201458712, 28.827598925692921 ], [ -82.034637778618887, 28.827598926329738 ], [ -82.034685637348659, 28.827606498200691 ], [ -82.035015920189124, 28.82768522412746 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Daisy Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.133852135908441, 28.672904397083791 ], [ -82.133784410097647, 28.672910818703905 ], [ -82.133678860608697, 28.672932408594086 ], [ -82.1335922717778, 28.672961142526592 ], [ -82.133554741646378, 28.67299563123326 ], [ -82.133530103394634, 28.673035213593987 ], [ -82.133489596785367, 28.673114038556257 ], [ -82.133457325690699, 28.673283577666584 ], [ -82.133452250866355, 28.673550974165085 ], [ -82.13346098035808, 28.674030837260052 ], [ -82.133467170987373, 28.674644398548345 ], [ -82.133518174888636, 28.674757045272166 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Charlevoix Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02526112753651, 28.848634042512394 ], [ -82.025286473060845, 28.848719565650292 ], [ 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28.73658921487193 ], [ -82.068885410875538, 28.736576587177399 ], [ -82.06865027551099, 28.736573515500744 ], [ -82.06853450641033, 28.736554445100644 ], [ -82.068373843527084, 28.736480491501641 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Julia Isles Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021083301926083, 28.905578882525681 ], [ -82.021094384946778, 28.905518543256395 ], [ -82.021095610145323, 28.905491806169728 ], [ -82.021100586577006, 28.904503950325779 ], [ -82.021095139415664, 28.904394134229335 ], [ -82.021103258238284, 28.904289089223653 ], [ -82.021143931987879, 28.904181652672499 ], [ -82.021219878671459, 28.904086148117027 ], [ -82.021312106752475, 28.904007352482239 ], [ -82.021407049684754, 28.903947653509714 ], [ -82.021496574426521, 28.903918991669226 ], [ -82.021632222441298, 28.903895098436859 ], [ -82.021751595049622, 28.903895079734806 ], [ -82.021974065126471, 28.90389981865907 ], [ -82.022158551472742, 28.903899789242914 ], [ -82.022320031385135, 28.903906547669344 ], [ -82.022368325592282, 28.903916567111242 ], [ -82.022413363549617, 28.903928497229121 ], [ -82.022461117575986, 28.903944246319927 ], [ -82.022498136885474, 28.903960733415701 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 100th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.067975282742864, 28.609581424369726 ], [ -82.067943485287174, 28.609597479217289 ], [ -82.067852611944687, 28.609597102759128 ], [ -82.067623141368585, 28.609595633250741 ], [ -82.06723464928011, 28.609611862215903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tenerife Lane", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992905675577049, 28.946629250276686 ], [ -81.992979165238935, 28.946744996762543 ], [ -81.993020502341125, 28.946808383244065 ], [ -81.993087003765197, 28.946888638505591 ], [ -81.993276293181495, 28.947028756398311 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Augustine Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972173006465624, 28.942698923499986 ], [ -81.971940159698349, 28.942822156094518 ], [ -81.971882674650601, 28.942864367741809 ], [ -81.971858023404764, 28.942904375658596 ], [ -81.971842847523746, 28.942951054416124 ], [ -81.971829556785821, 28.943036080133872 ], [ -81.971821944650543, 28.943147780641429 ], [ -81.971801036788179, 28.94336618174643 ], [ -81.971797207578263, 28.943504559345723 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pomaria Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954006061117028, 28.896290050363952 ], [ -81.95462102002422, 28.896293077516752 ], [ -81.955263270497824, 28.896287932518 ], [ -81.955355793421546, 28.896295907164429 ], [ -81.955415049945898, 28.896310425908585 ], [ -81.955497951865553, 28.896333686726454 ], [ -81.955590458513825, 28.896377407604948 ], [ -81.955763612319274, 28.896493147690471 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040159106745506, 28.824739925492125 ], [ -82.040075057371141, 28.824873421315804 ], [ -82.039980092287053, 28.825049866540862 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 630", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.203469088053566, 28.636119941309275 ], [ -82.204703125884876, 28.63612697952874 ], [ -82.206249452209164, 28.636135753289881 ], [ -82.20665744102304, 28.636137356753721 ], [ -82.207057867143035, 28.636136747143897 ], [ -82.208075341101477, 28.636152969299825 ], [ -82.208954270584158, 28.636153844897624 ], [ -82.209123005583848, 28.636153586581777 ], [ -82.209231327221602, 28.636168970900226 ], [ -82.209319520841845, 28.636193276801325 ], [ -82.209362360828223, 28.636206541987011 ], [ -82.209395139669951, 28.636226487286951 ], [ -82.209435486004836, 28.636253087380616 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.108704748038321, 28.909104561590549 ], [ -82.108845168926251, 28.909365538877257 ], [ -82.109134044456383, 28.909972470110784 ], [ -82.109314957847772, 28.910351483203165 ], [ -82.109431702673973, 28.910622948265914 ], [ -82.109627229992697, 28.911055745740203 ], [ -82.109846146842784, 28.911575628808944 ], [ -82.110050504127599, 28.912095524211946 ], [ -82.110322055269123, 28.912828000302216 ], [ -82.110652085465787, 28.913788433410165 ], [ -82.110859576604142, 28.914510710479192 ], [ -82.111055413458615, 28.915220190432638 ], [ -82.111175300886984, 28.915699162728799 ], [ -82.111254288510651, 28.916047512622544 ], [ -82.111368408345541, 28.916577726222243 ], [ -82.111479633563093, 28.917120751939233 ], [ -82.111573422426147, 28.917697096482183 ], [ -82.111643751115508, 28.918114623963984 ], [ -82.111699499628557, 28.918514228510134 ], [ -82.111752370875848, 28.918944580159614 ], [ -82.111814082068477, 28.919472276589712 ], [ -82.111864195921356, 28.92004609517911 ], [ -82.111893761466007, 28.920463653356183 ], [ -82.111923396364801, 28.920947824201363 ], [ -82.111932475269072, 28.92126804985547 ], [ -82.111944510309115, 28.921631825873956 ], [ -82.111951169504195, 28.922413191522246 ], [ -82.111946630239729, 28.923614712182431 ], [ -82.111936835969445, 28.925349107134561 ], [ -82.111932779064858, 28.927004078850668 ], [ -82.111926171043748, 28.928994656529536 ], [ -82.111919200477161, 28.930647066346964 ], [ -82.111914115991951, 28.931338776237894 ], [ -82.111909485930298, 28.932455755088263 ], [ -82.111905599492545, 28.934269559932972 ], [ -82.111905903405599, 28.934553926096267 ], [ -82.111909138450159, 28.934856223781331 ], [ -82.111926979227491, 28.935199499595083 ], [ -82.111953570784252, 28.935555576181304 ], [ -82.11198887931387, 28.935893712471518 ], [ -82.112038772052543, 28.936252333118258 ], [ -82.112088666854277, 28.936613514428942 ], [ -82.112170677918286, 28.937048964681082 ], [ -82.112252610014622, 28.937410120211592 ], [ -82.112349154425516, 28.93781737605455 ], [ -82.112436881592018, 28.938150346238661 ], [ -82.112550855024239, 28.938514034679784 ], [ -82.112670669945402, 28.938893091379271 ], [ -82.112790440551919, 28.939231157782316 ], [ -82.11293354420188, 28.939597386746904 ], [ -82.113088289680348, 28.939958478980198 ], [ -82.113240108520671, 28.940304203832028 ], [ -82.113403567806941, 28.940639671406544 ], [ -82.113517411949104, 28.940880390213323 ], [ -82.114235360272517, 28.942247821406731 ], [ -82.115131370855067, 28.943960947697878 ], [ -82.115936932476828, 28.945502500546262 ], [ -82.116672457472703, 28.946903206039615 ], [ -82.117720325517624, 28.948900550011324 ], [ -82.118388771178061, 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.13565638512155, 28.672997309157541 ], [ -82.135281160792303, 28.672988194138632 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 101", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016362315605861, 28.939791352923933 ], [ -82.016363921952234, 28.9399322531088 ], [ -82.016344454889946, 28.941017019812854 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955130918033376, 28.948239244656296 ], [ -81.955151688993482, 28.948263244468254 ], [ -81.95519450507264, 28.948294560217345 ], [ -81.955238160511797, 28.948318296975952 ], [ -81.95527400271925, 28.948336038086509 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 489", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107794957234304, 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-81.966570496589227, 28.835340482983611 ], [ -81.966654712821978, 28.83534710429447 ], [ -81.966784844566448, 28.835374638871897 ], [ -81.966812550521908, 28.835379935949533 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trabucco Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96738565740246, 28.783668320830049 ], [ -81.967343949062865, 28.783628792941414 ], [ -81.967244681649476, 28.783520335855229 ], [ -81.966909906043924, 28.783153950272645 ], [ -81.96683400074707, 28.783062103016221 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Whispering Oaks Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036010287175912, 28.923355850452094 ], [ -82.035778054412219, 28.92335388034526 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jumper Creek Bend", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.114982781208013, 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28.790379245441237 ], [ -82.053326371467392, 28.790374374866957 ], [ -82.053336445908883, 28.790367424041552 ], [ -82.053348287169158, 28.79035220734103 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124130782264231, 28.668612939231867 ], [ -82.124564686549292, 28.668615277641571 ], [ -82.124925825192349, 28.668610045806176 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clyde Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034504059552589, 28.870241602060887 ], [ -82.034298946094097, 28.870249064018665 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 482c 1", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.121545131890443, 28.772092237049019 ], [ -82.121444133888829, 28.772148564836275 ], [ -82.121404281360014, 28.772183749127752 ], [ -82.121372411341341, 28.77222126959526 ], [ -82.121361815073044, 28.772258771080974 ], [ -82.121356544432373, 28.772300955334874 ], [ -82.12135661998181, 28.772366563392918 ], [ -82.121344539414594, 28.774099872378507 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Allenwood Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961338116451756, 28.884706687698131 ], [ -81.961407051168422, 28.884730084354644 ], [ -81.961567765513337, 28.884785133844268 ], [ -81.961652431955528, 28.884806477632637 ], [ -81.961726777302061, 28.884820342860312 ], [ -81.96180684753179, 28.884822882188587 ], [ -81.961864025642342, 28.88482303469597 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 125b 1", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017644419685382, 28.891430095291501 ], [ -82.017563870882555, 28.89142918239607 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gordon Path", "maxspeed": "30 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-82.013869336928366, 28.925251811254498 ], [ -82.013867563780096, 28.925133552950232 ], [ -82.013867551266316, 28.925044514413361 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mears Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984908808346219, 28.768511804502783 ], [ -81.984943240645805, 28.768241757585976 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Malone Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017757912887788, 28.819139893890085 ], [ -82.017275074072657, 28.818678916824531 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "James Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96253712690023, 28.780250900010312 ], [ -81.962626986707704, 28.780309855181159 ], [ -81.962791765129083, 28.780412171014301 ], [ -81.963133219319616, 28.78062156323945 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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-81.963059357875807, 28.675763977211876 ], [ -81.962775450069799, 28.675886017037865 ], [ -81.962495005127977, 28.676005001934019 ], [ -81.96190641680414, 28.67624601653533 ], [ -81.960043690193714, 28.677005650893843 ], [ -81.957983584458958, 28.677838467490552 ], [ -81.956902265322924, 28.67829107399044 ], [ -81.956778664353706, 28.678329604568184 ], [ -81.95658477549523, 28.678390601217636 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 209", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053726331034468, 28.878674118997772 ], [ -82.053727988294398, 28.87913972017132 ], [ -82.053729726288978, 28.879773648246331 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "State Route 471", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.059733539588791, 28.753176736566466 ], [ -82.059796735772991, 28.7531870062897 ], [ -82.059910286192931, 28.753196799236498 ], [ -82.059953346158281, 28.753198431668377 ], [ -82.06001802832246, 28.753194667791934 ], [ -82.060081599415795, 28.753183496341808 ], [ -82.060142973151002, 28.753165107282541 ], [ -82.06020109607968, 28.753139815988302 ], [ -82.060254976258861, 28.753108056011442 ], [ -82.060303692462, 28.753070370054942 ], [ -82.060346407485667, 28.753027401845205 ], [ -82.060382393743794, 28.752979888901731 ], [ -82.060388532779612, 28.752970225082333 ], [ -82.060552138420945, 28.752625684999405 ], [ -82.060673838367364, 28.752450965941993 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dipper Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966678534875911, 28.884672575008107 ], [ -81.966678656579035, 28.884676679606205 ], [ -81.966672097713413, 28.884719871131917 ], [ -81.966656818812993, 28.884755381004645 ], [ -81.966636597642832, 28.884786813049669 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pecan Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-81.983432562485831, 28.923692146883781 ], [ -81.983512920699567, 28.923762864374979 ], [ -81.983593281127909, 28.923820486796078 ], [ -81.983670665785141, 28.923875491243425 ], [ -81.983727216030019, 28.923901685498908 ], [ -81.983804604366625, 28.923927883167725 ], [ -81.983910746744911, 28.923951671528524 ], [ -81.983983196340546, 28.92396194838777 ], [ -81.984337233703286, 28.923972641194407 ], [ -81.984629141712432, 28.923982009462165 ], [ -81.984712469883291, 28.923985602975883 ], [ -81.984796346488253, 28.923997846812185 ], [ -81.984877065285559, 28.924017090249691 ], [ -81.984959466612935, 28.924046692186629 ], [ -81.98503513854412, 28.924086647162842 ], [ -81.98510536403225, 28.924137536411656 ], [ -81.985522037026684, 28.924533017199046 ], [ -81.985590487454402, 28.924622063189844 ], [ -81.985652980959102, 28.924742534565709 ], [ -81.98570058954941, 28.924873477259382 ], [ -81.985828453409127, 28.925362008342557 ], [ -81.985837438425847, 28.925423434890341 ], [ -81.985831475627435, 28.925488904837447 ], [ -81.985816584207683, 28.92555175356495 ], [ -81.985786808784368, 28.925609363775958 ], [ -81.985736198438971, 28.925656496093548 ], [ -81.985233094167995, 28.92596021801203 ], [ -81.985033161768001, 28.926091447219463 ], [ -81.984893715491665, 28.926203726675578 ], [ -81.984798447094889, 28.926297992193163 ], [ -81.984729971745438, 28.926379166603436 ], [ -81.984667446786034, 28.926468196146892 ], [ -81.98461087363853, 28.92656246597894 ], [ -81.9845810973315, 28.926633170028136 ], [ -81.984542386214542, 28.926714346880367 ], [ -81.984503675723786, 28.926811238100672 ], [ -81.984456030991581, 28.926921220574584 ], [ -81.984420295286455, 28.927020728772256 ], [ -81.984277331581112, 28.927549706183598 ], [ -81.984262431840548, 28.927651835250014 ], [ -81.984250506031273, 28.927769679042868 ], [ -81.984217738741137, 28.927924182432754 ], [ -81.98417604823959, 28.928026310110489 ], [ -81.984125428655105, 28.928120580423382 ], [ 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-81.984226581192772, 28.940932825123898 ], [ -81.98550129118351, 28.941872849760941 ], [ -81.986579328109599, 28.94266812633311 ], [ -81.98783855873296, 28.94359529192668 ], [ -81.988183882939509, 28.943854581804509 ], [ -81.98833570340372, 28.944003864342402 ], [ -81.98840678302335, 28.944099076057181 ], [ -81.9884726273702, 28.944236946801823 ], [ -81.988631643494813, 28.944643290261155 ], [ -81.98894288800588, 28.945517564700921 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Seymour Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980234115963526, 28.791678300369302 ], [ -81.980069080045951, 28.791150187839243 ], [ -81.979918191004657, 28.790702236036314 ], [ -81.979880469126471, 28.790598498586704 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 2nd Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051975295278595, 28.610162424482926 ], [ 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-81.992032855916719, 28.741549172983664 ], [ -81.992020297423608, 28.741473304862346 ], [ -81.992006909929188, 28.741353524207643 ], [ -81.992009638778839, 28.741308034627938 ], [ -81.992018281980918, 28.741265274029445 ], [ -81.992098734271636, 28.740991476837713 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 68th Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976046232945762, 28.654920727878878 ], [ -81.975923193571347, 28.654845345477145 ], [ -81.975727316332225, 28.654789379768978 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrel Loop", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988972381482867, 28.84099051751631 ], [ -81.989049814438246, 28.841025904271206 ], [ -81.989088170664559, 28.841048895498595 ], [ -81.989124882808284, 28.841075089770904 ], [ -81.989169690431183, 28.84111404602135 ], [ -81.989210865966285, 28.841155631285218 ], [ -81.989266062155934, 28.841211593224177 ], [ -81.989289150708174, 28.841249164444182 ], [ -81.989336264010618, 28.841329114438853 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbin Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982345623712703, 28.76685532149116 ], [ -81.981498667388891, 28.766835196753089 ], [ -81.980885323793672, 28.766789699936364 ], [ -81.980547337190359, 28.76674938460739 ], [ -81.979804129618643, 28.766634873755027 ], [ -81.97959007263934, 28.766567557429312 ], [ -81.979541158691418, 28.766535594431978 ], [ -81.979487652840746, 28.766488471789639 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Doris Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028744321007252, 28.828729068666924 ], [ -82.028818647444353, 28.828704962488953 ], [ -82.028864160487501, 28.828684928080506 ], [ -82.028906963509954, 28.82865817653677 ], [ -82.028980085033666, 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-81.96655274755814, 28.835222065110496 ], [ -81.966524990287894, 28.83520448846032 ], [ -81.966504290855582, 28.835185266852616 ], [ -81.966465510838276, 28.835144822962626 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 70th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987705821357693, 28.81629628305118 ], [ -81.987664205973644, 28.81669721993044 ], [ -81.987670137692817, 28.816751259845667 ], [ -81.987689926459566, 28.816796585623056 ], [ -81.987713675180643, 28.81682447822368 ], [ -81.987747319816734, 28.816854116796861 ], [ -81.987782945553136, 28.816878525752173 ], [ -81.987830450154021, 28.816892474395519 ], [ -81.987879933394439, 28.816895965425054 ], [ -81.987967026197666, 28.816887258792189 ], [ -81.9880204713739, 28.81688203290717 ], [ -81.988067975597716, 28.81689075348082 ], [ -81.988125374315587, 28.816913421027085 ], [ -81.988168917876422, 28.816937829682416 ], [ -81.988208502598454, 28.816962237973801 ], [ -81.988242146408822, 28.817000591838472 ], [ -81.988267874787411, 28.817045918052877 ], [ -81.988285681783111, 28.817096472455081 ], [ -81.98829161324133, 28.817155742130449 ], [ -81.988295565673937, 28.817211526006773 ], [ -81.98828169898448, 28.817312630461867 ], [ -81.988259916314334, 28.817389331236509 ], [ -81.988230218902345, 28.817448597772238 ], [ -81.988196563601676, 28.817507863950841 ], [ -81.98815894794194, 28.817561900881223 ], [ -81.988087678870798, 28.817649055000231 ], [ -81.987869919288499, 28.817875654205967 ], [ -81.987822408348066, 28.817927945974184 ], [ -81.987764996363694, 28.818002899240746 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 475", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119961612821342, 28.890631130237267 ], [ -82.11996161335955, 28.890769632953393 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Magnolia Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994836999308347, 28.649035096831916 ], [ -81.994840179855373, 28.648652937837209 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Evelynton Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019860941330194, 28.916398231467074 ], [ -82.019862159242791, 28.916396059464255 ], [ -82.019880646291796, 28.916363106740601 ], [ -82.019958173099326, 28.916191208964907 ], [ -82.019993908820311, 28.916101134743645 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Standard Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95589733134841, 28.956558699572049 ], [ -81.955830853978725, 28.956611625037308 ], [ -81.955781365363507, 28.956651024412597 ], [ -81.955702464342295, 28.95667202986202 ], [ -81.954431111043633, 28.956702861639588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Idle Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, 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28.770166479097586 ], [ -82.064956079652049, 28.771097421408587 ], [ -82.065379673165779, 28.772554543650852 ], [ -82.065674357373297, 28.773576554078328 ], [ -82.06581019250261, 28.774048095462497 ], [ -82.066109480656891, 28.775072123663271 ], [ -82.066399588346982, 28.776093324022003 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Anna Maria Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985196810055754, 28.848971708627577 ], [ -81.985238329547983, 28.848891839288623 ], [ -81.985321737096299, 28.848747711407164 ], [ -81.985411949016139, 28.848606797326411 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 226", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.108221546360909, 28.8999947441141 ], [ -82.108311213728641, 28.900001533517731 ], [ -82.108511984890228, 28.900013380612204 ], [ -82.108687408852632, 28.900014954343188 ], [ -82.108874526747002, 28.900018233714075 ], [ -82.108999263266554, 28.90001298850661 ], [ -82.110260857418709, 28.899997356575057 ], [ -82.110889824390838, 28.899998561999858 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brier Creek Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987496717450881, 28.919130328839479 ], [ -81.987144581325282, 28.919247425968521 ], [ -81.987025413444428, 28.919279184251245 ], [ -81.986956801657527, 28.919298241258314 ], [ -81.986855690958848, 28.919310939243193 ], [ -81.986787080775429, 28.919317286413744 ], [ -81.98671485839931, 28.919317279215676 ], [ -81.986664305724773, 28.919310919279251 ], [ -81.986602922072692, 28.919282319328204 ], [ -81.986559592662971, 28.919250545993531 ], [ -81.986519877980086, 28.919206062358729 ], [ -81.986498219818969, 28.91914887350314 ], [ -81.986483790786295, 28.919037676608326 ], [ -81.986465766079675, 28.918812104218187 ], [ -81.986458566464677, 28.918637364708111 ], [ -81.986447748728935, 28.918516636306226 ], [ -81.986436926526608, 28.918437209631453 ], [ -81.986415271720716, 28.918364135822376 ], [ -81.986397230254084, 28.918265643776913 ], [ -81.986397238591337, 28.918195750066445 ], [ -81.986408080300549, 28.918129032645201 ], [ -81.986429754336186, 28.918065493315197 ], [ -81.986465873650943, 28.91800513424365 ], [ -81.986570600593282, 28.917935249342904 ], [ -81.986689769163405, 28.917887606520441 ], [ -81.986859493092098, 28.917827258846266 ], [ -81.987047268947009, 28.917785975542973 ], [ -81.987206155586904, 28.91776692901135 ], [ -81.987286650849555, 28.917759280748662 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harston Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958901094387102, 28.884170648254489 ], [ -81.958914002272678, 28.884078748321851 ], [ -81.958915926677477, 28.884065575313905 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cypress Court", "maxspeed": "35 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"South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979738743319672, 28.894555751490955 ], [ -81.979763386039949, 28.894527410375201 ], [ -81.979780475646209, 28.894497340208087 ], [ -81.979796350497111, 28.894460825629096 ], [ -81.979803681486516, 28.894418939268174 ], [ -81.979802267275559, 28.894373651719246 ], [ -81.979792511000596, 28.89432925708827 ], [ -81.979780213070271, 28.89429491910688 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Us 441", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959114637715928, 28.953800895740454 ], [ -81.958705363355165, 28.953412728775437 ], [ -81.958189467784919, 28.952911014480687 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Koonce Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028820462039093, 28.793764056371828 ], [ -82.028840829567628, 28.793593843423988 ], [ 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"name": "Deskin Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965215715101451, 28.834854191291125 ], [ -81.965352516933692, 28.834924296250161 ], [ -81.965500204137726, 28.834989652312562 ], [ -81.96561666395921, 28.83503666533128 ], [ -81.965721415509435, 28.835073934850257 ], [ -81.965800789702868, 28.835108333003454 ], [ -81.965850882380082, 28.835142723670579 ], [ -81.96588384258817, 28.835168038167485 ], [ -81.96591143007231, 28.835193639129365 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Interlochen Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026758380029335, 28.847996486424982 ], [ -82.026856685382711, 28.848028083288646 ], [ -82.026968628740931, 28.848056709741098 ], [ -82.027058440976717, 28.848075027072216 ], [ -82.027152157190017, 28.848094489506177 ], [ -82.027270604827407, 28.848112801076507 ], [ -82.027376033520895, 28.848121947691684 ], [ 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28.750138605212463 ], [ -81.989376095207547, 28.749905323288203 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cochran Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045583724621935, 28.796928439289822 ], [ -82.047396761723178, 28.796934298119552 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Schneller Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982525618673449, 28.771435405331307 ], [ -81.982570149659992, 28.771279545890494 ], [ -81.982634722118945, 28.771118119929433 ], [ -81.982722672369789, 28.770957807697258 ], [ -81.982836227821991, 28.770816421160507 ], [ -81.982992088077822, 28.770665016060683 ], [ -81.983110097519486, 28.770568160976158 ], [ -81.983142383530179, 28.770522516844601 ], [ -81.983163536774228, 28.77045683266304 ], [ -81.983165763977283, 28.770395602645383 ], [ -81.983152403317774, 28.770328805182096 ], [ -81.983124571272157, 28.770286501986991 ], [ -81.982850703557276, 28.770042692908085 ], [ -81.982778339840038, 28.769959196798304 ], [ -81.982724256452414, 28.769886696828937 ], [ -81.982698526391601, 28.769830665066948 ], [ -81.982683089456387, 28.769762625696515 ], [ -81.982675265693985, 28.769633366928353 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Allaire Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981819680370378, 28.852388800426166 ], [ -81.981433346239285, 28.852925601105095 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 54th Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011370700656101, 28.76690634612466 ], [ -82.011327618093006, 28.76687214985326 ], [ -82.011273651751367, 28.766836644242801 ], [ -82.011216594351808, 28.766806295588623 ], [ -82.011171069965911, 28.766786569910128 ], [ -82.011114204180814, 28.766766847784137 ], [ -82.011054328129617, 28.76675142359672 ], [ -82.010980859125581, 28.76673938408975 ], [ -82.010899957227693, 28.766734418357519 ], [ -82.010835162385021, 28.766736558939453 ], [ -82.010740952613745, 28.766749530349465 ], [ -82.010650093609641, 28.766773826430882 ], [ -82.010575786890229, 28.766803388086164 ], [ -82.010512813699648, 28.766836476048397 ], [ -82.010430495275628, 28.766893760078204 ], [ -82.010213710759174, 28.767081718843411 ], [ -82.009841224097656, 28.767405079437257 ], [ -82.009521642550453, 28.767682509490431 ], [ -82.009126790672326, 28.768025275652263 ], [ -82.008682024348062, 28.768411360163714 ], [ -82.008267815277392, 28.768770913411618 ], [ -82.008076342758912, 28.768937120583949 ], [ -82.008020280090193, 28.768985261259537 ], [ -82.007964233632961, 28.769045931479933 ], [ -82.007924254554624, 28.769101740959751 ], [ -82.007887639343807, 28.769169265931726 ], [ -82.007863977201978, 28.769230187971253 ], [ -82.007848124703955, 28.769291603169474 ], [ -82.007838756764897, 28.769368861807962 ], [ -82.007840955961541, 28.769448175324754 ], [ -82.007856960253122, 28.769533946908254 ], [ -82.007883333667692, 28.769608866690593 ], [ -82.007913290283398, 28.76966796596324 ], [ -82.007950921254405, 28.769724726923656 ], [ -82.007985687036594, 28.76976952330665 ], [ -82.008027031174677, 28.769808830539734 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968716915964279, 28.920041444970323 ], [ -81.968378335403528, 28.92003396121277 ], [ -81.967448846513719, 28.920037483082886 ], [ -81.966311881720216, 28.920035736669135 ], [ -81.966121155454587, 28.920036274167284 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036945222545356, 28.893978186013019 ], [ -82.036971760082864, 28.894194175806078 ], [ -82.036990989626347, 28.894727183229108 ], [ -82.037022585240209, 28.894805486156258 ], [ -82.037065171735463, 28.894859062197121 ], [ -82.037109961848287, 28.894881058052601 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Station Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027341453165405, 28.866974089659461 ], [ -82.026904324984017, 28.866974049134505 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trulli Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025001958089916, 28.80419958252017 ], [ -82.025418796478675, 28.804201763794492 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Coquina Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037600252469545, 28.933927958800144 ], [ -82.037595475861835, 28.934558164687633 ], [ -82.037611390204518, 28.934591584883542 ], [ -82.037633670628878, 28.934612273758972 ], [ -82.037661535597195, 28.934628984680593 ] 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], [ -81.973541518411309, 28.855765128960051 ], [ -81.973487708451955, 28.855801788009469 ], [ -81.9734547222656, 28.855849145280363 ], [ -81.973433880524922, 28.855904147472963 ], [ -81.973433854184648, 28.856006516680385 ], [ -81.973433827689504, 28.856113470497956 ], [ -81.97344248133524, 28.856200563593291 ], [ -81.973461559010573, 28.856254043378023 ], [ -81.973487582897349, 28.856290718200537 ], [ -81.973532698096577, 28.856331979594401 ], [ -81.973586491893684, 28.85635949335953 ], [ -81.973648968764721, 28.856371729177287 ], [ -81.973727069151892, 28.856370215998137 ], [ -81.973972796875501, 28.856363268351167 ], [ -81.974331228784607, 28.856354726755704 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Amici Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959849408427402, 28.825148393751537 ], [ -81.959955260611522, 28.825148948652267 ], [ -81.960001495242551, 28.825150868990836 ], [ -81.961658080465639, 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28.598939028383967 ], [ -82.043728012737418, 28.598919067004815 ], [ -82.043719384340264, 28.598891502267065 ], [ -82.043705371780149, 28.598868690965816 ], [ -82.043674115662711, 28.59882021797673 ], [ -82.043651488644485, 28.598805965401315 ], [ -82.043620248413362, 28.598798370314853 ], [ -82.043591162194559, 28.598792674875636 ], [ -82.043419201241747, 28.598788950855006 ], [ -82.042963261442324, 28.598793687033581 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Crossroads Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026378937938702, 28.878740801818463 ], [ -82.025133915315052, 28.878748340684627 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005032159875014, 28.799770622052002 ], [ -82.005805197865413, 28.799782497087985 ], [ -82.006960886462963, 28.799781494618816 ], [ -82.007806497144728, 28.799769211686105 ], [ -82.007949130484803, 28.799769516405071 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Middleton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010759350994022, 28.754281316629339 ], [ -82.010148138570315, 28.75428581373394 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979506100132767, 28.88781190427666 ], [ -81.979506099015808, 28.887817499443745 ], [ -81.979506066904051, 28.887983491203229 ], [ -81.979499179158125, 28.8887133016541 ], [ -81.979495672595149, 28.889386744924213 ], [ -81.979488756656437, 28.890261924848534 ], [ -81.979485239135499, 28.890994700527635 ], [ -81.979481712072854, 28.891774947045004 ], [ -81.979474745852869, 28.89290526193852 ], [ -81.979474681509757, 28.893216768404603 ], [ -81.979471631768249, 28.893962658763662 ], [ -81.979466751805276, 28.894011528385249 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 48th Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022505745342741, 28.935273992477729 ], [ -82.022503589834102, 28.936128554690857 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Jefferson Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999078206394344, 28.646130962909282 ], [ -81.999859347482115, 28.646164856687964 ], [ -82.000970226082501, 28.646212868563619 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 245 West", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137616228052039, 28.943982328452758 ], [ -82.13762513336404, 28.94546777928554 ], [ -82.137615176720544, 28.949060736696541 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bermudez Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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[ -81.969812444437821, 28.857236024425291 ], [ -81.969696802632569, 28.857234502337981 ], [ -81.969555652937444, 28.85722997871471 ], [ -81.96939749269842, 28.857234434412444 ], [ -81.96932776331694, 28.857246393882328 ], [ -81.969264832462244, 28.857271831698284 ], [ -81.969212097759652, 28.857321225310496 ], [ -81.969178068056692, 28.857378108719825 ], [ -81.969098084254682, 28.857560742081375 ], [ -81.969047023863951, 28.857699964964002 ], [ -81.968995955134289, 28.857863141306488 ], [ -81.968953384418995, 28.858045783207022 ], [ -81.968929527732058, 28.858205971059242 ], [ -81.968895437399667, 28.858466466644298 ], [ -81.968897012832088, 28.858708280143546 ], [ -81.968911936480794, 28.858833584840035 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 128th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.175719680018361, 28.569685630932181 ], [ -82.17631485591518, 28.569699813622762 ], [ -82.176788650715011, 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28.943611981069971 ], [ -81.997580892030712, 28.943376461752017 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boyd Circle", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.047350107742034, 28.92336290096949 ], [ -82.046783392566851, 28.923360897858053 ], [ -82.046716637794177, 28.923353339677359 ], [ -82.046651504086711, 28.923333308480096 ], [ -82.04660590277085, 28.923301811420835 ], [ -82.046570071464743, 28.923273174892529 ], [ -82.046544002559756, 28.923230211983796 ], [ -82.046517931384969, 28.923184384282731 ], [ -82.046504887221474, 28.923138551228565 ], [ -82.046507900498142, 28.922588510923394 ], [ -82.046520901558154, 28.922536940301008 ], [ -82.046546933311987, 28.92249395959066 ], [ -82.046582735192516, 28.922456705111607 ], [ -82.046618538315926, 28.922422315410536 ], [ -82.046667371338671, 28.922399380390317 ], [ -82.046716205611048, 28.922379310140027 ], [ -82.046785140144706, 28.9223753380437 ], [ -82.047350940572755, 28.922375709226085 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 753", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.071246465691161, 28.59904938938665 ], [ -82.069677588740007, 28.599063464528037 ], [ -82.068663609108057, 28.599063974440437 ], [ -82.06720903202239, 28.599067357692913 ], [ -82.066487775647929, 28.599062383067906 ], [ -82.064668049432484, 28.599071240930392 ], [ -82.063726497263616, 28.59907167982956 ], [ -82.063451880305365, 28.599076136311258 ], [ -82.063338709079076, 28.599069529218021 ], [ -82.063255710786763, 28.599056250667331 ], [ -82.063201380566497, 28.599039963111771 ], [ -82.063138746959098, 28.599016354133006 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.079075303830479, 28.865736416301505 ], [ -82.07867098274366, 28.865275974957161 ], [ -82.076612676115346, 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[ -82.013237103004116, 28.751417930140505 ], [ -82.013114021380431, 28.751342401889431 ], [ -82.013021709897075, 28.75130603682446 ], [ -82.012943386373024, 28.751272468540979 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Louisiana Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.072411732367271, 28.725487114789804 ], [ -82.072422257930512, 28.724350552636693 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gagne Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00386003664434, 28.736379186227527 ], [ -82.004560296637862, 28.73685770043047 ], [ -82.00469451346558, 28.736933563234373 ], [ -82.004741196913741, 28.736951069708724 ], [ -82.004787881894586, 28.736956906408771 ], [ -82.004929093080122, 28.736960675785713 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Indiana Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.608324279063321 ], [ -82.064443882849048, 28.608266658846333 ], [ -82.064412605298514, 28.608201515458447 ], [ -82.064409721983438, 28.608131345348689 ], [ -82.064409612003828, 28.607950904238539 ], [ -82.064403649393284, 28.607487274197691 ], [ -82.064408981169279, 28.60691587581891 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 469", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966130873866788, 28.618148290777075 ], [ -81.965474883870002, 28.616689584292672 ], [ -81.965085236777341, 28.615829811067172 ], [ -81.96483087496749, 28.615268537535847 ], [ -81.96455185197965, 28.614652841311951 ], [ -81.964385185263922, 28.614285071687874 ], [ -81.964295501236577, 28.614087169042719 ], [ -81.964230682142158, 28.613917573976256 ], [ -81.964165756925965, 28.613714732998901 ], [ -81.964112869238193, 28.613513211717049 ], [ -81.964073768324738, 28.61332593845146 ], [ -81.964035362294254, 28.61306827915125 ], [ -81.964014253337481, 28.612807080071025 ], [ -81.964008281974415, 28.612526437781394 ], [ -81.963961334443482, 28.611130052292111 ], [ -81.963918883568908, 28.609867457865619 ], [ -81.963895456761279, 28.609248825231962 ], [ -81.96381053331676, 28.60680179893367 ], [ -81.963721510157072, 28.604412432054552 ], [ -81.963677066774281, 28.603024943463776 ], [ -81.963660860518686, 28.602650139461922 ], [ -81.963657337456937, 28.602544914561005 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Burgess Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017529867189253, 28.82449720076713 ], [ -82.017589049553223, 28.824480642337679 ], [ -82.017673376197592, 28.824465004695153 ], [ -82.017747888948307, 28.824461325636943 ], [ -82.017821010644255, 28.82447228126491 ], [ -82.017885414004084, 28.82449017220619 ], [ -82.01794623826396, 28.82451342780044 ], [ -82.018023163178611, 28.824547418784892 ], [ -82.018085775527567, 28.824583197234752 ], [ -82.018157334601867, 28.824617188831567 ], [ -82.018219947454867, 28.824649390465389 ], [ -82.018284349748654, 28.824678013279655 ], [ -82.018332651911564, 28.824686958801571 ], [ -82.018393475159684, 28.82468516970302 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shady Nook Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019951856017073, 28.845052489068451 ], [ -82.019946548413188, 28.845068642010961 ], [ -82.019917940558557, 28.845206159373632 ], [ -82.019900852872325, 28.845372307973427 ], [ -82.019891279465838, 28.845468572781517 ], [ -82.019889409719426, 28.845565192903003 ], [ -82.019909053163033, 28.845700546870304 ], [ -82.019922576203683, 28.845796442951332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corkscrew Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034996514037971, 28.923349941018692 ], [ -82.034990415215205, 28.924149473844732 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-81.954570784282069, 28.950915710712231 ], [ -81.954492146556788, 28.950918827621468 ], [ -81.954324146740959, 28.950925058550169 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Atwell Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010279035507295, 28.93156938129702 ], [ -82.010314695762844, 28.931578092171858 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jujube Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961634284273757, 28.849947771959023 ], [ -81.961703369336362, 28.85002687335351 ], [ -81.961973839004798, 28.850332403221767 ], [ -81.962020143772804, 28.850383125900102 ], [ -81.962068152384504, 28.850432605666033 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bowling Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015959558058796, 28.754831151790896 ], [ -82.015949651703508, 28.755407547574006 ] ] 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[ -82.006767518146717, 28.873305063274248 ], [ -82.006626034474067, 28.873308605747294 ], [ -82.006570132790316, 28.873307437025854 ], [ -82.006536857729685, 28.873300407740704 ], [ -82.006518223038455, 28.873292209328543 ], [ -82.006498257432938, 28.873278150515269 ], [ -82.00648228397101, 28.873253548118765 ], [ -82.006474297177348, 28.873231289557825 ], [ -82.006476957855341, 28.873205516067177 ], [ -82.006490266337778, 28.87318208449329 ], [ -82.006504905730068, 28.873164510609655 ], [ -82.006526200993306, 28.873145764343075 ], [ -82.006554150624467, 28.87313521971377 ], [ -82.006587868818471, 28.87313072566689 ], [ -82.006639333725815, 28.873130723389462 ], [ -82.006694347888839, 28.873136969379804 ], [ -82.00676726594078, 28.87315293594601 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988911471407192, 28.88451718346133 ], [ -81.989297892789196, 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[ -82.013339836599286, 28.814950191373963 ], [ -82.013392284052102, 28.81490821550733 ], [ -82.013439988484237, 28.814862603754449 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Old 313", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.145552850830427, 28.67329789145067 ], [ -82.145548695194222, 28.672658137497439 ], [ -82.145561312839476, 28.671808748524189 ], [ -82.14555939772761, 28.670422179899703 ], [ -82.145558983364708, 28.670122162242794 ], [ -82.145560968725249, 28.669895119900566 ], [ -82.145558058036357, 28.668675049347769 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Virginia Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996924054009426, 28.649916640323504 ], [ -81.996908218841227, 28.650761853286927 ], [ -81.99688289254658, 28.651676801103562 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Church Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, 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[ -82.033052935189005, 28.834334685928098 ], [ -82.033047381787384, 28.834681772469214 ], [ -82.033060616676025, 28.834720005479262 ], [ -82.033090026878696, 28.83475529850006 ], [ -82.033125318039154, 28.83477441533859 ], [ -82.033166493928135, 28.834786178751791 ], [ -82.03322531330285, 28.834787650696143 ], [ -82.033879692724653, 28.83478618313163 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 428", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.136309012245079, 28.793340835896593 ], [ -82.137201116255639, 28.793339936910737 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971770477323062, 28.865426893323257 ], [ -81.971838573695308, 28.865426907641229 ], [ -81.972933743033877, 28.865427132285312 ], [ -81.974302146844408, 28.865426416285942 ], [ -81.974700797738308, 28.86542649123 ], [ -81.974964510635957, 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Buttonwood Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008615822176694, 28.881917537038358 ], [ -82.008922819914261, 28.882106164485862 ], [ -82.009299409037368, 28.882351373703745 ], [ -82.009682699625273, 28.882620747746905 ], [ -82.010002612255192, 28.882861479746332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015494266315983, 28.845232090710716 ], [ -82.015451829445666, 28.845246247130039 ], [ -82.015412591882892, 28.8452663241215 ], [ -82.015377606037489, 28.845291774775678 ], [ -82.01534781669676, 28.845321918654314 ], [ -82.015324024132568, 28.8453559445006 ], [ -82.015306867707793, 28.845392937309839 ], [ -82.015296809481711, 28.845431899083707 ], [ -82.015294119866809, 28.845471785826057 ], [ -82.01529887045659, 28.845511524687357 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 205b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041396955857707, 28.889575161141458 ], [ -82.041405894961855, 28.890544506436324 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 35th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.163140447651173, 28.582563951422308 ], [ -82.163119929661136, 28.582506869377429 ], [ -82.163111363981514, 28.582472314467449 ], [ -82.163134924531477, 28.58229495510988 ], [ -82.163159716233253, 28.581811022275321 ], [ -82.163145695744788, 28.581551055019677 ], [ -82.163125121036785, 28.5814564030713 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037132238464082, 28.931975808182084 ], [ -82.037173762997, 28.931149748152045 ], [ -82.037177431722512, 28.931076776794541 ] ] ] } }, { 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-82.145223639862706, 28.81595579964026 ], [ -82.14518199653557, 28.815967584120415 ], [ -82.145142856654914, 28.81597751798515 ], [ -82.145097036887037, 28.815985285324281 ], [ -82.145055384411364, 28.815991200268215 ], [ -82.145012064016939, 28.815995649830658 ], [ -82.144962069938828, 28.815992768046375 ], [ -82.144926239497551, 28.815990971930894 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014702767426172, 28.799665825611637 ], [ -82.01469981619509, 28.799665810576258 ], [ -82.013559390274281, 28.799659835291777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137336586308976, 28.800310632461688 ], [ -82.137682617762934, 28.80031028118518 ], [ -82.139039980572505, 28.800308898225204 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palo Alto 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-81.962120453676178, 28.932009553067942 ], [ -81.962125621411587, 28.932042106616521 ], [ -81.96212956162671, 28.932076884876707 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Navy Hill Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023072564666009, 28.836212094820404 ], [ -82.023038859268738, 28.836079979128961 ], [ -82.023007964593134, 28.835951680625019 ], [ -82.022988348246088, 28.835876013651287 ], [ -82.022980203861906, 28.835819761536779 ], [ -82.022983944988582, 28.835766715163928 ], [ -82.023003161586473, 28.835704259680057 ], [ -82.023034791152398, 28.835653413936164 ], [ -82.023090441363181, 28.835612177388807 ], [ -82.023146490967918, 28.835584152338747 ], [ -82.023222159230883, 28.835562133363318 ], [ -82.023312641504901, 28.835538112352474 ], [ -82.023566070033525, 28.835474055475412 ], [ -82.023684176457209, 28.835448834880424 ], [ -82.02377826120636, 28.835442028971944 ], [ -82.02387875107182, 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-82.065460615832748, 28.797733001750636 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cleveland Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025834750348068, 28.865481494111833 ], [ -82.026012777706995, 28.86548064056403 ], [ -82.026757726881428, 28.865481977321192 ], [ -82.027469033653006, 28.865482427886221 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040062702332321, 28.956370353139217 ], [ -82.039980124709601, 28.95585735365021 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hollyberry Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988562246557862, 28.872952136329161 ], [ -81.988491241009314, 28.872917644189279 ], [ -81.988331939654756, 28.872840714407097 ], [ -81.988159780751147, 28.872746404939281 ], [ -81.987953197602835, 28.872616396134699 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-82.004022407573061, 28.865387405183498 ], [ -82.004002900522948, 28.865419917479503 ], [ -82.003999267950832, 28.865452573749398 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bonita Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967042923132112, 28.879635632908897 ], [ -81.967008751326574, 28.879600524968158 ], [ -81.966920453396639, 28.879580445955689 ], [ -81.9668236118073, 28.879560364772594 ], [ -81.966741007542126, 28.879550317037619 ], [ -81.966675493162498, 28.879545285785163 ], [ -81.96661852695739, 28.879532736844812 ], [ -81.96655871530065, 28.879512664680767 ], [ -81.966510664242122, 28.879480131029009 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.088615010222284, 28.8114220584674 ], [ -82.088896942554442, 28.811411920429627 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Sr 44", 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[ -82.157434173964702, 28.583090604760137 ], [ -82.157065052067807, 28.583082615042439 ], [ -82.1568144274611, 28.583074488145048 ], [ -82.156758567981456, 28.583063732353924 ], [ -82.156727205210885, 28.583038520830829 ], [ -82.156705350924568, 28.582997669793389 ], [ -82.156707947784994, 28.582912308754437 ], [ -82.156727721481715, 28.582468657115026 ], [ -82.156742096267763, 28.582058674467159 ], [ -82.156753873138086, 28.581734056459485 ], [ -82.156767618258755, 28.581233176925867 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Valentine Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961057152294217, 28.829936011128382 ], [ -81.961054424683141, 28.829872963341558 ], [ -81.961043988624823, 28.829265842964997 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.104279198754341, 28.675767694776759 ], [ 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28.882203503157637 ], [ -82.093543758313601, 28.881852609548258 ], [ -82.09341825333459, 28.881468413738652 ], [ -82.09330146928788, 28.881071400035296 ], [ -82.093210943418526, 28.88074097956229 ], [ -82.093167117853099, 28.880556554282805 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Estevez Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977242895923894, 28.947827493675387 ], [ -81.977264197169745, 28.947823459544509 ], [ -81.977293768353192, 28.94781618397689 ], [ -81.977331619012006, 28.947808908004205 ], [ -81.977363199569737, 28.947802625284478 ], [ -81.977403126978516, 28.947793176020546 ], [ -81.977441627856905, 28.94778187590131 ], [ -81.977479478949775, 28.947772519199987 ], [ -81.977520880662127, 28.947762122742368 ], [ -81.977565829343348, 28.947748605837507 ], [ -81.977608413929232, 28.947733007833961 ], [ -81.977655729629504, 28.947717408804326 ], [ -81.977705411104424, 28.947700771614159 ], [ -81.977762191179508, 28.947679974214136 ], [ -81.977860373958364, 28.947634214515812 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Blackville Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971940782605813, 28.881188413034231 ], [ -81.971949484904542, 28.881227723626814 ], [ -81.971948899735835, 28.881268456106966 ], [ -81.971934738694074, 28.881310880267105 ], [ -81.971910185042717, 28.881358394837974 ], [ -81.971873353213994, 28.881423186805986 ], [ -81.971796015777102, 28.881543050343993 ], [ -81.971743228878168, 28.881622959685931 ], [ -81.971696579687276, 28.881695309015303 ], [ -81.971669572575351, 28.881742823923652 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 243b", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.141220639965823, 28.876629658200137 ], [ -82.141219210731634, 28.877010938762062 ], [ -82.141219524854392, 28.877243467190276 ], [ -82.141235333201024, 28.877443493982355 ], [ -82.141253073502398, 28.877633260514994 ], [ -82.141285278500618, 28.877803937349494 ], [ -82.141324654242808, 28.877967601239156 ], [ -82.141367271956938, 28.878114030527616 ], [ -82.141399043747469, 28.878204178508536 ], [ -82.141443610138694, 28.878344286031229 ], [ -82.141522166797344, 28.878525715778206 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Samantha Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040122719192169, 28.823836436336641 ], [ -82.040034029000282, 28.82377213568877 ], [ -82.040023528190574, 28.823762454264951 ], [ -82.039978048958275, 28.823706041612308 ], [ -82.039810154586291, 28.823415759815429 ], [ -82.039740436932604, 28.823295061879168 ], [ -82.039690468804011, 28.823210114903411 ], [ -82.039624081314727, 28.823133020019259 ], [ -82.039232007261276, 28.822783277446533 ], [ -82.038603997501326, 28.822220338455647 ], [ -82.038555982137652, 28.822170544455837 ], [ -82.03853582746909, 28.822123122932133 ], [ -82.038537605584452, 28.821994787016777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Troy Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958160632198044, 28.895591439888108 ], [ -81.958418494472809, 28.895504888437276 ], [ -81.958625182513217, 28.895413850732091 ], [ -81.958831877501467, 28.895306999909039 ], [ -81.959008097562673, 28.895210795620759 ], [ -81.959220855761956, 28.895077131506842 ], [ -81.959476211287736, 28.894900851676351 ], [ -81.95972552089826, 28.894697754096171 ], [ -81.959925992057848, 28.894515956499259 ], [ -81.960094976072085, 28.894353646132579 ], [ -81.960186891625455, 28.894247093782539 ], [ -81.960259996188981, 28.894190151460684 ], [ -81.960333370268501, 28.894168175100834 ], [ -81.960420784971447, 28.894169984759312 ], [ -81.960495946364134, 28.894195733279911 ], [ -81.960569011554369, 28.894241693560588 ], [ -81.960635811123353, 28.894293165015231 ], [ -81.960721386906528, 28.894383232393881 ], [ -81.960796519682461, 28.894482482980436 ], [ -81.960836166520991, 28.894552320830762 ], [ -81.960867985933731, 28.894628305559031 ], [ -81.960889815449903, 28.894751383805044 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stanley Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.033502632749133, 28.864723912794268 ], [ -82.033512515670111, 28.864959577605113 ], [ -82.033504055102583, 28.865474443898073 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Crego Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039419253103958, 28.827695620317062 ], [ -82.039518001649967, 28.827720102277301 ], [ -82.039565708074207, 28.827727569597041 ], [ -82.039621296150003, 28.827729644239426 ], [ -82.040802378305372, 28.82774316000846 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.060895968496709, 28.620103657768258 ], [ -82.060887947829428, 28.620404919112435 ], [ -82.060885444219664, 28.620800171095198 ], [ -82.060885540447217, 28.620968874245392 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Autumn Leaf Circle", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040622370767153, 28.844435791689243 ], [ -82.039995649181577, 28.844431453335268 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 26th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.06148205158128, 28.66753802301842 ], [ -82.061478193132601, 28.6672391503092 ], [ -82.061485341605902, 28.666862303841093 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 51st Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.188805058616168, 28.589746382863773 ], [ -82.188862145012976, 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-81.958966682864272, 28.882665993468525 ], [ -81.958966771808647, 28.88244125458888 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Forest Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001433550238048, 28.944167086595989 ], [ -82.001574645244517, 28.944284659779594 ], [ -82.001660787120358, 28.944353897445058 ], [ -82.00174113244023, 28.944430791968482 ], [ -82.001787030261497, 28.944480615270816 ], [ -82.001825644970623, 28.944530258170076 ], [ -82.001850894555972, 28.944575979825725 ], [ -82.00187465789422, 28.944629541517354 ], [ -82.001889511102789, 28.944677877213902 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bugala Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025414110137035, 28.804912291753308 ], [ -82.025418796479102, 28.804201765599114 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrotwood Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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28.929664872764263 ], [ -82.010396390417853, 28.929662810790983 ], [ -82.010399711275156, 28.929660747901046 ], [ -82.010403229057133, 28.929658684996586 ], [ -82.010406549914165, 28.929656622106499 ], [ -82.010410066670033, 28.929654557397356 ], [ -82.010413387559879, 28.929652839183809 ], [ -82.01041710021488, 28.929650777167002 ], [ -82.010420618029201, 28.929649058036535 ], [ -82.010424133792085, 28.92964733890614 ], [ -82.010427845453989, 28.929645619761235 ], [ -82.010431361216632, 28.929643900630641 ], [ -82.010435074962558, 28.929642524357551 ], [ -82.01043878768283, 28.929641148986722 ], [ -82.010442499344293, 28.92963942984143 ], [ -82.010446407963542, 28.929638055358254 ], [ -82.010450118632221, 28.929636679987279 ], [ -82.010454026258572, 28.929635647473827 ], [ -82.010457740004, 28.92963427210238 ], [ -82.01046164660471, 28.929633241393368 ], [ -82.010465554230834, 28.929632208879585 ], [ -82.010469461857056, 28.929631178170283 ], [ -82.010473564356545, 28.929630146544152 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28.940483676376825 ], [ -81.973787127044602, 28.940478332605991 ], [ -81.973781107236789, 28.940472857209603 ], [ -81.973776251177682, 28.940469295806164 ], [ -81.973771394093603, 28.940465732597769 ], [ -81.973766941158217, 28.940462171273079 ], [ -81.97376248822313, 28.940458609948244 ], [ -81.973758846663685, 28.940455046977949 ], [ -81.973753988645569, 28.940451129167304 ], [ -81.973749131653804, 28.940447210454401 ], [ -81.973745084919997, 28.940443650111028 ], [ -81.973739822754879, 28.940439729513617 ], [ -81.973733209067305, 28.940434138504795 ], [ -81.973446994304879, 28.940165882373655 ], [ -81.973392335068212, 28.940113536665134 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kyle Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979645883006356, 28.773338419513824 ], [ -81.97972197276755, 28.773351970277051 ], [ -81.979831414611681, 28.773384280650646 ], [ -81.979925222858967, 28.773423889239055 ], [ -81.98000131074869, 28.773468707804561 ], [ -81.980131110670484, 28.773573849604084 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Topping Terrace", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013501815529409, 28.814206772498551 ], [ -82.013586097963014, 28.814136673939572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jeff Anderson Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99274315198069, 28.747032758225895 ], [ -81.992494791157512, 28.746675839654504 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Market Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112110358863106, 28.664901055722023 ], [ -82.112082890793118, 28.665114821131027 ], [ -82.112003388269244, 28.665856153850871 ], [ -82.111895928518621, 28.66673486698458 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Weber Court", "maxspeed": 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-82.142848089828689, 28.811949751387836 ], [ -82.142850999441748, 28.81254936148461 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 551", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.106262793759626, 28.669439676540918 ], [ -82.106274899281772, 28.668520484355088 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 15th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.129156402179234, 28.637594578877664 ], [ -82.129153845229624, 28.637530262757025 ], [ -82.129150969793301, 28.637478156451792 ], [ -82.129150731921271, 28.637284612723953 ], [ -82.129136493022642, 28.636919703275382 ], [ -82.129148512340166, 28.636568224592192 ], [ -82.129129252715103, 28.636090468224182 ], [ -82.129117795916912, 28.63587678950703 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Samantha Scott Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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-81.980738149172197, 28.772293166109964 ], [ -81.980543269144434, 28.772143172145434 ], [ -81.980437844110938, 28.772072075058091 ], [ -81.980379086592691, 28.772018944418296 ], [ -81.980346583357687, 28.771965188683094 ], [ -81.980327832177025, 28.771893931823037 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Haynesville Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969003637199933, 28.90375787667638 ], [ -81.968982290376815, 28.903652315432009 ], [ -81.968963767349251, 28.903567853285441 ], [ -81.968949221702545, 28.903483918999441 ], [ -81.968930711198411, 28.903358017881484 ], [ -81.968913527597664, 28.90323211616419 ], [ -81.9688984259449, 28.903122039439921 ], [ -81.968892104092646, 28.903054985450186 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shepler Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003242288017475, 28.752317319355576 ], [ 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[ [ [ -82.036924787432127, 28.892655391510402 ], [ -82.036931896466001, 28.892930258029455 ], [ -82.036945222545356, 28.893978186013019 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Backwater Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984012566523589, 28.872589782562383 ], [ -81.984152647818647, 28.872171764140159 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109e", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976447398522112, 28.953427443189067 ], [ -81.974853112681785, 28.953409388191343 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mississippi Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.071572290086209, 28.724350547463267 ], [ -82.071579690347278, 28.723274243220153 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 63rd Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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[ -81.97792914386082, 28.769268512973738 ], [ -81.977855879197207, 28.769586766043901 ], [ -81.977817517950029, 28.770249442658972 ], [ -81.977887619606733, 28.77101793549425 ], [ -81.978026500460189, 28.772344612321778 ], [ -81.977973589277482, 28.772931894206025 ], [ -81.977645550921409, 28.774495332694649 ], [ -81.977418038874561, 28.775574662052886 ], [ -81.977242244579315, 28.776344924918718 ], [ -81.977078095729951, 28.776795520684232 ], [ -81.976854034433842, 28.777162003784451 ], [ -81.976633659910476, 28.77744100222689 ], [ -81.976223615722574, 28.777831199820564 ], [ -81.975918067794723, 28.77805870487375 ], [ -81.975530509736032, 28.778274306316924 ], [ -81.97543791939195, 28.778304728138608 ], [ -81.975325488411769, 28.778302082711903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 48", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062301548079816, 28.650147095347911 ], [ -82.060973483371271, 28.650152225375354 ], 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[ -81.98102442308857, 28.786350335839568 ], [ -81.981151323370256, 28.786385585493697 ], [ -81.981275873686499, 28.786394986100458 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boxelder Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.071177784626883, 28.608095945592417 ], [ -82.07117404747467, 28.607740897954937 ], [ -82.071174045302627, 28.607740709366748 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wolfe Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036176742218927, 28.859134378997393 ], [ -82.035158091195242, 28.859132628481991 ], [ -82.034345873496775, 28.85913590246691 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 18th Terrace", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.135281160792303, 28.672988194138632 ], [ -82.135280966231036, 28.672837432763981 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-81.977810594471421, 28.895521675882438 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drass Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002523079882167, 28.735761314463229 ], [ -82.002947823651297, 28.735419686879609 ], [ -82.003109153556224, 28.735251905237437 ], [ -82.003268409775004, 28.735081430899001 ], [ -82.003425361596271, 28.734896981211307 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Condrey Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036192915594739, 28.791940865317493 ], [ -82.036422507815942, 28.791846081942023 ], [ -82.036633872523637, 28.79176702311166 ], [ -82.036736597372595, 28.791740132157084 ], [ -82.036822649573509, 28.791727762887497 ], [ -82.03693516085788, 28.791719596681357 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Amaya Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-82.128410231370566, 28.913570756625347 ], [ -82.128410571378907, 28.913848116211291 ], [ -82.128401064778288, 28.914006006010556 ], [ -82.128372118048887, 28.914129779554308 ], [ -82.128375539488204, 28.91436438368082 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Battlefield Parkway", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124982679046369, 28.663158601007606 ], [ -82.124986298768221, 28.662216428322566 ], [ -82.124980325300868, 28.661359505022133 ], [ -82.124977091900789, 28.660721182912802 ], [ -82.124973417051095, 28.659711233276493 ], [ -82.124961455364911, 28.659446572653916 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Wall Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.113330105330874, 28.662756043276342 ], [ -82.113329891206405, 28.663455248886319 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bailey Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993332271765254, 28.891257540072495 ], [ -81.993573012580285, 28.890992279346797 ], [ -81.993604136950253, 28.89095843196662 ], [ -81.99360420564841, 28.890958357079029 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mccranie Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975083533539518, 28.790328766849171 ], [ -81.975297348685942, 28.789849379005613 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jennifer Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040135086903419, 28.849078294344146 ], [ -82.040128037890625, 28.847481785892377 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denaud Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983585059390734, 28.799235154294578 ], [ -81.983950443033336, 28.799229859586767 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.158973882681934, 28.623987091433456 ], [ -82.159039511743771, 28.623960271376834 ], [ -82.159074782761309, 28.623900058725489 ], [ -82.159092315844646, 28.623801979417451 ], [ -82.159094696417881, 28.623706148374371 ], [ -82.159094535249267, 28.623599176426254 ], [ -82.159091461986776, 28.623235916883459 ], [ -82.159098086295302, 28.622602989556349 ], [ -82.159104539298738, 28.621856401175108 ], [ -82.159101790749091, 28.621709318783811 ], [ -82.159099117092168, 28.621611263031898 ], [ -82.159104054781452, 28.621535486141749 ], [ -82.159096370599386, 28.621464177925741 ], [ -82.159063479649802, 28.621426330753287 ], [ -82.159015443284034, 28.62139518666676 ], [ -82.15893963834192, 28.621372989146654 ], [ -82.158793157459357, 28.621379846217121 ], [ -82.158618886810572, 28.621382277022445 ], [ -82.15846481810604, 28.621382456244071 ], [ -82.158250124789319, 28.621378249950517 ], [ -82.158073321537287, 28.621376225445164 ], [ -82.157881371497751, 28.621378677610487 ], [ -82.157661626369475, 28.621374474431946 ], [ -82.157398953439071, 28.621374778028098 ], [ -82.157027678808262, 28.621379662925118 ], [ -82.156638713582467, 28.621375653841401 ], [ -82.156115890535801, 28.621376253670945 ], [ -82.155517293813219, 28.621374709183762 ], [ -82.155004556014319, 28.621364150246649 ], [ -82.154426174425581, 28.621369264277085 ], [ -82.154009425225496, 28.621365278219699 ], [ -82.153595200945617, 28.621361288036031 ], [ -82.15320876297352, 28.621359494135127 ], [ -82.152246448777078, 28.621347200529648 ], [ -82.152014081745037, 28.621347459841683 ], [ -82.151786761163606, 28.621343257390734 ], [ -82.151718551516538, 28.621332189443372 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mulligan Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96738565740246, 28.783668320830049 ], [ -81.967450268345644, 28.783571018228848 ], [ -81.967637829808595, 28.783461028901236 ], [ -81.967861085199416, 28.783353715083763 ], [ -81.968102968632479, 28.783196486555017 ], [ -81.968194301996917, 28.783111013854981 ], [ -81.968240214261115, 28.783015285496351 ], [ -81.968233727469354, 28.782892806466197 ], [ -81.968227541456557, 28.782868535445168 ], [ -81.968177612754502, 28.782722089686672 ], [ -81.968093435071296, 28.782617017751242 ], [ -81.967963853240946, 28.782558117236139 ], [ -81.967815179378732, 28.78256800992644 ], [ -81.967724521435116, 28.782612981236998 ], [ -81.967657420141038, 28.782675084987602 ], [ -81.96748633416955, 28.782802862060315 ], [ -81.967248918853159, 28.782913058327139 ], [ -81.96716351904395, 28.782943997739004 ], [ -81.967048589072292, 28.782977722533037 ], [ -81.966949643668144, 28.783009279284272 ], [ -81.966866124727858, 28.783048064596127 ], [ -81.96683400074707, 28.783062103016221 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bridgefield Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000887801816006, 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28.583749822432232 ], [ -82.105920611561643, 28.583719140745313 ], [ -82.105579037173783, 28.58363633327755 ], [ -82.104769539565694, 28.583499295992457 ], [ -82.10449253165153, 28.583449666030177 ], [ -82.104245123213119, 28.583419000068382 ], [ -82.104121420214298, 28.583404852597262 ], [ -82.103989640134259, 28.583381218495092 ], [ -82.10382021695095, 28.583357612841994 ], [ -82.103580871305013, 28.583324566382888 ], [ -82.103338825636655, 28.583279653911948 ], [ -82.103086033832497, 28.583241868602101 ], [ -82.102265791955304, 28.583111944854348 ], [ -82.101316471569092, 28.582965497834479 ], [ -82.10065761329065, 28.582880541195134 ], [ -82.100192369887836, 28.582812051868107 ], [ -82.0999073303648, 28.582793272268287 ], [ -82.09961961476651, 28.582788734813473 ], [ -82.098759152242224, 28.582770372324955 ], [ -82.098471447629024, 28.582775325088026 ], [ -82.097801916657218, 28.582778180195128 ], [ -82.097135072022155, 28.582778655121739 ], [ -82.096632242575566, 28.58276951660352 ], [ -82.096013787484267, 28.582758084214372 ], [ -82.095488095179135, 28.582756853003296 ], [ -82.094839874300376, 28.582749318811373 ], [ -82.094245599285259, 28.582758625450289 ], [ -82.09416134454051, 28.582744372249234 ], [ -82.09410314393449, 28.582720446005368 ], [ -82.094047921426977, 28.58268295455413 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 90th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953548342955159, 28.894654469373972 ], [ -81.953548342168062, 28.894990557954333 ], [ -81.953556035926312, 28.895762793723968 ], [ -81.953563730276556, 28.896781321957707 ], [ -81.953581681419635, 28.899703497245849 ], [ -81.953594506142579, 28.901173564971199 ], [ -81.953592005455207, 28.901535197342607 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bednarik Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977425848047375, 28.801202422879982 ], [ 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-82.049797970077236, 28.793999453114854 ], [ -82.049895290628015, 28.794012066390945 ], [ -82.049981623770009, 28.794019155129128 ], [ -82.050067114422788, 28.794020840169384 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hicks Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02953790939938, 28.792299338677449 ], [ -82.029567652166122, 28.792295770014686 ], [ -82.029690789170076, 28.792278222619583 ], [ -82.029847834784817, 28.792260972807433 ], [ -82.030008150999535, 28.792251158068744 ], [ -82.030417121182239, 28.792241642562509 ], [ -82.030748928275273, 28.79223161960449 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brooks Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062977536505386, 28.799859264437675 ], [ -82.06297183516277, 28.798152392120166 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Peninsular Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.110965312931853, 28.688867558379034 ], [ -82.11099644034347, 28.688750824807148 ], [ -82.111001554934163, 28.688671367790562 ], [ -82.11100639118122, 28.68860647279962 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 431", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.134957470506237, 28.802268790896434 ], [ -82.134970512928476, 28.802355647750662 ], [ -82.135001149047511, 28.802392665212238 ], [ -82.135045193893689, 28.802449875645046 ], [ -82.135096896756664, 28.802515498794023 ], [ -82.135162016971535, 28.80260636781107 ], [ -82.135206079307522, 28.802677050548883 ], [ -82.135248230164237, 28.802747734272661 ], [ -82.135284696260825, 28.802857155263084 ], [ -82.135302003942186, 28.802936284061701 ], [ -82.135313541348211, 28.802988475657898 ], [ -82.135336589061822, 28.803070967952973 ], [ -82.135359619477526, 28.803139986079227 ], [ -82.135378797524311, 28.803185434315189 ], [ -82.13539413094297, 28.803215730296305 ], [ -82.135409461178043, 28.803244341667753 ], [ -82.135426695206078, 28.803264532595531 ], [ -82.135445841929993, 28.803286404419715 ], [ -82.135478385701617, 28.803320052446253 ], [ -82.135520479462429, 28.803345268782511 ], [ -82.13555300272435, 28.803363759824347 ], [ -82.135593193731523, 28.803385441887869 ], [ -82.135616281400445, 28.803392195174176 ], [ -82.135643757105939, 28.803392168635312 ], [ -82.135677816726187, 28.803383421012697 ], [ -82.135713361139949, 28.803367062725819 ], [ -82.135753737402226, 28.803327457021766 ], [ -82.135812344774365, 28.803269371831622 ], [ -82.135863990041116, 28.803216721872403 ], [ -82.135892052982214, 28.803186784053946 ], [ -82.135919334865577, 28.803156504133892 ], [ -82.135933559542963, 28.803139645591074 ], [ -82.136025542488838, 28.80304157626032 ], [ -82.136058498810598, 28.803022634457072 ], [ -82.136095562975711, 28.80301159726779 ], [ -82.136134783938346, 28.803008807717784 ], [ -82.136173431085041, 28.803014612323057 ], [ -82.136299385911443, 28.803142559705339 ], [ -82.136321414477862, 28.803178678678798 ], [ -82.136343447052468, 28.803218669452331 ], [ -82.1363523024648, 28.803266417069452 ], [ -82.136342105545864, 28.803315475922268 ], [ -82.136324570059074, 28.803352924913089 ], [ -82.136299708627121, 28.803391672458908 ], [ -82.13621734190265, 28.803467672676149 ], [ -82.136151306143319, 28.803560214741957 ], [ -82.136115146614927, 28.803666478922377 ], [ -82.136127994947131, 28.803756048177604 ], [ -82.13614370098891, 28.80381282465888 ], [ -82.136171129605515, 28.803871310988686 ], [ -82.136245555432069, 28.804008915141328 ], [ -82.136341368328587, 28.804151326032368 ], [ -82.136546789134144, 28.804393828075145 ], [ -82.136810764857088, 28.804659147044411 ], [ -82.13686626341881, 28.80470119103974 ], [ -82.136927486812823, 28.804734809795786 ], [ -82.137032701169048, 28.804781852898955 ], [ -82.137107284766188, 28.804798617398276 ], [ -82.137214377901046, 28.804820401937327 ], [ -82.137459512215401, 28.804838104529093 ], [ -82.137656404365089, 28.804824497656558 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint George Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987323379954589, 28.874268625447655 ], [ -81.987420700002488, 28.874200463004847 ], [ -81.98751504240785, 28.874112196908264 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alfredo Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976139769241215, 28.942654930401151 ], [ -81.976390947248746, 28.94243912027234 ], [ -81.976605159979641, 28.942256612263996 ], [ -81.976680052608529, 28.942185726747663 ], [ -81.976731954222814, 28.942124880614497 ], [ -81.976762568843156, 28.942073392054017 ], [ -81.976783866859478, 28.942019560415364 ], [ -81.976798514436609, 28.941976262796945 ], [ -81.976814492555704, 28.941914236500828 ], [ -81.976817173526058, 28.94182061228188 ], [ -81.976807872937755, 28.941770287049202 ], [ -81.976786599659519, 28.941705915535934 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979571544201335, 28.901462516912069 ], [ -81.979560778917275, 28.901348592801547 ], [ -81.979565143881828, 28.9011017623586 ], [ -81.979567474444082, 28.900232162053936 ], [ -81.979576216426452, 28.899672048546318 ], [ -81.979589251469065, 28.899220161031874 ], [ -81.979593607966493, 28.899015103357023 ], [ -81.979593675667104, 28.898669541675339 ], [ -81.979587240307453, 28.898485366054622 ], [ -81.979580882912572, 28.89790436456892 ], [ -81.97958746995856, 28.897330960567835 ], [ -81.979587493588241, 28.897325570234084 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denise Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999959242566931, 28.77756438027906 ], [ -81.999673750238557, 28.777282317565369 ], [ -81.999542482512112, 28.777130505159853 ], [ -81.99947970332174, 28.777032340146715 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Easterly Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.03980182839625, 28.881727600457967 ], [ -82.039799204432271, 28.882240427610252 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 526", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.048484075781417, 28.741342705776756 ], [ -82.047135445366251, 28.741346848045623 ], [ -82.046302022126014, 28.741349945787434 ], [ -82.045510096731263, 28.741322065081565 ], [ -82.044897003802348, 28.741319451673952 ], [ -82.044446759420097, 28.741311156233202 ], [ -82.043986942254236, 28.741316931372705 ], [ -82.043281250911036, 28.741331225301519 ], [ -82.042639414219437, 28.741320167623943 ], [ -82.041901781028741, 28.741309136892909 ], [ -82.040506353990111, 28.741303924265093 ], [ -82.03935042137033, 28.741315515403894 ], [ -82.038117847290437, 28.741310231700929 ], [ -82.03763567190984, 28.741304734907359 ], [ -82.036990647671161, 28.741304908666823 ], [ -82.035831513749699, 28.741291141449675 ], [ -82.034787338774152, 28.741294221605557 ], [ -82.033599466970657, 28.741280442452886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036920498166907, 28.897369001616376 ], [ -82.036920767667453, 28.897600307694553 ], [ -82.036921902310226, 28.898323767058667 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ybor Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963157925673272, 28.832040182576691 ], [ -81.963215253787268, 28.832160359556934 ], [ -81.963231290139163, 28.832183970130366 ], [ -81.963252103200247, 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[ -82.023000063753926, 28.906320561283799 ], [ -82.023014715790211, 28.906343315703708 ], [ -82.023024705724367, 28.906363559803282 ], [ -82.02302904795441, 28.906375781609107 ], [ -82.023049194672126, 28.906419569481205 ], [ -82.023068966079862, 28.906482154987568 ], [ -82.023080832311692, 28.906534309441252 ], [ -82.02308479259743, 28.906572557192817 ], [ -82.023080854476319, 28.906631668295894 ], [ -82.023049678467459, 28.906882090066606 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Munz Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991645370679564, 28.76688571417845 ], [ -81.991229687338944, 28.766538523692944 ], [ -81.991181796629093, 28.766464027942597 ], [ -81.991160512056084, 28.766365587347295 ], [ -81.991160512714188, 28.766229898704569 ], [ -81.991160514620105, 28.765625478846712 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bassinger Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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[ -81.976197198475063, 28.869475103496391 ], [ -81.976320998864466, 28.869361437035437 ], [ -81.97642327006956, 28.869268293167714 ], [ -81.976518359775042, 28.869183043115775 ], [ -81.976609861774932, 28.869115161707366 ], [ -81.976674430170405, 28.869070242775997 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Colson Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026157130705556, 28.790422064958126 ], [ -82.026157822851502, 28.790354168442821 ], [ -82.026172756112629, 28.789028281654726 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boudreau Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013216037623536, 28.803785991285807 ], [ -82.013267307818637, 28.80390441319264 ], [ -82.013376444929762, 28.804076050757072 ], [ -82.013533157595162, 28.804256229540744 ], [ -82.013685298061901, 28.804398230857057 ], [ -82.013731934808021, 28.80443772960594 ], [ 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-82.014181438098959, 28.850890348278888 ], [ -82.014309816929753, 28.850571103252101 ], [ -82.014324912963403, 28.850491292790966 ], [ -82.014346536320389, 28.85030324107608 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gabriel Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02745278190325, 28.90560699978122 ], [ -82.027007943476065, 28.90560055062754 ], [ -82.026977733986399, 28.905605456028741 ], [ -82.026916206202401, 28.905646308788452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcnair Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967508595384388, 28.908455746322396 ], [ -81.967745968322305, 28.908173326654083 ], [ -81.967769524447391, 28.908144772785768 ], [ -81.967821635645763, 28.908097659187369 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canvas Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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"type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985736848037547, 28.883949699005644 ], [ -81.986073320925783, 28.884041020421524 ], [ -81.986454384041807, 28.884122012383635 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cokesbury Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961910424185589, 28.905231021887381 ], [ -81.961988586043987, 28.90523164138401 ], [ -81.962086070997657, 28.905231669879985 ], [ -81.962205000406698, 28.905231702545784 ], [ -81.962345380422633, 28.905231742033255 ], [ -81.962464311479309, 28.905230060103719 ], [ -81.962583571037896, 28.905230180952948 ], [ -81.962641589348337, 28.905226071819527 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bianca Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968464387779505, 28.868234310405764 ], [ -81.968487641119367, 28.868160054498613 ], [ -81.968561074775479, 28.867916840511747 ], [ -81.968580666482168, 28.867815678843836 ], [ -81.968594160882674, 28.867668236601599 ], [ -81.968597866394674, 28.867543392960687 ], [ -81.968590405142251, 28.867384605656348 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Holy Rosary Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017059180329042, 28.954683272030721 ], [ -82.01705295317069, 28.954677045180542 ], [ -82.016962292282827, 28.954629327790212 ], [ -82.016876403820291, 28.954619784815677 ], [ -82.016766656400378, 28.954605469747726 ], [ -82.016327889515395, 28.954607817551921 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maple Hill Terrace", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027642470394539, 28.846449212717861 ], [ -82.027641809452149, 28.846410106005663 ], [ -82.027637525870659, 28.846371558544124 ], [ -82.027626104808633, 28.846323017663448 ], [ -82.027616111083901, 28.846261628561219 ], [ -82.027611616027713, 28.846197973572671 ], [ -82.027617327077792, 28.846165136614442 ], [ -82.027634616443237, 28.846131456395277 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967850120805522, 28.831099414298464 ], [ -81.967791515157472, 28.831137934239344 ], [ -81.967609938444539, 28.831255922435432 ], [ -81.967441156577081, 28.831380596883633 ], [ -81.967189485354666, 28.831617361798706 ], [ -81.967090547662721, 28.831725628123216 ], [ -81.966928990653727, 28.831930330307681 ], [ -81.96681128490664, 28.832103145635106 ], [ -81.966747482793266, 28.832209701477311 ], [ -81.966676514576875, 28.832348914553727 ], [ -81.966604885869401, 28.832511619919888 ], [ -81.966537151724381, 28.832706411387605 ], [ -81.966486342244423, 28.832879434344466 ], [ -81.966434828293785, 28.833218045063322 ], [ -81.966420183505008, 28.833564974319348 ], [ -81.96641525108052, 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[ -82.00854265807402, 28.92511313423584 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01529887045659, 28.845511524687357 ], [ -82.015309958055568, 28.845547659050712 ], [ -82.015327200489921, 28.845581870833399 ], [ -82.015350191818726, 28.845613354317589 ], [ -82.015378388781258, 28.845641366059059 ], [ -82.015411126171728, 28.845665243834333 ], [ -82.015447631189289, 28.845684424685498 ], [ -82.015487042911715, 28.845698456648417 ], [ -82.015528429719183, 28.845707009578906 ], [ -82.015570817990678, 28.845709878758935 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999091343647223, 28.926317508178041 ], [ -81.998759470922877, 28.926098032488639 ], [ -81.998566979394127, 28.925954245889567 ], [ -81.998443799692254, 28.925851601902107 ], [ -81.998268181561698, 28.925701006362672 ], [ -81.997901382385251, 28.925390033438308 ], [ -81.997476790753197, 28.925028209471062 ], [ -81.997065536832721, 28.92467029590793 ], [ -81.996851889981926, 28.924498058751208 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 71st Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016983010516171, 28.860339195633053 ], [ -82.016738745709603, 28.860338392128678 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Milagros Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959780120104028, 28.78251535368976 ], [ -81.959776495332321, 28.782173664047175 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.128962328122938, 28.668620988509332 ], [ -82.129022508232168, 28.668621305135243 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": 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28.923471608562732 ], [ -82.136216537285733, 28.923467006212292 ], [ -82.136285687472935, 28.923475626506669 ], [ -82.136340033366707, 28.923492951678636 ], [ -82.136386992300757, 28.923525489720681 ], [ -82.136414224713192, 28.923579773059863 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Image Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981782872653852, 28.84722207272052 ], [ -81.981745637857401, 28.847147921531899 ], [ -81.981723893271408, 28.847104511316378 ], [ -81.981703543007782, 28.847058200373102 ], [ -81.981687985612268, 28.847013795753295 ], [ -81.981678333709965, 28.846978978944339 ], [ -81.981670125483518, 28.846940291438365 ], [ -81.981665636762841, 28.84691112287036 ], [ -81.981661163258039, 28.846877111626334 ], [ -81.981645295017643, 28.846783176657965 ], [ -81.98164057320794, 28.846710782170288 ], [ -81.981641360446716, 28.846589600734465 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rabbit Run 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[ -82.003764784115006, 28.945850798850902 ], [ -82.003691301648757, 28.945439449710094 ], [ -82.003690323861164, 28.945433260904846 ], [ -82.003689738007139, 28.945429479408308 ], [ -82.003689347066967, 28.945426041680843 ], [ -82.003688955090183, 28.945422260179718 ], [ -82.003688760078816, 28.9454188224476 ], [ -82.003688564030824, 28.945415040941828 ], [ -82.0036883690195, 28.945411603209699 ], [ -82.003688368900228, 28.945407820797005 ], [ -82.003688369817638, 28.945404383060225 ], [ -82.003688563575565, 28.945400602447531 ], [ -82.003688563467151, 28.945397163808487 ], [ -82.003688954190352, 28.945393726062481 ], [ -82.003689149999843, 28.945389945449723 ], [ -82.003689541748855, 28.945386508605978 ], [ -82.003689931435318, 28.945382726184057 ], [ -82.003690517061315, 28.945379288433418 ], [ -82.003691104738863, 28.945375850682758 ], [ -82.003691885256814, 28.945372069153823 ], [ -82.003692471908479, 28.945368631403159 ], [ -82.003693253462984, 28.945365193647881 ], [ 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], [ -81.958999362779025, 28.92212434859858 ], [ -81.958977062918507, 28.922198597134152 ], [ -81.958957536225114, 28.922262421385572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Castleberry Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001045410029604, 28.915326289529396 ], [ -82.001082333895681, 28.915388511805332 ], [ -82.001148757959683, 28.915495425625988 ], [ -82.00122963582605, 28.915615060828575 ], [ -82.001296256078646, 28.915724381900183 ], [ -82.001336696801758, 28.915795541335932 ], [ -82.001371470708079, 28.915879766054882 ], [ -82.001374989338728, 28.915889392641446 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Nautilus Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00385099615265, 28.877931769621842 ], [ -82.004562742761152, 28.876966480511896 ], [ -82.004610913414169, 28.876932565168399 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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-81.992974232578547, 28.85176023073825 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barboza Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998501319230229, 28.94221136012349 ], [ -81.998199491864227, 28.942213131732547 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quartz Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987221167320698, 28.845259037538987 ], [ -81.987360831884587, 28.845215612008047 ], [ -81.987465429659167, 28.845190726341961 ], [ -81.987585791714778, 28.845170347280096 ], [ -81.987685401091056, 28.845157852354504 ], [ -81.98784716716672, 28.845127572258694 ], [ -81.987947152535824, 28.845106837310496 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lazy Hollow", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001057119577979, 28.81420368701345 ], [ -82.001697925434016, 28.81421893767649 ] ] ] } }, 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-82.094772280772844, 28.579985510840867 ], [ -82.094438674532057, 28.579784188275013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Inner Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966720717261964, 28.887607021534976 ], [ -81.966705757784425, 28.887585348167281 ], [ -81.966671933448794, 28.887549178258734 ], [ -81.966623605413474, 28.887518323795796 ], [ -81.966574921841001, 28.887499564568472 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yankee Clipper Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998284981569185, 28.875254466507055 ], [ -81.998304502971507, 28.875200433290125 ], [ -81.998505931007415, 28.874554705752296 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 77th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976083983737382, 28.654496398802962 ], [ -81.976128216452125, 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[ -81.975868018276032, 28.846090007463747 ], [ -81.975845832267467, 28.846174875307145 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 68th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.05481384385763, 28.657506626361904 ], [ -82.05463642903284, 28.657498160823206 ], [ -82.054491055070073, 28.657489093146054 ], [ -82.054320306862451, 28.657484058839319 ], [ -82.054149347485364, 28.657484127102787 ], [ -82.054033226035855, 28.657487017794814 ], [ -82.053875170675994, 28.657487079744069 ], [ -82.053707435763656, 28.657487145285451 ], [ -82.053578412743136, 28.657492886583654 ], [ -82.053420359650701, 28.657501483184674 ], [ -82.053294565989987, 28.65751291308171 ], [ -82.053162321721956, 28.657527190413777 ], [ -82.053062137952395, 28.657521009265043 ], [ -82.052942968198664, 28.657510204561884 ], [ -82.052801023584252, 28.657478961585277 ], [ -82.052691342740388, 28.657459086363353 ], [ -82.052568756502339, 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-82.016982426186388, 28.753856053454797 ], [ -82.017809620893402, 28.754793914288847 ], [ -82.018049840838955, 28.755024272051063 ], [ -82.01832689321725, 28.755243397081266 ], [ -82.018459888458636, 28.755382571479796 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968096725090362, 28.78911138200823 ], [ -81.968196482023075, 28.78910315757782 ], [ -81.968301146673738, 28.789066732407985 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcneill Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975841169413656, 28.779245090534719 ], [ -81.975898381231644, 28.779165969558072 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Churchill Downs", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019212295073487, 28.914611419521197 ], [ -82.019370828728981, 28.91463536248645 ], [ 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003506805765397, 28.847327824866102 ], [ -82.003389664357854, 28.847261098095636 ], [ -82.003260467837478, 28.847192372843459 ], [ -82.003131051269023, 28.847128370141636 ], [ -82.002996706463236, 28.847066784677331 ], [ -82.002845634338911, 28.847003145696281 ], [ -82.002734585882223, 28.846959988300981 ], [ -82.002646784174118, 28.846928243753087 ], [ -82.00255249428939, 28.846897552228533 ], [ -82.002467211878411, 28.846872791379699 ], [ -82.002371077465952, 28.846846235924254 ], [ -82.002300301633184, 28.846816912728329 ], [ -82.002238080969661, 28.846775503004363 ], [ -82.002200064084946, 28.846743426441495 ], [ -82.002173949762806, 28.846716547022886 ], [ -82.002135849643921, 28.846668555562893 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clyde Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.035433969363282, 28.870241365363118 ], [ -82.034504059552589, 28.870241602060887 ] ] 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28.580727733094406 ], [ -82.092368861549403, 28.580764319343086 ], [ -82.092105754050195, 28.580766627012324 ], [ -82.091910229813394, 28.580764627954959 ], [ -82.091731621823612, 28.58078392344396 ], [ -82.091540943256248, 28.580801097234321 ], [ -82.091396117597469, 28.580807586179539 ], [ -82.091227148045235, 28.580807698847682 ], [ -82.091043689768625, 28.580801427827531 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Terrace Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014103539223356, 28.750111166691482 ], [ -82.014567146679141, 28.750307210775027 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Valleybrook Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984980910789488, 28.84127035650307 ], [ -81.985289117513403, 28.841085225654602 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Irmo Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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-82.007210340161961, 28.959061828420307 ], [ -82.007202217147139, 28.959130411080082 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jody Lane", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044687889616526, 28.611491560993258 ], [ -82.044472327351215, 28.61137200358386 ], [ -82.044371519670307, 28.611359765948002 ], [ -82.043207069828682, 28.611363201770089 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Nature Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983491281308446, 28.842975784568054 ], [ -81.983474854874302, 28.842962213648992 ], [ -81.98343388182532, 28.842924597048302 ], [ -81.983397627699105, 28.842883396047739 ], [ -81.983366494351401, 28.842839067342734 ], [ -81.983340826874979, 28.842792102297405 ], [ -81.983320909774548, 28.842743021497853 ], [ -81.983282985500537, 28.842641329303643 ], [ -81.983238934988464, 28.842541569689157 ], [ -81.983188884489806, 28.84244402853242 ], [ -81.983132977448761, 28.842348985353294 ], [ -81.983071374091182, 28.84225671251253 ], [ -81.983004250965095, 28.842167474431371 ], [ -81.98293180043494, 28.842081526833862 ], [ -81.982854230129874, 28.841999116014101 ], [ -81.982253770606448, 28.841394859268025 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "El Camino Real", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991988536100976, 28.951515111321449 ], [ -81.991941067243303, 28.951628234222426 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 306a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.179646685847956, 28.820811992514106 ], [ -82.179808198012836, 28.821240845118581 ], [ -82.179835072055667, 28.821285860646551 ], [ -82.179878977248137, 28.821317983086526 ], [ -82.179935049640932, 28.821343652314425 ], [ -82.179981349893353, 28.821352171754096 ], [ -82.180030075586785, 28.821354253619166 ], [ -82.180088517274925, 28.821341302787552 ], [ -82.181279170889852, 28.821002898454054 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Granville Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017506162068116, 28.887035842815646 ], [ -82.017505068068047, 28.886728315397839 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039712260661631, 28.79884855220449 ], [ -82.039706549740842, 28.798941351239513 ], [ -82.039694358216551, 28.799618385675689 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013501815529409, 28.814206772498551 ], [ -82.01393918696337, 28.814614047924326 ], [ -82.014170647219274, 28.814802111752417 ], [ -82.014531341964599, 28.815141589595807 ], [ -82.014681791081813, 28.815301683731647 ], [ -82.014796556281809, 28.81546949345622 ], [ -82.014934467735259, 28.815686488293 ], [ -82.015055984986958, 28.815843689516992 ], [ -82.015190039661476, 28.815977745029194 ], [ -82.015382923325802, 28.816160021626278 ], [ -82.015487081002107, 28.816296004698568 ], [ -82.015601846345035, 28.816469600224714 ], [ -82.01575904646181, 28.816635481601519 ], [ -82.015952895324034, 28.816796541236393 ], [ -82.016193036982742, 28.816945063117601 ], [ -82.016379169726065, 28.817055972616597 ], [ -82.016607737223566, 28.817250786305348 ], [ -82.017545153974112, 28.818140951594792 ], [ -82.01802639949392, 28.818602911454928 ], [ -82.018545258054331, 28.819094767154489 ], [ -82.018698600258489, 28.819244254176013 ], [ -82.018920571990378, 28.819511806249736 ], [ -82.019066043072684, 28.819767936082258 ], [ -82.019175986586959, 28.820023507559522 ], [ -82.019261819474522, 28.820360090701442 ], [ -82.019289785382227, 28.820644594105737 ], [ -82.019280140827362, 28.820928133579816 ], [ -82.019243491875571, 28.821152842554287 ], [ -82.019175016360364, 28.821402627431386 ], [ -82.019072786711533, 28.821642766651969 ], [ -82.018971521415253, 28.821817326710061 ], [ -82.018670619779911, 28.822251313761818 ], [ -82.018410223504446, 28.822609111945379 ], [ -82.018326318046761, 28.822729664207742 ], [ -82.018193226354143, 28.822892650268791 ], [ -82.018029274063238, 28.823067208657928 ], [ -82.017886539041754, 28.823200298529287 ], [ -82.017746696965261, 28.823319885727681 ], [ -82.017586601935463, 28.823481907302465 ], [ -82.017448688975094, 28.82367382576146 ], [ -82.017332956841969, 28.823887926426689 ], [ -82.017297272904187, 28.823978581299407 ], [ -82.017271721337849, 28.824031133112108 ], [ -82.017235555308815, 28.824074511537386 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Foggy Brook Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9983704466581, 28.881072777327716 ], [ -81.998859585687825, 28.880599333440536 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9688489447107, 28.92016564346082 ], [ -81.969229437622019, 28.920165051999128 ], [ -81.969853697703627, 28.920171657144305 ], [ -81.970355554499989, 28.920173922079051 ], [ -81.970859861572492, 28.920171879016181 ], [ -81.971356822973107, 28.920171987176889 ], [ -81.971777723374757, 28.92016978926338 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 44a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012493447978287, 28.843456258230844 ], [ -82.011264014290546, 28.842614989709126 ], [ -82.009983903480276, 28.841733543534673 ], [ -82.008392033917374, 28.840631158844563 ], [ -82.006496028255896, 28.839325679893616 ], [ -82.004513892414252, 28.837995626432271 ], [ -82.00383206842335, 28.837538135172508 ], [ -82.003637565195291, 28.837400737926892 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 231", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107416776617498, 28.880960020102801 ], [ -82.107439423795455, 28.882374205807761 ], [ -82.107426745308317, 28.882932043438718 ], [ -82.107416029247645, 28.883250811688761 ], [ -82.107418415597778, 28.883423795892185 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stony Run", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018101942334226, 28.827655287986826 ], [ -82.018458416028906, 28.827560026429293 ], [ -82.018565542586614, 28.827533432111245 ], [ -82.018652183602768, 28.827508634218677 ], [ -82.018729406997437, 28.82747190629858 ], [ -82.018790934197895, 28.82740849645991 ], [ -82.01881979979693, 28.827339951422399 ], [ -82.018824109087589, 28.827320332849165 ], [ -82.018826537798986, 28.827275403866306 ], [ -82.018825780991236, 28.827201940699219 ], [ -82.018833941959727, 28.82710682453564 ], [ -82.018869729506818, 28.826971842465802 ], [ -82.018888807753783, 28.826892852695433 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 125b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015825103332745, 28.892428520359744 ], [ -82.017023818497336, 28.892426900799144 ], [ -82.017143185422128, 28.89242836597748 ], [ -82.01725414730663, 28.892431310056001 ], [ -82.017336529326172, 28.892440177584302 ], [ -82.017397054519762, 28.892456446647071 ], [ -82.01745590055657, 28.892474192957625 ], [ -82.017501298917892, 28.892497860919146 ], [ -82.017546696219924, 28.892527446148733 ], [ -82.017585370506225, 28.892555553340358 ], [ -82.017622362218773, 28.892595497104338 ], [ -82.017664405354836, 28.892659112058368 ], [ -82.017719726398724, 28.892780741395892 ], [ -82.017783910558848, 28.89293552910144 ], [ -82.017866750496836, 28.89312350007263 ], [ -82.017939084560965, 28.893293180013302 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[ -81.987164734731905, 28.869777476709455 ], [ -81.987196446715799, 28.869992613215668 ], [ -81.987205792484573, 28.870064044948052 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 496", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.102740540305348, 28.755626310061906 ], [ -82.102042586224641, 28.755614059260829 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mulligan Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966620901209325, 28.784858248331116 ], [ -81.966787931331169, 28.784606121627373 ], [ -81.967008009863136, 28.784259961280618 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dodson Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022805920656111, 28.752034592083682 ], [ -82.022787547094453, 28.74990365866412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 439", "maxspeed": "45 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-82.110925408095596, 28.735502147766269 ], [ -82.11072361752133, 28.736016994523098 ], [ -82.11052952797877, 28.736547636188245 ], [ -82.110309875044379, 28.737127961206959 ], [ -82.110059590110239, 28.737807633804842 ], [ -82.109860367573205, 28.738336020911248 ], [ -82.109722455052363, 28.738713115438774 ], [ -82.10940317465429, 28.739553115540531 ], [ -82.10918096180788, 28.740146985313778 ], [ -82.108655086200841, 28.741556907079858 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stillwater Trail", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95684545494835, 28.895742971625644 ], [ -81.95713451913015, 28.895601879630021 ], [ -81.957141380909547, 28.895598555042593 ], [ -81.957141428083517, 28.895598532500163 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Amaya Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954224260405837, 28.925270196610764 ], [ -81.954223958342382, 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-81.978085094119706, 28.794580063072036 ], [ -81.978076164655818, 28.79463000916504 ], [ -81.978064874177107, 28.79467958311831 ], [ -81.97785220740063, 28.795548551608171 ], [ -81.977842060061903, 28.795692698065618 ], [ -81.977844768600562, 28.795825457645339 ], [ -81.977874572329455, 28.796019177450656 ], [ -81.977892997972091, 28.796096975212119 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 683", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.178125050203974, 28.588821712500952 ], [ -82.177847767665483, 28.588824497372137 ], [ -82.177781742788895, 28.588814728127208 ], [ -82.177733803557814, 28.58879443200825 ], [ -82.177691184508191, 28.588774128034359 ], [ -82.177659194544248, 28.588742849445808 ], [ -82.177637848421838, 28.588709988707997 ], [ -82.177628906712343, 28.588667716617589 ], [ -82.17763220957751, 28.588288393014288 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stillwater Trail", "maxspeed": 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-81.973661173772598, 28.897668785496112 ], [ -81.9736955526499, 28.897663605837359 ], [ -81.973754484424902, 28.897661888596442 ], [ -81.973841257213195, 28.897660185795154 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tallowtree Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990066964781477, 28.869478680155346 ], [ -81.990513325164727, 28.869479565493155 ], [ -81.9906445199411, 28.869478722135312 ], [ -81.990721681980006, 28.869496080653711 ], [ -81.990785513734878, 28.869528854956357 ], [ -81.990828894363503, 28.869574207728 ], [ -81.99090736825994, 28.869719549830823 ], [ -81.991093433784513, 28.870079155576157 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Linley Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005014513534292, 28.914751767548939 ], [ -82.005846741396894, 28.914750016800344 ], [ -82.006432233076126, 28.914748273689209 ], [ -82.006563513339486, 28.914755488990163 ], [ -82.006636188751656, 28.914773018269948 ], [ -82.006686788723073, 28.914799830446714 ], [ -82.006727033802619, 28.914836955432826 ], [ -82.006755364344755, 28.914886801540213 ], [ -82.006765526893901, 28.914950743262775 ], [ -82.006769264323026, 28.915379088798034 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mossy Oak Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008666081871809, 28.891866393809089 ], [ -82.010174669683039, 28.891861378544867 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bexley Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978542834045598, 28.761263517720028 ], [ -81.978600060483714, 28.76132364827329 ], [ -81.978670308327054, 28.761423165232227 ], [ -81.97870794067525, 28.761561988265139 ], [ -81.978799094894768, 28.762001034354828 ], [ -81.978903628844776, 28.762424190838843 ], [ -81.979054159369042, 28.762914250408869 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975964922923424, 28.935951292266246 ], [ -81.975853695378078, 28.936074034769561 ], [ -81.97583513656042, 28.936093815119776 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 400", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.153715988815947, 28.807464244263443 ], [ -82.153634847404902, 28.807490335259171 ], [ -82.153373874242973, 28.807583477973733 ], [ -82.152537807190583, 28.807893867795812 ], [ -82.152250170176742, 28.807979656532318 ], [ -82.152113054913173, 28.808029911853552 ], [ -82.152036160927267, 28.808077151734818 ], [ -82.151959288004761, 28.808136180200105 ], [ -82.151892463340715, 28.808204039088057 ], [ -82.151842374276924, 28.808274825251114 ], [ -82.151815699840995, 28.808339692228216 ], [ -82.1517957246176, 28.808410445579828 ], [ -82.151786431894834, 28.808504240039696 ], [ -82.151791443071104, 28.808567068439231 ], [ -82.151856649308428, 28.808890757027619 ], [ -82.151870155303357, 28.808976208497036 ], [ -82.151873643712818, 28.809073458924374 ], [ -82.151857083417113, 28.809191363054264 ], [ -82.151843805158805, 28.80926505584625 ], [ -82.151810457877119, 28.809344664964943 ], [ -82.151757053101321, 28.809436085158403 ], [ -82.151710296522708, 28.809498026725006 ], [ -82.151666877304649, 28.809554069769025 ], [ -82.151616760931631, 28.809607176052634 ], [ -82.151198944572428, 28.809920036508892 ], [ -82.150229619215736, 28.810657892416994 ], [ -82.149728350148635, 28.811118196515476 ], [ -82.149481086102966, 28.811366027119135 ], [ -82.149387546523684, 28.811475172185904 ], [ -82.149320760948001, 28.81157250090552 ], [ -82.149270732329015, 28.811687494578823 ], [ -82.149224034992542, 28.811793641955859 ], [ -82.149187369227377, 28.811893884414264 ], [ -82.149131787293754, 28.812042650284489 ], [ -82.149089478220873, 28.812152140347809 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chambers Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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[ -81.965090814246963, 28.903591856313824 ], [ -81.96512204135432, 28.90358369412721 ], [ -81.965155796382305, 28.903583702904101 ], [ -81.965184485501908, 28.903591137176857 ], [ -81.965203047334271, 28.903603024365854 ], [ -81.965218231067738, 28.903622333886425 ], [ -81.965236784395302, 28.903656497918259 ], [ -81.96526857997867, 28.903744846603413 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Perish Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003233031093146, 28.780774698805004 ], [ -82.003646560640391, 28.780762539349876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 116th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.190037884117316, 28.587080433095977 ], [ -82.190203367173751, 28.587072514257208 ], [ -82.190390052536273, 28.587067253670536 ], [ -82.190594220996189, 28.587078229476351 ], [ -82.190819628395943, 28.587074160265903 ], [ 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[ -81.97411340569785, 28.787100170638837 ], [ -81.973936980051022, 28.787052326522257 ], [ -81.973785970606173, 28.787020181988172 ], [ -81.973681760007111, 28.786998369833437 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Riverwood Circle", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024390574969814, 28.933328661600388 ], [ -82.024370453084529, 28.933336183753344 ], [ -82.024352044055988, 28.933346559520704 ], [ -82.024335866120481, 28.933359496812507 ], [ -82.024322374706756, 28.933374631428737 ], [ -82.02431194961548, 28.933391537311934 ], [ -82.024304884327009, 28.933409738541183 ], [ -82.024301377739576, 28.933428722729715 ], [ -82.024301528569936, 28.933447955449253 ], [ -82.02430533257396, 28.933466895274794 ], [ -82.024312682666149, 28.933485009026345 ], [ -82.024323371933747, 28.933501786778706 ], [ -82.024337099461661, 28.933516756216509 ], [ -82.024353478803249, 28.933529495930564 ], [ -82.024372048859433, 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-82.198857817390063, 28.577628674837619 ], [ -82.199106850022901, 28.577811913590079 ], [ -82.199645571660369, 28.578158371218571 ], [ -82.200437743716066, 28.578628187828276 ], [ -82.200804432250237, 28.578859144838919 ], [ -82.201184614501273, 28.579050168504008 ], [ -82.201397121720106, 28.57904586259929 ], [ -82.201541807247978, 28.579041658503129 ], [ -82.201790610803172, 28.579101160683415 ], [ -82.202003235483105, 28.579156724987502 ], [ -82.202270247951532, 28.579280059875352 ], [ -82.20255553943997, 28.579503151705101 ], [ -82.202877141632968, 28.579798031563346 ], [ -82.203035652597748, 28.579929509467586 ], [ -82.203329952822827, 28.580132628202072 ], [ -82.203637408501407, 28.580417052938749 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Passion Flower Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027383964416373, 28.797624912737646 ], [ -82.027365752464462, 28.797629229375801 ], [ -82.027311512586806, 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28.797515043110248 ], [ -82.02657636441414, 28.797496423009267 ], [ -82.026572605133154, 28.797472193927561 ], [ -82.026571649636722, 28.797456674333773 ], [ -82.02657155236605, 28.797337732410956 ], [ -82.026571381610566, 28.796653032355778 ], [ -82.026571270532258, 28.796211722060981 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Newell Pond Bluff", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027124437218959, 28.853066255717852 ], [ -82.025596835366912, 28.853055081816969 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pablo Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003241250621613, 28.781850105753719 ], [ -82.003233016442408, 28.781523290100104 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02702635875707, 28.927312471932151 ], [ -82.026824262856351, 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28.819965949200448 ], [ -82.04350871430637, 28.819969090410002 ], [ -82.043525027957728, 28.819969992964236 ], [ -82.043726078398834, 28.819987768656787 ], [ -82.043936056386485, 28.820023670390583 ], [ -82.044158829130595, 28.820073609419005 ], [ -82.044345845453108, 28.820116347475015 ], [ -82.044453600581079, 28.820146664505231 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Missouri Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037097542911908, 28.869098057571225 ], [ -82.036214249422301, 28.869116087748477 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 614", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.153518278732392, 28.652065446520606 ], [ -82.153724732357901, 28.65177220147724 ], [ -82.154565044855346, 28.650539390385404 ], [ -82.155404278922887, 28.649306493924623 ], [ -82.156026721221806, 28.648388669580079 ], [ -82.156364289364575, 28.647911932022723 ], [ -82.156875257976537, 28.647172179144221 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Charlotte Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968667080282771, 28.852617928417267 ], [ -81.968918285541619, 28.852390090629399 ], [ -81.969038068601108, 28.85227896330111 ], [ -81.969155248519513, 28.852163250651902 ], [ -81.969273734555827, 28.852031496107724 ], [ -81.969377900198637, 28.851907759686465 ], [ -81.969483371260949, 28.851770272342311 ], [ -81.969539365782964, 28.85168777914317 ], [ -81.96959666350871, 28.851599553867562 ], [ -81.969652661195425, 28.851502162652082 ], [ -81.969702146037051, 28.85141737515125 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brandon Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984981417390813, 28.780537838628089 ], [ -81.985954092947367, 28.780163253252354 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96646162582006, 28.879204573839097 ], [ -81.966461640184576, 28.879204535946005 ], [ -81.966467300971516, 28.879189134165856 ], [ -81.966510394985121, 28.87908627529815 ], [ -81.966568870771567, 28.878972589919336 ], [ -81.966642731032607, 28.878842666002623 ], [ -81.966768912789504, 28.878604467952879 ], [ -81.966889275575923, 28.878371572973339 ], [ -81.966990670114043, 28.878175386978292 ], [ -81.967094373013481, 28.877969175989271 ], [ -81.967159784543242, 28.877797839445275 ], [ -81.967227507655394, 28.877616477048964 ], [ -81.967286004787027, 28.877426991644914 ], [ -81.967326039808668, 28.877267280391809 ], [ -81.967356840443699, 28.877126515221381 ], [ -81.967381498715284, 28.876958679482232 ], [ -81.967412310270575, 28.876782723607196 ], [ -81.967427744565299, 28.876604056178522 ], [ -81.967443193983854, 28.876390195349984 ], [ -81.967434024393611, 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[ -81.999623467554642, 28.853730408057892 ], [ -81.999622642646557, 28.853711143833426 ], [ -81.999621841261799, 28.853698571106179 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 665", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.239200841240361, 28.657689288875865 ], [ -82.239155455611169, 28.656919511618611 ], [ -82.23914178130174, 28.656021370588324 ], [ -82.239132698045253, 28.654581753965061 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barr Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004572071886827, 28.739285465967072 ], [ -82.004335450673565, 28.739477717701877 ], [ -82.004037561187261, 28.739733351482183 ], [ -82.003849530139092, 28.739864337041549 ], [ -82.003659622535963, 28.740010580669466 ], [ -82.003531687733286, 28.740091565878757 ], [ -82.00336032544331, 28.740176072632593 ], [ -82.003265487148326, 28.740211667390884 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -81.973992313845287, 28.879368130832923 ], [ -81.974091848271158, 28.878941139340746 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 101st Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.095618167024838, 28.60753945752662 ], [ -82.095530303354465, 28.607675659590932 ], [ -82.095388644322782, 28.607902661972954 ], [ -82.095276533244444, 28.608109211020711 ], [ -82.095224917884394, 28.608196682880461 ], [ -82.095156075470825, 28.608287967361466 ], [ -82.09504403913202, 28.608250029616105 ], [ -82.094798393688819, 28.608139954736998 ], [ -82.094591556778497, 28.60807167157423 ], [ -82.094345974337173, 28.608030023946093 ], [ -82.094121927908972, 28.607984559498458 ], [ -82.093802994468902, 28.607809907545942 ], [ -82.093626296822507, 28.607722594430186 ], [ -82.093514215848785, 28.607635234233644 ], [ -82.093384911510256, 28.607555491529606 ], [ -82.093143571543592, 28.607437807573604 ], [ -82.092945306913606, 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[ -82.114853657003323, 28.664181285280492 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbin Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99119982071123, 28.776859709269733 ], [ -81.991222659611424, 28.776728783864314 ], [ -81.991242936835036, 28.776576708003208 ], [ -81.991253075886604, 28.776448288385019 ], [ -81.991253077124938, 28.776292832913207 ], [ -81.99125307732875, 28.77616103345099 ], [ -81.991236179345478, 28.776025854605454 ], [ -81.991209144693869, 28.7758636408021 ], [ -81.991161832635683, 28.775671011285617 ], [ -81.991107760923867, 28.775495278965874 ], [ -81.99104355121716, 28.775333064436058 ], [ -81.990972581764851, 28.775177608662936 ], [ -81.990881336174638, 28.775015394019682 ], [ -81.990763054337677, 28.774822763978946 ], [ -81.990634634458459, 28.774647030789502 ], [ -81.990512973417779, 28.774491575702289 ], [ -81.990421727071336, 28.774383432923237 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": 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[ -82.137282142744851, 28.878829056729465 ], [ -82.137458994646153, 28.878888717782939 ], [ -82.137616402225049, 28.878934723124022 ], [ -82.137814613730811, 28.878987524379209 ], [ -82.137972002591809, 28.879019849570007 ], [ -82.138109956769313, 28.879043646021223 ], [ -82.138249855920677, 28.879069148396724 ], [ -82.13844219959681, 28.879092889868158 ], [ -82.138624827374485, 28.879111511443238 ], [ -82.138842405434758, 28.879119836898756 ], [ -82.139077451607591, 28.879116175971497 ], [ -82.13922313843878, 28.879112607445396 ], [ -82.139326087524495, 28.879107371985707 ], [ -82.13943486355636, 28.879102130447126 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zimmerman Path", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041252952557471, 28.921099817034477 ], [ -82.041213121015502, 28.920870016142416 ], [ -82.041188609168401, 28.920762774860222 ], [ -82.041163076140222, 28.920671875358977 ], [ -82.041110296065526, 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-82.144576491187877, 28.668748027588851 ], [ -82.144910821609926, 28.668724753137994 ], [ -82.145072090494082, 28.668676959122497 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Talley Ridge Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002072154566221, 28.95716349865349 ], [ -82.001970540300448, 28.957169409827372 ], [ -82.001842586044432, 28.957213977168568 ], [ -82.001778781235672, 28.957236675845934 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 422", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.134480552855607, 28.79784823351827 ], [ -82.134515995613, 28.798689713227915 ], [ -82.134528654447053, 28.798844153546913 ], [ -82.134546375831761, 28.79890491647409 ], [ -82.13458683774985, 28.799038206170842 ], [ -82.134625933540804, 28.799126072234042 ], [ -82.134674312738682, 28.799183907435353 ], [ -82.134728565101966, 28.799232448418181 ], [ -82.134774738994906, 28.799267935561289 ], [ -82.134821670712597, 28.799291240756773 ], [ -82.134971269322037, 28.799366651584897 ], [ -82.135189703807484, 28.799452312560277 ], [ -82.135286857884225, 28.799482974654236 ], [ -82.135352128598399, 28.799495481503833 ], [ -82.135407194509327, 28.799500816112008 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marilee Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967724790366873, 28.789595648173158 ], [ -81.967421043470139, 28.790219115318273 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Scotia Street", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954014801620801, 28.897091173435037 ], [ -81.95452273884105, 28.89702893802103 ], [ -81.955030531444677, 28.896972510548263 ], [ -81.955206559227292, 28.896968101213684 ], [ -81.955308104204647, 28.896988987198032 ], [ -81.955440137966534, 28.897018269200519 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.011760420164677, 28.898867980173986 ], [ -82.011812167938103, 28.898844651440967 ], [ -82.011865876612774, 28.898816174906873 ], [ -82.011906830831975, 28.898795769586986 ], [ -82.011917359215232, 28.898787563193466 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Us 441", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961465966290916, 28.956152014817853 ], [ -81.9613927395731, 28.956108508689407 ], [ -81.961309015722804, 28.956067914792424 ], [ -81.961232903912304, 28.956052692777785 ], [ -81.96115932853769, 28.95605015587002 ], [ -81.961109568437649, 28.956061882948489 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.032826571258596, 28.793140426494542 ], [ -82.032897793122814, 28.793148231741277 ], [ -82.033009175429612, 28.793163250396113 ], [ -82.033107349600414, 28.793179395498363 ], [ -82.033211201782848, 28.793199496711786 ], [ -82.033326466717511, 28.793225523294034 ], [ -82.03343716729448, 28.793254575433771 ], [ -82.033518338314181, 28.793278201811727 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Outlet Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.152641443988259, 28.803141394495093 ], [ -82.151752480631828, 28.803140678834108 ], [ -82.151682458135895, 28.803144182274551 ], [ -82.151624109177078, 28.80314938792597 ], [ -82.151575491895031, 28.803158008749115 ], [ -82.151528832297956, 28.803175195690422 ], [ -82.15146273645432, 28.803204395085359 ], [ -82.151425801519608, 28.803221570235642 ], [ -82.151394701182824, 28.803237025383641 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sharp Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975963617946007, 28.788732623748054 ], [ -81.976047260553443, 28.78859837255111 ], [ -81.976150374747377, 28.788462392314553 ], [ -81.976254133483522, 28.788341879578486 ], [ -81.97635595829351, 28.788229743504246 ], [ -81.976448760819167, 28.788141453029773 ], [ -81.976527385568218, 28.788074430264842 ], [ -81.976615032395756, 28.788000961989699 ], [ -81.976689790050472, 28.78794425010156 ], [ -81.976742636247295, 28.787893338064386 ], [ -81.97678388201787, 28.78784951528872 ], [ -81.976811593572492, 28.787812781451613 ], [ -81.97683737260904, 28.787774758770762 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Parkyn Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999702041881051, 28.796885565446384 ], [ -81.99971276866539, 28.79692310892116 ], [ -81.999865504273416, 28.797458685313298 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 44a", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023169034955814, 28.848991613002163 ], [ -82.024773462443193, 28.849633499857703 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.011968206016334, 28.600102687144211 ], [ -82.011828272266158, 28.600102698547161 ], [ -82.011675378626336, 28.600098136867533 ], [ -82.011545809571601, 28.600100432784366 ], [ -82.01132450547837, 28.600112572130108 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 135th Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.26531022477883, 28.959686840303874 ], [ -82.265302325839286, 28.959731545969071 ], [ -82.265282535078427, 28.959788306137174 ], [ -82.265253355273046, 28.959841991797106 ], [ -82.265215565553987, 28.959891570096641 ], [ -82.265170138233444, 28.959935318457447 ], [ -82.264306011489936, 28.960446487548424 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Diaz Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972424629291126, 28.943051566610482 ], [ -81.972463941836736, 28.943027053987514 ], [ -81.972497016739041, 28.943009605027161 ], [ -81.972527445823829, 28.942993322180353 ], [ -81.972569783740227, 28.942971223782511 ], [ -81.972610796637198, 28.942947960239145 ], [ -81.972658424380427, 28.942922371021343 ], [ -81.972707378236279, 28.942889801915701 ], [ -81.97275765552692, 28.942852577227882 ], [ -81.973228682811936, 28.942452403285301 ], [ -81.973351728716764, 28.942342567324754 ], [ -81.973396295258183, 28.942272669210386 ], [ -81.973451612207043, 28.942133878597367 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 19th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.136660045652533, 28.882464134941962 ], [ -82.136808511660803, 28.882493778905253 ], [ -82.136905158653036, 28.882519449957041 ], [ -82.137021717084238, 28.882570403943575 ], [ -82.137128995482001, 28.882643189313175 ], [ -82.13737242796509, 28.882801899541878 ], [ -82.137670227620873, 28.883002458590742 ], [ -82.137735369270715, 28.883034478064456 ], [ -82.137790956341462, 28.883061159308749 ], [ -82.137879536899959, 28.883096210940188 ], [ -82.137942931989272, 28.883119063838695 ], [ -82.138239052680262, 28.883221132058409 ], [ -82.138414464690158, 28.883279012121577 ], [ -82.138618538946986, 28.88335061544111 ], [ -82.139024939483093, 28.883483124393102 ], [ -82.139207456960236, 28.883537135187918 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 673", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.188828411569531, 28.599948316224769 ], [ -82.188924358464917, 28.599926477409177 ], [ -82.188999567157509, 28.599912542923036 ], [ -82.189223806983875, 28.599895457139453 ], [ -82.189451884207216, 28.59989849595533 ], [ -82.189588738152082, 28.599905015369664 ], [ -82.189763635120912, 28.59992825435722 ], [ -82.189927121955805, 28.599948153224098 ], [ -82.191303610948566, 28.600201186978239 ], [ -82.191809321976791, 28.600284343847239 ], [ -82.192989220732628, 28.600537031652447 ] ] ] } }, { 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28.921311244915358 ], [ -81.956332443102497, 28.921947958725578 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Baypoint Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010537394511346, 28.89766088878876 ], [ -82.011230297546987, 28.897953407372032 ], [ -82.012109658664144, 28.898318633698217 ], [ -82.012158666553844, 28.898333355928649 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967166503640968, 28.871568916829499 ], [ -81.967450940134214, 28.871414022827473 ], [ -81.967537456145706, 28.871361255458087 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oglethorpe Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958833676626668, 28.84793846625594 ], [ -81.958864670653824, 28.847831252918922 ], [ -81.958912756811216, 28.847349142951881 ], [ -81.958924394399872, 28.847283212296944 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jeff Anderson Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992494791157512, 28.746675839654504 ], [ -81.99188364761703, 28.745797571954164 ], [ -81.991771802791789, 28.745546677778279 ], [ -81.991673827361907, 28.745221146906456 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 144", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019810010738411, 28.858177821250308 ], [ -82.019514169250002, 28.858176269428725 ], [ -82.018636022894839, 28.858199759821474 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993600333835047, 28.828022322991565 ], [ -81.9941984858349, 28.828437814249437 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sydney Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987451658114978, 28.744277765789882 ], [ -81.987487359823191, 28.744188744110897 ], [ -81.987543557509738, 28.744084190834226 ], [ -81.987605274784784, 28.743969369604461 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 56th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.095432262701593, 28.674631102115558 ], [ -82.09538825428514, 28.674473621769916 ], [ -82.095385040769656, 28.674387958416176 ], [ -82.095366137304595, 28.674271910957664 ], [ -82.095328456396459, 28.674183509612178 ], [ -82.095206161666482, 28.674081351627535 ], [ -82.095030631818219, 28.674012387656642 ], [ -82.094889613877868, 28.673993144162527 ], [ -82.094736058876336, 28.673971143565449 ], [ -82.094635803487407, 28.673985029539189 ], [ -82.094497948277393, 28.673998941443852 ], [ -82.094397696757767, 28.67401835402265 ], [ -82.09428177929685, 28.67403501439513 ], [ -82.09416896837358, 28.674026802450964 ], [ -82.094049882424187, 28.674004777320004 ], [ -82.09391512203652, 28.673977236974579 ], [ -82.093175653515246, 28.673983268989588 ], [ -82.092006902473003, 28.673975771888973 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 577", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971976848942404, 28.686218013696305 ], [ -81.971977702885354, 28.685638627912663 ], [ -81.971971141418862, 28.685320146920212 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Central Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.100247494257204, 28.661247183892058 ], [ -82.101049575679895, 28.661239352642067 ], [ -82.101131245304288, 28.661240693530708 ], [ -82.101137383969288, 28.661241210534975 ], [ -82.10115099784133, 28.661245930488551 ], [ -82.101166026078772, 28.661253344664118 ], [ -82.101187395580197, 28.661265577114694 ], [ -82.101197527318519, 28.661272689022443 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 716", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974778414036109, 28.635165349657051 ], [ -81.974668844244007, 28.635225643043313 ], [ -81.974615627272243, 28.635244964652127 ], [ -81.974571803113676, 28.635253240700827 ], [ -81.974521718135009, 28.635258755292391 ], [ -81.974459116287576, 28.635255980406814 ], [ -81.974318259608538, 28.635255954367601 ], [ -81.973416768198533, 28.635272348104795 ], [ -81.972355639143188, 28.635285940954198 ], [ -81.971548046066516, 28.635324433536663 ], [ -81.971288238583142, 28.635335425472181 ], [ -81.971119205711759, 28.635351956995962 ], [ -81.970868788559969, 28.635365711303795 ], [ -81.970677846508323, 28.635371191996882 ], [ -81.970477515276968, 28.635376670354418 ], [ -81.970249010650974, 28.635384906030612 ], [ -81.969970424087293, 28.635390367160099 ], [ -81.969469597448253, 28.635393015268161 ], [ -81.969040765182214, 28.635390156749878 ], [ -81.968633845489279, 28.635379014023869 ], [ -81.968111112578455, 28.635362322105458 ], [ -81.967591510576625, 28.635345628926451 ], [ -81.967037474299545, 28.635339970824489 ], [ -81.965328414134916, 28.635303640932147 ], [ -81.963647528755814, 28.635267296207832 ], [ -81.963109144652179, 28.635256103067611 ], [ -81.962846212587593, 28.635250507426026 ], [ -81.962758560476303, 28.635272576010866 ], [ -81.962705336434553, 28.635305698713754 ], [ -81.9626646195223, 28.635371965038306 ], [ -81.962598822701153, 28.635554209995693 ], [ -81.962536145547503, 28.635761307075505 ], [ -81.962473485804381, 28.635918697937996 ], [ -81.962401447424128, 28.636042947785125 ], [ -81.962280558645517, 28.636209150725819 ], [ -81.962163459507167, 28.636305228531263 ], [ -81.961975591420966, 28.636462582948521 ], [ -81.961800251811056, 28.636595088473811 ], [ -81.961634271372844, 28.636733247782931 ], [ -81.961502790469751, 28.636846304708161 ], [ -81.961342099311054, 28.637009230732339 ], [ -81.961247756637405, 28.63711405973531 ], [ -81.96111449923751, 28.637243855033805 ], [ -81.960998642453262, 28.63734875974896 ], [ -81.960907837997382, 28.637420534198423 ], [ -81.960776340105085, 28.637497819931308 ], [ -81.960594747995231, 28.637605467162302 ], [ -81.960297306922016, 28.637782118754785 ], [ -81.960031169954263, 28.637961540150872 ], [ -81.959890266698665, 28.638074721726792 ], [ -81.959727420950486, 28.638265219702646 ], [ -81.959655374575959, 28.638397752409311 ], [ -81.959611500429574, 28.638530293538032 ], [ -81.959586414516295, 28.638643509518754 ], [ -81.959570730589746, 28.638731873431105 ], [ -81.95954878180963, 28.638825759567013 ], [ -81.959514312669469, 28.638919641027606 ], [ -81.959461064576573, 28.639007996318465 ], [ -81.959376491770598, 28.639100964805269 ], [ -81.959291965546342, 28.639170874919383 ], [ -81.959179249570539, 28.639239879504611 ], [ -81.95906340575155, 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Diver Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.030722758235868, 28.791617883671826 ], [ -82.030730360995335, 28.791668963746655 ], [ -82.030748928275273, 28.79223161960449 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Burchill Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006605484559572, 28.736053821023479 ], [ -82.00688558351851, 28.735947681125591 ], [ -82.007053643018551, 28.735883799839872 ], [ -82.007180423840254, 28.735839574698602 ], [ -82.007280670285525, 28.735801246481493 ], [ -82.007347501825762, 28.735784538577303 ], [ -82.007408434683867, 28.735770780622616 ], [ -82.007486075183706, 28.735757021826636 ], [ -82.007607461314336, 28.735738344957493 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 214", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-81.958333663133473, 28.926093712508646 ], [ -81.958359258874879, 28.926087532517325 ], [ -81.958443087433764, 28.926065214078402 ], [ -81.958628131457118, 28.926016110633004 ], [ -81.958678154549958, 28.926004093947849 ], [ -81.958709116852333, 28.925996464652471 ], [ -81.958739646551066, 28.925990878916238 ], [ -81.958763812431997, 28.925987529811238 ], [ -81.958793067864903, 28.925983061615149 ], [ -81.958822110027086, 28.925981020522187 ], [ -81.958855392233986, 28.925978606271528 ], [ -81.958887189410163, 28.925978615123093 ], [ -81.958918987030103, 28.925977506023116 ], [ -81.958977494325381, 28.925977523936947 ], [ -81.959042574137797, 28.92597661085971 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Woodridge Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016270804501218, 28.931491755447102 ], [ -82.01639920794068, 28.931478748231722 ], [ -82.016702851571083, 28.931477290986788 ], [ -82.016819139651886, 28.931470172299171 ], [ -82.016919273827796, 28.931446005716232 ], [ -82.017050090018529, 28.931397680866301 ], [ -82.017177674660076, 28.931326622971369 ], [ -82.01731010012341, 28.931235672360646 ], [ -82.017394073584839, 28.931167460111588 ], [ -82.017460287640461, 28.931124827395131 ], [ -82.017608867707949, 28.931058027986762 ], [ -82.017736456665318, 28.931023912216865 ], [ -82.017846281302951, 28.931009688798969 ], [ -82.018032021262982, 28.931006823457793 ], [ -82.018631230639386, 28.931009585564151 ], [ -82.019414563526183, 28.931009477979604 ], [ -82.01976827531351, 28.931012270135071 ], [ -82.0202302004828, 28.931013622653175 ], [ -82.020283596884653, 28.931010175282449 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Inner Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9648802114435, 28.886869806520636 ], [ -81.964841269765742, 28.88679512100077 ], [ -81.96480360895977, 28.886707487787731 ], [ -81.964772352389687, 28.886606090742994 ], [ -81.964752482064782, 28.886489675176627 ], [ -81.964741126501366, 28.886420826635057 ], [ -81.964735687144639, 28.886398280315277 ], [ -81.964724077016839, 28.886369501082754 ], [ -81.964710898179732, 28.886347079950919 ], [ -81.964692803460139, 28.886324431046489 ], [ -81.964669733857377, 28.88630020902135 ], [ -81.9646479398249, 28.886281471513211 ], [ -81.964610333609443, 28.886263074510204 ], [ -81.964561981711398, 28.886245538160562 ], [ -81.964507937581288, 28.886240517006016 ], [ -81.964459332829563, 28.886245849369242 ], [ -81.964415485686587, 28.886255513118975 ], [ -81.964318760892652, 28.886290536405301 ], [ -81.964140653810901, 28.8863512264011 ], [ -81.963948164536106, 28.886412155918158 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Jefferson Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003798976970771, 28.646238920605285 ], [ -82.003877645920213, 28.646238919779378 ], [ 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-82.007004151654499, 28.648103461024323 ], [ -82.007145019148183, 28.648173492982441 ], [ -82.007244907538663, 28.648232230385979 ], [ -82.007303825018781, 28.64837004137026 ], [ -82.007544611621029, 28.648900959655112 ], [ -82.007798208849408, 28.649463507295273 ], [ -82.008033873014696, 28.649933424283933 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 163", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996648035236447, 28.830133299140019 ], [ -81.995996689815485, 28.830855588622867 ], [ -81.995555160530827, 28.831357949913919 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Privada Drive", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996474516551658, 28.95615404445018 ], [ -81.996406897650161, 28.956153207948319 ], [ -81.996271419807101, 28.956151023236288 ], [ -81.99610184177547, 28.956145996040618 ], [ -81.995954432644979, 28.956142388635058 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 619", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.161864315373748, 28.656094301070617 ], [ -82.161864854731576, 28.655685923298069 ], [ -82.161868575428358, 28.655284145898051 ], [ -82.161878460592575, 28.654658513858241 ], [ -82.161880379643705, 28.654495888515157 ], [ -82.161871122952888, 28.654417968578347 ], [ -82.161840617274777, 28.654238008235698 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Richland Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006166103039234, 28.91739364119201 ], [ -82.006163162306677, 28.917179469428465 ], [ -82.006160020075882, 28.916900322364892 ], [ -82.006160016702253, 28.916820568341894 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mayflower Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969445911108025, 28.856026470305615 ], [ 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], [ -81.994856153459949, 28.872431019486907 ], [ -81.994856740657326, 28.872434421192008 ], [ -81.99485950779632, 28.872445916640029 ], [ -81.994872130384707, 28.872472738089737 ], [ -81.994887458629805, 28.872491357710409 ], [ -81.995210989644022, 28.872809132173458 ], [ -81.995305767521018, 28.872901246303179 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Baker Lane", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962815018807561, 28.861218310324144 ], [ -81.962933901572242, 28.861157396146901 ], [ -81.963012500279589, 28.861111218035582 ], [ -81.963118195941561, 28.861037297857276 ], [ -81.963220886987912, 28.860964088690341 ], [ -81.963342376054072, 28.860882024851257 ], [ -81.963481251344788, 28.860809486745975 ], [ -81.963670563462244, 28.86074294442939 ], [ -81.963785456011323, 28.86070834592687 ], [ -81.963898274780348, 28.860700736495748 ], [ -81.96396596260368, 28.860708394488032 ], [ -81.964063146445412, 28.860738977971341 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"maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028567324012201, 28.795107040839689 ], [ -82.028567186816659, 28.794893550035706 ], [ -82.028566995688124, 28.794769168048607 ], [ -82.028563934478555, 28.794645099751772 ], [ -82.028559352717139, 28.794484960903503 ], [ -82.028554024436801, 28.794298835591579 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Bobwhite Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999715706357591, 28.814931942220245 ], [ -81.999680991847484, 28.814985955324648 ], [ -81.99941179881904, 28.815395609479239 ], [ -81.999291055563148, 28.815575160458824 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boxcar Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02734069335925, 28.865886250364674 ], [ -82.027340957684785, 28.866463005325947 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Freitag 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-82.237911042172684, 28.692461756099476 ], [ -82.237967385420149, 28.692434528064489 ], [ -82.238018624282105, 28.692416352967399 ], [ -82.238095504517418, 28.692400392336289 ], [ -82.238208322781219, 28.692402454877126 ], [ -82.238451858232423, 28.692386202603302 ], [ -82.238569776697432, 28.6923769524474 ], [ -82.238633828436505, 28.692356493384843 ], [ -82.238695280851431, 28.692320212956897 ], [ -82.23889748123436, 28.692166126355445 ], [ -82.239196877037898, 28.691910133741679 ], [ -82.239450183600709, 28.691681351058591 ], [ -82.239619092438659, 28.691545406479708 ], [ -82.239770068404226, 28.691416278837966 ], [ -82.239880134779114, 28.691336958607749 ], [ -82.240338467157244, 28.691071637780965 ], [ -82.240469105901795, 28.691019410020399 ], [ -82.240528080277983, 28.691021565035761 ], [ -82.240574286294944, 28.691046352233815 ], [ -82.24060514093587, 28.691084730379316 ], [ -82.240607829331466, 28.691138983411616 ], [ -82.240560406904763, 28.691704256715493 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -81.998644752720622, 28.950611474356542 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brendon Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99947970332174, 28.777032340146715 ], [ -82.000626455983863, 28.776611365062248 ], [ -82.000678408054654, 28.776584152194513 ], [ -82.000773651895699, 28.776529728199424 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026516010927892, 28.844509562320379 ], [ -82.026498791471056, 28.844602076368798 ], [ -82.026445546156054, 28.845071918296451 ], [ -82.026430491306229, 28.845240012690706 ], [ -82.026413171973218, 28.845376811924044 ], [ -82.026400550414365, 28.845517830343443 ], [ -82.026386105635297, 28.845576161772414 ], [ -82.026364965844792, 28.845614601330048 ], [ -82.026348159928077, 28.845636091142055 ], [ -82.026285612638119, 28.845710264461598 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -82.012693074061389, 28.914585250641363 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02453682741502, 28.847580067230517 ], [ -82.025405538097246, 28.847188747760587 ], [ -82.025553896148608, 28.847111943293182 ], [ -82.025712660729397, 28.847007633545111 ], [ -82.025837584365405, 28.846905622679511 ], [ -82.025939084448069, 28.846821950037103 ], [ -82.026038118316734, 28.846716143312765 ], [ -82.026140910301933, 28.846594655532037 ], [ -82.026246301485557, 28.846454259356484 ], [ -82.026313952309422, 28.846336215876608 ], [ -82.026330158353275, 28.84630870870588 ], [ -82.02635238526895, 28.84627289375889 ], [ -82.026383287489224, 28.846237556281125 ], [ -82.026404973150221, 28.846213678034928 ], [ -82.026454252919336, 28.846171348677142 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 223", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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[ -81.987647350749199, 28.874905881855078 ], [ -81.987955151766243, 28.87506323103046 ], [ -81.98815969080556, 28.875182114215033 ], [ -81.988211319715433, 28.875236308383219 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Longwood Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973094725092253, 28.889925602014639 ], [ -81.973277120454711, 28.889296256845043 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jungle Plum Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958425801610773, 28.835724275413721 ], [ -81.958505442432184, 28.83579702781471 ], [ -81.958540827966615, 28.835826660587408 ], [ -81.958578999869999, 28.835853478107083 ], [ -81.958619670271304, 28.835877279068232 ], [ -81.958945889349735, 28.836050678076994 ], [ -81.959003818327275, 28.836077547524972 ], [ -81.959064899782049, 28.836098305676277 ], [ -81.959128308904056, 28.836112668951429 ], [ 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-82.024457993281345, 28.813032837371704 ], [ -82.024474396540839, 28.813027832984776 ], [ -82.024489919324211, 28.813020987134827 ], [ -82.024504294260666, 28.813012413560266 ], [ -82.024517275502802, 28.813002262990604 ], [ -82.02452864077172, 28.81299070600199 ], [ -82.024538196481643, 28.812977942039584 ], [ -82.024545778761762, 28.812964187687164 ], [ -82.024551257554734, 28.812949679373315 ], [ -82.024554539688651, 28.812934666152383 ], [ -82.024555567850882, 28.812919403388545 ], [ -82.024552960534251, 28.812545952846857 ], [ -82.024552961555841, 28.812545940214335 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Woodland Trace Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.083777763962829, 28.886807622062204 ], [ -82.081369749109115, 28.886809515026496 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sweetgum Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.033288409966758, 28.7903245169888 ], [ -82.033286069341784, 28.790579107979987 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Woodrow Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022892707736801, 28.754654021298524 ], [ -82.023781096472391, 28.754230356172592 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dusty Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982483693993728, 28.751653232729961 ], [ -81.983031136077429, 28.751971099776711 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015623378656372, 28.845705434510652 ], [ -82.015664762767983, 28.84569539537841 ], [ -82.015703884273435, 28.845679838882123 ], [ -82.015739804482038, 28.84565914229243 ], [ -82.015771656461183, 28.845633806488628 ], [ -82.015798672704037, 28.845604436104729 ], [ -82.015820206651341, 28.845571741331089 ], [ -82.015835737810775, 28.845536507235128 ], [ -82.01584489327621, 28.845499582028754 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 511", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031204555604688, 28.799603775247849 ], [ -82.031194563237364, 28.79973086275599 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hollyoak Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00611135089801, 28.852553273104629 ], [ -82.005902200997312, 28.852673307834554 ], [ -82.005827601922505, 28.852711868016144 ], [ -82.005740277549037, 28.852747691038672 ], [ -82.005607589015639, 28.85275977781362 ], [ -82.00554922197739, 28.852754658443576 ], [ -82.005502448384235, 28.852745846400886 ], [ -82.005442931811444, 28.852727445088831 ], [ -82.005374956125848, 28.852694866118132 ], [ -82.005282748264804, 28.852626774999877 ], [ -82.005220231669611, 28.852535844568202 ], [ -82.005190684707301, 28.852461919664783 ], [ -82.005056095109779, 28.852054823665643 ], [ -82.00495980333082, 28.851739597255886 ], [ -82.00494957197634, 28.851694244088296 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lynette Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015781647467136, 28.81951036232682 ], [ -82.015907377824263, 28.819463171002845 ], [ -82.016037615782423, 28.819413353329782 ], [ -82.016215709516473, 28.819352134787195 ], [ -82.016386474374031, 28.819284647609781 ], [ -82.0165399026111, 28.819212503618921 ], [ -82.016676248672056, 28.819137870191803 ], [ -82.016776425942567, 28.819073868329607 ], [ -82.016887735881568, 28.818995953249352 ], [ -82.017000234671414, 28.818901916363458 ], [ -82.017135864419998, 28.818792461516004 ], [ -82.017275074072657, 28.818678916824531 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Governor Drive", "maxspeed": 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"5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016793638449812, 28.843557804397488 ], [ -82.016825607516168, 28.843526753114812 ], [ -82.016851138051592, 28.84349132911521 ], [ -82.016869457524209, 28.843452597216579 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chestnut Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.069676153593662, 28.606868833670429 ], [ -82.069676161732033, 28.606868770502409 ], [ -82.069709461660409, 28.606591473140259 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Navarro Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957351743986152, 28.933082500896905 ], [ -81.957452845757402, 28.93307523887071 ], [ -81.957604475153445, 28.933062224387104 ], [ -81.957697096166001, 28.93305331551456 ], [ -81.957789717583466, 28.933043375255686 ], [ -81.957882141166039, 28.933033091096686 ], [ -81.957974372320834, 28.933021774588838 ], [ -81.958066602847211, 28.933009428499481 ], [ -81.958158638611096, 28.932996737609539 ], [ -81.958250478863334, 28.932983014370766 ], [ -81.958342125513525, 28.932968604362902 ], [ -81.958433769337645, 28.932953506743267 ], [ -81.958563434504427, 28.932930052938953 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 634 South", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.184528859755687, 28.66913777767083 ], [ -82.184640082797515, 28.669067991178704 ], [ -82.185001693797318, 28.668867871831299 ], [ -82.185831970135155, 28.668460457598606 ], [ -82.186395169281369, 28.668217510504931 ], [ -82.186647893284899, 28.668112009060579 ], [ -82.186806779405487, 28.668063992703956 ], [ -82.186918731302157, 28.668035160147355 ], [ -82.187102919256546, 28.66799348184357 ], [ -82.187431610547989, 28.667942044086395 ], [ -82.187800045419408, 28.667890552479836 ], [ -82.188099711326061, 28.667772236287909 ], [ -82.189420977960125, 28.667168148408933 ], [ -82.19090480660735, 28.666560632570089 ], [ -82.191398085240365, 28.666380192361096 ], [ -82.191444836417659, 28.666367061722628 ], [ -82.191547676225326, 28.666331162984839 ], [ -82.191646408898706, 28.666287706614447 ], [ -82.191738459459629, 28.666244630448475 ], [ -82.19182506321404, 28.666185876676028 ], [ -82.191917413706804, 28.666109269335116 ], [ -82.191986639765091, 28.666041762094835 ], [ -82.19213957544784, 28.665892271703637 ], [ -82.192275071766417, 28.66570088798618 ], [ -82.192367241096974, 28.665524861724666 ], [ -82.192390293593206, 28.665486590127003 ], [ -82.192422009282211, 28.66544320900185 ], [ -82.192462415609441, 28.665412560102165 ], [ -82.192511497494422, 28.665381900718231 ], [ -82.192560613534098, 28.665371633956845 ], [ -82.192612629035025, 28.665366462146931 ], [ -82.193364162377719, 28.665393436828747 ], [ -82.194375876059127, 28.665448078468412 ], [ -82.194737180106401, 28.665455208975569 ], [ -82.194997647687472, 28.665444099909514 ], [ -82.195150404199381, 28.665406181446738 ], [ -82.195332404405647, 28.665357485786732 ], [ -82.195762787172725, 28.665209012888933 ], [ -82.195950505438901, 28.665127166443309 ], [ -82.196285448579971, 28.664948237595365 ], [ -82.196487589184017, 28.664851075076903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cypress View Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119089136666844, 28.688440467760543 ], [ -82.119091865965828, 28.688342896452287 ], [ -82.119098672941078, 28.688099527633991 ], [ -82.11910901552956, 28.688047235802642 ], [ -82.11912431929504, 28.687969868400266 ], [ -82.119125443952072, 28.687831511370199 ], [ -82.1191306878289, 28.687186999577232 ], [ -82.119136276833757, 28.687160634025933 ], [ -82.119147562183585, 28.687141285429163 ], [ -82.119165030677848, 28.687123279509137 ], [ -82.119188679908561, 28.687111724355741 ], [ -82.119220390496722, 28.687102855605392 ], [ -82.11924457702348, 28.687103125007088 ], [ -82.119680773619663, 28.687114283658172 ], [ -82.119709914708352, 28.687120715151149 ], [ -82.119738853468732, 28.687136391186225 ], [ -82.11976658776905, 28.687160105326175 ], [ -82.119782264199699, 28.687182412492795 ], [ -82.119786711756348, 28.687213338652747 ], [ -82.11978701786731, 28.687293542885705 ], [ -82.119788839937641, 28.687770919839132 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Merida Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986701843902708, 28.947385736058909 ], [ -81.986517891224437, 28.947404447302272 ], [ -81.986348497616419, 28.947418696148752 ], [ -81.98622385777486, 28.947432519939795 ], [ -81.986092211547458, 28.947446004522199 ], [ -81.985983425986888, 28.947458474505591 ], [ -81.985832248930876, 28.947472225654867 ], [ -81.985686384251991, 28.947488417006383 ], [ -81.985512883537481, 28.947505954118046 ], [ -81.985367018319863, 28.947518092023888 ], [ -81.985302704529076, 28.947528920563069 ], [ -81.985261073256467, 28.947543738820212 ], [ -81.985214361932037, 28.947573615766647 ], [ -81.985173211117157, 28.947627893119169 ], [ -81.985150503787992, 28.947688230513791 ], [ -81.985144355871654, 28.947738196997481 ], [ -81.985156629024374, 28.947793568467638 ], [ -81.985190397932413, 28.947859745484017 ], [ -81.985234915986311, 28.947929976784707 ], [ -81.985282502804523, 28.948004259704263 ], [ -81.985339302063551, 28.948075841255818 ], [ -81.985400712107179, 28.94812176479051 ], [ -81.98546519433846, 28.948140679402037 ], [ -81.985567115044091, 28.948140691411652 ], [ -81.985675900338975, 28.948128223570968 ], [ -81.985822524065, 28.948111598310977 ], [ -81.985988067643035, 28.948099136262215 ], [ -81.986163069933184, 28.948082513621291 ], [ -81.986314422608672, 28.948065889220043 ], [ -81.986513076479056, 28.948040947615208 ], [ -81.986721186861359, 28.948020168037459 ], [ 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-81.987256067795158, 28.947324057359744 ], [ -81.987052772156488, 28.947344260769881 ], [ -81.986894249930373, 28.947362339792193 ], [ -81.986701843902708, 28.947385736058909 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Atlas Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979699749821265, 28.906473737951067 ], [ -81.980011289420901, 28.906320681146674 ], [ -81.980311604237883, 28.906160212289578 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 548", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.092044061502165, 28.66844066255214 ], [ -82.090513759309289, 28.668440706125299 ], [ -82.087919697789388, 28.668429671133762 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Beville Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.111662273872597, 28.664167430999221 ], [ -82.11165823001997, 28.664900819087208 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Us 441", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959721078489693, 28.954544399148592 ], [ -81.9596421641738, 28.954616066983323 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mayflower Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970578381632734, 28.855955675897413 ], [ -81.970578396911222, 28.855898380434592 ], [ -81.97057191828695, 28.855794098719599 ], [ -81.970557626137392, 28.85570242048982 ], [ -81.970531622037385, 28.855600427241029 ], [ -81.97051082199647, 28.855507602549125 ], [ -81.970491325609132, 28.855407902574733 ], [ -81.970483168085011, 28.855322242251297 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999165943998236, 28.853924461619957 ], [ -81.99919791583234, 28.853946222749027 ], [ -81.999233147969875, 28.85396364921742 ], [ -81.999270889152257, 28.853976369267908 ], [ -81.999310332773149, 28.853984111299493 ], [ -81.999349622715499, 28.853986646114091 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 529", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.091617197404659, 28.747658807351474 ], [ -82.091617198359273, 28.747658727946469 ], [ -82.091623091634204, 28.747245345775092 ], [ -82.091631760621951, 28.747030433840251 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rayma Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036405178665689, 28.829945045959327 ], [ -82.036713852048422, 28.830001371793443 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrillo Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992848519553704, 28.947514937898571 ], [ -81.992970232807693, 28.947604122590082 ], [ -81.99305224040242, 28.947665683182091 ], [ -81.993070831047305, 28.947686843835026 ], [ -81.993086135158478, 28.947719547344199 ], [ -81.993094882509524, 28.94774743948102 ], [ -81.993100348233781, 28.947775332346776 ], [ -81.993102533421649, 28.947802265000117 ], [ -81.993101850114911, 28.947847770297638 ], [ -81.993101843236417, 28.947946168936735 ], [ -81.99310035266052, 28.948108157482302 ], [ -81.993100127873674, 28.948535469781113 ], [ -81.993103816179911, 28.948896432167498 ], [ -81.993096404350425, 28.949411440563303 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pinellas Place", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962382101243207, 28.859837203941414 ], [ -81.962475811972098, 28.859814733902734 ], [ -81.962581693555251, 28.859791081562321 ], [ -81.96274805219501, 28.859759098708992 ], [ -81.962836474678269, 28.859734582330436 ], [ -81.96287667881333, 28.859723705342152 ], [ -81.963043206065038, 28.859643717768968 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037110356008881, 28.895527383952 ], [ -82.037110487628269, 28.895464249135291 ], [ -82.037108393142546, 28.895091274369005 ], [ -82.037109961848287, 28.894881058052601 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Loadstar Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999889279171327, 28.874965679252412 ], [ -81.999773095368241, 28.875338158498 ], [ -81.99973746760574, 28.875454886564892 ], [ -81.999735304545453, 28.875463462041438 ], [ -81.999733580180674, 28.875480818727542 ], [ -81.999735304324375, 28.875498175424418 ], [ -81.999740427775762, 28.875515004284811 ], [ -81.999748793695915, 28.875530795506915 ], [ -81.999760146833637, 28.875545066357549 ], [ -81.999768503581024, 28.875552930850684 ], [ 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-82.021497029170035, 28.832093882033391 ], [ -82.0216836326953, 28.832460552054787 ], [ -82.021801875386458, 28.832635288133059 ], [ -82.021914697129972, 28.832816710153057 ], [ -82.022003661358255, 28.832994315465459 ], [ -82.022136046314969, 28.833367677640819 ], [ -82.022174616250439, 28.833540286611935 ], [ -82.022214510680385, 28.833729788362913 ], [ -82.022210236615109, 28.833783931119878 ], [ -82.022186532306407, 28.833879048959417 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Santa Clara Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954990457442022, 28.922618738539285 ], [ -81.954971937254101, 28.922734834352571 ], [ -81.954958254295647, 28.922804708969842 ], [ -81.954952029166975, 28.922853842306434 ], [ -81.954948287147658, 28.922893147766938 ], [ -81.954945791933966, 28.922923720323745 ], [ -81.954943297669644, 28.922952106617679 ], [ -81.954942043887741, 28.922981587813062 ], [ -81.954943269651309, 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-82.015372405422355, 28.743429524241957 ], [ -82.015427465433518, 28.743314818606603 ], [ -82.015498085626035, 28.743208371134479 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 478", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025757923392121, 28.609916869752574 ], [ -82.025757666736482, 28.609916868897376 ], [ -82.025019949366609, 28.609918235906413 ], [ -82.023746997049884, 28.609915295940624 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Gulf Atlantic Highway", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045364848476339, 28.846545416246286 ], [ -82.045323859027405, 28.846750492303052 ], [ -82.045300202054307, 28.846904298118947 ], [ -82.045272228870772, 28.846985091687948 ], [ -82.045239819676794, 28.847036088975543 ], [ -82.045205086308215, 28.847070773337048 ], [ -82.045163395629373, 28.847087103478387 ], [ -82.045094905894146, 28.847109471635942 ], [ 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-82.106635062334334, 28.747720242338353 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mackenzie Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.05122125932813, 28.791484683576133 ], [ -82.051199360351717, 28.791432773566708 ], [ -82.051167121967325, 28.791344468106011 ], [ -82.051156029404311, 28.791290540096163 ], [ -82.051158297921461, 28.790389719596554 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Polo Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028501252820618, 28.907336516077283 ], [ -82.028497549773917, 28.90789227543619 ], [ -82.028484939554986, 28.90793262609759 ], [ -82.028468895775305, 28.907952452901892 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maynard Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973799772282973, 28.797277919041001 ], [ -81.9741998400619, 28.79705253102016 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Jasper Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.100247440951506, 28.661192195714406 ], [ -82.100210808537412, 28.659463681211971 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fuentez Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963316103194728, 28.924856276079751 ], [ -81.96396518869679, 28.925460971355982 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023892957103513, 28.841808996851274 ], [ -82.023397150657971, 28.841643589071808 ], [ -82.023381275461404, 28.841637901794478 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 33rd Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.055981531200956, 28.805343079300755 ], [ -82.055122837679022, 28.80531867454998 ], [ -82.054444676407726, 28.80531894579897 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mancelona Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026758380029335, 28.847996486424982 ], [ -82.026958118235825, 28.847690375626733 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 14th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.128083327968227, 28.665046611306479 ], [ -82.1280932193593, 28.664971167894443 ], [ -82.128064605260107, 28.664510497011783 ], [ -82.128044725062495, 28.664250986697422 ], [ -82.128059256294804, 28.663971159611432 ], [ -82.128053925358032, 28.663663065735218 ], [ -82.128070989917788, 28.663429008891669 ], [ -82.12809068479929, 28.663319686281341 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yarborough Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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[ -81.97178011044933, 28.943647936456916 ], [ -81.971766793860425, 28.943822990267684 ], [ -81.971761071208988, 28.943953031169652 ], [ -81.971774295963826, 28.944113086341204 ], [ -81.971791322837703, 28.944226461269452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rostas Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024617033839561, 28.817571943159212 ], [ -82.025122526567699, 28.81757422864392 ], [ -82.025148788666272, 28.817573253015475 ], [ -82.025174827921404, 28.817570096539182 ], [ -82.025200412789459, 28.817564787228747 ], [ -82.025225313781007, 28.817557373850736 ], [ -82.02524930858246, 28.817547921412164 ], [ -82.025272181032491, 28.817536514769909 ], [ -82.025293728293335, 28.817523255922428 ], [ -82.025313756752752, 28.817508264912782 ], [ -82.025332088169876, 28.817491673511324 ], [ -82.025348557627737, 28.817473631532231 ], [ -82.025363017630013, 28.817454301418856 ], [ -82.02537534014894, 28.817433852829414 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-82.065042506845501, 28.610070035528434 ], [ -82.064572208783687, 28.610064243261412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 405", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.145698049444817, 28.810156178745679 ], [ -82.145750921347371, 28.810184757612092 ], [ -82.145834307811072, 28.810236569675524 ], [ -82.145911597696667, 28.810288390046296 ], [ -82.1459705883113, 28.810331280065792 ], [ -82.146019418636797, 28.810375969365438 ], [ -82.146082464969084, 28.810413487142672 ], [ -82.146188212343347, 28.810470643643185 ], [ -82.146257339507599, 28.810497415521066 ], [ -82.146318323545572, 28.81051345687731 ], [ -82.146523579466773, 28.810527554137888 ], [ -82.147070235248336, 28.810550228806186 ], [ -82.147397420243081, 28.810565980914422 ], [ -82.147602652307739, 28.810562179287107 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barley Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956688674633455, 28.785371416950039 ], [ -81.956692246677235, 28.785269191296432 ], [ -81.956724827072776, 28.785137736370263 ], [ -81.956779434385155, 28.785009369907829 ], [ -81.956823850300722, 28.784935622658992 ], [ -81.956892142527224, 28.784855957540334 ], [ -81.956923313529671, 28.784812843200875 ], [ -81.956946209617882, 28.784764993569677 ], [ -81.956948250414086, 28.7847587817872 ], [ -81.956962325375486, 28.784657357119844 ], [ -81.956970036061449, 28.784185750485939 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 78th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.179439130709099, 28.641574949119999 ], [ -82.18030342138897, 28.641508963674205 ], [ -82.181561801005941, 28.641507291309189 ], [ -82.183317081305859, 28.641515313194361 ], [ -82.185319318126389, 28.641515196438419 ], [ -82.186574767015728, 28.641518669028347 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.031400525712769, 28.795209818345267 ], [ -82.031396039061889, 28.795199169363965 ], [ -82.031391077284425, 28.79518560331287 ], [ -82.031383461673968, 28.7951727542989 ], [ -82.031375133902529, 28.795162523055112 ], [ -82.031367043595893, 28.795155146674698 ], [ -82.031358716347185, 28.795150149746238 ], [ -82.031349673834285, 28.795144200136747 ], [ -82.031339203614166, 28.795138966383522 ], [ -82.031325640935535, 28.79513373152383 ], [ -82.031312909049845, 28.795128694081598 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Old Wire Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037159251677849, 28.863255055725514 ], [ -82.03715931170214, 28.86342301590777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998751782459891, 28.91364739529244 ], [ -81.998756987941135, 28.913643154549344 ], [ 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-81.9675016757881, 28.931581388606677 ], [ -81.967484673931182, 28.931588947514683 ], [ -81.967476270331957, 28.931593071668164 ], [ -81.967468062636172, 28.931597193161846 ], [ -81.967459854938838, 28.931601317361892 ], [ -81.967451647132762, 28.931605784433419 ], [ -81.967443635228946, 28.931610252454416 ], [ -81.967435622190891, 28.931615062444372 ], [ -81.967427805055081, 28.931619873383831 ], [ -81.967419987918532, 28.931624684322806 ], [ -81.967412366576013, 28.9316298390833 ], [ -81.96740474523304, 28.931634992941092 ], [ -81.967397317740705, 28.931640148650224 ], [ -81.967389891273584, 28.931645303456904 ], [ -81.967382660600421, 28.931650802085183 ], [ -81.967375428791883, 28.931656645389424 ], [ -81.967368392995141, 28.931662143162104 ], [ -81.96736155401743, 28.931667986561347 ], [ -81.967354711962187, 28.931673829057154 ], [ -81.967347870823389, 28.931680014424892 ], [ -81.967341421598775, 28.931685857918108 ], [ -81.967334972156152, 28.931692388057325 ], [ -81.967328718725227, 28.931698573567438 ], [ -81.967322463133101, 28.931705103753337 ], [ -81.967316403552203, 28.931711291114755 ], [ -81.967310344778781, 28.931718165122465 ], [ -81.967304675869343, 28.931724694548436 ], [ -81.967299008901335, 28.931731568651276 ], [ -81.967293340906906, 28.93173844275362 ], [ -81.967288061641739, 28.931745316950696 ], [ -81.967282783401245, 28.931752192050091 ], [ -81.967277506077039, 28.931759410021527 ], [ -81.967272618507835, 28.931766628087999 ], [ -81.967267731964199, 28.931773844349976 ], [ -81.967263040296942, 28.931781063366273 ], [ -81.967258544423842, 28.931788625302289 ], [ -81.967254048550387, 28.931796186335884 ], [ -81.967249941514993, 28.931803405494673 ], [ -81.967245836312486, 28.931811311300123 ], [ -81.967241730192782, 28.931818873330897 ], [ -81.967238015879801, 28.931826435457374 ], [ -81.967233128347928, 28.931836748393589 ], [ -81.96720653614689, 28.931893465549791 ], [ -81.967189916694963, 28.931927151362348 ], [ -81.967172517938337, 28.931960148530678 ], [ -81.9671543345289, 28.931993146406434 ], [ -81.967135762486066, 28.932025801312157 ], [ -81.967116406925356, 28.932058110443833 ], [ -81.967096467852215, 28.932090076557181 ], [ -81.96707574628509, 28.932121699602977 ], [ -81.967054439044787, 28.932153319794484 ], [ -81.967032740201674, 28.932184255044309 ], [ -81.967010261941013, 28.932214845421854 ], [ -81.96698719492791, 28.932245436552673 ], [ -81.966963346555261, 28.932275338133415 ], [ -81.966939108521046, 28.932304896741567 ], [ -81.96691428492052, 28.932334112328565 ], [ -81.966888874618078, 28.932363326863459 ], [ -81.96686287794374, 28.932391510827745 ], [ -81.966841366827623, 28.932418836010726 ], [ -81.966813128100227, 28.93244986975904 ], [ -81.966791948696695, 28.932472629404728 ], [ -81.966759003452381, 28.932505732740605 ], [ -81.966728413099432, 28.932532627963322 ], [ -81.966702528195782, 28.932557455387286 ], [ -81.966674290367919, 28.932582281318339 ], [ -81.966643700639523, 28.932607106657564 ], [ -81.966613111252599, 28.932634002756171 ], [ -81.966577812275105, 28.932662966634183 ], [ -81.966547226918294, 28.932683653126446 ], [ -81.966509577359162, 28.932708476671042 ], [ -81.96644369225595, 28.932760196853835 ], [ -81.96638957029694, 28.932809850092678 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Elizabeth Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96705834225402, 28.906197711183982 ], [ -81.96707574121217, 28.906157149031916 ], [ -81.96709608127945, 28.906080492059459 ], [ -81.967106072463281, 28.905988707317348 ], [ -81.967106099821734, 28.905902763411873 ], [ -81.967086010142879, 28.90580512529187 ], [ -81.967062401535287, 28.905719519353127 ], [ -81.967025516410956, 28.905612938925572 ], [ -81.966985303450954, 28.905526986011424 ], [ -81.966951531441069, 28.905453065918834 ], [ -81.966928112276406, 28.905388084734987 ], [ -81.96690801625661, 28.905311074925073 ], [ -81.966870933739585, 28.905213432568068 ], [ -81.966823894131366, 28.90509791230166 ], [ -81.9667903258498, 28.905000270789305 ], [ -81.966763390724964, 28.904932197427041 ], [ -81.966726503304045, 28.904834556877997 ], [ -81.966699577761403, 28.904733822104511 ], [ -81.966676162625916, 28.904650967240997 ], [ -81.966645910173526, 28.904574296829537 ], [ -81.966629138691758, 28.904488348725209 ], [ -81.966629154897262, 28.904438156571373 ], [ -81.966629188972504, 28.904332617431653 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 719", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034617449070765, 28.549719951912824 ], [ -82.034754721447584, 28.549719917683433 ], [ -82.03552581785992, 28.5497214887253 ], [ -82.035622024791195, 28.549714077477162 ], [ -82.035718227750365, 28.549691892902867 ], [ -82.035814424652386, 28.549654932295795 ], [ -82.035893884115467, 28.549603202684661 ], [ -82.035949423222931, 28.549543802932263 ], [ -82.035985875460653, 28.549499761569958 ], [ -82.036023496850603, 28.549425883721398 ], [ -82.036052757093529, 28.5493593928561 ], [ -82.036069457197797, 28.54927074535447 ], [ -82.036073617148617, 28.549200567680391 ], [ -82.036077771041505, 28.549115616746811 ], [ -82.036081638149213, 28.548188552993199 ], [ -82.036085226981385, 28.546441536873804 ], [ -82.036103264755454, 28.545826368922587 ], [ -82.036105736951185, 28.545260080727555 ], [ -82.036105464814611, 28.544461365949314 ], [ -82.036108294443778, 28.544314383263785 ], [ -82.036130251742662, 28.544145901631325 ], [ -82.036168058696234, 28.544022748117889 ], [ -82.036212074850667, 28.543921297194576 ], [ -82.036283479547976, 28.543807480523594 ], [ -82.036353875727386, 28.543703307490109 ], [ -82.036420768935216, 28.543620554415828 ], [ -82.03650491681978, 28.543523449412213 ], [ -82.036581321406132, 28.543422542989241 ], [ -82.036621449984153, 28.543348662444966 ], [ -82.036651539483046, 28.543268875047147 ], [ -82.03672843842827, 28.543088613948743 ], [ -82.036815356592882, 28.542849253442668 ], [ -82.036842091948103, 28.542748783219224 ], [ -82.036898929761861, 28.542615802349115 ], [ -82.036975841197162, 28.542468043738385 ], [ -82.037119663831788, 28.542284807565423 ], [ -82.037243422666492, 28.542139990562212 ], [ -82.037417348612578, 28.541927199438025 ], [ -82.037597962984805, 28.5417084967828 ], [ -82.037731748864019, 28.541537082543819 ], [ -82.037862199267138, 28.541395217437227 ], [ -82.037952507750006, 28.541291774425083 ], [ -82.038169182444975, 28.541078255055421 ], [ -82.038284422812964, 28.541002989869192 ], [ -82.038396611833477, 28.540942117914735 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcneill Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993528437514541, 28.78154379379307 ], [ -81.99066323201528, 28.781473124737648 ], [ -81.990091919252933, 28.781481525577789 ], [ -81.989461796342269, 28.781502528323351 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 37th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.166122554191844, 28.585277278589334 ], [ -82.166177983069829, 28.5837432057867 ], [ -82.166185530653053, 28.582969661315136 ], [ -82.166163250538588, 28.582546822563078 ], [ -82.166259150787013, 28.582237615281173 ], [ -82.166274912497784, 28.582134520511634 ], [ -82.166274489018889, 28.581865117472333 ], [ -82.166277047051054, 28.581804205290226 ], [ -82.166266335191779, 28.581743310189939 ], [ -82.166179863349257, 28.581585736542941 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mccloy Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027445295522185, 28.831096274152387 ], [ -82.027491458894318, 28.830943038659445 ], [ -82.027511445868313, 28.830865943296793 ], [ -82.027518109436571, 28.830822637502258 ], [ -82.027519061390265, 28.830783138776624 ], [ -82.027518585821539, 28.830695575283883 ], [ -82.027508368075814, 28.830487030445536 ], [ -82.027489160668324, 28.830297443072507 ], [ -82.027463269651378, 28.83011286663044 ], [ -82.02743277431442, 28.829922150881885 ], [ -82.027419345569101, 28.82982515450264 ], [ -82.027414705013086, 28.829798028425802 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.093023195090524, 28.927289379108842 ], [ -82.091175291895837, 28.927305973797353 ], [ -82.091000830397121, 28.927306664079712 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palm Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04169640640896, 28.845035426353938 ], [ -82.041680264097366, 28.845011082533148 ], [ -82.041673337069952, 28.844976590383862 ], [ -82.041671019457198, 28.844944125217925 ], [ -82.04166869727382, 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-81.989922935162099, 28.788515548861561 ], [ -81.98994212901539, 28.788494772722512 ], [ -81.98997406071139, 28.788463592051997 ], [ -81.990007752965212, 28.788433882277769 ], [ -81.990043116657461, 28.788405721893195 ], [ -81.990080061645457, 28.788379183075399 ], [ -81.990118490617292, 28.788354334391766 ], [ -81.990158306261748, 28.788331240800495 ], [ -81.990588952014122, 28.788095067699274 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 222", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.086797314065009, 28.901920227362378 ], [ -82.085202093049915, 28.901913916559725 ], [ -82.083078130321965, 28.901900977495121 ], [ -82.082679703305601, 28.901893911349397 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Akin Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974299404377476, 28.811664820656063 ], [ -81.974487504189142, 28.811482255852415 ], [ -81.974891365202126, 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28.846574393545389 ], [ -81.968744100785727, 28.846466608828592 ], [ -81.968714306028602, 28.846356953630014 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ely Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031766704614057, 28.826770170841613 ], [ -82.031825286883489, 28.826867353134276 ], [ -82.032018666817677, 28.827136383166764 ], [ -82.032203390115768, 28.827424413934981 ], [ -82.032276676598286, 28.827547669305282 ], [ -82.032331404200562, 28.827621908367203 ], [ -82.032390414224324, 28.827680443528088 ], [ -82.032472743603833, 28.827743261852479 ], [ -82.032586480993373, 28.827803700548035 ], [ -82.032727345155791, 28.827867471260085 ], [ -82.032894382488365, 28.827932192036567 ], [ -82.033065229054756, 28.827985017463831 ], [ -82.033210376062982, 28.828020233996991 ], [ -82.033348859349942, 28.828047360082849 ], [ -82.03344832132926, 28.828066397273485 ], [ -82.0335101874945, 28.828071630990344 ], [ -82.033552541513117, 28.828064969782652 ], [ -82.033584665230165, 28.828048123088667 ], [ -82.033610600750094, 28.828023852799241 ], [ -82.033630154376425, 28.827995277342676 ], [ -82.033633997975613, 28.827985976313499 ], [ -82.033641058840416, 28.827940683223854 ], [ -82.033647813158936, 28.827862557913576 ], [ -82.033670082152241, 28.827582468737294 ], [ -82.033659968969346, 28.827540827866979 ], [ -82.033638256071001, 28.827509894811271 ], [ -82.033598698664846, 28.827481341876418 ], [ -82.033571037132347, 28.827471229220336 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013684536221106, 28.927365322238312 ], [ -82.014451438575762, 28.92737035939258 ], [ -82.015210396376744, 28.927374586392421 ], [ -82.015793080964286, 28.927380984782928 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Woodridge Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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28.796052571854073 ], [ -82.023122005770148, 28.796021677534021 ], [ -82.023126296140404, 28.795995281467913 ], [ -82.023133311842926, 28.795943229490319 ], [ -82.023137196205312, 28.795905700754972 ], [ -82.023141137151825, 28.795850408177081 ], [ -82.023142746271304, 28.795807322472623 ], [ -82.023143073900599, 28.795764045689541 ], [ -82.023142522273858, 28.795733225480635 ], [ -82.023139223176472, 28.795668402968122 ], [ -82.023135027578434, 28.795621525801568 ], [ -82.023130384028676, 28.795582628763697 ], [ -82.023120321303963, 28.795518044675671 ], [ -82.023103907619387, 28.795438827924613 ], [ -82.023072268264585, 28.795298031728269 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 243a", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.131638080000229, 28.879824647533631 ], [ -82.131186886824551, 28.880158239334602 ], [ -82.130907806058474, 28.880351510194558 ], [ -82.130628710974406, 28.880533289712993 ], [ -82.130332917913336, 28.880702619463314 ], [ -82.130054816508888, 28.880864698749402 ], [ -82.129753094512211, 28.881025295057359 ], [ -82.129650463371078, 28.881085657877204 ], [ -82.129337428640014, 28.881269767161768 ], [ -82.129230497665915, 28.881350284806242 ], [ -82.129175757807616, 28.881414670025563 ], [ -82.129121017635526, 28.881481353377584 ], [ -82.129076726507108, 28.881552621254681 ], [ -82.129045495564455, 28.881628473886003 ], [ -82.129022096673609, 28.881706613594506 ], [ -82.129011752111523, 28.881787040823578 ], [ -82.129006621313238, 28.881860569522722 ], [ -82.129006715595025, 28.881936390496602 ], [ -82.129019861440128, 28.882012199037344 ], [ -82.12903823600432, 28.882094896156353 ], [ -82.129072272540512, 28.882175280192133 ], [ -82.129116744951844, 28.882251058862607 ], [ -82.129158592141565, 28.882315352856637 ], [ -82.129218719961003, 28.882384223901461 ], [ -82.129278834480871, 28.882443904117242 ], [ -82.129346772195007, 28.882494386020319 ], [ -82.129412085439199, 28.88253568048486 ], [ -82.12949045060968, 28.882574666991161 ], [ -82.129579249621372, 28.88260904445303 ], [ -82.129662815272098, 28.882631942409905 ], [ -82.12975681497403, 28.882647935854823 ], [ -82.129999612486401, 28.882661487429189 ], [ -82.133043499145842, 28.88266082940131 ], [ -82.134147759525874, 28.88266203721664 ], [ -82.134262624291935, 28.882664220626165 ], [ -82.134353999871564, 28.882668725400002 ], [ -82.134455828761546, 28.882682410544405 ], [ -82.13455244422066, 28.882702991645427 ], [ -82.134643851270624, 28.882732770472419 ], [ -82.134732654150767, 28.882767147234144 ], [ -82.13499124253228, 28.882879473066907 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bexley Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979056415143177, 28.766765653893074 ], [ -81.979086178709906, 28.766789972880755 ], [ -81.97912004166399, 28.766809693784293 ], [ -81.979157098935602, 28.766824289513391 ], [ -81.979196360077353, 28.76683336996064 ], [ -81.979236775736979, 28.766836692428267 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 502", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026945294547517, 28.819843124976902 ], [ -82.026164592221249, 28.81983590956612 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961219297156163, 28.879297387785439 ], [ -81.961142696244806, 28.878969359967943 ], [ -81.961080159099595, 28.878714377508114 ], [ -81.961034834409972, 28.8784897209609 ], [ -81.961017669450982, 28.878328469208316 ], [ -81.961000516435462, 28.878143789182626 ], [ -81.961000590591453, 28.877946708405307 ], [ -81.961010049840453, 28.877771681707362 ], [ -81.961028906013865, 28.877598039156787 ], [ -81.961063424797487, 28.877406481423616 ], [ -81.961113609678549, 28.877195634289063 ], [ -81.961198282751937, 28.876878677347783 ], [ -81.961300168262099, 28.876586534099292 ], [ -81.961334650221048, 28.876494205136211 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 238", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.056975630721112, 28.858189954548905 ], [ -82.055906350788206, 28.858187583336214 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brier Creek Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987286650849555, 28.917759280748662 ], [ -81.987339762948636, 28.917754233860055 ], [ -81.987498649487137, 28.917735186983201 ], [ -81.987718924770604, 28.917697081881972 ], [ -81.987895865924287, 28.91765897428154 ], [ -81.988061975630515, 28.917617687585299 ], [ -81.988179778115764, 28.917588085646614 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Agnew Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998274541120708, 28.879372519840267 ], [ -81.998009844261162, 28.879222388164379 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 108th Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957555760689104, 28.913381249636927 ], [ -81.957050392052693, 28.913390466364035 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Darlington Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98655775972118, 28.883702949893976 ], [ -81.986624202870289, 28.883532988264818 ], [ -81.986759289817158, 28.883285949829492 ], [ -81.986841397387465, 28.883155440063508 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pleasant View Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969702146037051, 28.85141737515125 ], [ -81.969412744585625, 28.851283201629581 ], [ -81.969270671649383, 28.85121536902999 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fairview Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001863980246753, 28.871774250339488 ], [ -82.001902981696276, 28.871785109199564 ], [ -82.001933340686008, 28.871795967228483 ], [ -82.001960596741455, 28.871805718154938 ], [ -82.001982091782139, 28.871811701115572 ], [ -82.002004694908749, 28.871815689069717 ], [ -82.003620417668571, 28.871822880682583 ], [ -82.003747318789763, 28.871823344318091 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wesleyan Way", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99628696386209, 28.831868486260426 ], [ -81.995555160530827, 28.831357949913919 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orange Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996476844361624, 28.87974396496088 ], [ -81.99675048454003, 28.879698731640001 ], [ -81.996927369578444, 28.879656155464609 ], [ -81.997036221526713, 28.87961756837959 ], [ -81.997139027448043, 28.879564346635345 ], [ -81.997267534964422, 28.879480518380227 ], [ -81.99737336494691, 28.879388705966683 ], [ -81.997500361130776, 28.879262298726175 ], [ -81.997588048332446, 28.879175808461643 ], [ -81.997616774203976, 28.879139882948603 ], [ -81.997642941435643, 28.879097451783792 ], [ -81.99767422446169, 28.87904407668649 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 647", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.255480209346061, 28.652239932234529 ], [ -82.255137750518543, 28.651467363026313 ], [ -82.255055504109734, 28.651302162566711 ], [ -82.255018293341692, 28.651199757781118 ], [ -82.254991610429315, 28.651083360507482 ], [ -82.254991345783964, 28.650973898297803 ], [ -82.255001590983085, 28.650843456892087 ], [ -82.255174248982669, 28.650184034599139 ], [ -82.255281469720458, 28.649759959100674 ], [ -82.255318189463082, 28.649583140107669 ], [ -82.255395900367361, 28.649042421732489 ], [ -82.255425403357123, 28.648984382118858 ], [ -82.255472176133878, 28.648923500876744 ], [ -82.25564600784125, 28.648750828453988 ], [ -82.255732945044088, 28.648673807789027 ], [ -82.255820477948077, 28.648570002934367 ], [ -82.255876361315615, 28.648479650388328 ], [ -82.255932181008504, 28.648363094229964 ], [ -82.255974850747393, 28.648266945737095 ], [ -82.256010919739026, 28.648170807936239 ], [ -82.256046952308282, 28.648060113780126 ], [ -82.256073034861231, 28.64792905841453 ], [ -82.256089315855306, 28.647838781750632 ], [ -82.256095670145228, 28.647736877510205 ], [ -82.256098700344268, 28.647626244999895 ], [ -82.256091601362286, 28.647420145147471 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wildlight Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.049368153034152, 28.89416765546919 ], [ -82.048208106721532, 28.894170172645694 ], [ -82.047988707362236, 28.894102081271118 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 245 West", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137633607807231, 28.94009427023347 ], [ -82.137641580409465, 28.940142959639573 ], [ -82.137631529890356, 28.94101835865666 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 532b", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.1050172968108, 28.69956288655521 ], [ -82.105497202634481, 28.699562515486473 ], [ -82.105752068009721, 28.699562318208894 ], [ -82.105920170594658, 28.699562188729331 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zach Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991666972006968, 28.780990699950571 ], [ -81.991651344660553, 28.780906049177297 ], [ -81.991638321344027, 28.78080316818895 ], [ -81.991635718222213, 28.780700285145976 ], [ -81.991633113740548, 28.780540100574076 ], [ -81.991640927667376, 28.780400752916247 ], [ -81.991661765135376, 28.780274430089719 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Howell Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028896332647903, 28.791610967105811 ], [ -82.028934032453165, 28.791036369730897 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Shore Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970142204116712, 28.910465614015255 ], [ -81.97033497947497, 28.910460615715344 ], [ -81.970381276394235, 28.910459593733496 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Estevez Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976187572925198, 28.948966639107383 ], [ -81.97617575341566, 28.948930223177669 ], [ -81.97615920702232, 28.948870919751361 ], [ -81.976037478344381, 28.948437063041567 ], [ -81.976018565746315, 28.948376718825788 ], [ -81.976009113154802, 28.94833510248835 ], [ -81.976000840684748, 28.948304930139951 ], [ -81.97599020434582, 28.948267475864171 ], [ -81.975979566449709, 28.948227939997835 ], [ -81.975972477079395, 28.948200888890419 ], [ -81.97597248219121, 28.948179039873992 ], [ -81.975974851659046, 28.948162394804719 ], [ -81.975979585482321, 28.94815095278026 ], [ -81.975986686876752, 28.948135348002818 ], [ -81.975999701174203, 28.948119745189878 ], [ -81.976019811941399, 28.948105183091105 ], [ -81.976052934373556, 28.948090624225124 ], [ -81.976135736516071, 28.948068790930165 ], [ -81.97627294970205, 28.948038644513915 ], [ -81.976595874192867, 28.947968997580396 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 247", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.212445131476969, 28.863363925676186 ], [ -82.212524936950331, 28.863403021392983 ], [ -82.212632932884105, 28.863466841728982 ], [ -82.212747968700128, 28.863532716264174 ], [ -82.213144741725856, 28.863769476241941 ], [ -82.214135533232906, 28.864372728675953 ], [ -82.214321038172102, 28.864496287845252 ], [ -82.214457262391775, 28.864603411053018 ], [ -82.214586458553015, 28.864712609728151 ], [ -82.214682788026963, 28.864803283043759 ], [ -82.214807916228438, 28.864920400206316 ], [ -82.214926675956221, 28.865034344966084 ], [ -82.215049305644555, 28.865147425379465 ], [ -82.215148026719831, 28.865260799966691 ], [ -82.215244458908145, 28.865401013353825 ], [ -82.215323913934142, 28.865543190931433 ], [ -82.215451562099943, 28.865763986472238 ], [ -82.215522207040081, 28.865908367833427 ], [ -82.215562223804113, 28.865982618179906 ], [ -82.215606359462384, 28.866061498853661 ], [ -82.215670398374556, 28.866131068545819 ], [ -82.215729137009589, 28.866186708872554 ], [ -82.216090971241229, 28.86652879217911 ], [ -82.216239052922361, 28.866697820154201 ], [ -82.216316702315709, 28.866825677828619 ], [ -82.216980451013285, 28.868013605841075 ], [ -82.21735937642427, 28.868677673557606 ], [ -82.217420554665679, 28.868776657346785 ], [ -82.217509926232353, 28.868902431877611 ], [ -82.217615717410141, 28.869030242573494 ], [ -82.217721469042488, 28.869137411398579 ], [ -82.217867148418676, 28.869275480839704 ], [ -82.218334741530825, 28.869720596662077 ], [ -82.218748349361775, 28.870141029209115 ], [ -82.218877598934668, 28.870270864477177 ], [ -82.218981021957873, 28.870386294772494 ], [ -82.219075063621574, 28.870499673023499 ], [ -82.219155046378773, 28.870619269162439 ], [ -82.219230351577266, 28.870745064394807 ], [ -82.219293928962742, 28.87086881414816 ], [ -82.219352837395334, 28.87100289191196 ], [ -82.219405368550099, 28.871140177734208 ], [ -82.219447640935414, 28.871277963813849 ], [ -82.219537015050022, 28.871605344266332 ], [ -82.219570033076991, 28.871694051367424 ], [ -82.219642982232486, 28.871813658609803 ], [ -82.219715896930367, 28.871916751132769 ], [ -82.219798182565142, 28.87201569947181 ], [ -82.21989219194019, 28.872112565139986 ], [ -82.220002654049949, 28.872227981351603 ], [ -82.220084940199754, 28.872326928605148 ], [ -82.220143788747549, 28.87243210913709 ], [ -82.220162750296439, 28.872527033229268 ], [ -82.220231170442162, 28.872723020579048 ], [ -82.220285458751064, 28.872890133970014 ], [ -82.22034238115306, 28.873193480761689 ], [ -82.220370982027219, 28.87341224099686 ], [ -82.220413824833742, 28.873711483577726 ], [ -82.220465675238188, 28.873903440154116 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 47th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.18287197027918, 28.58429018483211 ], [ -82.182847312261856, 28.58423720800484 ], [ -82.182847208130354, 28.584176973179293 ], [ -82.182852429657089, 28.584039625145902 ], [ -82.182868186833971, 28.583680590817632 ], [ -82.182877476845746, 28.582738470478027 ], [ -82.182872186960196, 28.58234309539791 ], [ -82.182897524333811, 28.582196234909699 ], [ -82.182871256212962, 28.581804729218824 ], [ -82.182843759715084, 28.581649880779949 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Deskin Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959189604473167, 28.833601020112113 ], [ -81.959151242973576, 28.833581162200279 ], [ -81.959116971084384, 28.833556165975111 ], [ -81.959087666730198, 28.833526678661656 ], [ -81.959064084827219, 28.83349344940844 ], [ -81.959046825516182, 28.833457331984562 ], [ -81.959036331102013, 28.833419251392762 ], [ -81.958983107053029, 28.833124920356809 ], [ -81.958962706864611, 28.833027149061934 ], [ -81.958937053693461, 28.832930343432619 ], [ -81.958906199727664, 28.832834720035869 ], [ -81.958870218672985, 28.832740496346915 ], [ -81.958805755111356, 28.832584100313653 ], [ -81.958782827204757, 28.83253295136933 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[ -82.082910480069017, 28.725272497703102 ], [ -82.083049115708334, 28.725196731012051 ], [ -82.08322735201908, 28.725086007449338 ], [ -82.08335110443295, 28.725009039489162 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reynolds Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013907998050627, 28.801936935929447 ], [ -82.013888406671327, 28.801883077012683 ], [ -82.013678723846354, 28.800443927145217 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrineau Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978865213932977, 28.85250952451392 ], [ -81.979287326680947, 28.852011725329458 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Torch Lake Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014773221198425, 28.840849510089132 ], [ -82.01474721163261, 28.840769784052071 ], [ -82.014731548063821, 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[ -82.017743773781405, 28.855729692817025 ], [ -82.017751525007625, 28.855796024781835 ], [ -82.01776738244908, 28.855856571042111 ], [ -82.017801980559511, 28.855928651792549 ], [ -82.017869993843277, 28.856027945402889 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961189095368965, 28.783996299511891 ], [ -81.961038490896357, 28.783938740679499 ], [ -81.960919197399292, 28.783894288769137 ], [ -81.960798984530413, 28.783857242683656 ], [ -81.960677589173784, 28.783819115172843 ], [ -81.960555632804301, 28.783783228737892 ], [ -81.960433677713425, 28.783749586249503 ], [ -81.960310880956499, 28.783718186556914 ], [ -81.960187524295534, 28.783688749121325 ], [ -81.960061643368917, 28.783660993641067 ], [ -81.959941931033626, 28.783636882522721 ], [ -81.95989258849238, 28.783627630840236 ], [ -81.959811361256087, 28.78361463945873 ], [ -81.959685372758173, 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-82.020533417387981, 28.921459530812715 ], [ -82.02045179220552, 28.921448277733809 ], [ -82.020382969490527, 28.92143843120472 ], [ -82.0203203525503, 28.921434184281228 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reyes Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963227199393117, 28.918654077369069 ], [ -81.963241948007877, 28.918612951127972 ], [ -81.963253237655721, 28.918585683212072 ], [ -81.963265744586849, 28.918558502249162 ], [ -81.963272896713605, 28.918544101751181 ], [ -81.963282438652598, 28.918525971813359 ], [ -81.963293828345229, 28.918505717472392 ], [ -81.963310137832906, 28.918478918315429 ], [ -81.963322532068744, 28.918460011375668 ], [ -81.963334533963888, 28.918442737484174 ], [ -81.963356403756237, 28.918413507250598 ], [ -81.963366804283694, 28.918400499878903 ], [ -81.9633876868768, 28.918375890031125 ], [ -81.963402095221966, 28.918359959408004 ], [ -81.963427262356547, 28.918332883844769 ], [ -81.963447956815401, 28.918309497450217 ], [ -81.96346561273846, 28.918288587028446 ], [ -81.963487405833973, 28.918261446470893 ], [ -81.96350472908594, 28.918238706997943 ], [ -81.963517148222621, 28.918221710208257 ], [ -81.963532719632354, 28.918199557649825 ], [ -81.963553141842667, 28.918168664056623 ], [ -81.963570686468813, 28.918140422430191 ], [ -81.96357951238015, 28.918125524302102 ], [ -81.963589130684355, 28.918108697278441 ], [ -81.963607552055194, 28.918074830065574 ], [ -81.963623596736568, 28.918042398661285 ], [ -81.963636574513814, 28.918014405722413 ], [ -81.963646758148244, 28.917990953283411 ], [ -81.96365972506706, 28.917958804360751 ], [ -81.963669254130281, 28.917933195253365 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spencer Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013604887393257, 28.837194785394249 ], [ -82.012658087831696, 28.836877711408569 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-81.971000505966771, 28.955837821825064 ], [ -81.970907168692392, 28.955794337258439 ], [ -81.970830299380026, 28.955772587914495 ], [ -81.970742448087989, 28.95575324975422 ], [ -81.970627138373757, 28.955741150909493 ], [ -81.970558498937635, 28.955741135814172 ], [ -81.970456914167755, 28.955738698876765 ], [ -81.970374548077586, 28.95573868065426 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974441487634707, 28.903774612978033 ], [ -81.97444349211743, 28.9037835677724 ], [ -81.974473670670577, 28.903965402042186 ], [ -81.974483461538838, 28.904079883946135 ], [ -81.974484664416508, 28.904170603079709 ], [ -81.97447382024599, 28.90423069770609 ], [ -81.974447867989795, 28.904289892562662 ], [ -81.974419924275949, 28.904349463291609 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trappers Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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-82.005591614572808, 28.879823046558929 ], [ -82.005628867672741, 28.879818635634525 ], [ -82.00566570239414, 28.879812043851793 ], [ -82.005701954710617, 28.879803301895517 ], [ -82.005737462646735, 28.879792448571294 ], [ -82.005772067303184, 28.879779532610048 ], [ -82.005805614907118, 28.879764609961082 ], [ -82.005837953736858, 28.879747748303668 ], [ -82.005868942323104, 28.879729023437541 ], [ -82.005898442272766, 28.879708519283081 ], [ -82.005926317243791, 28.87968632697909 ], [ -82.005952446272275, 28.87966254397994 ], [ -82.005976714546236, 28.879637279469705 ], [ -82.005999008279247, 28.879610644437026 ], [ -82.006019232138613, 28.879582757088244 ], [ -82.006026238520576, 28.879572041070823 ], [ -82.006328911052492, 28.879095465229231 ], [ -82.006339967321523, 28.879077167882638 ], [ -82.006355788857675, 28.879047155746548 ], [ -82.006369295540253, 28.879016282910879 ], [ -82.006380430995264, 28.87898468382172 ], [ -82.006389140899756, 28.878952501947953 ], [ -82.006395391434012, 28.878919879855228 ], [ -82.006399151853913, 28.878886961011183 ], [ -82.006400405767991, 28.878853896101145 ], [ -82.006399148061263, 28.878820831298352 ], [ -82.006395383870284, 28.878787913677705 ], [ -82.006389129608351, 28.878755292118157 ], [ -82.00638173052883, 28.878727412203993 ], [ -82.00631014312988, 28.878489036966108 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ewing Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9844700383874, 28.847932707260131 ], [ -81.984529487471065, 28.847814344219092 ], [ -81.984651002834298, 28.847569892806863 ], [ -81.984709372060095, 28.847460271098644 ], [ -81.984747564153054, 28.847383881707053 ], [ -81.984827135060399, 28.847212962383292 ], [ -81.984870817977125, 28.847102759649715 ], [ -81.984928111300007, 28.846946920686307 ], [ -81.985069459241501, 28.846591968350157 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" 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[ -81.979048242010904, 28.912233930697699 ], [ -81.979088509986454, 28.912216903433833 ], [ -81.979143888421149, 28.912194794973338 ], [ -81.979210071866376, 28.912185067693979 ], [ -81.979301676856608, 28.912170825617221 ], [ -81.979416329054558, 28.912153699679237 ], [ -81.979520258868533, 28.912136183109876 ], [ -81.979626341130967, 28.912118666788562 ], [ -81.979726169300378, 28.912104586285867 ], [ -81.979828148550467, 28.912087070987244 ], [ -81.979901799858837, 28.912075049050465 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 305", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.17922684017995, 28.821745768168107 ], [ -82.179138995208632, 28.823088862238137 ], [ -82.179100962032692, 28.823642406987346 ], [ -82.179084906937589, 28.824228101529446 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canterbury Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.747541038939968 ], [ -81.982030368116412, 28.748241822109154 ], [ -81.981647380045899, 28.748673699609622 ], [ -81.981264390854562, 28.749203360710087 ], [ -81.980879365236987, 28.749790063428801 ], [ -81.980217429267611, 28.750974644917207 ], [ -81.979793546343743, 28.751764064115747 ], [ -81.979259803785652, 28.752695042426495 ], [ -81.978962375085587, 28.753190070587575 ], [ -81.978638556618549, 28.753943632542232 ], [ -81.978471278166666, 28.754612730187961 ], [ -81.978406413282258, 28.755353515206508 ], [ -81.978438836396592, 28.755933578549733 ], [ -81.97849415940496, 28.756274130501662 ], [ -81.978589707313319, 28.756786293532112 ], [ -81.978618260727558, 28.7570623091257 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alcove Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97524037179214, 28.870334732955712 ], [ -81.975429300129903, 28.870156034121528 ], [ -81.975514318696511, 28.870081228906244 ], [ 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28.630831800672961 ], [ -82.248126803141872, 28.630842474967665 ], [ -82.248200365209797, 28.630850404895497 ], [ -82.248651095146073, 28.630851674963644 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Blackville Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969272675591739, 28.881992590789082 ], [ -81.969323374022977, 28.881820067006711 ], [ -81.969379874952551, 28.881633240339273 ], [ -81.969459615208791, 28.881374483845789 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Phillips Lane", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028895617147555, 28.856275361944117 ], [ -82.028910344579472, 28.856223454688852 ], [ -82.028945700596367, 28.856155972038035 ], [ -82.029296377215218, 28.855696541983264 ], [ -82.030065510679009, 28.854736141147036 ], [ -82.030121498125879, 28.854658271759696 ], [ -82.030156857546999, 28.854603763921514 ], [ -82.030180425306071, 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-82.004242866828307, 28.75077374886968 ], [ -82.004275813414296, 28.750788954834288 ], [ -82.004327346444555, 28.750820211675439 ], [ -82.004360450098773, 28.75084563998886 ], [ -82.004728528039408, 28.751269339253366 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Herrera Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96754565581557, 28.927362826624396 ], [ -81.967856489018118, 28.927624079119621 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ballesteros Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999620661687743, 28.943779752206684 ], [ -81.999404826915736, 28.943791328460605 ], [ -81.999254792432538, 28.943809848887302 ], [ -81.999094231280523, 28.943823739394777 ], [ -81.998952095356387, 28.94383762988026 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-81.975294829602618, 28.579861081988899 ], [ -81.974719906703157, 28.580038582100379 ], [ -81.974267154761947, 28.580171701657704 ], [ -81.973994068872216, 28.580241422626891 ], [ -81.973778474708723, 28.580292126585267 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 101", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016319118324262, 28.935362345183506 ], [ -82.016319560777376, 28.935465628048792 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canales Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976965305264301, 28.951208568907273 ], [ -81.976988433917043, 28.951283895353058 ], [ -81.976990645670668, 28.951746005609404 ], [ -81.976990597281983, 28.951961792389543 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 618", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.206387458314083, 28.637228350894979 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28.830849439264973 ], [ -82.018918241827961, 28.830721406869017 ], [ -82.018926049602797, 28.830598057571283 ], [ -82.01894790928236, 28.830495006506403 ], [ -82.018968207229562, 28.830385709869553 ], [ -82.019022857453777, 28.830224888576563 ], [ -82.019089997157081, 28.830074997024912 ], [ -82.01917431194795, 28.829940718439168 ], [ -82.019255504944127, 28.829843913995507 ], [ -82.019338258526645, 28.829787705042467 ], [ -82.01939997443904, 28.829753696638168 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morelos Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966348288526348, 28.925221916125917 ], [ -81.966693418695982, 28.925004172860831 ], [ -81.966927896282797, 28.924855920608525 ], [ -81.967261906695171, 28.924637557760658 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 522", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.064224224809365, 28.744307293157895 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[ -82.06558237940007, 28.741481815524001 ], [ -82.065435718721972, 28.741460365207054 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "High Point Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006845808375175, 28.916874439493977 ], [ -82.007567918980897, 28.916872696710872 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Berg Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9760821490691, 28.870492648181795 ], [ -81.976142846999565, 28.87054442684239 ], [ -81.976365811324627, 28.870720137563662 ], [ -81.976671958456635, 28.870931270604007 ], [ -81.976981237258798, 28.871115590645129 ], [ -81.97727412379551, 28.871259338745876 ], [ -81.97744892912668, 28.871336682134899 ], [ -81.977516984706625, 28.871358016804969 ], [ -81.977550437338849, 28.871362083684268 ], [ -81.977594273904046, 28.871362091930017 ], [ -81.977624875986962, 28.871355825139908 ], [ -81.977650751028406, 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[ -81.979036833529349, 28.939551542755282 ], [ -81.979049278973946, 28.939516295697462 ], [ -81.979063108512264, 28.939459168229053 ], [ -81.979072793483837, 28.939399609329204 ], [ -81.979071477297254, 28.939073852150379 ], [ -81.979070312812013, 28.938542723846236 ], [ -81.979068094814579, 28.938519317089803 ], [ -81.979062078645654, 28.938500247064717 ], [ -81.979050039339327, 28.938481176094022 ], [ -81.978962517466528, 28.938374576140632 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Thome Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985634384575889, 28.799865306035137 ], [ -81.985576664392013, 28.799751427072501 ], [ -81.985574139458876, 28.799525274771351 ], [ -81.98557953383937, 28.79922763669159 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spanish Moss Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.035275714697107, 28.798066613147522 ], [ 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-81.963101584245379, 28.944085095110321 ], [ -81.963023783622603, 28.944137523954666 ], [ -81.962939218237295, 28.944214478818356 ], [ -81.962887633400129, 28.944290587396452 ], [ -81.962842812436989, 28.944378535013694 ], [ -81.962829282611139, 28.9444343480131 ], [ -81.962825053524227, 28.944502000775454 ], [ -81.962825053163499, 28.944639842284399 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Old Wire Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037097542911908, 28.869098057571225 ], [ -82.037099937006857, 28.869260457889769 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bachman Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013750557333665, 28.877953536416236 ], [ -82.013676510350862, 28.87797844442737 ], [ -82.013606640781845, 28.878011402334398 ], [ -82.013542073130267, 28.878051880384774 ], [ -82.013439639714008, 28.878133670292872 ], [ 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-82.045405401938112, 28.84452495248367 ], [ -82.045365764056527, 28.846140610938509 ], [ -82.045364848476339, 28.846545416246286 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Twilight Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962624505808606, 28.846330200139398 ], [ -81.962692586830244, 28.846252902243265 ], [ -81.962754256820446, 28.846171539449571 ], [ -81.962809199990645, 28.846086523131255 ], [ -81.962857139492826, 28.84599828271767 ], [ -81.962898822918035, 28.845911219872693 ], [ -81.962938194551541, 28.845823326254184 ], [ -81.962969426166282, 28.845757628017516 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zimmerman Path", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040256089741405, 28.920534274117944 ], [ -82.039474310099351, 28.92053103391547 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Osceola Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988634038011483, 28.649885678525454 ], [ -81.988636734474369, 28.650075328999893 ], [ -81.988659810710885, 28.652330488040768 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Archer Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002401469503297, 28.934261279234704 ], [ -82.002121796276256, 28.935257899663146 ], [ -82.00211593468255, 28.93527680731362 ], [ -82.002111830080707, 28.935293308523715 ], [ -82.002108119348534, 28.935309810631299 ], [ -82.002104601447826, 28.935326310931863 ], [ -82.00210147536572, 28.935342813032296 ], [ -82.002098740076605, 28.935359313323485 ], [ -82.002096395586307, 28.935376158286484 ], [ -82.00209424699959, 28.935392659472917 ], [ -82.002092489211989, 28.935409504428925 ], [ -82.002090924256677, 28.93542634938262 ], [ -82.00208994907679, 28.935442850555191 ], [ -82.002089166735061, 28.935459695499688 ], [ -82.002088581328877, 28.935476540441829 ], [ -82.002088582627138, 28.935493385377114 ], [ -82.002088777784124, 28.935510230310104 ], [ -82.002089167825673, 28.93552707614306 ], [ -82.002090146618116, 28.935543578194952 ], [ -82.002091318249512, 28.935560422214131 ], [ -82.002092880676145, 28.935577267131002 ], [ -82.002094835949606, 28.935594112043226 ], [ -82.002096985077031, 28.935610614081234 ], [ -82.002099526031444, 28.935627458084159 ], [ -82.002102457776161, 28.935643959210527 ], [ -82.002105583380825, 28.935660461236804 ], [ -82.002109100807402, 28.935676962356034 ], [ -82.00211300903031, 28.935693461665934 ], [ -82.002117113165042, 28.935709963680257 ], [ -82.002121607065064, 28.9357261210133 ], [ -82.002126492787625, 28.935742278341493 ], [ -82.00213157442235, 28.935758436569426 ], [ -82.002137045828476, 28.935774592987837 ], [ -82.002142907006231, 28.935790750303614 ], [ -82.002148963065054, 28.935806564744844 ], [ -82.002155412998547, 28.935822376474103 ], [ -82.002162056793367, 28.935838190907536 ], [ -82.002169091380267, 28.935853660659362 ], [ -82.002176517790872, 28.935869130405955 ], [ -82.0021841380631, 28.935884600149738 ], [ -82.00219215015936, 28.93590006988817 ], [ -82.002200356111544, 28.935915195849486 ], [ -82.002208953882018, 28.935929978031211 ], [ -82.002217747571876, 28.935945103984039 ], [ -82.002226932054498, 28.93595988525486 ], [ -82.002236310393343, 28.935974325455241 ], [ -82.00224608055683, 28.935988762943069 ], [ -82.002256242545172, 28.936003202229656 ], [ -82.002266403504478, 28.93601729774133 ], [ -82.002276954237345, 28.936031392344802 ], [ -82.002287896789127, 28.93604514316813 ], [ -82.002299036274422, 28.936058549311472 ], [ -82.002310368602949, 28.936072300127748 ], [ -82.002322092744265, 28.936085363389488 ], [ -82.00233401178042, 28.936098770421726 ], [ -82.002346126718095, 28.936111489901887 ], [ -82.0023586314299, 28.93612421027791 ], [ -82.002371335133176, 28.936136927943153 ], [ -82.002384230641567, 28.936149304537196 ], [ -82.002397323083486, 28.936161336450823 ], [ -82.002410805299775, 28.936173368357657 ], [ -82.002424484449634, 28.936185056486202 ], [ -82.00243835746258, 28.936196744610562 ], [ -82.002452425357603, 28.936208089858805 ], [ -82.002466885071826, 28.93621908952117 ], [ -82.00248134478224, 28.936229746310076 ], [ -82.002496195292949, 28.936240403091698 ], [ -82.00250596537164, 28.936247622205183 ], [ -82.002511044780988, 28.936251060773987 ], [ -82.002526288132543, 28.936261029095842 ], [ -82.0025417253472, 28.936270998315344 ], [ -82.002557161539059, 28.936280967533072 ], [ -82.002572988517088, 28.936290249194748 ], [ -82.002589011409569, 28.93629953175386 ], [ -82.002605033271877, 28.936308468732314 ], [ -82.002631783191077, 28.936321879116434 ], [ -82.002664022808119, 28.936338082911206 ], [ -82.002702149061903, 28.93635625270236 ], [ -82.002739666016225, 28.936372753248136 ], [ -82.002777574798131, 28.936388910002716 ], [ -82.002815677436288, 28.936404379194958 ], [ -82.002854171893262, 28.936419160821334 ], [ -82.002925492637416, 28.936444943529025 ], [ -82.002964766635941, 28.936458349110833 ], [ -82.003004238582236, 28.936470724257401 ], [ -82.003044100301693, 28.936482755610928 ], [ -82.003083964064118, 28.936494100306597 ], [ -82.003124215538364, 28.936504755630075 ], [ -82.003164663949491, 28.936515068065791 ], [ -82.00320511235013, 28.936524692941038 ], [ -82.003245949477105, 28.936533286473889 ], [ -82.003286983539084, 28.936541536216119 ], [ -82.003328019649373, 28.93654944307395 ], [ -82.003369248571431, 28.936556316788202 ], [ -82.00341067339123, 28.936562503839664 ], [ -82.003452293092295, 28.936568347099993 ], [ -82.003494198879565, 28.936571026897294 ], [ -82.003535651342844, 28.936575079081344 ], [ -82.003575949845583, 28.936578115295436 ], [ -82.003618552082315, 28.936580139972548 ], [ -82.003661156340527, 28.936581153164251 ], [ -82.003700303961509, 28.936583177896036 ], [ -82.003744058051723, 28.936584189229745 ], [ -82.003798174973127, 28.93658520119962 ], [ -82.003841929065132, 28.936586212501513 ], [ -82.003881268427605, 28.93658604279624 ], [ -82.003916578774778, 28.936586041910168 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Dade Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.114841977288791, 28.666734204373579 ], [ -82.116702342306183, 28.666736290237026 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Bobwhite Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997380959478789, 28.816338663815909 ], [ -81.997329494615485, 28.816338662755676 ], [ -81.997295846561656, 28.816338662051869 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.070300599880753, 28.927332789116104 ], [ -82.0676640486043, 28.927342049679289 ], [ -82.063925018742225, 28.927348331762957 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28.921554979594635 ], [ -82.041254499031993, 28.921602761608671 ], [ -82.041095471546782, 28.92166215447229 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ramos Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959215160673182, 28.934066772180838 ], [ -81.959315725628102, 28.934182541856437 ], [ -81.95936085249798, 28.934231348020333 ], [ -81.959407267956706, 28.934284693099993 ], [ -81.959464000208214, 28.93434257892244 ], [ -81.959530307034896, 28.934409319120004 ], [ -81.959585389299718, 28.934463995833237 ], [ -81.959654532621059, 28.934530020402061 ], [ -81.95971215429222, 28.934582980760727 ], [ -81.959784035278489, 28.93464660056808 ], [ -81.959843806726141, 28.934697497065081 ], [ -81.959918619368608, 28.93475836748474 ], [ -81.959980541616872, 28.934807201918584 ], [ -81.960057897040201, 28.934865665697902 ], [ -81.960121968168494, 28.934912095189677 ], [ -81.960201864318307, 28.93496815412475 ], [ -81.960268086243488, 28.935012520637919 ], [ -81.960347256512861, 28.93506012657749 ], [ -81.960415829002088, 28.935100371130169 ], [ -81.960505499850427, 28.935149902866467 ], [ -81.960586378734561, 28.935193241316025 ], [ -81.960686601629149, 28.935244324371137 ], [ -81.960806366875701, 28.935299577156478 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Loadstar Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000081044163508, 28.874363066148398 ], [ -81.999889279171327, 28.874965679252412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chilton Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996058970220616, 28.916630339984192 ], [ -81.996127160447642, 28.916655006338011 ], [ -81.996296732257818, 28.916727120193187 ], [ -81.996367061555731, 28.916759437062943 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stillwater Trail", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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28.656644196525676 ], [ -81.990846883074553, 28.656749879031111 ], [ -81.990945303487209, 28.656851821717385 ], [ -81.991071432475408, 28.656970733720719 ], [ -81.991072354136676, 28.656971394292441 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dalton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007202217147139, 28.959130411080082 ], [ -82.007165866458806, 28.959136806527976 ], [ -82.007094205667443, 28.959154197223739 ], [ -82.007028382888393, 28.959162307532022 ], [ -82.006961895212541, 28.959169190724076 ], [ -82.006918873646811, 28.959172631422934 ], [ -82.006857600172879, 28.959169195711343 ], [ -82.00681327392806, 28.959161171023823 ], [ -82.006744177719142, 28.959141682063386 ], [ -82.006658132459222, 28.959113022959194 ], [ -82.006516028013181, 28.959069459574543 ], [ -82.006366100836217, 28.959024750472118 ], [ -82.006239641425083, 28.958985773357519 ], [ -82.006127522986461, 28.958952526876189 ], [ -82.006059730949033, 28.958931892500825 ], [ -82.006001064839694, 28.958914696348788 ], [ -82.005943699516592, 28.958895205591578 ], [ -82.005885031998773, 28.958869984410292 ], [ -82.005838097912715, 28.958840173682805 ], [ -82.005792467582069, 28.958805781052146 ], [ -82.005761177761286, 28.95877023742192 ], [ -82.005723367611381, 28.958724376337674 ], [ -82.005667306590084, 28.958647560137795 ], [ -82.005599510041151, 28.958551251259216 ], [ -82.005544750087836, 28.958474433151867 ], [ -82.005496511379874, 28.958404492944965 ], [ -82.005466524046, 28.958355192861312 ], [ -82.005446968055367, 28.958319649621927 ], [ -82.005443054013384, 28.958274934913813 ], [ -82.005453481743046, 28.958235951030396 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Melle Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.032894739613639, 28.828974936427905 ], [ -82.033099473031328, 28.829042677897895 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 122nd Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009279267185519, 28.576821681806393 ], [ -82.009032801331671, 28.576780864877286 ], [ -82.008863315626158, 28.576768406395875 ], [ -82.008259526975081, 28.576830779296994 ], [ -82.007931149236271, 28.576852615571507 ], [ -82.007666328767669, 28.576865097764362 ], [ -82.007458312366893, 28.576903802450232 ], [ -82.007277926641677, 28.576933688691007 ], [ -82.007136692708002, 28.576980448545321 ], [ -82.00695661944215, 28.577070847435301 ], [ -82.006680884439419, 28.57723414621346 ], [ -82.006322140934302, 28.577388223129734 ], [ -82.005982790026749, 28.577508061571233 ], [ -82.005721002412088, 28.577610778901541 ], [ -82.005536780744151, 28.577662138782184 ], [ -82.005401042938345, 28.577756292324583 ], [ -82.005284699251121, 28.577927475610828 ], [ -82.005255633804666, 28.578389661436209 ], [ -82.005207168811523, 28.5786977850351 ], [ -82.005187802710196, 28.579262679017191 ], [ -82.005178132309368, 28.579784776216883 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tamarind Grove Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012598212107321, 28.875325649639766 ], [ -82.012678471342099, 28.87520140899494 ], [ -82.012951855724708, 28.874726484502993 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Floridas Tpke", "maxspeed": "65 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982502372863735, 28.787705075658938 ], [ -81.983440521046901, 28.788224969291008 ], [ -81.984629048600425, 28.788891112547688 ], [ -81.985406016325669, 28.789290801871822 ], [ -81.98573360895044, 28.789420337286614 ], [ -81.986287992303303, 28.789683094922321 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marion Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986497731255341, 28.880799057626952 ], [ 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28.56766021887028 ], [ -82.17227004917622, 28.567711903185831 ], [ -82.172234172342499, 28.567935902368287 ], [ -82.172239841150443, 28.567992499300146 ], [ -82.172265005232646, 28.568039227025988 ], [ -82.172281785362614, 28.568071200269834 ], [ -82.172318064780555, 28.568095764085445 ], [ -82.172376634914158, 28.568112917636164 ], [ -82.172457513765124, 28.568134964341752 ], [ -82.172552309315236, 28.568142227421568 ], [ -82.172619222455239, 28.568147065035252 ], [ -82.172677748496938, 28.568137146363043 ], [ -82.172722315757014, 28.56811494097126 ], [ -82.1727640866131, 28.568087816816458 ], [ -82.172964540422015, 28.567927595048307 ], [ -82.173064805840596, 28.567870864660229 ], [ -82.173237558750913, 28.567818963527035 ], [ -82.173415904302814, 28.567776898742281 ], [ -82.173594279959005, 28.567754521946725 ], [ -82.174098906883927, 28.567785873108935 ], [ -82.174246654268487, 28.567785684411422 ], [ -82.174519818009429, 28.567765646852038 ], [ -82.174900420181316, 28.567811354795698 ], [ -82.174977122807391, 28.567838891612219 ], [ -82.175094267728596, 28.567875657081093 ], [ -82.175244818851525, 28.567885307375771 ], [ -82.175400923245405, 28.567880186195765 ], [ -82.175559850657734, 28.567897207449359 ], [ -82.175654686017609, 28.56792907886204 ], [ -82.175922543138256, 28.568071474586002 ], [ -82.176070387112645, 28.568127886056864 ], [ -82.176820858442369, 28.568473921577684 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.06875138859138, 28.887373612735797 ], [ -82.068669340182183, 28.887350189889098 ], [ -82.068548325601824, 28.887324982942239 ], [ -82.068412959134932, 28.887303393208107 ], [ -82.068228374786571, 28.887287240934675 ], [ -82.068060203142082, 28.887280104997259 ], [ -82.067914595414152, 28.887280177786522 ], [ -82.066193966212353, 28.887286441617732 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 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28.928090280608483 ], [ -81.999142560367815, 28.928161861226563 ], [ -81.999117953861415, 28.928280417245315 ], [ -81.999129138145577, 28.928390025476634 ], [ -81.999182824073159, 28.928492923654392 ], [ -81.999229798655946, 28.92856450399071 ], [ -81.999270061773984, 28.928705428373384 ], [ -81.999274535449061, 28.928817274232991 ], [ -81.999249928888744, 28.928940303844737 ], [ -81.999200717161855, 28.929049911630358 ], [ -81.999144793736008, 28.929139388233676 ], [ -81.999055316897923, 28.929248995648354 ], [ -81.998898427158366, 28.929347945368889 ], [ -81.998805979534609, 28.929394608466072 ], [ -81.998659380577791, 28.929440621247561 ], [ -81.998547119706103, 28.929461194975527 ], [ -81.998444215084518, 28.929465309059783 ], [ -81.998125587483273, 28.929466091385052 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Beachwood Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010630622998249, 28.906131223091879 ], [ 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-82.02021955812657, 28.858937871051406 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 656", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.165224283478807, 28.581556840609441 ], [ -82.166179863349257, 28.581585736542941 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Hodge Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000942626606729, 28.654551108986347 ], [ -82.000905499004872, 28.657068358249234 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 230b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045415873569851, 28.888706300089673 ], [ -82.044278917813543, 28.888684230354329 ], [ -82.043433960495804, 28.888667965020581 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spencer Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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], [ -81.97990960901673, 28.752894983992142 ], [ -81.979954538989062, 28.752883752319264 ], [ -81.979999468975322, 28.752888245342071 ], [ -81.980071356034003, 28.752912956096665 ], [ -81.980347672851622, 28.753024156151238 ], [ -81.980583552494139, 28.753134232732055 ], [ -81.980692506872657, 28.753198257123341 ], [ -81.980770564647514, 28.753244125963153 ], [ -81.980882333721993, 28.753331921289782 ], [ -81.980955478769928, 28.753389376900852 ], [ -81.981034402734991, 28.753453629552837 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lisbon Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957299566504375, 28.929750308700939 ], [ -81.957062166470365, 28.930188696822654 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 523", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053930621975681, 28.798916805710437 ], [ -82.053927811662547, 28.79982952044891 ] ] ] } }, { 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-81.972013071001939, 28.669779380893385 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cedar Key Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014742970544518, 28.889757988339884 ], [ -82.015008836354397, 28.889559458623406 ], [ -82.015157505424369, 28.889455850451142 ], [ -82.015217400802356, 28.88942665906648 ], [ -82.015278381109127, 28.889406376851699 ], [ -82.015361045184605, 28.889390863603083 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kuhar Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993970526881924, 28.768974362528375 ], [ -81.994193970023275, 28.768752656134247 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Double Palm Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989792007350118, 28.873523968924633 ], [ -81.989997073678381, 28.873640028790167 ], [ -81.990052736288746, 28.873655505661137 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[ -81.99993428894841, 28.783713222673409 ], [ -81.999929186550162, 28.783648596172043 ], [ -81.999921532878659, 28.783570361856132 ], [ -81.999907359053736, 28.783483778409337 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013687609857854, 28.847318048728273 ], [ -82.013810220819622, 28.847268752906849 ], [ -82.014026047593035, 28.847159868523594 ], [ -82.014194149805888, 28.847055762678572 ], [ -82.01438068919262, 28.846925871356259 ], [ -82.014506492174476, 28.8468265444072 ], [ -82.014610602718832, 28.846731039942799 ], [ -82.014694106849134, 28.84664413200267 ], [ -82.014827494462764, 28.846496101987228 ], [ -82.01517125745535, 28.846065384862822 ], [ -82.015240661394031, 28.845981343813971 ], [ -82.015295967396028, 28.845909717281899 ], [ -82.015343570253378, 28.84584921699927 ], [ -82.015369596518156, 28.845818656667397 ], [ -82.015400828344013, 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"Northeast 3rd Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051966791425755, 28.612579557756028 ], [ -82.050602793943852, 28.612585440372332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 50th Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.187079275496103, 28.575206238225764 ], [ -82.187079620126553, 28.575102839112812 ], [ -82.187086779083643, 28.574885779575272 ], [ -82.187089496050277, 28.574769572946305 ], [ -82.187082919239629, 28.574464294777712 ], [ -82.187081434075424, 28.574395537331256 ], [ -82.187088162456604, 28.574126337337336 ], [ -82.187100736615264, 28.573858849175817 ], [ -82.187130416169808, 28.573355149953187 ], [ -82.18713187994345, 28.573300828654844 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Declerk Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023005717203517, 28.816909501450905 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-82.022419257431466, 28.816104682091609 ], [ -82.022421063053685, 28.816087013666912 ], [ -82.022425220277597, 28.816046338662908 ], [ -82.022429920411597, 28.816000354378374 ], [ -82.022438325260893, 28.81589586370724 ], [ -82.022440596724962, 28.815857200253809 ], [ -82.022440601830368, 28.815857118142752 ], [ -82.022440643686281, 28.815856404408681 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 104th Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.063496795855428, 28.911708285319616 ], [ -82.063680153638856, 28.911911485131782 ], [ -82.063753484164621, 28.911970333719228 ], [ -82.063845937332118, 28.912033378887628 ], [ -82.063962292254132, 28.912097814912972 ], [ -82.064092980926603, 28.912149625461428 ], [ -82.064227413814336, 28.912189797195403 ], [ -82.064317681294469, 28.912211205697975 ], [ -82.064413291099072, 28.9122251793919 ], [ -82.064510337523316, 28.912228965409096 ], [ -82.064602905452418, 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28.911351734806857 ], [ -82.067420977669869, 28.911316648754489 ], [ -82.06748946892364, 28.911280163769948 ], [ -82.067559048799765, 28.911223955812172 ], [ -82.067605718664794, 28.911180565516439 ], [ -82.067666225873964, 28.911116045550834 ], [ -82.067707613721964, 28.911057141959372 ], [ -82.067741035704515, 28.910998244132092 ], [ -82.067769672648339, 28.910929532599383 ], [ -82.067790346218075, 28.910867835878484 ], [ -82.067804639144214, 28.910796328059355 ], [ -82.067805878100572, 28.91070765605097 ], [ -82.067748497166349, 28.910214538984878 ], [ -82.067711663446957, 28.909922949507433 ], [ -82.067706806097988, 28.909802381631909 ], [ -82.067736968502544, 28.909628523797007 ], [ -82.067752838333433, 28.909534584087748 ], [ -82.067757571068569, 28.909460277591535 ], [ -82.067760702893523, 28.909376159415782 ], [ -82.067754269927775, 28.909285033359183 ], [ -82.067743064955664, 28.909200920526548 ], [ -82.067722293846117, 28.909114009927119 ], [ -82.067693555538852, 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[ -82.019257310252371, 28.888737533187808 ], [ -82.018995506976736, 28.887844228456039 ], [ -82.018977952888719, 28.887734962245641 ], [ -82.018976050225149, 28.887637880372242 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barley Path", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957082735950692, 28.790028928144096 ], [ -81.95717139089524, 28.789864918440237 ], [ -81.957220151883334, 28.78972307126881 ], [ -81.95723003744925, 28.789647770008433 ], [ -81.957228252347704, 28.789554970980181 ], [ -81.957218258185321, 28.789500719797612 ], [ -81.957201483298832, 28.789441471249678 ], [ -81.957175428908343, 28.789368659776347 ], [ -81.957090838942719, 28.789199123270237 ], [ -81.957059073388109, 28.789096331476667 ], [ -81.957047276427843, 28.789022703415174 ], [ -81.957039800109797, 28.788941072303977 ], [ -81.957042844442711, 28.788858693822775 ], [ -81.957054791692698, 28.788769038311557 ], [ -81.957074778716603, 28.788676238992498 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[ -82.180301564674267, 28.821986765759242 ], [ -82.180368164947581, 28.82201347378513 ], [ -82.180499511364914, 28.822002053482137 ], [ -82.180712014990561, 28.821931858796642 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Monarch Mill Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982527538227757, 28.873535833362951 ], [ -81.982919302575539, 28.873622094540085 ], [ -81.983268213966412, 28.873721821497828 ], [ -81.983586520435637, 28.873802684764257 ], [ -81.98370588825594, 28.873818863234575 ], [ -81.983794651082931, 28.873818874037461 ], [ -81.983877294107586, 28.873805413566021 ], [ -81.983947693926567, 28.87378117537116 ], [ -81.984008916010495, 28.873743465563255 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.123818050388039, 28.960051991730591 ], [ -82.123745063950253, 28.95991371795408 ], [ -82.122790365169649, 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[ -81.989401659998421, 28.772215547556822 ], [ -81.989564134654373, 28.772224409364849 ], [ -81.989729563780301, 28.772224409556205 ], [ -81.989927487881559, 28.772215547644894 ], [ -81.990095869356651, 28.772206685961862 ], [ -81.990228804772755, 28.772191914915933 ], [ -81.990417865914765, 28.772174191792981 ], [ -81.990589202950588, 28.772153512972601 ], [ -81.990757586167391, 28.772123972983803 ], [ -81.99088756557596, 28.772100340338135 ], [ -81.991041177360501, 28.772064891520301 ], [ -81.991174112995992, 28.772032398050786 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eliseva Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001829880618061, 28.780104643615093 ], [ -82.00330324453617, 28.780104972125301 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sunset Pointe Boulevard", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989408733082229, 28.900992675004566 ], [ 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28.936847925074083 ], [ -82.019060817253958, 28.936766682556748 ], [ -82.018935085445818, 28.936668032156273 ], [ -82.018788076746105, 28.936524889697893 ], [ -82.018612655161121, 28.936364539636717 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pengrove Pass Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018274322013781, 28.888433462176955 ], [ -82.01824989150191, 28.888211630275613 ], [ -82.018243786987128, 28.888180323049355 ], [ -82.018223445731437, 28.888093559583332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 36th Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967801316639054, 28.71169892063045 ], [ -81.967328257068488, 28.71167206701034 ], [ -81.967180047668165, 28.711652431479749 ], [ -81.96705408016804, 28.711611019943277 ], [ -81.966933054705152, 28.711526062260958 ], [ -81.966867484123341, 28.711453275197552 ], [ -81.966816846306983, 28.711372337447983 ], [ -81.966796373554033, 28.711311547082619 ], [ -81.966764179989937, 28.711177769030012 ], [ -81.966754094781805, 28.710106120370892 ], [ -81.966750806997311, 28.70979252537672 ], [ -81.966718945172772, 28.709689149504499 ], [ -81.966679231409444, 28.70960740319007 ], [ -81.966614647784439, 28.709531530264766 ], [ -81.966531060392413, 28.709463626455779 ], [ -81.966439678255242, 28.709411345364138 ], [ -81.966291492524022, 28.709363390191488 ], [ -81.966160575229381, 28.709341580547484 ], [ -81.966076263071415, 28.709338998512749 ], [ -81.965996184049175, 28.709339805737255 ], [ -81.965873020145935, 28.709355041049978 ], [ -81.965826760982878, 28.709364369309707 ], [ -81.965748030283777, 28.709382852435141 ], [ -81.965599811160018, 28.709435084693464 ], [ -81.965431803809565, 28.709511266714447 ], [ -81.965253925657393, 28.709580900490234 ], [ -81.965125249929343, 28.709614278614428 ], [ -81.965026653728131, 28.709626584246699 ], [ -81.964695628347926, 28.709667874082221 ], [ -81.964463426977417, 28.709691765278468 ], [ -81.964325096771404, 28.7096960815188 ], [ -81.964194179016559, 28.709678621901283 ], [ -81.964063266221629, 28.709643754444862 ], [ -81.963957061751813, 28.709591455988885 ], [ -81.963855303876258, 28.709520128543314 ], [ -81.963724934369068, 28.709397569950795 ], [ -81.96363111090416, 28.709282121528531 ], [ -81.963552103928862, 28.709142723848043 ], [ -81.963507686332647, 28.709012055598585 ], [ -81.963486764117391, 28.708884709762682 ], [ -81.963485551572504, 28.708733286128517 ], [ -81.963499604995519, 28.708609811736324 ], [ -81.963539870613445, 28.708461050376773 ], [ -81.96361076769783, 28.708284108550416 ], [ -81.963661136133325, 28.708158408877864 ], [ -81.963684242369695, 28.708078481458923 ], [ -81.963727963671303, 28.707927242268326 ], [ -81.963760074181337, 28.707803462298003 ], [ -81.963799348734426, 28.707689428488479 ], [ -81.963869747654982, 28.707485033934407 ], [ -81.963918321368467, 28.70734400311056 ], [ -81.963980263745285, 28.70711293068657 ], [ -81.964032747442701, 28.706904156747235 ], [ -81.964074153510538, 28.706723391710458 ], [ -81.96407914052152, 28.70657747389216 ], [ -81.96406189042564, 28.706446813924426 ], [ -81.964027358868876, 28.706322662341943 ], [ -81.963975515935957, 28.706202872484159 ], [ -81.963898517204072, 28.706074269132984 ], [ -81.963829862972162, 28.705978530784872 ], [ -81.96373227968823, 28.705870411879477 ], [ -81.963678535036991, 28.705820846013225 ], [ -81.963574673224883, 28.705730090611357 ], [ -81.963459456951, 28.705634337657738 ], [ -81.96331135245795, 28.705501580170555 ], [ -81.96321498721457, 28.705425215063595 ], [ -81.963126261178843, 28.705322702494911 ], [ -81.963033423098423, 28.70519671285178 ], [ -81.962955242731653, 28.705080885593365 ], [ -81.962892149490443, 28.704970460177641 ], [ -81.962823360596673, 28.704834617264293 ], [ -81.962754688469914, 28.704693223218925 ], [ -81.962644740019869, 28.704466840875451 ], [ -81.962568808059572, 28.70429070866318 ], [ -81.962474418310563, 28.704129243126726 ], [ -81.962382688727189, 28.704010960113322 ], [ -81.962286777750094, 28.703909239012962 ], [ -81.962181317271401, 28.703815778688593 ], [ -81.962088757225857, 28.703745911498082 ], [ -81.961970696127793, 28.703667423410991 ], [ -81.961849693824391, 28.703560669835618 ], [ -81.961708971876135, 28.703375527033451 ], [ -81.961622347077125, 28.703222472793392 ], [ -81.961583908426263, 28.703110790500457 ], [ -81.961521286491632, 28.702927631415054 ], [ -81.961486863406293, 28.702828843616373 ], [ -81.961388463282958, 28.702693721439076 ], [ -81.961281935246006, 28.702608833117729 ], [ -81.961143643709875, 28.702530394419931 ], [ -81.961020151805002, 28.702478101240381 ], [ -81.960896012382747, 28.70245010116513 ], [ -81.960662387894288, 28.702447234992619 ], [ -81.960323999733177, 28.702441141539726 ], [ -81.959953102482885, 28.702445116592564 ], [ -81.95962771620809, 28.702460062164409 ], [ -81.959446733058613, 28.702497236079395 ], [ -81.959284530002279, 28.70254453505164 ], [ -81.959113363915449, 28.702611984627932 ], [ -81.958853822152776, 28.70273878387702 ], [ -81.958608776472957, 28.702881978791009 ], [ -81.958334788477188, 28.70302721891181 ], [ -81.957968294718171, 28.703190955356874 ], [ -81.957840905104717, 28.703241524470769 ], [ -81.957729738141907, 28.703276336673703 ], [ -81.957613638400886, 28.703300252513113 ], [ -81.957502483456466, 28.70330239481023 ], [ -81.957392601144605, 28.703285593021814 ], [ -81.957292683057361, 28.703273956527582 ], [ -81.957163545764715, 28.703234497282622 ], [ -81.957004614364308, 28.70316437268287 ], [ -81.95684569035123, 28.703076730082685 ], [ -81.956706640284509, 28.702980332068183 ], [ -81.956498075725918, 28.702813839313748 ], [ -81.956274620246589, 28.702616683868666 ], [ -81.95605115486191, 28.702450184676099 ], [ -81.955827689972594, 28.702279306106952 ], [ -81.955524501826929, 28.702049554572202 ], [ -81.955206982610136, 28.701757923068858 ], [ -81.955008389878259, 28.701512597503672 ], [ -81.954862846501356, 28.701302361153484 ], [ -81.954651224853691, 28.701019868249524 ], [ -81.954341148354587, 28.700628991772778 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrera Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970507494215695, 28.923160990986677 ], [ -81.970515124213293, 28.923251995535175 ], [ -81.970518145704645, 28.923305436485276 ], [ -81.97051812978151, 28.923357542270235 ], [ -81.970518114120537, 28.923412317948635 ], [ -81.970522585269336, 28.923711588845713 ], [ -81.970524018688337, 28.924010637095705 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 3rd Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.050602355696128, 28.611388489175987 ], [ -82.050601656587133, 28.611624020228934 ], [ -82.050605274785354, 28.61211383923041 ], [ -82.050602793943852, 28.612585440372332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Montbrook Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010630346023348, 28.876534478943839 ], [ -82.010839829460295, 28.876415784345156 ], [ -82.010989178032176, 28.876322711312827 ], [ -82.011129231298909, 28.876227441731682 ], [ -82.01123989028649, 28.876145931721233 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bandomo Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99873571006448, 28.737166608337386 ], [ -81.998974503971823, 28.73664021544149 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barr Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00296650028811, 28.740638791728756 ], [ -82.002997658344341, 28.740655154069174 ], [ -82.003031270827037, 28.740667163986707 ], [ -82.003066560665246, 28.740674543829577 ], [ -82.003102712009365, 28.740677122986533 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 738f", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.121004738974634, 28.598376638298621 ], [ -82.121006652016135, 28.598274901175412 ], [ -82.121016935821643, 28.598183198796217 ], [ -82.121015462945635, 28.598105871211779 ], [ -82.121018109501719, 28.597998281747628 ], [ -82.121018000331077, 28.597902919650874 ], [ -82.12102067029646, 28.597814891129726 ], [ -82.12102055375145, 28.597712195704474 ], [ -82.121023203091468, 28.597607049773373 ], [ -82.121021749723255, 28.597541399371714 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spanish Harbor Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020600529007268, 28.86799586845159 ], [ -82.020366306028976, 28.867973247863976 ], [ -82.020077201009272, 28.86798752274629 ], [ -82.019720281498522, 28.868026782367661 ], [ -82.019281271142276, 28.868140993203994 ], [ -82.018899366486394, 28.868308742982943 ], [ -82.018653091656461, 28.86846221725197 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039845849577276, 28.799606055165032 ], [ -82.039694358216551, 28.799618385675689 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Braddy Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969170893510992, 28.862663890499341 ], [ -81.968849195107794, 28.862753571995732 ], [ -81.968677351602992, 28.862793256830866 ], [ -81.968488157923474, 28.862819187161477 ], [ -81.968267722984507, 28.862835942433001 ], [ -81.96807332519198, 28.862842007628679 ], [ -81.967969186855342, 28.8628374000101 ], [ -81.967911917573048, 28.862812939301993 ], [ -81.967865064109404, 28.86277931365462 ], [ -81.967830367235692, 28.862728883687289 ], [ -81.967795687912755, 28.862618867356993 ], [ -81.967743672434906, 28.862444674079086 ], [ -81.967691582356068, 28.862296585319978 ], [ -81.967667469124677, 28.862238445861248 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 66th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.122848373887308, 28.658604128962974 ], [ -82.123284932503481, 28.658600287275259 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dory Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015189873171693, 28.906143578764961 ], [ -82.015167157164129, 28.906209575316776 ], [ -82.015151893179393, 28.906263328676502 ], [ -82.015065407924752, 28.906641095957262 ], [ -82.015028092397799, 28.906814341205077 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fockler Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024582320755954, 28.811488614632125 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28.921980618666911 ], [ -82.00246191910216, 28.922018924811471 ], [ -82.002468139973061, 28.922057231710703 ], [ -82.002480580928946, 28.922093713175059 ], [ -82.002499243990201, 28.922126546564414 ], [ -82.002524123081514, 28.922159380762306 ], [ -82.002553149470117, 28.92218491712179 ], [ -82.00258972408264, 28.922208739900221 ], [ -82.002623643332754, 28.922225046581904 ], [ -82.002656817947994, 28.922237814460843 ], [ -82.002694550189375, 28.922248431184844 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 48th Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022514605772145, 28.937738813756162 ], [ -82.02251465287064, 28.937438413050586 ], [ -82.022514654084176, 28.937236071838075 ], [ -82.022518112353907, 28.937059671005411 ], [ -82.022495630712427, 28.936924776318158 ], [ -82.02243164406481, 28.936841765778439 ], [ -82.022336525560632, 28.936786422784806 ], [ -82.022236218464045, 28.936767398795645 ], [ -82.022108241444968, 28.936767398626699 ], [ -82.021988912270089, 28.936767397859519 ], [ -82.021862664928733, 28.936763938688387 ], [ -82.021764086815764, 28.93677258652751 ], [ -82.021646486955234, 28.936822738293014 ], [ -82.021547910404479, 28.936884995770662 ], [ -82.021495741135553, 28.936920153673832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Russo Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98584071602518, 28.752356810583905 ], [ -81.985961638774342, 28.752499718135414 ], [ -81.98604958374888, 28.752609647806107 ], [ -81.986125874110527, 28.752693063375883 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sanborn Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011359869544222, 28.794589358179532 ], [ -82.011436510787789, 28.794249007742874 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fockler Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024550073451252, 28.812132035506234 ], [ -82.024252237808369, 28.812133647739834 ], [ -82.024227010362438, 28.812132774177655 ], [ -82.024201976090453, 28.812129888424476 ], [ -82.02417734297228, 28.812125013904446 ], [ -82.024153313868496, 28.812118188479662 ], [ -82.024130086522135, 28.812109472571013 ], [ -82.024107853555549, 28.812098935623577 ], [ -82.024086798374341, 28.81208666422793 ], [ -82.024067094142396, 28.812072761218165 ], [ -82.024048903781093, 28.812057341160195 ], [ -82.024032376895619, 28.812040530352363 ], [ -82.024017650799777, 28.812022467727481 ], [ -82.024004847442001, 28.812003303048645 ], [ -82.023994071355858, 28.811983194202835 ], [ -82.023985410684318, 28.811962306298202 ], [ -82.02397893922921, 28.811940813468432 ], [ -82.023875966816206, 28.81152309375987 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dry Tortugas Isle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039754479878667, 28.933937669657755 ], [ -82.037600252469545, 28.933927958800144 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Parksville Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970670299249647, 28.883696224222017 ], [ -81.970782972962709, 28.883794290180372 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sandalwood Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980645901924021, 28.812680657454273 ], [ -81.980601395619303, 28.812705926553107 ], [ -81.980535315873979, 28.812749293764604 ], [ -81.980469901579326, 28.812811091641702 ], [ -81.980416623348191, 28.812879319322246 ], [ -81.980380292902851, 28.81294541639954 ], [ -81.980356065996091, 28.813022178749645 ], [ -81.98033425977691, 28.813105337930914 ], [ -81.980322138041274, 28.813194897717587 ], [ -81.980326958686149, 28.813305781592945 ], [ -81.980343888279378, 28.813410269858931 ], [ -81.98036566362633, 28.813489172004971 ], [ -81.980406802207099, 28.813595796866284 ], [ -81.980445523798195, 28.813687494434529 ], [ -81.980481827945894, 28.813755736071407 ], [ -81.98052055571857, 28.813815447604611 ], [ -81.980571390060675, 28.813870896561024 ], [ -81.980622225038744, 28.813917816857259 ], [ -81.98067064134797, 28.813958339402475 ], [ -81.98072874391103, 28.813996730260573 ], [ -81.980798952424919, 28.814028725445471 ], [ -81.980866740831743, 28.814056455927982 ], [ -81.980949057776982, 28.81407992412198 ], [ -81.981021690269841, 28.81409059703163 ], [ -81.98116696188994, 28.81409274968421 ], [ -81.981314656149564, 28.81407997559268 ], [ -81.981464774134949, 28.814062938256761 ], [ -81.981593097316065, 28.814052293339859 ], [ -81.981694789339002, 28.814045909887987 ], [ -81.981772267711875, 28.814045921352683 ], [ -81.981888482367026, 28.814056597913279 ], [ -81.981973220208957, 28.814075801489775 ], [ -81.982070065131666, 28.814099270954184 ], [ -81.98217174948185, 28.814131269633705 ], [ -81.982251644439032, 28.814156869773349 ], [ -81.982336383896481, 28.814167541774442 ], [ -81.98241386067582, 28.81416541980829 ], [ -81.982488921762993, 28.814150502716501 ], [ -81.982571246812569, 28.814122792665174 ], [ -81.982639045850519, 28.814090817263466 ], [ -81.982699583510026, 28.814043911257059 ], [ -81.982750435605865, 28.814001271003356 ], [ -81.982798868149686, 28.813950099974061 ], [ -81.982837619073749, 28.813879737342397 ], [ -81.982859420265044, 28.813815768109023 ], [ -81.982871541245402, 28.813730473324217 ], [ -81.982864294110954, 28.813636649224001 ], [ -81.982847356981495, 28.813562013324294 ], [ -81.982820735037464, 28.813500170044101 ], [ -81.982786849004157, 28.813434061503994 ], [ -81.982750539985688, 28.813374351830806 ], [ -81.982663400622442, 28.813254926965588 ], [ -81.982626938519459, 28.81320460127019 ], [ -81.982590783554414, 28.813137636090826 ], [ -81.982574728607901, 28.813052087719129 ], [ -81.982566593232349, 28.81302035238879 ], [ -81.982564182519567, 28.812954247881095 ], [ -81.98257387946488, 28.81288814585071 ], [ -81.982588416178743, 28.812822043545861 ], [ -81.982610216940415, 28.812760207405464 ], [ -81.982639278911407, 28.812713299131051 ], [ -81.982675606110334, 28.812651464861069 ], [ -81.982733725908304, 28.812587502133418 ], [ -81.983111483626999, 28.812235707695589 ], [ -81.983491653863268, 28.811926560206857 ], [ -81.983583666626885, 28.811866864699706 ], [ -81.983649043352045, 28.811839150999102 ], [ -81.983711995746035, 28.811819968322233 ], [ -81.983791895730576, 28.811805051088228 ], [ -81.983883899812227, 28.811792267425471 ], [ -81.984663507042313, 28.811796623348354 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967537456145706, 28.871361255458087 ], [ -81.967167209207446, 28.871461330013055 ], [ -81.966850394956111, 28.87157765911487 ], [ -81.966472047901334, 28.871761651140268 ], [ -81.966335221994072, 28.871832975504876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Roanoke Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012148937802053, 28.956995974401455 ], [ -82.012242491048596, 28.956966253799092 ], [ -82.012377622847708, 28.956911385306242 ], [ -82.012502358917956, 28.956865661428196 ], [ -82.012561073724385, 28.956852486323591 ], [ -82.01259892268574, 28.956850667509773 ], [ -82.012620599304796, 28.956850741348237 ], [ -82.012646921642457, 28.956853915036643 ], [ -82.012702664264467, 28.956866165809508 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039694206120259, 28.851176884155556 ], [ -82.03962228123487, 28.851177350674572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vivienne Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965355964210403, 28.822938118236333 ], [ -81.965323985551635, 28.822753069791531 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Martinez Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95799569589974, 28.937207345005906 ], [ -81.957986411345203, 28.93714592564837 ], [ -81.957984561623817, 28.937116444415555 ], [ -81.957986439608803, 28.937076317281278 ], [ -81.95799670738441, 28.937015016836888 ], [ -81.9580179947652, 28.936948007419183 ], [ -81.958040950284996, 28.936900394232907 ], [ -81.958060310077443, 28.936861723456232 ], [ -81.958080565933457, 28.936826580926628 ], [ -81.958103850096066, 28.936793013843488 ], [ -81.958130862049018, 28.936758627735237 ], [ -81.958152410183246, 28.936733845738633 ], [ -81.958182084521752, 28.93670541649427 ], [ -81.958201640693019, 28.936688224868359 ], [ -81.958218404183867, 28.936672670032909 ], [ -81.958235166312562, 28.936657936282526 ], [ -81.958251928437249, 28.936643200725431 ], [ -81.958272414948823, 28.936628466325658 ], [ -81.958294763466824, 28.936612915023641 ], [ -81.958318040951454, 28.936598181485195 ], [ -81.958436184973266, 28.93653562512651 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Del Rosario Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967228133079843, 28.930861870782891 ], [ -81.96693655883324, 28.931119560410774 ], [ -81.966864828605352, 28.931184173163857 ], [ -81.966845283682105, 28.931202731239498 ], [ -81.966826129420511, 28.931221634085691 ], [ -81.966807365931416, 28.931240537025971 ], [ -81.966788798117264, 28.931260126658469 ], [ -81.966770814926136, 28.931279719140328 ], [ -81.966753224449448, 28.931299652784659 ], [ -81.966736023719804, 28.931319587425758 ], [ -81.966719213541495, 28.931340210612628 ], [ -81.966702597208567, 28.931360832040951 ], [ -81.966686569491699, 28.931381799192508 ], [ -81.966671126400854, 28.931402763780703 ], [ -81.966655877957507, 28.931424420475679 ], [ -81.966641218243524, 28.931446073706326 ], [ -81.966626752374793, 28.931467727885913 ], [ -81.966612870909771, 28.931490069758237 ], [ -81.966599383407214, 28.931512068855255 ], [ -81.966586480309374, 28.931534753840754 ], [ -81.966573967986221, 28.931557439824758 ], [ -81.966561846326755, 28.931580470581693 ], [ -81.966541512472276, 28.931621374649207 ], [ -81.966519418459967, 28.931665715114395 ], [ -81.96650729688767, 28.931688401189444 ], [ -81.96649458965085, 28.931711088019068 ], [ -81.966481491627519, 28.931733773847327 ], [ -81.966468000989082, 28.931755772027266 ], [ -81.966454122528816, 28.931778113882963 ], [ -81.966439654524237, 28.931799767138443 ], [ -81.966424993686459, 28.93182142214858 ], [ -81.966409745243965, 28.931842731430731 ], [ -81.966393913186181, 28.931864042369224 ], [ -81.966378108321507, 28.931886869167908 ], [ -81.966361632357916, 28.931913767852514 ], [ -81.966342805862865, 28.931936527118044 ], [ -81.966321625111462, 28.93196342461512 ], [ -81.96629573890111, 28.93199239169115 ], [ -81.966265145874999, 28.932027564462409 ], [ -81.96622513886723, 28.932073082369328 ], [ -81.966173370062592, 28.932122736119954 ], [ -81.96609101314904, 28.932182729625666 ], [ -81.966008658873335, 28.93224065411917 ], [ -81.965888658016041, 28.932323401032598 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.098507850459001, 28.894495591454412 ], [ -82.097141916084567, 28.894500185306498 ], [ -82.095111489945793, 28.894521478895932 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 12th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.087992103187474, 28.626488084228804 ], [ -82.087052060438367, 28.626470587998448 ], [ -82.085971876853591, 28.626462224682388 ], [ -82.0859171823314, 28.626462258115538 ], [ -82.085876155871418, 28.626453236107885 ], [ -82.085841959770235, 28.626435160252228 ], [ -82.085807758163526, 28.626414070580683 ], [ -82.085783791075571, 28.626365829438157 ], [ -82.085777761689329, 28.62630588906249 ], [ -82.085794711963359, 28.626132457995887 ], [ -82.085781072803073, 28.625122101739315 ], [ -82.085767810557982, 28.624575457905081 ], [ -82.085753725950951, 28.623018449423316 ], [ -82.08572802264726, 28.622935525227302 ], [ -82.085655352784883, 28.622894101013348 ], [ -82.08551006512495, 28.622875341964939 ], [ -82.085351979874716, 28.622879209670451 ], [ -82.085245166472234, 28.622886816155781 ], [ -82.08487344223056, 28.622887047069632 ], [ -82.08431800967935, 28.622913780009508 ], [ -82.083920672328361, 28.622944184760264 ], [ -82.083856578417183, 28.62294045314701 ], [ -82.083796746227449, 28.622921639908654 ], [ -82.083762541036847, 28.622891501957163 ], [ -82.083732596564076, 28.622846279697562 ], [ -82.083719738720362, 28.622797276112017 ], [ -82.083723968508806, 28.622744494814096 ], [ -82.083718567196513, 28.621319430322771 ], [ -82.083708174528681, 28.621144508289035 ], [ -82.083669618676836, 28.621016350948778 ], [ -82.083622570473366, 28.620956059205774 ], [ -82.083588349090064, 28.620903300467319 ], [ -82.083570018858893, 28.619334982640886 ], [ -82.083547370010891, 28.617710117453679 ], [ -82.083556674275215, 28.617624250545099 ], [ -82.083590292610253, 28.617521092601709 ], [ -82.083642608494372, 28.617410601646792 ], [ -82.083663007937005, 28.617271851743652 ], [ -82.083679938945053, 28.617072786148569 ], [ -82.083668283925377, 28.616826928230495 ], [ -82.083628749767428, 28.616711312111693 ], [ -82.083608313854, 28.616611402180521 ], [ -82.083603142783559, 28.616506993787368 ], [ -82.083606864778304, 28.616389104420563 ], [ -82.083599168925147, 28.616310520727993 ], [ -82.083597822186263, 28.616216213495651 ], [ -82.083574759720349, 28.616040496871189 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stephanie Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051854883858965, 28.790387329572347 ], [ -82.052499365451979, 28.790387176498307 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bassinger Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995105670851672, 28.879264612306592 ], [ -81.995444299390257, 28.87910788839779 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 426", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.133582175108458, 28.796297093653269 ], [ -82.13449437440002, 28.796257021608877 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Duncan Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969699887287206, 28.901324459476132 ], [ -81.969699896970283, 28.901294958814823 ], [ -81.969707700312696, 28.90116132198537 ], [ -81.969711410566475, 28.901093362569167 ], [ -81.969726164406822, 28.900999765920378 ], [ -81.969745829140876, 28.900904731210705 ], [ -81.969775319282121, 28.900790977813941 ], [ -81.969798248061906, 28.90072618257663 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spartina Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017125706206826, 28.79430028337946 ], [ -82.017134538004456, 28.793529763686788 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcpherson Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98415110236283, 28.76158802207722 ], [ -81.984247112435256, 28.761581759570664 ], [ -81.984371298122227, 28.761575499379244 ], [ -81.984596710834566, 28.761551497635615 ], [ -81.985187897804025, 28.761454492894366 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Blackville Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971669572575351, 28.881742823923652 ], [ -81.971598369531918, 28.881858368418939 ], [ -81.971530850879645, 28.881966355077232 ], [ -81.971464551812787, 28.882093779338778 ], [ -81.971442446554335, 28.882157495163501 ], [ -81.97142647611841, 28.882224451554347 ], [ -81.971417868989221, 28.882293569622828 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barbara Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998084442035463, 28.771217069654778 ], [ -81.997905339059756, 28.77098278126314 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mclin Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014346536320389, 28.85030324107608 ], [ -82.014401245758449, 28.850301290155937 ], [ -82.014618982783006, 28.850293521556981 ], [ -82.015600972731846, 28.850258479320381 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ainsworth Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" 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-82.036229810021354, 28.824202194993035 ], [ -82.036136756780621, 28.824164171772086 ], [ -82.036034697739652, 28.824133654442058 ], [ -82.035949148866194, 28.824116643901302 ], [ -82.035902122109363, 28.824110641369632 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002926754123351, 28.921821148504417 ], [ -82.002897560684374, 28.92180013634054 ], [ -82.002863060028986, 28.921783793644799 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004697507300236, 28.848714425531693 ], [ -82.004666142320275, 28.848707472385538 ], [ -82.004634073399586, 28.848703764847492 ], [ -82.00460173302649, 28.848703352531373 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Amidei Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992098734271636, 28.740991476837713 ], [ -81.991620006541979, 28.740883446634296 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrymoore Loop", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003460440306981, 28.91211051023976 ], [ -82.003528753776962, 28.911947684645423 ], [ -82.003560297886949, 28.911827517758411 ], [ -82.003578729797809, 28.911760953950484 ], [ -82.003604124119562, 28.911677072184354 ], [ -82.00364086972732, 28.911605146500268 ], [ -82.00369397565531, 28.911500406568415 ], [ -82.003750238521164, 28.911383827491967 ], [ -82.003804151312579, 28.911280350711305 ], [ -82.003845564091918, 28.911193718305388 ], [ -82.003922722465319, 28.911043484742656 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eureka Mill Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978646088265734, 28.876207165430273 ], [ -81.979045452199188, 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28.734146292242972 ], [ -82.062897919542223, 28.734154442209775 ], [ -82.062846998159458, 28.734151600671428 ], [ -82.062802581857298, 28.734161172118743 ], [ -82.062772038564745, 28.734178183183914 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ainsworth Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95903504553165, 28.869524422739762 ], [ -81.958835703470584, 28.869527287058016 ], [ -81.958474604020864, 28.869525977643558 ], [ -81.958302462243154, 28.869525660840814 ], [ -81.958249308651403, 28.869515409505119 ], [ -81.958181212782918, 28.869484680239751 ], [ -81.958134718428752, 28.869437874121569 ], [ -81.958109819088165, 28.86939107382133 ], [ -81.9580998677677, 28.869353052175526 ], [ -81.958096656565317, 28.86907815008534 ], [ -81.958109969472119, 28.869021126873388 ], [ -81.958134905460554, 28.868974342107688 ], [ -81.958166479361239, 28.868943643860991 ], [ -81.958213003544458, 28.868915876427849 ], [ 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-81.958871651440248, 28.879342879751249 ], [ -81.958963650423712, 28.879347602576502 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 214", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.054960247058261, 28.916515841656643 ], [ -82.05458518342931, 28.916519877016992 ], [ -82.053663677191551, 28.916523912254352 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Old Wire Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037149766025422, 28.860811063056119 ], [ -82.037137630809653, 28.859951039833657 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Overland Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961666394019034, 28.85257578129789 ], [ -81.961661632086063, 28.852548754087721 ], [ -81.961662507444984, 28.852531852352733 ], [ -81.961673470396647, 28.852507885737651 ], [ -81.961716239852606, 28.852450928173333 ], [ -81.961770054743255, 28.852379569334783 ], [ -81.961842760680511, 28.852290779690598 ], [ -81.961936085161199, 28.85218003373479 ], [ -81.962050021493653, 28.852056878715668 ], [ -81.962135742390586, 28.851970002765508 ], [ -81.962255098850108, 28.851855444458636 ], [ -81.962410254474861, 28.851729434078877 ], [ -81.962558899993709, 28.851599604048896 ], [ -81.96269452597987, 28.85148695915808 ], [ -81.962796515587684, 28.851406772478523 ], [ -81.962831229845037, 28.851388637625533 ], [ -81.96286811103522, 28.851383873726473 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Edwards Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023463853732764, 28.914936220457925 ], [ -82.023540826187073, 28.914936551123528 ], [ -82.02377428080662, 28.91493822906709 ], [ -82.024102485105587, 28.914940579434674 ], [ -82.024273814862823, 28.914943298680903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 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[ -81.997841276957402, 28.95939742513924 ], [ -81.99826778777836, 28.959397431899102 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Anderson Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.102055164064254, 28.663558958474066 ], [ -82.101273542884897, 28.663543797201822 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 128th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.17052684916213, 28.569586447579489 ], [ -82.170641162455084, 28.569596148277995 ], [ -82.171555568883164, 28.569609767070506 ], [ -82.171792537948633, 28.569614391966272 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bessie Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995031258104703, 28.747913177899306 ], [ -81.994956540274856, 28.74764501016411 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 675", 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[ -82.008411931587133, 28.942308307464558 ], [ -82.008402670314226, 28.942367576055716 ], [ -82.008389197829118, 28.942408322612529 ], [ -82.008370367014294, 28.942440010454742 ], [ -82.008360597628936, 28.942454793298353 ], [ -82.008350437393943, 28.942469232390216 ], [ -82.008340082258599, 28.942483670590327 ], [ -82.008329530145375, 28.942497766831856 ], [ -82.008318589259943, 28.942511862192777 ], [ -82.00830725652493, 28.942525957575498 ], [ -82.008295923760883, 28.942539710085743 ], [ -82.008284200146704, 28.94255311613691 ], [ -82.008272084682858, 28.942566524014214 ], [ -82.00825977531818, 28.942579589030089 ], [ -82.008247270026914, 28.942592653153799 ], [ -82.007797271841326, 28.943055741559899 ], [ -82.007747054297241, 28.943108342559402 ], [ -82.007698008194509, 28.943161630122493 ], [ -82.007649941712558, 28.943215606065205 ], [ -82.007602851798268, 28.943270612357967 ], [ -82.007556932277922, 28.943325962346314 ], [ -82.007512187302936, 28.943382343578772 ], [ 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28.939220788331813 ], [ -81.972700320993511, 28.939207362451807 ], [ -81.972704845514642, 28.939195927702876 ], [ -81.972709371193304, 28.939183992180897 ], [ -81.972715592691515, 28.939171065383793 ], [ -81.972721816767617, 28.939156146322023 ], [ -81.972727471788161, 28.939144211932017 ], [ -81.972733695728564, 28.939129792740427 ], [ -81.972737655847553, 28.939115373087017 ], [ -81.97274048583067, 28.939103934382072 ], [ -81.972742184152438, 28.939093492481128 ], [ -81.972743884789111, 28.939082054448171 ], [ -81.972745016899296, 28.939071611529464 ], [ -81.972745020322549, 28.939058682561051 ], [ -81.972745023614394, 28.939046249854211 ], [ -81.972745025721295, 28.939038292524813 ], [ -81.972745028486344, 28.939027849375844 ], [ -81.972745031119786, 28.939017903390809 ], [ -81.972745034411375, 28.939005471586182 ], [ -81.972745037571343, 28.938993536945453 ], [ -81.972745040336406, 28.93898309379642 ], [ -81.972745043496374, 28.938971159155663 ], [ -81.9727450463933, 28.938960217940402 ], [ -81.972745050842519, 28.938947288069667 ], [ -81.972745053371881, 28.938933861034577 ], [ -81.972745056136915, 28.938923417885462 ], [ -81.972744494507509, 28.938909990735358 ], [ -81.972743934035392, 28.938896067323785 ], [ -81.972742805960792, 28.938879655269901 ], [ -81.972740549437646, 28.938863741052174 ], [ -81.972739421439542, 28.938854790066593 ], [ -81.972736670133713, 28.938844167701721 ], [ -81.972697395967188, 28.938726290326809 ], [ -81.972678561895748, 28.938669949051473 ], [ -81.972653997196943, 28.938585962119301 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "View Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968242002936108, 28.842003086306807 ], [ -81.968484728605247, 28.842207976171135 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Killdeer Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989746522724857, 28.865299329966536 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-82.046132174628397, 28.917748494037184 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 470", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0231032143151, 28.755883764545136 ], [ -82.021009031354822, 28.755866997277895 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ivey Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00700443995774, 28.842813403215676 ], [ -82.007029455830875, 28.842805819059478 ], [ -82.007052977354164, 28.842795236603386 ], [ -82.007081620090602, 28.842773318220882 ], [ -82.007100934841574, 28.84274726861161 ], [ -82.007112046783135, 28.842716210683932 ], [ -82.007113832021872, 28.842668884606283 ], [ -82.007120223920197, 28.841202734803026 ], [ -82.007120281138597, 28.841184115694844 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Walnut Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-81.988236180907933, 28.846023324121521 ], [ -81.988092468662018, 28.846013523134999 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974769315657156, 28.887597465368049 ], [ -81.974772832578196, 28.887495550252133 ], [ -81.97480279731279, 28.887323368022724 ], [ -81.974839670620938, 28.887135992333949 ], [ -81.974866171320116, 28.887012426304082 ], [ -81.974888071128973, 28.886878731076369 ], [ -81.974904226372061, 28.886703507268411 ], [ -81.974907809632327, 28.886602161499663 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ivawood Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976545865323658, 28.846295520667201 ], [ -81.976622625512903, 28.846300130424584 ], [ -81.976699516365471, 28.846302517780511 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { 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28.665053731779953 ], [ -82.137704454435422, 28.665053644231776 ], [ -82.14054427544896, 28.66508577540333 ], [ -82.141553321852555, 28.665083316969476 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Montbrook Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009989465986592, 28.876832238631607 ], [ -82.010189741079373, 28.876758459582121 ], [ -82.010334910022735, 28.876695483864339 ], [ -82.010425530009016, 28.876647510028217 ], [ -82.010630346023348, 28.876534478943839 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "El Camino Real", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956639512294274, 28.948923125809586 ], [ -81.956530773835297, 28.948867650126225 ], [ -81.956256269044189, 28.948692976240523 ], [ -81.956038007942894, 28.948515410358645 ], [ -81.955849511935725, 28.948355312385083 ], [ -81.955786392654588, 28.948279944738925 ], [ -81.955767667691006, 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28.926238979736674 ], [ -81.959059404657395, 28.926276958598848 ], [ -81.959060525784025, 28.926312940681086 ], [ -81.959065049981632, 28.926366912867401 ], [ -81.959068442860371, 28.926402894740392 ], [ -81.95907183162825, 28.926451870569057 ], [ -81.959075228379206, 28.926485853858143 ], [ -81.959083163978008, 28.926523835701161 ], [ -81.959092241418759, 28.926555821236239 ], [ -81.95910131483835, 28.926592805486191 ], [ -81.959110390634379, 28.92662379127588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quaker Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991584800800283, 28.851425368988952 ], [ -81.991611594207598, 28.851403191110411 ], [ -81.991630801769304, 28.851388846565992 ], [ -81.991653678511398, 28.851373361735483 ], [ -81.99166870923473, 28.851364045472351 ], [ -81.991685098964339, 28.851354598458446 ], [ -81.991704253890788, 28.851344437891875 ], [ -81.991720981718856, 28.851336287508101 ], [ -81.991740748383492, 28.851327475019314 ], [ -81.991760511901077, 28.851319500769453 ], [ -81.991831051824761, 28.851292481983318 ], [ -81.991862413253315, 28.851280469712666 ], [ -81.99191264031019, 28.8512612302167 ], [ -81.991959210448584, 28.851243391760786 ], [ -81.991994482926017, 28.851229881869209 ], [ -81.992022707023892, 28.851219409607388 ], [ -81.992048117686366, 28.851210483722763 ], [ -81.992068135228564, 28.85120378169405 ], [ -81.992105857020533, 28.851191919530294 ], [ -81.992131918367178, 28.851184302012005 ], [ -81.992162463633264, 28.851175957495791 ], [ -81.992181359793648, 28.851171107817546 ], [ -81.992204767554909, 28.851165424671937 ], [ -81.992229634745058, 28.85115977589556 ], [ -81.992254721230296, 28.851154478124382 ], [ -81.99227913944857, 28.851149702744575 ], [ -81.992296094334023, 28.851146607921681 ], [ -81.992319964180467, 28.851142552542548 ], [ -81.992342875721391, 28.851138988860381 ], [ -81.992362538322467, 28.851136185630573 ], [ 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-81.993009182321472, 28.851120976953883 ], [ -81.99302216043084, 28.851120772816827 ], [ -81.993035594614938, 28.851120543438014 ], [ -81.993046683864222, 28.851120344612795 ], [ -81.993055104314905, 28.851120188054722 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Archer Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003916578774778, 28.936586041910168 ], [ -82.004398445076447, 28.936541068470962 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bushnell Plaza", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.111669337123359, 28.663794691228894 ], [ -82.110553208440749, 28.663793137324337 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Doria Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974356577948839, 28.951394082125251 ], [ -81.974404222020254, 28.951415556793204 ], [ -81.974455933661389, 28.951432943033534 ], [ -81.974489051088554, 28.951443682127163 ], [ -81.97453960351551, 28.951456979827814 ], [ -81.974896231000727, 28.951539404038567 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "High Point Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008284613783388, 28.916871165113328 ], [ -82.009000111878976, 28.916870869532676 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bishopville Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956468513566222, 28.892690284949854 ], [ -81.956435639113124, 28.892659954299212 ], [ -81.956401206907742, 28.892615841404538 ], [ -81.95637617408795, 28.892560706351844 ], [ -81.956362101621224, 28.892505575759611 ], [ -81.956355873075424, 28.892420125923806 ], [ -81.956355933979296, 28.89227541777235 ], [ -81.956357573117501, 28.892103145766427 ], [ -81.956365419313727, 28.892067315274584 ], [ -81.956376396719477, 28.89203148579962 ], [ -81.956401468367901, 28.891991528367257 ], [ -81.956464129297686, 28.891943312642784 ], [ -81.956520514588277, 28.891924035229327 ], [ -81.956621069407788, 28.891911162161282 ], [ -81.956746026470569, 28.891911705062196 ], [ -81.956883840117385, 28.891903481620297 ], [ -81.957051825722274, 28.891880453730934 ], [ -81.957200199837658, 28.891847075412272 ], [ -81.957330050987622, 28.891819020930068 ], [ -81.957434203174444, 28.891806499393006 ], [ -81.95751266997749, 28.891809034450674 ], [ -81.95759327873192, 28.891823771943709 ], [ -81.957690981739987, 28.89186182299385 ], [ -81.957866395153573, 28.891942498682443 ], [ -81.958067695998537, 28.892038917442807 ], [ -81.958230531707059, 28.892114766834389 ], [ -81.958407458531852, 28.89219475563706 ], [ -81.958598898115795, 28.892270690138435 ], [ -81.958818593466702, 28.892360483345616 ], [ -81.959094833371182, 28.892474737649472 ], [ -81.959148067801792, 28.892499560798484 ], [ -81.959188773659534, 28.892528515358297 ], [ -81.959229458972757, 28.892570656111968 ], [ -81.959252952523741, 28.892604333474328 ], [ -81.959268593342912, 28.892651196466414 ], [ -81.95926386892144, 28.892718725871838 ], [ -81.959237221788428, 28.89278349209324 ], [ -81.959191065143173, 28.892856666325251 ], [ -81.959114460808735, 28.892954620155553 ], [ -81.958983918267705, 28.893134032446071 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Braemar Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971742658976197, 28.874127482015904 ], [ -81.971825969912061, 28.874122260781846 ], [ -81.972226655712589, 28.874092663152613 ], [ -81.972440881605664, 28.874089215457246 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbin Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005902101455092, 28.792462130370648 ], [ -82.006255560722821, 28.79231230906958 ], [ -82.006361319054733, 28.792274117951322 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-81.991828953417141, 28.814900281466215 ], [ -81.991648831364287, 28.814919446166734 ], [ -81.9916132026203, 28.814928160242459 ], [ -81.991564216531756, 28.814943346637541 ], [ -81.990792512666928, 28.815182584587664 ], [ -81.989368559135286, 28.815625287410175 ], [ -81.988879640696439, 28.81577865023371 ], [ -81.9886520064276, 28.815855331961156 ], [ -81.988610782721821, 28.815876853063937 ], [ -81.988566888245998, 28.8159145956628 ], [ -81.988525316734325, 28.815958172786441 ], [ -81.9884956224478, 28.815994776061959 ], [ -81.988469885741651, 28.816033124741235 ], [ -81.988452066072213, 28.816076704794632 ], [ -81.988442165663102, 28.81611505483805 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest Luca Drive", "maxspeed": "25 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045550387241605, 28.842662716131571 ], [ -82.046520682465825, 28.842688928729515 ], [ -82.046599488905073, 28.84266003446275 ], [ -82.046657279471148, 28.842604869448046 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[ -81.955669826990942, 28.868456988095289 ], [ -81.955774878094005, 28.868484347165364 ], [ -81.955875146120263, 28.868524315172404 ], [ -81.956001669770686, 28.868593716715854 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972506652732648, 28.790604702691155 ], [ -81.972449741212415, 28.790569249959585 ], [ -81.972413820722039, 28.790556187917698 ], [ -81.972383964633067, 28.790552456134279 ], [ -81.972348043866873, 28.790551990375111 ], [ -81.972309231492389, 28.790555478852085 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957311249506091, 28.865349949655084 ], [ -81.957586265339842, 28.865371679417542 ], [ -81.957995789716293, 28.86538620163649 ], [ -81.958737930806521, 28.865385691756018 ], [ -81.959497950865682, 28.865399576730947 ], [ -81.959687131917391, 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[ -82.154792603131924, 28.575806469030937 ], [ -82.154859231206743, 28.575502709483938 ], [ -82.154915079815268, 28.575224745716 ], [ -82.15498372847749, 28.57482357482057 ], [ -82.155039463066842, 28.574468256733912 ], [ -82.155124201731269, 28.573973480790755 ], [ -82.155237847440304, 28.57327430257811 ], [ -82.15532469529046, 28.572744188214347 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 22nd Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.067975282742864, 28.609581424369726 ], [ -82.067982078274682, 28.609549342785371 ], [ -82.067982043716341, 28.609497216371334 ], [ -82.067984190651018, 28.60930274007946 ], [ -82.067988280955305, 28.608599017639271 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 134", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028896216033871, 28.87279687728989 ], [ -82.02844923064275, 28.872780801853416 ], [ 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[ -82.118464919155642, 28.770723867876683 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 646", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.251359357985237, 28.633490125179655 ], [ -82.251435166237613, 28.633446031453289 ], [ -82.251520479393818, 28.633408198429951 ], [ -82.252138992261436, 28.633134957738424 ], [ -82.252605789158522, 28.632908044038395 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Constance Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018546455274986, 28.816090332729466 ], [ -82.018742497317021, 28.815984639915325 ], [ -82.018762873572541, 28.815974557492069 ], [ -82.018784049202324, 28.815965845568229 ], [ -82.018805905369433, 28.815958552884087 ], [ -82.018828319137455, 28.815952720059713 ], [ -82.018851165519578, 28.815948379594719 ], [ -82.019289488505322, 28.815880119927364 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West 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[ -82.148825158526392, 28.813118756535168 ], [ -82.14873432440163, 28.81325102159018 ], [ -82.148680310063369, 28.81332691339599 ], [ -82.148626289523563, 28.813398473209507 ], [ -82.148555068355904, 28.813485216009479 ], [ -82.148333390157589, 28.813772133263377 ], [ -82.14824731431969, 28.813913545784562 ], [ -82.148122966088792, 28.814173234754428 ], [ -82.148089032598136, 28.814215082000803 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Duffy Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971340512104859, 28.892663861259216 ], [ -81.971340536066734, 28.892577572500635 ], [ -81.971340619477189, 28.892280893528351 ], [ -81.971340702529858, 28.891981806303733 ], [ -81.971342687861778, 28.891865954991978 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Upland Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998966184035666, 28.893306550290109 ], [ -81.998612216085576, 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994805333960571, 28.649905412927474 ], [ -81.994836999308347, 28.649035096831916 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 216", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044223277617334, 28.909210647647871 ], [ -82.044222898200502, 28.90921064596623 ], [ -82.04329710061117, 28.909206487234272 ], [ -82.041241903131237, 28.909199134451018 ], [ -82.041241314522566, 28.909199131921817 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bexley Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974906958886024, 28.778460054806505 ], [ -81.974895075735546, 28.778500972649628 ], [ -81.974889159309626, 28.77854288571115 ], [ -81.974889304551368, 28.778585121447335 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 150", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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[ -82.010586605173728, 28.798865553132732 ], [ -82.01049467245754, 28.798708781139016 ], [ -82.010366291755616, 28.798494881738542 ], [ -82.010293430118111, 28.798401683394133 ], [ -82.010213853798732, 28.798329226037307 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Keller Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964112666613204, 28.862146479342705 ], [ -81.964187908334651, 28.862077633775829 ], [ -81.964247591384989, 28.862018444092378 ], [ -81.964320838752769, 28.861948276043176 ], [ -81.96439788520378, 28.861870468249034 ], [ -81.964465709444539, 28.861796478325381 ], [ -81.964500439212728, 28.861748263865149 ], [ -81.964538383876317, 28.861686405600622 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bobcat Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99817710738516, 28.818762187491583 ], [ -81.998001437414459, 28.818661949901603 ], [ -81.997872777373544, 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-82.122472178987806, 28.788422756187458 ], [ -82.122518954866322, 28.788420751517958 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rutherford Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991619629528714, 28.747727577395995 ], [ -81.991421285817452, 28.747447826669113 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canvas Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045405828892143, 28.928415043323497 ], [ -82.045343771487779, 28.928488471075205 ], [ -82.045258356265521, 28.928514582105208 ], [ -82.044982373584702, 28.928510400223246 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kelvington Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013769693327333, 28.853143697347697 ], [ -82.013642338076735, 28.85311766459726 ], [ -82.013501860798286, 28.853089156145586 ], [ -82.013392555649077, 28.853066974286509 ], [ -82.013373214267858, 28.85306279753101 ], [ -82.013351292027693, 28.853057281091655 ], [ -82.013323821691102, 28.853049149385452 ], [ -82.013303822005923, 28.853042334340827 ], [ -82.013283102711895, 28.853034440203256 ], [ -82.013259888571042, 28.853024531447193 ], [ -82.013229111086815, 28.853009530779225 ], [ -82.013209078105689, 28.852998522710603 ], [ -82.01318661785136, 28.852984901787629 ], [ -82.013170677350544, 28.852974338170476 ], [ -82.013152201952039, 28.852961074185767 ], [ -82.013130497659347, 28.852943931485662 ], [ -82.01311207522734, 28.852927878464588 ], [ -82.013096891674394, 28.852913460120348 ], [ -82.013084496056905, 28.852900785674425 ], [ -82.013073444155069, 28.852888712039302 ], [ -82.013057096753258, 28.852869313973997 ], [ -82.013043709487391, 28.852851808672185 ], [ -82.013032465458082, 28.85283574234991 ], [ -82.013023529767807, 28.852821908119061 ], [ -82.013014314087016, 28.852806445251975 ], [ -82.013004216614945, 28.852787797326734 ], [ -82.012992603662738, 28.852763430727382 ], [ -82.012983733672655, 28.852741862828257 ], [ -82.012977140352433, 28.852723405870027 ], [ -82.012971912395003, 28.85270661534517 ], [ -82.012950434898258, 28.852631386684315 ], [ -82.012935582661555, 28.852584480784706 ], [ -82.012921580767326, 28.852543364899866 ], [ -82.012906452465799, 28.852501741117397 ], [ -82.012895205888185, 28.852472417209302 ], [ -82.012879041624487, 28.85243233194781 ], [ -82.012849837522893, 28.852365143507249 ], [ -82.012816723215494, 28.85229556520418 ], [ -82.012781917152552, 28.852228478309208 ], [ -82.012744787835459, 28.852162464453421 ], [ -82.012721549010976, 28.852123617766239 ], [ -82.012708361304973, 28.852102326337338 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vestridge Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007631871039052, 28.848948844785394 ], [ -82.007598701413869, 28.848574863205616 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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28.84733971127374 ], [ -82.020437078198725, 28.847353234672859 ], [ -82.020492963124212, 28.847423972687043 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 134", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031278378124895, 28.872814917439388 ], [ -82.029906513232689, 28.87280205125672 ], [ -82.028896216033871, 28.87279687728989 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Melrose Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00757044102707, 28.921102981533998 ], [ -82.007622979047284, 28.920959463141763 ], [ -82.007658858831547, 28.920862077311671 ], [ -82.007680643887937, 28.920789036173165 ], [ -82.007689614335604, 28.920713432286192 ], [ -82.007692315849553, 28.920598591470082 ], [ -82.007696816896157, 28.920493859885315 ], [ -82.007698875977937, 28.920402368725831 ], [ -82.007711428268408, 28.920335895882737 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": 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-82.003731461864163, 28.876913436837619 ], [ -82.003632443359749, 28.877047895646303 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Auburndale Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011807377330527, 28.94158726455278 ], [ -82.011402058714751, 28.941587297958883 ], [ -82.011052010308532, 28.941585525751861 ], [ -82.010620080393991, 28.94158735896017 ], [ -82.010220903214687, 28.94158918932602 ], [ -82.009877527392419, 28.941586917321644 ], [ -82.009486532590174, 28.941586943962108 ], [ -82.009092140446029, 28.941586969683446 ], [ -82.008821843579199, 28.941586986644193 ], [ -82.008714744239967, 28.941586993214379 ], [ -82.00865113199761, 28.941583100070613 ], [ -82.008598006244085, 28.941566990114701 ], [ -82.008548544691138, 28.941539600347269 ], [ -82.008519233448254, 28.941513820860461 ], [ -82.008486256282239, 28.941476761110238 ], [ -82.008467932607573, 28.941431643004684 ], [ -82.00846243549239, 28.941391360432828 ], [ -82.008462452394497, 28.941304801603653 ], [ -82.008460393280401, 28.941153546639825 ], [ -82.008460378722191, 28.940951873188141 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kanawha Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026443330311878, 28.837800542237396 ], [ -82.02645176575615, 28.837090577336486 ], [ -82.026460297681638, 28.836529991128906 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quill Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953747943188503, 28.876588870805858 ], [ -81.954240783158241, 28.876487646996683 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "York Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009813475978717, 28.910103669359401 ], [ -82.009813450015713, 28.90981558643481 ], [ -82.009821441176271, 28.909619975842748 ], [ -82.00983542453146, 28.909532209274968 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978032360484733, 28.871972916260628 ], [ -81.978071460996162, 28.871888288462554 ], [ -81.978086844704052, 28.871839052311032 ], [ -81.978086852910508, 28.871839025243286 ], [ -81.978093071220187, 28.8718191187515 ], [ -81.978126923657541, 28.87162143512553 ], [ -81.978160824921318, 28.871183548508224 ], [ -81.978170542444033, 28.870909335688527 ], [ -81.978178561456616, 28.870760323449208 ], [ -81.978199014030864, 28.87064780327108 ], [ -81.978227371716329, 28.870531421614377 ], [ -81.978255647900809, 28.870436595958008 ], [ -81.978307836257045, 28.870310763817436 ], [ -81.978374880139313, 28.870183298179459 ], [ -81.978458462309973, 28.870060726553767 ], [ -81.978526847299008, 28.869969356787777 ], [ -81.97872808426095, 28.869747286086973 ], [ -81.97885718532865, 28.869611522540822 ], [ 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[ -82.028642390671621, 28.845313342534304 ], [ -82.028727065929459, 28.845314457363642 ], [ -82.028837435068482, 28.845370426093133 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saybrook Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997789733783904, 28.915235167824171 ], [ -81.998484962178878, 28.914918575762631 ], [ -81.99856587949732, 28.914881726931867 ], [ -81.998610539671347, 28.914861390579055 ], [ -81.998767988466057, 28.914822386903431 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Main Street", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04541008023962, 28.836645557189776 ], [ -82.045405014420737, 28.836921005209401 ], [ -82.045405094615361, 28.837107679853066 ], [ -82.045407489920976, 28.837318702475976 ], [ -82.045407540481946, 28.837436388540315 ], [ -82.045412221125048, 28.837604800759827 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County 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[ -82.00755181679294, 28.888882338952619 ], [ -82.007647270658225, 28.888439243928083 ], [ -82.007694998466363, 28.888227244075033 ], [ -82.007697167289948, 28.888218774064271 ], [ -82.007709477606511, 28.888192614816852 ], [ -82.007723205448087, 28.888175676104574 ], [ -82.007727515018473, 28.888167825860986 ], [ -82.007747956525805, 28.888141761824496 ], [ -82.007774888162871, 28.888120759347455 ], [ -82.0077861346319, 28.888114557236786 ], [ -82.007787260286193, 28.88811368555438 ], [ -82.007812585827352, 28.888099359278286 ], [ -82.007831704127128, 28.888093545634952 ], [ -82.007836036635766, 28.888091241829187 ], [ -82.007866523461203, 28.888080125652394 ], [ -82.007896806783691, 28.88807635420768 ], [ -82.00861944091848, 28.88796744975394 ], [ -82.008845128480132, 28.887933059409566 ], [ -82.008891218015606, 28.887931265521122 ], [ -82.008937316346362, 28.887936757694842 ], [ -82.008981557533517, 28.887949405212872 ], [ -82.009022522618949, 28.887968803032471 ], [ 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-81.956985218064716, 28.923618173301662 ], [ -81.956999647884928, 28.923566967226161 ], [ -81.956996569636928, 28.923508767254486 ], [ -81.956985413859769, 28.923455444307745 ], [ -81.956939827500847, 28.923316951624741 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 532c", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.104002786461663, 28.70718958791451 ], [ -82.103845486454077, 28.707156238579415 ], [ -82.103357398344656, 28.707142267544111 ], [ -82.102245643660723, 28.707139312537581 ], [ -82.1019611058734, 28.707138555407315 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Creekside Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97709902518865, 28.906108786445355 ], [ -81.977259016174358, 28.905878832336519 ], [ -81.977301122588258, 28.905829450384861 ], [ -81.977382524801129, 28.905757850560676 ], [ -81.977504969947375, 28.905673601058098 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -81.998487780984291, 28.872782544087197 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 671", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.188782771538428, 28.610662407126291 ], [ -82.188789496401071, 28.61060555678074 ], [ -82.188790911540437, 28.61054887801993 ], [ -82.1887938713284, 28.610438758811206 ], [ -82.188798447879577, 28.610123866909227 ], [ -82.188790837973144, 28.609901133313457 ], [ -82.188810756288689, 28.608940117477502 ], [ -82.188809232390966, 28.608087323488991 ], [ -82.188815079461605, 28.607323617049786 ], [ -82.18884030955769, 28.605299780262129 ], [ -82.188824486707105, 28.604517010946246 ], [ -82.188815968591513, 28.603785145927855 ], [ -82.188850137043246, 28.602728647336203 ], [ -82.188883305033045, 28.601112103634684 ], [ -82.188870848508913, 28.60020458245576 ], [ -82.188855344219192, 28.600036867941188 ], [ -82.188828416678433, 28.599948314412988 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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[ -82.103217492920038, 28.890232109490544 ], [ -82.10324784346048, 28.890491267975928 ], [ -82.103261192653576, 28.890950971585379 ], [ -82.103264444852485, 28.892070931431711 ], [ -82.103269836860648, 28.893181432475927 ], [ -82.103271104980266, 28.894469767651753 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Woodridge Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012323758755912, 28.934290338094691 ], [ -82.012417546199558, 28.934289405893058 ], [ -82.0126291156609, 28.934291666233559 ], [ -82.012773328097069, 28.934288614262865 ], [ -82.012859680224864, 28.934278730766056 ], [ -82.012922717734341, 28.934264292775836 ], [ -82.013025474932434, 28.934230098945736 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 102nd Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.209990441422164, 28.607617166615707 ], [ -82.209849364442633, 28.607704261289268 ], [ 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[ -82.020331539004815, 28.924364529251488 ], [ -82.020331505370407, 28.924188385798608 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 66th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124527627810096, 28.658556461764366 ], [ -82.124695654861057, 28.658558232928847 ], [ -82.124967305611847, 28.658582244445824 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 48th Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021495741135553, 28.936920153673832 ], [ -82.021388803664536, 28.936992219370097 ], [ -82.021262555579881, 28.937073502183768 ], [ -82.021157060408598, 28.937142677425097 ], [ -82.021063671034071, 28.937203206760383 ], [ -82.020987576981113, 28.937262007313617 ], [ -82.020939152455682, 28.93733464301345 ], [ -82.020920127912078, 28.937405548154565 ], [ -82.020920127478263, 28.937497207681893 ], [ -82.020920770480217, 28.937736421034142 ] ] ] 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[ -81.954026303031, 28.888789144633559 ], [ -81.954032441668787, 28.888991770035062 ], [ -81.954032411456197, 28.889059967697314 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barr Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001173925640188, 28.741909322212315 ], [ -82.001247905749494, 28.741766846063463 ], [ -82.001324624386015, 28.741627108414239 ], [ -82.001415042631308, 28.741503811903339 ], [ -82.001502720318356, 28.741407913494033 ], [ -82.001620538742898, 28.741312015770013 ], [ -82.001782196494943, 28.741224339633138 ], [ -82.001955832301533, 28.741125570042115 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 503c", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013610882831131, 28.796951704071667 ], [ -82.013521536459677, 28.796914889130321 ], [ -82.012766750979424, 28.796910409562784 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Arteaga 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[ -81.9801885629564, 28.807543841237447 ], [ -81.979829977187137, 28.807481177289542 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 738c", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.135872540355862, 28.614337720501855 ], [ -82.135976204672204, 28.614120819348699 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rosensweig Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982927394996736, 28.771458746742613 ], [ -81.983277850411781, 28.77147615235284 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Atwood Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008362831875502, 28.952813859148343 ], [ -82.008767123352612, 28.952701721487308 ], [ -82.00891269908702, 28.952685893468679 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central Parkway", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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[ [ -81.956688674633455, 28.785371416950039 ], [ -81.957229029677023, 28.785383449662422 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jetta Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008616860020481, 28.893558725551582 ], [ -82.009266518207625, 28.893560632530722 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Churchill Downs", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021249405544538, 28.921552873466506 ], [ -82.02124332105933, 28.921487218829856 ], [ -82.021233200103993, 28.92144807156355 ], [ -82.021225104595771, 28.921424050978739 ], [ -82.021206895424783, 28.921397361148699 ], [ -82.021181608357409, 28.921378679375874 ], [ -82.021153290639091, 28.921369786169674 ], [ -82.021120929319935, 28.921367122124984 ], [ -82.02108755650417, 28.921373356670582 ], [ -82.021061266354053, 28.921395604079962 ], [ -82.021041045539974, 28.92142318854426 ], [ 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[ -82.129361840914513, 28.786456119341622 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hillsborough Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971568043862248, 28.848221394802678 ], [ -81.97173853793926, 28.84822040219176 ], [ -81.971908877719414, 28.848213948576728 ], [ -81.972078835655736, 28.848202043836221 ], [ -81.972248189324318, 28.848184703264788 ], [ -81.972416716300287, 28.848161947571935 ], [ -81.972584190056722, 28.848133809197449 ], [ -81.972750391240012, 28.848100325997439 ], [ -81.9729386081613, 28.84805921893971 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quentin Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993130451071906, 28.778289364310702 ], [ -81.993205791122136, 28.778261215042548 ], [ -81.993269125802357, 28.778247967766951 ], [ -81.993420013321796, 28.778242653480305 ], [ -81.99348231362498, 28.778243829567046 ], [ -81.993753107763382, 28.778243903060897 ], [ -81.994623195887385, 28.778267116353394 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 97th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.096025609204446, 28.613696494752766 ], [ -82.095682777610563, 28.61371737510617 ], [ -82.095053809612878, 28.613725416694844 ], [ -82.094248212455483, 28.613733578057055 ], [ -82.093873342001118, 28.61365400213414 ], [ -82.093563153751219, 28.613642810824945 ], [ -82.092977273422193, 28.613658416427416 ], [ -82.092653978594356, 28.613644421153666 ], [ -82.09235689841438, 28.613639828752277 ], [ -82.092193196015828, 28.613643740697785 ], [ -82.092068292760331, 28.613678038820112 ], [ -82.091960633936878, 28.613727530574039 ], [ -82.091896043585521, 28.613761787994139 ], [ -82.091809897302909, 28.613777051149238 ], [ -82.091719410146538, 28.613758104932565 ], [ -82.091508306541357, 28.613746841575921 ], [ -82.091193806894907, 28.613731845267591 ], [ -82.090108204943931, 28.613723543604557 ], [ -82.089925879718407, 28.613721915679371 ], [ -82.089743563873085, 28.613732527747239 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Carolina Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.074688193974552, 28.72254031200999 ], [ -82.071589284360442, 28.722542691105545 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quailey Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000807052730806, 28.850232071470398 ], [ -82.000907526673828, 28.850168137561695 ], [ -82.001222016018488, 28.849995999286726 ], [ -82.001588344282553, 28.849835482545164 ], [ -82.001848057584382, 28.849738126274708 ], [ -82.001892379715187, 28.849720179925448 ], [ -82.001946161158315, 28.849689770824288 ], [ -82.001993089935837, 28.849634059303842 ], [ -82.00202095107467, 28.8495794325272 ], [ -82.002028644980086, 28.84952935176274 ], [ -82.002032182121681, 28.849485073768523 ], [ -82.002013879183266, 28.849425107594847 ], [ -82.001993242746721, 28.849371250052211 ], [ -82.001789928679443, 28.849000911172432 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Upland Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999331020703792, 28.894062325910792 ], [ -81.99910824653351, 28.893675877352191 ], [ -81.999023816323003, 28.893509785772991 ], [ -81.998989193354674, 28.893410182369959 ], [ -81.998966484382137, 28.893311309023719 ], [ -81.998966184035666, 28.893306550290109 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Sr 44", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.207758295501691, 28.853913571136957 ], [ -82.207719152569652, 28.853725287047567 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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-82.001037326378963, 28.814286490304312 ], [ -82.001057119577979, 28.81420368701345 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vermont Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99415343214757, 28.647043376432002 ], [ -81.994145864678956, 28.646639460621891 ], [ -81.994128177725699, 28.646255624919228 ], [ -81.99415095118178, 28.646166363236951 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ellenton Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95736034424641, 28.870301572167982 ], [ -81.957369326899979, 28.870389000959683 ], [ -81.957382029443565, 28.87045174392081 ], [ -81.957395697640976, 28.870506947542921 ], [ -81.957427790865566, 28.870596282101722 ], [ -81.957463554842718, 28.870673341080451 ], [ -81.957534383628484, 28.870792941187663 ], [ -81.957615834774373, 28.870894105145744 ], [ -81.957672293547745, 28.870945302472666 ], [ -81.957748683315501, 28.871008203501432 ], [ -81.957833382190245, 28.87106671919625 ], [ -81.958011093265966, 28.87116181984582 ], [ -81.958363189403514, 28.871363719569192 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Suffolk Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02102732929383, 28.921530742515714 ], [ -82.021020061540185, 28.921631732202687 ], [ -82.021023725269529, 28.92173752675717 ], [ -82.02103831859759, 28.921817674590301 ], [ -82.021065661709699, 28.921886595916838 ], [ -82.021093003197763, 28.921952315891144 ], [ -82.021138570000758, 28.922032458079709 ], [ -82.021173836805261, 28.922075468741344 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Hammock Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987718385956626, 28.92009264431006 ], [ -81.987726925726662, 28.921454881708001 ], [ -81.987724064500554, 28.921724490288412 ], [ -81.987821857819071, 28.922161990270187 ], [ -81.987827004013837, 28.922376450312594 ], [ -81.987793547692576, 28.922587501538668 ], [ -81.987657328012205, 28.923072788927655 ], [ -81.987584524289133, 28.923401575226851 ], [ -81.987666717645709, 28.92450066332195 ], [ -81.987727777484977, 28.924639222833342 ], [ -81.987896868109985, 28.924841192028136 ], [ -81.9878968679417, 28.924979752190705 ], [ -81.987779440717503, 28.925501113222776 ], [ -81.9878240627732, 28.925707780049549 ], [ -81.987934439655589, 28.925902703153923 ], [ -81.987960273433146, 28.926104672667247 ], [ -81.98791147091147, 28.926684334548952 ], [ -81.987814663950545, 28.926900805362926 ], [ -81.987581440603577, 28.927153528472974 ], [ -81.987530494980689, 28.927375197864286 ], [ -81.987537700075876, 28.927666463142433 ], [ -81.987610341779884, 28.927882469554376 ], [ -81.987637104218066, 28.928087943672374 ], [ -81.987589388796707, 28.928294707435612 ], [ -81.987575111565206, 28.928556481844694 ], [ -81.987577458338862, 28.928914999197588 ], [ -81.987609039532799, 28.929178578850845 ], [ -81.987690428808648, 28.929313290988521 ], [ -81.987792397630727, 28.929450811107142 ], [ -81.987827959827115, 28.929563125770205 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019879640308432, 28.791063127016319 ], [ -82.019959833282883, 28.791074553397102 ], [ -82.020095690711997, 28.791087401058455 ], [ -82.020188920118102, 28.791105390674282 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964753000909468, 28.872837078593999 ], [ -81.964964245393602, 28.872700770700781 ], [ -81.965140736351515, 28.872604881125241 ], [ -81.965208215650009, 28.872575966298225 ], [ -81.965254930144908, 28.872566841682975 ], [ -81.96529644947077, 28.872563807154048 ], [ -81.965372572840437, 28.872557736273709 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -82.036179893855859, 28.874328547408009 ], [ -82.036134994179193, 28.874511595727856 ], [ -82.035916081122934, 28.875320475824598 ], [ -82.03568594153009, 28.876183771709496 ], [ -82.033687351699029, 28.883675490413008 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrineau Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977421945319179, 28.853500204478927 ], [ -81.97745058095073, 28.853501354327101 ], [ -81.977479868150027, 28.85349906739755 ], [ -81.977516556852208, 28.853489083234393 ], [ -81.977650522303719, 28.853437340389625 ], [ -81.977770140553091, 28.85338766582219 ], [ -81.977886217258771, 28.853335009346605 ], [ -81.978001640411733, 28.853275438296862 ], [ -81.978110123923585, 28.853210520756527 ], [ -81.978218608594645, 28.853139490911378 ], [ -81.97831320623726, 28.853070750586223 ], [ -81.978413883664899, 28.8529913161473 ], [ -81.978503280111255, 28.852905768507163 ], [ -81.978599620758743, 28.852807233228923 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[ -81.954435002661228, 28.552357390256745 ], [ -81.95484697355424, 28.552185739137879 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 455", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120464973664554, 28.790731160255785 ], [ -82.12046009701524, 28.790805471706772 ], [ -82.120432906888638, 28.790892916211032 ], [ -82.12039080323423, 28.790956334540848 ], [ -82.120321413338957, 28.791024145996875 ], [ -82.120271843580369, 28.791067901414898 ], [ -82.120204921448959, 28.791122598242044 ], [ -82.120142941413533, 28.791161991983685 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023691696529951, 28.883671043565993 ], [ -82.02320439490039, 28.883670316716351 ], [ -82.022822368556689, 28.883668160511824 ], [ -82.022628200228809, 28.883659315510712 ], [ -82.022489508898531, 28.883642691527143 ], [ -82.022394943863119, 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-82.01513733719095, 28.940942233538358 ], [ -82.015139038098539, 28.94103799105919 ], [ -82.01513357870185, 28.941558783725299 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zipperer Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034785985226861, 28.791401417729968 ], [ -82.034852954293541, 28.791406377123664 ], [ -82.035111719861263, 28.791445862746098 ], [ -82.035237347996457, 28.791465115018731 ], [ -82.035321862991651, 28.791475231839811 ], [ -82.035399851165963, 28.791479148681031 ], [ -82.035513081463691, 28.791471317331471 ], [ -82.035595638937906, 28.791456633503323 ], [ -82.035684721377166, 28.791433466195855 ], [ -82.035828298369751, 28.791379952550095 ], [ -82.036002223282921, 28.791312080457768 ], [ -82.036338324195981, 28.791183517495799 ], [ -82.036451554484515, 28.791146971045901 ], [ -82.036562826308568, 28.791122498872909 ], [ -82.03664505683669, 28.791108466862422 ], [ -82.036735584158961, 28.791097521213402 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[ -82.045508459049728, 28.883584505750665 ], [ -82.045139531037208, 28.883578738786973 ], [ -82.045040380740289, 28.883570667934876 ], [ -82.044932008878177, 28.883531468862738 ], [ -82.044843235072733, 28.883476130138064 ], [ -82.044765624242828, 28.883397921593907 ], [ -82.044687118317725, 28.883287737562888 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 30th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.154998289927363, 28.581208768218708 ], [ -82.154992248140516, 28.580677633149079 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990406653004214, 28.825804951468637 ], [ -81.992106828878107, 28.826987294000393 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Flint Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999221291651423, 28.789837997302538 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28.822502857888022 ], [ -82.043954627576653, 28.822528555601739 ], [ -82.043901328014741, 28.822573288376311 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012606875615489, 28.799658446689921 ], [ -82.012004419181793, 28.799657568662649 ], [ -82.011412260632284, 28.799654951990991 ], [ -82.011067180057935, 28.799615808393028 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oakcrest Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999100064696165, 28.873063309933638 ], [ -81.999124688633657, 28.873058053307879 ], [ -81.99916550514304, 28.87304164523659 ], [ -81.999179063170146, 28.873034205848491 ], [ -81.999200629346504, 28.873018901141982 ], [ -81.999260897263952, 28.872982629882941 ], [ -81.999282785243196, 28.872972463780133 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 200", 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[ -82.002958620059204, 28.842269363596262 ], [ -82.002989128978029, 28.842302956873858 ], [ -82.00302146445668, 28.842350860700975 ], [ -82.003038007470977, 28.842382332882043 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 772", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026723160323286, 28.563627459547948 ], [ -82.026604796571007, 28.56366295875608 ], [ -82.025767529356983, 28.563922727651008 ], [ -82.024606312412516, 28.564272753433077 ], [ -82.022849523398833, 28.564814276645226 ], [ -82.021673334028478, 28.56517087948545 ], [ -82.021197708254022, 28.565323236271393 ], [ -82.020098161643404, 28.565654378559401 ], [ -82.019252835070077, 28.565914158870463 ], [ -82.018960575504124, 28.566002385483024 ], [ -82.018755253230552, 28.566057937763027 ], [ -82.018555476332736, 28.566093891837696 ], [ -82.018372345587821, 28.566113512793827 ], [ -82.018200312445671, 28.566124965843834 ], [ -82.017957982380366, 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[ -81.972083700599995, 28.826445816264947 ], [ -81.972105033994907, 28.826490119557452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Camino Del Rey Drive", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960938218325552, 28.931063969643589 ], [ -81.960999746112151, 28.931104434733953 ], [ -81.961075037829431, 28.931143682086976 ], [ -81.961138524571737, 28.931168219471257 ], [ -81.961227749784058, 28.931221937271463 ], [ -81.961352020880582, 28.931306553382729 ], [ -81.961651497580291, 28.931538999279404 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Wall Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.113323949090216, 28.668589180619676 ], [ -82.113311311640189, 28.669492192239403 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 437", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.123697755168678, 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28.554063308623103 ], [ -82.062838189292293, 28.553028311614181 ], [ -82.062818516760345, 28.551823103240199 ], [ -82.06281679489858, 28.55147526395222 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bevis Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016638677598948, 28.745676494843625 ], [ -82.016700296504553, 28.745596052777447 ], [ -82.016826956119701, 28.745424796853932 ], [ -82.016967886487564, 28.745283867091029 ], [ -82.017067786678126, 28.745198239156728 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hillstream Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987349954353618, 28.862467249663823 ], [ -81.988223376974346, 28.862462332803773 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dagenais Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003044223397822, 28.790673430481643 ], [ -82.002962918948384, 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[ -82.035943008496858, 28.798981450712887 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 52nd Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.190828598243129, 28.645106767731242 ], [ -82.190809532543511, 28.644964573071135 ], [ -82.190806138134846, 28.644573471921291 ], [ -82.190807090468823, 28.643643690951563 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dalton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007835355873425, 28.959021237695538 ], [ -82.007792335210908, 28.95903614499041 ], [ -82.007736857018202, 28.959043028868507 ], [ -82.007661243976244, 28.959053350627759 ], [ -82.007567380801177, 28.959068261458512 ], [ -82.007437737399272, 28.959090054050399 ], [ -82.007340540007803, 28.959107256715093 ], [ -82.007264705398001, 28.959119416230063 ], [ -82.007202217147139, 28.959130411080082 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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[ -82.04761215638618, 28.921065013171873 ], [ -82.047465635209264, 28.921079389141795 ], [ -82.047351968631389, 28.921081512093508 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mayflower Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969177671913414, 28.85390160940268 ], [ -81.969136507848546, 28.853982633272363 ], [ -81.96910720020476, 28.854052337731751 ], [ -81.969084402998106, 28.854114402963003 ], [ -81.969070284960026, 28.85416883127407 ], [ -81.969053995048753, 28.854233764622247 ], [ -81.96903769540252, 28.854331163809736 ], [ -81.969031158161954, 28.85442474759348 ], [ -81.969031571801196, 28.854498087055667 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 205a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043394757857612, 28.887807348291904 ], [ -82.043418153569576, 28.887854098057769 ], [ -82.043428790182617, 28.887878408059137 ], [ 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[ -82.016288431775067, 28.812261305737419 ], [ -82.016265874762155, 28.812250536542837 ], [ -82.016254067379222, 28.812243587397919 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.210985910909912, 28.588583408027411 ], [ -82.211077723792471, 28.588587623175801 ], [ -82.211155989558051, 28.588584499771596 ], [ -82.211207017957634, 28.588575408970815 ], [ -82.21128863899014, 28.588548248237686 ], [ -82.211383751037474, 28.588460994064079 ], [ -82.211611245471317, 28.58820532519697 ], [ -82.212375272739749, 28.587375111888207 ], [ -82.212456748667762, 28.587294653895786 ], [ -82.212481976231601, 28.587256515891667 ], [ -82.212502738942533, 28.587219697755373 ], [ -82.212513074819896, 28.587177642454549 ], [ -82.212512929618228, 28.587105385001831 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kirkwood Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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[ -81.978545370244674, 28.780350367797983 ], [ -81.979070165779305, 28.779874207737919 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bailey Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994709382956685, 28.888287569423671 ], [ -81.994693556774905, 28.888164625785585 ], [ -81.994648871348588, 28.887867919478222 ], [ -81.994599526914854, 28.887563017351788 ], [ -81.994559252033795, 28.88731283922036 ], [ -81.994509223993546, 28.886995013350667 ], [ -81.994503640115994, 28.886930262193545 ], [ -81.994498059766812, 28.886821252269641 ], [ -81.994510181986257, 28.886513893861999 ], [ -81.994533131339509, 28.886411453877727 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saginaw Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012266267009963, 28.85155875299818 ], [ -82.012366187184725, 28.851488217475985 ], [ -82.012402637692176, 28.851457112745138 ], [ 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[ -81.955866123090672, 28.912107709132631 ], [ -81.955750126151671, 28.912116741722766 ], [ -81.955578210151799, 28.9121176648108 ], [ -81.955023242051226, 28.912102894295998 ], [ -81.954899504953943, 28.912125532007668 ], [ -81.954665328165106, 28.91209776519776 ], [ -81.954494845585415, 28.912064160076358 ], [ -81.95435307411968, 28.912068646871464 ], [ -81.954244802252148, 28.912098094368243 ], [ -81.954115588446228, 28.912126454568767 ], [ -81.95370223114287, 28.912164436462142 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 478", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.089731204403293, 28.616040721607778 ], [ -82.089533408275031, 28.616002627115343 ], [ -82.089279101348225, 28.615952934434066 ], [ -82.088672798125543, 28.615835079599332 ], [ -82.088518967569556, 28.615808787521249 ], [ -82.088275402604879, 28.615763705086124 ], [ -82.088108756171138, 28.615737421707948 ], [ -82.087937841614931, 28.615714911744931 ], 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-81.997820264748015, 28.943993025790363 ], [ -81.997761038233165, 28.944045118644208 ], [ -81.997688653495644, 28.944108788554182 ], [ -81.997605574340724, 28.94418801105023 ], [ -81.997562448637709, 28.944234921349516 ], [ -81.997553018108547, 28.944249227928388 ], [ -81.997544951826129, 28.944265699134906 ], [ -81.99753989415494, 28.944283853177009 ], [ -81.99753729940015, 28.94430268849873 ], [ -81.997530733459854, 28.944408049157381 ], [ -81.997527450975213, 28.944480184733642 ], [ -81.997514326760324, 28.944560016675904 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 463", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120749179867744, 28.780988134821403 ], [ -82.122486640335879, 28.780971254538464 ], [ -82.124199852940748, 28.780965238799986 ], [ -82.124812493026212, 28.780962386016387 ], [ -82.126239380028437, 28.780953047283823 ], [ -82.126385049006345, 28.780943744474161 ], [ -82.126469897752145, 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-81.972881305166553, 28.797745597769111 ], [ -81.972903845467883, 28.797627268500413 ], [ -81.972948923615988, 28.797548382956531 ], [ -81.973061618024204, 28.797503305290803 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Declerk Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022440643686281, 28.815856404408681 ], [ -82.022446357697319, 28.815740309555629 ], [ -82.022446575796224, 28.815315745492477 ], [ -82.022444465821991, 28.815191678171011 ], [ -82.022437109212063, 28.814779787335851 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marnie Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964353534036093, 28.780972055990318 ], [ -81.964765246792126, 28.780856228637866 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 576", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.068225317083318, 28.791058213991729 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-82.178742900654171, 28.577294732179077 ], [ -82.178761880417284, 28.577141862947528 ], [ -82.178775495918956, 28.577066635669155 ], [ -82.178772636512591, 28.577001133794948 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pinellas Place", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000088188876902, 28.861125449945163 ], [ -82.000054850557291, 28.861094322999779 ], [ -81.999999310210157, 28.861068348095475 ], [ -81.999909056799908, 28.861023274243795 ], [ -81.999838763855067, 28.860989660550455 ], [ -81.99976847091834, 28.860962157226229 ], [ -81.999594907516311, 28.860903332685098 ], [ -81.999461943548027, 28.860861005869236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 118th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996226541070882, 28.929465755820466 ], [ -81.996236011131771, 28.929485741036238 ], [ -81.996253862625352, 28.929536372954857 ], [ -81.996273407847113, 28.929603860697785 ], [ -81.996282518042975, 28.929646888715887 ], [ -81.996461825952949, 28.930537063040248 ], [ -81.996345910174213, 28.930554825080993 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Moses Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971325639454761, 28.904016056006984 ], [ -81.97136794112906, 28.904094406228314 ], [ -81.971487240362265, 28.904261683544895 ], [ -81.971577822554934, 28.904380337011204 ], [ -81.971633063588854, 28.904430914435334 ], [ -81.971688308498202, 28.904460097437074 ], [ -81.97175018899712, 28.904473723482649 ], [ -81.971798812691446, 28.904473733730942 ], [ -81.971851859067712, 28.904462075464583 ], [ -81.971913749652686, 28.904438750508021 ], [ -81.972099429161872, 28.90433571525028 ], [ -81.972369099162762, 28.904209360042604 ], [ -81.972665294120006, 28.904077174545098 ], [ -81.972867638458524, 28.903992183985693 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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-82.055522728970047, 28.74584729333283 ], [ -82.05541227731706, 28.745640376639631 ], [ -82.055310305472858, 28.74542348306143 ], [ -82.05519984056231, 28.745191631394558 ], [ -82.055137516662171, 28.745044539879306 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Grand Oaks Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026663057581104, 28.912609693708792 ], [ -82.026680766160936, 28.912620330861952 ], [ -82.026700275123261, 28.912628158656752 ], [ -82.02672101432151, 28.912632948326948 ], [ -82.026742377655339, 28.912634559895015 ], [ -82.026763740783963, 28.912632946263077 ], [ -82.026784479372552, 28.912628154589363 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "El Camino Real", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991988536100976, 28.951515111321449 ], [ -81.990090038953511, 28.950754237966244 ], [ -81.989800734916741, 28.950646357725066 ], [ -81.989645256782836, 28.950596879261685 ], [ -81.989388608516336, 28.950539589515898 ], [ -81.989132493004476, 28.95050081707182 ], [ -81.988871146539552, 28.950483336899918 ], [ -81.988662730641522, 28.950471680548542 ], [ -81.988437771208723, 28.950483299771861 ], [ -81.988176420475483, 28.950503644154086 ], [ -81.987954767213537, 28.950541451902644 ], [ -81.987782734187022, 28.950582171956007 ], [ -81.987617316786753, 28.950622893309337 ], [ -81.987458517737508, 28.950666524075743 ], [ -81.98729310023235, 28.95073052236933 ], [ -81.987040233104864, 28.950834449211964 ], [ -81.986882855463961, 28.950916705670661 ], [ -81.986667804390962, 28.951047622204698 ], [ -81.986422972653557, 28.95121927294695 ], [ -81.986186209104133, 28.951424499277412 ], [ -81.985728162502241, 28.951806965933635 ], [ -81.9855304177525, 28.95198774135304 ], [ -81.985119369128128, 28.952319012247276 ], [ -81.98493077721821, 28.952458658611704 ], [ -81.984725643247188, 28.952586662338479 ], [ -81.984570142425909, 28.952676847432169 ], [ -81.984386609412866, 28.952765520424446 ], [ -81.984166505824263, 28.952845563806708 ], [ -81.98394814750921, 28.952915370534612 ], [ -81.983736408160325, 28.952970630963552 ], [ -81.983650451968828, 28.952987564572734 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Devonshire Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96151777502584, 28.880904429719713 ], [ -81.961784258952321, 28.880890280168675 ], [ -81.961842094950171, 28.880890913797501 ], [ -81.961920092492448, 28.880904225046766 ], [ -81.962019937910483, 28.880927736638487 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kelley Margaret Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990120607355081, 28.74892121263106 ], [ -81.989933472877823, 28.748726281634763 ], [ -81.989840121068042, 28.748579586681373 ], [ -81.989788999260966, 28.748403995300773 ], [ -81.989747520364361, 28.74826152439184 ], [ -81.989677865281166, 28.748141721251105 ], [ -81.989048848616505, 28.747234875593673 ], [ -81.988944382639261, 28.747132632915434 ], [ -81.988673215941702, 28.746914812040689 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969221102567786, 28.886212824992512 ], [ -81.96922079416629, 28.886212181581129 ], [ -81.969177030936621, 28.886120772049082 ], [ -81.969063021585811, 28.885936420137142 ], [ -81.968968165047684, 28.885802479604148 ], [ -81.968775736475095, 28.885563126652222 ], [ -81.968613234553359, 28.885409277061022 ], [ -81.968366798357735, 28.885185831059662 ], [ -81.968073919195419, 28.884931748549782 ], [ -81.967779958104217, 28.884676709598143 ], [ -81.967645685544781, 28.884560755032275 ], [ -81.967644694434199, 28.884559899411663 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 75th Boulevard", 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[ -81.993432395732214, 28.647964987087054 ], [ -81.993437512301711, 28.647061194841772 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Balboa Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954223958342382, 28.925953836068583 ], [ -81.954245449556709, 28.925952799445209 ], [ -81.954276320021634, 28.925951777745759 ], [ -81.954307191055946, 28.92595178916778 ], [ -81.954338059585226, 28.925952830101025 ], [ -81.954368733819123, 28.925954903187165 ], [ -81.954399405699576, 28.925957665619297 ], [ -81.954429884162181, 28.925961800370157 ], [ -81.954460165557023, 28.925966280626419 ], [ -81.954502950478897, 28.925974888608 ], [ -81.954532841090824, 28.925981774235161 ], [ -81.954562340494988, 28.925989690144629 ], [ -81.954591447665379, 28.925998639043176 ], [ -81.95461059218357, 28.926004833465495 ], [ -81.954639114159249, 28.926015156351738 ], [ -81.954667048010975, 28.926026510356923 ], [ -81.954711977282116, 28.926045090264324 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-82.10015332593305, 28.754328110610647 ], [ -82.099926913038743, 28.754333871071847 ], [ -82.099614087892547, 28.754348961996175 ], [ -82.099314857184979, 28.754372501516194 ], [ -82.099056329228972, 28.754383454177741 ], [ -82.098800890473115, 28.754383516753887 ], [ -82.098599581152257, 28.754376098319501 ], [ -82.098399043764076, 28.754359741581318 ], [ -82.098199672188557, 28.754335132922023 ], [ -82.09800184910263, 28.754301927386557 ], [ -82.097806166070285, 28.754259783481526 ], [ -82.09766409966646, 28.754223485822056 ], [ -82.097581060559421, 28.754202207268172 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kelvington Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011912371815583, 28.850750548060397 ], [ -82.011914475403415, 28.850746158168302 ], [ -82.011918117017302, 28.850738926787571 ], [ -82.011940704773934, 28.850697112060637 ], [ -82.011952094892081, 28.850675373664092 ], [ -82.011964384570433, 28.850651141218432 ], [ -82.011973459849287, 28.850632686503797 ], [ -82.011985385599331, 28.850607660057491 ], [ -82.01199549560414, 28.850585685360119 ], [ -82.012003595225565, 28.850567537508965 ], [ -82.012014876189724, 28.850541379622587 ], [ -82.012025295340251, 28.850516219757676 ], [ -82.012032982829879, 28.850496972930895 ], [ -82.012044531854826, 28.850466848483336 ], [ -82.01205161978173, 28.850447558395125 ], [ -82.012063436914246, 28.850413858085616 ], [ -82.012068533962179, 28.850398655609105 ], [ -82.012075606221856, 28.850376808386358 ], [ -82.012081770667621, 28.85035698511156 ], [ -82.012087373603649, 28.85033825908766 ], [ -82.012094099265667, 28.850314773305836 ], [ -82.01210029309982, 28.850292034677718 ], [ -82.012106456062085, 28.850268195238886 ], [ -82.01211223062063, 28.850244581408969 ], [ -82.01211643466668, 28.850226483506766 ], [ -82.012122823512485, 28.850197236529507 ], [ -82.012129527541489, 28.850163764027251 ], [ -82.012133680863954, 28.850141215054322 ], [ -82.012137001332647, 28.850121942424053 ], [ -82.012139872052686, 28.850104189314717 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lakeshore Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972186434859637, 28.909421044502832 ], [ -81.97220372486855, 28.909505340759182 ], [ -81.972208321135568, 28.909584556245616 ], [ -81.972200215077422, 28.909679002588213 ], [ -81.972190967552493, 28.909735872499358 ], [ -81.972167856348548, 28.909836408035023 ], [ -81.972147042706752, 28.909976552209159 ], [ -81.972135471791361, 28.910085216229685 ], [ -81.972129679634662, 28.910162397574876 ], [ -81.972128505050762, 28.910243643829361 ], [ -81.972138866630857, 28.910341140159453 ], [ -81.972157308551346, 28.910428482807134 ], [ -81.97218960275157, 28.910514813244529 ], [ -81.972228825187486, 28.910593019017362 ], [ -81.972287666285894, 28.910677323861361 ], [ -81.972339589858976, 28.910734206423001 ], [ 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28.910273453355106 ], [ -81.973925591148898, 28.910211507902343 ], [ -81.973929079838015, 28.910114013503211 ], [ -81.97392447787351, 28.910052062645487 ], [ -81.973910646533184, 28.909978938639114 ], [ -81.973891047282393, 28.909888548939119 ], [ -81.973878364212979, 28.909840814909938 ], [ -81.973874915409326, 28.909784959294889 ], [ -81.973879541805644, 28.909746368920008 ], [ -81.973889943073246, 28.909693560359962 ], [ -81.973914196453464, 28.909631616026918 ], [ -81.973937291030438, 28.909585920042954 ], [ -81.973986938722049, 28.909519917591606 ], [ -81.974048126558046, 28.909458994589805 ], [ -81.974116577000487, 28.909408660527738 ], [ -81.974186921559181, 28.90936583030501 ], [ -81.974295136268125, 28.90932618070671 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Callaway Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009017863688342, 28.91780258640734 ], [ -82.00918103457542, 28.917781705033335 ], [ 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28.879173511292965 ], [ -81.966328602132222, 28.879173803604267 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jonesbury Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955214305650486, 28.878106505539378 ], [ -81.955161852188795, 28.878072746458869 ], [ -81.955075918207555, 28.877997050704675 ], [ -81.954982820296692, 28.87791504720817 ], [ -81.954892117623203, 28.877820433878743 ], [ -81.954815737133458, 28.877740538241618 ], [ -81.954774045443813, 28.877682027071412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037090321849007, 28.892654955197134 ], [ -82.037089291127586, 28.892578136391766 ], [ -82.037080375756673, 28.891828770787637 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Caruthers Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014542525646988, 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964134406326295, 28.785948928161336 ], [ -81.964560220291858, 28.785832691131464 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spanish Harbor Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01041229787505, 28.86900220692668 ], [ -82.008205976788744, 28.868998013865149 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Thome Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985581434852321, 28.798546758024255 ], [ -81.985765332631559, 28.798533225876863 ], [ -81.985862787416039, 28.798508492085453 ], [ -81.986060670084129, 28.798417713112084 ], [ -81.98616189451036, 28.798384367823623 ], [ -81.986304800315992, 28.79839746787075 ], [ -81.986431032460516, 28.798487973686242 ], [ -81.986532798853275, 28.798655409010582 ], [ -81.986672291255914, 28.798822118950756 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Munz Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" 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-81.959289657687776, 28.898424356765172 ], [ -81.959298371135091, 28.898458141491815 ], [ -81.959316676163041, 28.898501142503562 ], [ -81.959331671102589, 28.898523967098733 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 2nd Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053342514535657, 28.611395102463263 ], [ -82.052928782456675, 28.611393349945988 ], [ -82.051969184065882, 28.611387980749594 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbin Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990142058627697, 28.783490844816086 ], [ -81.990357953790863, 28.783949583898437 ], [ -81.990540338568763, 28.784281823831915 ], [ -81.990649968519534, 28.784520534406283 ], [ -81.990690637447003, 28.784778693988155 ], [ -81.990689434797403, 28.784947073032548 ], [ -81.990704453907469, 28.785283389288598 ], [ -81.990703733617622, 28.785419276909447 ] ] ] } }, { 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-82.01019677367124, 28.752409270770336 ], [ -82.010290710254139, 28.752436369026483 ], [ -82.010390970083506, 28.752468886099845 ], [ -82.010492132565602, 28.752506823263715 ], [ -82.010618356295524, 28.752542492827711 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Goodman Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983950443033336, 28.799229859586767 ], [ -81.983971626028151, 28.799033930335973 ], [ -81.984114602807779, 28.798652664297123 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bliss Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04174639610774, 28.929373770614802 ], [ -82.041747207403972, 28.9299717670036 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lowery Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137358086487296, 28.66860366384477 ], [ -82.137352936100839, 28.668211036328909 ], [ 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[ -81.999145885184163, 28.78321864335491 ], [ -81.999129497444258, 28.78315172666138 ], [ -81.999117207910174, 28.783061593433555 ], [ -81.999117859808322, 28.782937434005117 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037115537291058, 28.916460943420027 ], [ -82.037115086897202, 28.91640207230828 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Broaderick Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964451580980977, 28.786595175811094 ], [ -81.96451310280753, 28.78655901465909 ], [ -81.964614834300178, 28.786514995876342 ], [ -81.96481479569205, 28.786458527336123 ], [ -81.964989770853265, 28.786415491070425 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shellbark Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97106513510623, 28.88771340926592 ], [ 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28.590686578786286 ], [ -82.198969374468277, 28.590682486954375 ], [ -82.199185540131467, 28.59070506074578 ], [ -82.199354122943262, 28.590708629244723 ], [ -82.199548660031738, 28.590723604812453 ], [ -82.199846902039269, 28.590719353413679 ], [ -82.200119222721852, 28.59072276783273 ], [ -82.200439075932053, 28.590718482480252 ], [ -82.200806417097027, 28.590683605595281 ], [ -82.201212711894996, 28.590675375869516 ], [ -82.201692517373402, 28.59068229649613 ], [ -82.20211179299163, 28.590681675052988 ], [ -82.202442712630102, 28.590672480575286 ], [ -82.202814515708411, 28.590681966950232 ], [ -82.203139568161291, 28.5906845334023 ], [ -82.203551063750112, 28.590683919112678 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 110", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036914539905183, 28.912761302566299 ], [ -82.036085891080759, 28.912772190586331 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lastinger 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-81.995435033833829, 28.788685603347972 ], [ -81.995563525652159, 28.788624213393376 ], [ -81.995775536419757, 28.788541408703228 ], [ -81.99603823184475, 28.78846003268368 ], [ -81.996226685278629, 28.788414346870905 ], [ -81.996389889533361, 28.788388156401236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mabel Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036302350340165, 28.824245719518622 ], [ -82.036332868305806, 28.824197192525016 ], [ -82.036380396375094, 28.824135157982212 ], [ -82.036487311075845, 28.824010636355151 ], [ -82.036580258951588, 28.823894819315203 ], [ -82.036633562216537, 28.82384091836413 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Iron Oak Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970419510601985, 28.834303195865669 ], [ -81.970346278304163, 28.834377432434785 ], [ -81.970273778625767, 28.834433661766877 ], [ -81.970205967108811, 28.834475155607453 ], [ -81.970113985025534, 28.834518115700433 ], [ -81.969992619506755, 28.834555743746321 ], [ -81.969863579826992, 28.83458610638241 ], [ -81.969665430122689, 28.834632726423525 ], [ -81.969429204036416, 28.834688308255416 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fillmore Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987124996026324, 28.866024684324774 ], [ -81.98745789669978, 28.866024716083079 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Birmingham Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991294854116688, 28.882815702068065 ], [ -81.991363998663473, 28.882870570139875 ], [ -81.991499585170374, 28.882960785611473 ], [ -81.991619335433128, 28.883029925789288 ], [ -81.991733937514283, 28.883084333661913 ], [ -81.991862703634709, 28.883128541791134 ], [ -81.992053520306229, 28.883180460100462 ], [ -81.992229219771374, 28.883243411495283 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Milray Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031376080613285, 28.865474946329289 ], [ -82.031379046965455, 28.866312605260962 ], [ -82.031375718253841, 28.866910112119488 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Richmond Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01509512065104, 28.958052765138731 ], [ -82.015173481129963, 28.958052755700962 ], [ -82.015313880578944, 28.958052740293713 ], [ -82.015437951751494, 28.958055597647089 ], [ -82.015549647858037, 28.958056302503614 ], [ -82.015814328573271, 28.958057515953001 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Greyville Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025211631157504, 28.921903212812015 ], [ -82.025353333687292, 28.921328395384293 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrera Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967856489018118, 28.927624079119621 ], [ -81.967871340459524, 28.927609987927369 ], [ -81.967886000210683, 28.927595552912937 ], [ -81.967900072270979, 28.927581116853702 ], [ -81.967914144433408, 28.927566339725328 ], [ -81.967927825933899, 28.927551216020429 ], [ -81.967941115638908, 28.927536093122622 ], [ -81.967954212628115, 28.927520626402806 ], [ -81.967976688854719, 28.927492442266587 ], [ -81.967999363015934, 28.927464258173821 ], [ -81.968012457936538, 28.927448790545345 ], [ -81.968025748641892, 28.927433667639153 ], [ -81.968039429082651, 28.927418545726951 ], [ -81.968053307359938, 28.927403766732784 ], [ -81.968067574240436, 28.927389332506664 ], [ -81.968082038038489, 28.927374896521336 ], [ -81.968096890439966, 28.927360804401559 ], [ -81.968111939758046, 28.927346713229319 ], [ -81.96812737767921, 28.927332966824686 ], [ 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[ -81.990351683989402, 28.761175320143465 ], [ -81.990513548585611, 28.761175320914095 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rio Grande Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02322796572264, 28.865499143558967 ], [ -82.023223347165711, 28.86635999416778 ], [ -82.023223362844988, 28.86643187797003 ], [ -82.023208063775883, 28.866481299686082 ], [ -82.023182558370451, 28.866539710949301 ], [ -82.023151951163356, 28.866616091527739 ], [ -82.023100935220683, 28.866719431809681 ], [ -82.023060124565646, 28.86680929176844 ], [ -82.023044829148333, 28.866885670677384 ], [ -82.023044839843919, 28.866935091633763 ], [ -82.023044850538952, 28.866984509882876 ], [ -82.023060176132589, 28.867047405097281 ], [ -82.023095917340058, 28.867114790383969 ], [ -82.023226269286951, 28.867284560453356 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Motorcoach Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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-81.987375964350804, 28.754225568829902 ], [ -81.987324342090474, 28.754154772540339 ], [ -81.987262395360716, 28.754085451442517 ], [ -81.987157674229749, 28.753971881925143 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 571a", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984455467064834, 28.668071558738465 ], [ -81.984490708217976, 28.668047735826978 ], [ -81.984519666065651, 28.667964103707998 ], [ -81.984530694934605, 28.66786050807962 ], [ -81.984539895523866, 28.667296184334052 ], [ -81.984543810941659, 28.666988771459888 ], [ -81.984539981359617, 28.666710659154166 ], [ -81.984542604706789, 28.666430427101592 ], [ -81.984545229040748, 28.666143363468752 ], [ -81.984544681594002, 28.665487780015589 ], [ -81.984531840858068, 28.664972312187327 ], [ -81.984514458514084, 28.664605501504514 ], [ -81.984515770800513, 28.664468235007046 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cruz Court", "maxspeed": "5 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[ [ -82.041279661687454, 28.863159534573199 ], [ -82.04160416632557, 28.862500103393465 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hickey Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996135538143363, 28.791398357877426 ], [ -81.996058114427683, 28.791446457914084 ], [ -81.996028954861586, 28.791465686241086 ], [ -81.99600111759608, 28.791486378155053 ], [ -81.995658215504463, 28.791756734729155 ], [ -81.995656937128473, 28.791757731743495 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 624", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.244357820527512, 28.697896487956353 ], [ -82.24388823522014, 28.697896834840776 ], [ -82.243653865790151, 28.697897255503346 ], [ -82.243199784875642, 28.697739110288932 ], [ -82.242872217306967, 28.697718501724395 ], [ -82.242573376667863, 28.697712800718008 ], [ -82.242253163496372, 28.697685166449268 ], [ -82.242153959025288, 28.697664148633326 ], [ -82.242048719952948, 28.697632543685209 ], [ -82.241979537447932, 28.697600875322895 ], [ -82.241904317345046, 28.69755597063644 ], [ -82.241281281473135, 28.697096096941259 ], [ -82.240760599226306, 28.696718167720842 ], [ -82.240429506306057, 28.696467068478917 ], [ -82.240344185788885, 28.696384405823572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Freddie Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995122035214052, 28.748459626997864 ], [ -81.995731628601419, 28.748268379195977 ], [ -81.995854372913215, 28.748255054010031 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Baltic Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015021367185611, 28.75049919560999 ], [ -82.015296998136577, 28.749999606597967 ], [ -82.016064326341706, 28.750321074896593 ], [ -82.015789662409674, 28.750839603208558 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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28.794259219515389 ], [ -81.998813901127406, 28.794281320440316 ], [ -81.999031937458511, 28.794291379571039 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Florida Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.110407209130813, 28.656308026282996 ], [ -82.110477403536066, 28.656297835381739 ], [ -82.110521584551108, 28.656272984527938 ], [ -82.110561746262945, 28.656248137817116 ], [ -82.110593856379566, 28.656210890521226 ], [ -82.110609899021, 28.656178973692249 ], [ -82.110621915773365, 28.656141743570036 ], [ -82.110625893310612, 28.656100973787574 ], [ -82.110631834324025, 28.656017665473843 ], [ -82.11063711791104, 28.655308688997003 ], [ -82.110638850986788, 28.65504459597453 ], [ -82.110642343800606, 28.654544767542401 ], [ -82.110644131434469, 28.654433128370091 ], [ -82.110646116725007, 28.654309031405624 ], [ -82.110637955774251, 28.654190285384292 ], [ -82.110625816356517, 28.654112308253442 ], [ -82.11060366395229, 28.654066243074887 ], [ -82.110569471071713, 28.654032594744109 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039829360751725, 28.798705206873471 ], [ -82.03982823898852, 28.798677729085533 ], [ -82.039805339741804, 28.798526237489067 ], [ -82.039759539749227, 28.798385314961607 ], [ -82.039674986699495, 28.798232060849607 ], [ -82.039576341750916, 28.798103469117319 ], [ -82.039430134126903, 28.797964306802939 ], [ -82.039299780170211, 28.79786742125842 ], [ -82.039171188531526, 28.797779344360269 ], [ -82.03896684971852, 28.79768774358476 ], [ -82.038766034961711, 28.797615519566683 ], [ -82.038600450783306, 28.797573242160173 ], [ -82.038450719003791, 28.797557387054656 ], [ -82.038332696174592, 28.797555624310146 ], [ -82.038244618980727, 28.797555624400818 ], [ -82.038135404404898, 28.797536246806335 ], [ -82.038026188521286, 28.797504539025415 ], [ -82.037932826805687, 28.797467545562739 ], [ -82.037835942124218, 28.797395322215017 ], [ -82.037761958757542, 28.797310767845104 ], [ -82.037677404820812, 28.797196268572044 ], [ -82.03761398953138, 28.79707296142475 ], [ -82.037552337652656, 28.796939084077266 ], [ -82.037501253013076, 28.79682810722408 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wilkins Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983195776019798, 28.757104323754398 ], [ -81.982918756964679, 28.757710505001892 ], [ -81.982908094065692, 28.757755290209655 ], [ -81.982908093393604, 28.757808605485899 ], [ -81.982908093785099, 28.757855523325812 ], [ -81.982914491295986, 28.757900309801798 ], [ -81.982931552835666, 28.75794296094401 ], [ -81.982952878256668, 28.757979216091677 ], [ -81.98297847056088, 28.758021869212826 ], [ -81.983008327391289, 28.758066655046584 ], [ -81.983038184567363, 28.758115705229155 ], [ -81.983057377728457, 28.758166888944046 ], [ -81.983076571259588, 28.758215938673466 ], [ -81.98320666127546, 28.758655261225062 ], [ -81.983225855313194, 28.758702178752209 ], [ -81.983249314329484, 28.758723506165321 ], [ -81.983294099500924, 28.758740566461174 ], [ -81.983343151647418, 28.758744831498976 ], [ -81.983381539724334, 28.758738434310761 ], [ -81.983413528942236, 28.758725637983414 ], [ -81.983812335951271, 28.758512375070612 ], [ -81.983833662633117, 28.758478252872461 ], [ -81.983840059986051, 28.758429202727164 ], [ -81.98383366206555, 28.75839081553843 ], [ -81.983816601753233, 28.758331101676731 ], [ -81.983669127550627, 28.757898749788382 ], [ -81.983663052682004, 28.757832065026577 ], [ -81.983660919697101, 28.757780882570795 ], [ -81.983665186182819, 28.757712638056002 ], [ -81.98367584906633, 28.757640129060228 ], [ -81.983695043328623, 28.757576148909365 ], [ -81.983714236214439, 28.757520701076427 ], [ -81.983751153149186, 28.757451186441063 ], [ -81.983764954063616, 28.757361448047885 ], [ -81.983756969869319, 28.757318098809382 ], [ -81.98373871630892, 28.757294143657745 ], [ -81.98367141121291, 28.757259919576352 ], [ -81.983195776019798, 28.757104323754398 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Olar Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990139256389469, 28.899815854438149 ], [ -81.990607354297765, 28.899775883219913 ], [ -81.991149664875323, 28.899752099903463 ], [ -81.9912314453844, 28.89975307803013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 465", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119350791562042, 28.777089378248878 ], [ -82.119808642131531, 28.777067739880277 ], [ -82.120605523794424, 28.777074946332792 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pendleton Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974986999657233, 28.88481503373055 ], [ 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-82.184786986407175, 28.843237495439162 ], [ -82.18483877260347, 28.843285791748286 ], [ -82.184906699748709, 28.843325528417132 ], [ -82.185003718707392, 28.843370917027798 ], [ -82.185018530945158, 28.84337543446572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bokeelia Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984850697169179, 28.849977254621454 ], [ -81.984915534565715, 28.849991814349121 ], [ -81.98495133740235, 28.849999068415705 ], [ -81.984986528095121, 28.85000836341991 ], [ -81.985218280721313, 28.85007692752545 ], [ -81.985309726865694, 28.850106723636429 ], [ -81.985398956595816, 28.850141339560931 ], [ -81.98548564403049, 28.8501806444335 ], [ -81.985569473537225, 28.850224496562795 ], [ -81.985650130509242, 28.850272736212176 ], [ -81.985727324937599, 28.850325184699646 ], [ -81.985893057861503, 28.850441250579706 ], [ -81.986062820576251, 28.850552710404006 ], [ -81.986236554668935, 28.850659455874823 ] ] 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28.755732024537668 ], [ -82.019150497575851, 28.755608608098346 ], [ -82.018979228164611, 28.755510378599499 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Due West Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011316404422317, 28.914477949099972 ], [ -82.011494608192066, 28.914510942590724 ], [ -82.011747848598617, 28.914539805235684 ], [ -82.011997682539501, 28.914551202830161 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 2nd Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051966791425755, 28.612579557756028 ], [ -82.051966251199872, 28.61368498199473 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 540", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.104251593530734, 28.690450129579812 ], [ -82.102250027639499, 28.690443028065431 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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28.921016477907106 ], [ -82.010158116386265, 28.921016468440857 ], [ -82.010244663955859, 28.921017838241106 ], [ -82.010397254576972, 28.921016394325211 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Logsdon Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003245280762869, 28.778894570391397 ], [ -82.003588872622984, 28.778892535426248 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrabella Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004398463916829, 28.912022734795336 ], [ -82.004452155932157, 28.911813874826528 ], [ -82.004487117918885, 28.911668798795226 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.093207326333413, 28.873429329463914 ], [ -82.093088512806929, 28.872942745948851 ], [ -82.092992976048237, 28.872560398210872 ], [ -82.092677676017686, 28.871203029575149 ], [ -82.092596699539428, 28.870706840785974 ], [ -82.092552141923392, 28.870409124363594 ], [ -82.092475208708137, 28.869930653882701 ], [ -82.092357630793913, 28.869019770346423 ], [ -82.092211905633462, 28.868154986240953 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spanish Harbor Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012324363599888, 28.869022512924662 ], [ -82.010619322080274, 28.869002598725473 ], [ -82.01041229787505, 28.86900220692668 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026210637478925, 28.845756551624977 ], [ -82.026180988113609, 28.845786817800654 ], [ -82.026157338147797, 28.845820934055794 ], [ -82.026140320092068, 28.845857987971176 ], [ -82.026130389091961, 28.845896988560554 ], [ -82.026127810754801, 28.845936892773885 ], [ -82.026132654045298, 28.845976633392997 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034330704822921, 28.828520910494795 ], [ -82.033943003218695, 28.828519180185207 ], [ -82.033669997562001, 28.828523175740365 ], [ -82.033443484178306, 28.828515638810305 ], [ -82.033230978528962, 28.828493734281786 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Okahumpka Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016100508970524, 28.822628981766698 ], [ -82.016100509735566, 28.822572516148092 ], [ -82.016099530991951, 28.82247505692014 ], [ -82.016094178133599, 28.822404269551885 ], [ -82.016082875619219, 28.822334669395627 ], [ -82.016069193649372, 28.822262691922479 ], [ -82.016048374283059, 28.822162754491583 ], [ -82.016023446275668, 28.822055584608414 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrotwood Street", 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98521160243665, 28.779216351331648 ], [ -81.98512093208916, 28.779093574068344 ], [ -81.985000931560506, 28.778893574212567 ], [ -81.984947991440563, 28.778805338973054 ], [ -81.984912667017198, 28.778746466137839 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Penrose Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014486401704659, 28.866321853442049 ], [ -82.014485961945809, 28.866321692877108 ], [ -82.014461721382744, 28.866316569373936 ], [ -82.014449333740302, 28.866315278542594 ], [ -82.014436868311378, 28.866314847613374 ], [ -82.014412015701865, 28.866316569038521 ], [ -82.014387774463216, 28.866321692081268 ], [ -82.01436474216797, 28.866330090358645 ], [ -82.014362758880324, 28.866331159789937 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982642647018125, 28.881998046782311 ], [ -81.982687567484419, 28.881986365100438 ], [ -81.982729755842371, 28.881968493261283 ], [ -81.982767646628361, 28.881944434674608 ], [ -81.982781150364204, 28.881932232787257 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Valentine Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961043988624823, 28.829265842964997 ], [ -81.961030557365731, 28.828484552644117 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jake Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990407402189902, 28.77527018110893 ], [ -81.990725026633328, 28.775149929372819 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sunderman Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996575505045854, 28.749725961649091 ], [ -81.996600768979604, 28.749620045891746 ], [ -81.996614372952834, 28.749540367560126 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[ -81.979121811522489, 28.947798818277263 ], [ -81.979433544704307, 28.948091590313624 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shepler Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001127646161649, 28.753274662978683 ], [ -82.001140583507834, 28.753283737576098 ], [ -82.001180404980587, 28.753288093891779 ], [ -82.001220538637597, 28.753277515915453 ], [ -82.001261294812139, 28.753264449330068 ], [ -82.002014703982084, 28.752974457016951 ], [ -82.002210911768117, 28.752908493024108 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 707", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02579034071303, 28.584389789570466 ], [ -82.022745673621756, 28.584362933659815 ], [ -82.021766241760332, 28.584355263124692 ], [ -82.021097037291213, 28.584351453024436 ], [ -82.0200599929547, 28.584355515555654 ], [ -82.018557604995976, 28.584343985972723 ], [ 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28.891326226793616 ], [ -82.00538629548079, 28.891372089402498 ], [ -82.005620842432961, 28.891395016459427 ], [ -82.005800133203792, 28.89139544368151 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rachel Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992395392505728, 28.776686282965297 ], [ -81.99238288927981, 28.776596489201598 ], [ -81.992388123673194, 28.776463024369551 ], [ -81.992385507014291, 28.77628768712156 ], [ -81.992369806159104, 28.776080946724122 ], [ -81.992343636673738, 28.775845420036347 ], [ -81.99230438282838, 28.775622977963646 ], [ -81.992259894577273, 28.775442406634696 ], [ -81.992204937481716, 28.775251368710958 ], [ -81.992144748047636, 28.77504986178112 ], [ -81.992068856396344, 28.774788165798608 ], [ -81.992032218630712, 28.774662551298739 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reader Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.857054799604999 ], [ -82.18169781950823, 28.856937607805587 ], [ -82.182027573324817, 28.85681168458704 ], [ -82.18236105033391, 28.856693663306022 ], [ -82.182698057487073, 28.856583888874248 ], [ -82.183038591173187, 28.856482014786966 ], [ -82.183381870642194, 28.856388729628009 ], [ -82.183541907563836, 28.856350353538925 ], [ -82.183802663975527, 28.856294995487389 ], [ -82.184065582404159, 28.85624822749898 ], [ -82.184330273443365, 28.856210051895875 ], [ -82.184596344610426, 28.856180469202744 ], [ -82.184863604911541, 28.856159821643843 ], [ -82.185107638443725, 28.856133484739662 ], [ -82.185395208788705, 28.856124049205494 ], [ -82.185566394755043, 28.856126828302038 ], [ -82.185742047940721, 28.856138041165977 ], [ -82.185952470243194, 28.856180188315363 ], [ -82.186112499243478, 28.856222406242463 ], [ -82.186268154019402, 28.856270416448854 ], [ -82.186393121269901, 28.856310754073462 ], [ -82.186597050253312, 28.856397277051759 ], [ -82.186787585300962, 28.856487550116888 ], [ -82.186980061478877, 28.856575290179222 ], [ -82.187167672407213, 28.856670946253821 ], [ -82.187350219066303, 28.856773825669592 ], [ -82.187527311399137, 28.856883589722376 ], [ -82.187698365411578, 28.857000923186455 ], [ -82.187884545597811, 28.857122718960021 ], [ -82.188187336213119, 28.857351846966765 ], [ -82.188211629982064, 28.857457906499324 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hillsborough Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001828897988361, 28.847200982374176 ], [ -82.001915691891966, 28.847207404236247 ], [ -82.002090641918528, 28.847230983418932 ], [ -82.002316388789268, 28.84728080806045 ], [ -82.002533646493035, 28.847350979445395 ], [ -82.002744052703221, 28.847435399803512 ], [ -82.002960360688874, 28.847535455797807 ], [ -82.003126804808971, 28.847619449494307 ], [ -82.003233895745311, 28.847684722160775 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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-81.961105771133887, 28.921735498274302 ], [ -81.961136295072066, 28.921738863668036 ], [ -81.961174448680552, 28.921741114222087 ], [ -81.961213874843068, 28.921741124732204 ], [ -81.961582712915444, 28.921734516952657 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "San Clemente Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959121633035792, 28.946435391958232 ], [ -81.959191118695543, 28.946482463197118 ], [ -81.959264870265059, 28.946517860028163 ], [ -81.959360935564888, 28.946537388649173 ], [ -81.959417695869448, 28.946543283388216 ], [ -81.959475379735892, 28.946543129411832 ], [ -81.959606455145945, 28.946523545026789 ], [ -81.959814987245991, 28.946495227016559 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Loblolly Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015540223020068, 28.868601162626387 ], [ -82.015503619068696, 28.86856281426337 ], [ 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[ -82.05279296584456, 28.885563999730614 ], [ -82.052699015584082, 28.885505799802473 ], [ -82.052562660892079, 28.885452588734257 ], [ -82.052438778411172, 28.885426813489257 ], [ -82.052284963868217, 28.885421824169654 ], [ -82.051487707859778, 28.885421353255413 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 42nd Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0343981860604, 28.547508314975047 ], [ -82.034205571170176, 28.547420404148109 ], [ -82.033933271366308, 28.547350104701142 ], [ -82.033714129674806, 28.547373613621509 ], [ -82.03358129410465, 28.547320871823668 ], [ -82.033368761482762, 28.547244692445027 ], [ -82.033049961697159, 28.547127491018497 ], [ -82.032757711997448, 28.546963373965067 ], [ -82.032525237729288, 28.546816830933885 ], [ -82.032246278473693, 28.546682028808071 ], [ -82.031960663854292, 28.546488587547401 ], [ -82.031741432902464, 28.546213037529554 ], [ -82.031654999848115, 28.545872953505548 ], [ -82.031688139977931, 28.545655984136534 ], [ -82.031734595815095, 28.545556288300613 ], [ -82.031840850627773, 28.545562128445198 ], [ -82.032066676515043, 28.545691081095509 ], [ -82.032385480620903, 28.54584346746681 ], [ -82.032671067391945, 28.545943086062238 ], [ -82.032883570403627, 28.545937172595927 ], [ -82.033076161366765, 28.545960582669835 ], [ -82.033248829184458, 28.545983995424017 ], [ -82.033839947463164, 28.546247726181011 ], [ -82.033999369816371, 28.546382556099623 ], [ -82.034118953623761, 28.546534986904671 ], [ -82.034274237063215, 28.54668591722865 ], [ -82.034305504836084, 28.54674610615907 ], [ -82.034294156302195, 28.546790003746214 ], [ -82.034161794967687, 28.54691042235341 ], [ -82.034076907483723, 28.546969394556836 ], [ -82.034068392708619, 28.546994479248799 ], [ -82.034066983337027, 28.547025832627217 ], [ -82.034178931526839, 28.547185857601534 ], [ -82.034311807976835, 28.547367604089125 ], [ -82.0343981860604, 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[ -82.026040833879222, 28.822298754786594 ], [ -82.02608752200257, 28.822320807490431 ], [ -82.026135294733052, 28.822340978659213 ], [ -82.026184054721469, 28.822359225901611 ], [ -82.02623370154609, 28.822375513143204 ], [ -82.026264931545384, 28.822384787492947 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mimosa Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.069650810989089, 28.608361410874995 ], [ -82.069575734153915, 28.608354242852023 ], [ -82.069488883734778, 28.608338776502848 ], [ -82.069380618848612, 28.608328068139034 ], [ -82.069221194746106, 28.608320928987681 ], [ -82.069055820772363, 28.608328065873156 ], [ -82.068917811522454, 28.608324496081021 ], [ -82.068801218936883, 28.608330444139469 ], [ -82.068717936867003, 28.60834115061834 ], [ -82.068656907147385, 28.608369741148646 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995763037244117, 28.757815343353357 ], [ -81.99554879671426, 28.757144290281836 ], [ -81.995270662482667, 28.756521413823155 ], [ -81.994799354592317, 28.75579771864312 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maddox Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038080238390393, 28.866764915724861 ], [ -82.038080226088368, 28.866764911216741 ], [ -82.037308480016577, 28.866462901282929 ], [ -82.037197490800082, 28.866419141731662 ], [ -82.037099439100601, 28.866397361404392 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spanish Moss Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036791053777179, 28.797390014033034 ], [ -82.036804543185895, 28.797368442463796 ], [ -82.036823621613593, 28.797335497559065 ], [ -82.036832211363475, 28.797319360116909 ], [ -82.036849343723901, 28.797284104003253 ], [ -82.036876950694435, 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-82.068864205261448, 28.887407848452817 ], [ -82.068794466074792, 28.887388030451799 ], [ -82.06875138859138, 28.887373612735797 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hobart Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002764489808641, 28.950375189565499 ], [ -82.002989021938006, 28.950434113406281 ], [ -82.003257430360748, 28.950501221574363 ], [ -82.003307567719176, 28.950527994258348 ], [ -82.003397823875318, 28.950577009376261 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bowline Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016016826624664, 28.907585042197507 ], [ -82.015968285575454, 28.90763929300503 ], [ -82.015914034469702, 28.90768402610346 ], [ -82.015812465100339, 28.907752745815149 ], [ -82.015755197380855, 28.907778881926664 ], [ -82.015702173294514, 28.907793819117231 ], [ -82.015651268703181, 28.907801289534024 ], [ -82.015451884087739, 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0029811666287, 28.922141023287214 ], [ -82.002991437293474, 28.922121657117206 ], [ -82.003005049990747, 28.922089656031154 ], [ -82.003015497697604, 28.922055398358651 ], [ -82.003021717601001, 28.922006148208258 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Erika Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989765696459287, 28.801644656807518 ], [ -81.989984131996266, 28.801544958857271 ], [ -81.990060751457719, 28.801508077160197 ], [ -81.990130231903507, 28.801480952497208 ], [ -81.990179487556432, 28.801465009569235 ], [ -81.990246826733411, 28.801450732714635 ], [ -81.990375556356369, 28.801432886216293 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Iris Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992358104205792, 28.867779364375345 ], [ -81.992326899671724, 28.867753835497773 ], [ -81.992297366215851, 28.867738470257432 ], [ -81.992262758404536, 28.867728109791429 ], [ -81.992210104903108, 28.867714832009362 ], [ -81.992206677161278, 28.867714703680235 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Crenshaw Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.052971876041241, 28.891149041269685 ], [ -82.051169020709168, 28.891144507231392 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010938453321927, 28.799498037463451 ], [ -82.010796030940426, 28.799462430200549 ], [ -82.010650872023334, 28.799484339998429 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Noble Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107520947042076, 28.664913168388996 ], [ -82.10740379725398, 28.66487722863139 ], [ -82.106317106177499, 28.664890088291759 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.018108940713603, 28.789473408405605 ], [ -82.018087854313364, 28.789573010302409 ], [ -82.017999295298608, 28.790239403741214 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998195118353124, 28.873125631789442 ], [ -81.997757235578817, 28.872829730726021 ], [ -81.997047834801648, 28.87231304675938 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.108943174266074, 28.741556391107061 ], [ -82.109232842013341, 28.740776752591515 ], [ -82.109569994912917, 28.739878043455498 ], [ -82.110078270263955, 28.738525465649662 ], [ -82.110568649852922, 28.737218047052711 ], [ -82.110880232973045, 28.736380304201294 ], [ -82.111332289009027, 28.735179011550091 ], [ -82.111789435911021, 28.733957393585083 ], [ -82.112182713187551, 28.732893844140587 ], [ -82.112570893720857, 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-82.011700493947075, 28.815171041083261 ], [ -82.011748169855622, 28.8151663722672 ], [ -82.011801498517585, 28.815156297230374 ], [ -82.011849911999462, 28.81514155221738 ], [ -82.011894818148875, 28.81512351584778 ], [ -82.01194318138657, 28.815099334442841 ], [ -82.011999622661335, 28.815062842126963 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "San Maria Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95889703481005, 28.928626877587885 ], [ -81.958843375871965, 28.928671762041215 ], [ -81.95878582701468, 28.928736267490134 ], [ -81.958728275547543, 28.928804567064095 ], [ -81.958663532216121, 28.928877924466679 ], [ -81.958567133492593, 28.928994288978792 ], [ -81.958521086415175, 28.929062592918406 ], [ -81.958462450795267, 28.929145455082793 ], [ -81.958412990800227, 28.929214883088353 ], [ -81.958359618397466, 28.929293246190483 ], [ -81.958313282863998, 28.929364049323524 ], [ -81.958263036823396, 28.929444134034206 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-82.181993759917447, 28.824290731315987 ], [ -82.182001232028242, 28.824385116766837 ], [ -82.182011465758819, 28.824668286766322 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tuscaloosa Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959840751323298, 28.826428824437635 ], [ -81.959840130721204, 28.826520747871378 ], [ -81.959840012378422, 28.826537969303093 ], [ -81.95983909721005, 28.82667357793046 ], [ -81.959838128891079, 28.82681679300266 ], [ -81.959843663335235, 28.826884856712493 ], [ -81.959875158335308, 28.826957978392546 ], [ -81.959915869667981, 28.827005622513724 ], [ -81.959964662017939, 28.827041054474229 ], [ -81.9600461103893, 28.827072640558089 ], [ -81.960205471947802, 28.827088431297106 ], [ -81.960435486339875, 28.82710636578739 ], [ -81.960714807494796, 28.827128142796496 ], [ -81.960951466714789, 28.827146593566884 ], [ -81.961263639424701, 28.827170932510288 ], [ -81.961429661569241, 28.827183876035843 ], [ -81.961522578166807, 28.827191120226527 ], [ -81.961673790520706, 28.827202907866656 ], [ -81.961732029594643, 28.827208316652893 ], [ -81.961810057256983, 28.827223366791991 ], [ -81.961891416630323, 28.827242495363713 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Roudell Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963488962777575, 28.792545554296041 ], [ -81.963260534214513, 28.792418015991558 ], [ -81.963026394208754, 28.792254309201056 ], [ -81.96275275573791, 28.791987333927388 ], [ -81.962659242815803, 28.791873120239213 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.090571216475794, 28.87312496930036 ], [ -82.090912176487265, 28.873272157561782 ], [ -82.09116141425649, 28.873361991356841 ], [ -82.091264872666386, 28.873399163420643 ], [ -82.09133306549468, 28.873430153107179 ], [ -82.091396566266354, 28.873471489895987 ], [ -82.091448970447644, 28.873523481280685 ], [ -82.091479506728518, 28.873566608739861 ], [ -82.091500111362961, 28.873607973473611 ], [ -82.091528369474375, 28.873665887559518 ], [ -82.091569688052289, 28.873750428753667 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 70th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.082069630856893, 28.653799153482343 ], [ -82.082020818942297, 28.653798468086034 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Warnell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.071557908368987, 28.79987935665423 ], [ -82.072124747972282, 28.798663877758479 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 439b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119830021318663, 28.786546654470385 ], [ -82.119871898719779, 28.78653047520671 ], [ 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28.933684376842002 ], [ -81.968024274908529, 28.933702607195556 ], [ -81.968067842824411, 28.933720493854256 ], [ -81.968111604929803, 28.933737349222341 ], [ -81.968155761127477, 28.933753517121481 ], [ -81.968200305156344, 28.933769342226277 ], [ -81.968245045424027, 28.933784134235591 ], [ -81.96829017762451, 28.933798583450926 ], [ -81.968334571292289, 28.933809841060533 ], [ -81.968381472404559, 28.933822355241762 ], [ -81.968426951274168, 28.933833618490965 ], [ -81.968476695629818, 28.933846135114127 ], [ -81.96852217592739, 28.933856147751204 ], [ -81.968566236028508, 28.933864911263775 ], [ -81.968615982582946, 28.933873676095192 ], [ -81.968685624415485, 28.933886195499884 ], [ -81.968748161661381, 28.933897463532116 ], [ -81.968803590861029, 28.933908729878944 ], [ -81.968849070839582, 28.933919992985743 ], [ -81.968894552501922, 28.933932507560073 ], [ -81.968940030345166, 28.933947522376354 ], [ -81.968978404343019, 28.933958785594942 ], [ -81.969012512759875, 28.933972547171081 ], [ -81.969048043449121, 28.933987559647687 ], [ -81.969076466832348, 28.934000069312635 ], [ -81.969116257805325, 28.934020085076281 ], [ -81.969165998498724, 28.934048855377512 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Magruder Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977045245527222, 28.780019647805979 ], [ -81.977273675025017, 28.779812635972238 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Knudson Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989385810150807, 28.787018907168427 ], [ -81.989384989158708, 28.786985184909391 ], [ -81.989381125253161, 28.786920702512031 ], [ -81.989374973150063, 28.786856359790562 ], [ -81.989366536944175, 28.786792218102381 ], [ -81.989355826875524, 28.78672834060988 ], [ -81.989342851135646, 28.786664789572903 ], [ -81.989327625085721, 28.786601628153999 ], [ -81.989310162038592, 28.786538915906288 ] 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00161632371416, 28.936405061089317 ], [ -82.000892349505122, 28.936404086944602 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chaparral Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975520823595673, 28.943697865031883 ], [ -81.975587170029726, 28.943761064769895 ], [ -81.975668312038309, 28.943839465397886 ], [ -81.975726141126799, 28.943899895278967 ], [ -81.975775115448272, 28.943948080312218 ], [ -81.975825254939522, 28.944001374322561 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palo Alto Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977008876154784, 28.934747585160874 ], [ -81.977194020650316, 28.934848784862876 ], [ -81.977230511922954, 28.934877329760226 ], [ -81.977241320672604, 28.934896358285862 ], [ -81.977245370271731, 28.934918953331692 ], [ -81.977241311182411, 28.934939166743188 ], [ -81.977232859823232, 28.934955664659629 ], [ -81.977220689355775, 28.934971715305533 ], [ -81.977206493711719, 28.934985090301677 ], [ -81.977187228995788, 28.934994006193726 ], [ -81.97716424784889, 28.934995042612506 ], [ -81.977145324125075, 28.934992660927868 ], [ -81.97712099265587, 28.934986711544521 ], [ -81.977087201947739, 28.93497243506355 ], [ -81.977048005595421, 28.934949835783566 ], [ -81.976927531794828, 28.934884559289575 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Magrath Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97659414118769, 28.888937083615993 ], [ -81.976604769433251, 28.889002651149465 ], [ -81.976618054502424, 28.889084611240921 ], [ -81.976599726320771, 28.88955219102634 ], [ -81.97659477717805, 28.889737948577121 ], [ -81.976607249502507, 28.889796467653529 ], [ -81.976650383091368, 28.88985603965239 ], [ -81.97669503528958, 28.889887807511379 ], [ -81.976733818802231, 28.889906453983627 ], [ -81.976789447002574, 28.889922303528934 ], [ -81.976960632757994, 28.889946633868835 ], [ -81.977176609489291, 28.889979215056158 ], [ -81.977258824163869, 28.889998523848533 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 48", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.079544722739428, 28.650170199955024 ], [ -82.077955945856232, 28.650171112500519 ], [ -82.077129586752449, 28.650169112352064 ], [ -82.07653238407724, 28.650182029410715 ], [ -82.076185340524518, 28.650184691602579 ], [ -82.075852287230461, 28.650179938792512 ], [ -82.07568716018659, 28.650180030097186 ], [ -82.075538829225096, 28.650182581635228 ], [ -82.075438070032462, 28.650177698657458 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fulton Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980923377271424, 28.793668992238921 ], [ -81.981285787981804, 28.793520536939468 ], [ -81.98188398244946, 28.793245458591478 ] ] 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-81.969901401569999, 28.906372706710663 ], [ -81.970029122874109, 28.906324575177891 ], [ -81.970138599831614, 28.906279650737204 ], [ -81.970242604478301, 28.906233117998401 ], [ -81.970357557615486, 28.906175351281711 ], [ -81.97047798810631, 28.906107953639403 ], [ -81.970580170953738, 28.906051789104922 ], [ -81.970686005216052, 28.905981176788714 ], [ -81.970786367697158, 28.905910564999775 ], [ -81.970888556528266, 28.905831923979306 ], [ -81.97106008831733, 28.905693902288455 ], [ -81.971235267318264, 28.905562302816868 ], [ -81.971355699079382, 28.905482060165571 ], [ -81.971552768472634, 28.905352069243175 ], [ -81.971769903822846, 28.905236530765706 ], [ -81.971901278884687, 28.905164317677773 ], [ -81.972008928874132, 28.905114573953064 ], [ -81.972120230249956, 28.905064831804474 ], [ -81.972196253477804, 28.905033410631294 ], [ -81.972302689611951, 28.904989419473576 ], [ -81.972423110877457, 28.904942888435357 ], [ -81.972507041207095, 28.904914009586872 ], [ 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28.869980504465882 ], [ -82.008537767176563, 28.870100531798602 ], [ -82.008572529001157, 28.87018985686862 ], [ -82.008593309846376, 28.870264230687638 ], [ -82.008607900771821, 28.870344158543542 ], [ -82.008614584995726, 28.870419389474158 ], [ -82.008615425828566, 28.870488189132409 ], [ -82.008613175483148, 28.87070613966856 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Luckett Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987102062318911, 28.852083351018194 ], [ -81.987177873793328, 28.852114463512276 ], [ -81.987292247245577, 28.852142947619662 ], [ -81.987423687535028, 28.852161131618153 ], [ -81.987483207192312, 28.852177725207206 ], [ -81.987540273597816, 28.852200025623628 ], [ -81.987594178591323, 28.852227756698998 ], [ -81.987644258088395, 28.852260580010899 ], [ -81.987691735159643, 28.852295463929703 ], [ -81.98774051218615, 28.852335878182206 ], [ -81.987783483662938, 28.852381109294214 ], [ -81.987816508249381, 28.852420410433069 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boone Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98729167051728, 28.747970293883196 ], [ -81.987215958170111, 28.747900426141559 ], [ -81.987114159515869, 28.747814642485054 ], [ -81.986959745624489, 28.747708268949424 ], [ -81.986787030555703, 28.747583595227091 ], [ -81.986621179795591, 28.747468070618282 ], [ -81.986465621346795, 28.747360553154316 ], [ -81.986319777232211, 28.747256611504412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 527 East", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.096057560171985, 28.748780382527993 ], [ -82.095967618382303, 28.748771300782312 ], [ -82.095798127806262, 28.748768370937519 ], [ -82.095490277056641, 28.748764015557864 ], [ -82.094080749761915, 28.7487634696698 ], [ -82.092873575024868, 28.748764296470764 ], [ -82.092768079600773, 28.748768940279181 ], [ -82.092688535985715, 28.748781187397302 ], [ -82.092615928811625, 28.748816291897885 ], [ -82.092565807970786, 28.748855954080277 ], [ -82.092531264906754, 28.74890779876317 ], [ -82.092498465199242, 28.748977931422214 ], [ -82.092462239678298, 28.749083122508942 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 105", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.032856393878518, 28.928455049030042 ], [ -82.032854117464922, 28.928654552392736 ], [ -82.032854101495772, 28.928655970804115 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Modesto Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956332443102497, 28.921947958725578 ], [ -81.956341787992727, 28.922578500660386 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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], [ -81.988419831391354, 28.747537157633218 ], [ -81.988357595900666, 28.747448249973328 ], [ -81.988330924083527, 28.747337116665019 ], [ -81.988344260120854, 28.747243766209696 ], [ -81.98838649140761, 28.747181531257791 ], [ -81.988673215941702, 28.746914812040689 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010533098989029, 28.799604849676221 ], [ -82.01052495529612, 28.799680178922827 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cipris Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006168254665496, 28.791856424024832 ], [ -82.005850756467382, 28.791976753451877 ], [ -82.005773789815748, 28.792004451014066 ], [ -82.005725007924696, 28.792014002885161 ], [ -82.005676007445373, 28.792015531373789 ], [ -82.00562744292759, 28.792009231356047 ], [ -82.005459411967877, 28.791958815055754 ], [ -82.005313062814935, 28.791914128418739 ], [ -82.005181890014512, 28.791873643207044 ], [ -82.005142863602302, 28.791861230433096 ], [ -82.005130221384547, 28.791854532963704 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 772d", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02682424646477, 28.564010703185833 ], [ -82.026723160323286, 28.563627459547948 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Santa Rosa Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955560331753802, 28.937014578726924 ], [ -81.956117356140155, 28.936981768015055 ], [ -81.956227366524658, 28.936985586394599 ], [ -81.956246709048713, 28.936986967804593 ], [ -81.956268399165353, 28.936989037525649 ], [ -81.956289892053476, 28.936991794726957 ], [ -81.956311384652551, 28.936995239472825 ], [ -81.956332681049673, 28.936999371699383 ], [ -81.956353977158571, 28.937004191470542 ], [ -81.956374882323573, 28.937009354885163 ], [ -81.956395593194657, 28.937015548653111 ], [ -81.956605230321017, 28.9370802479955 ], [ -81.956867229543064, 28.937160774766635 ], [ -81.956974165148907, 28.937193884522081 ], [ -81.957032921259625, 28.937217491137297 ], [ -81.95706578937461, 28.937235440175318 ], [ -81.957090915298039, 28.937258376413244 ], [ -81.957107661049747, 28.937283767814208 ], [ -81.957121613083046, 28.937313253831945 ], [ -81.957137424776903, 28.937345196487026 ], [ -81.957175544662093, 28.937459854144816 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Henry Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001095012888754, 28.797655519013929 ], [ -82.001109646434102, 28.797745463338387 ], [ -82.001128206238519, 28.797816133344455 ], [ -82.001165325336558, 28.797876809280499 ], [ -82.001247416949894, 28.797938198793545 ], [ -82.001331313268423, 28.797964100283039 ], [ -82.001373539472851, 28.797967952083834 ], [ -82.001490121827047, 28.797961757159907 ], [ -82.001615757375475, 28.797948195598501 ], [ -82.002131862680429, 28.797887521778616 ], [ -82.002390987607811, 28.797883953935163 ], [ -82.002560165922034, 28.79789680438007 ], [ -82.002804188680699, 28.797935932482673 ], [ -82.002915139587898, 28.797954913648045 ], [ -82.002949832682489, 28.797957897950987 ], [ -82.00301845133049, 28.797951772843348 ], [ -82.003076413247499, 28.797933574934802 ], [ -82.003123386432193, 28.797899663412256 ], [ -82.003162647102812, 28.797862544286158 ], [ -82.003197625565249, 28.797811862559648 ], [ -82.003219040822941, 28.797736196023443 ], [ -82.003219041013523, 28.797666952531642 ], [ -82.00317478421654, 28.79730004220206 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 122nd Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023950157853463, 28.935278917211768 ], [ -82.023575987758875, 28.935278916839472 ], [ -82.023230690702519, 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[ -82.007188587746853, 28.926115123340455 ], [ -82.007259972054513, 28.926106557914377 ], [ -82.007330394486218, 28.926084995832454 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 532b", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.105920170594658, 28.699562188729331 ], [ -82.105998797356122, 28.699562126771696 ], [ -82.106394652384594, 28.699561819590389 ], [ -82.106801352369445, 28.699561500958065 ], [ -82.107327350026267, 28.699561089117669 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015630771927277, 28.803076117855653 ], [ -82.015503456616699, 28.8030789127167 ], [ -82.015052764271417, 28.803056059502076 ], [ -82.01479158691356, 28.803041105755515 ], [ -82.014434744803012, 28.803023516529596 ], [ -82.014305964746171, 28.803019544873848 ], [ -82.014079038663368, 28.80301996893056 ], [ 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[ -82.023098311130738, 28.848824428415416 ], [ -82.022919146646743, 28.848753033333928 ], [ -82.02195546680781, 28.848369009409481 ], [ -82.020761523933473, 28.847890798739876 ], [ -82.020529167911704, 28.847797936194759 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Paquette Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99451519003118, 28.779359452292528 ], [ -81.994558920629856, 28.779321893418327 ], [ -81.994580040807421, 28.779275693934107 ], [ -81.99459192050837, 28.779234774417933 ], [ -81.994602482726094, 28.778848016293171 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Central Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.11489475150907, 28.661268721768312 ], [ -82.115280048122699, 28.661268396828895 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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"properties": { "name": "Northeast 90th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041371229423177, 28.887833832629074 ], [ -82.04022932950177, 28.887837304993699 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Virginia Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996846532853525, 28.645130444701444 ], [ -81.996833906908563, 28.644332652615002 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Little River Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961248394612539, 28.891447656063534 ], [ -81.961201840196978, 28.890847197901351 ], [ -81.961186305996833, 28.890604488167092 ], [ -81.961154756174736, 28.8903617710803 ], [ -81.961081966320194, 28.889971505084866 ], [ -81.961088243156425, 28.889916448535374 ], [ -81.961105468751327, 28.889864146272821 ], [ -81.961133636913829, 28.889822861558365 ], [ -81.961172749698676, 28.88978983695592 ], [ -81.961218116019239, 28.889766449815461 ], [ -81.961263478201531, 28.889754075234993 ], [ -81.961338555503829, 28.889747214138385 ], [ -81.961440217299668, 28.889755501242622 ], [ -81.961609520012388, 28.889768455388182 ], [ -81.961725644470832, 28.889787070535341 ], [ -81.961835901167404, 28.889811878205993 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 426b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.136331135716276, 28.797878603876743 ], [ -82.136334699155825, 28.797974046621167 ], [ -82.136346783201304, 28.798728847194923 ], [ -82.136326789668843, 28.799036470015348 ], [ -82.136322290576885, 28.79949900290886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ebling Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975541373772813, 28.79149710996435 ], [ -81.97482311812027, 28.791515525254912 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -81.989748367642079, 28.954358809559515 ], [ -81.989761236103817, 28.954412727010727 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hanes Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973541761881179, 28.81601297269874 ], [ -81.973350677256448, 28.815634049362973 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint George Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985627171549908, 28.875908087685279 ], [ -81.985700666451294, 28.875794474958187 ], [ -81.985780118331647, 28.875701838649654 ], [ -81.985935044252614, 28.87555327564467 ], [ -81.986084005381286, 28.875436172416538 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Aberdeen Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967974474964933, 28.869430409383451 ], [ -81.968008307888667, 28.869441248702572 ], [ -81.968105196388748, 28.869472410253614 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[ -82.066734040577614, 28.744349886551561 ], [ -82.06677949050173, 28.744275398400777 ], [ -82.06679893745256, 28.744195196771368 ], [ -82.066798884652755, 28.744112139770341 ], [ -82.066795077115017, 28.74323287833808 ], [ -82.066791210155472, 28.742264832725187 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 481b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.127211361452126, 28.767552698726867 ], [ -82.127222474363123, 28.767583913815219 ], [ -82.127228018681691, 28.767622973415101 ], [ -82.12722269110003, 28.767763459672057 ], [ -82.12722844556815, 28.768862193887728 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979614171415591, 28.894013976331035 ], [ -81.979608101291632, 28.893964042124662 ], [ -81.979608175615155, 28.893589998182147 ], [ -81.979614802579206, 28.892813432826223 ], [ 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[ -81.966598244853799, 28.887458756608822 ], [ -81.966574921841001, 28.887499564568472 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972831871761883, 28.900123646202925 ], [ -81.97282575534193, 28.900038561764429 ], [ -81.972811987965557, 28.899862995018339 ], [ -81.972810498190995, 28.899695531601694 ], [ -81.972812071658282, 28.899545627545013 ], [ -81.972816707914248, 28.899422732628903 ], [ -81.972827483626602, 28.89930118969821 ], [ -81.972842861413724, 28.899182349181743 ], [ -81.972861309467433, 28.899058106315731 ], [ -81.972885897593727, 28.898936567074536 ], [ -81.972908946889376, 28.898821778518577 ], [ -81.972935072371826, 28.898686733959114 ], [ -81.972971949592321, 28.898512527260202 ], [ -81.973005756028016, 28.898349124060005 ], [ -81.973039558894726, 28.89819112201058 ], [ -81.973071829477945, 28.898030419058706 ], [ -81.973101025190374, 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[ -81.967380810381343, 28.950799413655613 ], [ -81.967399159465899, 28.951268232936862 ], [ -81.967402840502174, 28.951455738273822 ], [ -81.967387818918823, 28.951649818563283 ], [ -81.967384010964466, 28.951866929878918 ], [ -81.967394684170699, 28.951928423688624 ], [ -81.967441567279721, 28.952049367511989 ], [ -81.96747972703308, 28.952106713845492 ], [ -81.967528268235625, 28.95215239965972 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004885845435396, 28.799638331293487 ], [ -82.004884766535341, 28.799776799316483 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 478", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019582882926173, 28.609896559211219 ], [ -82.018182085982644, 28.609899812562123 ], [ -82.017410105682728, 28.609901509796522 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County 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[ -82.015988366369371, 28.791197252069797 ], [ -82.016244296054907, 28.790787405764988 ], [ -82.016262957451929, 28.79075065054213 ], [ -82.016274526207212, 28.790711697569733 ], [ -82.016278689290814, 28.790671600872848 ], [ -82.016275334062811, 28.790631445423259 ], [ -82.016271371828608, 28.790609224598501 ], [ -82.01626506301308, 28.79057385011355 ], [ -82.016260920312035, 28.79055032817265 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Crenshaw Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051169020709168, 28.891144507231392 ], [ -82.049090656981832, 28.89114527278652 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965976540403943, 28.924785354711251 ], [ -81.965650692176965, 28.924996085741245 ], [ -81.96545949103843, 28.925116838639703 ], [ -81.965266943859049, 28.925237591817478 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Veri Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999714690774184, 28.745663822735963 ], [ -81.999857448675883, 28.745821607791946 ], [ -81.999957629911663, 28.745904258023113 ], [ -82.000085361896865, 28.745987742429534 ], [ -82.000180534248727, 28.746034494121165 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.162272533632304, 28.639978727410568 ], [ -82.162126752517324, 28.640190739580394 ], [ -82.16192824480882, 28.640480462944371 ], [ -82.161719430769566, 28.640790712838506 ], [ -82.161459042278651, 28.641167127722827 ], [ -82.161015621410371, 28.641819569063657 ], [ -82.160260233286166, 28.642923704466941 ], [ -82.159548643298535, 28.643952561071497 ], [ -82.158929887336612, 28.644867335231528 ], [ -82.158514778116526, 28.64546730852102 ], [ -82.158073908258189, 28.646122016240973 ], [ 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"name": "County Road 121d", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025773428984735, 28.893716449527755 ], [ -82.020573417513532, 28.893689721772603 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reader Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.049249682912532, 28.793790753813305 ], [ -82.049402347477496, 28.79361535435298 ], [ -82.049475370903863, 28.793485771297963 ], [ -82.049527144779461, 28.793310320487802 ], [ -82.04953260909663, 28.793051274464823 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 90th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953517574350087, 28.887509377377217 ], [ -81.953517574136654, 28.887535032491442 ], [ -81.953522701393709, 28.889064107955161 ], [ -81.953525263300534, 28.890449512525048 ], [ -81.95352013012797, 28.891206353843231 ], [ -81.953525259801694, 28.891414163461473 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Edgewater Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981156189170804, 28.909056592112819 ], [ -81.981330452327569, 28.908948774846568 ], [ -81.981482372015094, 28.90886719217837 ], [ -81.981594312404724, 28.908813743798241 ], [ -81.981768612438955, 28.908758893565786 ], [ -81.981826372168868, 28.908750988290048 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ternberry Forest Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985002567666271, 28.909283666986322 ], [ -81.984989249064483, 28.909443866680466 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cunningham Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014689771443514, 28.755393051035295 ], [ -82.014680357259209, 28.754963063886656 ], [ -82.014652109332644, 28.754868905324965 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -82.032485527101457, 28.826193438400828 ], [ -82.032448646471849, 28.82615358217404 ], [ -82.03241235896688, 28.826123243349105 ], [ -82.032347519972575, 28.826089335355078 ], [ -82.032255909433957, 28.826048884628058 ], [ -82.032181552062326, 28.825995940965981 ], [ -82.032100252836429, 28.825922541733664 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gantt Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988344179425781, 28.876944125011185 ], [ -81.988385879406394, 28.876993073145012 ], [ -81.988544913061446, 28.877154512427236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 451", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.123259876777027, 28.789760473417438 ], [ -82.123268522101881, 28.789773951522559 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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[ -81.985821924592599, 28.87104299586537 ], [ -81.985762534698793, 28.870756606655696 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hanson Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044127535038285, 28.919247610442969 ], [ -82.04420190359015, 28.920271652464876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Caulk Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016440226156433, 28.787702374947887 ], [ -82.016441923721359, 28.787698068908949 ], [ -82.016449721250524, 28.787656815111095 ], [ -82.016450060966335, 28.787614399995324 ], [ -82.016456880285006, 28.787057211233449 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Nackman Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009225158971006, 28.873907353473822 ], [ -82.009574193278937, 28.873908588620001 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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[ -81.988379283579675, 28.850687631350461 ], [ -81.988440900041553, 28.850618239470197 ], [ -81.9885062825375, 28.850551572849756 ], [ -81.988575279365634, 28.850487791178871 ], [ -81.988627118920618, 28.850439898515877 ], [ -81.988676281691482, 28.850389866237748 ], [ -81.989287637201826, 28.849736586022452 ], [ -81.989341468927392, 28.849674032572477 ], [ -81.989389332139055, 28.84960782699223 ], [ -81.98943091216303, 28.849538405979043 ], [ -81.98946592917062, 28.849466236008652 ], [ -81.989531323203593, 28.849314628500547 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 92nd Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039455825191311, 28.890531440784535 ], [ -82.039409420934234, 28.890565199265545 ], [ -82.03933879059511, 28.890574100919657 ], [ -82.03921979070843, 28.890578761157133 ], [ -82.039124780604951, 28.890576777117612 ], [ -82.038776344275846, 28.890583407095075 ], [ -82.038305515044939, 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-82.137359958569547, 28.640067358073559 ], [ -82.137359519139707, 28.639730556195762 ], [ -82.13735713455506, 28.639574666515749 ], [ -82.137346139574419, 28.639507317303835 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zipperer Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.032854986482349, 28.79129449908012 ], [ -82.033060057179966, 28.791267211234981 ], [ -82.033175801798066, 28.79125195430397 ], [ -82.033316275155684, 28.791244063223829 ], [ -82.033457273563343, 28.791241433259408 ], [ -82.03366035455889, 28.791245643838078 ], [ -82.033834498210837, 28.791253010263411 ], [ -82.034050712270869, 28.791271710901004 ], [ -82.034108919925444, 28.791278294276992 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Kings Highway", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992374338563394, 28.649898635374424 ], [ -81.991074352850376, 28.650761354081297 ], [ 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062208581515549, 28.808706741795483 ], [ -82.06220204812152, 28.809304168035521 ], [ -82.062202158914644, 28.80949218869015 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 674", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.147119898319801, 28.616380829622699 ], [ -82.147128277028571, 28.612497364761943 ], [ -82.147119341136076, 28.611793328523255 ], [ -82.147124885331749, 28.610315152154232 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.087567391866784, 28.770631324940808 ], [ -82.087484050560022, 28.770768910129735 ], [ -82.087360654337871, 28.771002652631982 ], [ -82.087255262085606, 28.771211429988274 ], [ -82.087134469569733, 28.771479199601728 ], [ -82.087039392629961, 28.771708386864265 ], [ -82.086941753580248, 28.771955723940788 ], [ -82.086887811761571, 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28.804956359765523 ], [ -82.025234623648359, 28.80494442050248 ], [ -82.02526957985387, 28.804934278501431 ], [ -82.025305153192363, 28.804925965364838 ], [ -82.025341221766411, 28.804919513597611 ], [ -82.025377658553936, 28.804914944877982 ], [ -82.025414110137035, 28.804912291753308 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Danford Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01639320169474, 28.752139711891452 ], [ -82.016401897125988, 28.752034427434108 ], [ -82.016424502549413, 28.751930306270467 ], [ -82.016464234102813, 28.751841255463368 ], [ -82.016509920236416, 28.75175621566526 ], [ -82.016586143527036, 28.751665701549523 ], [ -82.016657603467976, 28.75157518704318 ], [ -82.016740974306771, 28.751477526541198 ], [ -82.016810051638316, 28.751382248890128 ], [ -82.016867219902323, 28.751294115366946 ], [ -82.016943110621071, 28.751202428971951 ], [ -82.0170015057559, 28.751175478783043 ], [ -82.017056156974675, 28.751177725349638 ], [ -82.017119043524389, 28.751206174246903 ], [ -82.017393593786878, 28.751381138541706 ], [ -82.01742891787498, 28.75142764154441 ], [ -82.017440095918516, 28.751484875164564 ], [ -82.017423421636465, 28.751542042713833 ], [ -82.017127275337913, 28.751937601947084 ], [ -82.017068396411773, 28.751996128892422 ], [ -82.016995683284463, 28.752054299240069 ], [ -82.016909282526115, 28.752093648801011 ], [ -82.016802351268183, 28.752120167044733 ], [ -82.01670226398312, 28.752134707926228 ], [ -82.016576614233287, 28.752139713290418 ], [ -82.01639320169474, 28.752139711891452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98079067896164, 28.883736805301318 ], [ -81.981209263264972, 28.883236997058678 ], [ -81.981607093427186, 28.882812812824817 ], [ -81.981748692383007, 28.882661529816644 ], [ -81.981984690218297, 28.882418289628685 ], [ -81.982187195545492, 28.882225665478497 ], [ -81.982358905681622, 28.88206233468696 ], [ -81.982426327503774, 28.882029708228554 ], [ -81.982551215451906, 28.882000531536733 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 727", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.046529633316894, 28.597299907303722 ], [ -82.046504753068206, 28.596063448906737 ], [ -82.046507932554661, 28.595451736047927 ], [ -82.046500776882453, 28.594861330931842 ], [ -82.046493514563025, 28.594030501890604 ], [ -82.046496588674259, 28.593181409450747 ], [ -82.046479978214066, 28.591864798664663 ], [ -82.046476393010309, 28.591637278485241 ], [ -82.046447833272268, 28.59006308027676 ], [ -82.046416008597589, 28.58898389869638 ], [ -82.046387752577928, 28.588098415594445 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Caribe Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993096404350425, 28.949411440563303 ], [ -81.992573492455989, 28.949411411108109 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bainbridge Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954594188740941, 28.871324720842026 ], [ -81.954558849692631, 28.871262443682557 ], [ -81.954512263995213, 28.871180353549342 ], [ -81.954492989994776, 28.871139309386475 ], [ -81.954483361375082, 28.871099683299583 ], [ -81.954478595459761, 28.870969494720747 ], [ -81.954475474723495, 28.870752983378598 ], [ -81.954475485891393, 28.870727512273735 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 449", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.126777916896444, 28.791824700426702 ], [ -82.127302704580032, 28.792034379745761 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989828283876889, 28.920135074755223 ], [ -81.989837438958432, 28.920135903766376 ], [ -81.9900822428596, 28.920168229059254 ], [ -81.990226678698122, 28.920187624742919 ], [ -81.990331945388149, 28.920207017414956 ], [ -81.990457987214256, 28.920233723715906 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992106828878107, 28.826987294000393 ], [ -81.992868268007811, 28.82751343564162 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 478a", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.091889311317772, 28.557399011817289 ], [ -82.092904583335724, 28.55784073902322 ], [ -82.093482105192024, 28.558089230692751 ], [ -82.094894052593816, 28.558700240775071 ], [ -82.095461928082102, 28.558947023419769 ], [ -82.095915840752554, 28.559141040282483 ], [ -82.096895145184504, 28.559566520420137 ], [ -82.097847413755431, 28.559978376508312 ], [ -82.099226575414463, 28.560575726637598 ], [ -82.09998762932409, 28.560902471290476 ], [ -82.100852034970885, 28.56127793266193 ], [ -82.101924096606879, 28.561741663106414 ], [ -82.102158309354706, 28.561843769501273 ], [ -82.102320088502367, 28.561916098075969 ], [ -82.102501180899253, 28.561994804218031 ], [ -82.102662964621871, 28.562069263721678 ], [ -82.102827167932304, 28.562154373418117 ], [ -82.102957574636477, 28.56223098658214 ], [ -82.103109727426357, 28.56233102079316 ], [ -82.103218411427235, 28.562405518726699 ], [ -82.103370590740241, 28.562533254669258 ], [ -82.103513109667404, 28.562654605521541 ], [ -82.103643576914067, 28.562790880240165 ], [ -82.103769214079719, 28.562922898514049 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 155", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994698305720689, 28.826849958407937 ], [ -81.994437169660031, 28.82711865705296 ], [ 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-81.958847043050184, 28.889964350862012 ], [ -81.958873963255641, 28.889920745522232 ], [ -81.958896639730398, 28.889867171164997 ], [ -81.958913647660594, 28.889823563683169 ], [ -81.958922166226401, 28.88976749193036 ], [ -81.958928242080106, 28.889707588261636 ], [ -81.958929300916282, 28.889625440449628 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bonita Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974526668461095, 28.880245510009647 ], [ -81.974673396158934, 28.880239200065542 ], [ -81.974847289460541, 28.880234130317078 ], [ -81.975076016745362, 28.880234036828838 ], [ -81.975391071250073, 28.880251608768805 ], [ -81.975629850950568, 28.880270626037181 ], [ -81.975830490372758, 28.880289635101366 ], [ -81.975973090635676, 28.880314473161913 ], [ -81.976402547588691, 28.880410873864143 ], [ -81.976845270751511, 28.88051311609178 ], [ -81.977213374043828, 28.880599288624186 ], [ -81.977397430693586, 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28.880473448710465 ], [ -81.9808432249053, 28.880514249106749 ], [ -81.980992516997375, 28.880566381053786 ], [ -81.981127648524847, 28.880624172780049 ], [ -81.981230606840228, 28.880667235193485 ], [ -81.9813837541803, 28.880746554501879 ], [ -81.981506013879454, 28.880816805743301 ], [ -81.981656584808803, 28.880916514598212 ], [ -81.981822643890979, 28.881042075433612 ], [ -81.981977022660232, 28.881172573686637 ], [ -81.982091393632032, 28.881283027185148 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ternberry Forest Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978165359746413, 28.918011300747313 ], [ -81.978202365031777, 28.918017228562825 ], [ -81.978291511309394, 28.918035001178527 ], [ -81.978405887567149, 28.918069058857721 ], [ -81.978543810876459, 28.918114960161105 ], [ -81.978690142091565, 28.918163821295451 ], [ -81.978858342170838, 28.918217126837881 ], [ -81.978992902404329, 28.918261547381675 ], [ 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-82.043397614195811, 28.864193150698817 ], [ -82.043415995786347, 28.864230870173845 ], [ -82.043419072911405, 28.86426590112449 ], [ -82.043403788697603, 28.864322498433747 ], [ -82.043379323622233, 28.864384485400315 ], [ -82.042911371090824, 28.865416737808527 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 623", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.176351271332038, 28.64613792648565 ], [ -82.176338419591261, 28.645512957471293 ], [ -82.176332087606937, 28.64275012090356 ], [ -82.17632291372415, 28.641814277103094 ], [ -82.176309151797895, 28.640949536796928 ], [ -82.176299977839506, 28.640199486256453 ], [ -82.176309152105446, 28.639967817878016 ], [ -82.17631144694559, 28.639862305758758 ], [ -82.17631374072181, 28.639784318471488 ], [ -82.176320621832275, 28.639706331559594 ], [ -82.176327277508619, 28.639634223652227 ], [ -82.176343920784703, 28.639554656739435 ], [ -82.176377311365911, 28.639458419144713 ], [ -82.176419099269282, 28.639369569810054 ], [ -82.176471367795983, 28.639277005499885 ], [ -82.176534097355258, 28.639171480900472 ], [ -82.176582204173258, 28.639099272308002 ], [ -82.176628234791522, 28.639038166017194 ], [ -82.17670680660683, 28.638939509211816 ], [ -82.176781009836176, 28.638860377348522 ], [ -82.176860561408773, 28.638782578465278 ], [ -82.176938027495879, 28.638712181394226 ], [ -82.177061580538236, 28.638613974839828 ], [ -82.177170501719132, 28.638545386516455 ], [ -82.177281540200184, 28.638487896780127 ], [ -82.177449162658377, 28.638411831741102 ], [ -82.177623091697811, 28.638345008107454 ], [ -82.177792845731858, 28.638289290231384 ], [ -82.178052741731236, 28.638220503982513 ], [ -82.178501298945449, 28.638118172965054 ], [ -82.179071410364813, 28.637976831509842 ], [ -82.179522056998408, 28.637870792987968 ], [ -82.179624755900392, 28.637842909828763 ], [ -82.179698104730264, 28.637818763100626 ], [ -82.179758878411619, 28.637798335217315 ], [ 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-82.184261665816408, 28.633459844608925 ], [ -82.184527597292373, 28.633254145304615 ], [ -82.184699273225803, 28.633105921325804 ], [ -82.184878659978963, 28.632947045410692 ], [ -82.185009764611777, 28.632825165675122 ], [ -82.185128401345139, 28.632700209557186 ], [ -82.185289530691961, 28.632516849570091 ], [ -82.185486214317564, 28.632283493954457 ], [ -82.185622201473649, 28.632111267448572 ], [ -82.185785392100797, 28.631909405260892 ], [ -82.186069933904463, 28.631559385857365 ], [ -82.186201756552393, 28.631405662337375 ], [ -82.186337758768119, 28.631242686729141 ], [ -82.18645282091002, 28.631096385955402 ], [ -82.186526032729816, 28.630998241447355 ], [ -82.186611811923242, 28.630892677811456 ], [ -82.186678732653931, 28.630794542743562 ], [ -82.186739351415909, 28.630689014421851 ], [ -82.186799956965615, 28.630576087835831 ], [ -82.186864699889753, 28.630431706420865 ], [ -82.186902175187441, 28.630281813038604 ], [ -82.186918681304846, 28.630130098642731 ], [ 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998125587483273, 28.929466091385052 ], [ -81.997216570827547, 28.929465244358859 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "French Oak Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972118848441824, 28.86333223974847 ], [ -81.972070473793636, 28.863130057632539 ], [ -81.97205958209075, 28.863027921761617 ], [ -81.972072211878839, 28.862877226978046 ], [ -81.972091759263321, 28.862738167938932 ], [ -81.972122021794817, 28.862538722613081 ], [ -81.972155439282176, 28.86231212849944 ], [ -81.972185707199429, 28.862099385890641 ], [ -81.972208421289736, 28.861949692917577 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 440", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120782458774158, 28.790663128561441 ], [ -82.120764641014958, 28.790564634563761 ], [ -82.12076232609752, 28.790449383506957 ], [ -82.120770903514355, 28.790322599356895 ], [ -82.120801782403106, 28.790206337996544 ], [ -82.121049429660786, 28.789817097071182 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970569718684146, 28.954910473212994 ], [ -81.969741598005783, 28.954077436984157 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Heathman Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974963634272783, 28.788191853955833 ], [ -81.975155722106635, 28.788283365307738 ], [ -81.975383017594041, 28.788413329540834 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010494225034506, 28.84744191901596 ], [ -82.010455651683529, 28.84746029637364 ], [ -82.010425282448466, 28.847470611023663 ], [ -82.010393178146558, 28.847480926693827 ], [ -82.01035673549157, 28.847489333387276 ], [ -82.010319424425973, 28.847493920670939 ], [ -82.010286018641651, 28.84749430472478 ], [ -82.010251309147407, 28.847493542031629 ], [ -82.010212859766412, 28.847490314492966 ], [ -82.00999484612484, 28.847450222185255 ], [ -82.009625005713829, 28.847381259543333 ], [ -82.009347670811167, 28.847356447046071 ], [ -82.009027348720352, 28.847340467509575 ], [ -82.008852731634946, 28.847336851808578 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cadorette Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993528795225075, 28.753791565607838 ], [ -81.993859710206152, 28.754005568929156 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020964911942102, 28.88275651314289 ], [ -82.020867923279297, 28.882601550283091 ], [ -82.020817010909738, 28.882520205533613 ], [ -82.020750553584094, 28.88239603625679 ], [ -82.02071417957572, 28.882283119576144 ], [ -82.020654193937659, 28.882066028486115 ], [ -82.020614495255032, 28.88171328056114 ], [ -82.020611985462665, 28.880969928012195 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Forest Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002053942170363, 28.946088220043517 ], [ -82.001987359002328, 28.946304295612592 ], [ -82.001932404520076, 28.946471871868766 ], [ -82.001903096285588, 28.946566400901673 ], [ -82.001870123960558, 28.946673821023861 ], [ -82.001855469703429, 28.946714640003417 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021705466181984, 28.852624624743253 ], [ -82.021668613089005, 28.852745997757072 ], [ -82.021616574869455, 28.852876641595426 ], [ -82.021554124747567, 28.853023330911768 ], [ -82.021470854229122, 28.853188357345715 ], [ -82.021355050854709, 28.853393497983728 ], [ -82.021126034889107, 28.853747624495632 ], [ -82.02093866347272, 28.854075388926354 ], [ -82.020791644692608, 28.854413459517392 ], [ -82.020729198554164, 28.854580774212227 ], [ -82.020720987150028, 28.854608220844213 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 65th Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.212099049163214, 28.606837673897708 ], [ -82.212120322098855, 28.606773427633186 ], [ -82.212143737857019, 28.606711066620605 ], [ -82.212179914415429, 28.606609024324747 ], [ -82.212224633261584, 28.60649752572867 ], [ -82.212271500700368, 28.606389802760699 ], [ -82.212320548830348, 28.606302849112872 ], [ -82.212378151315292, 28.606213993507801 ], [ -82.212437874055809, 28.606113802097507 ], [ -82.212501898585586, 28.606024939124318 ], [ -82.212565929578133, 28.605939850592836 ], [ -82.212644935341714, 28.605850960550356 ], [ -82.212702587754322, 28.605786658264421 ], [ -82.212753839952498, 28.605731808027684 ], [ -82.212802960668441, 28.605680738292854 ], [ -82.212884082247001, 28.605580514134267 ], [ -82.212943818356393, 28.605487878658565 ], [ -82.212977917364697, 28.605417946402955 ], [ -82.213026926392217, 28.605312105698985 ], [ -82.213056704326931, 28.605221404734884 ], [ -82.213082206951398, 28.605132600854255 ], [ -82.213092735807791, 28.605047595790381 ], [ -82.213101120797546, 28.604960706387459 ], [ -82.213096612202904, 28.604847395027008 ], [ -82.213083551083002, 28.60473787604516 ], [ -82.213066259418596, 28.60465291541902 ], [ -82.213059667960167, 28.6045679380453 ], [ -82.213059508035357, 28.604488615489213 ], [ -82.213065692051657, 28.604371510195918 ], [ -82.213078364689309, 28.604288391266639 ], [ -82.213114540554216, 28.604186349594439 ], [ -82.213159287879108, 28.604089959375873 ], [ -82.213199811207275, 28.604021906491774 ], [ -82.213295889453903, 28.60391032707399 ], [ -82.213359965313956, 28.603847902125182 ], [ -82.213426712779125, 28.603794069541234 ], [ -82.213511690328929, 28.603740013431928 ], [ -82.213582225199744, 28.603696463300661 ], [ -82.213613978564496, 28.603654792197318 ], [ -82.213625924774476, 28.603619238442356 ], [ -82.213631194658589, 28.603571737365684 ], [ -82.213609598796282, 28.603475451073045 ], [ -82.213564440972107, 28.603367870162746 ], [ -82.213527860312496, 28.603269719664439 ], [ -82.213491308470509, 28.60318478837646 ], [ -82.213461222481982, 28.603122510990456 ], [ -82.213443967907821, 28.603056436290885 ], [ -82.213428851589953, 28.602988469640895 ], [ -82.213420149437638, 28.602918603436404 ], [ -82.213415702650849, 28.602835512195202 ], [ -82.213409121451448, 28.6027561996851 ], [ -82.213411087039646, 28.6026693184922 ], [ -82.213430181989821, 28.602588078942414 ], [ -82.213457873259145, 28.602523822372362 ], [ -82.21348984168803, 28.602457670493855 ], [ -82.213528238431024, 28.602397174313641 ], [ -82.213573038065448, 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[ -81.96981814951728, 28.909437322543354 ], [ -81.969822969563268, 28.909432406106106 ], [ -81.969850742894494, 28.90939752320957 ], [ -81.969871210936375, 28.909358927513065 ], [ -81.969880343216346, 28.909332211625141 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982637771516465, 28.90694709469102 ], [ -81.982559215764979, 28.906902886267165 ], [ -81.982472921255876, 28.906810313593816 ], [ -81.982389331331362, 28.906667900970639 ], [ -81.9822491160689, 28.906428173312911 ], [ -81.98217900754598, 28.906311867639612 ], [ -81.982119685963539, 28.906216925286994 ], [ -81.982028006230095, 28.906069764351798 ], [ -81.98199565593913, 28.905972451623573 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Madison Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99580618784843, 28.645244783587632 ], [ 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[ -82.025733718607938, 28.833357089239225 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 478", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002512611858535, 28.609931583398062 ], [ -82.002380526726029, 28.609949990004303 ], [ -82.002251918286888, 28.609974529658164 ], [ -82.00209202583045, 28.610020541588032 ], [ -82.002022509414573, 28.610045081372142 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rockledge Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979003582933231, 28.798121832768619 ], [ -81.979429757468495, 28.798103826349791 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Seminole Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995805090639379, 28.820179558383909 ], [ -81.995982678740859, 28.820238941374082 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Munz Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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[ -82.040200975140323, 28.818919860124613 ], [ -82.040292798926501, 28.818885538280242 ], [ -82.040453626027812, 28.818808361661166 ], [ -82.040518943355394, 28.818777227194818 ], [ -82.040566338402613, 28.81874455864428 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Privada Drive", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991393639819236, 28.953845989465623 ], [ -81.991549888273596, 28.953939569067224 ], [ -81.991729410148082, 28.95403607518125 ], [ -81.991888984345039, 28.954126731169691 ], [ -81.992121696894273, 28.954255404027876 ], [ -81.992390981037673, 28.954398699343123 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palm Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041672001049292, 28.844329941482535 ], [ -82.041673564972797, 28.843953027922389 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denison Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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28.856021292731629 ], [ -82.049771179255387, 28.855955527472823 ], [ -82.049733782444079, 28.855874411291101 ], [ -82.049693880667832, 28.855762599615186 ], [ -82.049678885668712, 28.855657357579574 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cordelia Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966358957067612, 28.867908506078706 ], [ -81.966507719688167, 28.867887667595859 ], [ -81.966763060453303, 28.867870065782768 ], [ -81.966915326401576, 28.867872134493755 ], [ -81.967071051298944, 28.867879280240487 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kiessel Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024359889826329, 28.847516684325658 ], [ -82.024404854984155, 28.847637884986536 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harston Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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[ -81.968735242223801, 28.876136895337304 ], [ -81.968721507081469, 28.875911441977028 ], [ -81.968680197934745, 28.875575280499344 ], [ -81.968654172855011, 28.875410576263594 ], [ -81.968632726888799, 28.87532417218598 ], [ -81.968614337050468, 28.87527421732505 ], [ -81.968594407706775, 28.875247212162751 ], [ -81.968533068710087, 28.875206697942513 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fairway Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985415115010653, 28.867612598751876 ], [ -81.985569371562107, 28.867593218708347 ], [ -81.98564583156103, 28.867586646458332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137403892655612, 28.674066133142141 ], [ -82.137851505806765, 28.674096274585043 ], [ -82.1382062780323, 28.674122272302558 ], [ -82.138479174536201, 28.674138038679018 ], [ -82.138778128575083, 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-81.975095286299933, 28.904578004849142 ], [ -81.975280643779058, 28.904557113112329 ], [ -81.975569475338688, 28.904521429725989 ], [ -81.975794862890723, 28.904485413038167 ], [ -81.97585345188844, 28.904474954255544 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rutland Ranch Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.193146116447295, 28.857710189171343 ], [ -82.195118043187335, 28.857111146014532 ], [ -82.195342381794759, 28.857057650750594 ], [ -82.195421584868654, 28.857059424006149 ], [ -82.195499014702065, 28.857091933002216 ], [ -82.195571683615157, 28.85717713229986 ], [ -82.195692653038407, 28.8573695857323 ], [ -82.195965777819865, 28.857875575375036 ], [ -82.196119251137532, 28.858164678942504 ], [ -82.196244171774509, 28.858339569173882 ], [ -82.196420026101706, 28.858498850470315 ], [ -82.196806245487124, 28.858730582630727 ], [ -82.196943940767838, 28.858824619325734 ], [ -82.197071561654852, 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-81.978688392490113, 28.853588694416459 ], [ -81.978791012332692, 28.853509241965227 ], [ -81.978889585462369, 28.853425915199953 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Swallowtail Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.047391460414659, 28.797569547590218 ], [ -82.047396761723178, 28.796934298119552 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Regatta Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01619901113304, 28.90628259902833 ], [ -82.016186624955395, 28.906329272738731 ], [ -82.016166271714255, 28.906399451334316 ], [ -82.016147614969469, 28.906459178410696 ], [ -82.016125566779408, 28.906523385785668 ], [ -82.016088249365481, 28.906617455569346 ], [ -82.016053325564769, 28.906686417719207 ], [ -82.016025484287411, 28.906741392524566 ], [ -82.015996643944845, 28.906787681014229 ], [ -82.015964409195078, 28.906832478386416 ], [ -82.015918603872407, 28.906890715222019 ], [ -82.015849043173944, 28.906960899358449 ], [ -82.015683530246918, 28.907095641948217 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974529010370247, 28.881563067633003 ], [ -81.97454969129231, 28.881513457607781 ], [ -81.974559684301298, 28.881436363246578 ], [ -81.974568490520568, 28.881312015121612 ], [ -81.974584876044133, 28.881137005096079 ], [ -81.974591094404445, 28.881059458861092 ], [ -81.974590359728808, 28.880995557716734 ], [ -81.974587658889945, 28.880902058898588 ], [ -81.974585811244467, 28.88086993660756 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.108655086200841, 28.741556907079858 ], [ -82.108634366450616, 28.741612459762607 ], [ -82.108039217163153, 28.743202127093205 ], [ -82.107459372883454, 28.744748888398171 ], [ -82.107068548342923, 28.745796618992781 ], [ -82.106639920178935, 28.746942146300231 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "State Route 50", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044606664875943, 28.5585291556933 ], [ -82.044384990267503, 28.558603853869016 ], [ -82.043739019574147, 28.558803542518813 ], [ -82.042393635928335, 28.559214240591675 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965930799364997, 28.835281269855077 ], [ -81.965950664911574, 28.835316983929808 ], [ -81.965976802474401, 28.835349415160646 ], [ -81.96600852985361, 28.835377717074103 ], [ -81.966045018950055, 28.835401150973496 ], [ -81.966085317378869, 28.83541910521982 ], [ -81.966128373327535, 28.835431111196016 ], [ -81.966173063009109, 28.835436855538511 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": 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[ -82.005011781391801, 28.842472770421242 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bailey Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991965703734692, 28.876312926474373 ], [ -81.992195187085869, 28.876497375343988 ], [ -81.992338513356984, 28.876516161548622 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979293885752796, 28.894504534647336 ], [ -81.979302059875096, 28.894523042986417 ], [ -81.979315480551591, 28.894541303102105 ], [ -81.97933012323989, 28.894555267555535 ], [ -81.979346596736391, 28.894571202010901 ], [ -81.979373778379568, 28.894588034100636 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 476b", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.203421914105121, 28.640521699580567 ], [ -82.203431361860524, 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001719729750889, 28.892678922228225 ], [ -82.002049606329322, 28.892662089401799 ], [ -82.002230474760779, 28.892641683632242 ], [ -82.002351993430025, 28.892623166915026 ], [ -82.002423705715174, 28.892605285085214 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 482c", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120624190438974, 28.774096926254778 ], [ -82.121344539414594, 28.774099872378507 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Orange Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993432395732214, 28.647964987087054 ], [ -81.992711412325775, 28.647967181069095 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 60th Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.204698055654958, 28.604685335521836 ], [ -82.204688739776117, 28.604586048008827 ], [ 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[ -82.005770680793105, 28.873120278047391 ], [ -82.005754781673559, 28.873102325532386 ], [ -82.005738047248116, 28.873087134995785 ], [ -82.00571210657381, 28.87307434041708 ], [ -82.005695372792616, 28.873071669326091 ], [ -82.005677173205996, 28.873070565587646 ], [ -82.005659601172013, 28.873073328190838 ], [ -82.005642657764653, 28.873080970421853 ], [ -82.005625923717858, 28.873093491394098 ], [ -82.005601402409269, 28.873113839224832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ramos Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957360637982831, 28.933711741375063 ], [ -81.957454971643628, 28.933707405141448 ], [ -81.957605160560647, 28.933697624927838 ], [ -81.957699494958405, 28.933688920515426 ], [ -81.957787623906256, 28.933680213180796 ], [ -81.957879476989064, 28.933669322503611 ], [ -81.957981259632405, 28.933656252225965 ], [ -81.958084282010233, 28.933646457587994 ], [ -81.958189790357906, 28.933632295638823 ], [ -81.958282885908716, 28.933620314199672 ], [ -81.9583672926628, 28.933606146445207 ], [ -81.958456665201624, 28.933590888400424 ], [ -81.958554726189661, 28.933573447625434 ], [ -81.958661476640671, 28.933553827710785 ], [ -81.958707403083366, 28.933548382983965 ], [ -81.958749602192484, 28.933550580431458 ], [ -81.958789317984667, 28.933558234179557 ], [ -81.958824067110129, 28.933569164426405 ], [ -81.958842681536964, 28.933578997032612 ], [ -81.958861294073444, 28.933591013188408 ], [ -81.958883628728302, 28.933608490267485 ], [ -81.958919607420427, 28.933651084185808 ], [ -81.959215160673182, 28.934066772180838 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Village Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038883896333274, 28.846752572839804 ], [ -82.03888513923107, 28.846620883669665 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 136th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9596421641738, 28.954616066983323 ], [ -81.959496448050928, 28.954743577271355 ], [ -81.959423174704554, 28.954815618424991 ], [ -81.959402419227573, 28.954840413427366 ], [ -81.959349888112541, 28.954923691649153 ], [ -81.95929772092947, 28.954989187596009 ], [ -81.958864062065587, 28.955335141712577 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Umatilla Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999364633374555, 28.835892816063861 ], [ -81.999357263635218, 28.835775005295808 ], [ -81.999357230683529, 28.835688291706358 ], [ -81.999365761306933, 28.835612283145924 ], [ -81.999382775684111, 28.835534256169442 ], [ -81.999485320912328, 28.835252414519875 ], [ -81.999534017432453, 28.835078235932642 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Caudill Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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[ -81.990144343115318, 28.811809848380442 ], [ -81.990418818473174, 28.81175879761005 ], [ -81.990600513101626, 28.811728168082062 ], [ -81.990801534870982, 28.811707753807919 ], [ -81.990971629231112, 28.8117077654606 ], [ -81.991126260840218, 28.811707775867976 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 22nd Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.066482637672379, 28.609616239211686 ], [ -82.06648256805579, 28.609503964571349 ], [ -82.066482272651754, 28.60903281368762 ], [ -82.066486278748798, 28.60866529275598 ], [ -82.06648885617642, 28.608635495304082 ], [ -82.066499231984167, 28.608614862764195 ], [ -82.066510911736174, 28.608601105430985 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South West Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120844048474183, 28.659419836886286 ], [ -82.12085550411426, 28.658602245615675 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -82.045418590527305, 28.901223781783798 ], [ -82.045418622403417, 28.901297760310094 ], [ -82.045421164278636, 28.901911632680601 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Auburndale Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013247925214742, 28.941556190889017 ], [ -82.013063689912499, 28.941561611129888 ], [ -82.012865127106352, 28.941570632585464 ], [ -82.012643173710316, 28.941579780374973 ], [ -82.01251721120515, 28.941585685450672 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009232631795669, 28.80225467404777 ], [ -82.009179189505474, 28.802239235207598 ], [ -82.009058786999759, 28.802258373457796 ], [ -82.008862974631612, 28.802271254985897 ], [ -82.008590789802881, 28.802295268880258 ], [ -82.008493668899277, 28.802303437674741 ], [ -82.008449612051322, 28.802311909283496 ] ] ] } }, { 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-82.116490191408943, 28.878829582480655 ], [ -82.115624962328951, 28.87867100887059 ], [ -82.113269107630032, 28.878242648047451 ], [ -82.111320017670863, 28.877888395602682 ], [ -82.108853689147935, 28.877433149638222 ], [ -82.107403060431878, 28.877169474167651 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cynthia Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016056658124967, 28.820097439120506 ], [ -82.015781647467136, 28.81951036232682 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yardham Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960306213718638, 28.831291822889426 ], [ -81.960323222064702, 28.831065051679357 ], [ -81.96033450616612, 28.830659243658566 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Arbor Trail", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988140925484402, 28.900770163712519 ], [ 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[ -82.010279035507295, 28.93156938129702 ], [ -82.010290022033189, 28.931478177437373 ], [ -82.010283217900735, 28.931447257187052 ], [ -82.010279812221128, 28.931420699285962 ], [ -82.010283213118186, 28.931396760253918 ], [ -82.010291713700326, 28.93137356885455 ], [ -82.010309286217435, 28.931349504276866 ], [ -82.010345565963092, 28.931326559886987 ], [ -82.010389785137804, 28.931322566708275 ], [ -82.010428336601422, 28.931330542873667 ], [ -82.010461220270059, 28.931349494058971 ], [ -82.010477095702427, 28.931372432832557 ], [ -82.010488437342659, 28.931402355701994 ], [ -82.010488440621302, 28.931436269357345 ], [ -82.010471435153875, 28.931469186331263 ], [ -82.010446493985341, 28.931501107754045 ], [ -82.010429516388712, 28.931600151204325 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Evenmore Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051487707859778, 28.885421353255413 ], [ -82.051008762440631, 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[ -82.014031954417845, 28.912553630991376 ], [ -82.014027730804457, 28.91133815915892 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 437a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124378719423916, 28.787030062635957 ], [ -82.1248247964744, 28.787636645980648 ], [ -82.124925245957044, 28.787761411062068 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Underwood Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999059512087598, 28.842091843658725 ], [ -81.999040415203169, 28.841684520455896 ], [ -81.999034835655564, 28.841572326647611 ], [ -81.999024809316651, 28.841478781683193 ], [ -81.999003162576031, 28.841334590121445 ], [ -81.998970584345557, 28.841201847833499 ], [ -81.998934320120142, 28.841063834223792 ], [ -81.998899407843766, 28.840914368531578 ], [ -81.998874938280423, 28.840759009055247 ], [ -81.998867564120417, 28.840677384473139 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -81.976386237613994, 28.941222503824775 ], [ -81.9764141760824, 28.94122836103708 ], [ -81.976440784355916, 28.941237727931146 ], [ -81.976479358185841, 28.941274015052873 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Middleton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009506537229001, 28.753432592959811 ], [ -82.009465166114111, 28.75277438382513 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pueblo Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964864452189076, 28.92227440853701 ], [ -81.964672691035233, 28.922296210827223 ], [ -81.96462625961253, 28.922309171791227 ], [ -81.964574114969707, 28.922330234749982 ], [ -81.964531828885043, 28.922361218336643 ], [ -81.964502224084328, 28.922392204367444 ], [ -81.964474025778131, 28.922436828969431 ], [ -81.964454283623652, 28.922477736544195 ], [ -81.964445814907222, 28.922514927843078 ], [ -81.964441574235337, 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[ -82.003073733648492, 28.952104051895908 ], [ -82.003197807391487, 28.952020191319551 ], [ -82.003315991374365, 28.951934692189173 ], [ -82.003368896234591, 28.951890382202841 ], [ -82.003417219574544, 28.951847877782004 ], [ -82.003474685927031, 28.951788142065979 ], [ -82.003541291490507, 28.951722663930163 ], [ -82.003589615392016, 28.95166982098176 ], [ -82.003632713305151, 28.951611234145162 ], [ -82.003660138753204, 28.951576770448479 ], [ -82.003711072806297, 28.951506697220474 ], [ -82.003768537108485, 28.951426284446274 ], [ -82.003920028727691, 28.951128758802959 ], [ -82.003956597059783, 28.951082808628996 ], [ -82.0039996936965, 28.951029965663611 ], [ -82.004074138766768, 28.95095529720577 ], [ -82.004145967136139, 28.950890965438514 ], [ -82.004206044923919, 28.950846163173324 ], [ -82.004260896254053, 28.950810550875413 ], [ -82.004318361561658, 28.950778385237609 ], [ -82.00444243294713, 28.950726688420406 ], [ -82.004548222782603, 28.950684181888768 ], [ 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[ -81.95883079420571, 28.923889154420309 ], [ -81.958843290339402, 28.923909096287172 ], [ -81.958856373254704, 28.923928696362751 ], [ -81.958869845902527, 28.923948293849666 ], [ -81.958883708417488, 28.923967550386902 ], [ -81.958897964903514, 28.923986462366464 ], [ -81.958912611121477, 28.924005374463857 ], [ -81.958942098092933, 28.924041479839833 ], [ -81.958979788373156, 28.924086525861195 ], [ -81.95899677654036, 28.924106813764446 ], [ -81.959014158679508, 28.924126758913513 ], [ -81.959045015710146, 28.924160802036983 ], [ -81.959063372322717, 28.924180401897921 ], [ -81.959082122018259, 28.924199314326874 ], [ -81.959101260421804, 28.924218228676335 ], [ -81.959120791908276, 28.924236455593494 ], [ -81.959140712103988, 28.92425468172393 ], [ -81.959169618837052, 28.92428012985674 ], [ -81.959190320962819, 28.924297325796079 ], [ -81.959211414875227, 28.924314520046806 ], [ -81.959232704819229, 28.924331371481383 ], [ -81.959254580658424, 28.924347535541251 ], [ -81.959289737453375, 28.924372985547169 ], [ -81.959311614335377, 28.9243891505003 ], [ -81.959324309267444, 28.924399467592703 ], [ -81.959337786195434, 28.92441115911749 ], [ -81.959351067101323, 28.924423195258441 ], [ -81.959363760070957, 28.924435918769248 ], [ -81.959375869476659, 28.924448642102014 ], [ -81.959387586835817, 28.92446205286431 ], [ -81.95939871844476, 28.924475807222819 ], [ -81.959409263412581, 28.924489561402815 ], [ -81.959419417359356, 28.924504003012952 ], [ -81.959428790825626, 28.92451844528841 ], [ -81.95944011399466, 28.924538042968589 ], [ -81.959448313908979, 28.924553171534683 ], [ -81.95945573218205, 28.924568643638537 ], [ -81.959462564703699, 28.92458445933952 ], [ -81.95946881058272, 28.924600274862776 ], [ -81.959474469818858, 28.924616090208389 ], [ -81.959479348303717, 28.924632592867152 ], [ -81.959483641304999, 28.92464875247634 ], [ -81.959487346503096, 28.924665253877855 ], [ -81.959490465056874, 28.924681756004258 ], [ -81.959492802992045, 28.924698603473981 ], [ -81.959494359419054, 28.924715448000644 ], [ -81.959495526251231, 28.924731949537144 ], [ -81.95949571452303, 28.924748794552656 ], [ -81.959495513064894, 28.924765640352671 ], [ -81.959494529070952, 28.924782485013953 ], [ -81.959492959456824, 28.924799328595935 ], [ -81.959490408538102, 28.924826142248875 ], [ -81.959487275041496, 28.924847800008024 ], [ -81.959483554141315, 28.924868769137884 ], [ -81.959478856729049, 28.924890080844808 ], [ -81.959473377937627, 28.924911049442962 ], [ -81.959467116741052, 28.924931674931937 ], [ -81.959459880056698, 28.924952642095636 ], [ -81.959451861100916, 28.924972922375307 ], [ -81.959443061655506, 28.924993202418349 ], [ -81.959433675829203, 28.925012794734005 ], [ -81.959423312596101, 28.925032386753148 ], [ -81.959412363872303, 28.925051634819553 ], [ -81.959400438901312, 28.925070538814744 ], [ -81.959386357932715, 28.925087253186465 ], [ -81.959372205834228, 28.925104880658306 ], [ -81.959359230299484, 28.92511939646754 ], [ -81.959345078388637, 28.925133912821082 ], [ -81.959328569626763, 28.925148428458176 ], [ -81.959312057376593, 28.925163979025275 ], [ -81.959292008823155, 28.925179531223527 ], [ -81.95927314176501, 28.925195082875359 ], [ -81.959254273874905, 28.925207523408876 ], [ -81.959236586456214, 28.925219963396312 ], [ -81.95921535965708, 28.925232403207119 ], [ -81.95919059881227, 28.925246916316578 ], [ -81.959167015562358, 28.925258316860155 ], [ -81.95914579243609, 28.925266607905648 ], [ -81.95912221204668, 28.925275935869138 ], [ -81.959102166313102, 28.925284226364411 ], [ -81.959078585916188, 28.92529355341793 ], [ -81.959056181478999, 28.925303917564069 ], [ -81.959002601883086, 28.92532128211236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gompers Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986541486796213, 28.744572760593343 ], [ -81.986599122455729, 28.744457230193525 ], [ -81.986704553015201, 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28.909311946930071 ], [ -81.985133150131901, 28.909302618153266 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Talley Ridge Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008572733882289, 28.955211638659705 ], [ -82.008313957902644, 28.955312239643384 ], [ -82.008213703430641, 28.955350404258947 ], [ -82.008114229699288, 28.95538994475028 ], [ -82.008008112467451, 28.955433952785867 ], [ -82.007910398226443, 28.955476586083829 ], [ -82.007801193735801, 28.955533097182315 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 470", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018505519773328, 28.755574242310797 ], [ -82.018530521374444, 28.755606309814972 ], [ -82.018561395113423, 28.755634122335671 ], [ -82.018597225589005, 28.755656855232456 ], [ -82.018636950430647, 28.755673834475136 ], [ -82.01867939179796, 28.755684556629046 ], [ -82.01872329130407, 28.755688703782127 ], [ -82.018767347327511, 28.755686152971176 ], [ -82.01881025360592, 28.755676979827847 ], [ -82.01885073796754, 28.755661456336046 ], [ -82.018887600051897, 28.755640042767485 ], [ -82.018919746900721, 28.7556133740344 ], [ -82.018946225364587, 28.755582240864104 ], [ -82.01896625036359, 28.755547566353577 ], [ -82.018979228164611, 28.755510378599499 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Panama Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957181900774415, 28.934547538391353 ], [ -81.957301553738077, 28.934595037237269 ], [ -81.957359876390882, 28.934626721820916 ], [ -81.957414475462201, 28.93466167872036 ], [ -81.957446735879302, 28.934688985173207 ], [ -81.957477752393686, 28.934720659230674 ], [ -81.957516213990871, 28.934761069849742 ], [ -81.957552190599657, 28.934805848580023 ], [ -81.957583201045693, 28.934854993736064 ], [ -81.957606764334329, 28.93490304294912 ], [ -81.957629084306859, 28.934956552449993 ], [ -81.957641478477655, 28.935000230118895 ], [ -81.957648907219806, 28.935043908022344 ], [ -81.957655096651408, 28.935083218429209 ], [ -81.957657563801916, 28.935122525855334 ], [ -81.9576614151581, 28.935190633147691 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Darlington Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988819709497506, 28.880963199553452 ], [ -81.988834108455976, 28.880950532447347 ], [ -81.988929227430376, 28.880836749325077 ], [ -81.988958546527613, 28.880797854437194 ], [ -81.988976695568795, 28.880756653235345 ], [ -81.988984224222591, 28.880721040910323 ], [ -81.988985293978544, 28.880688242328684 ], [ -81.988977047760571, 28.880638803626763 ], [ -81.988959525561683, 28.880600919932846 ], [ -81.988939062211458, 28.880571924566805 ], [ -81.988808192337842, 28.880410798595349 ], [ -81.98860847349232, 28.880177837066501 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": 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-82.068921520830386, 28.887241768304143 ], [ -82.068876410816301, 28.887256231563896 ], [ -82.068839510298886, 28.887276102646464 ], [ -82.068812862102561, 28.887295970335952 ], [ -82.06875138859138, 28.887373612735797 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bedford Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010423155792964, 28.954513258188957 ], [ -82.010729059355072, 28.954857912506544 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01480035508888, 28.790231539284935 ], [ -82.014885622579556, 28.790275363024072 ], [ -82.014977398922071, 28.790322581433045 ], [ -82.015099065813502, 28.790382687976834 ], [ -82.015244537212467, 28.790442426431788 ], [ -82.015350484247733, 28.790478056460607 ], [ -82.015485347112772, 28.790514577460719 ], [ -82.015510289245071, 28.790519697183615 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.021221002561816, 28.793706298501824 ], [ -82.021222862581794, 28.7936539487179 ], [ -82.021225863092226, 28.793608913813976 ], [ -82.021234754142142, 28.79352621907589 ], [ -82.021249105761854, 28.793438145723183 ], [ -82.021263980435535, 28.793368939657739 ], [ -82.021275822493735, 28.793322341507139 ], [ -82.021297178370631, 28.793250012450724 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North York Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.118789819328612, 28.661277473154996 ], [ -82.118778967839162, 28.662749232513736 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pine Ridge Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01098833608944, 28.92383880505356 ], [ -82.012736562235673, 28.923852409126418 ], [ -82.013053852232602, 28.923854442676959 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { 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[ -82.003974862082316, 28.73628548089701 ], [ -82.00406827149483, 28.736196133296183 ], [ -82.004112944970544, 28.736163644054983 ], [ -82.004165742695022, 28.736098662808438 ], [ -82.004245179177374, 28.735999881620319 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Campos Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991705295901895, 28.956149879960876 ], [ -81.991830304386994, 28.956149887781436 ], [ -81.991971269917826, 28.956149896460953 ], [ -81.992125537246906, 28.956152246334888 ], [ -81.992245225351681, 28.956152253451176 ], [ -81.992364913456584, 28.956152259558717 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987759349512913, 28.865429955393925 ], [ -81.989639438205671, 28.865423870268813 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jasmine Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005910331289527, 28.912892935737958 ], [ -82.005873377505935, 28.912297862086728 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cokesbury Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96118988213891, 28.905055693654681 ], [ -81.961190876200874, 28.905065464931276 ], [ -81.961201788399222, 28.905093431216653 ], [ -81.961214688875728, 28.905121399880596 ], [ -81.961231563440904, 28.905144999860955 ], [ -81.961253403103058, 28.905171222450232 ], [ -81.96127696572033, 28.905188548871593 ], [ -81.961291041031387, 28.905198176848568 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Horizon Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00730360220463, 28.894927967863673 ], [ -82.007318777699169, 28.895019336694876 ], [ -82.00732804534546, 28.895094722479364 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reader Path", 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-82.010319626626284, 28.92570204550713 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Leanne Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016710073222029, 28.750417382095236 ], [ -82.0168034944939, 28.75048265662025 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Peninsular Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.111007596837936, 28.688140687292222 ], [ -82.111007919809296, 28.688133523431695 ], [ -82.111002583594185, 28.688003652710385 ], [ -82.11100067563433, 28.687837107602796 ], [ -82.111002354325706, 28.687785156390294 ], [ -82.111016173865352, 28.687745417359242 ], [ -82.111043872960437, 28.687720948892167 ], [ -82.111066385625733, 28.687708706701997 ], [ -82.11109410726236, 28.687705627939863 ], [ -82.111165149785649, 28.687705570975105 ], [ -82.112075579504292, 28.687711127062261 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fringe Tree 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28.818483247370274 ], [ -81.996823697995652, 28.81838301033363 ], [ -81.996794008472733, 28.818315460857519 ], [ -81.996749476802208, 28.818199971262271 ], [ -81.996699995476135, 28.818058333476909 ], [ -81.996667836111257, 28.817927591512763 ], [ -81.996635676583949, 28.817775059648277 ], [ -81.996610939662887, 28.817605095332411 ], [ -81.996596098670892, 28.81747217471435 ], [ -81.996596104044784, 28.817324000926515 ], [ -81.996608482690363, 28.817125710436656 ], [ -81.996623335810668, 28.816920882765647 ], [ -81.996630767204081, 28.8166833696026 ], [ -81.996632759487994, 28.81629680994498 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cleveland Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037914930386236, 28.865521426222745 ], [ -82.037512686475836, 28.865535287860887 ], [ -82.037101324355774, 28.865538838339738 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 121", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020552314254303, 28.897770208425374 ], [ -82.020549504291694, 28.898059874862682 ], [ -82.020547743994015, 28.898337500852012 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Market Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99270884725729, 28.649692621442725 ], [ -81.992610790937221, 28.649896106190727 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 125b 1", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018421296768949, 28.891803695069925 ], [ -82.018271323610421, 28.891686411286834 ], [ -82.018182449536027, 28.891608220555856 ], [ -82.018090801018189, 28.891547136832919 ], [ -82.018035259957557, 28.891517820174702 ], [ -82.017963055744389, 28.891486059504498 ], [ -82.017901960630581, 28.891461628558904 ], [ -82.017788103883873, 28.891437205223685 ], [ -82.017644419685382, 28.891430095291501 ] 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[ -82.04560627521191, 28.807376145142502 ], [ -82.045602359268472, 28.808278345380725 ], [ -82.045598075686812, 28.808945659718784 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 92nd Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120944410756607, 28.890753676102584 ], [ -82.120890722571104, 28.890676221165389 ], [ -82.12074300585553, 28.890639291051635 ], [ -82.120562976013787, 28.890630057603161 ], [ -82.120373713179234, 28.890634673368751 ], [ -82.120161370244787, 28.890630056282319 ], [ -82.119961612821342, 28.890631130237267 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977530632456066, 28.824459166354298 ], [ -81.97774130612224, 28.824449736259833 ], [ -81.978156207357372, 28.824411942683241 ], [ -81.981912069853038, 28.823921466389571 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County 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[ -81.976762426664592, 28.940938580995837 ], [ -81.976665385234043, 28.940803743357701 ], [ -81.976538551017384, 28.940641187368993 ], [ -81.97653017204523, 28.940630183327666 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 222", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.074294450407436, 28.901811188239748 ], [ -82.072393248611093, 28.901796745063162 ], [ -82.070225922465994, 28.90175957120832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Castlegate Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986434503994388, 28.852173434142518 ], [ -81.986440734046752, 28.851998510199412 ], [ -81.986451492791105, 28.851925772826 ], [ -81.986470259844012, 28.851854307612069 ], [ -81.986496861893286, 28.851784793972861 ], [ -81.986809111591839, 28.851084000765773 ], [ -81.986839294590382, 28.851011150678286 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Martinez 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-81.965067769292233, 28.936603279132989 ], [ -81.965030058081453, 28.936635327803401 ], [ -81.964996118148122, 28.936665165023474 ], [ -81.964964691862889, 28.936696110007336 ], [ -81.9649345195416, 28.936731475651037 ], [ -81.964905601454731, 28.936773477087549 ], [ -81.964881709009845, 28.936816583341113 ], [ -81.964849018233991, 28.936870742188983 ], [ -81.964830152061339, 28.93691606127469 ], [ -81.964816314075108, 28.936958065747529 ], [ -81.964801215045171, 28.937013333610654 ], [ -81.964787375798792, 28.937061970843491 ], [ -81.964781077883842, 28.937103975489308 ], [ -81.964777288362058, 28.93716256495961 ], [ -81.964777273659749, 28.937205676567107 ], [ -81.964783532864018, 28.937274217373428 ], [ -81.964794805603432, 28.93738255427397 ], [ -81.964827410902004, 28.937585968791605 ], [ -81.96490762354351, 28.938218311144468 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sherell Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ 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-81.96340072763212, 28.926638706593323 ], [ -81.963377194575727, 28.926665164490529 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 34th Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037137801627452, 28.715625401990252 ], [ -82.03635744697975, 28.713878868770934 ], [ -82.035544405187437, 28.712043704246327 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008551089966801, 28.799642125364432 ], [ -82.008515525656634, 28.799641991153198 ], [ -82.007950503177966, 28.799641729924819 ], [ -82.007950150792496, 28.799641729943492 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Plaintain Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962660220775277, 28.877387287462987 ], [ -81.962945773612034, 28.877418542037073 ], [ -81.963184738204959, 28.877449446676582 ], [ -81.963249035921891, 28.877449800856596 ], [ -81.963302156138838, 28.87743968885523 ], [ -81.963348661904931, 28.877418651757782 ], [ -81.963386215989331, 28.877395110118794 ], [ -81.96341588981339, 28.877365745570632 ], [ -81.963439383949876, 28.877330941157847 ], [ -81.963461613866528, 28.877264758840916 ], [ -81.963523506100117, 28.877109044647078 ], [ -81.963570504638326, 28.877015503117697 ], [ -81.963622443238506, 28.876930665613916 ], [ -81.963705265611992, 28.876838121760894 ], [ -81.963784985113733, 28.876762155016252 ], [ -81.963858055863966, 28.876705669844252 ], [ -81.96396654485153, 28.876643350837202 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 1st Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.106103980682306, 28.613681943079193 ], [ -82.106107222442333, 28.613375716146013 ], [ -82.106098661334073, 28.613094494985745 ], [ -82.106115140574019, 28.613017783287741 ], [ -82.106156459981008, 28.61294835854374 ], [ -82.106218503247092, 28.612908132747364 ], [ -82.106317818281241, 28.612889794872899 ], [ -82.106404724732428, 28.612878771029472 ], [ -82.106479202172139, 28.612856799698346 ], [ -82.106545394604368, 28.612827528537537 ], [ -82.106567453724281, 28.612771235997805 ], [ -82.106552743724322, 28.610078806678548 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Newmons Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051168900889522, 28.892664558835151 ], [ -82.051163702555741, 28.894165142190388 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saluda Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014031954417845, 28.912553630991376 ], [ -82.014161304804304, 28.912578423056594 ], [ -82.014292315119903, 28.912600295896294 ], [ -82.014414404325464, 28.912618508003145 ], [ -82.014539313257075, 28.912626234109311 ], [ -82.014653666701989, 28.912632414666181 ], [ -82.014756963862027, 28.912634462866947 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 753", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.083607516642587, 28.602732823158512 ], [ -82.083632951647985, 28.599384931421483 ], [ -82.083636165552619, 28.599271729734451 ], [ -82.083629764830931, 28.599198949820273 ], [ -82.083608574262698, 28.599141108182287 ], [ -82.083578938922997, 28.59910193483551 ], [ -82.0835366187072, 28.599068369152128 ], [ -82.08346470904938, 28.599049750734991 ], [ -82.082172683318404, 28.599050531639225 ], [ -82.081238024483611, 28.599049222833571 ], [ -82.080771624166914, 28.599050197804832 ], [ -82.080308230642828, 28.599050974504657 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Seven Mile Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003997601657844, 28.866388549720419 ], [ 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-82.002336959192377, 28.866674517916426 ], [ -82.002312435753964, 28.866643146924567 ], [ -82.002285185541382, 28.866600366330793 ], [ -82.002254682922256, 28.866557251015021 ], [ -82.002215793550363, 28.86651534938742 ], [ -82.002186761185342, 28.866490270187491 ], [ -82.002147959232602, 28.866462722386323 ], [ -82.002111665657026, 28.86644185610588 ], [ -82.002072480531027, 28.86642370397545 ], [ -82.002021273878427, 28.86640582445105 ], [ -82.00197791702702, 28.866395257100088 ], [ -82.001939130853728, 28.86638906586499 ], [ -82.001882183252434, 28.866385264084602 ], [ -82.001339839288036, 28.866384472973404 ], [ -82.001033737895412, 28.866382845507122 ], [ -82.000994377769914, 28.866377297344265 ], [ -82.000948193993594, 28.86636471933614 ], [ -82.000899925278375, 28.866343454837732 ], [ -82.000853660473638, 28.866312935389555 ], [ -82.000818694572061, 28.866280098796619 ], [ -82.000798200062604, 28.866254518507414 ], [ -82.000779459367209, 28.866223885312408 ], [ -82.000763645113182, 28.866186735674638 ], [ -82.000753677609794, 28.866145489571871 ], [ -82.000750980540047, 28.866078287792952 ], [ -82.000752124429937, 28.865454034305856 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Josh Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981582795019889, 28.75969677536153 ], [ -81.981507005237191, 28.75951477553448 ], [ -81.981478691773759, 28.759435901822837 ], [ -81.981434198355103, 28.759294333716387 ], [ -81.981238025776264, 28.758665364611506 ], [ -81.981213756238105, 28.758576378218226 ], [ -81.981197578227707, 28.758487392952311 ], [ -81.981191509533843, 28.758406497478884 ], [ -81.981193533515096, 28.758313466958569 ], [ -81.981201622831136, 28.75824672722738 ], [ -81.981222853319238, 28.75817729771763 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 21st Street", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.070368664324718, 28.892981159058291 ], [ -82.070316051227621, 28.89276603582157 ], [ -82.070296715655786, 28.892602476171731 ], [ -82.070292536752547, 28.892345139062609 ], [ -82.070301829158538, 28.890906005144117 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982135560359296, 28.789702586444903 ], [ -81.982172846150021, 28.789632769450964 ], [ -81.982188786043253, 28.789544103883106 ], [ -81.982172846860564, 28.789457430898921 ], [ -81.982133986649842, 28.789386757398709 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 441", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124925245957044, 28.787761411062068 ], [ -82.125767914638161, 28.787217209810478 ], [ 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28.804724233321704 ], [ -82.143037849024012, 28.804869755388427 ], [ -82.14304315745845, 28.80490581326319 ], [ -82.14305573046019, 28.804935353326147 ], [ -82.143064841991375, 28.804957405167951 ], [ -82.143072694006477, 28.804983608955805 ], [ -82.143079397956711, 28.805016068755851 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denise Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99947970332174, 28.777032340146715 ], [ -81.999446600936182, 28.776975268516836 ], [ -81.999419206289204, 28.776911347429536 ], [ -81.999400943049849, 28.77684970834158 ], [ -81.999388387595658, 28.776774373031127 ], [ -81.999381538761909, 28.776699037750078 ], [ -81.99938382241632, 28.776615712511948 ], [ -81.999390671839521, 28.776523254959631 ], [ -81.999405511101358, 28.776386280796608 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Parks Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.803358885501947 ], [ -82.045620743956164, 28.803546324914446 ], [ -82.045612284759216, 28.803868185800031 ], [ -82.045610370519356, 28.804413452262342 ], [ -82.045610736884157, 28.805263534884222 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Freitag Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971401665563377, 28.788117894411563 ], [ -81.971497392313324, 28.787783877148595 ], [ -81.971564604212418, 28.787598538005682 ], [ -81.971617559384356, 28.787449859547898 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Kings Highway", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992688647630956, 28.649898654262728 ], [ -81.992610790937221, 28.649896106190727 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mississippi Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.074683264103129, 28.723619835560655 ], [ 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[ -81.960012397677787, 28.903167194398961 ], [ -81.960016553068584, 28.90329604207281 ], [ -81.960027915761742, 28.903369640540678 ], [ -81.960043497149712, 28.903410819773345 ], [ -81.960068828602488, 28.903445139023493 ], [ -81.960100014283185, 28.903470881857583 ], [ -81.960135101834723, 28.903488049496019 ], [ -81.960213078404522, 28.903513806200074 ], [ -81.960307212788678, 28.903543324811931 ], [ -81.960367077046968, 28.903573897949823 ], [ -81.960458691285453, 28.90362710826647 ], [ -81.960585384451463, 28.903718072882164 ], [ -81.960682464613441, 28.903797464843421 ], [ -81.960778536464318, 28.903891687519856 ], [ -81.960849608908759, 28.903973183130564 ], [ -81.960912800702687, 28.904056143544103 ], [ -81.960960111805917, 28.90412654021344 ], [ -81.961009894117296, 28.904208029539003 ], [ -81.961056155751876, 28.904299143543156 ], [ -81.96109518835739, 28.904393007444032 ], [ -81.9611236750129, 28.904480677606621 ], [ -81.961152155781946, 28.904584162344918 ], [ 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28.649768684085561 ], [ -82.036761284964541, 28.64970962540194 ], [ -82.036755652266422, 28.649549583209179 ], [ -82.036769429761478, 28.649064832129678 ], [ -82.036794449036563, 28.648806418162781 ], [ -82.036794411274741, 28.648698133355332 ], [ -82.036774297952434, 28.648604513218324 ], [ -82.036724560535731, 28.648402828148804 ], [ -82.036720000942324, 28.648289675527032 ], [ -82.036738429332473, 28.648171487197015 ], [ -82.036763497515409, 28.648050889670689 ], [ -82.036774603326691, 28.647895841944219 ], [ -82.036774504688267, 28.647612824279413 ], [ -82.036771574099177, 28.647216599366679 ], [ -82.036765743996583, 28.646495519743876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 511a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031115194406539, 28.808918791768541 ], [ -82.031115408379492, 28.810107742397999 ], [ -82.031095234183908, 28.811339352329906 ], [ -82.031095536959157, 28.812373828763324 ], [ -82.031091783795262, 28.81358011576404 ], [ -82.031082209322562, 28.813970917531027 ], [ -82.03108268532128, 28.81409560136429 ], [ -82.03108185425404, 28.81473576538723 ], [ -82.031096399851108, 28.8153217232251 ], [ -82.031102683727781, 28.815743107834049 ], [ -82.031090652715875, 28.816138948527779 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jacob Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984678820936168, 28.779998832541825 ], [ -81.985541984845227, 28.779666203319376 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Westchester Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992362259115765, 28.884117980314485 ], [ -81.99212403819638, 28.884013699082473 ], [ -81.991291874728589, 28.883607086129235 ], [ -81.990961281638235, 28.883443552515473 ], [ -81.990935531089491, 28.883416350878615 ], [ -81.990912355241363, 28.883373283344785 ], [ -81.990899482243563, 28.88333474787288 ], [ -81.99089691127088, 28.883275813876597 ], [ -81.990904641582077, 28.883227079301054 ], [ -81.990926536311662, 28.883186281437283 ], [ -81.990952293759918, 28.88314774951267 ], [ -81.991117134920799, 28.882987959470565 ], [ -81.991267808998714, 28.882845169454157 ], [ -81.991294854116688, 28.882815702068065 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Welborne Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001490139733576, 28.751968723009778 ], [ -82.002041374645813, 28.751762821070393 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974853112681785, 28.953409388191343 ], [ -81.974841852260482, 28.954541893239462 ], [ -81.974819861181075, 28.954650552099558 ], [ -81.974789639631112, 28.954732645028379 ], [ -81.974759422457353, 28.954805081623501 ], [ -81.974707237480558, 28.954882343119049 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28.943968481424445 ], [ -82.006084494555324, 28.943983007411173 ], [ -82.0061044897313, 28.943991418661081 ], [ -82.006128829867308, 28.94399447551833 ], [ -82.006154909662015, 28.943996004715686 ], [ -82.00618774918928, 28.943993369539413 ], [ -82.006205134337307, 28.943994131242203 ], [ -82.006311610973626, 28.944040151768405 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wittman Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013374520861518, 28.817136106115168 ], [ -82.013442793129173, 28.817115702094235 ], [ -82.013515908100985, 28.817092881194597 ], [ -82.013587333707477, 28.817071204545165 ], [ -82.013646380080289, 28.81705261764796 ], [ -82.013737136380172, 28.817019813588107 ], [ -82.013842107442386, 28.816965142408055 ], [ -82.013925209406054, 28.81692577916824 ], [ -82.014030181300456, 28.816871106939072 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chimborazo Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcneill Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976581266311968, 28.77986589263293 ], [ -81.976528924257622, 28.779784335859286 ], [ -81.976423022222903, 28.779658957761093 ], [ -81.97629886146909, 28.779550621996588 ], [ -81.975898381231644, 28.779165969558072 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 478a", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.083607516642587, 28.602732823158512 ], [ -82.082555012397535, 28.602743660544377 ], [ -82.081665768421345, 28.602751772166137 ], [ -82.08099215009976, 28.602753013815772 ], [ -82.080313759794734, 28.602750044589282 ], [ -82.079477937453476, 28.602746319651672 ], [ -82.078868244971531, 28.602744147034553 ], [ -82.077629777652106, 28.602738118808105 ], [ -82.076931349708531, 28.602734301217609 ], [ -82.076276754781347, 28.602731959860755 ], [ -82.075693271735048, 28.60273056057094 ], [ 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-81.987571669056621, 28.946257339754727 ], [ -81.987572169276945, 28.946452457051461 ], [ -81.987569797084433, 28.946865605040678 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 130th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.165785064803899, 28.566377600311029 ], [ -82.16590661670827, 28.566390458032508 ], [ -82.166105487976409, 28.566390216015169 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrymoore Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005775563435904, 28.909632912509355 ], [ -82.005846279650726, 28.909631534658466 ], [ -82.005945287973162, 28.909627388297856 ], [ -82.006058473341682, 28.909626253158379 ], [ -82.006192634079923, 28.909620176969771 ], [ -82.006294215163109, 28.909614672287102 ], [ -82.006408493395654, 28.909609166076233 ], [ -82.006485851245259, 28.909604349846934 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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-82.195032797437264, 28.645346601669733 ], [ -82.195056491312414, 28.645187865211987 ], [ -82.19505055091399, 28.644136902699906 ], [ -82.195035267372262, 28.64343862984849 ], [ -82.195012722841383, 28.643137125515349 ], [ -82.19498840752621, 28.642988731783184 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Sumter Landing", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973946388671422, 28.908500304023981 ], [ -81.97392101442567, 28.908474475313273 ], [ -81.973888739115893, 28.908452045110341 ], [ -81.973796371153895, 28.908415899947904 ], [ -81.973705265450207, 28.908380251233872 ], [ -81.973633006334211, 28.90835700194225 ], [ -81.973528583805816, 28.908323406821612 ], [ -81.973433445904135, 28.908300964061972 ], [ -81.973331512048318, 28.908280014086774 ], [ -81.973204091109352, 28.908262050052695 ], [ -81.973115745429126, 28.908253061691582 ], [ -81.973010409844321, 28.908245566760517 ], [ -81.972877888860168, 28.908245539074169 ], [ -81.972775947431302, 28.908250003705362 ], [ -81.972697792389127, 28.908257461523554 ], [ -81.972548274633368, 28.908276865544799 ], [ -81.972461621365923, 28.908293292129898 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 243a", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.13499124253228, 28.882879473066907 ], [ -82.135071997175245, 28.882746129378013 ], [ -82.135302334985653, 28.882331043347861 ], [ -82.135411484887413, 28.882110010970319 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Buttonwood Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011290452937715, 28.886289900122915 ], [ -82.011265280411621, 28.886593860218913 ], [ -82.011201745313102, 28.887221791717582 ], [ -82.011162509769761, 28.887621522156458 ], [ -82.011147594712426, 28.88776207380625 ], [ -82.011147600920822, 28.887832440630049 ], [ -82.011153245955626, 28.887912833377897 ], [ -82.0111676946009, 28.88800179819458 ], [ -82.011184046283461, 28.888082410261855 ], [ -82.011207997457362, 28.888156662314003 ], [ -82.011233087086822, 28.888224894121322 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999947849406936, 28.865467494098876 ], [ -82.000752124429937, 28.865454034305856 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 439", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.122316613831899, 28.785670523654908 ], [ -82.122526471755151, 28.785663131566103 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Market Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112229888289249, 28.664168606785552 ], [ -82.112146312430212, 28.664902061160113 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Third Street", 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[ -82.010991016919377, 28.95412763688941 ], [ -82.010966010910266, 28.95412838954606 ], [ -82.010940396211311, 28.954125816397656 ], [ -82.010917708055004, 28.954120025444855 ], [ -82.010852921715184, 28.954086119617536 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 558", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984515770800513, 28.664468235007046 ], [ -81.98305306636064, 28.664462360641323 ], [ -81.98118803717604, 28.664462680228056 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Whalin Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991583817041416, 28.801253786903573 ], [ -81.991928600427556, 28.801110391137588 ], [ -81.992337245290457, 28.80094444398593 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04690900918466, 28.860655443359125 ], [ 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28.789715758417653 ], [ -81.992866556993022, 28.789683971503987 ], [ -81.992877435157439, 28.789651534802481 ], [ -81.992886029202296, 28.789618569221517 ], [ -81.992892306343464, 28.78958520288835 ], [ -81.992896245064429, 28.789551557614505 ], [ -81.992897827945256, 28.789517764234819 ], [ -81.992897049857845, 28.789483948170741 ], [ -81.99289391489242, 28.789450238453352 ], [ -81.992888433284918, 28.789416762309305 ], [ -81.99288062653838, 28.789383646063452 ], [ -81.992870524350081, 28.789351015138646 ], [ -81.992850666640692, 28.789293856987392 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Martinez Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960806366875701, 28.935299577156478 ], [ -81.96106925518697, 28.93485432280594 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 607b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.133177448395557, 28.654531886627424 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], [ -82.016903731806138, 28.847951100582122 ], [ -82.016940472073202, 28.847889180829259 ], [ -82.017013091451702, 28.847770831025866 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Margarita Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978378304470198, 28.950840540987933 ], [ -81.978350418885682, 28.950746454443433 ], [ -81.978326748106738, 28.950640165974523 ], [ -81.978303080320146, 28.95051512064618 ], [ -81.978288889006294, 28.95039216205123 ], [ -81.978267596489417, 28.950246277752807 ], [ -81.978260525024183, 28.950073304434689 ], [ -81.9782647298874, 28.949904469057486 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 673", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.200785102531015, 28.602611678603076 ], [ -82.200897665736065, 28.602624500877511 ], [ -82.20094615790704, 28.60263206763964 ], [ -82.201134674047438, 28.602645762079593 ], [ 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-82.165208399604168, 28.582651808098827 ], [ -82.165212903308287, 28.582445387158192 ], [ -82.16524838270243, 28.581998260237821 ], [ -82.165224283478807, 28.581556840609441 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Motz Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013109434783246, 28.786096564633198 ], [ -82.01311628789378, 28.785469791198988 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.035746101916615, 28.883620440920854 ], [ -82.035386485563905, 28.883631262506761 ], [ -82.035375924079432, 28.883631580133262 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 723", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04649126262332, 28.602692230506637 ], [ -82.045361698315787, 28.602728209687672 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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28.800316758384128 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 101", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016343998767951, 28.952814316696493 ], [ -82.016341518605145, 28.953239665510107 ], [ -82.016335499478316, 28.953721076810631 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Iowa Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.075525889270324, 28.72856211012466 ], [ -82.075454488197778, 28.728439141860104 ], [ -82.075377799148171, 28.7282950187507 ], [ -82.075331520114119, 28.728197172645263 ], [ -82.075306397633341, 28.728115193998637 ], [ -82.075293176418455, 28.728051727216439 ], [ -82.075275987291079, 28.727990903720496 ], [ -82.075260308382198, 28.727917593016674 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Schmid Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989639438205671, 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28.896790649619057 ], [ -81.960545076587096, 28.896788849527763 ], [ -81.960769907747945, 28.896762101819839 ], [ -81.961031266043037, 28.896730205002243 ], [ -81.961494209086609, 28.896670520722999 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.215409972341575, 28.581954655922175 ], [ -82.215043103000966, 28.582270623931503 ], [ -82.214605112679067, 28.582754913051502 ], [ -82.214357230619612, 28.583016626053649 ], [ -82.214188045861775, 28.583188018598083 ], [ -82.21408000858753, 28.583255809930268 ], [ -82.213994258726672, 28.583302384594191 ], [ -82.213894655358544, 28.58334409297462 ], [ -82.213806096665948, 28.583368674645165 ], [ -82.213709211055857, 28.58338593689458 ], [ -82.213634460254639, 28.583393384780667 ], [ -82.21354529744319, 28.583394747270354 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North West Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-82.018159720032315, 28.752624076300528 ], [ -82.018243565786008, 28.752528667014786 ], [ -82.018321629903156, 28.752424582627153 ], [ -82.018463630508833, 28.752209143763292 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Middleton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009369989429231, 28.748963178069392 ], [ -82.009002070556832, 28.748626976297821 ], [ -82.008522901352279, 28.748209956085955 ], [ -82.008410662486398, 28.748022209781659 ], [ -82.008375970240508, 28.747812017442289 ], [ -82.008380051009539, 28.747563051943413 ], [ -82.008358155614786, 28.746893426792465 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 44a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01371763857685, 28.844294171965295 ], [ -82.013208301871856, 28.843953873715954 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alexander Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-82.037770959555516, 28.825695650448285 ], [ -82.037808079626316, 28.82562890641676 ], [ -82.037851980678624, 28.825542175276659 ], [ -82.037875894707923, 28.825482570312548 ], [ -82.037911586841091, 28.825391557248601 ], [ -82.037935972166579, 28.82533205229911 ], [ -82.037946350923249, 28.825315747428192 ], [ -82.037982256609794, 28.825274844897489 ], [ -82.03817361044122, 28.825089125712598 ], [ -82.038239417416264, 28.825027907456917 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 7th Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062960312723845, 28.619177262928808 ], [ -82.062957831256213, 28.61959661649659 ], [ -82.062944472423609, 28.620095505426018 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Garden Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026702912163429, 28.90960160437179 ], [ -82.025699186568858, 28.909597651078364 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -82.008488288272574, 28.954344556645651 ], [ -82.008488308995908, 28.95459843359254 ], [ -82.008488328895595, 28.954854913641615 ], [ -82.008494260674013, 28.955000729953486 ], [ -82.00850314574356, 28.955037183815545 ], [ -82.008525352119605, 28.955086656048959 ], [ -82.008572733882289, 28.955211638659705 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Buxton Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994701794425978, 28.91987651010832 ], [ -81.995015187171887, 28.919794589435558 ], [ -81.995464934177434, 28.919646437981992 ], [ -81.995490332383156, 28.919638875817398 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Miona Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994474251125609, 28.908751106231708 ], [ -81.994578099899599, 28.908664985329537 ], [ -81.994638653727748, 28.908605789857216 ], [ -81.99469696338241, 28.908554486667303 ], [ 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28.947138515406749 ], [ -81.957717212206518, 28.947123748395938 ], [ -81.957911487568026, 28.947124451987005 ], [ -81.958084623189293, 28.947129144941211 ], [ -81.958098635434894, 28.947130400803431 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Davenport Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012834582210559, 28.935799779399204 ], [ -82.012902700520428, 28.935867054527908 ], [ -82.012921943188189, 28.93587833504419 ], [ -82.012948490572342, 28.935894788638837 ], [ -82.012966842762978, 28.935904660749536 ], [ -82.012982701825209, 28.935926129374124 ], [ -82.012995531830626, 28.935954965509929 ], [ -82.012997852263425, 28.935982705428973 ], [ -82.012992508748241, 28.936003391921709 ], [ -82.012981822180663, 28.93602313871823 ], [ -82.012964721827203, 28.936042887911416 ], [ -82.012940138212869, 28.936056994844794 ], [ -82.012913414965041, 28.936062638450803 ], [ -82.012885621445676, 28.93606452228974 ], [ -82.012855691043626, 28.936055122227145 ], [ -82.01283163762659, 28.936042744049637 ], [ -82.012807407177505, 28.93602519303111 ], [ -82.012722444238136, 28.935954989634087 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Triggerfish Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007668613418787, 28.889268369572449 ], [ -82.007843788383695, 28.889169762296543 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sand Pine Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.033262685332971, 28.795867324749164 ], [ -82.033320683949285, 28.795797131623083 ], [ -82.033346561050266, 28.795768578020986 ], [ -82.033381063610477, 28.795728722671569 ], [ -82.033419730446354, 28.795686784672043 ], [ -82.033453934882061, 28.79565347294723 ], [ -82.033663626186751, 28.795447354616829 ], [ -82.033680285792954, 28.795430623488873 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County 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-81.999000262489858, 28.859792377260344 ], [ -81.998911745144127, 28.859942875472509 ], [ -81.998743385333995, 28.860226300323834 ], [ -81.998707656955432, 28.860283417629773 ], [ -81.998687299552387, 28.860309062710531 ], [ -81.998663436752494, 28.860333411137809 ], [ -81.998637944281882, 28.860354898334723 ], [ -81.9986184183756, 28.860364447203235 ], [ -81.99859889145722, 28.860373041430648 ], [ -81.998578823349561, 28.860381634746634 ], [ -81.998546747645449, 28.860391664386061 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003665793860478, 28.782309202594888 ], [ -82.003684390241673, 28.782347045797085 ], [ -82.003710121332475, 28.782381493501649 ], [ -82.003742214860509, 28.782411511813937 ], [ -82.003779707592187, 28.78243619977988 ], [ -82.003821474242486, 28.782454816427084 ], [ -82.003866261248902, 28.7824668030044 ], [ -82.003912724395676, 28.782471799752251 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28.581550120577411 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Greenville Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985848263620412, 28.881003659341086 ], [ -81.985637078078796, 28.881152022076979 ], [ -81.985546452496138, 28.881216642349489 ], [ -81.985425357367646, 28.881296385418732 ], [ -81.985261293467275, 28.881399158495316 ], [ -81.985123008085282, 28.881490244028278 ], [ -81.98493296456482, 28.881627045010383 ], [ -81.984695262948193, 28.881790655764075 ], [ -81.98452670118607, 28.881919898244476 ], [ -81.98438841358309, 28.88203023542497 ], [ -81.984271808998372, 28.882109976167964 ], [ -81.984211418250865, 28.88215038492817 ], [ -81.984162131681828, 28.882161625374078 ], [ -81.984109194386519, 28.8821664391754 ], [ -81.984056257315601, 28.882163217960393 ], [ -81.984010626444913, 28.882142327828326 ], [ -81.983974120255866, 28.882118223876294 ], [ -81.983913245422542, 28.882067994445773 ], [ -81.983831231128676, 28.881999571125519 ], [ -81.983762106409898, 28.881938715122494 ], [ -81.983729551220989, 28.881896482540171 ], [ -81.983710170729111, 28.881847607911482 ], [ -81.983701586560869, 28.881798102084975 ], [ -81.983711320097299, 28.881743853289937 ], [ -81.983749060869968, 28.881687755481455 ], [ -81.98380101897358, 28.881630694827741 ], [ -81.983917626194255, 28.881539608043198 ], [ -81.984055911438958, 28.881436834430009 ], [ -81.984198494933082, 28.881334405861523 ], [ -81.984353970524225, 28.881220289334308 ], [ -81.984539714925361, 28.881087270208724 ], [ -81.984708274546463, 28.88097693723272 ], [ -81.984898512333913, 28.880851478508859 ], [ -81.985105741037728, 28.880710897030209 ], [ -81.985266069772521, 28.880604936789375 ], [ -81.985304247331598, 28.88058954051537 ], [ -81.985323343725497, 28.880585889198684 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marbella Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963490610164939, 28.944013414376236 ], [ -81.963504700385514, 28.944086215228186 ], [ -81.963551668610648, 28.944149622232782 ], [ -81.9635807797289, 28.944175546718046 ], [ -81.963628541896767, 28.944210132863759 ], [ -81.963704762682454, 28.944265326962427 ], [ -81.963767341871133, 28.944310642631628 ], [ -81.963834228367915, 28.944359077759771 ], [ -81.963973025404812, 28.94447208407232 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991866318248384, 28.874139516294221 ], [ -81.991766318968459, 28.874238560383965 ], [ -81.991035145146469, 28.87494095458187 ], [ -81.991014358235844, 28.874959426916583 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 78th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031721431515152, 28.870950326095365 ], [ -82.029398583600681, 28.87097288105921 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-82.104253516266496, 28.696004388751625 ], [ -82.104255637120787, 28.695220440919535 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982838857177498, 28.907283372973325 ], [ -81.982844583279615, 28.907270652207416 ], [ -81.982857131230972, 28.907229472027893 ], [ -81.982861363135598, 28.907186998687678 ], [ -81.982857145480637, 28.907144524261458 ], [ -81.982844612390977, 28.907103340856729 ], [ -81.982824139999309, 28.907064696398141 ], [ -81.98279635362735, 28.907029768461936 ], [ -81.982762097029976, 28.906999615548518 ], [ -81.982722410864469, 28.906975154522829 ], [ -81.982678499881658, 28.906957131737244 ], [ -81.982637771516465, 28.90694709469102 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 529a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.087434453224432, 28.741279993898981 ], [ -82.087456507371243, 28.741270545088756 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Havana Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957495539784418, 28.877770736968763 ], [ -81.957412656348041, 28.877717186155941 ], [ -81.957312312855152, 28.877636016594781 ], [ -81.957223014210641, 28.877550317311286 ], [ -81.957139045585066, 28.877471659429304 ], [ -81.957067073486485, 28.877402396489394 ], [ -81.957028421840434, 28.877367177204444 ], [ -81.956995102508586, 28.877333132608513 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clearway Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025099854740532, 28.877207577191914 ], [ -82.025133915315052, 28.878748340684627 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 60th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.240905462758434, 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[ -82.101949623220321, 28.754041186257776 ], [ -82.102196787196164, 28.753750812575653 ], [ -82.103360986592392, 28.752393261132358 ], [ -82.104005760052061, 28.751641068657502 ], [ -82.105340820684845, 28.749992736697358 ], [ -82.105782872787955, 28.749383013152951 ], [ -82.106635062334334, 28.747720242338353 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pennecamp Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010250231046754, 28.893257852196939 ], [ -82.010134764914383, 28.893348826687262 ], [ -82.010047237626296, 28.893437343062775 ], [ -82.010013786255655, 28.893480664824295 ], [ -82.009983512264867, 28.893535362554278 ], [ -82.009962800152792, 28.89360127971355 ], [ -82.00995483962879, 28.893678414280345 ], [ -82.00995414899873, 28.893817612140726 ], [ -82.009954162033083, 28.893960209815468 ], [ -82.009945309089815, 28.894022017071059 ], [ -82.009927781960428, 28.894059884202584 ], [ -82.009908662015803, 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28.893695387038832 ], [ -82.007660010245843, 28.893619651799984 ], [ -82.007795496512429, 28.893439120575636 ], [ -82.007833700588961, 28.89338964000828 ], [ -82.00790350841838, 28.893285043431639 ], [ -82.00794121866187, 28.893213589146583 ], [ -82.007991496392592, 28.893093115809314 ], [ -82.008054341981534, 28.8929162471001 ], [ -82.008134847288702, 28.892744494315977 ], [ -82.008161932959013, 28.892684188474906 ], [ -82.008184239424793, 28.892619673666612 ], [ -82.008194274363703, 28.892570859567645 ], [ -82.008203354397864, 28.892517294008886 ], [ -82.008203349058491, 28.89244576777477 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mission Hills Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965034640927115, 28.917912727097246 ], [ -81.965109699329318, 28.917911643151118 ], [ -81.965139440000897, 28.917911360351418 ], [ -81.965159822553048, 28.917911353922193 ], [ -81.965179108758434, 28.917911488865592 ], [ 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28.781937730884913 ], [ -82.003910319274382, 28.781934879555457 ], [ -82.003867542897908, 28.781938517701889 ], [ -82.003826100240218, 28.781948538427347 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ed Lynum Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044666468085168, 28.85890599480058 ], [ -82.044770880143901, 28.858920071831076 ], [ -82.045421078705402, 28.859166386947983 ], [ -82.04547149823442, 28.8591920606064 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Henry Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000428440370712, 28.793987818737271 ], [ -82.000503566369474, 28.794231764773027 ], [ -82.000644292026578, 28.794671613908744 ], [ -82.000767960409974, 28.795039575564438 ], [ -82.000802769568878, 28.795125439701444 ], [ -82.000822342644454, 28.795158951615342 ], [ -82.000863604985568, 28.795198579397884 ], [ -82.000918433602493, 28.795232694925108 ], [ -82.000959860826327, 28.795253408387087 ], [ -82.001002504908925, 28.795262546960092 ], [ -82.001082269798545, 28.795266929355304 ], [ -82.001191569204721, 28.795257379003122 ], [ -82.001556277695968, 28.79522417053419 ], [ -82.002136854499128, 28.795166298902863 ], [ -82.002386630629658, 28.79515411588201 ], [ -82.002629096377291, 28.795157773509512 ], [ -82.003079805130085, 28.795171452054444 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hillsborough Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977569421082663, 28.847943260146753 ], [ -81.9775694538789, 28.847943255640722 ], [ -81.977687806968248, 28.847928587660931 ], [ -81.977873176367225, 28.847898388437798 ], [ -81.978045293275628, 28.847863532693673 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Iverson Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972397184130429, 28.874316177973004 ], [ 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[ [ -82.041635496554477, 28.922875039676708 ], [ -82.042161744581577, 28.922876928995279 ], [ -82.042231865157078, 28.922867747203771 ], [ -82.042286129161354, 28.92285340645444 ], [ -82.04232953755735, 28.922831907532661 ], [ -82.042367513753348, 28.922798472012307 ], [ -82.042400062481036, 28.922767428348862 ], [ -82.042424467430521, 28.922722060562318 ], [ -82.042435308598812, 28.922693409308248 ], [ -82.042440720655364, 28.92265282237274 ], [ -82.042440709117699, 28.922624174493802 ], [ -82.042435268222135, 28.92259314173203 ], [ -82.042424389581242, 28.922528686927883 ], [ -82.042370062348922, 28.922387851868606 ], [ -82.042310289631828, 28.922204045744202 ], [ -82.042239655882568, 28.921998757487824 ], [ -82.0421961934004, 28.921881791919635 ], [ -82.042166326080491, 28.921831666901596 ], [ -82.042122885553766, 28.921774385449311 ], [ -82.042076728696841, 28.921705166546438 ], [ -82.041778586083552, 28.921346340275782 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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28.617265808037793 ], [ -82.022000570314503, 28.616193130246767 ], [ -82.021999238579056, 28.615494058552056 ], [ -82.022001490711887, 28.614916383497967 ], [ -82.022002570495474, 28.614415102528209 ], [ -82.022002520317642, 28.614169172338972 ], [ -82.022011994384357, 28.614100101205231 ], [ -82.022045186246757, 28.614037303947725 ], [ -82.022111589417591, 28.613980782670275 ], [ -82.022201715510349, 28.613950419185691 ], [ -82.022310824155454, 28.613947261814797 ], [ -82.022544456194453, 28.613948271349347 ], [ -82.022827188975938, 28.613944378236386 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 238", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062064332563324, 28.858205907368205 ], [ -82.061169145101971, 28.858203594168451 ], [ -82.059236779013787, 28.858204448056014 ], [ -82.057880809259615, 28.858186760227522 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, 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[ -82.040979619955166, 28.883694984194669 ], [ -82.041007831249217, 28.88372400275405 ], [ -82.041040292587724, 28.883749347056504 ], [ -82.041076392124438, 28.883770539398775 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954294721495998, 28.864233420383854 ], [ -81.954388387619346, 28.864295069630849 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cabella Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961080992125687, 28.943626003165242 ], [ -81.961173245938184, 28.943635703418735 ], [ -81.961248740973005, 28.943654862013446 ], [ -81.961296078413753, 28.943684142479544 ], [ -81.961333179099555, 28.943714544231941 ], [ -81.961353642088824, 28.943746067237342 ], [ -81.961370265739205, 28.943779841256223 ], [ -81.961377931586284, 28.943812486628818 ], [ -81.961381758136113, 28.943841754513098 ], [ -81.961380467802798, 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[ -81.976495431379689, 28.951322488939169 ], [ -81.976669026090121, 28.951296055152397 ], [ -81.976791701921996, 28.951269610495562 ], [ -81.976965305264301, 28.951208568907273 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dolan Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962068152384504, 28.850432605666033 ], [ -81.962171148777585, 28.850344315220802 ], [ -81.963316457024831, 28.849362969281394 ], [ -81.963344128119147, 28.849334776168043 ], [ -81.963365885006638, 28.849302817016152 ], [ -81.963381081689661, 28.849268042682816 ], [ -81.963389265842963, 28.849231487991716 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Scarboro Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996010933873009, 28.92099531526037 ], [ -81.996262775621105, 28.920831675109692 ], [ -81.996363136633221, 28.920774362311668 ], [ -81.996455283582705, 28.920722470208936 ], [ 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[ -81.962502588374861, 28.847265406522951 ], [ -81.962794962667431, 28.846918925551204 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dragonfly Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014442658817302, 28.868255803641965 ], [ -82.0144040368601, 28.868445642270061 ], [ -82.01440188099528, 28.868605111055878 ], [ -82.014404638147795, 28.868794820029436 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Landeros Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96635724249353, 28.946692559812156 ], [ -81.966320660208964, 28.946917336112911 ], [ -81.966284094553899, 28.947090733143433 ], [ -81.966237799999774, 28.947244861049043 ], [ -81.96619882046565, 28.9473583145239 ], [ -81.966150091701437, 28.947514582016602 ], [ -81.966084308611201, 28.947720085084459 ], [ -81.966008794413995, 28.947906317183406 ], [ -81.965947899251447, 28.948045454180992 ], [ -81.965877266245641, 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[ -81.982494459002723, 28.951132604368507 ], [ -81.982546577285902, 28.951184711372566 ], [ -81.982584479192596, 28.951236818302167 ], [ -81.98259868531548, 28.951297254795762 ], [ -81.982596304194061, 28.95136394381073 ], [ -81.982572600125593, 28.951426460543487 ], [ -81.982525203054266, 28.951474387707524 ], [ -81.98247306571777, 28.951526480114147 ], [ -81.982397232372705, 28.951593158533864 ], [ -81.982283480003503, 28.951705680047606 ], [ -81.982179208676129, 28.951799447685694 ], [ -81.982067827073053, 28.951903633052805 ], [ -81.981923268515033, 28.95203698944643 ], [ -81.98181662602434, 28.952134924164376 ], [ -81.98177870865068, 28.95216409640604 ], [ -81.981736055915036, 28.95218701329841 ], [ -81.981688663812378, 28.952197427365462 ], [ -81.981636535989978, 28.952203671270997 ], [ -81.981591516917433, 28.952201581665847 ], [ -81.981553607631483, 28.952191155850429 ], [ -81.98151096021968, 28.95217864687659 ], [ -81.981449357863241, 28.952159881464514 ], [ 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28.922168069085515 ], [ -82.017629450026575, 28.922206549728976 ], [ -82.017530473900223, 28.922245503537624 ], [ -82.017461659553518, 28.922269567409256 ], [ -82.017399163973664, 28.922288651585838 ], [ -82.017340862177335, 28.922302764461833 ], [ -82.017194400378841, 28.922308722459864 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harter Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992142764905111, 28.785326377078395 ], [ -81.992141324414462, 28.785813689104746 ], [ -81.992142195337735, 28.785874847130973 ], [ -81.992145169044932, 28.78593595384897 ], [ -81.992150243495644, 28.78599695331496 ], [ -81.992157412552388, 28.786057789584884 ], [ -81.992166670077765, 28.786118405812235 ], [ -81.992178008909804, 28.786178747857274 ], [ -81.992191416765422, 28.786238758872976 ], [ -81.992206882385474, 28.786298385621539 ], [ -81.992224391438171, 28.786357571255596 ], [ -81.992243927542859, 28.786416262536854 ], [ -81.992265473294509, 28.786474406226894 ], [ -81.992289009239499, 28.786531948184781 ], [ -81.992347165125565, 28.786667651511834 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrera Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963377194575727, 28.926665164490529 ], [ -81.963461892850361, 28.926702101421949 ], [ -81.963504642309175, 28.926715346137001 ], [ -81.963534724665593, 28.926718837187074 ], [ -81.963566390629836, 28.92672511585172 ], [ -81.963594888693081, 28.926730694369319 ], [ -81.963631303792312, 28.926735580262353 ], [ -81.963668513753902, 28.926740464556445 ], [ -81.963699387170621, 28.926746045500522 ], [ -81.963733429230885, 28.926750235053245 ], [ -81.96376588743837, 28.926752332648146 ], [ -81.963792013934054, 28.926753035380258 ], [ -81.96381893191689, 28.926751650409262 ], [ -81.963847916068801, 28.92675158695095 ], [ -81.963901450191415, 28.926752631805211 ], [ -81.963934273774186, 28.926754015742254 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-81.998124088646094, 28.925764290369592 ], [ -81.998474177697389, 28.926057219252485 ], [ -81.998564761042601, 28.926126144933722 ], [ -81.998652895402472, 28.926190759356679 ], [ -81.998745929253658, 28.926255376480352 ], [ -81.998831614751666, 28.926313531224125 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Palm Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.113319000119304, 28.670314187194425 ], [ -82.114847181848717, 28.670336159908956 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.100358245892721, 28.754635128384496 ], [ -82.100296586405534, 28.754750340929473 ], [ -82.100097472185269, 28.755046904547573 ], [ -82.099908748109186, 28.755329709849345 ], [ -82.099671531388495, 28.755673666032717 ], [ -82.099484561026372, 28.755982443522996 ], [ -82.099321830498894, 28.756253005330212 ], [ -82.099190271925778, 28.756483817979117 ], [ -82.099084688679412, 28.756680996728544 ], [ -82.098894268752503, 28.757011167087494 ], [ -82.098792130719659, 28.757183897544436 ], [ -82.098310242036831, 28.757818014705901 ], [ -82.098010067551812, 28.758193551010905 ], [ -82.097632191563662, 28.758713934251404 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stillwater Trail", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974824328367731, 28.904667877217168 ], [ -81.974843253941842, 28.904631614692025 ], [ -81.974855872457695, 28.90459020877983 ], [ -81.974860128068457, 28.904547503790095 ], [ -81.974858049564105, 28.90452653398172 ], [ -81.974857759065173, 28.904523600554619 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Aiken Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014750623663531, 28.911987821287017 ], [ -82.014752445418026, 28.911334853679861 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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28.883231437048064 ], [ -82.089378750031344, 28.883454778017761 ], [ -82.089371116610792, 28.883522465445292 ], [ -82.089322467249843, 28.883587925024035 ], [ -82.089268676501362, 28.883635339266359 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 529a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.086360170934242, 28.741523081905832 ], [ -82.086380214917597, 28.741501724778605 ], [ -82.086453117812638, 28.741450109989465 ], [ -82.08653635335142, 28.741400280629513 ], [ -82.086668346448661, 28.741368870997103 ], [ -82.086871448262812, 28.741368741084511 ], [ -82.087171029171856, 28.741373025756694 ], [ -82.087416994328862, 28.741287474504873 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palo Alto Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970614997346729, 28.93972589022632 ], [ -81.970629344592126, 28.939747262400449 ], [ -81.970647003718994, 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28.940063967451195 ], [ -81.970969337635822, 28.940076599845643 ], [ -81.970999146340759, 28.940090203877748 ], [ -81.971025642138471, 28.940102835415349 ], [ -81.971052139240882, 28.940114496982265 ], [ -81.971074219993369, 28.940124214048346 ], [ -81.971104030840664, 28.940133934585361 ], [ -81.971130529049063, 28.940141709055638 ], [ -81.971155922040566, 28.940147542448532 ], [ -81.971173588291251, 28.940152403303784 ], [ -81.971185734743088, 28.940154348559098 ], [ -81.971194566225336, 28.940155322231476 ], [ -81.971205607185425, 28.940156294574273 ], [ -81.971217753909301, 28.940157269861011 ], [ -81.971229900362772, 28.940159214210045 ], [ -81.971245358981093, 28.94016115926998 ], [ -81.971259712106203, 28.940162134124886 ], [ -81.97127296151892, 28.940163107838941 ], [ -81.971287315399451, 28.940165054461424 ], [ -81.971302773264426, 28.940166028646569 ], [ -81.971317127687101, 28.940166031725283 ], [ -81.971328169945465, 28.940166033190259 ], [ -81.971340315916279, 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[ -82.008600460810342, 28.877340579298814 ], [ -82.008387440346098, 28.877069835188042 ], [ -82.008287180974293, 28.876903305700239 ], [ -82.008194632942363, 28.876709102091226 ], [ -82.007981873054561, 28.876253205764861 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 249", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.207190626377809, 28.847055554485642 ], [ -82.207166254948035, 28.848960871891041 ], [ -82.207156329279314, 28.84987121041523 ], [ -82.207134538257151, 28.850661511465479 ], [ -82.207138068400113, 28.851310003414486 ], [ -82.207116590965413, 28.852307055868096 ], [ -82.207100110810927, 28.853460981542767 ], [ -82.20709676051942, 28.853822826822181 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981695108238014, 28.789725227467205 ], [ -81.981704762330679, 28.789735517870234 ], [ 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[ -81.987075421805656, 28.738941858090985 ], [ -81.987273737502377, 28.738590857711515 ], [ -81.987560308195242, 28.738186970118765 ], [ -81.987852647161134, 28.737867707792841 ], [ -81.988250553287628, 28.737509692098691 ], [ -81.988727742670036, 28.737152249491103 ], [ -81.989279726566934, 28.736832986744311 ], [ -81.989983648694405, 28.736531033489147 ], [ -81.990782629660202, 28.736260285544425 ], [ -81.995332757704418, 28.734683180403206 ], [ -81.995458684199193, 28.734650992589174 ], [ -81.99555129515889, 28.734634616768435 ], [ -81.995658023169241, 28.734627841183002 ], [ -81.995752398129568, 28.734633417935431 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oracle Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975187740071149, 28.847763186783329 ], [ -81.975199167330985, 28.847660118466493 ], [ -81.975207014431064, 28.84755420992763 ], [ -81.975207113724906, 28.847448075280045 ], [ -81.975199461031224, 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[ -81.992148245950304, 28.84637900155121 ], [ -81.992209823594578, 28.846374816682221 ], [ -81.992267001089047, 28.846364138531271 ], [ -81.992368809433245, 28.846336746808401 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sunderman Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996715387897154, 28.750414100141324 ], [ -81.996629919398728, 28.750225410375627 ], [ -81.996586193174068, 28.750129212983204 ], [ -81.996559957984715, 28.750040789516834 ], [ -81.996553155904323, 28.749930988573862 ], [ -81.996558985897082, 28.749839649333492 ], [ -81.996569674870244, 28.749760942733531 ], [ -81.996575505045854, 28.749725961649091 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 542f", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.108189514574221, 28.679572970409207 ], [ -82.10818942474873, 28.679221454732932 ], [ -82.108213186043216, 28.677921883921108 ], [ 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28.890827218112634 ], [ -81.969122933035123, 28.891012549102012 ], [ -81.968981225832465, 28.891586477706035 ], [ -81.968895866838508, 28.891901173020329 ], [ -81.968826214342229, 28.892189868531133 ], [ -81.968787695867135, 28.892466670810162 ], [ -81.968768565339531, 28.892658969964561 ], [ -81.968744146458135, 28.892948996898497 ], [ -81.968744285074465, 28.89316524576509 ], [ -81.968748448871935, 28.893348039181983 ], [ -81.968779316925662, 28.893678957670229 ], [ -81.968810204428308, 28.893935906495752 ], [ -81.968834483023542, 28.894111099984755 ], [ -81.968849926812382, 28.894241521999451 ], [ -81.968843272104834, 28.894307702343383 ], [ -81.968817491805055, 28.894365494068076 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999890687479947, 28.926852551022417 ], [ -82.000072865767365, 28.926920922938208 ], [ -82.00019038261037, 28.926961846913297 ], [ 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28.846844598181505 ], [ -81.982752384579257, 28.846836347098456 ], [ -81.982805735469213, 28.846831994023919 ], [ -81.98285235586188, 28.846829798382181 ], [ -81.982918296285078, 28.846829237465542 ], [ -81.982963832827508, 28.846830586808302 ], [ -81.983018998414963, 28.846834130865371 ], [ -81.983062292146727, 28.846838270723481 ], [ -81.983175455295921, 28.846849653166586 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 481", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.126285506901311, 28.767532093474845 ], [ -82.12558559699697, 28.767530788751586 ], [ -82.125361901253598, 28.767538802779313 ], [ -82.125322047467179, 28.767550548826115 ], [ -82.125297702866604, 28.767568134792981 ], [ -82.12527557999104, 28.767589623022936 ], [ -82.125260109198749, 28.767616959339065 ], [ -82.125246869950146, 28.767659907242564 ], [ -82.12524472549994, 28.767718455868014 ], [ -82.125244838110262, 28.767814082110789 ], [ 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[ -82.004245179177374, 28.735999881620319 ], [ -82.004023429771024, 28.735871498826672 ], [ -82.003842530156376, 28.735783965709558 ], [ -82.003743327169587, 28.73574895224159 ], [ -82.003673300385287, 28.735748951895744 ], [ -82.003614945814391, 28.735760622843795 ], [ -82.003544919807055, 28.735783963756298 ], [ -82.003504070952417, 28.735813140305357 ], [ -82.00336401878765, 28.735924015132586 ], [ -82.003288158187544, 28.736011546464084 ], [ -82.00314810518222, 28.736110748597849 ], [ -82.003078079348768, 28.736151597064605 ], [ -82.003008053460846, 28.736192444592518 ], [ -82.002900106350225, 28.736265389227651 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 10th Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.059891327276318, 28.620974132084456 ], [ -82.060885540447217, 28.620968874245392 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Curve Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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], [ -82.066567449023651, 28.607645333653657 ], [ -82.066989927019861, 28.607651239798184 ], [ -82.067206359409326, 28.607652662622986 ], [ -82.067253109444295, 28.607655695064498 ], [ -82.067327570207212, 28.607667882596139 ], [ -82.067400305725627, 28.607689237817713 ], [ -82.067499026634465, 28.607733500598584 ], [ -82.067608123623174, 28.607757896767644 ], [ -82.067628959267424, 28.607761014924964 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Resmondo Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957414810031281, 28.862593102329146 ], [ -81.957415373358828, 28.86233928077263 ], [ -81.957438176136606, 28.86228485650577 ], [ -81.957490263181583, 28.862244764678024 ], [ -81.957526067022201, 28.862227588011276 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Addison Shore Way", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01892568731634, 28.906654123938814 ], [ 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-81.998572059867769, 28.883887223636062 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Benzinger Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993879305581117, 28.912885455109677 ], [ -81.993964160015693, 28.912878347137514 ], [ -81.994184379563691, 28.912858803415769 ], [ -81.994409651191845, 28.912828592588884 ], [ -81.994592210242843, 28.912796325091378 ], [ -81.99482664117717, 28.912748549822116 ], [ -81.995041731405806, 28.912697334753457 ], [ -81.995247854332916, 28.912630286398471 ], [ -81.99545968327007, 28.912618236571614 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 714", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.056286944958131, 28.639273399363152 ], [ -82.056099184048392, 28.63925498805218 ], [ -82.055580223504137, 28.639246653486595 ], [ -82.054777470838147, 28.639240685093828 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Vermont Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112305146202843, 28.66765238464442 ], [ -82.112815299292862, 28.667629833263145 ], [ -82.113318280292461, 28.667621549088899 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 683", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.179707896060151, 28.589695624551432 ], [ -82.179674897919639, 28.589664167305944 ], [ -82.179655599877606, 28.589618149854154 ], [ -82.17965276023412, 28.589562420457565 ], [ -82.179660759391695, 28.589423074806451 ], [ -82.179676722640281, 28.589122577547904 ], [ -82.179676413840099, 28.588940836381202 ], [ -82.179668116245409, 28.588904500087022 ], [ -82.179637859183515, 28.588870614622124 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Riverton Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008273792908142, 28.930107393040114 ], [ 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28.929589633484362 ], [ -82.009574933382297, 28.92958653879581 ], [ -82.009572003855993, 28.929583445924695 ], [ -82.009569071222543, 28.929580007474716 ], [ -82.009565945827688, 28.929577257488791 ], [ -82.009562819377251, 28.92957416463069 ], [ -82.009559302184684, 28.929571413768571 ], [ -82.009555980891435, 28.929568664697822 ], [ -82.009552463699222, 28.929565913835532 ], [ -82.009548750638501, 28.929563508565316 ], [ -82.009545038603477, 28.929561101490311 ], [ -82.00954113069983, 28.929559039105055 ], [ -82.009537222766312, 28.929556633847547 ], [ -82.00953311896393, 28.929554570572851 ], [ -82.009529018268893, 28.929552852876906 ], [ -82.009524912445599, 28.929551133376542 ], [ -82.009520613800589, 28.929549415693533 ], [ -82.009516315185664, 28.929548040882551 ], [ -82.009512016570866, 28.929546666071417 ], [ -82.009507523082803, 28.929545290370822 ], [ -82.009503027573615, 28.929544259346994 ], [ -82.00949853514156, 28.929543229225068 ], [ -82.009494040658126, 28.929542197298563 ], [ -82.009489547230515, 28.929541510950887 ], [ -82.00948485690823, 28.929541167488306 ], [ -82.009480168637225, 28.929540823123126 ], [ -82.009475674213945, 28.929540479647187 ], [ -82.009470984917414, 28.929540136184055 ], [ -82.008404955246291, 28.929527139287096 ], [ -82.008400265980313, 28.929527140463396 ], [ -82.008395770561762, 28.929527139823648 ], [ -82.008391081322031, 28.929527483871798 ], [ -82.008386393134145, 28.929528170791905 ], [ -82.008381898767723, 28.92952851663296 ], [ -82.008377405453047, 28.929529204443664 ], [ -82.008372716265626, 28.929530235137822 ], [ -82.008368221951415, 28.929531266722751 ], [ -82.008363924561763, 28.929532299198375 ], [ -82.008359430273543, 28.929533673655168 ], [ -82.008355130858547, 28.929535049002819 ], [ -82.008350832469148, 28.929536425252543 ], [ -82.008346535131409, 28.929538144374238 ], [ -82.008342432692899, 28.929540206356652 ], [ -82.008338329202417, 28.929541924564543 ], [ -82.008334226763793, 28.929543989253595 ], [ -82.00833031919818, 28.929546052126657 ], [ -82.00832660653181, 28.929548458762781 ], [ -82.008322894890867, 28.929550864496456 ], [ -82.008319182224227, 28.929553272034664 ], [ -82.008315664456674, 28.929556021531369 ], [ -82.008312147714719, 28.929558772832525 ], [ -82.008308827897125, 28.929561523219927 ], [ -82.00830570092738, 28.929564616468262 ], [ -82.008302576008816, 28.929567710618706 ], [ -82.008299644937821, 28.929570805660212 ], [ -82.008296714892225, 28.929573899799287 ], [ -82.008293978720175, 28.929577337701566 ], [ -82.0082914394726, 28.92958077559247 ], [ -82.008289095098235, 28.929584213472079 ], [ -82.008286749698058, 28.929587651351717 ], [ -82.008284601248377, 28.929591432994449 ], [ -82.008282451746936, 28.929594870862715 ], [ -82.008280694069327, 28.929598651580577 ], [ -82.008278936391676, 28.929602433200724 ], [ -82.008277373587333, 28.929606215711917 ], [ -82.00827600670786, 28.929610341084004 ], [ -82.008274637750958, 28.929614121779419 ], [ -82.00827366266941, 28.929618247128957 ], [ -82.008272684484979, 28.929622029606474 ], [ -82.00827190427681, 28.929626155847082 ], [ -82.00827112304286, 28.92963028118546 ], [ -82.008270731529834, 28.929634062726961 ], [ -82.008270342093937, 28.929638187140498 ], [ -82.008270342405112, 28.929642313336227 ], [ -82.008269496861971, 28.929908942500866 ], [ -82.008270761008561, 28.930024934269721 ], [ -82.008273792908142, 28.930107393040114 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 693", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.174602259148031, 28.574269368807425 ], [ -82.174728078890183, 28.574275616083753 ], [ -82.175151474471946, 28.574272936122942 ], [ -82.17589737196171, 28.574271930816501 ], [ -82.176842645675578, 28.574268617350441 ], [ -82.177599926680358, 28.574269769788135 ], [ -82.178013028162013, 28.574272825093633 ], [ -82.178380206367891, 28.574274286138497 ], [ -82.178742977313476, 28.574269928240778 ], [ -82.179165130133597, 28.574277137000639 ], [ -82.180506306457346, 28.57427536880444 ], [ -82.181376981319403, 28.574280036056354 ], [ -82.182353166958663, 28.574270970039933 ], [ -82.182900077621184, 28.574267569150777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hartman Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999959242566931, 28.77756438027906 ], [ -81.99999372946435, 28.777518995644272 ], [ -82.000034189076075, 28.777482870754298 ], [ -82.000084765256929, 28.777456861798345 ], [ -82.000136785470517, 28.777433742045627 ], [ -82.001109280142785, 28.777089835925775 ], [ -82.001220546277452, 28.777056602470527 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 772", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031863856058038, 28.561987242499526 ], [ -82.031421282180389, 28.56212526134285 ], [ -82.031086561696185, 28.5622337001608 ], [ -82.030789030914661, 28.562328995380931 ], [ -82.030513815829678, 28.562411151403751 ], [ -82.03017909716732, 28.562536007994741 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 136th Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956439583954634, 28.957503033726773 ], [ -81.956527405523232, 28.957604906574769 ], [ -81.95656253220821, 28.958342607816125 ], [ -81.956580095281097, 28.958799280202729 ], [ -81.956414989410433, 28.959136515635297 ], [ -81.956351755232845, 28.959761805288974 ], [ -81.955715925108606, 28.959775855540812 ], [ -81.954960655444367, 28.959786394286581 ], [ -81.954507494629439, 28.959775854027061 ], [ -81.954514522017959, 28.959034639680755 ], [ -81.954535600426922, 28.958335580551907 ], [ -81.954739349654091, 28.957921062062084 ], [ -81.954739350344283, 28.957344951801357 ], [ -81.955713578688872, 28.957341610412463 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Old Wire Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037141578943832, 28.858201983564314 ], [ -82.0371263956158, 28.85672755559505 ], [ -82.037123032621864, 28.855546725911051 ], [ -82.037128592212881, 28.854583894045298 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 86th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.219836407902179, 28.630831486277231 ], [ -82.221646469680948, 28.630819023636061 ], [ -82.221960161331694, 28.630818511334873 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Belvedere Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016640312686221, 28.923404307011591 ], [ -82.016655172382869, 28.923371016833364 ], [ -82.016681389151913, 28.923316213657071 ], [ -82.016732099990662, 28.923254849647059 ], [ -82.016789528603198, 28.923175429866532 ], [ -82.016879774437314, 28.923067474585665 ], [ -82.016969503587219, 28.922962019567912 ], [ -82.016970697144643, 28.922960617254486 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mclin Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003175346329527, 28.851710449633703 ], [ -82.003336960463386, 28.851598869244686 ], [ -82.003366380276162, 28.851580586146603 ], [ -82.003412875499848, 28.851556349285666 ], [ -82.003483667480481, 28.851527372096044 ], [ -82.00381395047657, 28.851398143850723 ], [ -82.004158985603055, 28.851262839192607 ], [ -82.004300273599824, 28.851206234751256 ], [ -82.004350419113791, 28.851183303105074 ], [ -82.004410510800895, 28.85115342521684 ], [ -82.004731486287014, 28.850967081730587 ], [ -82.004789783007084, 28.850933075677698 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drive Randy Mcdaniel Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008123780318755, 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[ [ -82.013689667200254, 28.744375776270402 ], [ -82.013981906565036, 28.743300165471368 ], [ -82.014052169718397, 28.743046995602445 ], [ -82.014141392863891, 28.742757020767613 ], [ -82.014269652102641, 28.742462585429557 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 171", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000807805076789, 28.8311906479234 ], [ -81.99997071464395, 28.832136399562842 ], [ -81.999935395169246, 28.832180630667963 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 125th Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019687482747912, 28.938752171000278 ], [ -82.018060365519688, 28.938757473712823 ], [ -82.017805176213088, 28.938802385920429 ], [ -82.017625523496989, 28.938879961927043 ], [ -82.01740095670597, 28.938959579811812 ], [ -82.017201173471861, 28.93898772470871 ], [ -82.016353224012533, 28.938984047433827 ] ] ] } }, { 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-81.969581872445744, 28.909604886257103 ], [ -81.969610853547834, 28.90966868529053 ], [ -81.969627412047814, 28.909712433346066 ], [ -81.96965017299442, 28.909799925299552 ], [ -81.969668796575434, 28.909861898427724 ], [ -81.969714311731565, 28.910056933171305 ], [ -81.969741198053285, 28.910204573205252 ], [ -81.969753609553337, 28.910262900534054 ], [ -81.969770153792624, 28.910355858980502 ], [ -81.969780488553425, 28.910432412250564 ], [ -81.969772159031734, 28.910581866961735 ], [ -81.969771400191945, 28.910623864236236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02052753559839, 28.861835596912652 ], [ -82.020525084107504, 28.862620559347114 ], [ -82.020526055634818, 28.863349890544569 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.090056877983272, 28.872947505774238 ], [ -82.090236158708606, 28.873006223093483 ], [ -82.090571216475794, 28.87312496930036 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbett Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95725962579688, 28.887684230486045 ], [ -81.957332432235035, 28.887684253644533 ], [ -81.95750289897353, 28.887684360046663 ], [ -81.957709536223732, 28.887684425298811 ], [ -81.957894295811073, 28.88768209047274 ], [ -81.957987106079941, 28.887678696221393 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Braxton Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009254724665524, 28.912984933053178 ], [ -82.009296782204672, 28.912976390089479 ], [ -82.009332370838166, 28.912978286212081 ], [ -82.009378743357288, 28.912990616689424 ], [ -82.009570911174833, 28.913024408552566 ], [ -82.009653740332254, 28.913042788201672 ], [ -82.009728151442303, 28.913051322503751 ], [ -82.009774522333757, 28.913056062719271 ], [ -82.009806876189899, 28.913064599846042 ], [ -82.009833837529101, 28.913078831734726 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 406", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.142490152535515, 28.810605148673847 ], [ -82.142529974051442, 28.810621712934985 ], [ -82.142569772615445, 28.810619825916167 ], [ -82.142865141480229, 28.81062320486819 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chalmer Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005634101140146, 28.882318449685183 ], [ -82.005671193264604, 28.882275669284457 ], [ -82.005692630445481, 28.882246306686305 ], [ -82.005711911593792, 28.882215804559088 ], [ -82.005728954702519, 28.882184289229027 ], [ -82.005743690067106, 28.882151886119534 ], [ -82.005756064386404, 28.88211872426248 ], [ -82.005757816888575, 28.882087752694581 ], [ -82.005773525913639, 28.882050666599181 ], [ -82.005778544452781, 28.88201604238925 ], [ -82.005778571095092, 28.882015800571395 ], [ -82.005790360492256, 28.881912461324745 ], [ -82.005811523924862, 28.881746002108791 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 127", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028894219386032, 28.878844715930995 ], [ -82.028894203425878, 28.878846339174995 ], [ -82.028884948483451, 28.879783951551282 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Enisgrove Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972061361166908, 28.852170177159806 ], [ -81.972146481627334, 28.852170193957793 ], [ -81.972285198784277, 28.852159119818509 ], [ -81.972452291186144, 28.85214388812895 ], [ -81.972624112551713, 28.852120331624278 ], [ -81.972770714602277, 28.852099546177588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 90th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953525259801694, 28.891414163461473 ], [ -81.953527825271209, 28.891621973990343 ], [ -81.953538085728454, 28.892250537805563 ], [ -81.953540650662362, 28.892704641912371 ], [ -81.953540650613121, 28.892748256385026 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Shore Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970926277292207, 28.910566628220081 ], [ -81.971263029975276, 28.910687366083881 ], [ -81.971619320199039, 28.910802263967177 ], [ -81.971622249770306, 28.910802951236661 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Archer Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005135206451499, 28.936487744003472 ], [ -82.005164242579085, 28.936490496807266 ], [ -82.00518496942955, 28.936494484231496 ], [ -82.005201808865536, 28.936499611385429 ], [ 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], [ -81.965888465975084, 28.869450292781934 ], [ -81.965995655393414, 28.869398219193954 ], [ -81.966142904614415, 28.869328902693397 ], [ -81.966266887491273, 28.869270104649331 ], [ -81.966387635134197, 28.869220794300841 ], [ -81.9665234712391, 28.869181924549821 ], [ -81.966654989208592, 28.869157287421952 ], [ -81.96677860968417, 28.869146596013888 ], [ -81.966898608992281, 28.869150704078923 ], [ -81.967060066205477, 28.869169682252313 ], [ -81.967216189046539, 28.869204901289301 ], [ -81.967364974687797, 28.869249628636879 ], [ -81.96751004962853, 28.869294698699132 ], [ -81.967669768883653, 28.869342522354682 ], [ -81.967829293523081, 28.869390345774146 ], [ -81.967974474964933, 28.869430409383451 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964354094901907, 28.955459827884976 ], [ -81.964304933111379, 28.955499507495965 ], [ -81.964224578932644, 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[ -81.975337755455485, 28.876160930451448 ], [ -81.975357375621385, 28.876117059611349 ], [ -81.975390449345383, 28.87605254205139 ], [ -81.97543503284902, 28.875946276161478 ], [ -81.975473870013815, 28.875837481854003 ], [ -81.975491141090316, 28.875735006924135 ], [ -81.975496918689814, 28.875618614580532 ], [ -81.97549694336125, 28.875514871462361 ], [ -81.975501284324778, 28.875395947893601 ], [ -81.975502746208974, 28.875292205937171 ], [ -81.975504204781757, 28.87520238018945 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barone Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020812272521042, 28.747862568538995 ], [ -82.02065240065329, 28.747542264730455 ], [ -82.020469997512521, 28.746995662328686 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Main Street", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045412221125048, 28.837604800759827 ], [ 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966880427238365, 28.859934454523323 ], [ -81.966955936584, 28.859950940189435 ], [ -81.967198039881481, 28.860001420345156 ], [ -81.967640594563875, 28.860092055976434 ], [ -81.968010258284849, 28.860168922582819 ], [ -81.968283600607748, 28.860226284693244 ], [ -81.968586881636028, 28.860287089236131 ], [ -81.968662378324922, 28.860299712982684 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 68th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.125809682649063, 28.656860040865517 ], [ -82.127002902768297, 28.656852376776282 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Triton Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000137947866179, 28.85445925945206 ], [ -82.000315272159312, 28.854332548412952 ], [ -82.00038758887213, 28.854269571287194 ], [ -82.000431896762393, 28.854213531898335 ], [ 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28.812234634049808 ], [ -82.017566091469391, 28.812230391234138 ], [ -82.017487600140555, 28.812228318444323 ], [ -82.017409075359268, 28.812228421986518 ], [ -82.01733058985937, 28.812230697340155 ], [ -82.017252226620428, 28.812235144495212 ], [ -82.017174060425319, 28.812241758931243 ], [ -82.017096168105581, 28.812250533420844 ], [ -82.017018628541592, 28.812261459834151 ], [ -82.016968325700816, 28.8122685210474 ], [ -82.016917789039084, 28.812274133158837 ], [ -82.016867071831626, 28.812278290747919 ], [ -82.01686082653282, 28.812278621738248 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barker Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980022049653414, 28.870838566744176 ], [ -81.980223037059886, 28.870866530109272 ], [ -81.980765507695907, 28.870952451631293 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Taupier Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989996741591085, 28.784641903369373 ], [ -81.990449357988624, 28.784640942198457 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991702027086845, 28.885726500892364 ], [ -81.991720775486598, 28.885736815369786 ], [ -81.991943527348639, 28.885878081669908 ], [ -81.99204449812737, 28.885934215429273 ], [ -81.992211013338633, 28.886007503934255 ], [ -81.99232084377428, 28.886044928794817 ], [ -81.992419746305089, 28.886070321655701 ], [ -81.99257239398861, 28.886099511656994 ], [ -81.993025188304344, 28.88616592499929 ], [ -81.993886674324742, 28.886300040776948 ], [ -81.994388606050691, 28.886391164939447 ], [ -81.994533131339509, 28.886411453877727 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Martha Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981236786415892, 28.767975788254812 ], [ 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28.739966038884251 ], [ -81.989273292852346, 28.739956461237433 ], [ -81.989217272195489, 28.739950434618361 ], [ -81.989139946221059, 28.73991528735316 ], [ -81.989061544282734, 28.739860495462743 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "San Marino Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959002601883086, 28.92532128211236 ], [ -81.95900848377913, 28.925347116634558 ], [ -81.95901254676653, 28.925379404720939 ], [ -81.959015799005186, 28.925405233024939 ], [ -81.959018235142636, 28.925430345558858 ], [ -81.95902311913062, 28.925456176165813 ], [ -81.959025029526472, 28.925480293306705 ], [ -81.959027978347976, 28.925539402690582 ], [ -81.959030052149515, 28.925622273760862 ], [ -81.959039256825633, 28.925788624688259 ], [ -81.959042584764859, 28.925949757645299 ], [ -81.959042574137797, 28.92597661085971 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Etheredge Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, 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[ -81.964671552405818, 28.881978307687199 ], [ -81.96466787371962, 28.881705913624963 ], [ -81.964672978349981, 28.881488886185455 ], [ -81.964683267135243, 28.881395502487564 ], [ -81.964701025834472, 28.881321747616806 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Loggins Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978748869768111, 28.756245400584952 ], [ -81.979136346322619, 28.75625214836446 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Widmann Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022077546241988, 28.834028320585915 ], [ -82.02174477957351, 28.833904929914144 ], [ -82.021613890494137, 28.833830758885398 ], [ -82.021530994169993, 28.83374786133674 ], [ -82.021487365698064, 28.833669328478614 ], [ -82.021496091824162, 28.833555891703902 ], [ -82.021496092992209, 28.83336828476056 ], [ -82.021496092843805, 28.833250483958285 ], [ -82.021456826803302, 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-81.997898996827985, 28.950955114465621 ], [ -81.997907646924901, 28.950610114980311 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Main Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.042623591084535, 28.859071673554713 ], [ -82.042838541772227, 28.858585593973164 ], [ -82.042968321269996, 28.85829072997948 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bowling Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014347667629877, 28.754275709398861 ], [ -82.015016445861434, 28.75426735154204 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 48", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984462483427862, 28.655243840192728 ], [ -81.984461918675308, 28.655244311145768 ], [ -81.984032408345882, 28.655597206923034 ], [ -81.983553598657664, 28.6560021446424 ], [ -81.983061777463874, 28.656410441096622 ], [ 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-81.956992029917785, 28.678049538401584 ], [ -81.95678563088326, 28.678225808811064 ], [ -81.95658477549523, 28.678390601217636 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975473831910136, 28.877974213850262 ], [ -81.975645645383253, 28.877787483105362 ], [ -81.975740780710396, 28.877670303055897 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Iglesia Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973941470631075, 28.938568179664347 ], [ -81.974270901425783, 28.938555613162158 ], [ -81.97430562634203, 28.938573949943091 ], [ -81.974324723239008, 28.938599922534937 ], [ -81.974331661926783, 28.938630473736321 ], [ -81.974328181524825, 28.938659497157619 ], [ -81.974317754921728, 28.938683934688779 ], [ -81.974293440016737, 28.938699204949387 ], [ -81.974263916128692, 28.938711420840104 ], [ -81.97423092277873, 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[ -82.013329530875694, 28.840019888579256 ], [ -82.013354306223221, 28.840032083647468 ], [ -82.01337422473992, 28.840040680766272 ], [ -82.013412537524403, 28.840054464417747 ], [ -82.013441682024336, 28.840062715074229 ], [ -82.013476039441102, 28.84007016037345 ], [ -82.013536491131504, 28.84008167078656 ], [ -82.013607089344077, 28.840095115651959 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 205a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043433960495804, 28.888667965020581 ], [ -82.04343433577823, 28.889579553162527 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Red Clover Lane", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996825284965922, 28.858132006597657 ], [ -81.997085608010735, 28.85823967848679 ], [ -81.997387627852305, 28.858343291263346 ], [ -81.997478385605476, 28.858374696007207 ], [ -81.997570041329567, 28.858404010066767 ], [ 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-81.969356111915332, 28.871800234021062 ], [ -81.969410046382109, 28.871760004526283 ], [ -81.969497980249898, 28.871704306446684 ], [ -81.96958708660604, 28.871645511871524 ], [ -81.96968088333945, 28.871587752336389 ], [ -81.969761780990709, 28.871538243192624 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Burgess Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028656021610047, 28.831209558324502 ], [ -82.028666671363609, 28.831062165908719 ], [ -82.028673914879292, 28.830849597776258 ], [ -82.028672636991431, 28.83067068388403 ], [ -82.028661136329305, 28.830481970330265 ], [ -82.028648356630683, 28.830318816717341 ], [ -82.028621521066697, 28.830104544833734 ], [ -82.028601074404889, 28.82993201961385 ], [ -82.028581479464137, 28.829782922643226 ], [ -82.028559754646679, 28.829642773393939 ], [ -82.028542289405564, 28.829571205905257 ], [ -82.028522267773042, 28.829515402265013 ], [ -82.028471149288904, 28.829408904315766 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28.931137954286086 ], [ -81.95830466648944, 28.931145865349269 ], [ -81.958317558598566, 28.931154806588619 ], [ -81.95832927693121, 28.931164779687201 ], [ -81.958339825590457, 28.931175783744266 ], [ -81.95834880764302, 28.931187818636804 ], [ -81.958356421180753, 28.931200540652274 ], [ -81.958362474403501, 28.931213949731369 ], [ -81.95836696232071, 28.931227702098393 ], [ -81.958369692106317, 28.931241797693666 ], [ -81.958370663759609, 28.931256236517228 ], [ -81.958370071269414, 28.931270674855057 ], [ -81.958361217552721, 28.931423995454288 ], [ -81.958356499694176, 28.931494812400867 ], [ -81.958352752457614, 28.931580067266953 ], [ -81.958350966094756, 28.931650540445734 ], [ -81.958354087449123, 28.931685638877468 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020540855476568, 28.865474195521337 ], [ -82.020668495996233, 28.865473569392833 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.053650757594085, 28.919809238916439 ], [ -82.053650117931653, 28.919928419792509 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Panigoni Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977053831044131, 28.789722493120141 ], [ -81.977088288709339, 28.789626727402943 ], [ -81.977128641256456, 28.789534672994403 ], [ -81.977181604951539, 28.789427487106035 ], [ -81.977230785053436, 28.789337955228802 ], [ -81.977298881050217, 28.789226985746186 ], [ -81.977355627495143, 28.789141236697308 ], [ -81.977422461954134, 28.789055488417389 ], [ -81.977498124193204, 28.788976043343663 ], [ -81.977616660727932, 28.788876424223503 ], [ -81.977791234188658, 28.788742949527855 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 117", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024674500851972, 28.907798152298128 ], [ -82.024674500933315, 28.907798502389685 ], [ 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[ -82.000335888130152, 28.933081017580427 ], [ -82.000198243561044, 28.933013599649826 ], [ -82.000149395473542, 28.932985906288639 ], [ -82.00011031807658, 28.932953438898352 ], [ -82.000048442980315, 28.932887548611898 ], [ -81.999960516723291, 28.932792054896193 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Valente Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.052498554820929, 28.791019870543629 ], [ -82.052504011333227, 28.790747717335506 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Craven Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023566149293856, 28.913726799356514 ], [ -82.023870713258972, 28.913729496302214 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124440596392702, 28.777075452159792 ], [ -82.124759127818251, 28.777668587137264 ], [ 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-81.967735570651442, 28.83564184359274 ], [ -81.967779804073842, 28.835688453892065 ], [ -81.967828373168743, 28.835744998720585 ], [ -81.96788127969765, 28.835799252706916 ], [ -81.967938526895679, 28.835847395476026 ], [ -81.968014860926161, 28.835898598883251 ], [ -81.968120690928771, 28.835956683933219 ], [ -81.968208306499122, 28.836001014323081 ], [ -81.968290610727607, 28.836032643421635 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013527000758174, 28.814079891722205 ], [ -82.013293990804755, 28.813856010592673 ], [ -82.012527276085777, 28.813135585416195 ], [ -82.011643867077652, 28.812302321346721 ], [ -82.011394082135141, 28.812121008338409 ], [ -82.011206984732212, 28.812007206343164 ], [ -82.011068107886885, 28.811895332263955 ], [ -82.010434483510252, 28.811293530496439 ], [ -82.009942628737591, 28.810830607069686 ], [ -82.009743958816713, 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"Major Dade Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.114865761134496, 28.688434163857917 ], [ -82.114876325341299, 28.688180633643519 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reading Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983121723030365, 28.84804250063765 ], [ -81.98325983004257, 28.847999418444399 ], [ -81.98334415454039, 28.847976516715622 ], [ -81.983455380905383, 28.847950149801051 ], [ -81.983536424771046, 28.847933612413488 ], [ -81.983614377224228, 28.847919785125995 ], [ -81.983708577688816, 28.847905747732693 ], [ -81.983799124016556, 28.84789496805827 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037461775793204, 28.927184597511996 ], [ -82.03746591725141, 28.927129677288651 ], [ -82.037485345511158, 28.926935851770686 ] ] ] } }, { 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-81.995304528399942, 28.791443790230097 ], [ -81.995355723141557, 28.791482311823053 ], [ -81.995405591387424, 28.791522158848913 ], [ -81.995454091143216, 28.791563296117467 ], [ -81.995501178365757, 28.791605688438409 ], [ -81.995546812084683, 28.791649297012309 ], [ -81.995656937128473, 28.791757731743495 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 21st Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.141107505944575, 28.804102796498327 ], [ -82.141081367642869, 28.804111761932603 ], [ -82.141067325396691, 28.804118995895919 ], [ -82.141052111420507, 28.804124855956658 ], [ -82.1410363097351, 28.804128653948464 ], [ -82.141019919316889, 28.804130389872185 ], [ -82.141003526133446, 28.804130063119064 ], [ -82.140973082148051, 28.804129063395013 ], [ -82.1409561039208, 28.804129425705153 ], [ -82.140939322736415, 28.804130817342891 ], [ -82.14092254247501, 28.804132898341415 ], [ -82.140905957770713, 28.804135664889547 ], [ -82.140889570112876, 28.804139464374643 ], [ -82.140873378574256, 28.804143604726956 ], [ -82.140857577698668, 28.804148779620146 ], [ -82.140841973404562, 28.804154640964509 ], [ -82.140826760329716, 28.804161187655868 ], [ -82.140811938477555, 28.804168422401347 ], [ -82.140797507846642, 28.804176344298721 ], [ -82.140783662616116, 28.804184609367155 ], [ -82.140770404730404, 28.804193905164034 ], [ -82.140757536579869, 28.80420354343288 ], [ -82.140745452464543, 28.804214214031184 ], [ -82.14073395328704, 28.804224882217454 ], [ -82.140723039970879, 28.804236238257051 ], [ -82.14071290817877, 28.804248281045027 ], [ -82.140703361787033, 28.80426066700516 ], [ -82.140694597485378, 28.804273396836059 ], [ -82.140686809909894, 28.804286467629261 ], [ -82.140679605687708, 28.804299882499464 ], [ -82.140673185603859, 28.804313640336421 ], [ -82.140667738152914, 28.804327741847242 ], [ -82.140663074839637, 28.804342185422733 ], [ -82.140659191107034, 28.804356627288048 ], [ -82.140656283083956, 28.804371414628918 ], [ -82.140654351328351, 28.80438619825139 ], [ -82.140653005541537, 28.804400982169028 ], [ -82.140595990319042, 28.805546861290651 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 22nd Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.068296691991279, 28.606088182243006 ], [ -82.068304519290137, 28.605139109144218 ], [ -82.068294735305471, 28.604966906641923 ], [ -82.068237986332676, 28.604949294077908 ], [ -82.067609167185992, 28.604947433173592 ], [ -82.067518700942088, 28.604947432563755 ], [ -82.067502736052006, 28.605048542367516 ], [ -82.067500251254586, 28.606056868671189 ], [ -82.067658756675655, 28.606060782628912 ], [ -82.06812840317653, 28.606066656572043 ], [ -82.068296691991279, 28.606088182243006 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maple Hill Terrace", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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28.894296874503471 ], [ -81.998195546503339, 28.894349466579026 ], [ -81.998220646542336, 28.894372607329075 ], [ -81.998255001027488, 28.894394915382904 ], [ -81.998283991279564, 28.89440942296978 ], [ -81.998343368574254, 28.894423281308342 ], [ -81.998421443650145, 28.894423098271389 ], [ -81.998482400448651, 28.894409426494068 ], [ -81.998676136601375, 28.894327126380364 ], [ -81.999331020703792, 28.894062325910792 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Forest Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00168859334164, 28.933722529842026 ], [ -82.001518968528003, 28.933885457649829 ], [ -82.001488874991139, 28.933909865841791 ], [ -82.001461501544824, 28.933931250418642 ], [ -82.001444554184317, 28.933946160052578 ], [ -82.001424215865441, 28.933959577311594 ], [ -82.001398796246633, 28.933971504912066 ], [ -82.001376764442696, 28.933978958909361 ], [ -82.00135981698007, 28.933984922280871 ], [ -82.001341175084718, 28.933992378055898 ], [ -82.001327616506572, 28.93399834050048 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ashwood Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001119698787875, 28.887720547939487 ], [ -82.000639249569957, 28.887722652131735 ], [ -82.000289067106138, 28.887734221933869 ], [ -81.999880032448118, 28.887746686903785 ], [ -81.999546877067758, 28.887755256752389 ], [ -81.999228963843962, 28.887768929297501 ], [ -81.999011445241862, 28.887786807611104 ], [ -81.998948101446643, 28.887804689756795 ], [ -81.998907465630737, 28.887828880973611 ], [ -81.99888356276476, 28.887854125322885 ], [ -81.998856073370391, 28.88789409428102 ], [ -81.998840085199745, 28.887929728693202 ], [ -81.998825949322196, 28.888054130577093 ], [ -81.998807770999051, 28.888237179263307 ], [ -81.998789594471177, 28.888432667060844 ], [ -81.998763338538254, 28.888717013345659 ], [ -81.998739102805587, 28.888964038672267 ], [ -81.998716887342027, 28.889171966415823 ], [ -81.998699696547831, 28.889381706925903 ], [ -81.998698503506645, 28.889422669558495 ], [ -81.998707717864832, 28.889463455452624 ], [ -81.998730723837539, 28.889515094365269 ], [ -81.998748625450943, 28.889542403585633 ], [ -81.998773422990638, 28.889568275509792 ], [ -81.99880710131373, 28.889595969263898 ], [ -81.998846118213805, 28.889621590477137 ], [ -81.998888252011767, 28.889641131104547 ], [ -81.99893598895531, 28.889654785160516 ], [ -81.998978951402364, 28.889658987558601 ], [ -81.999048170850699, 28.889656886690425 ], [ -81.999185412271729, 28.889649535809507 ], [ -81.999428869613567, 28.889640084852733 ], [ -81.999679486294653, 28.889631682857551 ], [ -81.999959939028571, 28.889622232873304 ], [ -82.00023322959774, 28.88961278039098 ], [ -82.000552461752306, 28.889596718161691 ], [ -82.000816996428895, 28.889594941395167 ], [ -82.001010852998377, 28.889596717595317 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 77th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.060192933442323, 28.64566341869368 ], [ -82.060130844196919, 28.645714463956896 ], [ -82.060079459964783, 28.645752277166892 ], [ -82.059978819437163, 28.64580711728599 ], [ -82.059923142752382, 28.645831704963456 ], [ -82.059873885385599, 28.645846843264881 ], [ -82.059764664129702, 28.645877123566784 ], [ -82.05966399976711, 28.645888505148015 ], [ -82.059569753776088, 28.645892324101105 ], [ -82.0594626562347, 28.645892370466466 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Leschak Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.035902122109363, 28.824110641369632 ], [ -82.035903123269264, 28.82406861697703 ], [ -82.035903122863701, 28.824028093384698 ], [ -82.035889858197791, 28.823982681830685 ], [ -82.035861066331364, 28.823930571965878 ], [ -82.035282384130397, 28.823114892367375 ], [ -82.035250267712669, 28.823080526218966 ], [ -82.035219921932253, 28.823049542366846 ], [ -82.035174501888079, 28.823005306532451 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Day Lily Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990419118485903, 28.870365131462869 ], [ -81.990191272229353, 28.869939862017045 ], [ -81.990095204129474, 28.869750595872457 ], [ -81.990085260602243, 28.869712960060678 ], [ -81.990072624324043, 28.869653656135633 ], [ -81.990065567806283, 28.869601458264984 ], [ -81.99006633393634, 28.869566163826789 ], [ -81.990066964781477, 28.869478680155346 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palo Alto Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975964922923424, 28.935951292266246 ], [ -81.976053550570199, 28.936044634284517 ], [ -81.97612499370004, 28.936106342344701 ], [ -81.976136569388132, 28.936121913500791 ], [ -81.976142189704717, 28.936137775935975 ], [ -81.976142185109452, 28.936157564151472 ], [ -81.976138210506534, 28.936175024640988 ], [ -81.976127619388251, 28.93619524857812 ], [ -81.976114384014139, 28.936206450001052 ], [ -81.976094532933132, 28.936216922990035 ], [ -81.976076005802014, 28.936224050505885 ], [ -81.976059132149786, 28.936226665941735 ], [ -81.97604027557432, 28.936225790043292 ], [ -81.976015464087993, 28.936218801834237 ], [ -81.97597577046615, 28.936198714144119 ], [ -81.975914578206655, 28.936155195399852 ], [ -81.97583513656042, 28.936093815119776 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sprague Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.114876325341299, 28.688180633643519 ], [ -82.116577265781615, 28.688216650599866 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kingston Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001739022435657, 28.921887590376191 ], [ -82.001689314659473, 28.921782572539783 ], [ -82.00161657552627, 28.921660803736263 ], [ -82.001537772239971, 28.921527480128656 ], [ -82.001441075991494, 28.921387742166527 ], [ -82.00138402590332, 28.921305580326511 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrel Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988362285217462, 28.84384018907652 ], [ -81.988360949475151, 28.843656368323177 ], [ -81.988359539074935, 28.843462330738628 ], [ -81.988358752186585, 28.843353825571619 ], [ -81.988356586218131, 28.843260487157504 ], [ -81.988350774545339, 28.843206953688622 ], [ -81.988340155903956, 28.843150056900924 ], [ -81.988332972266846, 28.84312119598826 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 575", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.244354408242486, 28.696883213209539 ], [ -82.244353064463212, 28.6963042862089 ], [ -82.244349084232056, 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28.687384671237819 ], [ -82.249789912496254, 28.686735139956333 ], [ -82.249993248284724, 28.686577586880553 ], [ -82.250254632240669, 28.686355769765036 ], [ -82.250367099590846, 28.68623045982304 ], [ -82.250439623079586, 28.68613409387995 ], [ -82.250522952590572, 28.685992798125511 ], [ -82.250584486489913, 28.685864376592981 ], [ -82.250627816719103, 28.685729571496854 ], [ -82.250653028343748, 28.685623669992793 ], [ -82.250670917804555, 28.685498536355986 ], [ -82.250681548238035, 28.685379829940935 ], [ -82.250681258115307, 28.685257936942715 ], [ -82.25066269689674, 28.685100793293877 ], [ -82.250629310454471, 28.684828199176255 ], [ -82.25054052835992, 28.68420606610681 ], [ -82.250481911380675, 28.683754821897306 ], [ -82.25048185196006, 28.68375436091846 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Whalin Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993122505779468, 28.800906127917582 ], [ -81.993282665821127, 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[ -81.977827904168521, 28.949006690127447 ], [ -81.978055968971617, 28.948932284168126 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Benjamin Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036633562216537, 28.82384091836413 ], [ -82.036589842050901, 28.823793603883448 ], [ -82.036523961584422, 28.823731316937568 ], [ -82.036472040958188, 28.823682280279193 ], [ -82.036448776035883, 28.823655171151664 ], [ -82.03629002585177, 28.82342760112298 ], [ -82.036230484654538, 28.823346190629021 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mclin Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013574036517085, 28.850289217631282 ], [ -82.013649504196053, 28.850299209755086 ], [ -82.013770722320459, 28.850310435371995 ], [ -82.013940635522872, 28.850316180915062 ], [ -82.014290010816396, 28.850305258025461 ], [ -82.014346536320389, 28.85030324107608 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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28.93317817240758 ], [ -81.978639389603401, 28.933198978790426 ], [ -81.978650775430324, 28.933230108876632 ], [ -81.978653876548705, 28.933257439879089 ], [ -81.978640407109552, 28.933287502184378 ], [ -81.97861865386183, 28.933309364009979 ], [ -81.978546928495703, 28.933348641122613 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 513", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.033252472972251, 28.807102945784212 ], [ -82.033261275418596, 28.807395195026086 ], [ -82.033266664841364, 28.808342650114241 ], [ -82.033268749947297, 28.808892922144139 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.063272452472944, 28.799861911928257 ], [ -82.062977536505386, 28.799859264437675 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-82.011337650226935, 28.88315422128419 ], [ -82.011368446387451, 28.883128452716317 ], [ -82.011374617354889, 28.883121821211823 ], [ -82.011644329990631, 28.882851935535637 ], [ -82.01196874462893, 28.882530008095188 ], [ -82.012084475403697, 28.882414724790127 ], [ -82.012111723810648, 28.882377943762759 ], [ -82.012152213348244, 28.882312491872323 ], [ -82.012185095601808, 28.882243813991611 ], [ -82.012210045677705, 28.882172598610005 ], [ -82.012226815575531, 28.882099548645982 ], [ -82.012232678917627, 28.882057071397149 ], [ -82.012235521641813, 28.882047062824427 ], [ -82.012256399360737, 28.881991700317712 ], [ -82.012285150770637, 28.88193914147973 ], [ -82.012321302326626, 28.881890248946885 ], [ -82.012364258484297, 28.881845828520369 ], [ -82.012413318100684, 28.881806606607793 ], [ -82.012467675459106, 28.8817732275166 ], [ -82.01247062984713, 28.881771662666281 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dundee Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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[ -81.96730430711952, 28.830331558009036 ], [ -81.967336617452702, 28.830350665030377 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vann Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997202065170029, 28.7724289365845 ], [ -81.997151328469869, 28.772395097715034 ], [ -81.997100343172363, 28.772353941035409 ], [ -81.997044443936289, 28.772289442203398 ], [ -81.996831904840604, 28.772006261453278 ], [ -81.996802397712102, 28.771959173352094 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Buttonwood Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010560022844317, 28.883316081510326 ], [ -82.010719722126623, 28.883456613905015 ], [ -82.010889483212793, 28.883628632046808 ], [ -82.011012947045245, 28.883782544358851 ], [ -82.011095259037518, 28.883900243189128 ], [ -82.011182717829612, 28.884058684975649 ], [ -82.01124960177107, 28.884194492294323 ], [ -82.011321631624867, 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011252065310927, 28.912275197490942 ], [ -82.011569131106938, 28.912341520607722 ], [ -82.011780899178191, 28.912382069536537 ], [ -82.011902413119088, 28.912397529256083 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Anderson Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987980632470808, 28.887788537619951 ], [ -81.988167765819938, 28.887551346726873 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 479", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.126271709795731, 28.770805684810771 ], [ -82.126929115599211, 28.770806633962284 ], [ -82.127065559381691, 28.77080806937969 ], [ -82.127173651161385, 28.770809528462987 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Manor Downs", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024813469246638, 28.919174042404439 ], [ 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978810430193036, 28.949077234887692 ], [ -81.979011789819268, 28.94926274197601 ], [ -81.979251057372423, 28.949462844730167 ], [ -81.979449178636784, 28.949624077177535 ], [ -81.9797438096207, 28.94986721879523 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 746a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01542720194621, 28.600156104699789 ], [ -82.015449074932164, 28.600058016825844 ], [ -82.015465898068044, 28.599169763532817 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Inner Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961667337226388, 28.885425156328637 ], [ -81.961604567415151, 28.88560711625281 ], [ -81.961584694339862, 28.885676781735111 ], [ -81.961578736608516, 28.885743589099572 ], [ -81.961584369088641, 28.885829535779681 ], [ -81.961594095768376, 28.885892082455474 ], [ -81.961618720670359, 28.885963854907036 ], [ -81.961658521400111, 28.886028955565411 ], [ -81.961747919831907, 28.886140356589472 ], [ -81.961851192235073, 28.886258988927359 ], [ -81.961963054686564, 28.886390344256938 ], [ -81.962060666857937, 28.88650175641904 ], [ -81.962144028186216, 28.88660009917313 ], [ -81.962232851416843, 28.886708757612528 ], [ -81.962316018001786, 28.886805040249961 ], [ -81.962347310821542, 28.886837003115243 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corley Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970176663027175, 28.792190005161761 ], [ -81.970175346190388, 28.791885847600717 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tamarindo Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990472487336689, 28.95027196553329 ], [ -81.990749039843848, 28.950388746362595 ], [ -81.991029281217649, 28.950502283131478 ], [ -81.991357047845639, 28.950631038700283 ], [ 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[ -81.954927574251244, 28.876212864717338 ], [ -81.95492227465671, 28.876134232717831 ], [ -81.954930290554643, 28.876100201471381 ], [ -81.954946303467864, 28.876068520697025 ], [ -81.954991658502593, 28.87601572505622 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Dade Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.111895928518621, 28.66673486698458 ], [ -82.11052706934548, 28.666719347848062 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Swordfish Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005791132989842, 28.89075229605865 ], [ -82.005788074018412, 28.890123984672588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Leanna Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994490105958363, 28.759229289387445 ], [ -81.994494522723357, 28.758731487892863 ], [ -81.994477743103644, 28.758524857240179 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[ -82.066264804732157, 28.872771343683901 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.227858861426839, 28.70920553752628 ], [ -82.227930963833643, 28.709274303603099 ], [ -82.228762192699094, 28.710122291097711 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Florida Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.110540082953079, 28.664895914578029 ], [ -82.110532828574819, 28.665855189789951 ], [ -82.11052706934548, 28.666719347848062 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Grenadier Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011322793604421, 28.877907452699208 ], [ -82.011473185274951, 28.87783238089391 ], [ -82.011680235340705, 28.877720357728474 ], [ -82.011980546438451, 28.877538487345774 ], [ -82.012173412611233, 28.877408318415 ], [ 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28.797444216767076 ], [ -82.081808310686654, 28.796963600217129 ], [ -82.080575431317342, 28.795552178697413 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sea Grapes Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023924579337503, 28.795291999095539 ], [ -82.023929994413649, 28.795262011603576 ], [ -82.02393601196799, 28.795223661372003 ], [ -82.023938859163252, 28.795203381401542 ], [ -82.023943237491252, 28.795168315869159 ], [ -82.023947112431287, 28.79513129871987 ], [ -82.023950183398057, 28.795094860992975 ], [ -82.023956872528316, 28.795004667352373 ], [ -82.023963418673233, 28.794916399270576 ], [ -82.02396925910314, 28.794842077457577 ], [ -82.023972197583703, 28.794817845338869 ], [ -82.023976300292205, 28.794791686582041 ], [ -82.023982023833653, 28.79476251291922 ], [ -82.023990329584294, 28.79472824976753 ], [ -82.024002137316074, 28.794688582061184 ], [ -82.024011533568128, 28.794661668962089 ], [ -82.024025770869741, 28.794626022444817 ], [ -82.024038597266753, 28.794597711070935 ], [ -82.024051518457171, 28.794571894574837 ], [ -82.024065392372748, 28.794546556139224 ], [ -82.024079129523898, 28.794523442829544 ], [ -82.024106111292554, 28.794482571518454 ], [ -82.024183004221427, 28.794373420763431 ], [ -82.024197516283451, 28.79435282115114 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Roosa Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994426509076717, 28.783485240175693 ], [ -81.994467143400584, 28.783479513989082 ], [ -81.994531742524529, 28.783473133703975 ], [ -81.994608303891113, 28.78346037360884 ], [ -81.994693638730482, 28.783447613823295 ], [ -81.994765415787029, 28.783437245483213 ], [ -81.994868294620716, 28.783422094245495 ], [ -81.994987125111464, 28.783418106073842 ], [ -81.995624263899401, 28.783423681647555 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Belt Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 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[ -81.966760873654678, 28.917551229051842 ], [ -81.966804485207476, 28.917558508766884 ], [ -81.966858739673469, 28.917566043743978 ], [ -81.966908411474165, 28.917572213294708 ], [ -81.966992324123098, 28.917580596480715 ], [ -81.967031079111564, 28.917583610671404 ], [ -81.967087470079406, 28.917587032511289 ], [ -81.967146156534497, 28.917589390180375 ], [ -81.96719294004987, 28.917590392366783 ], [ -81.967232909129862, 28.917590647573295 ], [ -81.967258330478813, 28.917592580192139 ], [ -81.967272515735587, 28.917595593720119 ], [ -81.967286455437247, 28.917600038229246 ], [ -81.967299122126093, 28.917605512849079 ], [ -81.967311408934577, 28.91761235886603 ], [ -81.967319545822988, 28.917617891930171 ], [ -81.967329879644311, 28.917625915868538 ], [ -81.967340930112556, 28.917637825270511 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central Parkway", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96760724493312, 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[ -81.982205591773777, 28.775010355194301 ], [ -81.982058210014671, 28.774997201459055 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 3rd Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.046706400240708, 28.606351554299721 ], [ -82.046740313432736, 28.60636550656141 ], [ -82.04678100899585, 28.606377460538049 ], [ -82.046837839160503, 28.606386169625509 ], [ -82.046993249590528, 28.60639546598992 ], [ -82.047392752609085, 28.60640686318299 ], [ -82.047842583710377, 28.606410696387492 ], [ -82.048746763603802, 28.606414370179525 ], [ -82.048882852753621, 28.606422862703546 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 153", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992868268007811, 28.82751343564162 ], [ -81.992327154742483, 28.82810502136612 ], [ -81.991803189288206, 28.828683952850987 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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[ -82.011352766087498, 28.8497330425017 ], [ -82.011334074191296, 28.849729321063595 ], [ -82.011319112687957, 28.849724441670748 ], [ -82.0113027478628, 28.849716856371462 ], [ -82.011289223879103, 28.849708414558812 ], [ -82.011282433605672, 28.849703244879642 ], [ -82.011272290575732, 28.849694016891473 ], [ -82.011259044574771, 28.849677993880412 ], [ -82.011250490548449, 28.849663291476624 ], [ -82.01124556380897, 28.849651353453655 ], [ -82.011241911555203, 28.849635091481282 ], [ -82.011235280309862, 28.849582008444919 ], [ -82.011198579392186, 28.849258954228148 ], [ -82.011189774813815, 28.849169490382078 ], [ -82.011187203762944, 28.849102991539436 ], [ -82.011188106556048, 28.849052194353447 ], [ -82.011191478789982, 28.84898690684415 ], [ -82.011198940374697, 28.848923277454087 ], [ -82.011220618177191, 28.848794356998894 ], [ -82.011253141089711, 28.848627240175659 ], [ -82.011270006717027, 28.848534369012231 ], [ -82.011294505228705, 28.848311557061042 ], [ 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-82.007289789180518, 28.860623506533287 ], [ -82.007136240183229, 28.860641245164434 ], [ -82.006981882007764, 28.860652266002244 ], [ -82.006827090846599, 28.860656535641422 ], [ -82.006673492538809, 28.860657423212928 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Weaver Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014375083691007, 28.800411996445181 ], [ -82.01432688536795, 28.800133848150431 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barret Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012612821799152, 28.879318060860196 ], [ -82.012550597133384, 28.879223120761122 ], [ -82.012526582437744, 28.879175113204685 ], [ -82.012500349921694, 28.87909676954774 ], [ -82.012492864358933, 28.879053387532387 ], [ -82.012489444329916, 28.879008026410862 ], [ -82.012489138714699, 28.878962646066761 ], [ -82.012489321648431, 28.878869038545293 ], [ -82.012488092077888, 28.878821108376293 ], [ -82.012481972854744, 28.878775899979313 ], [ -82.012467042919809, 28.878716806831093 ], [ -82.012453109977358, 28.878680106922495 ], [ -82.012415920780214, 28.878610083426963 ], [ -82.012266869936653, 28.878408343457846 ], [ -82.012131077666112, 28.87822307822141 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Calendar Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980406639362911, 28.76401887384959 ], [ -81.980879057193832, 28.764082499362576 ], [ -81.981928873458415, 28.764216111918142 ], [ -81.982311419403118, 28.764263034643879 ], [ -81.982411628557003, 28.764280532014265 ], [ -81.982531721824671, 28.764313935242598 ], [ -81.982620001556498, 28.764346542916169 ], [ -81.982692374843012, 28.764379946130241 ], [ -81.982756795325429, 28.764420506367301 ], [ -81.982841098460227, 28.764480154932848 ], [ -81.982996183621225, 28.764624105110222 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South 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-82.008288290506712, 28.75965289127338 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Miona Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994928681041927, 28.908362266684847 ], [ -81.995013182251384, 28.908331518723603 ], [ -81.995111857950945, 28.908303896802749 ], [ -81.995221744713959, 28.908297980905331 ], [ -81.995363026593125, 28.90830982597593 ], [ -81.995495339330532, 28.90833548296704 ], [ -81.995641105862347, 28.908363112704691 ], [ -81.99578446772361, 28.908392595526585 ], [ -81.995980398387388, 28.908437981040201 ], [ -81.99619502070513, 28.908491393665162 ], [ -81.996331818789201, 28.90852691749831 ], [ -81.996470326448474, 28.908560723263765 ], [ -81.996614881330089, 28.908592354507952 ], [ -81.996730998168843, 28.908607831933772 ], [ -81.996826247343151, 28.908619517286706 ], [ -81.996926101807148, 28.908631516682956 ], [ -81.997012192987953, 28.908636286471111 ], [ -81.997101898962924, 28.908638262771731 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28.69416751656242 ], [ -82.129655950871538, 28.69376744578587 ], [ -82.129838825679386, 28.69345230290082 ], [ -82.129972066333707, 28.693189246227828 ], [ -82.130127049102313, 28.69292616684837 ], [ -82.130216927222975, 28.692764488289164 ], [ -82.130282544573618, 28.692642218627885 ], [ -82.130356385484831, 28.692506902410365 ], [ -82.130461737287717, 28.692298647790853 ], [ -82.130594953529396, 28.692019156368247 ], [ -82.130777799717833, 28.691684839481272 ], [ -82.130821141851456, 28.691569766241244 ], [ -82.1312797809057, 28.69071480036548 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Churchill Downs", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0203203525503, 28.921434184281228 ], [ -82.020238923880527, 28.92143141262742 ], [ -82.020123689640286, 28.921430021843598 ], [ -82.0199900242674, 28.92143619035264 ], [ -82.019876515552227, 28.921443082186222 ], [ -82.019778831356675, 28.921449971665567 ], [ -82.019645979739877, 28.921453428317285 ], [ -82.019586195704989, 28.921456186979729 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991973320298584, 28.874213186823368 ], [ -81.992832157244663, 28.873382099909009 ], [ -81.994021561906649, 28.872244658535905 ], [ -81.99505642892575, 28.871241134070068 ], [ -81.995119261485442, 28.871194826628248 ], [ -81.995155109568373, 28.871173793472963 ], [ -81.995184984029805, 28.871162223442845 ], [ -81.995235557814155, 28.871152511102892 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972653736863379, 28.826460321794723 ], [ -81.972661449861732, 28.826384722505459 ], [ -81.972669917361202, 28.826350346257023 ], [ -81.972684889961286, 28.826321128027402 ], [ -81.972705069087453, 28.826286754158691 ], [ -81.972733055202127, 28.826255246703607 ], [ -81.972772103040526, 28.826220876655302 ], [ -81.97285084778234, 28.826157865415414 ], [ -81.973122041121172, 28.825980349176159 ], [ -81.973267379284167, 28.825875333181173 ], [ -81.973414890975135, 28.825752174729786 ], [ -81.973599290504694, 28.825555491499284 ], [ -81.973734887150428, 28.825375033718561 ], [ -81.973798892608514, 28.825274777124573 ], [ -81.973898703570768, 28.825089536259132 ], [ -81.97411895427382, 28.824657552361849 ], [ -81.97435351382785, 28.824197504480551 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Beecher Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005269791688619, 28.882943670137433 ], [ -82.006056030712912, 28.883118349786283 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jernigan Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985396599676179, 28.800855402279925 ], [ -81.986963484604331, 28.80016655291476 ] 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-81.981734711661275, 28.825482434634246 ], [ -81.981849524956203, 28.825614958854018 ], [ -81.981952462388975, 28.825716099964669 ], [ -81.982023433899187, 28.825837962748192 ], [ -81.982056369122205, 28.825900456582751 ], [ -81.982084230049736, 28.825994193986876 ], [ -81.98209435238266, 28.826076771059022 ], [ -81.982096872400732, 28.826168273656776 ], [ -81.982086478442724, 28.827630071446801 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.162521501858279, 28.640087900137239 ], [ -82.162594561350673, 28.6399819283981 ], [ -82.162763501548554, 28.639733853284085 ], [ -82.16325709823775, 28.639009240311704 ], [ -82.163913989589801, 28.638047898933213 ], [ -82.164322239382884, 28.637455057056048 ], [ -82.164493502142378, 28.637202851432715 ], [ -82.164692537535657, 28.636928077076124 ], [ -82.164862116550808, 28.636685343924629 ], [ -82.165016111264578, 28.636481633804625 ], [ 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-82.169497471842547, 28.631615666038559 ], [ -82.169709029920654, 28.63143076834784 ], [ -82.169902529562307, 28.631264128167206 ], [ -82.170031547483845, 28.631163673383746 ], [ -82.170268903795218, 28.630958227986127 ], [ -82.170503696222198, 28.630764181888654 ], [ -82.170694628408313, 28.630608942096234 ], [ -82.170924256157548, 28.630417181940814 ], [ -82.171210670837141, 28.630195716391807 ], [ -82.171494499265819, 28.629971975992206 ], [ -82.172121481118168, 28.629469708871614 ], [ -82.172874882305493, 28.628864705313617 ], [ -82.173651515815138, 28.628252829110107 ], [ -82.173955981829792, 28.628017659791798 ], [ -82.174645813384302, 28.627466864993856 ], [ -82.174959634681315, 28.627216292957222 ], [ -82.176063901931997, 28.62633956709994 ], [ -82.176559265570049, 28.625944582944165 ], [ -82.177115983118, 28.625500744072784 ], [ -82.177132023873213, 28.625487955143239 ], [ -82.177387451101509, 28.625289311588858 ], [ -82.177531927417306, 28.625172872554369 ], [ 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28.822972068278066 ], [ -82.020631766206506, 28.822950441600163 ], [ -82.020574097690158, 28.822936024866028 ], [ -82.020518026191041, 28.822941109483327 ], [ -82.020449498147514, 28.822954672189489 ], [ -82.02038953508216, 28.822986080389438 ], [ -82.020281745871941, 28.823068170985554 ], [ -82.020055077638645, 28.823265211997256 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Holcomb Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982026985414976, 28.757671882162725 ], [ -81.982404829917925, 28.757749861819207 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Red Fox Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.047708814838089, 28.79568076276658 ], [ -82.047844600627883, 28.795741066697332 ], [ -82.047870848618928, 28.795748636072798 ], [ -82.047900666695512, 28.795754523190045 ], [ -82.048092415569954, 28.795756609995994 ], [ -82.048523469451396, 28.795738838900395 ], [ -82.048863351210244, 28.795730472129478 ], [ -82.048925021185951, 28.795725405338221 ], [ -82.048985565973425, 28.79570607155701 ], [ -82.049043518291285, 28.79568043421822 ], [ -82.049280513692153, 28.795661876305093 ], [ -82.049188023729172, 28.795449287682224 ], [ -82.049341907891574, 28.794960176409965 ], [ -82.049356897628627, 28.794900214162169 ], [ -82.049359753834821, 28.794839538034768 ], [ -82.049346191687363, 28.794784572229069 ], [ -82.049318351136307, 28.79472675122123 ], [ -82.049271238807876, 28.794677497363878 ], [ -82.049212703557984, 28.79462895680248 ], [ -82.049096654616065, 28.794541012053564 ], [ -82.048870432057598, 28.79437451323431 ], [ -82.048761544191194, 28.794283171143821 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034000002232872, 28.92740472750689 ], [ -82.033447419285523, 28.927397210430204 ], [ -82.033073780346456, 28.927398231498472 ] ] 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[ -82.015451695852889, 28.859894656103993 ], [ -82.015380199768771, 28.859861566492313 ], [ -82.015305732120964, 28.859834020020916 ], [ -82.015228847435026, 28.859812222350477 ], [ -82.015150117652439, 28.859796332221183 ], [ -82.015070121882218, 28.859786467769883 ], [ -82.014989461775443, 28.859782703821772 ], [ -82.014762855185225, 28.859780739007981 ], [ -82.014672019969922, 28.859782276068788 ], [ -82.014581442647682, 28.859788460811924 ], [ -82.014491425568181, 28.859799271551591 ], [ -82.014402274153809, 28.859814668556425 ], [ -82.014314289726727, 28.859834604877868 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kornegay Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006365825683659, 28.751906928274376 ], [ -82.00645030292938, 28.751880027600794 ], [ -82.006601163091091, 28.751831985460303 ], [ -82.00672306064962, 28.751815428117716 ], [ -82.006826626472943, 28.751805175071674 ], [ -82.006998893874226, 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[ -81.987419389695518, 28.748083995000428 ], [ -81.98729167051728, 28.747970293883196 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.073628239760893, 28.799869689217388 ], [ -82.07462438324751, 28.799868617650038 ], [ -82.075322286674009, 28.799868233336309 ], [ -82.076058826037212, 28.799861443641973 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Waters Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997667421284532, 28.755812207411626 ], [ -81.997656548299005, 28.753248679166163 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bosie Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99360815706973, 28.851986745303769 ], [ -81.99371340015179, 28.851809453618078 ], [ -81.993750460056702, 28.851746619715431 ], [ -81.993783657213413, 28.85169841109288 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[ -82.195121829110548, 28.679008885407022 ], [ -82.19512677706652, 28.679182224820657 ], [ -82.195146666670354, 28.67993268890833 ], [ -82.195171462126282, 28.680834056824228 ], [ -82.19520644350338, 28.682239137003627 ], [ -82.195244586151162, 28.683683650427586 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Enrique Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992573492455989, 28.949411411108109 ], [ -81.992569128658133, 28.94988802796172 ], [ -81.992566777184408, 28.949932013687285 ], [ -81.992546376663697, 28.95011508317133 ], [ -81.992503799114857, 28.950339096513815 ], [ -81.992463539379671, 28.950487963443926 ], [ -81.992425243914298, 28.95062516022157 ], [ -81.992376027449296, 28.950743757398651 ], [ -81.992320813189238, 28.950855578891634 ], [ -81.99225625675659, 28.951000843277374 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drive Randy Mcdaniel Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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-81.954386485042207, 28.913947407107372 ], [ -81.954401717558511, 28.913959592393347 ], [ -81.954415934387498, 28.91397279512368 ], [ -81.954426089800151, 28.913987011557371 ], [ -81.954431167029469, 28.914010368340037 ], [ -81.954441320514917, 28.914591234547334 ], [ -81.954056659403079, 28.914594764912263 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 72nd Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.223975744260485, 28.634480824143907 ], [ -82.223968860276116, 28.634417320147278 ], [ -82.223966240072016, 28.634309893408183 ], [ -82.223944471974576, 28.633990493768771 ], [ -82.223961744318771, 28.633847804423201 ], [ -82.223972112263809, 28.633764050698186 ], [ -82.223996443316238, 28.633633755921831 ], [ -82.224006703860141, 28.633500382081536 ], [ -82.224002261661553, 28.633063101746831 ], [ -82.22398315021475, 28.632670629314884 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Center Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.111644502833755, 28.657534437167552 ], [ -82.11164179447438, 28.656711671290061 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lagrange Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993366175109259, 28.765655757079973 ], [ -81.993385259573458, 28.765805054533168 ], [ -81.99338977804095, 28.766214403569894 ], [ -81.99340559219435, 28.766588726096536 ], [ -81.993397684208333, 28.766791703732594 ], [ -81.993363377433212, 28.766955906579881 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenster Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01384102608084, 28.841954440925317 ], [ -82.013837416769064, 28.841954428644282 ], [ -82.013829318876404, 28.84195440958127 ], [ -82.013822558335207, 28.841954394899325 ], [ -82.01381508761375, 28.841954373969902 ], [ -82.013808250213543, 28.841954361099337 ], [ -82.013799902271003, 28.841954333035776 ], [ -82.013792043154197, 28.84195431214274 ], [ -82.013783457462011, 28.841954296733515 ], [ -82.013776333119822, 28.841954277572992 ], [ -82.013766263529959, 28.841954247869477 ], [ -82.013756337411621, 28.84195422536979 ], [ -82.013747794759126, 28.841954198224148 ], [ -82.013740358881719, 28.841954186310268 ], [ -82.013732238443268, 28.841954163634394 ], [ -82.013722561348217, 28.841954135694337 ], [ -82.013712724387076, 28.841954116792063 ], [ -82.013701999956709, 28.841954088951486 ], [ -82.013692775818129, 28.841954055551838 ], [ -82.013681858728191, 28.841954034946646 ], [ -82.013671550362318, 28.841954005259034 ], [ -82.013667840614062, 28.841953937040071 ], [ -82.013664814394303, 28.841953818226216 ], [ -82.013661502246393, 28.841953606502134 ], [ -82.013657409191083, 28.841953256799968 ], [ -82.013654043730838, 28.841952861010224 ], [ -82.013651238835266, 28.841952501258906 ], [ -82.013648591750638, 28.841952088256271 ], [ -82.013646177294248, 28.841951682449739 ], [ -82.013643488181742, 28.841951178318062 ], [ -82.01363842045653, 28.841950077989491 ], [ -82.013634690104908, 28.841949157091662 ], [ -82.013631639198948, 28.841948314629356 ], [ -82.01362831362988, 28.841947317898782 ], [ -82.013624740042246, 28.841946166897429 ], [ -82.013621430848403, 28.841944999629142 ], [ -82.013620940974036, 28.841944802973135 ], [ -82.013619020425978, 28.841944074995308 ], [ -82.013615213139573, 28.841942552265646 ], [ -82.013609916725954, 28.841940175193702 ], [ -82.0136067068876, 28.841938615412111 ], [ -82.013602912866176, 28.841936635211269 ], [ -82.013600634598902, 28.841935368590182 ], [ -82.013597942278381, 28.84193379883353 ], [ -82.013595768531133, 28.841932463627078 ], [ -82.01359386021889, 28.841931242988196 ], [ -82.013591810469933, 28.841929896942144 ], [ -82.0135895793087, 28.841928356015099 ], [ -82.013586787525568, 28.841926322482024 ], [ -82.013583785626736, 28.841924019179171 ], [ -82.013582243161153, 28.841922770533714 ], [ -82.013579880773008, 28.84192079921867 ], [ -82.013578717510015, 28.841919791452909 ], [ -82.013576945448449, 28.841918199050387 ], [ -82.013574388297258, 28.841915804571926 ], [ -82.013571187475904, 28.841912595371699 ], [ -82.013568752244637, 28.841909959965577 ], [ -82.013567164621008, 28.841908172647074 ], [ -82.013565165984176, 28.841905806988997 ], [ -82.013563624464638, 28.841903927630742 ], [ -82.013561918932695, 28.841901681049208 ], [ -82.013560663354014, 28.841899996561974 ], [ -82.013559028526316, 28.841897699444477 ], [ -82.013557506429294, 28.841895432092365 ], [ -82.013555611216503, 28.841892428493399 ], [ -82.013554303309093, 28.841890228793861 ], [ -82.013553079439987, 28.841888073299341 ], [ -82.013550983240322, 28.84188404650347 ], [ -82.013549812626081, 28.84188161760488 ], [ -82.01354853743311, 28.841878788092014 ], [ -82.013547618946447, 28.841876592866868 ], [ -82.013546453388486, 28.841873623485981 ], [ -82.013544923852464, 28.841869235713354 ], [ -82.013543542882886, 28.841864624154493 ], [ -82.013542683691938, 28.841861294723966 ], [ -82.013541740339846, 28.841856941183206 ], [ -82.013541368091282, 28.841854947120492 ], [ -82.013540782473271, 28.841851252229681 ], [ -82.01354049524771, 28.841848982955295 ], [ -82.013540143287287, 28.841845333157575 ], [ -82.013539929722157, 28.841842072240961 ], [ -82.013539831939738, 28.841838664237322 ], [ -82.013539719524047, 28.841832974301077 ], [ -82.013539640975281, 28.841827674158143 ], [ -82.0135395223449, 28.841821458177566 ], [ -82.01353940472606, 28.84181513662698 ], [ -82.013539338608567, 28.841810903009556 ], [ -82.013539215880428, 28.841804697857032 ], [ -82.013539104340879, 28.841797822289475 ], [ -82.013538985750742, 28.841791926627803 ], [ -82.01353886184755, 28.841784523211874 ], [ -82.013538743142462, 28.841777710806443 ], [ -82.013538613133136, 28.841770646658471 ], [ -82.013538494418796, 28.841763760263863 ], [ -82.0135383302881, 28.841754277034433 ], [ -82.013538206485606, 28.841747675769252 ], [ -82.013538075414132, 28.841740312957793 ], [ -82.013537943346023, 28.841733174820806 ], [ -82.013537845239341, 28.841727179903376 ], [ -82.013537715234548, 28.841720150945317 ], [ -82.013537590363569, 28.84171320048744 ], [ -82.013537458284773, 28.841705976631296 ], [ -82.01353732828899, 28.841699018955438 ], [ -82.013537210646348, 28.841692505213398 ], [ -82.013537098082267, 28.841685629645806 ], [ -82.013536973224504, 28.8416787838555 ], [ -82.013536915387306, 28.84167520260505 ], [ -82.013536638842339, 28.841660035755229 ], [ -82.013536245556608, 28.841637373453334 ], [ -82.013535977261412, 28.84162261534766 ], [ -82.013535702718343, 28.841607065919426 ], [ -82.013535400425994, 28.841590877660522 ], [ -82.013535112429508, 28.841574280655209 ], [ -82.01353478534655, 28.841556529603061 ], [ -82.013534483891931, 28.841538847123754 ], [ -82.013534253829619, 28.841526603743517 ], [ -82.013533920425942, 28.841507478478452 ], [ -82.013533717125142, 28.841496168080941 ], [ -82.013533487010392, 28.841483505127925 ], [ -82.013533217682479, 28.84146867754438 ], [ -82.013532963795313, 28.84145439946424 ], [ -82.013532700650643, 28.841439846181327 ], [ -82.013532478660338, 28.841426592216433 ], [ -82.013532222725175, 28.841412324964065 ], [ -82.013532038046193, 28.841402413140315 ], [ -82.013531842934796, 28.841391028752671 ], [ -82.013531613929317, 28.841379036213372 ], [ -82.013531410572384, 28.841367273759893 ], [ -82.013531135001358, 28.84135168823887 ], [ -82.013530610804111, 28.841322911916709 ], [ -82.013529177586946, 28.841244778590017 ], [ -82.013516418458181, 28.840528073765832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bliss Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041747207403972, 28.9299717670036 ], [ -82.041744915066573, 28.930256520127184 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meera Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987888107641282, 28.762480928589994 ], [ -81.987972286359252, 28.762478378110721 ], [ -81.988230303412834, 28.762494014755681 ], [ -81.988446099850961, 28.762522163315882 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fuentez Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96396518869679, 28.925460971355982 ], [ -81.964148107943785, 28.925639974520724 ], [ -81.96425889773559, 28.925740789636777 ], [ -81.96433112469694, 28.925835439842057 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ridgewood Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985204631388299, 28.852940517640729 ], [ -81.986131964185773, 28.852832085196507 ], [ -81.986268525681709, 28.852818800239628 ], [ -81.986405620408149, 28.852810814439096 ], [ -81.986542980884991, 28.852808143105509 ], [ -81.986680339633665, 28.852810790722895 ], [ -81.986817435326145, 28.852818753656219 ], [ -81.986954000486563, 28.852832014736318 ], [ -81.987089771738908, 28.852850552283904 ], [ -81.98712242030733, 28.852855657076763 ], [ -81.987160557463881, 28.852858824238158 ], [ -81.987198772184911, 28.852856476504908 ], [ -81.987236040581593, 28.852848675135633 ], [ -81.987271365393596, 28.852835636589262 ], [ -81.987303805715868, 28.852817701849116 ], [ -81.987332494420386, 28.852795351763699 ], [ -81.987446626314579, 28.852694934150882 ], [ -81.98756548428571, 28.852598858775231 ], [ -81.987688852061765, 28.852507295237935 ], [ -81.987816508249381, 28.852420410433069 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Virginia Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99688289254658, 28.651676801103562 ], [ -81.99688288097687, 28.652067329207483 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Braden Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014269652102641, 28.742462585429557 ], [ -82.01403586018516, 28.742387300446193 ], [ -82.013853103178747, 28.742322450057326 ], [ -82.013746987280257, 28.742257600276918 ], [ -82.013670346930368, 28.742175064797529 ], [ -82.013611392867787, 28.742074843875876 ], [ -82.013593707316687, 28.741986412424449 ], [ -82.013599601502222, 28.7418920865831 ], [ -82.013623184100183, 28.741774179558092 ], [ -82.01362907876684, 28.741668062148751 ], [ -82.013623183518007, 28.741508887419545 ], [ -82.013587811568698, 28.741355608532476 ], [ -82.013511172252208, 28.741131584102742 ], [ -82.013393264963412, 28.740748383630063 ], [ -82.013334310910338, 28.74058331346745 ], [ -82.013269461632248, 28.740447719120326 ], [ -82.013192821612222, 28.740329811357029 ], [ -82.013092599780094, 28.740229590320581 ], [ -82.013004169633049, 28.74014115881667 ], [ -82.012939319519859, 28.74007630919024 ], [ -82.01290984280358, 28.739987877770968 ], [ -82.012921634119337, 28.73988176164486 ], [ -82.012974692446491, 28.739775645443931 ], [ -82.013186926557452, 28.739439610856703 ], [ -82.013241128209302, 28.739351697018886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.173870570474079, 28.858578532781401 ], [ -82.173263684819048, 28.858621748767835 ], [ -82.172768537242291, 28.858659032117313 ], [ -82.170928166359914, 28.858796395676826 ], [ -82.170084668913418, 28.858863044409468 ], [ -82.169710021321976, 28.858892449528053 ], [ -82.16966667729686, 28.858895758451386 ], [ -82.169665493621125, 28.858895848360202 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 104", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.03503293695158, 28.945595485725899 ], [ -82.031919462167536, 28.945575874729421 ], [ -82.030015348396333, 28.945566853307021 ], [ -82.028775035453492, 28.945569981634982 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109e 2", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97323742374482, 28.953405501269536 ], [ -81.973231892172635, 28.954260828680297 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 605", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124958124495933, 28.654126988621254 ], [ -82.125104327423827, 28.654113737371926 ], [ -82.126887903804572, 28.654121454193817 ], [ -82.127001407497033, 28.654136992317646 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 503", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013703436252129, 28.7954024934049 ], [ -82.013689916907708, 28.796355765810628 ], [ -82.013668140943494, 28.796733029422303 ], [ -82.013629973919592, 28.796913255611113 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harston Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958901094387102, 28.884170648254489 ], [ -81.958766018341379, 28.8841602899234 ], [ -81.95873269187878, 28.884163073207681 ], [ -81.958704124160263, 28.884174235813685 ], [ -81.95867238248394, 28.884182606619159 ], [ -81.958634299143512, 28.884182594890337 ], [ -81.958605738189959, 28.884174205514135 ], [ -81.958581945369161, 28.884153250352668 ], [ -81.958570848422951, 28.884125313489875 ], [ -81.958567686014845, 28.88409877673946 ], [ -81.958574047011794, 28.884063865061602 ], [ -81.958585164036364, 28.884041521198693 ], [ -81.958602628098078, 28.884019181096697 ], [ -81.958628815330087, 28.884007841829668 ], [ -81.958664519037555, 28.884008026971447 ], [ -81.958701014097429, 28.884013625251885 ], [ -81.958721640485933, 28.884020615406456 ], [ -81.958742265296863, 28.884029000514975 ], [ -81.958762890494896, 28.884041575907016 ], [ -81.958780342303271, 28.884049960937332 ], [ -81.958804141629301, 28.884059745577794 ], [ -81.958915926677477, 28.884065575313905 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cabrera Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96476636478809, 28.919449310293182 ], [ -81.964767491159378, 28.919328042845915 ], [ -81.964767081393816, 28.918845335759698 ], [ -81.964768915069101, 28.918812243613655 ], [ -81.964771538193801, 28.918791831648385 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 85th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.217698913307274, 28.632615288924782 ], [ -82.218499920984101, 28.632678571496818 ], [ -82.218715010684377, 28.632672977020874 ], [ -82.218898008596952, 28.632659501412739 ], [ -82.219084722024917, 28.632636132690568 ], [ -82.219241598703107, 28.632635879085019 ], [ -82.219413479328153, 28.632665262656477 ], [ -82.219495681181911, 28.632678310472127 ], [ -82.219581583844999, 28.632674876531368 ], [ -82.219652498249047, 28.632648399444388 ], [ -82.219730903315124, 28.632631794399849 ], [ -82.219842911200828, 28.632608545264809 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Paquette Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99460403717687, 28.776383125608877 ], [ -81.994602057627446, 28.776306342064217 ], [ -81.994595987515311, 28.776212846560529 ], [ -81.994583844952146, 28.776124207972529 ], [ -81.994565631852254, 28.776024640283495 ], [ -81.994535276260635, 28.775910502395153 ], [ -81.994486707217604, 28.77576115086335 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Earl Roy Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038696728556943, 28.925205755528442 ], [ -82.03751252091493, 28.925206631753532 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Duncan Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" 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28.75393830597255 ], [ -82.09674528021479, 28.753854104089207 ], [ -82.096588441040382, 28.753759136302318 ], [ -82.09643974584607, 28.75366236876814 ], [ -82.096278818107521, 28.753547670740222 ], [ -82.096128057505268, 28.753418612199134 ], [ -82.095977275046863, 28.753266233121014 ], [ -82.095877431627144, 28.753164049162358 ], [ -82.095759246231978, 28.753038554914667 ], [ -82.095634931713434, 28.752887950668558 ], [ -82.095518756497782, 28.752733752993144 ], [ -82.095410719963212, 28.752574167201065 ], [ -82.095329178032472, 28.752446854931165 ], [ -82.095255769935392, 28.752312358998442 ], [ -82.095198664551347, 28.752195793321633 ], [ -82.09481721919704, 28.751338552654012 ], [ -82.094717268130324, 28.751110791483583 ], [ -82.094623450925894, 28.750915316302667 ], [ -82.094554114661406, 28.750777229515002 ], [ -82.09446034081455, 28.750628399472657 ], [ -82.094362498848511, 28.750481362371783 ], [ -82.094256521109585, 28.750343300752391 ], [ -82.094158702221506, 28.750224968902653 ], [ -82.094069041398654, 28.750120980909667 ], [ -82.093930489557465, 28.749977561747833 ], [ -82.093777687043385, 28.749834149816177 ], [ -82.093665648988747, 28.749748116364582 ], [ -82.093551575055301, 28.749660290398165 ], [ -82.093417132205957, 28.749559922466748 ], [ -82.093311217583718, 28.749490030675979 ], [ -82.093197157526305, 28.749418349645083 ], [ -82.093074958873515, 28.749350262602 ], [ -82.092974357913903, 28.749299204698396 ], [ -82.092863626133749, 28.749247459726845 ], [ -82.092747702027879, 28.749194192365806 ], [ -82.092649084218735, 28.749153107139183 ], [ -82.09255220190046, 28.749116593631832 ], [ -82.092462239678298, 28.749083122508942 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 77th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976128216452125, 28.654276942489982 ], [ -81.976172700668471, 28.653821696927906 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107433825045902, 28.877370143875321 ], [ -82.107432212980328, 28.879205606251439 ], [ -82.107416776617498, 28.880960020102801 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mount Vernon Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983333994471394, 28.884793422224682 ], [ -81.983443099698022, 28.884869036012532 ], [ -81.983727428097211, 28.885076024589861 ], [ -81.984064486414667, 28.8853170527671 ], [ -81.984167790945463, 28.885393040627342 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Parr Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005610876987376, 28.925628354723749 ], [ -82.00549825642976, 28.925537672779711 ], [ -82.005398799614866, 28.925444065023019 ], [ -82.00528910310355, 28.925324129464087 ], [ -82.005245807827066, 28.92527383340687 ], [ -82.005215552630133, 28.925233883509353 ] ] ] } }, 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[ -81.962170102807363, 28.917398593859239 ], [ -81.962170827722048, 28.917354096398714 ], [ -81.962169425090792, 28.917274766074549 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 6th Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.056751038049782, 28.61735042808073 ], [ -82.058889634844192, 28.617366700045729 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dunkirk Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963235630772402, 28.872245679506349 ], [ -81.963237919501864, 28.872246512958604 ], [ -81.963303443200004, 28.872278440824452 ], [ -81.963359205437968, 28.872309139764731 ], [ -81.963398091421027, 28.87233176117844 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Florida Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.110553208440749, 28.663793137324337 ], [ -82.110557235820181, 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28.858015714383299 ], [ -82.025102431600558, 28.858015808630686 ], [ -82.024821166644386, 28.858015859280091 ], [ -82.024642986720622, 28.8580156925557 ], [ -82.023611187947495, 28.858016307785434 ], [ -82.02176782158503, 28.858016608671761 ], [ -82.020672312662626, 28.858015049441587 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Killington Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974366280176881, 28.857016208701008 ], [ -81.974364923281755, 28.856966192778788 ], [ -81.974351375253448, 28.856732636680622 ], [ -81.974344633289476, 28.85648909967583 ], [ -81.974331228784607, 28.856354726755704 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Society Hill Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959763456793311, 28.898611666313478 ], [ -81.959654607333363, 28.898526283340466 ], [ -81.959616227125295, 28.898503750406057 ], [ -81.959574145655722, 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[ -81.982019538887272, 28.778767374279109 ], [ -81.981934263606988, 28.778867920461749 ], [ -81.98184507038485, 28.778946922376917 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024252944329689, 28.82169359234241 ], [ -82.024239549765326, 28.82159413311215 ], [ -82.024231664303315, 28.821561654053504 ], [ -82.024204002787258, 28.821468557677999 ], [ -82.024176639479634, 28.821398066801304 ], [ -82.024130836147705, 28.821307052476886 ], [ -82.024082338298626, 28.821229943189657 ], [ -82.024035946688869, 28.821164773781479 ], [ -82.023858091237557, 28.820970059800626 ], [ -82.023814351990907, 28.820916237303134 ], [ -82.023753395696588, 28.820830267536905 ], [ -82.023702825499953, 28.820743419833601 ], [ -82.02365494670191, 28.820646156294643 ], [ -82.023618064685323, 28.82054830166647 ], [ -82.023587101998714, 28.820456275847285 ], [ -82.023540191491648, 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[ -81.959134698268983, 28.920877013316247 ], [ -81.959137816112346, 28.920894889656875 ], [ -81.959139762759236, 28.920912767445124 ], [ -81.959140538210491, 28.920930643071809 ], [ -81.959142257901803, 28.921027245232906 ], [ -81.959142809306442, 28.921113877565983 ], [ -81.959143875996617, 28.921282519754499 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maywood Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020239118649002, 28.92244547961991 ], [ -82.020247123760669, 28.922415568241089 ], [ -82.020298078928775, 28.92221273367019 ], [ -82.020330676856005, 28.922062155537464 ], [ -82.020350968879754, 28.92192257909436 ], [ -82.020353889653563, 28.921868606024468 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Houdek Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003365363681326, 28.785922367220493 ], [ -82.003361689022952, 28.785897506721234 ], [ -82.003345979970248, 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[ -81.975442483660984, 28.874844331650383 ], [ -81.975512906978295, 28.874874707023015 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pioneer Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.113992925765771, 28.688149567655426 ], [ -82.114003898064325, 28.688146332655869 ], [ -82.114029868472812, 28.688124920314159 ], [ -82.114048885846444, 28.688086705178907 ], [ -82.114054022922772, 28.68803016630287 ], [ -82.114053739336242, 28.687767359326259 ], [ -82.11405517608064, 28.687722052135975 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 683", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.176136501436744, 28.585570328049446 ], [ -82.176276402001093, 28.585570147211204 ], [ -82.176395834161653, 28.585573005637887 ], [ -82.176603984854694, 28.585575746342105 ], [ -82.176815578180054, 28.58559655527689 ], [ -82.177044226548773, 28.585614329712595 ], [ 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-81.959659346858388, 28.847267646359217 ], [ -81.95981967914004, 28.846644498612847 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.033230978528962, 28.828493734281786 ], [ -82.033186266636633, 28.828484206740061 ], [ -82.033040931611438, 28.828452697814601 ], [ -82.032897030420287, 28.828415389255007 ], [ -82.032745778295947, 28.828367648894272 ], [ -82.032576835741267, 28.828306971632497 ], [ -82.032412653256813, 28.828237371918341 ], [ -82.032262152786643, 28.828163012740259 ], [ -82.03214148486893, 28.828087102604083 ], [ -82.032081224248586, 28.828040707285478 ], [ -82.032024162327261, 28.827993244669432 ], [ -82.031929238255415, 28.827897252910098 ], [ -82.031886043159034, 28.827846591052019 ], [ -82.031836446791885, 28.827777797865057 ], [ -82.031753254958403, 28.827642877687961 ], [ -82.031667397203279, 28.827507956262856 ], [ -82.03153354400223, 28.827313841672328 ], [ -82.031447152340988, 28.827197585374918 ], [ -82.031378359453868, 28.827110126713112 ], [ -82.031319165303017, 28.827032267305139 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 76th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.143382475098122, 28.644933111346553 ], [ -82.146558821403872, 28.64497971228182 ], [ -82.149357953990702, 28.644987817106326 ], [ -82.149787454104199, 28.645009631552643 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Katherine Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956596382207593, 28.895360956920232 ], [ -81.95684545494835, 28.895742971625644 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kenilworth Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01051370981564, 28.923221075983555 ], [ -82.011192830811623, 28.923221024008743 ] ] ] } }, { 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-81.994108286817237, 28.861542677787586 ], [ -81.994101786996254, 28.861412806118189 ], [ -81.994100708717014, 28.861293439317414 ], [ -81.994106140900655, 28.861160702459539 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Endsley Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996821570173523, 28.880873000815406 ], [ -81.997188181532195, 28.880811642044232 ], [ -81.99741534467492, 28.880774036213271 ], [ -81.997588529439838, 28.880728509477471 ], [ -81.997766212232804, 28.880653289650077 ], [ -81.997937148584057, 28.880558272071667 ], [ -81.998103586022182, 28.880423664809989 ], [ -81.998290265942572, 28.880241548720853 ], [ -81.998503936149504, 28.880039635295734 ], [ -81.998814321162513, 28.879728847162038 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Farner Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953491529702447, 28.862773226184508 ], [ 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-81.954879742787554, 28.863600567143084 ], [ -81.954855948022285, 28.863650773263494 ], [ -81.954837674963841, 28.863684428471018 ], [ -81.954827205474743, 28.86370346356324 ], [ -81.954799603921515, 28.86374629476612 ], [ -81.954752013985569, 28.863811967371767 ], [ -81.954694874742643, 28.863868872663694 ], [ -81.954694028743432, 28.86386971603255 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Blaze Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954738823796319, 28.953989612775853 ], [ -81.955808720115371, 28.955038009616736 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reader Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039835040887525, 28.79884427048211 ], [ -82.039944972015206, 28.798844271138133 ], [ -82.040062042231696, 28.798831422508666 ], [ -82.040201954252055, 28.798841417266235 ], [ -82.040354716103579, 28.798857122457576 ], [ -82.040491772724707, 28.798865689391086 ], [ -82.04059456655051, 28.798864261451481 ], [ -82.040717345846048, 28.798844275989278 ], [ -82.040861542676595, 28.798808584733628 ], [ -82.041002883321539, 28.798785742196877 ], [ -82.041127091439733, 28.798765755936767 ], [ -82.041269858356912, 28.798741486139189 ], [ -82.041388355524333, 28.798721500448195 ], [ -82.04147972740401, 28.798685809062853 ], [ -82.041582520059464, 28.798640123766528 ], [ -82.041683886014866, 28.798574451707687 ], [ -82.041742421186328, 28.798511633947783 ], [ -82.041793818670669, 28.798438823417595 ], [ -82.041835220492644, 28.798356018286647 ], [ -82.041868058411538, 28.798254653381036 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968927811568918, 28.90638695189001 ], [ -81.968860553878912, 28.906312549905284 ], [ -81.968817890561112, 28.906249943943706 ], [ -81.968779872541475, 28.906170098837478 ], [ -81.968718374769736, 28.905994529730531 ], [ -81.968584741763621, 28.905651471714148 ], [ -81.968474424857234, 28.905357504970365 ], [ -81.968362973340845, 28.905060514254032 ], [ -81.968226501550404, 28.904699928920994 ], [ -81.968115624707082, 28.904389426188299 ], [ -81.968053092931626, 28.904169072703905 ], [ -81.968010478265697, 28.903953732598588 ], [ -81.967987781882655, 28.903735893353854 ], [ -81.967982137483531, 28.903585661994939 ], [ -81.967987907821595, 28.903332775234052 ], [ -81.968010744448875, 28.903097419689995 ], [ -81.968073433100358, 28.902804485320388 ], [ -81.968144640234541, 28.902571644226068 ], [ -81.968238612123173, 28.902333801627019 ], [ -81.96832730617129, 28.902158754996769 ], [ -81.968328678964767, 28.902156043010976 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Regatta Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014725359463185, 28.907916415806756 ], [ -82.014710576791103, 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-82.042247474586247, 28.841111034364147 ], [ -82.042247462912087, 28.841081814075984 ], [ -82.042249288606655, 28.841039609934512 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central Parkway", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993592856772565, 28.754944325988198 ], [ -81.993630937515562, 28.754952184185971 ], [ -81.993669941141235, 28.754954735448724 ], [ -81.993708921169784, 28.754951917866315 ], [ -81.993746931694048, 28.7549437998115 ], [ -81.993783050333732, 28.754930578280657 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.19968828841624, 28.606599967702632 ], [ -82.199546677197333, 28.606749625173684 ], [ -82.199435843063114, 28.606872876495203 ], [ -82.199273450170836, 28.607050910185841 ], [ -82.199041467442058, 28.607308827509154 ], [ -82.198796597342266, 28.607582716594482 ], [ -82.198652263851031, 28.607749325722953 ], [ -82.198495030740347, 28.607925073436792 ], [ -82.198319751343448, 28.60811907990572 ], [ -82.198123814926248, 28.608317675717242 ], [ -82.197945916151312, 28.608493451947005 ], [ -82.197719029023247, 28.60869653256135 ], [ -82.197551984112394, 28.608846669698565 ], [ -82.19732874397009, 28.609049830085699 ], [ -82.196983175224034, 28.609356991998371 ], [ -82.196486446870921, 28.609769915952555 ], [ -82.195898249634851, 28.610247022189611 ], [ -82.195302435361114, 28.610719720737379 ], [ -82.19413142810005, 28.611649125386723 ], [ -82.193174651889805, 28.612405147643628 ], [ -82.192202067571671, 28.613185923023533 ], [ -82.191526259040671, 28.6137225428443 ], [ -82.190453211411921, 28.614578837210072 ], [ -82.188379277787647, 28.616222915913784 ], [ -82.187827254573776, 28.616663607836067 ], [ -82.18660710630418, 28.617634045960827 ], [ -82.186300132448096, 28.617878366344581 ], [ -82.185167670365516, 28.618782567083635 ], [ -82.184401498908329, 28.619389936958587 ], [ -82.183390234792839, 28.620186824947314 ], [ -82.182861399782226, 28.620616069667768 ], [ -82.181455398345591, 28.621725755330083 ], [ -82.18001068696752, 28.622876507662006 ], [ -82.179396675774171, 28.623365116837164 ], [ -82.178037052014005, 28.624445072955428 ], [ -82.177110811222832, 28.625175661306606 ], [ -82.176948939634102, 28.625305480691992 ], [ -82.176931420104367, 28.625319497797271 ], [ -82.176673052966066, 28.625526210298524 ], [ -82.175931781623959, 28.626120912077329 ], [ -82.175393404721802, 28.626543078094585 ], [ -82.175036488568253, 28.626824132438287 ], [ -82.174569504594402, 28.627200837504358 ], [ -82.174429527055096, 28.627314701356102 ], [ -82.174154121089884, 28.627538725932162 ], [ -82.173919317285851, 28.627716821497632 ], [ -82.17345198370252, 28.628078529903945 ], [ -82.173062709573514, 28.628394903389456 ], [ -82.172611185702536, 28.628755627799979 ], [ -82.17237638402861, 28.628938279277545 ], [ -82.172048715140861, 28.629207666586154 ], [ -82.171775213358458, 28.629424557233154 ], [ -82.171501712499932, 28.629641449127885 ], [ -82.171272070016528, 28.629821812880827 ], [ -82.171039854432053, 28.630009017379802 ], [ -82.170766349522538, 28.630225906882863 ], [ -82.170175484072544, 28.630703049367042 ], [ -82.16999488196339, 28.630855995332656 ], [ -82.169739449327622, 28.631068301588812 ], [ -82.169514997882416, 28.631266891192208 ], [ -82.169244101875606, 28.631504288070406 ], [ -82.16895257101001, 28.631762226420623 ], [ -82.168735877870859, 28.631967644808132 ], [ -82.168493382721422, 28.632195887780014 ], [ -82.168207037837135, 28.632467493904926 ], [ -82.167933591215359, 28.63272996540875 ], [ -82.167701440384221, 28.632965033000747 ], [ -82.167438345240328, 28.633238889060049 ], [ -82.167185569235727, 28.633503612926717 ], [ -82.166963751568744, 28.633740945855795 ], [ -82.166729040646644, 28.633994250208218 ], [ -82.166499505362665, 28.634254386627291 ], [ -82.166277708169574, 28.634505395098873 ], [ -82.166035288960074, 28.634788339453628 ], [ -82.165836724327733, 28.635027922365616 ], [ -82.165663935768976, 28.635231002115759 ], [ -82.165522120803701, 28.635413528497324 ], [ -82.165359659023508, 28.635612037603639 ], [ -82.165153361070807, 28.635865302879747 ], [ -82.164921317244946, 28.636177866235673 ], [ -82.164655745274828, 28.636529220528598 ], [ -82.164452064435864, 28.636807557461729 ], [ -82.164214892913208, 28.637147478271043 ], [ -82.164018968561493, 28.637430362881283 ], [ -82.163825624232146, 28.637710965698602 ], [ -82.16364517209081, 28.637975596741882 ], [ -82.16344667019257, 28.638263043998954 ], [ -82.163093497512591, 28.638780897234589 ], [ -82.162714535818708, 28.639332973429291 ], [ -82.162423224973352, 28.6397595735551 ], [ -82.162272533632304, 28.639978727410568 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Danielson Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964587647360801, 28.781585394189658 ], [ -81.964482578645104, 28.781617433877408 ], [ -81.964328250361788, 28.781680376454123 ], [ -81.964052230723027, 28.781814814717631 ], [ -81.963914221308571, 28.781899285897083 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kiessel Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025159657121648, 28.847977354680353 ], [ -82.025187234392405, 28.847975719209639 ], [ -82.025250182259754, 28.847965404335881 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cosmos Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005746773910843, 28.840490276331874 ], [ -82.005749076096834, 28.840480777658712 ], [ -82.005787306836012, 28.84039011059976 ], [ -82.00580666971976, 28.840345862531979 ], [ -82.005906322073514, 28.840194289175621 ], [ -82.006132636293884, 28.839938129701572 ], [ -82.006132887347036, 28.839937845464707 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004613935229372, 28.849194084842281 ], [ -82.004614194519917, 28.849194103783166 ], [ -82.004657643372425, 28.84919110415127 ], [ -82.004700031248277, 28.849182177288828 ], [ -82.004740320990848, 28.849167545195208 ], [ -82.004777526693573, 28.849147563410668 ], [ -82.004810741371912, 28.849122719210627 ], [ -82.004839152336032, 28.84909362258178 ], [ -82.00486206476188, 28.84906098095648 ], [ -82.004878919113438, 28.849025595602594 ], [ -82.004889304464115, 28.848988330041927 ], [ -82.004892966694484, 28.848950095612953 ], [ -82.004889813614525, 28.848911824401146 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 738a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137007200974068, 28.611953756947692 ], [ -82.137062272652827, 28.611955499996125 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwood Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013243050407624, 28.876685570671093 ], [ -82.013221771525721, 28.876516220462527 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.088790774105107, 28.81443900495357 ], [ -82.088877901608313, 28.815948493634206 ], [ -82.089073817968952, 28.819173981356471 ], [ -82.089229050866038, 28.821871345113326 ], [ -82.089465953869023, 28.82593333441411 ], [ -82.089616995351932, 28.828414475175876 ], [ -82.089686501149799, 28.829676316481073 ], [ -82.089768134899117, 28.830998409157328 ], [ -82.089915139904747, 28.833447648397474 ], [ -82.090070469251145, 28.836205262178332 ], [ -82.090119459195947, 28.837002769818145 ], [ -82.090360501565485, 28.841117918331324 ], [ -82.090523841421387, 28.843801085605701 ], [ -82.090703631321418, 28.846877694129283 ], [ -82.090850845898942, 28.849514791452819 ], [ -82.090863248534632, 28.849890512539201 ], [ -82.090863545606155, 28.85023433983379 ], [ -82.090855778006016, 28.8505639945989 ], [ -82.090835987306903, 28.850957461104233 ], [ -82.09080005578555, 28.851308401956587 ], [ -82.090768151803289, 28.851662883439374 ], [ -82.090720149674056, 28.852024466849812 ], [ -82.090668099026104, 28.852361239571206 ], [ -82.090583913016971, 28.852783105586006 ], [ -82.090495708657429, 28.853215606946669 ], [ -82.090395418996707, 28.853641027766248 ], [ -82.090331242318115, 28.853924640108307 ], [ -82.090146690058774, 28.854686853659913 ], [ -82.090082533329706, 28.854995277371383 ], [ -82.090018364087769, 28.85528952405615 ], [ -82.089978349890984, 28.855580207751895 ], [ -82.089938311219157, 28.855842535654709 ], [ -82.089910330923587, 28.856080044021073 ], [ -82.089882346446259, 28.856314006324446 ], [ -82.089866410367861, 28.856512515467223 ], [ -82.089846455374229, 28.856718114851812 ], [ -82.089825347971342, 28.85701693283665 ], [ -82.0898188450508, 28.857391610411451 ], [ -82.08981106260714, 28.857707085996889 ], [ -82.089815311636315, 28.857969384503722 ], [ -82.089827733869541, 28.858369917640566 ], [ -82.089844060026337, 28.858628662986998 ], [ -82.089864431492259, 28.858908674731033 ], [ -82.089905011064445, 28.859277287356033 ], [ -82.089953645076648, 28.859645894615291 ], [ -82.090006300415098, 28.860010954926366 ], [ -82.090127611269807, 28.860613459356486 ], [ -82.090248849498067, 28.861127344915992 ], [ -82.090539603623057, 28.86210901004015 ], [ -82.090624467497932, 28.862463414860446 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bailey Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980404231983954, 28.8945768264932 ], [ -81.980406635197326, 28.894577399806032 ], [ -81.980589984876147, 28.894631939916501 ], [ -81.980706434741464, 28.894673386784628 ], [ -81.980810496289735, 28.894712651816608 ], [ -81.980939334151884, 28.89476500365355 ], [ -81.981068169725717, 28.894830438714752 ], [ -81.981236647359793, 28.894911144335673 ], [ -81.981429905561384, 28.894983129757946 ], [ -81.981583525156069, 28.895022400170539 ], [ -81.98179413188204, 28.895072581580532 ], [ -81.981925456818857, 28.895085682768549 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Biscayne Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011037034485341, 28.878857524148561 ], [ -82.010960172224486, 28.878822006430536 ], [ -82.010868509343823, 28.878770536192189 ], [ -82.010823377883625, 28.878727049559259 ], [ -82.010787546308777, 28.878670118814085 ], [ -82.010764549929732, 28.878595438815463 ], [ -82.010669999793492, 28.878160649113322 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kossel Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982544362358823, 28.753472818143056 ], [ -81.983147997329482, 28.753734545144713 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gershaneck Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011685128626056, 28.742450897645696 ], [ -82.01231523766694, 28.742248055909254 ], [ -82.012350116625058, 28.742226944905823 ], [ -82.012373521443422, 28.742203999542223 ], [ -82.012387289871398, 28.742161777755886 ], [ -82.012382241580184, 28.742110836612014 ], [ -82.011765444061268, 28.740628971864961 ], [ -82.011714930114621, 28.740568169228581 ], [ -82.011650696322093, 28.740535427224334 ], [ -82.011567441193122, 28.740510169662745 ], [ -82.011487818059862, 28.740508590543065 ], [ -82.011380664528232, 28.740522017352873 ], [ -82.011237229999509, 28.740568476416261 ], [ -82.011061989203426, 28.740637075331744 ], [ -82.010941081319174, 28.740685817969716 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 5th Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.048910473773716, 28.610011470311584 ], [ -82.0488833921398, 28.608833575603828 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 86th Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960605584308411, 28.959061726153706 ], [ -81.960823152241801, 28.959281743287313 ], [ -81.96103150245122, 28.959500421087579 ], [ -81.961080027700319, 28.959562840356625 ], [ -81.961117349881462, 28.959621970211046 ], [ -81.961130518413938, 28.959669700718887 ], [ -81.961132607007499, 28.95970849803512 ], [ -81.961121738769819, 28.959744932098793 ], [ -81.961099319702186, 28.959777768078787 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020872140438073, 28.7996991683865 ], [ -82.020515305976943, 28.79969418697118 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Holcomb 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28.905310775385843 ], [ -82.037131827740652, 28.904500887963302 ], [ -82.037116012725193, 28.903992586238431 ], [ -82.037098937868748, 28.902804752288681 ], [ -82.03709264842432, 28.90213695037502 ], [ -82.037082476196304, 28.901907840624087 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.12598178662634, 28.657692347255264 ], [ -82.127006934894695, 28.657697085637366 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 452", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.122147071005216, 28.78836276521406 ], [ -82.122135741562175, 28.788428081084746 ], [ -82.122118682783722, 28.788470796491389 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fish Camp Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970926277292207, 28.910566628220081 ], [ -81.970980423037631, 28.91044941254447 ], [ -81.971007206562817, 28.91037481907745 ], [ -81.971019146421781, 28.910296783735969 ], [ -81.971029524957714, 28.910198809079141 ], [ -81.971036927969948, 28.910117732911285 ], [ -81.971047354332612, 28.910017299499341 ], [ -81.971057722639188, 28.909970205405951 ], [ -81.971072579878324, 28.909928609981602 ], [ -81.971091928192536, 28.909892175765972 ], [ -81.97113491977899, 28.90983993026779 ], [ -81.971212105571652, 28.90976431537938 ], [ -81.971317417679657, 28.909699020639696 ], [ -81.971467263642083, 28.909646799684086 ], [ -81.971682363815475, 28.909577746477002 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Central Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.05471747112064, 28.60994708480326 ], [ -82.053896397713032, 28.609941294247413 ], [ -82.053354775568536, 28.609940451124981 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 545", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.103136637741258, 28.708758457913529 ], [ -82.101307725108754, 28.708745951839767 ], [ -82.10077485378433, 28.708750661256452 ], [ -82.100095345408477, 28.708730007092043 ], [ -82.100052843557037, 28.70872740977283 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rhapsody Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954594188740941, 28.871324720842026 ], [ -81.954660946010208, 28.871292036714294 ], [ -81.95479707950004, 28.871229027859876 ], [ -81.954928432759246, 28.871182831677228 ], [ -81.955043061410024, 28.871149240355241 ], [ -81.955169628519897, 28.871124060577923 ], [ -81.955267536909957, 28.871107277897938 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zick Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001433653617624, 28.794899175965089 ], [ -82.001353410485606, 28.794539317519753 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 772", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028014547507439, 28.563242141229644 ], [ -82.026723160323286, 28.563627459547948 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994325496434271, 28.909390293188327 ], [ -81.994321257689094, 28.909364397052506 ], [ -81.994303873813124, 28.909318328571057 ], [ -81.994281412353686, 28.909282232062562 ], [ -81.994252500593063, 28.909249914993257 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bailey Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981925456818857, 28.895085682768549 ], [ -81.982106988817051, 28.89513110553268 ], [ -81.98222316187011, 28.895161375164843 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 87th Loop", 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{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964948655578851, 28.891144909964027 ], [ -81.965925815848152, 28.891516363585406 ], [ -81.966299128794347, 28.891680383308731 ], [ -81.9663548145204, 28.891734897125449 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shoop Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979007334341148, 28.777793438811859 ], [ -81.97854474874822, 28.777713810361689 ], [ -81.9781486779424, 28.777645632523498 ], [ -81.977975425067726, 28.777591943526502 ], [ -81.97773350869555, 28.777479171052683 ], [ -81.977594039788684, 28.777414154979194 ], [ -81.977554737285061, 28.777386867810538 ], [ -81.977529587769368, 28.777349913784381 ], [ -81.977523428969093, 28.777309881523838 ], [ -81.97752907478197, 28.777269334210683 ], [ -81.977539853710127, 28.777233407611039 ], [ -81.977556790936234, 28.777202099187978 ], [ -81.977700356855664, 28.77693672319759 ], [ -81.977718196064586, 28.776911114830405 ], [ -81.977736925660579, 28.776893144710151 ], [ -81.977761224024903, 28.77687796005516 ], [ -81.977795644784109, 28.776864545607662 ], [ -81.977829813575184, 28.77686074889219 ], [ -81.977862968277378, 28.776862521093097 ], [ -81.977896376967138, 28.776869100865358 ], [ -81.97792067415044, 28.776878466385284 ], [ -81.977952564608088, 28.776896689375096 ], [ -81.978148225279583, 28.776982610059989 ], [ -81.97837377172192, 28.777051727842235 ], [ -81.978621144297492, 28.7771062961768 ], [ -81.978788761105818, 28.777143268965055 ], [ -81.978906495941303, 28.777161674893385 ], [ -81.978978525990897, 28.777172935354759 ], [ -81.979043717848782, 28.777188646736093 ], [ -81.979107776975638, 28.777214608214958 ], [ -81.979172220055915, 28.777251402923945 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harston Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960842611675503, 28.883210424916399 ], [ -81.96084026430816, 28.883220393758528 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28.651256969802759 ], [ -82.17848911071323, 28.650578195120861 ], [ -82.178506109019722, 28.649950422866421 ], [ -82.178521210007091, 28.649405666852033 ], [ -82.178526246713119, 28.648809675034308 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Erika Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989573615955891, 28.801131606936806 ], [ -81.989274454314838, 28.801260991060257 ], [ -81.989066250352124, 28.801351409324436 ], [ -81.988877082048305, 28.801435879908425 ], [ -81.98883125975253, 28.801463314499372 ], [ -81.988805313096734, 28.801488180055262 ], [ -81.988792880416597, 28.801511963064339 ], [ -81.988786933447926, 28.801542773826135 ], [ -81.988789292780865, 28.801569285766977 ], [ -81.988795817854012, 28.80160026811301 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Thompson Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966183983062152, 28.906210565934114 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28.94190560810387 ], [ -82.001545515385814, 28.941913514035072 ], [ -82.001541020545815, 28.941921421770743 ], [ -82.00153633080869, 28.941929327703139 ], [ -82.001531447200179, 28.941937236343712 ], [ -82.001526364587647, 28.941944797602574 ], [ -82.001521285051723, 28.941952361568084 ], [ -82.001516008567037, 28.94195992373028 ], [ -82.001510537185084, 28.941967487698314 ], [ -82.001504870905805, 28.941975050765265 ], [ -82.001499203596296, 28.941982270058098 ], [ -82.001493145467165, 28.941989488451263 ], [ -82.001487087333601, 28.941996364874853 ], [ -82.001481031254357, 28.942003583267446 ], [ -82.001474582300261, 28.942010459693293 ], [ -82.001468134371066, 28.942017334314247 ], [ -82.001461489489358, 28.942023866064687 ], [ -82.001454846661886, 28.94203074249096 ], [ -82.001448006881859, 28.94203727333981 ], [ -82.001440972200939, 28.942043462220386 ], [ -82.001433937519153, 28.942049649296006 ], [ -82.001426707939885, 28.942055838177161 ], [ -82.001419282437297, 28.94206202615695 ], [ -82.00141185795961, 28.942068213234052 ], [ -82.001404235503713, 28.942074058342762 ], [ -82.001396419172735, 28.942079558776165 ], [ -82.00138860386997, 28.942085402080671 ], [ -82.001380786508292, 28.942090558739338 ], [ -82.001372775278114, 28.942096060074888 ], [ -82.00136456812136, 28.942101215832796 ], [ -82.001356360963811, 28.942106372492489 ], [ -82.001347958908667, 28.942111530055183 ], [ -82.001339556849615, 28.942116342941212 ], [ -82.001330957841432, 28.942121155827913 ], [ -82.001322360880991, 28.942125624940186 ], [ -82.001313565945665, 28.942130093150809 ], [ -82.001304773061122, 28.9421345631654 ], [ -82.001295978121334, 28.942138687601023 ], [ -82.001286990335586, 28.942142813841752 ], [ -82.001277806623619, 28.942146595406864 ], [ -82.00126881678203, 28.942150376970247 ], [ -82.001259437146132, 28.9421541585352 ], [ -82.001250254455101, 28.94215759542227 ], [ -82.001240873789328, 28.942161033212077 ], [ -82.001231493120159, 28.942164128129669 ], [ -82.001221918579375, 28.942167222145358 ], [ -82.001212538932208, 28.942169972385464 ], [ -82.001202964387659, 28.942172722625948 ], [ -82.001193193919931, 28.94217547286673 ], [ -82.001183618346019, 28.942177880234265 ], [ -82.001173848900521, 28.942180285797505 ], [ -82.001164077400517, 28.942182348488462 ], [ -82.001154112028999, 28.942184411179664 ], [ -82.001144341553982, 28.942186473869207 ], [ -82.001134375153498, 28.942188192785078 ], [ -82.001124409776025, 28.942189567926381 ], [ -82.001114443372558, 28.942190942164629 ], [ -82.001104476968806, 28.94219231730446 ], [ -82.001094511588306, 28.942193349571962 ], [ -82.001084545181797, 28.942194380936463 ], [ -82.001074385927524, 28.942195068527166 ], [ -82.001064418492689, 28.942195755214016 ], [ -82.001054257186595, 28.942196443705519 ], [ -82.001044095878228, 28.942196788422397 ], [ -82.000880089097706, 28.942199537359873 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 466a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016779058420013, 28.913971133279247 ], [ -82.016821678164007, 28.914024157948695 ], [ -82.01686492003796, 28.914081213090089 ], [ -82.016960295944457, 28.914175436521642 ], [ -82.017030676249291, 28.91423579792778 ], [ -82.017116891118675, 28.914294608107383 ], [ -82.017220697313135, 28.914339486394628 ], [ -82.017326259797841, 28.914375074332252 ], [ -82.017458210539758, 28.914404468219473 ], [ -82.017588401858518, 28.9144292198812 ], [ -82.017750261983437, 28.914461703674654 ], [ -82.017922676392871, 28.914486450520908 ], [ -82.018063420810591, 28.914501911214273 ], [ -82.018223517969616, 28.91450808188112 ], [ -82.01836602111625, 28.914511159805343 ], [ -82.018534913543192, 28.914520423817994 ], [ -82.018679178101436, 28.914532787616764 ], [ -82.018755041960773, 28.914540564215351 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Timucua Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.116581429609383, 28.687425410153732 ], [ -82.116606417271939, 28.687163051679409 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Idlewood Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0151299666678, 28.937960881684617 ], [ -82.014743435088562, 28.937960923086482 ], [ -82.01440889476774, 28.937960957121195 ], [ -82.014067572308818, 28.937960991909627 ], [ -82.01370591230318, 28.937958166652439 ], [ -82.01338643109807, 28.937960948666539 ], [ -82.0130552254289, 28.937960979920589 ], [ -82.012738867315164, 28.937953101308214 ], [ -82.012609510477162, 28.937946237509493 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fockler Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025324181443523, 28.811679908757821 ], [ -82.025366122674541, 28.811694916474842 ], [ -82.025411002895623, 28.811708683867472 ], [ -82.025456619256801, 28.811720429032295 ], [ -82.025502852906953, 28.811730121311747 ], [ -82.025549584996369, 28.81173773636468 ], [ -82.025596695651487, 28.811743253459476 ], [ -82.025644062951685, 28.811746659985857 ], [ -82.025691566001186, 28.811747945138173 ], [ -82.026228341338992, 28.811750479723827 ], [ -82.02625398677516, 28.811751645181928 ], [ -82.026279400164839, 28.81175489050506 ], [ -82.02630436533444, 28.811760188664952 ], [ -82.026328668154861, 28.811767494586835 ], [ -82.026352101663079, 28.811776742441602 ], [ -82.026374466065093, 28.811787857375808 ], [ -82.02639557078156, 28.81180074197659 ], [ -82.026415234450809, 28.811815288904032 ], [ -82.026433290048786, 28.81183137096469 ], [ -82.026449582842517, 28.8118488501351 ], [ -82.026463974489147, 28.811867582974838 ], [ -82.026476342007413, 28.81188740348275 ], [ -82.026486578807649, 28.811908145654574 ], [ -82.026494598786741, 28.811929630849647 ], [ -82.026500332232317, 28.811951676814932 ], [ -82.026503731969072, 28.811974094074444 ], [ -82.026504766188751, 28.811996692246879 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[ -82.001766721666925, 28.784642703651521 ], [ -82.001722856068412, 28.784652607755568 ], [ -82.00167049848362, 28.784655437751727 ], [ -82.001609653084358, 28.78465685204538 ], [ -82.000196024986295, 28.78464835394421 ], [ -82.000150742771211, 28.784639862944115 ], [ -82.000099801717809, 28.784622882019576 ], [ -82.000050276185306, 28.78460024176616 ], [ -82.000012069464702, 28.784569110781884 ], [ -81.999975278168577, 28.784533734528534 ], [ -81.99995122323979, 28.784484208250277 ], [ -81.999937071641924, 28.784433267151982 ], [ -81.999935658823048, 28.784063942508208 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Walker Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053815903246658, 28.852285894075123 ], [ -82.053823659358571, 28.852124703305169 ], [ -82.053853776392458, 28.851567955862961 ], [ -82.053865602441064, 28.850909506872831 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Avidon Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" 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[ -81.986062054314516, 28.869387624170965 ], [ -81.98631422463329, 28.869387650295437 ], [ -81.986617913697344, 28.869402001586817 ], [ -81.987040351543499, 28.869429411103688 ], [ -81.987111254944423, 28.869446755740221 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dees Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012419314972107, 28.839627476044829 ], [ -82.01252947927469, 28.839643280277546 ], [ -82.012608370312236, 28.839655063793249 ], [ -82.012681915984317, 28.839665179371121 ], [ -82.012728106298368, 28.839673388065606 ], [ -82.012768844938776, 28.839682302835644 ], [ -82.012811184558188, 28.839693621196052 ], [ -82.012864016440801, 28.839710653812077 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.087956835474358, 28.664794502540552 ], [ -82.086262372152106, 28.664790672906953 ], [ -82.08477255087945, 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[ -81.994602603663807, 28.79885063640539 ], [ -81.994590837992462, 28.799586222008951 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kingstree Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013290517668807, 28.910144639021901 ], [ -82.015715990197563, 28.910158827663228 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fringe Tree Trail", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009996301437099, 28.885366646477294 ], [ -82.010132294348381, 28.885412473844791 ], [ -82.010568606296005, 28.885598568110062 ], [ -82.01075873541086, 28.885665532652009 ], [ -82.010917774052757, 28.885702603363971 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kim Porter Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001107374603649, 28.744354638347257 ], [ -82.001127661619549, 28.744131750056386 ], [ -82.001155796536636, 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[ -82.090906089114966, 28.899945157813026 ], [ -82.090916571076008, 28.90094022055959 ], [ -82.090919489887824, 28.901910205270141 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vantage Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959006841079002, 28.833927971723181 ], [ -81.959189604473167, 28.833601020112113 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Duszynski Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034999137401016, 28.825295104218899 ], [ -82.034982137228312, 28.825256057515105 ], [ -82.034370857954954, 28.824141994315877 ], [ -82.034324849769533, 28.824060088758841 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 487", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112689082840149, 28.763094720523455 ], [ -82.114288595550391, 28.763100813537886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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[ -82.043200206577566, 28.611580987481265 ], [ -82.043186371717255, 28.611746629088191 ], [ -82.043141261101667, 28.611939886661837 ], [ -82.043110043274055, 28.612099398658398 ], [ -82.043110104594504, 28.612249700632553 ], [ -82.043124095889212, 28.612464410949222 ], [ -82.043117217377997, 28.61264538654056 ], [ -82.043086003515853, 28.612820235597813 ], [ -82.043054779324947, 28.612967479339943 ], [ -82.043040934288541, 28.613111647902116 ], [ -82.043054889313325, 28.613237406377486 ], [ -82.043093168563757, 28.613341683371779 ], [ -82.043180116567058, 28.613455149041528 ], [ -82.043277486844289, 28.61355634136585 ], [ -82.043363036347742, 28.613649869235736 ], [ -82.04347153527506, 28.613762713460201 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 248b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.203832811364876, 28.864748394971528 ], [ -82.203830181935373, 28.865400414901185 ], [ -82.203834233246297, 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-81.984031167967842, 28.877317342129988 ], [ -81.984172938772687, 28.877382333800075 ], [ -81.984295374999277, 28.877444571024892 ], [ -81.984423279107261, 28.877509217020958 ], [ -81.984564434859848, 28.877577318441602 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint James Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005399914920204, 28.95075187959268 ], [ -82.005395634051396, 28.950816832166741 ], [ -82.005376483617326, 28.950887288361574 ], [ -82.005339917213263, 28.950959277273874 ], [ -82.005291161180168, 28.951046582120824 ], [ -82.005254595544514, 28.951115506823704 ], [ -82.005231961133873, 28.951185964020645 ], [ -82.005214707573288, 28.951261448597034 ], [ -82.005200623185289, 28.951388141756073 ], [ -82.005202368879154, 28.951447877053102 ], [ -82.005207595193355, 28.951504547140797 ], [ -82.005219788236218, 28.951562749075435 ], [ -82.005237205886246, 28.951617887542067 ], [ -82.00525288039357, 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[ -82.199283989384057, 28.67480172992412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dario Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973690321722898, 28.942942440252288 ], [ -81.974180897899728, 28.943393343321617 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wright Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98140739476608, 28.822623978255006 ], [ -81.981521568223656, 28.822004806661766 ], [ -81.981578183945444, 28.8218820633553 ], [ -81.981661650942129, 28.82177184324792 ], [ -81.981829483757636, 28.821639640760182 ], [ -81.981963689444072, 28.821557295169985 ], [ -81.982110095602138, 28.821464208176266 ], [ -81.982211769006028, 28.821381857085136 ], [ -81.982297184479876, 28.821249369635289 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-82.164001799736013, 28.570381741468758 ], [ -82.163357398937904, 28.570339748065081 ], [ -82.162146766246522, 28.570282327080083 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999475337274419, 28.886072816038585 ], [ -82.00003580744557, 28.886014699733931 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Lawrence Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107520947042076, 28.664913168388996 ], [ -82.10731942464048, 28.664934946847143 ], [ -82.107202329660694, 28.664951853816763 ], [ -82.107082516522766, 28.664975969751747 ], [ -82.106946365782193, 28.665004901498094 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 42nd Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.174622996674913, 28.575199962872084 ], [ -82.174605694662645, 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[ -81.977271643482254, 28.899598383778244 ], [ -81.977173707729719, 28.899592623063683 ], [ -81.977105152794209, 28.899585907263777 ], [ -81.977054013007347, 28.899572493041351 ], [ -81.977020281150502, 28.899557166210005 ], [ -81.976986553069139, 28.899534177045911 ], [ -81.976958265210939, 28.89950352919244 ], [ -81.976938686697466, 28.899477671336683 ], [ -81.976922369305129, 28.899445110859666 ], [ -81.976914758979333, 28.899418297724946 ], [ -81.976909333542878, 28.899346476476357 ], [ -81.976899564038078, 28.899241141277901 ], [ -81.976889791591034, 28.899144423034613 ], [ -81.976878930617232, 28.89905057842428 ], [ -81.976851755665351, 28.898923215082515 ], [ -81.976825666787306, 28.898799681279328 ], [ -81.976802390489993, 28.898717112346013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cottageville Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975473831910136, 28.877974213850262 ], [ -81.97561098938705, 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[ -82.157591917052883, 28.67043417701495 ], [ -82.157606539997275, 28.668774767712947 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 590", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062677014373165, 28.794661798281624 ], [ -82.062980774584446, 28.794663523843578 ], [ -82.063019246285791, 28.794668691712992 ], [ -82.063050254748177, 28.794677304430543 ], [ -82.063077242743333, 28.794691085634692 ], [ -82.063225389720472, 28.794816839258505 ], [ -82.063241467674175, 28.794837511016301 ], [ -82.063253526173682, 28.794859906242614 ], [ -82.06325970693247, 28.794882063268961 ], [ -82.063257474625047, 28.795085084538179 ], [ -82.063244088522836, 28.795172092567679 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Darwin Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960321492082045, 28.881833098317472 ], [ -81.960328914942068, 28.881317433397559 ], [ 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[ -81.964360241439138, 28.773968684846029 ], [ -81.965052480992114, 28.774440255986292 ], [ -81.966141366899734, 28.774933334950738 ], [ -81.967834762823045, 28.775447667831095 ], [ -81.968957532153993, 28.775613612007742 ], [ -81.970681851243697, 28.775766396289153 ], [ -81.972086541793843, 28.776142265965664 ], [ -81.97309608986609, 28.77661158471318 ], [ -81.974060851621601, 28.777377623657291 ], [ -81.974414748592537, 28.777782296062103 ], [ -81.974619639335501, 28.778016582312016 ], [ -81.974803574072467, 28.778226907842871 ], [ -81.974852345105418, 28.77829023605814 ], [ -81.97487889627368, 28.778334488766156 ], [ -81.97490117692152, 28.778390339033781 ], [ -81.97490666976401, 28.778423299836643 ], [ -81.974906958886024, 28.778460054806505 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oakcrest Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99736055126948, 28.871983860999602 ], [ -81.997913391636757, 28.872390412954456 ] 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[ [ -82.152032121147514, 28.657583616895515 ], [ -82.152049111379441, 28.657608006951794 ], [ -82.152081131389622, 28.657629539681899 ], [ -82.152124526121298, 28.657639057766591 ], [ -82.15335727343863, 28.657645306540402 ], [ -82.153431024996152, 28.657652310414104 ], [ -82.153485551504147, 28.657674097181957 ], [ -82.153518699509206, 28.657715540991504 ], [ -82.153525382465759, 28.657809516885781 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Broxton Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006497218618676, 28.910240679551148 ], [ -82.006815053731842, 28.910226570404994 ], [ -82.007316907492978, 28.910198700404166 ], [ -82.007644118327121, 28.910187339035936 ], [ -82.008006102393495, 28.910190068849857 ], [ -82.008441342993564, 28.910190044130651 ], [ -82.008747351113954, 28.910189259858299 ], [ -82.008844814198838, 28.910181596107744 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boyd Circle", "maxspeed": 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28.761113942990892 ], [ -81.974975272305045, 28.760943594327003 ], [ -81.974242769738268, 28.760705106127279 ], [ -81.972809941180998, 28.760142957230329 ], [ -81.972119080027298, 28.759883648530767 ], [ -81.970977738781755, 28.759435064454827 ], [ -81.970247128661924, 28.7591643999647 ], [ -81.969573301939533, 28.758995944505191 ], [ -81.968757516251884, 28.75886912908269 ], [ -81.968328493458657, 28.758843639432495 ], [ -81.967815833283254, 28.758843638791245 ], [ -81.967743903236439, 28.758831598193947 ], [ -81.967655811570893, 28.758810054976195 ], [ -81.967601109340805, 28.758787221302541 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pepper Tree Trail", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.042832713527318, 28.895305315475238 ], [ -82.042832724026127, 28.895679648708455 ], [ -82.042829850130062, 28.896141944351346 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palo Alto Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, 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28.869965257136318 ], [ -81.977823478749585, 28.869983951457993 ], [ -81.977743201286046, 28.869990172149002 ], [ -81.977674699714811, 28.869982569667059 ], [ -81.977589740170842, 28.86994442504313 ], [ -81.977514198040524, 28.869896610159518 ], [ -81.977436293087649, 28.869844638826606 ], [ -81.977294649922314, 28.869744856240814 ], [ -81.977181337498735, 28.869655469259591 ], [ -81.97708927400879, 28.869574399641191 ], [ -81.977006652611124, 28.869497487589324 ], [ -81.976926396431253, 28.869410185871633 ], [ -81.976853224959186, 28.869316648609729 ], [ -81.97679893716051, 28.86924181932649 ], [ -81.976756450358778, 28.869187775723042 ], [ -81.976674430170405, 28.869070242775997 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dry Creek Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011605171122866, 28.738569316004813 ], [ -82.011407235886367, 28.738508027654817 ], [ -82.01121970941486, 28.738454140885519 ], [ -82.011080326736206, 28.738403861337044 ], [ -82.010941012867605, 28.738334697803555 ], [ -82.010832328062918, 28.738260594360746 ], [ -82.010734512249101, 28.738180562672767 ], [ -82.010646576249911, 28.738092625842498 ], [ -82.010538835196897, 28.73798160079938 ], [ -82.010437003928672, 28.7378326532797 ], [ -82.010343246486514, 28.737726060206619 ], [ -82.010197016255177, 28.737613421507717 ], [ -82.009978658178611, 28.737517580668616 ], [ -82.009680269003439, 28.737451380633154 ], [ -82.009339393745421, 28.737373322451802 ], [ -82.00900945753466, 28.737290293655096 ], [ -82.008709564414801, 28.73715908903884 ], [ -82.008424666913271, 28.736986650316613 ], [ -82.008091036267388, 28.736683006635591 ], [ -82.007821133798942, 28.736341878123447 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998769929963956, 28.913297142565199 ], [ -81.998745663084478, 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28.94580740924934 ], [ -81.974142864243575, 28.945859557598098 ], [ -81.974164696530352, 28.945888374742093 ], [ -81.974184967198227, 28.945918565773042 ], [ -81.974211479601962, 28.945950129490669 ], [ -81.974242667665379, 28.945989925722923 ], [ -81.974272297546108, 28.946025607191885 ], [ -81.974293444635535, 28.94605041890398 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kurtz Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009843934785977, 28.794562664931178 ], [ -82.009855531571006, 28.794441801101886 ], [ -82.009861163254172, 28.794282025410325 ], [ -82.009860303586109, 28.794051802942604 ], [ -82.009854199046373, 28.793840338107781 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 68th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977865082195763, 28.654540188723459 ], [ -81.976274342391562, 28.654540181493168 ], [ -81.976236271209288, 28.654532567152732 ], [ -81.976167741535718, 28.654523048870661 ], [ -81.976083983737382, 28.654496398802962 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drew Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01657487704361, 28.823175967344877 ], [ -82.016529050696562, 28.823190547713263 ], [ -82.01646083227817, 28.823209815464843 ], [ -82.016404070034056, 28.823222834263877 ], [ -82.016356750609603, 28.823229494276003 ], [ -82.01630515272484, 28.82323140500872 ], [ -82.016212465909874, 28.823232359476844 ], [ -82.01609213284695, 28.823231282319988 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 432a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.133841594479165, 28.801088408659343 ], [ -82.133991772913475, 28.801501055380722 ], [ -82.134141853358088, 28.801839118923557 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.143662108715475, 28.668371208304595 ], [ -82.143763641140453, 28.668189179323953 ], [ -82.143846285792137, 28.668052053108532 ], [ -82.143988999234551, 28.667816216809509 ], [ -82.144239647398237, 28.667411043647949 ], [ -82.1445101448396, 28.666952371326822 ], [ -82.144693340293287, 28.666631307531581 ], [ -82.144852345630682, 28.666356105874893 ], [ -82.144999261521107, 28.666109185157545 ], [ -82.145202318387689, 28.665746080588018 ], [ -82.145524605104683, 28.665162059371742 ], [ -82.145983463190476, 28.664383408632077 ], [ -82.146322067118575, 28.663844950169612 ], [ -82.146500364437685, 28.663589302771882 ], [ -82.146749038202415, 28.663226227017592 ], [ -82.146892993397501, 28.66291438179362 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 3rd Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.046706400240708, 28.606351554299721 ], [ -82.046631801772264, 28.606339609946666 ], [ -82.04657302089403, 28.606319680814071 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 148", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995335568902362, 28.827359649129164 ], [ -81.99531948222274, 28.827310318422054 ], [ -81.995037381678046, 28.827088346356611 ], [ -81.994698305720689, 28.826849958407937 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Charo Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977747095066192, 28.941877997547039 ], [ -81.978748286622391, 28.941879339084686 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Switcher Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044371379174876, 28.855370524324094 ], [ -82.043805114715866, 28.855368920918714 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 641 East", "maxspeed": 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], [ -82.017477327724649, 28.839688399445322 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Burgess Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026450044437439, 28.827887545254402 ], [ -82.025913763913309, 28.827424365976331 ], [ -82.025820181027399, 28.827370460539417 ], [ -82.02574533633225, 28.827343547736607 ], [ -82.025670631331309, 28.827330644109406 ], [ -82.025571477858847, 28.82732453120483 ], [ -82.025373839520753, 28.827331615361164 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sweny Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992203147086002, 28.75913632631622 ], [ -81.992266706435061, 28.759010161591945 ], [ -81.992379842111532, 28.758839534347882 ], [ -81.99244339877653, 28.758743678400599 ], [ -81.992536811310288, 28.758623578811005 ], [ -81.992674825957266, 28.758464184759205 ], [ -81.992812673263884, 28.75830498274723 ], [ 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28.615796607922821 ], [ -82.079779192310397, 28.615763788636233 ], [ -82.0796213955323, 28.615726830328175 ], [ -82.079476323575079, 28.615692109479102 ], [ -82.079332522967832, 28.615656266129932 ], [ -82.07913781844772, 28.615605857583667 ], [ -82.078901115859409, 28.615540875786785 ], [ -82.078721676620376, 28.615485966003892 ], [ -82.078543199554943, 28.61542794957699 ], [ -82.078282615844188, 28.615340264871708 ], [ -82.07802935668721, 28.615251715564497 ], [ -82.077744280640189, 28.615149709186603 ], [ -82.07746429432629, 28.615048822744566 ], [ -82.077132945051716, 28.614934877089578 ], [ -82.076367265381379, 28.614655364621232 ], [ -82.075873478892163, 28.614478248599859 ], [ -82.075318606686508, 28.614279834820397 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Nordqvist Stone Curve", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024803999964902, 28.853193542980431 ], [ -82.025157431342819, 28.853192551748382 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -82.019411166612471, 28.849561003925587 ], [ -82.019417058292561, 28.849548257137368 ], [ -82.019422875655607, 28.849538259684692 ], [ -82.019435367903881, 28.849522331351299 ], [ -82.019447842478286, 28.849510677241394 ], [ -82.019459494666052, 28.849502219211598 ], [ -82.019473123948927, 28.849494501698565 ], [ -82.01949116430275, 28.849487112008781 ], [ -82.019504831189707, 28.849483304177994 ], [ -82.019512543007949, 28.849481767377959 ], [ -82.019517490909436, 28.84948100063 ], [ -82.019522992258103, 28.849480348397442 ], [ -82.019529035790526, 28.849479865722426 ], [ -82.019536149321979, 28.849479610278728 ], [ -82.019542896011473, 28.849479678813655 ], [ -82.019548707043285, 28.849479981176216 ], [ -82.01955431621414, 28.849480486585566 ], [ -82.019560770959714, 28.849481332045649 ], [ -82.019566066596781, 28.849482243535917 ], [ -82.019571799905194, 28.849483452725629 ], [ -82.019579582066626, 28.849485483628769 ], [ -82.01958351673872, 28.849486687655951 ], [ 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[ -82.014180561757499, 28.863347352606795 ], [ -82.014180637629195, 28.863347517720808 ], [ -82.014260001595531, 28.863520158384254 ], [ -82.014310339819133, 28.863638996651893 ], [ -82.014353148783911, 28.863760098641055 ], [ -82.014388298241442, 28.863883094427504 ], [ -82.014415679466353, 28.864007613181379 ], [ -82.014435210380142, 28.864133271436639 ], [ -82.014446830428284, 28.864259686626038 ], [ -82.01445050468071, 28.864386476178399 ], [ -82.014450423153534, 28.864420541764687 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barrel Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988332972266846, 28.84312119598826 ], [ -81.988310754231648, 28.8430523895357 ], [ -81.988274474316881, 28.842970865631656 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Glen Hollow Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996399900428941, 28.924971016826866 ], [ -81.99644028353859, 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-82.008338021115932, 28.923279317369278 ], [ -82.008398750879024, 28.922886034580703 ], [ -82.008438835060389, 28.922636571734365 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Florahome Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993931640953221, 28.843162634056792 ], [ -81.994001110569357, 28.843194374979792 ], [ -81.994158110598434, 28.843266505229611 ], [ -81.994229667321576, 28.843290376206962 ], [ -81.994303547745162, 28.843306840210207 ], [ -81.994371757399534, 28.843314801493197 ], [ -81.994443220142557, 28.843316759831939 ], [ -81.994526732109733, 28.843308595654999 ], [ -81.994571853813909, 28.843299834323027 ], [ -81.994623882976541, 28.843286181853586 ], [ -81.994717872776206, 28.84325451018686 ], [ -81.99486122962999, 28.843200421681694 ], [ -81.994904088757778, 28.843186532339999 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dalton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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[ -81.99511451164409, 28.760756994199784 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 489b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112197270921101, 28.756165630659147 ], [ -82.112207771074964, 28.755254535379045 ], [ -82.112219584317728, 28.752496721105164 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.088615010222284, 28.8114220584674 ], [ -82.088636954191514, 28.811808516799672 ], [ -82.088763536065045, 28.813967117831996 ], [ -82.088790774105107, 28.81443900495357 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lodge Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954099283533438, 28.89997429815238 ], [ -81.954195190637179, 28.899976737343071 ], [ -81.9543659101721, 28.899976795487383 ], [ -81.954504403727057, 28.899969622300638 ], [ 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[ -82.01311539731735, 28.950711191680167 ], [ -82.013255125550188, 28.950705677225631 ], [ -82.013426123595977, 28.95069741033997 ], [ -82.013600248469572, 28.950689485803615 ], [ -82.013749355704121, 28.950681221539959 ], [ -82.01387990003839, 28.95067295805671 ], [ -82.014072590078797, 28.950667438376925 ], [ -82.014234206242548, 28.95066467178459 ], [ -82.014334545075286, 28.95065548879861 ], [ -82.014477335663585, 28.950644697959774 ], [ -82.014581107542398, 28.950639717310505 ], [ -82.014722235968975, 28.950642207225432 ], [ -82.014921477362009, 28.950653830994607 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Old Wire Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037089913798468, 28.867321920569452 ], [ -82.037090095043055, 28.867835849748069 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Endsley Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965255939180309, 28.940135326086203 ], [ -81.96519754273649, 28.940078089260755 ], [ -81.965166534963089, 28.940045338764836 ], [ -81.965144832953087, 28.940015321024791 ], [ -81.965132437410745, 28.939979845925322 ], [ -81.965141755021563, 28.939944378282789 ], [ -81.965166577868601, 28.939921192184134 ], [ -81.965192947398009, 28.939907556359618 ], [ -81.965234825138779, 28.939903474433635 ], [ -81.965273594009261, 28.939917127173846 ], [ -81.965384107432484, 28.939997243377221 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "State Route 471", "maxspeed": "50 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.054588582702863, 28.501721399496454 ], [ -82.054605457441738, 28.500821426833301 ], [ -82.054611406761452, 28.500488301896976 ], [ -82.054623301856765, 28.499863693530774 ], [ -82.054629230725993, 28.498685855874776 ], [ -82.054641099903279, 28.497073767462535 ], [ -82.054629174618597, 28.495461678162428 ], [ -82.054629156362466, 28.494390917784564 ], [ -82.054623175012665, 28.492528984869672 ], [ -82.054635046511351, 28.490958536164513 ], [ -82.054623123335716, 28.489536804430202 ], [ -82.05461715654198, 28.488448198606633 ], [ -82.054611187172569, 28.487258464263864 ], [ -82.05458736865306, 28.485920013438434 ], [ -82.054581405422326, 28.485009866757096 ], [ -82.054599218472291, 28.48310629418064 ], [ -82.054577811552463, 28.481287701932665 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reagan Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996389889533361, 28.788388156401236 ], [ -81.996389987864347, 28.788388130236836 ], [ -81.99658860336767, 28.788355098253305 ], [ -81.996778486107431, 28.788313696797243 ], [ -81.997086480581714, 28.788231153158375 ], [ -81.997319579052402, 28.788148086645304 ], [ -81.997467344790167, 28.788087410808206 ], [ -81.997620801499082, 28.788014925425855 ], [ -81.997828549036782, 28.787908952311746 ], [ -81.998135502732211, 28.787739060432013 ], [ -81.998275415749475, 28.78766196508024 ], [ -81.99839400913713, 28.787606551923279 ], [ -81.99852161769067, 28.787566156888218 ], [ -81.998739533221681, 28.787531593444182 ], [ -81.99887856049132, 28.787529640386552 ], [ -81.999057774394259, 28.787550938344289 ], [ -81.999132202240332, 28.787567433217522 ], [ -81.999201679801033, 28.787587927975171 ], [ -81.999277069366272, 28.787614934736531 ], [ -81.999390454767038, 28.787671337262587 ], [ -81.999618904533222, 28.78780698321745 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Engdahl Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026049688981431, 28.807054384375547 ], [ -82.026410095409972, 28.80717931542182 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 573", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972026177633239, 28.672566692587864 ], [ -81.973381006111708, 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-81.962548619565538, 28.918466244295686 ], [ -81.962555380189357, 28.918468393650116 ], [ -81.962561057970916, 28.918470182685489 ], [ -81.962565959509746, 28.918471715251595 ], [ -81.962572685289018, 28.918473800532396 ], [ -81.962579884824152, 28.918476010462019 ], [ -81.962585495975972, 28.918477717368742 ], [ -81.962593244132535, 28.918480050163108 ], [ -81.96260136248064, 28.91848246516928 ], [ -81.962606678327447, 28.918484032136799 ], [ -81.962611450698489, 28.91848542841845 ], [ -81.962616701952072, 28.918486952057282 ], [ -81.962621645579219, 28.918488375455226 ], [ -81.962625377143539, 28.91848944301023 ], [ -81.962628538566506, 28.918490343481302 ], [ -81.962638015668048, 28.91849301421399 ], [ -81.96264667858334, 28.91849542395542 ], [ -81.96265661304821, 28.918498176923244 ], [ -81.96267824060898, 28.91850417239106 ], [ -81.962691121165193, 28.918507743657216 ], [ -81.962712561074142, 28.918513687636381 ], [ -81.962767868216901, 28.918529018591219 ], [ -81.963009256116379, 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-81.974743690277037, 28.949746104436027 ], [ -81.974920859221982, 28.949672193137506 ], [ -81.975192852729208, 28.949583339237094 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Leanne Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016784772049917, 28.750348098694388 ], [ -82.016536963796526, 28.750188629171952 ], [ -82.016265832067347, 28.750015889632735 ], [ -82.015979530576146, 28.749889751105634 ], [ -82.01580977770395, 28.749835980696947 ], [ -82.015741649750552, 28.749820215600362 ], [ -82.015680560696268, 28.749815711585988 ], [ -82.015622288475399, 28.749818806596636 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jared Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999357738329209, 28.750252891749874 ], [ -81.999343615836608, 28.749732993321853 ], [ -81.999334789033682, 28.749544099286474 ], [ -81.999334788997913, 28.749390513174909 ], [ -81.999355090596637, 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-81.994913251813941, 28.915462493101153 ], [ -81.994909218013632, 28.915354057576934 ], [ -81.994905181607649, 28.91527584088583 ], [ -81.994898015198842, 28.915161517746508 ], [ -81.994872967635402, 28.915015846292686 ], [ -81.994845220071326, 28.914907066951475 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Huchingson Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998653089806993, 28.783520452378763 ], [ -81.998686480542133, 28.783518696833593 ], [ -81.99878504165838, 28.783512077562683 ], [ -81.998896105581849, 28.783496630988015 ], [ -81.999013055691989, 28.783480450788574 ], [ -81.999193682957596, 28.783443976075915 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North West Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120811469900175, 28.681390771465722 ], [ -82.120812303272601, 28.681564269976992 ], [ -82.120812943584724, 28.682122590125317 ] ] ] } }, { 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28.766577569896203 ], [ -82.020627353351088, 28.767041901852537 ], [ -82.020547982936819, 28.767961837920414 ], [ -82.020498363714324, 28.768469991941135 ], [ -82.020438795211831, 28.768951866478751 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 108th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.042386262580962, 28.597207162259807 ], [ -82.04072790587108, 28.597188986956343 ], [ -82.039702213039462, 28.59718224009249 ], [ -82.039489601106297, 28.59726141193109 ], [ -82.039032411676715, 28.597320153094699 ], [ -82.038794880518182, 28.597354034154591 ], [ -82.038513912681282, 28.597358620581986 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.033073780346456, 28.927398231498472 ], [ -82.033049032693228, 28.927420281446448 ], [ -82.03299858740553, 28.927437414665555 ], [ -82.032955758119456, 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[ -81.974944008407874, 28.943950254054759 ], [ -81.974975759984545, 28.943940951045207 ], [ -81.975014123071404, 28.943930485306247 ], [ -81.975056459148078, 28.943915367171755 ], [ -81.975092176981065, 28.943903737860666 ], [ -81.975126572841276, 28.943890946140332 ], [ -81.975180815449988, 28.943866520320604 ], [ -81.975249608982807, 28.943837444048697 ], [ -81.975520823595673, 28.943697865031883 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 108", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.035300776193139, 28.925177917889947 ], [ -82.035247021786915, 28.925176871557742 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Merry Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993310951790903, 28.851199568985635 ], [ -81.993369349108576, 28.85114690975966 ], [ -81.993438245344677, 28.851093090665497 ], [ -81.993493651139445, 28.851052463483608 ], [ 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28.571293729188685 ], [ -81.986630608670367, 28.571310276547202 ], [ -81.986439028325577, 28.571318027051458 ], [ -81.986261672242762, 28.571334933975955 ], [ -81.986108283379821, 28.571347613900855 ], [ -81.985954894380029, 28.571368754051736 ], [ -81.985815884869197, 28.571392011579476 ], [ -81.985693924028155, 28.571407578313153 ], [ -81.985525880471513, 28.571440641797526 ], [ -81.985362902270637, 28.571476591339433 ], [ -81.985106449149058, 28.571546382595923 ], [ -81.983970385120386, 28.571831872046733 ], [ -81.983304083514113, 28.571986237955752 ], [ -81.982589841994894, 28.572165981814955 ], [ -81.982410082601433, 28.572220966914486 ], [ -81.982201557513605, 28.57229710613262 ], [ -81.982076916663416, 28.572369024388415 ], [ -81.981963507934765, 28.57243731752742 ], [ -81.981857174061673, 28.572520501154049 ], [ -81.981755719073831, 28.572614405240586 ], [ -81.981652867211878, 28.572746001862683 ], [ -81.981580714842735, 28.572868267897707 ], [ -81.981513585145279, 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28.959159970370695 ], [ -82.007878392594023, 28.95921600752423 ], [ -82.007875790212026, 28.959279213165352 ], [ -82.007872597994535, 28.959314975651989 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Motorcoach Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026408382285808, 28.86850775155208 ], [ -82.026410855067795, 28.868125748435357 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 136th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958572613120424, 28.955564868271768 ], [ -81.957873827237876, 28.95611565723571 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gresham Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98712340362168, 28.866950831239301 ], [ -81.987122389397442, 28.866711882187094 ], [ -81.987124996026324, 28.866024684324774 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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28.84371967849037 ], [ -82.015043079579016, 28.843702775080409 ], [ -82.015049530154286, 28.843676609308758 ], [ -82.015057280350518, 28.843644331173703 ], [ -82.015070722012695, 28.843587940995612 ], [ -82.01508323826998, 28.843538924563859 ], [ -82.015086524264902, 28.84352764899046 ], [ -82.015088534014453, 28.843521098932651 ], [ -82.015090855191403, 28.843513742179514 ], [ -82.015092559738221, 28.84350854471176 ], [ -82.015093841222992, 28.843504649317548 ], [ -82.015095254874524, 28.843500518407172 ], [ -82.015097400968784, 28.843494301285794 ], [ -82.015099040013553, 28.843489717393432 ], [ -82.015100971029412, 28.843484434182269 ], [ -82.015102604974786, 28.843480028044791 ], [ -82.015105167060042, 28.843473248741869 ], [ -82.015109011782215, 28.84346349078789 ], [ -82.015117150097794, 28.843444038895377 ], [ -82.015120500137527, 28.843436417655912 ], [ -82.015123543885068, 28.843429684318796 ], [ -82.01512531421146, 28.843425874591084 ], [ -82.015127977905465, 28.843420204211647 ], [ -82.015129679605437, 28.843416648941698 ], [ -82.015131181532439, 28.843413548455622 ], [ -82.015132464219391, 28.84341093253159 ], [ -82.01513379813457, 28.843408231785272 ], [ -82.015135211964605, 28.843405390270576 ], [ -82.015136526422694, 28.843402791486945 ], [ -82.015138122626425, 28.843399656703035 ], [ -82.015139870463997, 28.843396258429362 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "El Camino Real", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983719443097726, 28.95309941574374 ], [ -81.983825014739566, 28.953072899428268 ], [ -81.983948685776696, 28.953041079737392 ], [ -81.98405727627636, 28.953009258126166 ], [ -81.984159833500826, 28.952977436611118 ], [ -81.984268425099984, 28.952937655710738 ], [ -81.98438304960861, 28.952892571758046 ], [ -81.984491640817282, 28.95284748429702 ], [ -81.984621724316469, 28.952787478030672 ], [ -81.984719760211306, 28.95273443365399 ], [ 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-81.989051069366226, 28.950617088786402 ], [ -81.989291424750192, 28.950647309987211 ], [ -81.98957374400274, 28.950707733800876 ], [ -81.989959068579367, 28.950835280103352 ], [ -81.990290981258127, 28.95096617520543 ], [ -81.990844472167751, 28.951184335815888 ], [ -81.99143826462344, 28.951424793314725 ], [ -81.991941067243303, 28.951628234222426 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bachman Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012612821799152, 28.879318060860196 ], [ -82.012501007167543, 28.879381353688863 ], [ -82.012397821032394, 28.879443636898298 ], [ -82.012243032845888, 28.879545766521151 ], [ -82.01203079897931, 28.879688720065477 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Independence Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962502588374861, 28.847265406522951 ], [ -81.962979566097971, 28.847571622684303 ], [ 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"type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00650370274407, 28.910874946756593 ], [ -82.006597020666391, 28.910884388769574 ], [ -82.006738163473415, 28.910880619801137 ], [ -82.007084602240155, 28.910858022594905 ], [ -82.007426764920396, 28.910839189101431 ], [ -82.007743265745191, 28.910827883074827 ], [ -82.008419038720248, 28.910824082821776 ], [ -82.009094891955556, 28.910824172587702 ], [ -82.009325440156132, 28.910813101047435 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "50 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981912069853038, 28.823921466389571 ], [ -81.982021650764523, 28.823879758359826 ], [ -81.98208744545461, 28.823833154776516 ], [ -81.982114858854956, 28.823775585688043 ], [ -81.982101812285151, 28.823717601543482 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Triggerfish Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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[ -81.974545054113847, 28.875125332410498 ], [ -81.974494443618795, 28.875110473593239 ], [ -81.974456313652539, 28.875105070560014 ], [ -81.974412982247628, 28.875103781022037 ], [ -81.974354732395014, 28.875114500065862 ], [ -81.974256701861378, 28.875145526786955 ], [ -81.974048568807106, 28.875215787727186 ], [ -81.97403252739943, 28.875221245353693 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cynthia Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015543513264035, 28.818882888076896 ], [ -82.01551828269352, 28.818814261148582 ], [ -82.015409508980497, 28.818614638738506 ], [ -82.015253514180159, 28.818345919710548 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Beebe Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985123380876672, 28.759940492971715 ], [ -81.98510355687759, 28.759479158152185 ], [ -81.98506976815024, 28.759318588709647 ], [ -81.98500585840678, 28.759147893686858 ], [ -81.984979692099543, 28.759080705059432 ], [ -81.984977821160967, 28.759025623746567 ], [ -81.98500023753374, 28.758988460676925 ], [ -81.985041683106843, 28.758947743691618 ], [ -81.985545441713498, 28.758770805638605 ], [ -81.986234761724262, 28.758560530698485 ], [ -81.986539936753942, 28.758481172138577 ], [ -81.986842526858425, 28.758449042673316 ], [ -81.986983089387465, 28.758450047149925 ], [ -81.987098552799168, 28.758470126777805 ], [ -81.987214014510201, 28.758512295957178 ], [ -81.987313186780625, 28.758546673783201 ], [ -81.987412949729773, 28.758566268011581 ], [ -81.987569438191741, 28.758560488844289 ], [ -81.987763215757212, 28.758513300115833 ], [ -81.987877672972672, 28.758446031882819 ], [ -81.987940926587584, 28.75837374296276 ], [ -81.987981628676977, 28.758278607098067 ], [ -81.987987399612692, 28.758176179163399 ], [ -81.987961431899961, 28.758052109883725 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 37th Terrace", 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-82.165923105355859, 28.686732374385262 ], [ -82.165939165572254, 28.686626467375742 ], [ -82.165948693549026, 28.686494813146865 ], [ -82.165941689940951, 28.686168576438085 ], [ -82.165928138646223, 28.685808005044549 ], [ -82.165911654774433, 28.685644902052346 ], [ -82.165888627351436, 28.685447466181294 ], [ -82.165904443990854, 28.685187022015214 ], [ -82.165916676687274, 28.684711947815117 ], [ -82.165896312737175, 28.684145335900936 ], [ -82.165856466697164, 28.683573023302113 ], [ -82.165872291531855, 28.683527125968901 ], [ -82.165892003292484, 28.683469955603361 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chitty Chatty Run", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980036657412697, 28.812371825306638 ], [ -81.979801781733102, 28.812318559202534 ], [ -81.979619183304266, 28.812298030168439 ], [ -81.979497089288799, 28.812296950439663 ], [ -81.979398766792499, 28.812280743402518 ], [ -81.979295042955286, 28.812245087952849 ], [ -81.979222651870998, 28.812218076005742 ], [ -81.979138374909539, 28.812194305979226 ], [ -81.979039133620802, 28.812177927098016 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Capazzi Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004768104394216, 28.737830105840953 ], [ -82.004912856608428, 28.737892142706499 ], [ -82.005009358888955, 28.737919715726559 ], [ -82.005257161938545, 28.737969819419881 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brier Creek Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988179778115764, 28.917588085646614 ], [ -81.988238918289781, 28.917573224656987 ], [ -81.988379750600032, 28.917547820262168 ], [ -81.988520576934519, 28.91753830065565 ], [ -81.988650573564499, 28.917538311839806 ], [ -81.988776957239921, 28.917538322592822 ], [ -81.988892505780143, 28.917551041171421 ], [ -81.989015277170552, 28.917573290308841 ], [ -81.989116381468506, 28.917601892434085 ], [ -81.98917415323298, 28.917636844925934 ], [ -81.989224703565995, 28.917678150780404 ], [ -81.989253582683972, 28.917735340698506 ], [ -81.989257189220368, 28.917805234707931 ], [ -81.98925704256196, 28.919171365187012 ], [ -81.989238979612438, 28.919238082242003 ], [ -81.989202865565389, 28.919279380128732 ], [ -81.989159530584516, 28.919311146455954 ], [ -81.989119805177623, 28.919336560897158 ], [ -81.989065637607922, 28.919346087399642 ], [ -81.988975362432313, 28.919346080825978 ], [ -81.988812865885876, 28.919346066314404 ], [ -81.988690091033249, 28.91933652404035 ], [ -81.988599820427837, 28.919314277408272 ], [ -81.988509547204487, 28.919279320965167 ], [ -81.98841566877249, 28.919212596086915 ], [ -81.988314567225785, 28.919139516533797 ], [ -81.988252643728956, 28.919111389187432 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 753", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062975960572416, 28.591862217070666 ], [ -82.062970640785949, 28.590941189493037 ], [ -82.062971595293632, 28.590586897427563 ], [ -82.062966708759774, 28.590218190373562 ], [ -82.062973556426428, 28.589960707112063 ], [ -82.06297331336755, 28.589550801399039 ], [ -82.062987126327783, 28.58923357977033 ], [ -82.062974844180872, 28.588203668295918 ], [ -82.062969493006861, 28.58814127457423 ], [ -82.06296182324796, 28.588080649605018 ], [ -82.062956056642747, 28.58800387180877 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bougainvillea Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031593439818906, 28.798133633608366 ], [ -82.031599371749977, 28.79749574609172 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Belvedere Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013561252551867, 28.917415333994654 ], [ 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-81.998496276735565, 28.890873957212563 ], [ -81.998694678567119, 28.89091287664117 ], [ -81.998813788433822, 28.890922474753729 ], [ -81.998955144822716, 28.890922476094499 ], [ -81.999710388493526, 28.890897600712329 ], [ -82.000433322183369, 28.890862059230663 ], [ -82.000941192254757, 28.890850508601151 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Neighborly Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000089066727057, 28.837328790917439 ], [ -82.000008960575087, 28.837277700055488 ], [ -81.999947559901997, 28.837247254272437 ], [ -81.999860078405348, 28.837213210049363 ], [ -81.999783081079414, 28.837191244088125 ], [ -81.999705010831747, 28.837175900115312 ], [ -81.999605511064146, 28.837165806541872 ], [ -81.999541066799551, 28.837164739741919 ], [ -81.99947916797143, 28.83716772879669 ], [ -81.999348433656976, 28.837187270269041 ], [ -81.999179477023858, 28.837226198329223 ], [ -81.999092060706005, 28.837245910391605 ], [ -81.998930040541779, 28.837274877618796 ], [ -81.998836194981976, 28.837286927060749 ], [ -81.998737933809963, 28.837295910350107 ], [ -81.998630221425941, 28.837301544096221 ], [ -81.998517436606605, 28.8373027581925 ], [ -81.99842320181898, 28.837301624627781 ], [ -81.99832534361083, 28.837296120170262 ], [ -81.998106483676835, 28.837267615851967 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969635327407829, 28.909517712955701 ], [ -81.969658442706233, 28.909515938862306 ], [ -81.969660612669998, 28.909515593773744 ], [ -81.969705201550255, 28.909504925170825 ], [ -81.969749075774601, 28.909486935147079 ], [ -81.969788732121174, 28.909462516187951 ], [ -81.96981814951728, 28.909437322543354 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974701010987857, 28.908268665598456 ], [ -81.974644836566299, 28.908038240527869 ], [ -81.974635371503268, 28.9057790500339 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yemassee Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968568721111808, 28.881813411908208 ], [ -81.968507995546986, 28.88204178100327 ], [ -81.968411875450442, 28.882356263698362 ], [ -81.968315753325669, 28.882672132244249 ], [ -81.968273213088978, 28.882795428892475 ], [ -81.968230679814937, 28.882892404492864 ], [ -81.968188153709917, 28.88296582460033 ], [ -81.968134608319019, 28.883040628912816 ], [ -81.968074765928705, 28.883112658932095 ], [ -81.967983436567252, 28.883201309019629 ], [ -81.967882664752963, 28.883277486076206 ], [ -81.967766346133786, 28.883345559361643 ], [ -81.967633899066584, 28.883413204572832 ], [ -81.967602194015257, 28.883425486261395 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orange Street", "maxspeed": "35 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-81.981124230460907, 28.793909141586223 ], [ -81.980953942032471, 28.793751953471695 ], [ -81.980923377271424, 28.793668992238921 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Landstone Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99610567599197, 28.734633716774344 ], [ -81.996134674470085, 28.734601483893933 ], [ -81.996157799107507, 28.734565751518595 ], [ -81.996174516291617, 28.734527344200416 ], [ -81.996184440268024, 28.73448714821696 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trend Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954419986376678, 28.955870586041133 ], [ -81.954431111043633, 28.956702861639588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 449", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.127302704580032, 28.792034379745761 ], [ -82.127610503705185, 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-82.024037688093614, 28.796018615831315 ], [ -82.024019961044985, 28.796001282744413 ], [ -82.024001220314531, 28.795981215821488 ], [ -82.023979332474383, 28.795955062433791 ], [ -82.023959926600028, 28.795928814776325 ], [ -82.023938634388216, 28.795895603388757 ], [ -82.023929644301703, 28.79587975309704 ], [ -82.023918264048632, 28.795857612288831 ], [ -82.023908529068535, 28.795836272451862 ], [ -82.023895181364423, 28.795801722469765 ], [ -82.023886926485488, 28.795775456652152 ], [ -82.023879679003258, 28.795746703887566 ], [ -82.023874309240298, 28.795718414590485 ], [ -82.023870601889968, 28.795689720772963 ], [ -82.023868893364522, 28.795667129857939 ], [ -82.023868235295339, 28.795642237865621 ], [ -82.023868498990893, 28.795625886106979 ], [ -82.023869553741733, 28.795606148735306 ], [ -82.023872706092561, 28.795576172461192 ], [ -82.02387635891597, 28.795553449794522 ], [ -82.023895659656276, 28.795449075062869 ], [ -82.023919232801305, 28.79532159677629 ], [ -82.023924579337503, 28.795291999095539 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008870627966488, 28.881019251578579 ], [ -82.00886946922401, 28.880926963332058 ], [ -82.008865523601074, 28.880854219109104 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fellowship Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003038007470977, 28.842382332882043 ], [ -82.003132904512753, 28.842346020575736 ], [ -82.003203960929611, 28.842318516965673 ], [ -82.003258206639956, 28.842292461839317 ], [ -82.003301540324244, 28.842266298624306 ], [ -82.003348432844874, 28.842231345051587 ], [ -82.003387573774447, 28.842195320578153 ], [ -82.003425485721138, 28.842151314310666 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.195244586151162, 28.683683650427586 ], [ -82.195246237947288, 28.683746179444732 ], [ -82.195278574188109, 28.684971797743056 ], [ -82.195295954250852, 28.685614175726016 ], [ -82.19531832003679, 28.686450288140609 ], [ -82.195350991042716, 28.687855370424398 ], [ -82.195379165759363, 28.688954960342052 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Thomas Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993592527075592, 28.780042153149907 ], [ -81.993498498009473, 28.77985924745634 ], [ -81.993455593287734, 28.779773439670741 ], [ -81.993417838473519, 28.779668754787114 ], [ -81.993388664476029, 28.779546906476781 ], [ -81.993368382750134, 28.779452037832289 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rawlins Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990547764426452, 28.783329450067136 ], [ -81.990498903819216, 28.783211147704598 ], [ 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28.623381172827294 ], [ -82.028365285019802, 28.623417220960782 ], [ -82.028414896543126, 28.623463324931425 ], [ -82.028510716994816, 28.623561913952468 ], [ -82.028562882044795, 28.623603506553007 ], [ -82.028625154371781, 28.623634673239895 ], [ -82.028709350426098, 28.623642545116287 ], [ -82.028811421050364, 28.623636982837628 ], [ -82.028987037669054, 28.623620512198691 ], [ -82.029066965813669, 28.623597392092428 ], [ -82.029128050967529, 28.623561786592951 ], [ -82.029189560610064, 28.623519230257699 ], [ -82.029234455912913, 28.62344671880766 ], [ -82.029261045906395, 28.623371958940492 ], [ -82.029269004907988, 28.62328940676257 ], [ -82.029229031052779, 28.623071064363252 ], [ -82.029149091513247, 28.622669600519245 ], [ -82.029055837398204, 28.622218833743581 ], [ -82.02899721982557, 28.621934755176564 ], [ -82.028973169770865, 28.621877209857946 ], [ -82.028935987307747, 28.621817376215784 ], [ -82.028802901019304, 28.621667140733198 ], [ -82.028712402327201, 28.621559159247433 ], [ -82.028656496385921, 28.621453518496416 ], [ -82.028627192571037, 28.621329088270468 ], [ -82.028602443897199, 28.621281046464269 ], [ -82.02854248477729, 28.621225762453687 ], [ -82.028427588510041, 28.621185910585428 ], [ -82.028174804184289, 28.621178918105933 ], [ -82.027906058954414, 28.621181320793863 ], [ -82.02765859670113, 28.621179021162391 ], [ -82.027572474000408, 28.621194701877457 ], [ -82.027504279780885, 28.621228355423177 ], [ -82.027447158174269, 28.621283681861417 ], [ -82.027419162284005, 28.621350460478133 ], [ -82.02742267386958, 28.621420725873076 ], [ -82.027445814132847, 28.621514804670117 ], [ -82.027444512327833, 28.621581803635522 ], [ -82.027420004913779, 28.621641912373779 ], [ -82.027222389526543, 28.621862330237079 ], [ -82.0270681007012, 28.62202201379241 ], [ -82.026943071276989, 28.622148821118934 ], [ -82.026847323212323, 28.622320232572893 ], [ -82.026730307484982, 28.622571474373732 ], [ -82.026634564772948, 28.622771059407967 ], [ -82.026602886188755, 28.622836955151744 ], [ -82.026565411458023, 28.622883769314392 ], [ -82.026379189103423, 28.62305754363226 ], [ -82.026224890846038, 28.623191401250967 ], [ -82.026004077010541, 28.623369877289399 ], [ -82.025841797910445, 28.623520169349327 ], [ -82.02569547493276, 28.623628197229692 ], [ -82.025643964032142, 28.623652155645885 ], [ -82.025570421499538, 28.623670482952832 ], [ -82.025515905649911, 28.623676221834035 ], [ -82.025442696246955, 28.623668159197337 ], [ -82.02537421011553, 28.623649800878269 ], [ -82.025306081792721, 28.623613750294215 ], [ -82.025147279177204, 28.623445165926668 ], [ -82.024923698812742, 28.623177550319305 ], [ -82.024777307164257, 28.62299914133925 ], [ -82.024733716881968, 28.622935870674077 ], [ -82.02471190543713, 28.622878172620144 ], [ -82.024700993028873, 28.622822878282001 ], [ -82.024700082727023, 28.622747934645883 ], [ -82.024755880784156, 28.622402791729918 ], [ -82.024785097869696, 28.622184436674118 ], [ -82.024790742997936, 28.62210641218951 ], [ -82.024782403808572, 28.622038870845945 ], [ -82.024702526898409, 28.621825230784459 ], [ -82.024518087465225, 28.621327501041197 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Breezy Meadows Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.081588571955635, 28.885323101505286 ], [ -82.081463256846405, 28.885793682665913 ], [ -82.081416155812477, 28.886053752741258 ], [ -82.08139362874627, 28.886360923437646 ], [ -82.081369749109115, 28.886809515026496 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.103271104980266, 28.894469767651753 ], [ -82.102242097135942, 28.894465752060956 ], [ -82.100734662825076, 28.894482673624374 ], [ -82.100455221714668, 28.894485135836678 ], [ -82.100241808981195, 28.894485294719697 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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[ -81.992821896657091, 28.749534326746286 ], [ -81.992768221547763, 28.749439173929257 ], [ -81.992717027083003, 28.749348919032055 ], [ -81.992655562982279, 28.749260215542744 ], [ -81.992596213952282, 28.749191532875209 ], [ -81.992548020141626, 28.749110165954676 ], [ -81.99251168180669, 28.749017155210019 ], [ -81.992493521810104, 28.748921467386708 ], [ -81.992479552736953, 28.748809715746603 ], [ -81.992493522052285, 28.748688883803734 ], [ -81.992530539582361, 28.748602276446103 ], [ -81.992578732865852, 28.748528240860129 ], [ -81.992634609973152, 28.748459095368258 ], [ -81.99271842462818, 28.748375281421989 ], [ -81.99276102907217, 28.748334771262495 ], [ -81.99279734880929, 28.748295656642512 ], [ -81.992826684038562, 28.748250257860889 ], [ -81.992836462165798, 28.748204161427854 ], [ -81.992836462263043, 28.748142697009563 ], [ -81.992825286679775, 28.748081932190903 ], [ -81.9927575372582, 28.747998817378466 ], [ -81.992484044839117, 28.747746580447743 ] ] ] } }, { 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], [ -81.969002625082496, 28.894861387757146 ], [ -81.969023300841386, 28.894897800333663 ], [ -81.969025232587214, 28.894904442608819 ], [ -81.969025270484522, 28.894904573451051 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Archer Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006408895009997, 28.93535049486519 ], [ -82.006032223756463, 28.935004489006094 ], [ -82.006009194564101, 28.934983220158781 ], [ -82.00599340858713, 28.934975436706612 ], [ -82.005973500335344, 28.934968029676313 ], [ -82.005935503845507, 28.93496093917441 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Daniel Hearns Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988269716456173, 28.750162172048171 ], [ -81.987598625120228, 28.749451497079367 ], [ -81.987567479878479, 28.74940382539204 ], [ -81.987543748488804, 28.749366220697716 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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[ -82.061345071852259, 28.743748201882482 ], [ -82.061347059732725, 28.743644047643649 ], [ -82.061344981537331, 28.743595249134906 ], [ -82.061338814607751, 28.743571755398616 ], [ -82.061326500705292, 28.743553686469522 ], [ -82.061299835983164, 28.743546468973769 ], [ -82.06124241351867, 28.743546494619224 ], [ -82.06110911517996, 28.743551976117171 ], [ -82.060914290932843, 28.743554095687763 ], [ -82.060813801993277, 28.743553914683776 ], [ -82.060709210722095, 28.743555768354224 ], [ -82.0606292260576, 28.743548574307258 ], [ -82.06058820213012, 28.743535940053178 ], [ -82.060561528070082, 28.743510647981427 ], [ -82.060545102473753, 28.743478121969769 ], [ -82.06052866645939, 28.74342571417267 ], [ -82.060524504644874, 28.743322694166128 ], [ -82.060522341495499, 28.743127493746204 ], [ -82.060522183271402, 28.74285276798523 ], [ -82.060517871585233, 28.742487671859511 ], [ -82.060517635314284, 28.742077390076819 ], [ -82.060521360835395, 28.741417592449999 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.240745083390209, 28.712069925633326 ], [ -82.241448168219279, 28.712004643814602 ], [ -82.242180930189818, 28.711924751836094 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Seven Mile Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008212379805428, 28.866396235013617 ], [ -82.007314478652944, 28.866394517403421 ], [ -82.00645533183831, 28.866392868849406 ], [ -82.006029010858825, 28.866392050059464 ], [ -82.005078686701452, 28.866390215871007 ], [ -82.004252053883306, 28.866388616271237 ], [ -82.003997601657844, 28.866388549720419 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 90th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.21985821239538, 28.625259504670044 ], [ -82.220296129320459, 28.625264834843264 ], [ -82.220661615640481, 28.625260078365823 ], [ -82.221243410592422, 28.625257476962176 ], [ -82.221715096756611, 28.625254735799615 ], [ 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], [ -81.964915679679166, 28.868176718890055 ], [ -81.964921380595129, 28.868317151260346 ], [ -81.964935670337624, 28.868563860055186 ], [ -81.964950010073267, 28.868660015042177 ], [ -81.964977293476466, 28.868737197966695 ], [ -81.965006013111278, 28.868808053406621 ], [ -81.965030432160958, 28.868856136292415 ], [ -81.965068176587053, 28.868914481829872 ], [ -81.965110840806304, 28.868962216646928 ], [ -81.965166194256753, 28.869016047997629 ], [ -81.965232075923069, 28.869067474707865 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Waterlily Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981862825561706, 28.843705924246308 ], [ -81.981708240653859, 28.843052963354612 ], [ -81.981684660439115, 28.842967227192588 ], [ -81.981654885328581, 28.842882998623349 ], [ -81.981619037867674, 28.842800624264626 ], [ -81.981577265589749, 28.842720443102912 ], [ -81.981529740408774, 28.842642785098469 ], [ -81.981476657911699, 28.842567969827623 ], [ -81.98141823655348, 28.842496305167703 ], [ -81.981354716757835, 28.842428086030086 ], [ -81.981149541913069, 28.842221611279893 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 47th Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025734376157359, 28.625681278681164 ], [ -82.025951040698558, 28.62584231978045 ], [ -82.026182698151075, 28.626022591985528 ], [ -82.026400728702043, 28.626193249230511 ], [ -82.026572428407547, 28.626329053055745 ], [ -82.026744128664419, 28.626461250914417 ], [ -82.026869498214182, 28.626561001226467 ], [ -82.026952621242614, 28.626623493869527 ], [ -82.027027564847714, 28.626661947026744 ], [ -82.027110680626024, 28.626683567233105 ], [ -82.02719651287552, 28.626685956215052 ], [ -82.027279618059708, 28.626670311530166 ], [ -82.027353182154869, 28.626641448493363 ], [ -82.027478502057022, 28.626551265846821 ], [ -82.027745483474845, 28.626338442538842 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kearns Cor", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007172775629698, 28.92966817575995 ], [ -82.007377666142432, 28.929675461461095 ], [ -82.007655877808546, 28.92967465662305 ], [ -82.007747650985166, 28.929675336579816 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Prairie Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020526104418579, 28.859254176010936 ], [ -82.02021568821327, 28.859231926309146 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 103g", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.022370912602227, 28.943423111878758 ], [ -82.022304822619347, 28.943483343443223 ], [ -82.022217489945604, 28.943560191423089 ], [ -82.02213959962927, 28.943647422319241 ], [ -82.022080595890799, 28.943724264750433 ], [ -82.022012151333925, 28.9438239529191 ], [ -82.0219531535773, 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-81.964562828675469, 28.782312925039182 ], [ -81.964717990733263, 28.782246074494072 ], [ -81.964850367487017, 28.782198952349589 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jebber Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981562531663627, 28.86895255923536 ], [ -81.981556620310158, 28.868735189031135 ], [ -81.981547734829945, 28.868520438698287 ], [ -81.981540310246999, 28.868447107476111 ], [ -81.981519491018574, 28.86840389328983 ], [ -81.981495693719026, 28.868373772915138 ], [ -81.981465948059324, 28.868343650809358 ], [ -81.981434713407523, 28.868322695892921 ], [ -81.981396981054516, 28.868306920189276 ], [ -81.981358850807254, 28.868297805223428 ], [ -81.981312737789111, 28.868292560915364 ], [ -81.981214557485544, 28.868280763075656 ], [ -81.980857542266961, 28.868254523091156 ], [ -81.980628457405714, 28.868234847863921 ], [ -81.980466312818564, 28.868224348540071 ], [ -81.980338383895656, 28.868205998600992 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], [ -82.004671768587571, 28.886251532994564 ], [ -82.004629938210755, 28.886271519310547 ], [ -82.004450065568648, 28.886320550163919 ], [ -82.003193430305572, 28.886663036622753 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 33rd Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.158846162884231, 28.570252924392346 ], [ -82.158864136848692, 28.569840648269306 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991726730901107, 28.909123566022249 ], [ -81.991735860436705, 28.909124227076287 ], [ -81.991832783440998, 28.909131250281131 ], [ -81.992150563627632, 28.909156339020868 ], [ -81.992463961773169, 28.909187212295016 ], [ -81.992832147719426, 28.909235443537153 ], [ -81.993281423432236, 28.909302959149159 ], [ -81.993456748940574, 28.909337679403542 ], [ -81.993575094973863, 28.90936082738757 ], [ -81.993653224516152, 28.909388705880971 ], [ -81.993717697192821, 28.909431257747347 ], [ -81.993784180757601, 28.909507494265288 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958106208658748, 28.947022572877181 ], [ -81.957904052367113, 28.947013622843432 ], [ -81.957822123325158, 28.94701277870211 ], [ -81.957756951119663, 28.947014395834945 ], [ -81.957688903219051, 28.947016775367949 ], [ -81.957631123015773, 28.947021073680617 ], [ -81.957544675325153, 28.947024974001312 ], [ -81.957426431537556, 28.947035583542828 ], [ -81.957315636251238, 28.947051107434518 ], [ -81.957217153995046, 28.947068854806332 ], [ -81.957094036028678, 28.947090344149451 ], [ -81.956976717440341, 28.94711569164064 ], [ -81.95686695848498, 28.947147478418639 ], [ -81.956811319818101, 28.947164730382106 ], [ -81.95673604239785, 28.947187731709235 ], [ 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28.858679739824616 ], [ -81.973820035803669, 28.858580719501358 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 71st Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.050864096829301, 28.860603057156876 ], [ -82.049837043040526, 28.860607905548772 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Finesse Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963480030258367, 28.856173138491013 ], [ -81.96355271035705, 28.856164133380851 ], [ -81.963632976493372, 28.856176999450543 ], [ -81.963754457788411, 28.856197086018614 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.195379165759363, 28.688954960342052 ], [ -82.195381618398841, 28.689055784768108 ], [ -82.195381621729894, 28.689055925526503 ], [ -82.195383421896835, 28.68912993279465 ], [ -82.195441726548097, 28.689692471307239 ], [ -82.195466821825647, 28.689792706433575 ], [ -82.195478845748454, 28.689852852769842 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Smyrna Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973773499208164, 28.892609769656335 ], [ -81.973943685691154, 28.892557963029979 ], [ -81.974041868425516, 28.892529181580898 ], [ -81.974220718822181, 28.892479493079215 ], [ -81.974475819519384, 28.892422132202046 ], [ -81.974634233029676, 28.89239105550983 ], [ -81.974833868586359, 28.892357973354528 ], [ -81.975036771560795, 28.892333531938927 ], [ -81.975221673131756, 28.892314846268835 ], [ -81.975422937846417, 28.892306242043208 ], [ -81.975779646488064, 28.892300548584082 ], [ -81.975989086830253, 28.892309225844933 ], [ -81.976115077802703, 28.892319327984275 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Salido Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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28.906300955779628 ], [ -81.966260690037714, 28.906244339339128 ], [ -81.966183983062152, 28.906210565934114 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 426b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.136313842345871, 28.797070244615757 ], [ -82.136331135716276, 28.797878603876743 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fir Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985890706923044, 28.845272095212934 ], [ -81.98528806085146, 28.844932583355085 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Abbeville Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024093481314253, 28.917657387341567 ], [ -82.024255459261482, 28.917537434707217 ], [ -82.024471459256304, 28.917402250552822 ], [ -82.02454545950512, 28.917353840913474 ], [ -82.024593458834929, 28.917311593147609 ], [ -82.024623658174406, 28.917274380654064 ], [ -82.024648447743616, 28.917236785645294 ], [ -82.024666440044001, 28.917194545021346 ], [ -82.02467343170504, 28.917153184299465 ], [ -82.024676951338833, 28.917095951899626 ], [ -82.02467687371248, 28.916757676405361 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Manisha Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013771286270284, 28.818319263129588 ], [ -82.013925612104032, 28.81826064493292 ], [ -82.014119582369545, 28.81818135793733 ], [ -82.015553096429258, 28.817517426755902 ], [ -82.015642811401904, 28.817476274260937 ], [ -82.015714967202214, 28.817432651323287 ], [ -82.015764095240186, 28.81738256495472 ], [ -82.015814866049453, 28.817314738968406 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Guice Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992220553719548, 28.800377264301591 ], [ -81.992149864991234, 28.800049174775555 ] ] ] 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28.637818732751199 ], [ -82.255186980269215, 28.63779450665476 ], [ -82.255774450798924, 28.63769955044199 ], [ -82.256294705478069, 28.637683181573344 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Big Oak Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99623728005929, 28.819619382349767 ], [ -81.996476757346784, 28.81969608089501 ], [ -81.997385307921718, 28.819999421193259 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 128", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026782962812121, 28.88729710563792 ], [ -82.02574793175404, 28.887302018932719 ], [ -82.025666488183262, 28.887302034996633 ], [ -82.025236308211873, 28.887298020525094 ], [ -82.023501579173754, 28.887329927510592 ], [ -82.022727340619767, 28.887330056748059 ], [ -82.021940613121984, 28.887327473002784 ], [ -82.021940594667583, 28.887327472103394 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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28.865460714038651 ], [ -81.994645972234594, 28.865464427626559 ], [ -81.995164162343272, 28.865468883523803 ], [ -81.99703002873234, 28.86547490388811 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alameda Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954244456737882, 28.927315950921628 ], [ -81.954246126739704, 28.927549862525908 ], [ -81.95424593571515, 28.927966107505654 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979544553301139, 28.872092471069294 ], [ -81.979748179003479, 28.872071035360122 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.122380751228022, 28.657669648455531 ], [ -82.124231955330728, 28.65768257207726 ], [ -82.124955931535567, 28.657687605370889 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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28.845955415766614 ], [ -82.040882803933229, 28.845942237717725 ], [ -82.040623805116439, 28.845942314620569 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barbosa Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976990597281983, 28.951961792389543 ], [ -81.977166502432098, 28.951961822592217 ], [ -81.977337777824658, 28.951961851779025 ], [ -81.977495168047483, 28.951961878407488 ], [ -81.977583120554669, 28.951959858538903 ], [ -81.977650248063796, 28.951933403761668 ], [ -81.977696546115197, 28.951902876133868 ], [ -81.977735903557274, 28.951856061860457 ], [ -81.97775443127307, 28.951797027970745 ], [ -81.977756773453436, 28.951668777447349 ], [ -81.97775449309691, 28.951512026348176 ], [ -81.977749902954017, 28.951338988484785 ], [ -81.977729102094969, 28.951194448619514 ], [ -81.977710607072069, 28.951098767359213 ], [ -81.977675917151629, 28.950968474160863 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Apple 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-82.016451275624391, 28.91262705535188 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Littleton Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991368236709619, 28.772422162690493 ], [ -81.991549093297238, 28.77236279826322 ], [ -81.991756182361556, 28.772291008519431 ], [ -81.991961890860225, 28.772216456383752 ], [ -81.992056928925962, 28.772173288959685 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yankee Clipper Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996748840819464, 28.874332417591216 ], [ -81.996809094382385, 28.874402771640387 ], [ -81.996881528945494, 28.874487446403894 ], [ -81.996999345560653, 28.874628967264524 ], [ -81.997044630134411, 28.874686581243139 ], [ -81.997141027276015, 28.874799654585175 ], [ -81.997143227096259, 28.874802098069836 ], [ -81.99717860372327, 28.874838134115549 ], [ -81.99724960435266, 28.874901921241399 ], [ 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[ -82.006279846940203, 28.937136019056908 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Arnold Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993619583866945, 28.785378571262299 ], [ -81.994945322963616, 28.785381589101171 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.097807427509792, 28.758831929983781 ], [ -82.099156406134, 28.757298431242962 ], [ -82.100115285940134, 28.756180534831696 ], [ -82.100127422704986, 28.756166363161743 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Littlestone Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009568550023474, 28.874574561372143 ], [ -82.009546111847001, 28.874485830425261 ], [ -82.00953613302849, 28.874410684621619 ], [ -82.009534372094208, 28.874025554030634 ], [ -82.009536619046713, 28.87400121426997 ], [ -82.009543450758827, 28.873982567736057 ], [ -82.009551648011694, 28.873965126587819 ], [ -82.009574193278937, 28.873908588620001 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Belt Avenue", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119171721929689, 28.668588845107397 ], [ -82.119514042700459, 28.668593337900674 ], [ -82.120819868079835, 28.668594145556327 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Parkyn Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996826552401117, 28.794832390601027 ], [ -81.99684768621718, 28.794718273745239 ], [ -81.996869102754744, 28.794511261926619 ], [ -81.996857599016238, 28.794253123325902 ], [ -81.996842727632654, 28.794168057369131 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Day Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013836416231669, 28.843357873018157 ], [ 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-82.014331462973345, 28.843696518248098 ], [ -82.014338923223022, 28.843701624549634 ], [ -82.014346994313939, 28.843707147654662 ], [ -82.014353758656867, 28.843711772194037 ], [ -82.014357761918461, 28.843714510289455 ], [ -82.014365642380398, 28.843719907089714 ], [ -82.01437200701308, 28.843724253758214 ], [ -82.014379566682166, 28.843729428622705 ], [ -82.014384998657462, 28.843733147379751 ], [ -82.014390506474683, 28.843736909439563 ], [ -82.014395633030801, 28.843740423403535 ], [ -82.014403371034632, 28.843745717353084 ], [ -82.014408538585826, 28.843749245749311 ], [ -82.014416731653583, 28.843754898769848 ], [ -82.01442488678839, 28.843760432689283 ], [ -82.01443114893712, 28.84376471891084 ], [ -82.014436963203721, 28.843768693881902 ], [ -82.014440863979189, 28.843771359800744 ], [ -82.014446121724717, 28.843774953152398 ], [ -82.014452642150744, 28.843779418003336 ], [ -82.014459685277529, 28.843784241918684 ], [ -82.014467677463202, 28.843789707276802 ], [ -82.014476072436608, 28.843795450503759 ], [ -82.014483417910711, 28.84380047379674 ], [ -82.014489358244063, 28.843804533569475 ], [ -82.014497027589272, 28.843809783307545 ], [ -82.01450797559923, 28.843817280355427 ], [ -82.014514592369181, 28.843821794820347 ], [ -82.014522676807346, 28.843827363930973 ], [ -82.014526814334459, 28.843830152536746 ], [ -82.014530623904889, 28.843832805829983 ], [ -82.014537847416094, 28.843837710930298 ], [ -82.014547020297684, 28.843843979215439 ], [ -82.01455578014648, 28.843849980459595 ], [ -82.014564887436279, 28.843856202732624 ], [ -82.014573729279007, 28.843862257203273 ], [ -82.014579986313933, 28.843866528981458 ], [ -82.014587432238528, 28.843871620833653 ], [ -82.014594077714136, 28.843876165970098 ], [ -82.014602845766674, 28.843882166308024 ], [ -82.014612513686259, 28.843888784632583 ], [ -82.014623060973008, 28.843895991169607 ], [ -82.014630548925098, 28.843901128130419 ], [ -82.014638750209315, 28.84390673782573 ], [ -82.014646212537556, 28.843911836891415 ], [ -82.014651318610944, 28.843915323778472 ], [ -82.01465821416997, 28.843920048444865 ], [ -82.014664934469934, 28.843924645903787 ], [ -82.014674513230958, 28.843931205583175 ], [ -82.014680619613245, 28.843935375411576 ], [ -82.014689265712292, 28.843941294548863 ], [ -82.014699640826592, 28.843948391016262 ], [ -82.014704572670269, 28.843951763326451 ], [ -82.014711558424622, 28.843956541216777 ], [ -82.014718608748765, 28.843961364215392 ], [ -82.0147252696094, 28.843965920171353 ], [ -82.014733869591979, 28.843971802315977 ], [ -82.014740183010957, 28.843976121000676 ], [ -82.014746337569349, 28.843980326011035 ], [ -82.014750282432118, 28.843983026203837 ], [ -82.014753947495407, 28.843985532429798 ], [ -82.014756959694296, 28.843987595691114 ], [ -82.014759333376404, 28.843989218693316 ], [ -82.014762336350856, 28.843991272030124 ], [ -82.014765388520999, 28.843993359649364 ], [ -82.014768279781009, 28.843995337203921 ], [ -82.014771284805917, 28.843997394149568 ], [ -82.014774321603028, 28.843999472747136 ], [ -82.014776915640368, 28.84400124550891 ], [ -82.014779615243512, 28.844003093151077 ], [ -82.014782422461835, 28.844005013868792 ], [ -82.01478529527418, 28.844006978792621 ], [ -82.014787963105519, 28.844008804782561 ], [ -82.01479088203898, 28.844010802184506 ], [ -82.014792873432285, 28.844012165361733 ], [ -82.014795598658196, 28.844014027437787 ], [ -82.014798271614211, 28.844015855231618 ], [ -82.014800631973699, 28.844017468309094 ], [ -82.01480347096475, 28.844019409776088 ], [ -82.014805931765352, 28.844021092320588 ], [ -82.014808643668744, 28.844022950788553 ], [ -82.014811367870536, 28.844024813766723 ], [ -82.01481341460908, 28.844026213030116 ], [ -82.014815579212652, 28.844027698000282 ], [ -82.014817835031721, 28.844029236196924 ], [ -82.014820195392304, 28.844030852883307 ], [ -82.014821673307964, 28.84403186421428 ], [ -82.014823987547857, 28.844033449324662 ], [ -82.014826427850537, 28.844035114727092 ], [ -82.014829206373904, 28.844037021009921 ], [ -82.014831249012929, 28.84403841485965 ], [ -82.014832029991993, 28.844038948943336 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Warnell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.072733640369236, 28.797413864997278 ], [ -82.073080244838991, 28.796650571478192 ], [ -82.073126433611208, 28.79652782874409 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spurlock Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020475722640114, 28.807733364388671 ], [ -82.020476023822908, 28.807733327349979 ], [ -82.021307183057999, 28.807631249568136 ], [ -82.021307431994472, 28.807631219754025 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Henry Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003206624834874, 28.795828513423299 ], [ -82.00316580812796, 28.795678039889385 ], [ -82.00313595816796, 28.795570208569597 ], [ -82.003091834360148, 28.795390509139533 ], [ -82.003079805130085, 28.795171452054444 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Atlas Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979433117120578, 28.906594698080383 ], [ -81.979699749821265, 28.906473737951067 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wilson Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013414627687311, 28.915343896447457 ], [ -82.013414664535077, 28.915639543974031 ], [ -82.013417801213379, 28.915858730550482 ], [ -82.01343337923619, 28.915895267576641 ], [ -82.013457607680692, 28.915933326849988 ], [ -82.013487028208559, 28.9159622498643 ], [ -82.013521637288562, 28.9159866058482 ], [ -82.013568360612183, 28.916009436674237 ], [ -82.013627193759177, 28.916020088008448 ], [ -82.013943846640373, 28.916021581799459 ], [ -82.014618216675856, 28.916020944657774 ], [ -82.015216391179564, 28.916022553757198 ], [ -82.015511199472286, 28.916023358687909 ], [ -82.015585765911908, 28.916052536987348 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcneill Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963100062928163, 28.77032354481722 ], [ -81.962820317232485, 28.770426391502429 ], [ -81.962733924299272, 28.770512782465495 ], [ -81.962668101063755, 28.770656768515192 ], [ -81.962680441772036, 28.770887145029107 ], [ -81.962754491695051, 28.771006447234786 ], [ -81.962865566745265, 28.771129863346637 ], [ -81.962972528541115, 28.771183344210208 ], [ -81.963058920737211, 28.771232710199634 ], [ -81.963116516043982, 28.771245052528791 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Arteaga Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963925651826315, 28.919437970339196 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97302013581502, 28.936560185948252 ], [ -81.973028786696716, 28.936713012873771 ], [ -81.973034468438911, 28.936978222643347 ], [ -81.973039072806941, 28.937252750176572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wilds Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011860236544464, 28.871543780135998 ], [ -82.011860239173657, 28.870772332775193 ], [ -82.011845227555938, 28.870730633187012 ], [ -82.011843741117559, 28.870729861841358 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Young Circle", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038304399329107, 28.859142994743785 ], [ -82.040075327134062, 28.859121579852829 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Main Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037080528028838, 28.87081134366219 ], [ -82.036905376660997, 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[ -82.003230751658649, 28.878289038680105 ], [ -82.003246187735655, 28.87830581669002 ], [ -82.003248062776933, 28.878307627574042 ], [ -82.003449703328627, 28.878500081848092 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024404854984155, 28.847637884986536 ], [ -82.02453682741502, 28.847580067230517 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Paige Place", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955087837183285, 28.946503948246164 ], [ -81.955041748291393, 28.946447104593485 ], [ -81.954968005300699, 28.946371824111928 ], [ -81.954891188573754, 28.946316517512422 ], [ -81.954788255341072, 28.946259673578719 ], [ -81.954671494910414, 28.946201292797852 ], [ -81.95454090730945, 28.946141376938421 ], [ -81.954399566233931, 28.946076851089614 ], [ -81.954293558812907, 28.946023079841908 ], [ -81.954181120527181, 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[ -82.016056573076071, 28.859161073605364 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 83rd Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.243403288430457, 28.640851976234281 ], [ -82.243421283065175, 28.640771749169247 ], [ -82.243489368209467, 28.640338584070804 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.077263722154967, 28.727802900769788 ], [ -82.077810419227291, 28.727565062859181 ], [ -82.079022645157707, 28.727028761257632 ], [ -82.079379183096009, 28.726874859945998 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00855952456368, 28.927309386623403 ], [ -82.009219524055439, 28.927325567160935 ], [ -82.009288885139711, 28.927325260402618 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.01620299089393, 28.832417394293437 ], [ -82.016186648882723, 28.832376198529573 ], [ -82.016163554707973, 28.832337589960623 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bailey Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993351318463098, 28.877403225685342 ], [ -81.993241461016765, 28.877303295531565 ], [ -81.992982606762141, 28.877063538479785 ], [ -81.992763764236813, 28.876872225028578 ], [ -81.992338513356984, 28.876516161548622 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chapin Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985057323671555, 28.896589622910934 ], [ -81.985116715752554, 28.896505749074169 ], [ -81.985200225665295, 28.896385230989573 ], [ -81.985248440006004, 28.896290224178866 ], [ -81.98528701509548, 28.896181644795647 ], [ -81.985308237583865, 28.896079848781309 ], [ -81.985320714982407, 28.895943009184016 ], [ -81.985308285061947, 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[ -82.018742016937395, 28.793619337236851 ], [ -82.01877699458413, 28.793615053817945 ], [ -82.01880947410568, 28.793611842671094 ], [ -82.018839456401594, 28.79360898645897 ], [ -82.018941891190408, 28.793597209285245 ], [ -82.01902719540098, 28.793586144466591 ], [ -82.019080375912424, 28.793580435564145 ], [ -82.019128917285386, 28.793574724563264 ], [ -82.019236350291365, 28.7935665160391 ], [ -82.019283821112793, 28.79356580213922 ], [ -82.019356605558443, 28.793563303581802 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 309a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.178799896052325, 28.818308222678752 ], [ -82.180886611906814, 28.818108610525989 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tippett Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981861621354383, 28.758315826369326 ], [ -81.982026985414976, 28.757671882162725 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -81.99298232738947, 28.85168452140481 ], [ -81.992987011245816, 28.851668403766887 ], [ -81.992994952542873, 28.851647374149344 ], [ -81.993006183863031, 28.851624422794394 ], [ -81.993079949740249, 28.851498672333161 ], [ -81.993127700597498, 28.851419706834552 ], [ -81.993148074401347, 28.851388726323819 ], [ -81.993168602760292, 28.851360507775734 ], [ -81.993187736034642, 28.851335264054455 ], [ -81.99320358112648, 28.85131500540038 ], [ -81.993224301874037, 28.851290588267524 ], [ -81.993247590078369, 28.851264257472298 ], [ -81.993270879197269, 28.851239375776036 ], [ -81.993310951790903, 28.851199568985635 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbin Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008142869869658, 28.791809667216537 ], [ -82.008721547370726, 28.791787277036537 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Taos Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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-82.049090662422074, 28.890030049334801 ], [ -82.049090656981832, 28.89114527278652 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 405d West", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.145152843037053, 28.808323476338856 ], [ -82.145256652695849, 28.808365133115849 ], [ -82.145336034244551, 28.808461693443029 ], [ -82.145472440710236, 28.808649468281505 ], [ -82.145590564339727, 28.808842633125529 ], [ -82.145690351097528, 28.809000022989647 ], [ -82.14572702922861, 28.809073361094946 ], [ -82.145741385380575, 28.809168202601054 ], [ -82.145751727102478, 28.809298840261786 ], [ -82.145754224949101, 28.809635307272398 ], [ -82.145748380300617, 28.809817866660925 ], [ -82.145730304273826, 28.809970011556217 ], [ -82.145698049444817, 28.810156178745679 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hancock Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-82.041940633051368, 28.901593049918439 ], [ -82.041984218072628, 28.901596790094949 ], [ -82.042841809928618, 28.901595718114965 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Inlet Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967440253153285, 28.847304777843558 ], [ -81.967420138112757, 28.847126842701318 ], [ -81.967388043745245, 28.84698800878834 ], [ -81.967371081556493, 28.846880714144717 ], [ -81.96736053817979, 28.84677278132256 ], [ -81.967348628635776, 28.846596826005349 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ansel Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012615873414276, 28.916033095993047 ], [ -82.012653636821994, 28.915847875410282 ], [ -82.012687337744254, 28.91564270448962 ], [ -82.012691369348531, 28.91542757396838 ], [ -82.012694041281065, 28.915187742279215 ], [ -82.01269401006337, 28.914931290513039 ], [ -82.012695820111972, 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[ -82.051849352275369, 28.801673026785533 ], [ -82.051628880306566, 28.801674230649418 ], [ -82.051226763585632, 28.801682052909818 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Floridas Tpke", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045065377272238, 28.837533390253668 ], [ -82.045140297784684, 28.837598802703809 ], [ -82.045186400687172, 28.83763125341866 ], [ -82.045232507959355, 28.83767384784958 ], [ -82.045280923807837, 28.837732674001746 ], [ -82.0453201269099, 28.837795564464937 ], [ -82.045347801371136, 28.837848310485597 ], [ -82.045366265509543, 28.83791323437422 ], [ -82.04537781291107, 28.837974103778127 ], [ -82.045387060323534, 28.838041060001267 ], [ -82.045407876110289, 28.838217581307159 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eastwood Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012892734955798, 28.859705081829116 ], [ 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[ -82.001664597402922, 28.942701201802777 ], [ -82.001692081946743, 28.942688324933435 ], [ -82.001721393396394, 28.942675605041039 ], [ -82.001750509936656, 28.94266254137024 ], [ -82.001779430536985, 28.942648790147324 ], [ -82.001807960303751, 28.94263469514814 ], [ -82.001836295160359, 28.942620255468682 ], [ -82.001864238157381, 28.942605473817952 ], [ -82.001891986238931, 28.942590002811176 ], [ -82.001919540440426, 28.942574533605246 ], [ -82.001946505827618, 28.94255837595 ], [ -82.0019732762985, 28.942541530743792 ], [ -82.001999656965666, 28.94252468553654 ], [ -82.002025841690298, 28.942507152778663 ], [ -82.002057692722829, 28.942485150890739 ], [ -82.00264379268738, 28.942064804010872 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Deskin Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96528742367488, 28.834757999461193 ], [ -81.965215715101451, 28.834854191291125 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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[ -81.992649529198502, 28.881831047593227 ], [ -81.992663422305384, 28.881680927926279 ], [ -81.992664213948856, 28.881525595832034 ], [ -81.992658366796775, 28.881380520730822 ], [ -81.992640405897475, 28.881280480635304 ], [ -81.992613462457584, 28.881193846432684 ], [ -81.99257655844734, 28.881107212565894 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Corbin Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005902101455092, 28.792462130370648 ], [ -82.005778518194546, 28.792448383714813 ], [ -82.005580788787299, 28.792502249940657 ], [ -82.005428587511588, 28.792533194660905 ], [ -82.005389378309189, 28.792538361741201 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dogwood Circle", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039373062971478, 28.8463388138086 ], [ -82.038898588549145, 28.846237277186866 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stillwater 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[ -81.978417559594988, 28.860439661907339 ], [ -81.97811311713707, 28.860393905358396 ], [ -81.977832276558203, 28.860350227330894 ], [ -81.977666800130507, 28.860329520825651 ], [ -81.977566309438004, 28.860316679578101 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Watch Hill Street", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963470683407749, 28.82750509325863 ], [ -81.963619709914326, 28.826481829732366 ], [ -81.963628861263544, 28.826431355243702 ], [ -81.963642247188432, 28.82638161728114 ], [ -81.963659791762183, 28.826332894636383 ], [ -81.963706906279555, 28.826217167295425 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963199512706396, 28.865434048967803 ], [ -81.963194859227698, 28.865274948090242 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { 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[ -82.01035533622364, 28.921969056168749 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warnell Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038998719157703, 28.827258780255587 ], [ -82.039057945810896, 28.826608902896872 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fir Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98528806085146, 28.844932583355085 ], [ -81.984677639936606, 28.844588689004418 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Main Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045418272502928, 28.850913430799526 ], [ -82.045415698415141, 28.850828557229118 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Caltieri Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963839568037301, 28.779522107898227 ], [ -81.964034910085687, 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[ -82.052298769724956, 28.639228384360848 ], [ -82.051961231786777, 28.639235278700582 ], [ -82.051600673922437, 28.639230902510345 ], [ -82.050823296866312, 28.639206375304479 ], [ -82.049859270056274, 28.639223646157241 ], [ -82.049166282447402, 28.63920923290182 ], [ -82.047997673330514, 28.639202876940114 ], [ -82.04672933384353, 28.63918751952087 ], [ -82.046637276942292, 28.639186422730639 ], [ -82.046573351459529, 28.639192084821026 ], [ -82.046546764982295, 28.639211946106553 ], [ -82.04653246016332, 28.639247368562899 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Schmid Lane", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989746796088809, 28.865423386842373 ], [ -81.989746522724857, 28.865299329966536 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020612172751939, 28.876088204462295 ], [ -82.020612275318925, 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Flint Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997693727554775, 28.789990037280528 ], [ -81.997238927271397, 28.790116097824068 ], [ -81.997001556721301, 28.790181891980048 ], [ -81.996933598275561, 28.790212623203203 ], [ -81.996887740063386, 28.790236891649112 ], [ -81.996834064179751, 28.790299445068872 ], [ -81.996811257853125, 28.790374650571405 ], [ -81.996810244228584, 28.790452152092691 ], [ -81.996836812887125, 28.790524992934238 ], [ -81.996877632113055, 28.790580682931044 ], [ -81.996995865332934, 28.790732505447174 ], [ -81.997042671888863, 28.790783020761143 ], [ -81.99713530450768, 28.790896190145713 ], [ -81.997175313344826, 28.790933940227895 ], [ -81.997213138819646, 28.790958252993295 ], [ -81.997246327590076, 28.790973695001902 ], [ -81.997277534523789, 28.790983536298555 ], [ -81.997315032757029, 28.790991118325302 ], [ -81.997357000130137, 28.79099421954286 ], [ -81.997398935993886, 28.790988880503164 ], [ -81.997433481530379, 28.790984482416587 ], [ -81.997538887510046, 28.790955575244542 ], [ -81.997810713924267, 28.790880230657645 ], [ -81.997971507776001, 28.79083566262436 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036948182200405, 28.901903991637177 ], [ -82.036949658854894, 28.905046238359013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Glenn Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992708329342335, 28.771373867630025 ], [ -81.992456282627103, 28.771009528859732 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lynnhaven Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008574509319246, 28.914372761678496 ], [ -82.008632585839692, 28.914247902836209 ], [ -82.008672362747603, 28.914129704925358 ], [ -82.008691205598055, 28.914005068569875 ], [ -82.008693523956751, 28.913885218090069 ], [ -82.008691286522733, 28.913797272212452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028920825335888, 28.825085644286165 ], [ -82.028854587664028, 28.825026102107472 ], [ -82.028777494047077, 28.824954719347506 ], [ -82.028677912865888, 28.824863346936954 ], [ -82.028551564422642, 28.824755915262113 ], [ -82.028450913827655, 28.824664185586609 ], [ -82.028335272393974, 28.824557823449492 ], [ -82.028260676111159, 28.824488938370706 ], [ -82.028219841137741, 28.824454929643874 ], [ -82.028173578708248, 28.824420623343425 ], [ -82.02809883479685, 28.824350650018758 ], [ -82.028042536930087, 28.824295323712452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 727", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.046419990751204, 28.562534904549398 ], [ -82.046416209026404, 28.56149257276417 ], [ -82.046412373483975, 28.560800616986832 ], [ -82.046408216307157, 28.559369953403856 ], [ -82.046411407667563, 28.558596955190936 ], [ -82.046400573904961, 28.558039029010121 ], [ -82.046329890611617, 28.557864506143492 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eldridge Loop", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004520162664079, 28.887710920793594 ], [ -82.004341851840223, 28.887755497694055 ], [ -82.003850353137892, 28.887838935306362 ], [ -82.003753302213653, 28.887848088733733 ], [ -82.003714514097652, 28.887840891074422 ], [ -82.003676267971031, 28.887821958969337 ], [ -82.003642803573442, 28.887803025843844 ], [ -82.003615315176276, 28.887779885148394 ], [ -82.003591411025639, 28.887756745270515 ], [ -82.003575872703422, 28.887729398678484 ], [ -82.003474277863091, 28.887454870418228 ], [ -82.00340476391132, 28.887280058293168 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28.850363937879798 ], [ -81.984241866261414, 28.850320315776703 ], [ -81.984225295357234, 28.850278494652287 ], [ -81.984201315202867, 28.850239559126159 ], [ -81.984170543647863, 28.850204515338689 ], [ -81.984133784054876, 28.850174277416496 ], [ -81.984091985335823, 28.850149624157709 ], [ -81.984046235802325, 28.850131201738623 ], [ -81.983997718078697, 28.850119479495895 ], [ -81.983947694751521, 28.850114768873834 ], [ -81.983684211042814, 28.850108748364065 ], [ -81.983619099582214, 28.850110251762622 ], [ -81.983554515996715, 28.850117714022655 ], [ -81.98349116950061, 28.850131055829557 ], [ -81.983429744722969, 28.850150131096363 ], [ -81.983370905806538, 28.850174733280234 ], [ -81.983315299482925, 28.850204595382614 ], [ -81.983142192351764, 28.850308830596259 ], [ -81.983091163287554, 28.850343071170549 ], [ -81.983044391815923, 28.850381739880049 ], [ -81.983002369944074, 28.850424428047091 ], [ -81.982769265770671, 28.85068738336015 ], [ -81.982720672405506, 28.850746716327507 ], [ -81.982677337124059, 28.850809128625311 ], [ -81.982639509039714, 28.850874255759358 ], [ -81.982607407547604, 28.850941725110481 ], [ -81.982581220276487, 28.851011146008734 ], [ -81.982561094888041, 28.851082116950742 ], [ -81.982547149325114, 28.851154228307749 ], [ -81.982536430127794, 28.851226048639141 ], [ -81.982531100460577, 28.851257689999827 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eastfield Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986677984645283, 28.857763702487951 ], [ -81.986648130910638, 28.857709585572437 ], [ -81.986441754874704, 28.857361649519451 ], [ -81.986426595064145, 28.857329869700692 ], [ -81.986417658957151, 28.857296311168735 ], [ -81.986415194459255, 28.857261911444841 ], [ -81.986419272157036, 28.857227631491284 ], [ -81.986429777123107, 28.857194426836703 ], [ -81.986446416094623, 28.857163225921628 ], [ -81.98646872362778, 28.857134898518492 ], [ -81.986956639191732, 28.856614326188101 ], [ -81.98700750085051, 28.856556673863963 ], [ -81.987054414723971, 28.856496485659644 ], [ -81.987124629859991, 28.856400445698004 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drive Martin Luther King Jr Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.106660031962477, 28.657600865423561 ], [ -82.105895117954304, 28.657595960086276 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 436e", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.131433094279714, 28.786426618953701 ], [ -82.131436251456691, 28.78646226441964 ], [ -82.131440979181647, 28.786508877766153 ], [ -82.131094965752794, 28.78652258872021 ], [ -82.131047047226232, 28.786535628215429 ], [ -82.131000981436969, 28.786555162550048 ], [ -82.130967816066757, 28.786571435215329 ], [ -82.130942035358032, 28.78659582156088 ], [ -82.130929170244414, 28.786628318067461 ], [ -82.130932910039533, 28.786670541735866 ], [ -82.130949575554581, 28.786728994555922 ], [ -82.131104804777394, 28.78702119288641 ], [ -82.131413734960134, 28.787593600530112 ], [ -82.131573342885773, 28.787892743641727 ], [ -82.131853299687535, 28.788422628850562 ], [ -82.132166592701893, 28.789019851160983 ], [ -82.132183301181882, 28.789087202354015 ], [ -82.132176715153378, 28.789137002794078 ], [ -82.132150166302068, 28.789178035040816 ], [ -82.132113619993092, 28.789201502690222 ], [ -82.13205378179174, 28.789210348457548 ], [ -82.131006419185667, 28.789208433257336 ], [ -82.130810263141711, 28.7892203369105 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Diver Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.029967269921215, 28.790425449577587 ], [ -82.029997137013595, 28.790425188674597 ], [ -82.030165995816859, 28.790429069023592 ], [ -82.030204784885328, 28.790430361723725 ], [ -82.030248744705133, 28.790435793099888 ], [ -82.030284946957636, 28.790446136544571 ], [ -82.030318956377897, 28.790460629295747 ], [ -82.030370136203004, 28.790490435954542 ], [ -82.030427461573751, 28.790548164237567 ], [ -82.030452288579454, 28.790592228681088 ], [ -82.030467824325157, 28.790647158111305 ], [ -82.030469801108623, 28.790721920658992 ], [ -82.030468010347818, 28.79097117068719 ], [ -82.030468209824491, 28.79103105086504 ], [ -82.030472536530894, 28.791063562972028 ], [ -82.030485695880117, 28.791107362882961 ], [ -82.030612422643003, 28.79135363313258 ], [ -82.03070068093966, 28.791534189077506 ], [ -82.030720971964527, 28.791600515439178 ], [ -82.030723984961469, 28.791620102188464 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gordon Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006361319054733, 28.792274117951322 ], [ -82.006168254665496, 28.791856424024832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 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"properties": { "name": "Samantha Scott Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982397244085234, 28.749829452432007 ], [ -81.982330433826519, 28.749799357517521 ], [ -81.982205710388698, 28.749743175080191 ], [ -81.982132243076009, 28.74972999141777 ], [ -81.982035272259736, 28.74973494577015 ], [ -81.981811757191409, 28.749746366167571 ], [ -81.981736573117502, 28.749761135109591 ], [ -81.981668622721699, 28.749800064684568 ], [ -81.98161412021922, 28.749855981386709 ], [ -81.98158368328302, 28.749906236586185 ], [ -81.981417756882607, 28.75018020512357 ], [ -81.981401773333218, 28.750228292014871 ], [ -81.981398233605987, 28.750302611948985 ], [ -81.981415929829978, 28.75037551637536 ], [ -81.981446365188177, 28.750427187378616 ], [ -81.981487418806012, 28.750465408966019 ], [ -81.981539089537605, 28.750496552403764 ], [ -81.981593590732729, 28.750519910097228 ], [ -81.981893233389201, 28.75064360102666 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lexington Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01859522432558, 28.833852598777622 ], [ -82.017028124756322, 28.833850727319252 ], [ -82.016981134272982, 28.833848665801082 ], [ -82.016943540105586, 28.833838325365221 ], [ -82.016908295001812, 28.833817641482113 ], [ -82.01688009754281, 28.833794887754213 ], [ -82.016863647094681, 28.833763857550402 ], [ -82.016854243258621, 28.833730757510409 ], [ -82.01685188980251, 28.833693518643226 ], [ -82.016849527377786, 28.83362524760399 ], [ -82.016844733363186, 28.833008738161723 ], [ -82.016844727519228, 28.832971499009972 ], [ -82.016851770922855, 28.832936327105724 ], [ -82.016865860868208, 28.832899087170787 ], [ -82.016891920562756, 28.832869799645774 ], [ -82.016926936927035, 28.832839083589434 ], [ -82.016964525501507, 28.83281632105939 ], [ -82.017009162522569, 28.83281011050877 ], [ -82.017154828156265, 28.832805953967377 ], [ 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[ -81.962704897856568, 28.835693778476355 ], [ -81.9627298836497, 28.835683070503823 ], [ -81.96276795415595, 28.835678312359569 ], [ -81.962813164229203, 28.835684261158381 ], [ -81.962841955529854, 28.835700242674129 ], [ -81.962860515328103, 28.835717850924421 ], [ -81.962871461903532, 28.835742557328107 ], [ -81.962880979750224, 28.83577943907574 ], [ -81.962883358963381, 28.835811560982993 ], [ -81.962889287517342, 28.835827436016331 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Santa Barbara Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961027569245459, 28.950671331896924 ], [ -81.96201174047512, 28.951660826452201 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mincey Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965020358269655, 28.794081747140826 ], [ -81.964982882190384, 28.793936123883405 ], [ -81.964891510455956, 28.79366308172742 ], [ 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-82.094808117807361, 28.58168315423999 ], [ -82.094673424340456, 28.581933578538244 ], [ -82.094593686482355, 28.582057585994981 ], [ -82.094540065957091, 28.582137827009106 ], [ -82.0944080546398, 28.582306831553336 ], [ -82.094277401601531, 28.582457606773342 ], [ -82.094210642398323, 28.582528584211097 ], [ -82.094157536802967, 28.58258267568047 ], [ -82.094108956443662, 28.582627253309482 ], [ -82.094047921426977, 28.58268295455413 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "June Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01926994905277, 28.870980211290625 ], [ -82.019250307795517, 28.871163309293621 ], [ -82.01923081420064, 28.871375547137493 ], [ -82.019230813320277, 28.871535808744873 ], [ -82.019250304643947, 28.871754544097236 ], [ -82.019317439324595, 28.872185517906182 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcmonigle Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", 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[ -81.988567170868123, 28.878932189438515 ], [ -81.98919768220081, 28.879747683162982 ], [ -81.989448794293139, 28.88008666839923 ], [ -81.989526904328912, 28.880170212397811 ], [ -81.989574544619174, 28.880202472536791 ], [ -81.98962181233307, 28.880219380865746 ], [ -81.989683133809862, 28.88022901140199 ], [ -81.989733348831351, 28.880226583591913 ], [ -81.989789180188126, 28.880209423410474 ], [ -81.99016319034213, 28.880017967867726 ], [ -81.990237210061082, 28.879979125630783 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boudreau Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014585542217702, 28.804465044658702 ], [ -82.014759203258564, 28.804470689706132 ], [ -82.014867294283448, 28.804470690205893 ], [ -82.014969350607288, 28.80444984063163 ], [ -82.015045619001143, 28.80439168040537 ], [ -82.015096098402978, 28.80431815650088 ], [ -82.015108435962432, 28.804255560917824 ], [ -82.015122984809963, 28.804109655546551 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28.940551967360392 ], [ -81.960331062221428, 28.940574978586746 ], [ -81.960398861808258, 28.940596511125218 ], [ -81.960448193100717, 28.940619455682636 ], [ -81.960481702831331, 28.940635024720343 ], [ -81.960514279530884, 28.940652230235287 ], [ -81.960547890418084, 28.940671572678038 ], [ -81.960590988810594, 28.940703761149919 ], [ -81.960621028540203, 28.940724454159678 ], [ -81.961349829243275, 28.941208467153967 ], [ -81.961542771495672, 28.941330270041767 ], [ -81.961579153180551, 28.94135017244276 ], [ -81.961599486124285, 28.941360712548892 ], [ -81.96163135767776, 28.941377456517944 ], [ -81.961650709906351, 28.941385479838871 ], [ -81.961687011364035, 28.941397774048866 ], [ -81.961727039328082, 28.941407612368501 ], [ -81.961754969162115, 28.941412533332709 ], [ -81.961788481832087, 28.941415818220893 ], [ -81.961825718645883, 28.941417466499306 ], [ -81.961862958418649, 28.941416658725363 ], [ -81.961911370008082, 28.941412578792448 ], [ -81.961976542271429, 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-81.977484322673007, 28.897175771203681 ], [ -81.976886884655897, 28.897347175694485 ], [ -81.976393418717706, 28.897497481204631 ], [ -81.976278865621168, 28.897539220267042 ], [ -81.976205494378718, 28.897575328092 ], [ -81.97614821271911, 28.897611316935368 ], [ -81.976104364711574, 28.897648568666202 ], [ -81.976060172325063, 28.897693921165438 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 123rd Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017503458999315, 28.935449359925702 ], [ -82.017460205975965, 28.935411801962918 ], [ -82.017416610905642, 28.935383645934952 ], [ -82.017309439085537, 28.93535912325353 ], [ -82.016319118324262, 28.935362345183506 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Roosa Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996364026911522, 28.782946010651461 ], [ -81.996346328474601, 28.782440634388248 ], [ 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[ -82.061531630273691, 28.602678221382376 ], [ -82.060991078706124, 28.602675018851986 ], [ -82.060368565711528, 28.602670127593822 ], [ -82.059736298441308, 28.602666957577796 ], [ -82.058918645560013, 28.602669033641011 ], [ -82.058171353936388, 28.602681535900988 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hume Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997378615673867, 28.735832521887144 ], [ -81.997968535806677, 28.735496132588359 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 103g 2", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021676915221477, 28.94267262951124 ], [ -82.022370912602227, 28.943423111878758 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mindy Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976941263288822, 28.79749400436117 ], [ -81.976763677233706, 28.797270988773839 ], [ -81.976577830712671, 28.797105793522682 ], [ -81.976449803555454, 28.796998415744604 ], [ -81.976334164716278, 28.796919947427117 ], [ -81.976255696132583, 28.796919947111594 ], [ -81.976135928633795, 28.796977765948178 ], [ -81.976057459319591, 28.796998414948863 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Laurel Manor Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000786511697882, 28.925787172731805 ], [ -82.000851494325616, 28.92575273287073 ], [ -82.000948016467945, 28.925710275988887 ], [ -82.001022900281697, 28.925682458865801 ], [ -82.001092796568955, 28.925663424668731 ], [ -82.001157695072749, 28.92565024906483 ], [ -82.001240904763364, 28.925631214729414 ], [ -82.00132665493436, 28.925620528368498 ], [ -82.001435609557632, 28.925613644977897 ], [ -82.001530006803875, 28.925620527031278 ], [ -82.00164946904701, 28.925635021484378 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canary Place", "maxspeed": 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[ -82.018388535895838, 28.834239496781237 ], [ -82.018346253371817, 28.83428294842944 ], [ -82.01830161905508, 28.834320191590759 ], [ -82.018254637083473, 28.834357436846783 ], [ -82.018195906388044, 28.834398821591513 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Biltmore Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.049901764041934, 28.883578693308994 ], [ -82.04947427938086, 28.883823607884263 ], [ -82.049322837470825, 28.883910372870986 ], [ -82.049217231575213, 28.883949963332665 ], [ -82.049106381707347, 28.883980779822775 ], [ -82.048996450349875, 28.884000557147044 ], [ -82.048868121327928, 28.884010676427096 ], [ -82.048033345906518, 28.884015623107832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013559390274281, 28.799659835291777 ], [ -82.013562726577248, 28.79978978060538 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -81.987822593706696, 28.893450773554484 ], [ -81.987926928260791, 28.893474132791336 ], [ -81.988028149504927, 28.893502162874515 ], [ -81.988169095257362, 28.89353638349516 ], [ -81.988314922178105, 28.893547179785372 ], [ -81.988425308831836, 28.893547541343924 ], [ -81.988474109676815, 28.893541004813112 ], [ -81.988534438511806, 28.89352945698311 ], [ -81.988589268522745, 28.893510042401765 ], [ -81.988720028611297, 28.893438924352314 ], [ -81.988998974330428, 28.893295345790321 ], [ -81.989208223625226, 28.893173203259234 ], [ -81.989315295164985, 28.893085943257578 ], [ -81.989354458035493, 28.893059435924343 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jasmine Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005873377505935, 28.912297862086728 ], [ -82.005852847610413, 28.911967837643036 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Barcelona Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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28.828757991024634 ], [ -81.971981487063687, 28.828592225259825 ], [ -81.972013614994665, 28.828487569566178 ], [ -81.97204314744927, 28.828356176111015 ], [ -81.972072705612433, 28.828129286806597 ], [ -81.972074488201272, 28.827955868847969 ], [ -81.97206154357221, 28.827698413998192 ], [ -81.972062442410433, 28.827580001492926 ], [ -81.972071148055974, 28.82746922865396 ], [ -81.972107641945513, 28.827256856197021 ], [ -81.972139769130791, 28.82715678418116 ], [ -81.97217047178826, 28.827057477018794 ], [ -81.972203148466377, 28.826971156286344 ], [ -81.972244810622513, 28.826890949643186 ], [ -81.972284946619894, 28.826850467723716 ], [ -81.972378209816696, 28.826781691301196 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040663454428909, 28.960102429581333 ], [ -82.040062702332321, 28.956370353139217 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend 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-81.95786438394849, 28.937226214071792 ], [ -81.957880018725618, 28.937222092794912 ], [ -81.95799569589974, 28.937207345005906 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.121545131890443, 28.772092237049019 ], [ -82.122000670992648, 28.77274793763333 ], [ -82.122117892047839, 28.772921232764407 ], [ -82.122267069437626, 28.773131990197431 ], [ -82.122413585422279, 28.77333806323567 ], [ -82.122581432580432, 28.773590983046478 ], [ -82.122738650834052, 28.773853284555422 ], [ -82.122869239194316, 28.774082804517313 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Edenville Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005624363351984, 28.873808627719182 ], [ -82.005629384976089, 28.87380162205568 ], [ -82.005661354241923, 28.873749214228138 ], [ -82.005685764227692, 28.873693745162363 ], [ -82.005702244924763, 28.873636055822409 ], [ -82.005710547290406, 28.873577021454075 ], [ -82.005711111630518, 28.873567372207713 ], [ -82.005712159617858, 28.873331688891785 ], [ -82.005713232965789, 28.873292715689018 ], [ -82.005708769651719, 28.873251471597996 ], [ -82.005707306594203, 28.873246643430889 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sawgrass Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003793258981929, 28.870024096753507 ], [ -82.003697003713853, 28.86967782024275 ], [ -82.003683541265588, 28.869602374458388 ], [ -82.003664128891771, 28.869445246897509 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Garnet Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972271062655409, 28.851512852259447 ], [ -81.972287338112039, 28.851488981518234 ], [ -81.972297349207963, 28.851458388206865 ], [ -81.972296032723875, 28.851418316542066 ], [ -81.972289533149677, 28.851390622537465 ], [ -81.97227111083275, 28.851329501960755 ], [ -81.972239683280364, 28.851224453548941 ], [ -81.972208999868784, 28.851119357460139 ], [ -81.972183517365892, 28.851027277298435 ], [ -81.97217109082392, 28.85098864791722 ], [ -81.972157535588394, 28.85095877066561 ], [ -81.97214192215732, 28.85094119592328 ], [ -81.972124570315998, 28.850932024893147 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Lincoln Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.105839523300233, 28.656048615477566 ], [ -82.105816621134977, 28.656010133325427 ], [ -82.105789484364692, 28.655894650138389 ], [ -82.105781780138386, 28.655788394504512 ], [ -82.105774729443411, 28.655691153585163 ], [ -82.105774574978483, 28.65553714958703 ], [ -82.105773609592092, 28.654574616623925 ], [ -82.105770895756862, 28.653940262181017 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Moncayo Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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28.797607705936304 ], [ -82.00829333536079, 28.797626146867028 ], [ -82.008286791773713, 28.797639828999529 ], [ -82.008276083439469, 28.79765737687049 ], [ -82.008267755328845, 28.79766986895017 ], [ -82.00825853502333, 28.797682658841836 ], [ -82.008243961690539, 28.797699017675296 ], [ -82.008224330075464, 28.797715376785366 ], [ -82.008207078906693, 28.797729652321667 ], [ -82.008189233407151, 28.79774125253077 ], [ -82.008169008232016, 28.797751661814459 ], [ -82.008148484854956, 28.797760585002127 ], [ -82.008042895582022, 28.797795979416076 ], [ -82.007782343802987, 28.797882232590648 ], [ -82.007205620508373, 28.798074369895495 ], [ -82.006668159088065, 28.798251933389828 ], [ -82.006365966549552, 28.798353356217504 ], [ -82.006339197304172, 28.798361386097568 ], [ -82.006312428928339, 28.79836673971263 ], [ -82.006290121504819, 28.798369416881382 ], [ -82.006264542145232, 28.798370011641055 ], [ -82.006236583072024, 28.798368523953879 ], [ -82.006214870505104, 28.798365846762266 ], [ -82.006183937443126, 28.798359601288222 ], [ -82.006160440160045, 28.798351866695949 ], [ -82.006143083015701, 28.798345942798413 ], [ -82.006127092323766, 28.798339089462559 ], [ -82.006110674357828, 28.798330094953414 ], [ -82.006096825506162, 28.798321243809195 ], [ -82.006082977611555, 28.798311106867818 ], [ -82.006067986422295, 28.798298971346785 ], [ -82.006054566578896, 28.798286265501236 ], [ -82.006042145438968, 28.798272559853011 ], [ -82.006026012553477, 28.798249859191166 ], [ -82.006010984993893, 28.798227751304172 ], [ -82.006001767695437, 28.798206981321524 ], [ -82.005992774164227, 28.798175479221189 ], [ -82.005990112070108, 28.798160427843801 ], [ -82.005973193557409, 28.798061099192655 ], [ -82.005958390925159, 28.797972064944076 ], [ -82.005888715220109, 28.797565258936615 ], [ -82.005861876026003, 28.797406977120524 ], [ -82.005836662018964, 28.797258007103974 ], [ -82.005817955761373, 28.797148188196108 ], [ -82.005765740128197, 28.796841428083066 ], [ -82.005762541193505, 28.796823474879286 ], [ -82.005759938450396, 28.796805904234191 ], [ -82.005759665964518, 28.796785659047785 ], [ -82.005760478292117, 28.796765971450917 ], [ -82.005762646057107, 28.796750691603137 ], [ -82.005767902777464, 28.796726069093005 ], [ -82.005778524921027, 28.796699347604928 ], [ -82.005789582640389, 28.796677175561982 ], [ -82.005803024094647, 28.796656627593194 ], [ -82.005817117127734, 28.79663800513476 ], [ -82.005832942450809, 28.796621787274468 ], [ -82.005851588789326, 28.796604979194104 ], [ -82.005876089283362, 28.796588568811337 ], [ -82.005902757309343, 28.796572588745555 ], [ -82.005951323673045, 28.796554171596085 ], [ -82.006080460713576, 28.796511812939531 ], [ -82.006258336086489, 28.79645255277838 ], [ -82.006830729582774, 28.796262190919155 ], [ -82.007022340277743, 28.796198678340218 ], [ -82.007072913172507, 28.796183620005998 ], [ -82.007102562237591, 28.796175279448903 ], [ -82.007145111758575, 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28.681957044423182 ], [ -82.17007456815989, 28.681349968996471 ], [ -82.170065277113437, 28.680281239467995 ], [ -82.170066578749797, 28.679838265115212 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lartigue Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957264706161794, 28.780453573605346 ], [ -81.957601749758382, 28.780453573648494 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lombardi Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00598877189185, 28.750969486768525 ], [ -82.005992193290453, 28.750902643742222 ], [ -82.00596897849465, 28.750827427293967 ], [ -82.005916976647129, 28.75074942374734 ], [ -82.005826901568781, 28.750638920038469 ], [ -82.005749263253065, 28.75053460212165 ], [ -82.005716830878697, 28.7504655054849 ], [ -82.005698210063827, 28.750400005896154 ], [ -82.005692851987604, 28.750297691210889 ], [ -82.005712305668453, 28.75023034502302 ] ] ] 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], [ -82.004452179928919, 28.80635663172971 ], [ -82.004598620369649, 28.806473044829385 ], [ -82.00473957800196, 28.806557232768789 ], [ -82.004894850002032, 28.806631494695793 ], [ -82.005226611348363, 28.806744332692134 ], [ -82.005533297058776, 28.806879354086735 ], [ -82.00584191249645, 28.807051986665599 ], [ -82.006086875693669, 28.807223655576237 ], [ -82.006780294999587, 28.807856318364458 ], [ -82.007695529082014, 28.808724300870981 ], [ -82.008446813172085, 28.809442797840351 ], [ -82.00886247716285, 28.809859430224616 ], [ -82.009178808176841, 28.810158401634201 ], [ -82.009416055176757, 28.810386970938648 ], [ -82.009591579902832, 28.810577926513403 ], [ -82.009696700686632, 28.810723554417923 ], [ -82.009839435784471, 28.810880756366611 ], [ -82.010117188661255, 28.811149830934905 ], [ -82.010562750791948, 28.811569355909402 ], [ -82.01103435222943, 28.81201106252108 ], [ -82.011211805390971, 28.812140295920052 ], [ -82.011467377581624, 28.812303283776586 ], [ 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[ -81.984716959373444, 28.745953920728574 ], [ -81.984778407248356, 28.745939555513495 ], [ -81.984842038704116, 28.745941402556152 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.12404812399555, 28.639458620178253 ], [ -82.124061432521103, 28.639426991117805 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008519060118033, 28.925036565914564 ], [ -82.008601427659343, 28.925013114855339 ], [ -82.008836162500913, 28.924945171267137 ], [ -82.008987702561726, 28.924906942405283 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Candlewick Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96210295078059, 28.854983225762904 ], [ -81.962125431217572, 28.854722692408924 ], [ -81.962154042151454, 28.854682434204701 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[ -81.978128095855183, 28.802758057842226 ], [ -81.978012270536198, 28.802754684120146 ], [ -81.977793616184471, 28.802726163931201 ], [ -81.977603481570185, 28.802673876735202 ], [ -81.9774038407554, 28.802583564235483 ], [ -81.977305313045861, 28.802551122123173 ], [ -81.976847699159265, 28.802478990744866 ], [ -81.976600524714755, 28.802398183732258 ], [ -81.976329584108441, 28.802265091206053 ], [ -81.976246279384952, 28.802225104965277 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Center Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040318158139527, 28.852832446419736 ], [ -82.039695563359231, 28.852835176037964 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976970455106041, 28.790720548047453 ], [ -81.977008342627926, 28.790688655039308 ], [ -81.977108096938011, 28.79065892098852 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 209", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053655550032815, 28.942018517856486 ], [ -82.053655599737752, 28.942039524112815 ], [ -82.053655916428241, 28.942173590242227 ], [ -82.053637784558831, 28.943420950122906 ], [ -82.053638285515149, 28.94440232377606 ], [ -82.053636633817177, 28.945625782235435 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Beadle Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.029405895754536, 28.846637353321714 ], [ -82.029566045658854, 28.846633138761685 ], [ -82.029749375717003, 28.846626817550995 ], [ -82.02992638370614, 28.846624712132094 ], [ -82.030050712050482, 28.846647892445112 ], [ -82.030137108454269, 28.846690037471735 ], [ -82.030265650062901, 28.846738503789773 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harbour Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019677449475907, 28.903715694199427 ], [ -82.019780646831038, 28.903713166634319 ], [ -82.019900832162961, 28.903706540120684 ], [ -82.020004866478374, 28.903710821910266 ], [ -82.020073977991544, 28.903731963610873 ], [ -82.020125061999465, 28.903763682829528 ], [ -82.020158121578007, 28.903805982293015 ], [ -82.02018630018506, 28.903858524447795 ], [ -82.020193839392817, 28.904007245590087 ], [ -82.020171339246019, 28.904192323799073 ], [ -82.020152589217687, 28.904341046951316 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 21st Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.056996852529437, 28.725198019628863 ], [ -82.05695883993566, 28.725218147328832 ], [ -82.056894200038997, 28.725224876586786 ], [ -82.056825759085086, 28.725234962232573 ], [ -82.056749713416224, 28.725245049180355 ], [ -82.05666986511055, 28.725251784611928 ], [ -82.056399885169057, 28.725255247835719 ], [ -82.055437846064535, 28.725265694804744 ], [ -82.054719156618546, 28.725249224782026 ], [ -82.054479600938421, 28.725259374533902 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 92nd Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025734376157359, 28.625681278681164 ], [ -82.026129364160752, 28.625217197620209 ], [ -82.026212077170896, 28.625170637719375 ], [ -82.026265588809807, 28.625149853146258 ], [ -82.026330981448112, 28.625135416981674 ], [ -82.027369123813543, 28.625070304517124 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959135272652873, 28.932814262871148 ], [ -81.959160189659315, 28.932873820105367 ], [ -81.95918747847395, 28.932940170530468 ], [ -81.959215956916367, 28.933004430694783 ], [ -81.959246807599342, 28.933069213100019 ], [ -81.959278253012599, 28.933134519009137 ], [ -81.959307327901556, 28.933192511995458 ], [ -81.959335809156116, 28.933247370223608 ], [ -81.959370818534452, 28.933311109904984 ], [ -81.959407016523329, 28.933372759320186 ], [ -81.959444996585688, 28.933433367114151 ], [ -81.959487725642774, 28.933499197910791 ], [ -81.95952452152676, 28.933553536180959 ], [ -81.959561910911063, 28.933606307334127 ], [ -81.959595740141239, 28.933651241877815 ], [ -81.959644408336146, 28.933713940744141 ], [ -81.959698416215161, 28.933782240837669 ], [ -81.959746572563688, 28.933840048173622 ], [ -81.959791444139697, 28.933894002611378 ], [ -81.959847262432334, 28.933954701355663 ], [ -81.959891042308342, 28.934001910781166 ], [ -81.959935918784836, 28.934046233177661 ], [ -81.959999401150156, 28.934109825099828 ], [ -81.960055223307876, 28.93416378271548 ], [ -81.960104478906942, 28.934210030953974 ], [ -81.96017090621757, 28.934265722278123 ], [ -81.960232642351073, 28.934317978044582 ], [ -81.960293193016568, 28.934367098860363 ], [ -81.960355525353648, 28.934413608033314 ], [ -81.960412065244185, 28.934455742947474 ], [ -81.960471176140572, 28.934499105716434 ], [ -81.960533621753015, 28.934542166270329 ], [ -81.96061317299953, 28.934593380444102 ], [ -81.960685600762986, 28.934639370903351 ], [ -81.960750906446378, 28.934679090096328 ], [ -81.960816804405027, 28.934717765475991 ], [ -81.960884272331185, 28.934754870386964 ], [ -81.960951277307586, 28.934793049761669 ], [ -81.96106925518697, 28.93485432280594 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canyon Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013453132436666, 28.863079729805108 ], [ -82.013373980268412, 28.862915427726296 ], [ -82.013318098512599, 28.862715763022216 ], [ -82.013285550388147, 28.862578576153037 ], [ -82.013259648253268, 28.862440295962436 ], [ -82.013240438237631, 28.862301172388126 ], [ -82.013190951851954, 28.861865783665515 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sothell Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986767473942578, 28.875736102414866 ], [ -81.986783355745658, 28.875786796245428 ], [ -81.986811152699687, 28.875828752454854 ], [ -81.986867935360848, 28.87586862720039 ], [ -81.987061362771101, 28.875984348371563 ], [ -81.987273844991989, 28.876113722019078 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 64th Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997216570827547, 28.929465244358859 ], [ -81.997214554533045, 28.929595362512355 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Huey Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.040364116335709, 28.857962302328431 ], [ -82.040034367284193, 28.858156713790148 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Galewski Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989930895016585, 28.745026751185879 ], [ -81.990184812520326, 28.744972341051003 ], [ -81.991224669689473, 28.744651923625813 ], [ -81.991361400041626, 28.744615234167934 ], [ -81.991441149077858, 28.744606007643299 ], [ -81.991527223205622, 28.744612026224303 ], [ -81.991684140485177, 28.744627741043811 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 152", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000807805076789, 28.8311906479234 ], [ -82.000802734751645, 28.831142107340508 ], [ -82.000784994231154, 28.831097473758213 ], [ -82.000752046430208, 28.831061765811675 ], [ -82.00012984439779, 28.830635499490516 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 104th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.202465711353696, 28.605481640368787 ], [ -82.20286003180162, 28.605443314093634 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], [ -82.000949978394544, 28.837536912156185 ], [ -82.001015652046789, 28.837482660783536 ], [ -82.001088464112343, 28.837444114023242 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 70th Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.23651535214897, 28.653720883851115 ], [ -82.236536255975025, 28.653962070493989 ], [ -82.236562698431484, 28.65407750307504 ], [ -82.23667118603197, 28.654454543881602 ], [ -82.236709421426497, 28.65463924231948 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 707", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000920570083096, 28.595233604713638 ], [ -82.000923655662916, 28.594049562720581 ], [ -82.00092365119373, 28.593650052970641 ], [ -82.000916966795856, 28.593159141238885 ], [ -82.000914454550895, 28.592527442245931 ], [ -82.000911940130266, 28.591276573122311 ], [ -82.000905727488359, 28.59008981709534 ], [ -82.000891851329982, 28.587149818227534 ], [ -82.000886978814989, 28.586140278278165 ], [ -82.000908893496486, 28.584406428106121 ], [ -82.00092014034685, 28.58436822103047 ], [ -82.000944204602249, 28.584331621922423 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Parker Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.115359975676924, 28.669488173749087 ], [ -82.116299290388582, 28.669494955896354 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.103589910664084, 28.749908068048061 ], [ -82.10351729260907, 28.749892844183254 ], [ -82.103458776377849, 28.749891933939484 ], [ -82.103419601651922, 28.749886042622244 ], [ -82.103386004413323, 28.749878429043964 ], [ -82.103344962740735, 28.749858597345696 ], [ -82.103295081993451, 28.749823300218356 ], [ -82.10323869668855, 28.749786100488937 ], [ -82.103142743011418, 28.749720518360942 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jib Court", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020152589217687, 28.904341046951316 ], [ -82.020039976116649, 28.904349563814332 ], [ -82.019950398546555, 28.904341132110464 ], [ -82.019883215228575, 28.90432988106765 ], [ -82.019796836396779, 28.904313003290564 ], [ -82.019723252024235, 28.904293308470027 ], [ -82.0196529379174, 28.90426376185259 ], [ -82.019583543971507, 28.904230466920986 ], [ -82.019515803778603, 28.904184535934252 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harley Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981577149833768, 28.915288692798303 ], [ -81.981747511613079, 28.915330528659766 ], [ -81.981796962412261, 28.915344350486656 ], [ -81.981856850066123, 28.915362800694663 ], [ -81.981930211016646, 28.915386523018938 ], [ -81.982007131057955, 28.915413069973219 ], [ -81.98207687105058, 28.915436456976856 ], [ -81.982144267416942, 28.915461905379537 ], [ -81.98220931786021, 28.915484947009176 ], [ -81.982274557293564, 28.915506449313575 ], [ -81.982347917757352, 28.915534123471168 ], [ -81.982425764971126, 28.91556129289361 ], [ -81.98250019242937, 28.915586742044027 ], [ -81.982545903585105, 28.915599467716142 ], [ -81.982596500654651, 28.915610132261506 ], [ -81.982625219165172, 28.915610136006062 ], [ -81.982692619490578, 28.915601550390406 ], [ -81.982731109199619, 28.91558883569801 ], [ -81.982803205287411, 28.915531777430278 ], [ -81.982848931248242, 28.915474717538853 ], [ -81.9828995382545, 28.915419720006359 ], [ -81.982962064462129, 28.915354066946595 ], [ -81.983026935253264, 28.915286350602027 ], [ -81.983084771926357, 28.915231353918397 ], [ -81.983147296486706, 28.91517429515082 ], [ -81.98320024512303, 28.915127548403905 ], [ -81.983289146700997, 28.915051585253529 ], [ -81.983305814731239, 28.915036409801136 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Nuthatch Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972342147116194, 28.84751394469636 ], [ -81.972383220177861, 28.847539905286617 ], [ -81.972428313245118, 28.847560037792771 ], [ -81.97247637186949, 28.847573870088386 ], [ -81.972612944614468, 28.847603204940661 ], [ -81.972686895391675, 28.847615795457212 ], [ -81.972761879878163, 28.847622056465486 ], [ -81.97283719912933, 28.847621928270076 ], [ -81.972912156234003, 28.847615411631981 ], [ -81.972986049141198, 28.84760256776725 ], [ -81.97380253085511, 28.847424245431821 ], [ -81.973946167407817, 28.84739519839794 ], [ -81.974090861440487, 28.847370561887828 ], [ -81.974236441813474, 28.847350367445969 ], [ -81.974324870627029, 28.847342295229058 ], [ -81.974413726435131, 28.84733978033946 ], [ -81.974434336074694, 28.847339843822077 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-82.070937601989542, 28.736588029581391 ], [ -82.070715835189162, 28.736591595675108 ], [ -82.070613692304335, 28.736595901939353 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.065348946951829, 28.801698692490998 ], [ -82.064777422181095, 28.801698964551576 ], [ -82.064331112033059, 28.801695244856699 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 415b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.148812235620071, 28.797175973519536 ], [ -82.148812220801844, 28.797777472792657 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mundelein Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009299554094227, 28.948948737295748 ], [ -82.009487818813525, 28.948966940330969 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southfield Drive", "maxspeed": 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-82.126728929303283, 28.889165988152371 ], [ -82.12691181481712, 28.889069577788035 ], [ -82.127070182722221, 28.889000685906385 ], [ -82.127233016730685, 28.88893375484712 ], [ -82.127445525402052, 28.888852110899293 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "50 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997515043037524, 28.830504352593717 ], [ -81.997069177976343, 28.830195916968133 ], [ -81.99655636178035, 28.829843156694213 ], [ -81.995910028067186, 28.829396666628579 ], [ -81.995495910641694, 28.829106958677762 ], [ -81.994876677096244, 28.828679208207326 ], [ -81.994626610329789, 28.828504473341422 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Moncada Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963881402039064, 28.920028852495239 ], [ -81.963925651826315, 28.919437970339196 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Post Oak Lane", 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[ -81.975861341703407, 28.654795512801204 ], [ -81.975879023289991, 28.654802142737474 ], [ -81.975900018791634, 28.654806562546241 ], [ -81.975926540630255, 28.65480545744375 ], [ -81.975978478907763, 28.654783356847364 ], [ -81.976020427237444, 28.65476391182014 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gayle Mill Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96340146762347, 28.89638847246243 ], [ -81.963401079337117, 28.896384689916804 ], [ -81.963318744657542, 28.895996932157612 ], [ -81.963194117486907, 28.895599790542075 ], [ -81.963041125677378, 28.895203373644158 ], [ -81.963021220091235, 28.895097542839615 ], [ -81.963014036724942, 28.895028727873559 ], [ -81.963008442483854, 28.894925811828479 ], [ -81.963016172879861, 28.89484672828991 ], [ -81.963029040067028, 28.894767647970376 ], [ -81.963086832832616, 28.894404990804404 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clearwater Run", "maxspeed": 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-82.012683337493414, 28.916577839047243 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Riverwood Circle", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024413628804339, 28.932337042199897 ], [ -82.024434474353583, 28.932334180106025 ], [ -82.024454444343633, 28.932328192842402 ], [ -82.024472938181347, 28.93231926047476 ], [ -82.024489399668909, 28.932307651642134 ], [ -82.024503333731531, 28.932293715477591 ], [ -82.024514321306526, 28.932277871108049 ], [ -82.024522031946717, 28.932260595049033 ], [ -82.024526233758252, 28.932242406873513 ], [ -82.024526800374673, 28.932223853585892 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ruter Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018188539776872, 28.749331881958881 ], [ -82.01887800258352, 28.749483662797662 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Torch Lake Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": 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[ -81.971486513244585, 28.882892232382517 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "James Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963133219319616, 28.78062156323945 ], [ -81.963384848896098, 28.780778013029824 ], [ -81.963676333678777, 28.780967179319688 ], [ -81.964049314656535, 28.781196202166278 ], [ -81.964438751565552, 28.781435777288898 ], [ -81.964500168188991, 28.781479907676967 ], [ -81.964547162276034, 28.781526307170378 ], [ -81.964587647360801, 28.781585394189658 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 655", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.259208170899271, 28.653246146424756 ], [ -82.259206925842605, 28.652739600143043 ], [ -82.259203999359229, 28.651548920539074 ], [ -82.259164144744886, 28.651447105800166 ], [ -82.259078232308241, 28.651403602313177 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drakeswood 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-81.990547302909974, 28.860347766828486 ], [ -81.990562275120425, 28.860321412480999 ], [ -81.990588963948824, 28.860293338268427 ], [ -81.990612395836322, 28.8602715673196 ], [ -81.990640384474375, 28.86025266150504 ], [ -81.990673579801594, 28.860235475843147 ], [ -81.990708727212777, 28.860223446077917 ], [ -81.990746478647409, 28.860216000192271 ], [ -81.990784227658622, 28.8602125650396 ], [ -81.990822812719969, 28.860212679600306 ], [ -81.990955361595852, 28.860241036407153 ], [ -81.991031813608643, 28.860260005334084 ], [ -81.991106498167397, 28.860283808646795 ], [ -81.991179023752508, 28.86031232180412 ], [ -81.991249006020041, 28.860345395001566 ], [ -81.991451954789781, 28.860453962700898 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109d", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966204357721097, 28.956531855794079 ], [ -81.966118529526696, 28.956647526808819 ], [ -81.965929712398619, 28.95688389637926 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-81.992589595001249, 28.884962235996063 ], [ -81.992636512040974, 28.884987722317405 ], [ -81.99272278647021, 28.885021765518104 ], [ -81.992792699568255, 28.885041407042337 ], [ -81.992852200053647, 28.885054502672908 ], [ -81.992936988140741, 28.885072834786651 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Juarez Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958957536225114, 28.922262421385572 ], [ -81.958938034728902, 28.922327300425327 ], [ -81.958917666180128, 28.92238546611355 ], [ -81.958897298633858, 28.922443632700784 ], [ -81.958877830043988, 28.922502948182888 ], [ -81.958846736532436, 28.922572380246347 ], [ -81.958816233578503, 28.922637001441021 ], [ -81.95878455745634, 28.922701276688201 ], [ -81.95877360721606, 28.922724651810775 ], [ -81.958754442778243, 28.922769336636851 ], [ -81.958744860381316, 28.922793397020222 ], [ -81.958736058586851, 28.922817114770559 ], [ -81.958727451512559, 28.922841176354918 ], [ -81.958719432983301, 28.922865581894609 ], [ -81.958711998145361, 28.922889644740959 ], [ -81.958702411749869, 28.922923675489848 ], [ -81.958695954150826, 28.922948081508544 ], [ -81.958690083047117, 28.922972831482262 ], [ -81.958684602689218, 28.922997581576034 ], [ -81.958679708964866, 28.923022330947973 ], [ -81.958675400710604, 28.923047426079403 ], [ -81.9586703091001, 28.923079739336572 ], [ -81.958667172063286, 28.92310483302391 ], [ -81.95866423091158, 28.923129928576056 ], [ -81.958662072283104, 28.923155022564696 ], [ -81.958660303376533, 28.923180118477937 ], [ -81.958658925218828, 28.923205213609236 ], [ -81.958658131702876, 28.923237871062671 ], [ -81.958657925654961, 28.923263311232162 ], [ -81.958658306381878, 28.923288406905414 ], [ -81.958659076832816, 28.923313503601022 ], [ -81.958660631723674, 28.923338943410826 ], [ -81.958662380589516, 28.923364038603285 ], [ -81.958663989884556, 28.923399635574395 ], [ -81.958667232928804, 28.923445553509161 ], [ -81.958671706504333, 28.923491926579928 ], [ -81.958676991242356, 28.923515390608152 ], [ -81.958684587912998, 28.923553657512105 ], [ -81.95869870315974, 28.92360244989997 ], [ -81.958716982466768, 28.923656039270536 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mariposa Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969580815760168, 28.918467547104655 ], [ -81.969651237293405, 28.918448073475854 ], [ -81.969718273874193, 28.918437758257884 ], [ -81.969787727330612, 28.918439021822255 ], [ -81.969916716593758, 28.918440296934939 ], [ -81.970051375419601, 28.918440327120624 ], [ -81.970167613546579, 28.918411669960928 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023684131307846, 28.792577039520651 ], [ -82.023765032040842, 28.792585844100927 ], [ -82.023843079226026, 28.792595362849244 ], [ -82.023940637416516, 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], [ -81.961776101921387, 28.856411579388798 ], [ -81.961876334490967, 28.856400148601633 ], [ -81.961967304712189, 28.856394289557311 ], [ -81.962045402295431, 28.856398131103958 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 643", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.250183903623039, 28.6362482502986 ], [ -82.250226630019185, 28.636258636435567 ], [ -82.250271704428485, 28.636258552946106 ], [ -82.251393822021484, 28.636256468759441 ], [ -82.2518919672995, 28.636236704732823 ], [ -82.252048512808514, 28.636223854106053 ], [ -82.252192979778926, 28.636177374224022 ], [ -82.252286203867527, 28.636157046564062 ], [ -82.25241367129378, 28.636147824854923 ], [ -82.252551293239165, 28.636158032036143 ], [ -82.252795723705432, 28.636191063213584 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Viscaya Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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], [ -82.02330733054724, 28.817620431963139 ], [ -82.023288200058488, 28.81759202141799 ], [ -82.023250794945255, 28.817532026752524 ], [ -82.023238546024942, 28.817516024521662 ], [ -82.023174070227299, 28.817441554972081 ], [ -82.023098636360004, 28.817331163538125 ], [ -82.023080553244398, 28.817303561258512 ], [ -82.023034877210819, 28.817215257019644 ], [ -82.022991681128346, 28.817124378967488 ], [ -82.022978614677115, 28.817070174845668 ], [ -82.022977709548726, 28.817001452357353 ], [ -82.022979846929161, 28.816983246096335 ], [ -82.023005717203517, 28.816909501450905 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Stampeder Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01240609964087, 28.748975830682905 ], [ -82.01285905022479, 28.747555965932595 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gaskin Lane", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958865843257698, 28.888974964348922 ], [ -81.958967791708332, 28.888963779956839 ], [ -81.959075400190983, 28.88896132065468 ], [ -81.959163180490123, 28.888971315103181 ], [ -81.95947040499729, 28.889031222625405 ], [ -81.959809221691827, 28.889094699388615 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harold Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95969826105302, 28.791713754151061 ], [ -81.960286418808039, 28.791598769376023 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bissell Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979838845665057, 28.79237983281568 ], [ -81.980207255875001, 28.79233280223146 ], [ -81.98051687777901, 28.792274013994682 ], [ -81.980799064996944, 28.792183872042017 ], [ -81.981179233752513, 28.792027102908524 ], [ -81.981578997899888, 28.791827223749141 ], [ -81.981690086824727, 28.791780922298447 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 702", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976140835037768, 28.653465669378441 ], [ -81.976068330659572, 28.653465990304266 ], [ -81.974303200520097, 28.653474823856417 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lenhart Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98021221402756, 28.780621045822624 ], [ -81.980409816323998, 28.780716734646852 ], [ -81.980573966382906, 28.780781304713518 ], [ -81.980756009938432, 28.780831873216187 ], [ -81.980964503395313, 28.780872326665552 ], [ -81.981130209445382, 28.780894108493094 ], [ -81.98121163554778, 28.780897902422488 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Torch Lake Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015988889707316, 28.842954396500829 ], [ -82.015945478808504, 28.843027777890349 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -81.980023014878455, 28.644768146929735 ], [ -81.979975255327645, 28.644652023488916 ], [ -81.979892644782765, 28.644475597041083 ], [ -81.979440249243453, 28.643648267664563 ], [ -81.97882388826531, 28.642527337274238 ], [ -81.978069886005997, 28.641156047793018 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hazel Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036170422388267, 28.858171841333014 ], [ -82.036176742218927, 28.859134378997393 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orange Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.076043468747443, 28.798659624094419 ], [ -82.077352320408508, 28.798650379572774 ], [ -82.07745375169921, 28.798660957570721 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sandalwood Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006106252805324, 28.848541437710473 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-82.026120079653552, 28.90792373664317 ], [ -82.026152601162366, 28.907939524293024 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Amador Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.049404723301791, 28.788331100877684 ], [ -82.049303487530523, 28.788147724020487 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yankee Clipper Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998832251467206, 28.875612619430193 ], [ -81.998941132635622, 28.875699760320892 ], [ -81.99904929425567, 28.875794037427024 ], [ -81.999139205840123, 28.875881895328689 ], [ -81.999203033458798, 28.875950556502215 ], [ -81.999210512661989, 28.875960775130395 ], [ -81.999261362347099, 28.87602238108083 ], [ -81.999318728874186, 28.876079377189004 ], [ -81.999363021178709, 28.876116672324347 ], [ -81.999368958677863, 28.87612074625476 ], [ -81.999422809364347, 28.876152417374673 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tall Trees Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00359186101322, 28.921727542639132 ], [ -82.003640855539984, 28.921723360282751 ], [ -82.003803684821946, 28.921730405186295 ], [ -82.004012809480159, 28.921767063879003 ], [ -82.004215204489995, 28.921804103198838 ], [ -82.004315130617115, 28.921816386108301 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 481a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.125248305531045, 28.768867932977756 ], [ -82.126276025078184, 28.768861128707677 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 107th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954849041870602, 28.913154744806004 ], [ -81.954464205993787, 28.913157309922138 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 243b", "maxspeed": "30 mph" 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[ -82.071557908368987, 28.79987935665423 ], [ -82.072779257207131, 28.799873469518445 ], [ -82.073628239760893, 28.799869689217388 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tallowtree Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988608171460712, 28.869478484604304 ], [ -81.989190048181115, 28.869479464362374 ], [ -81.98934298762191, 28.869478624037907 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Flossmoor Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9579674525325, 28.873368268419064 ], [ -81.958054245524366, 28.873422068276465 ], [ -81.958178003177366, 28.873502768210159 ], [ -81.958541246016196, 28.873733539144652 ], [ -81.958984849450943, 28.874029429373991 ], [ -81.959439706917223, 28.874328151153328 ], [ -81.959549010441293, 28.874377712408876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-81.99412190555617, 28.863615803603913 ], [ -81.994159875072185, 28.86356009523664 ], [ -81.994207317343381, 28.863492015784402 ], [ -81.994248850580036, 28.863421008079278 ], [ -81.994284242092021, 28.863347467325688 ], [ -81.994304096252264, 28.863297072697286 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mauldin Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954122567372522, 28.902533378031894 ], [ -81.95430618428405, 28.902533440663777 ], [ -81.95519379944092, 28.902519645996179 ], [ -81.955774377845856, 28.902515634750515 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.205510429404114, 28.597433047439107 ], [ -82.205635816259232, 28.597156516530138 ], [ -82.2060797773144, 28.596191655331946 ], [ -82.206147558113173, 28.596044372042183 ], [ -82.206411904505302, 28.595473267622783 ], [ -82.206635606665088, 28.595004349396795 ], [ -82.206798286968393, 28.594658676665617 ], [ -82.207065976949067, 28.594060531681652 ], [ -82.207371005624026, 28.593414270624447 ], [ -82.207679371957084, 28.592737966628956 ], [ -82.207767478318232, 28.592545593998281 ], [ -82.207835235721404, 28.5923892990638 ], [ -82.207906395313699, 28.592232996192156 ], [ -82.208309691727266, 28.591376323915494 ], [ -82.208445262460714, 28.591093767752824 ], [ -82.208560471501869, 28.590841280650178 ], [ -82.208628262210439, 28.590703005886112 ], [ -82.208696046813941, 28.590561727202569 ], [ -82.208760458555034, 28.590435473116564 ], [ -82.208855401311325, 28.590261112605834 ], [ -82.20891642120084, 28.59014087052601 ], [ -82.208997793666811, 28.589987555267957 ], [ -82.209092778234492, 28.589834221769333 ], [ -82.209167399064299, 28.589707950904351 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Main Street", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-81.988659628095888, 28.869958314930763 ], [ -81.98863176405564, 28.869854710996027 ], [ -81.988614050020999, 28.869735079408077 ], [ -81.988610124113208, 28.869606782374117 ], [ -81.988608171460712, 28.869478484604304 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Georgetown Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987535569967548, 28.881047362188312 ], [ -81.987602694140861, 28.881015817673184 ], [ -81.987725914943098, 28.880949555032327 ], [ -81.987891581836308, 28.880849558182589 ], [ -81.988049034981373, 28.880738716526952 ], [ -81.988142205600766, 28.880661355194018 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palo Alto Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97211041833522, 28.936439373430151 ], [ -81.972175793483274, 28.936435862684036 ], [ -81.97221541238261, 28.936433991440772 ], [ -81.972245048498564, 28.936430115923866 ], [ 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-81.964079879839574, 28.833493882604134 ], [ -81.964054151309, 28.833461617312594 ], [ -81.96402287360759, 28.833433406404975 ], [ -81.96398685907711, 28.833409981866925 ], [ -81.963947039989023, 28.833391955709576 ], [ -81.963779143592902, 28.833326661064795 ], [ -81.963614607593769, 28.833255041039056 ], [ -81.963453739379958, 28.833177228367344 ], [ -81.96329683915917, 28.833093369318437 ], [ -81.963144198934387, 28.833003620987657 ], [ -81.962996106604237, 28.832908146786234 ], [ -81.962852832636756, 28.83280712997222 ], [ -81.962794267457326, 28.832759285130813 ], [ -81.962741562361018, 28.832706420543786 ], [ -81.962695267412911, 28.832649089485432 ], [ -81.962655867075796, 28.832587893936292 ], [ -81.962570942791345, 28.832431781843304 ], [ -81.96249240561194, 28.832273098093076 ], [ -81.962420355860857, 28.832112046646294 ], [ -81.962354883612335, 28.831948831460007 ], [ -81.962296071763888, 28.83178366190235 ], [ -81.962243999112459, 28.831616747339506 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -82.08477255087945, 28.664782689078475 ], [ -82.084768433596153, 28.664533989584982 ], [ -82.084818656962725, 28.663677315510231 ], [ -82.084798659007234, 28.663159198025095 ], [ -82.084770098430582, 28.661732628798386 ], [ -82.084769717960711, 28.661259403651176 ], [ -82.084710878260253, 28.661141995918499 ], [ -82.084609003721212, 28.66107642949434 ], [ -82.083841191539278, 28.660783294327693 ], [ -82.083265380400235, 28.660565622124498 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vordemark Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98262490534205, 28.776241603855887 ], [ -81.982837743189322, 28.77624454663599 ], [ -81.983149636854961, 28.776248858644358 ], [ -81.983421301923201, 28.776252615455327 ], [ -81.98362069374582, 28.77625537216894 ], [ -81.983759708095221, 28.776274952184846 ], [ -81.983943120651105, 28.776320069308255 ], [ -81.984115743562583, 28.776374013161682 ], [ -81.984283599441298, 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-82.011476502478729, 28.848116831316894 ], [ -82.011530106375176, 28.848108394070628 ], [ -82.01164181563675, 28.848094811663721 ], [ -82.011724659697819, 28.848088176576656 ], [ -82.01183221005968, 28.84808387096038 ], [ -82.011909427484923, 28.848084839054813 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yerk Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010822018867827, 28.791575584841237 ], [ -82.010813713444819, 28.790982747343794 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 53rd Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013232413441173, 28.67726625117119 ], [ -82.013230040674713, 28.677266240559792 ], [ -82.010811764000536, 28.677243397741645 ], [ -82.009096033798798, 28.677215351045032 ], [ -82.007989954473075, 28.677189811843494 ], [ -82.007214829072097, 28.677187290458793 ], [ -82.007159669887102, 28.677166810994841 ], [ -82.007113218347669, 28.677136090539957 ], [ -82.007081279656262, 28.677090009004335 ], [ -82.007069662579326, 28.677015763843777 ], [ -82.007075451972256, 28.67675974397298 ], [ -82.007089928088575, 28.676168337630902 ], [ -82.007095693123588, 28.675566691066649 ], [ -82.007089883720582, 28.675523169137922 ], [ -82.007069559842833, 28.675482205986107 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kaolin Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960878327549565, 28.788413606385067 ], [ -81.960981388712312, 28.78848994769476 ], [ -81.961309655322225, 28.788718970317394 ], [ -81.961378363318374, 28.788744599521358 ], [ -81.961439474516951, 28.788755841825694 ], [ -81.961462085190192, 28.788756331038531 ], [ -81.961542496268422, 28.788741326898421 ], [ -81.96161654517438, 28.788705158025252 ], [ -81.962476551815485, 28.788158035186843 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Penney Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025136808671476, 28.755900106009239 ], [ -82.0231032143151, 28.755883764545136 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 107", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.036373186216608, 28.92578371393239 ], [ -82.03636850742032, 28.926069549660813 ], [ -82.036363796855483, 28.926269214395326 ], [ -82.036363930903292, 28.926601680335622 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hook Hollow Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013842531197341, 28.874540506089332 ], [ -82.013881522198432, 28.874587864122301 ], [ -82.01395276215365, 28.874674656798938 ], [ -82.014208381732274, 28.874986081752766 ], [ -82.014347207717279, 28.875155216925585 ], [ -82.014432571725422, 28.875259213004711 ], [ -82.014490696661824, 28.875334036784821 ], [ -82.014663493599912, 28.875590874619107 ] 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-81.966844910149447, 28.86007483801049 ], [ -81.966862920645951, 28.859998873837977 ], [ -81.966880427238365, 28.859934454523323 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974180235346978, 28.824168249974434 ], [ -81.97395760937691, 28.824597932654658 ], [ -81.973675304257839, 28.825143925337031 ], [ -81.973573324926477, 28.825324390588658 ], [ -81.973443149400666, 28.825504848378486 ], [ -81.973331423431191, 28.825628014881659 ], [ -81.973211856584328, 28.825743683341766 ], [ -81.972994931255911, 28.825911710283339 ], [ -81.972688845744258, 28.826124601419245 ], [ -81.972596432657497, 28.826205370826283 ], [ -81.972550878455962, 28.826239166527561 ], [ -81.972511184155849, 28.826257493325365 ], [ -81.972416325658841, 28.826285836149555 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warnock Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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-82.01626489389875, 28.906279334979907 ], [ -82.016282942221892, 28.906271926814064 ], [ -82.016299255129084, 28.906261875114616 ], [ -82.016313333285936, 28.90624948130818 ], [ -82.01632475530262, 28.906235125312136 ], [ -82.01633316747612, 28.906219242076293 ], [ -82.016338319678937, 28.906202316164524 ], [ -82.016340053050442, 28.906184858296594 ], [ -82.016339500528218, 28.906179310129723 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marlatt Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994943254171176, 28.786087990312435 ], [ -81.994945322963616, 28.785381589101171 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003902178779384, 28.927265840199624 ], [ -82.004041475335555, 28.927267648458251 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 542d", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { 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28.831947340666282 ], [ -82.018233339944857, 28.832024489985436 ], [ -82.018133791601642, 28.832088366423289 ], [ -82.018003548705153, 28.832153900650955 ], [ -82.017881602684383, 28.832195378165189 ], [ -82.017744723276607, 28.832234367082812 ], [ -82.017573002905095, 28.832265889104502 ], [ -82.01739962240265, 28.832278332711134 ], [ -82.017271040029158, 28.832275012702588 ], [ -82.017109274395807, 28.832261738731919 ], [ -82.016975713689561, 28.832255931382747 ], [ -82.016891926945263, 28.832259250208544 ], [ -82.016811459832567, 28.832266715594599 ], [ -82.016709422744157, 28.832273350658571 ], [ -82.0165990899674, 28.832288282441745 ], [ -82.01647714312611, 28.832309020940805 ], [ -82.016380912521015, 28.832326442171645 ], [ -82.016291320115485, 28.832345521010648 ], [ -82.016253159789954, 28.832348008558139 ], [ -82.016207533676521, 28.832344690599022 ], [ -82.016163554707973, 28.832337589960623 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 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[ -82.100785065894016, 28.753978076854647 ], [ -82.10073509728258, 28.754052314887456 ], [ -82.100708704778157, 28.754108469306889 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Aldama Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96782702214557, 28.923614382023132 ], [ -81.967853765041468, 28.923701517748075 ], [ -81.967866345460251, 28.923759268607725 ], [ -81.967889101403216, 28.923864604479963 ], [ -81.967926502369181, 28.924054202950458 ], [ -81.967933946024232, 28.924090940806799 ], [ -81.96793807276579, 28.92412480946998 ], [ -81.96794275336589, 28.924151967891156 ], [ -81.967946848244651, 28.924179470848912 ], [ -81.967950356482731, 28.92420697456831 ], [ -81.967953473969402, 28.92423447819403 ], [ -81.967955810977173, 28.92426197982822 ], [ -81.967957756206516, 28.924289483173126 ], [ -81.967959113662019, 28.924317328347378 ], [ -81.967959887658154, 28.924344830509519 ], [ -81.967990755824857, 28.925672149213476 ], [ -81.967991803405155, 28.925697223357705 ], [ -81.96799179649382, 28.925719510058538 ], [ -81.967992844074814, 28.925744584202597 ], [ -81.96799494832652, 28.925768731039149 ], [ -81.967997052867617, 28.925791947608868 ], [ -81.968001267386725, 28.92581423622044 ], [ -81.968006537139402, 28.925840239835047 ], [ -81.968010755027066, 28.925861599984767 ], [ -81.968020237997621, 28.925910822475949 ], [ -81.96814144913354, 28.926499622694084 ], [ -81.968175179169165, 28.92666121740757 ], [ -81.96818743429904, 28.926711252606037 ], [ -81.968196132564614, 28.92674468652552 ], [ -81.968207997104486, 28.926780907484549 ], [ -81.968219860626931, 28.926817128442124 ], [ -81.968230935927551, 28.926848473206608 ], [ -81.968242010898109, 28.926874246295284 ], [ -81.968255460962482, 28.926904198476425 ], [ -81.968268910437033, 28.926932758414054 ], [ -81.968285525339553, 28.926966889872261 ], [ -81.968303725273046, 28.926999629461534 ], [ -81.968324298688188, 28.927035155898093 ], [ -81.96834091597519, 28.927061626861018 ], [ -81.968356743152896, 28.927086007918767 ], [ -81.968377318180259, 28.927109693523835 ], [ -81.968395520128169, 28.927132681993498 ], [ -81.968407392244259, 28.927144525618427 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991317980756861, 28.794967954348142 ], [ -81.991445467651289, 28.794917350951085 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oakcrest Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998487780984291, 28.872782544087197 ], [ -81.998597976462761, 28.872852817656916 ], [ -81.99867595983892, 28.872900110936445 ], [ -81.998736938146379, 28.872935524273043 ], [ -81.998825496511003, 28.872985224018183 ], [ -81.998910828007169, 28.873031106933961 ], [ -81.998949442131106, 28.873050704400885 ], [ -81.99899184614614, 28.873063622141462 ], [ -81.999036261508863, 28.873069242962249 ], [ -81.999081081884626, 28.873067365634906 ], [ -81.999100064696165, 28.873063309933638 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wabash Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958794070731713, 28.835156611682866 ], [ -81.959185245598292, 28.835308666984304 ], [ -81.959321801305109, 28.835373083511868 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kenova Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010344949625619, 28.935879632300576 ], [ -82.010276257073357, 28.936045885016416 ], [ -82.010189491762432, 28.936305440728667 ], [ -82.010098472255962, 28.936563794822614 ], [ -82.010022135036706, 28.936795020336096 ], [ -82.009973694718425, 28.936988785101271 ], [ -82.009932673089722, 28.937191670616482 ], [ -82.009913737387365, 28.937396219306418 ], [ -82.009901056453018, 28.937622767285706 ], [ -82.009896981774759, 28.937944197189868 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-82.02013778293724, 28.905559469394465 ], [ -82.020051445489827, 28.905582876687603 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jacques Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004245179177374, 28.735999881620319 ], [ -82.004593391925297, 28.735497136235676 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 103rd Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.204723544853167, 28.605283777195464 ], [ -82.205215349509274, 28.605251363904134 ], [ -82.205359571685577, 28.605224499502089 ], [ -82.205476927746702, 28.605199049752521 ], [ -82.205557521498392, 28.605177841352951 ], [ -82.205673465497526, 28.605138251205684 ], [ -82.205755472625782, 28.605101490545476 ], [ -82.205812030140308, 28.605064728601164 ], [ -82.205866930293851, 28.605023829207472 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 100", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953745842666038, 28.913711470801811 ], [ -81.953740709004606, 28.914527319739719 ], [ -81.953817020971215, 28.915921850453177 ], [ -81.95377292627461, 28.916031089881482 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 3rd Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.048885222365655, 28.606339907807552 ], [ -82.048648009524186, 28.606336092613482 ], [ -82.047504538096376, 28.606324803731681 ], [ -82.047151340796603, 28.606317132171995 ], [ -82.046821674850875, 28.606331566302 ], [ -82.046706400240708, 28.606351554299721 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Horton Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.973405465817166, 28.813229783283855 ], [ -81.973760876731006, 28.812906042732148 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 125", "maxspeed": "45 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-81.959764779057295, 28.836738842212181 ], [ -81.959823571000541, 28.836713916406705 ], [ -81.959878687370036, 28.836683158767439 ], [ -81.959929387110165, 28.836646987748622 ], [ -81.95997498447916, 28.836605887690101 ], [ -81.960462007353527, 28.836112598609272 ], [ -81.960563294539767, 28.836014943638737 ], [ -81.960825228716047, 28.835774496595569 ], [ -81.960866500464178, 28.8357320541399 ], [ -81.960902079181636, 28.835685788742662 ], [ -81.960931506596367, 28.835636286775124 ], [ -81.960954414597694, 28.83558418155426 ], [ -81.960967875918399, 28.835547542749168 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kingston Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00138402590332, 28.921305580326511 ], [ -82.001345342001201, 28.921249889925445 ], [ -82.001232025926228, 28.921107910599289 ], [ -82.00111890501914, 28.920966274948391 ], [ -82.000992694108362, 28.920820859522681 ], [ -82.000939749113172, 28.920763793044241 ] ] 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-82.016560434023958, 28.924956558494639 ], [ -82.016532665515072, 28.924622923529306 ], [ -82.016534037439413, 28.924415101202595 ], [ -82.016539423310263, 28.92425883827925 ], [ -82.016546195827672, 28.924010122352406 ], [ -82.01655637764874, 28.923776387730602 ], [ -82.016566676665803, 28.92367056434902 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lagrange Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991863455583271, 28.765538902064556 ], [ -81.992057891400194, 28.765503049399239 ], [ -81.992237160037291, 28.765492017414807 ], [ -81.99244499765274, 28.765479227299057 ], [ -81.992577770117151, 28.765485122392707 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Deskin Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961032849578075, 28.827793493149329 ], [ -81.961618910806038, 28.827839181394271 ], [ -81.96168332344196, 28.827842729598402 ], [ -81.961747857048252, 28.827843342596008 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eileen Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99188818622126, 28.759581548226794 ], [ -81.991938733605039, 28.759630583255213 ], [ -81.991972270221254, 28.759695793095215 ], [ -81.991990901185233, 28.759779634897463 ], [ -81.991981582722389, 28.760727973181233 ], [ -81.991998325332844, 28.760789725212732 ], [ -81.992026924967334, 28.760850500741633 ], [ -81.992065655633041, 28.760891613557526 ], [ -81.992109747785392, 28.760922598162146 ], [ -81.992161586134131, 28.760945835907485 ], [ -81.992207465731951, 28.76095715727508 ], [ -81.992254536856066, 28.760960732297804 ], [ -81.992370727348714, 28.760962519280053 ], [ -81.99243746127938, 28.760954176648347 ], [ -81.992500026351948, 28.760933919544144 ], [ -81.992554247820436, 28.760899956638642 ], [ -81.992594169541462, 28.760859439381541 ], [ -81.992620387184886, 28.760816538331557 ], [ -81.992631707407256, 28.760776617710182 ], [ -81.992638262313704, 28.760731334348986 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Prairie Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996833906908563, 28.644332652615002 ], [ -81.99579357569084, 28.644349359498641 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 37th Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.03735831866571, 28.810629577477627 ], [ -82.036116833414439, 28.810615592170635 ], [ -82.035310157779605, 28.810642004064523 ], [ -82.035297164934278, 28.810644052926271 ], [ -82.035262009228404, 28.810654738052236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Webster Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039477556824465, 28.864058472651354 ], [ -82.039175362169502, 28.864716103865664 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dorchester Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991111648030582, 28.885402967729711 ], [ -81.99121517693186, 28.885201178589497 ], [ -81.991293505221591, 28.885063327479635 ], [ -81.991333159058655, 28.884997668720228 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 20th Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.138929205955009, 28.672266015046606 ], [ -82.138931558942403, 28.672202984781809 ], [ -82.138936516739548, 28.67202115448222 ], [ -82.138934779507096, 28.671978505742082 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canal Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974585811244467, 28.88086993660756 ], [ -81.974579521084692, 28.880760608027451 ], [ -81.974557774389041, 28.880580797721777 ], [ -81.974530590087952, 28.880360228500955 ], [ -81.974526668461095, 28.880245510009647 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Palatine Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008497282769881, 28.9479311564886 ], [ -82.008692215959258, 28.947981462918101 ], [ -82.008962057008617, 28.948087684865332 ], [ -82.009128561600164, 28.948171899701677 ], [ -82.009307648129806, 28.948266115421418 ], [ -82.009376713623169, 28.948292967622944 ], [ -82.009436755314212, 28.94831282671835 ], [ -82.009572379826253, 28.948337225559463 ], [ -82.00982213072831, 28.948364366592546 ], [ -82.010288355528829, 28.948404165189064 ], [ -82.010354510450796, 28.94841375173036 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 306b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.179646685847956, 28.820811992514106 ], [ -82.179605051325936, 28.820683328463939 ], [ -82.179600123427818, 28.82065115518607 ], [ -82.179600070465142, 28.820618974545479 ], [ -82.179610296420407, 28.820592391718236 ], [ -82.179637727278063, 28.820559929224512 ], [ -82.179668145564563, 28.820541116445479 ], [ -82.181296444020006, 28.820072338999687 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pritchard Walk", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.025777735424327, 28.852883116744689 ], [ -82.027124438187812, 28.852885356171466 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 109f 1", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972737686501318, 28.957948635474171 ], [ -81.971606679042011, 28.957953630580519 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lockwood Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010578185875374, 28.91368420191495 ], [ -82.010588365464173, 28.91345852668336 ], [ -82.010592559101298, 28.913305065450469 ], [ -82.010599759270661, 28.913244200448776 ], [ -82.010620183135515, 28.913194159320909 ], [ -82.010657686903926, 28.913148434403929 ], [ -82.010718242054296, 28.913107864370293 ], [ -82.010764033498319, 28.913090758767812 ], [ -82.010808708865412, 28.913080611751678 ], [ -82.010875000966251, 28.913085678508263 ], [ -82.010951381688471, 28.913099620353748 ], [ -82.011254025606661, 28.913159193420388 ], [ -82.011501904493471, 28.913207358006549 ], [ -82.01159017403964, 28.913222817089874 ], [ -82.011654263268724, 28.913225561129568 ], [ -82.011732421757344, 28.913224179572257 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 673", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.147124885331749, 28.610315152154232 ], [ -82.147226575272498, 28.610312944473609 ], [ -82.147302606668759, 28.610312862372997 ], [ -82.147378627389045, 28.610304393895806 ], [ -82.147459397756478, 28.610295919338139 ], [ -82.147549651166955, 28.610270662684094 ], [ -82.147658896556322, 28.610236996355546 ], [ -82.14776339426551, 28.610203335985542 ], [ -82.148228802146832, 28.610001548696829 ], [ -82.148504203025595, 28.609850705416818 ], [ -82.148633357540504, 28.609780116338317 ], [ -82.148747303849262, 28.609709542823275 ], [ -82.148880244575068, 28.609628885583358 ], [ -82.148997999078247, 28.609561662598665 ], [ -82.149089159131364, 28.609507887284042 ], [ -82.14919171958357, 28.609450744536701 ], [ -82.149305681429027, 28.609390234329712 ], [ -82.149457646950552, 28.609322974386593 ], [ -82.149727384913234, 28.609201908426879 ], [ -82.149913544391708, 28.609121190826123 ], [ -82.150149111745463, 28.60903035297591 ], [ -82.150282087692176, 28.608976532613553 ], [ -82.150456857554047, 28.608905890614004 ], [ -82.150726612444032, 28.608798243146467 ], [ -82.151114150423453, 28.608646850972555 ], [ -82.151820867762254, 28.608394462020364 ], [ -82.152330006364096, 28.608212739536185 ], [ -82.152481993482027, 28.608162249773116 ], [ -82.152580784022973, 28.608128592070592 ], [ -82.15266056705407, 28.608094954675352 ], [ -82.152747942699321, 28.608054600732956 ], [ -82.152842921658902, 28.608014238211727 ], [ -82.152937900544345, 28.607973874721676 ], [ -82.153013861202027, 28.607926822708311 ], [ -82.153720404238598, 28.607560364666394 ], [ -82.154373759957423, 28.607219123109729 ], [ -82.15451050858718, 28.60714851892239 ], [ -82.154597878853252, 28.607104808891865 ], [ -82.154689059501536, 28.607067803380108 ], [ -82.15478783152173, 28.60702407938884 ], [ -82.154898020299854, 28.60698705215647 ], [ -82.154989206685201, 28.606953402238791 ], [ -82.155110804171301, 28.606919715862382 ], [ -82.155251401833524, 28.60688265464821 ], [ -82.155456625369453, 28.606845519619664 ], [ -82.155745465038265, 28.606798222287075 ], [ -82.155992504284058, 28.606761039578078 ], [ -82.156277557742001, 28.60672381104748 ], [ -82.156547394487006, 28.606679889590211 ], [ -82.156855236427234, 28.606629214979581 ], [ -82.157486137889251, 28.606537910786109 ], [ -82.158550272092981, 28.606358878523853 ], [ -82.160116055114599, 28.606092024953849 ], [ -82.161115555906207, 28.605913047565718 ], [ -82.162795342852277, 28.605629255592383 ], [ -82.164110273737023, 28.605402912274091 ], [ -82.165086947350346, 28.605220578210343 ], [ -82.165356767033018, 28.6051699312575 ], [ -82.165493574940484, 28.605142926922891 ], [ -82.165660766088564, 28.605099112830171 ], [ -82.165751952643348, 28.605068809676265 ], [ -82.165869741878936, 28.605035118287969 ], [ -82.166002706766093, 28.604981282523546 ], [ -82.16619262572631, 28.604887118393325 ], [ -82.166458516644056, 28.60475596004056 ], [ -82.166838360963368, 28.604570986029959 ], [ -82.167119443861324, 28.604433097982024 ], [ -82.167259982892148, 28.604362477194311 ], [ -82.167411936003361, 28.604298552042724 ], [ -82.167537294018132, 28.604244721408325 ], [ -82.167677863431834, 28.60419422865062 ], [ -82.16787544754105, 28.604140309732504 ], [ -82.168183245512225, 28.604069481875214 ], [ -82.168517660474976, 28.604005327506862 ], [ -82.168966057152105, 28.603904131662709 ], [ -82.169650059506779, 28.603755674466235 ], [ -82.170307463100571, 28.603613956863285 ], [ -82.171116867775638, 28.603441851207791 ], [ -82.172131477254752, 28.603232581399755 ], [ -82.172553296938759, 28.603154890668456 ], [ -82.173108111180525, 28.603046835650716 ], [ -82.173906141001339, 28.602898212110127 ], [ -82.174426746579087, 28.60279355115393 ], [ -82.174871341958351, 28.602699048657549 ], [ -82.175376724957673, 28.60258433888794 ], [ -82.175737734583876, 28.602516780303514 ], [ -82.176311542953229, 28.6024053327912 ], [ -82.17681315973887, 28.60231410504483 ], [ -82.177394628696462, 28.602239545115385 ], [ -82.177922864334846, 28.602154988412757 ], [ -82.178751268536431, 28.60199287891739 ], [ -82.179560652475402, 28.601824078727397 ], [ -82.18036246421633, 28.601675412235227 ], [ -82.1812744358663, 28.601482984392867 ], [ -82.181711406078321, 28.601381758927769 ], [ -82.182144608695808, 28.60130066830115 ], [ -82.182581616852687, 28.601222925190566 ], [ -82.183729256048494, 28.601030163037848 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hillsborough Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978938926714889, 28.847572940488192 ], [ -81.97907424598786, 28.847510818065434 ], [ -81.979207019187868, 28.847444576985513 ], [ -81.979337088461577, 28.847374297536671 ], [ -81.980830421756735, 28.846535460546164 ], [ -81.98098916860701, 28.846450129518033 ], [ -81.981151625104786, 28.846370394928321 ], [ -81.9813175360608, 28.846296381246496 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Murphys Estate Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965179792739079, 28.892655182425923 ], [ -81.965301788304245, 28.892724098336533 ], [ -81.965420603100938, 28.892785239098913 ], [ -81.965546232566581, 28.892848126555229 ], [ -81.965646525619562, 28.892888040261226 ], [ -81.965797277056524, 28.892944734212229 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gilson Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96225186635769, 28.792062855168162 ], [ -81.962361876675672, 28.792015306083727 ], [ -81.962659242815803, 28.791873120239213 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Balcharan Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.042141535676478, 28.832893739136587 ], [ -82.04214501511052, 28.832805158536832 ], [ -82.042135767280328, 28.832615013590566 ], [ -82.042125505745773, 28.832555316460471 ], [ -82.042095048760089, 28.832514389008445 ], [ -82.042048410979959, 28.832486787272373 ], [ -82.041977503091459, 28.832476793353763 ], [ -82.041896125969345, 28.832464419598114 ], [ -82.041809037647113, 28.83244538308827 ], [ -82.04165675156456, 28.832393986103227 ], [ -82.041579146496275, 28.832355653426141 ], [ -82.041514208770167, 28.83231209522145 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 30th Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.154077352690152, 28.5820785660352 ], [ -82.154089326898259, 28.581188347421786 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 647 North", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.256797447602253, 28.653227243300364 ], [ -82.257521227113031, 28.653370260638177 ], [ -82.25760457162086, 28.653391864107203 ], [ -82.257713525047109, 28.65340912266274 ], [ -82.25780262469047, 28.6534060425954 ], [ -82.257885119279337, 28.653400061455628 ], [ -82.258003907594002, 28.653391101821988 ], [ -82.258165594690396, 28.65337914826641 ], [ -82.258300865571883, 28.65336142230209 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037150234773861, 28.880073934239668 ], [ -82.037036132459093, 28.879832199777116 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 229", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.086776394870469, 28.87964581367299 ], [ -82.086778077158712, 28.879982152229299 ], [ -82.086776608470743, 28.880754554589519 ], [ -82.086773670807005, 28.8818112950838 ], [ -82.08676047029951, 28.883697599238356 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Washington Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992728114209626, 28.646174121766784 ], [ -81.992726739503269, 28.645921158014538 ], [ -81.992737927039116, 28.645071136084713 ], [ -81.992720166585684, 28.644437054205291 ], [ -81.992713524548819, 28.643956093997712 ], [ -81.992713578523748, 28.643174780532036 ], [ -81.992709160490875, 28.642705600365616 ], [ -81.992718065925217, 28.642654559281389 ], [ -81.992746994556825, 28.642621187970072 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rottermond Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990615415332471, 28.748354485902038 ], [ -81.990544811450491, 28.74827614126399 ], [ -81.989647600147052, 28.746991254605287 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 482d", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.118480700821763, 28.775904054424885 ], [ -82.118485248478422, 28.775955471490924 ], [ -82.118492031141344, 28.775998974225455 ], [ -82.118514518352583, 28.776034551798784 ], [ -82.118545973129329, 28.77606023490943 ], [ -82.118604352810422, 28.776076004289724 ], [ -82.11866047302361, 28.776077935033072 ], [ -82.118723322527728, 28.776075901433387 ], [ -82.119091452196955, 28.776075579707832 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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28.842425747303537 ], [ -82.027497213012524, 28.8424704617312 ], [ -82.027421736533995, 28.842512876984213 ], [ -82.027378797537168, 28.842548409287993 ], [ -82.02734366717614, 28.842590816514409 ], [ -82.027230580884279, 28.842914710884276 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Plaintain Path", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96396654485153, 28.876643350837202 ], [ -81.964045243881927, 28.876612042207274 ], [ -81.964265425092293, 28.876540164971999 ], [ -81.96456191645612, 28.876451178243581 ], [ -81.96463607942124, 28.876430530575007 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 154", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.030996170303155, 28.851751418746932 ], [ -82.030126469366181, 28.851403850285379 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 591", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.06473894544348, 28.790928800545483 ], [ -82.064738942502075, 28.791448695944368 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lawthorn Street", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.953727358297101, 28.87500234031052 ], [ -81.954040841442179, 28.875026798353346 ], [ -81.954174556580838, 28.875047864067181 ], [ -81.954267674361276, 28.875075218415752 ], [ -81.954353623846629, 28.875108877357643 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Main Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112305146202843, 28.66765238464442 ], [ -82.112273405830976, 28.668046169788745 ], [ -82.112250958507687, 28.668284778536009 ], [ -82.112234109062399, 28.668449972497822 ], [ -82.112226670143343, 28.668570107054556 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spurlock Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021307431994472, 28.807631219754025 ], [ -82.021408641500102, 28.807618789425405 ], [ -82.021480452757842, 28.807609028959547 ], [ -82.021551912244576, 28.807597434110772 ], [ -82.021622957466604, 28.807584013010075 ], [ -82.021693531053543, 28.807568778299366 ], [ -82.021763570512476, 28.80755174081682 ], [ -82.021833017449708, 28.807532917716262 ], [ -82.021901814495422, 28.807512322542262 ], [ -82.021973665008346, 28.807489781470696 ], [ -82.021974147494717, 28.807489630708972 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96151777502584, 28.880904429719713 ], [ -81.961491245492951, 28.880664619214603 ], [ -81.961458494187028, 28.880392106594751 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 586", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.069256068038484, 28.793945961297734 ], [ -82.069239115156606, 28.793946944386857 ], [ -82.069095517547751, 28.793952927223632 ], [ -82.068981835390332, 28.793952926915647 ], [ -82.068856188923249, 28.793928993297246 ], [ -82.068742506469562, 28.793908050122187 ], [ -82.068593450815413, 28.793862830758783 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.051881979161308, 28.799810545763147 ], [ -82.049963629099636, 28.799808890286847 ], [ -82.049887865065259, 28.799813177668902 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Waldo Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986483481277844, 28.843769178084898 ], [ -81.986484893921897, 28.843433733961891 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Holly Hill Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985367845046426, 28.884671933153268 ], [ -81.98542838081606, 28.884599471458845 ], [ -81.985476460482801, 28.884539412315366 ], [ -81.985538112805756, 28.884450733630889 ], [ -81.985583955437207, 28.884375473135108 ], [ -81.985621159142923, 28.884288942850233 ], [ -81.985736848037547, 28.883949699005644 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.046850445363432, 28.801030286249059 ], [ -82.046753362943235, 28.801123084192369 ], [ -82.046698742679723, 28.801179358299073 ], [ -82.046569837594049, 28.801319504902548 ], [ -82.046445232375703, 28.801461542976906 ], [ -82.046361452284629, 28.801571381705045 ], [ -82.046301931357604, 28.801652186644326 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bickel Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988414854405832, 28.757260697681186 ], [ -81.988422209895035, 28.756412402654625 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vineland Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000003400689479, 28.846862366868574 ], [ -82.000006884146003, 28.846853844602936 ], [ -82.000013051695191, 28.84683377734093 ], [ -82.000016562849041, 28.846817538551068 ], [ -82.000018800128885, 28.846801307875392 ], [ -82.000019763530133, 28.846786503739605 ], [ -82.000019715415988, 28.846771936002916 ], [ -82.000017280496053, 28.846746634417446 ], [ -82.000012535585256, 28.846724099291432 ], [ -82.000004225280321, 28.846698994378205 ], [ -81.999993158145429, 28.846675251955872 ], [ -81.999980797637846, 28.846654470020432 ], [ -81.999964026246886, 28.846628922095523 ], [ -81.999944574917564, 28.846601694069903 ], [ -81.999922247907335, 28.846573080094011 ], [ -81.999895718058369, 28.84654212913296 ], [ -81.99986916771249, 28.846514283002868 ], [ -81.999846426675077, 28.846491677471612 ], [ -81.999811448110123, 28.846460375477331 ], [ -81.999781468680979, 28.846436026660768 ], [ -81.999753372895569, 28.846415035325172 ], [ -81.999633009450704, 28.846333163244417 ], [ -81.999562411934278, 28.8462853082329 ], [ -81.999534439208858, 28.846264863649488 ], [ -81.999509498978298, 28.846244906320042 ], [ -81.999475801621529, 28.846215713836163 ], [ -81.999465246940076, 28.846204973629582 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 507", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027084200354693, 28.801079435281917 ], [ -82.027077924801404, 28.801534160267519 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mulligan Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964188552127538, 28.783713182344645 ], [ -81.964114862304257, 28.783703980765715 ], [ -81.964009519218223, 28.78368475679925 ], [ -81.963993642974842, 28.78368103050553 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[ -81.976279662490981, 28.875409150650864 ], [ -81.976276029648389, 28.875359398855036 ], [ -81.976257354700621, 28.87531638008047 ], [ -81.976222868036174, 28.875274622622275 ], [ -81.976186940816518, 28.87524298873252 ], [ -81.976128874230795, 28.875215339065399 ], [ -81.97599289796598, 28.875203900632631 ], [ -81.975770115422975, 28.875202428558428 ], [ -81.975504204781757, 28.87520238018945 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Augustine Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965064375117194, 28.948060212710168 ], [ -81.964728581711682, 28.947796804094882 ], [ -81.964670186459244, 28.947745408545387 ], [ -81.964623954666635, 28.94770257984425 ], [ -81.964592327932039, 28.947661895228283 ], [ -81.964580173501417, 28.9476212175618 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 309", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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[ -81.982709128841194, 28.856195253605506 ], [ -81.982723285775975, 28.856161528175132 ], [ -81.982743877799152, 28.85613047890832 ], [ -81.982770281589737, 28.856103046826057 ], [ -81.982801695508513, 28.856080070965536 ], [ -81.9828371631789, 28.856062245073151 ], [ -81.982875610385122, 28.856050113098085 ], [ -81.983872688651843, 28.855819486141428 ], [ -81.983912943695444, 28.855813413969365 ], [ -81.983953782988308, 28.855813589416005 ], [ -81.983993970474486, 28.855820005114342 ], [ -81.984032279350998, 28.855832467824978 ], [ -81.98406754843846, 28.855850594833694 ], [ -81.984098705749616, 28.855873840120633 ], [ -81.984124806410989, 28.855901495266846 ], [ -81.984145053156652, 28.855932719232197 ], [ -81.984158836296501, 28.85596656542895 ], [ -81.984283473313056, 28.856384177760884 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sean Curran Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980417515457276, 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[ -82.04142862474788, 28.924152589631486 ], [ -82.041308685706483, 28.924257988823008 ], [ -82.04117784392804, 28.924265257558819 ], [ -82.041068808129353, 28.924279794814044 ], [ -82.040941600804658, 28.92438156051713 ], [ -82.040941598871385, 28.924672319760706 ], [ -82.040948075819742, 28.92489744228785 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Matanzas Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990997160708091, 28.796780201945388 ], [ -81.991097462619692, 28.796741242302517 ], [ -81.991239213142947, 28.796674927188203 ], [ -81.991411633831092, 28.796593691454373 ], [ -81.991492871004837, 28.796533178536777 ], [ -81.991536804885072, 28.79644199448197 ], [ -81.991529345271786, 28.796324286361905 ], [ -81.991476293833415, 28.796233102429007 ], [ -81.991369359979601, 28.796116221623379 ], [ -81.991265741071928, 28.796000170174555 ], [ -81.991161294792647, 28.795871684714022 ], [ -81.991073835885103, 28.795761262815667 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[ -81.990517196794954, 28.775517220492812 ], [ -81.990407402189902, 28.77527018110893 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 638", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.243216158760887, 28.630802899096825 ], [ -82.244584929898821, 28.63079625854213 ], [ -82.245225434609324, 28.630795105173362 ], [ -82.246556271614978, 28.630796884057954 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Greenville Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985323343725497, 28.880585889198684 ], [ -81.985340834655645, 28.880582544485424 ], [ -81.985395626509359, 28.880585890819376 ], [ -81.98544581347619, 28.880595156630516 ], [ -81.985483987841505, 28.88060916090696 ], [ -81.985510940212805, 28.880626499763146 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 422", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ 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-82.008502758358048, 28.926083224479104 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ross Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043819373660028, 28.869900575994194 ], [ -82.044909409849637, 28.86989846850323 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Baldwin Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995444299390257, 28.87910788839779 ], [ -81.995197803954525, 28.878727103571222 ], [ -81.99517823966228, 28.87869138792863 ], [ -81.995170683071677, 28.878654130693572 ], [ -81.995170684866594, 28.878618203731069 ], [ -81.995170686462089, 28.878586268552873 ], [ -81.995182057551261, 28.878543031558532 ], [ -81.99519639052437, 28.878515745568802 ], [ -81.995225115812829, 28.878483811444418 ], [ -81.99525837807316, 28.878458529249968 ], [ -81.996259218393149, 28.87780654934711 ], [ -81.996411912297432, 28.877706757247225 ], [ -81.996464825714838, 28.87768946067137 ], [ -81.99651320358619, 28.877680147522259 ], [ -81.996558557814225, 28.877684140526014 ], [ -81.996616005225064, 28.877700109187977 ], [ -81.996978829534527, 28.877903706486421 ], [ -81.997102793804359, 28.877980885966796 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "El Camino Real", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959697576304094, 28.949384484244177 ], [ -81.959801605057194, 28.949390389422739 ], [ -81.959881946574029, 28.949397479357803 ], [ -81.959970321615828, 28.949406929335691 ], [ -81.960058241370334, 28.949418587931603 ], [ -81.960143757010158, 28.949434400811384 ], [ -81.960231384536897, 28.949451142722637 ], [ -81.96030634150145, 28.949468810184158 ], [ -81.960405579181014, 28.949492054633808 ], [ -81.960504815129553, 28.949519944913291 ], [ -81.960629082219285, 28.949560237269388 ], [ -81.960712093457829, 28.949590882738654 ], [ -81.96078706914254, 28.949619172625994 ], [ -81.96087811327078, 28.949656888000181 ], [ -81.960985220891175, 28.949706386517036 ], [ -81.961081613614013, 28.949755881835564 ], [ -81.961172652375993, 28.949803019647561 ], [ -81.961239591512822, 28.94984308276991 ], [ -81.96130920728902, 28.949885504321895 ], [ -81.961373466126986, 28.949927922488325 ], [ -81.961459147588485, 28.949982126216398 ], [ -81.961550177076049, 28.950055175800351 ], [ -81.961694753849386, 28.950170639363332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 83rd Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.031472983353623, 28.878483271497878 ], [ -82.030243286592352, 28.878485522344675 ], [ -82.029732509764003, 28.878496213054529 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 226", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.108221546360909, 28.8999947441141 ], [ -82.108135716538357, 28.89992792177182 ], [ 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28.926086715189903 ], [ -82.006652743692996, 28.926096334958693 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979449500369228, 28.897323012724193 ], [ -81.979442115383165, 28.89779139796244 ], [ -81.979444499724735, 28.898260218676498 ], [ -81.979436934897294, 28.898914384545442 ], [ -81.979436883774909, 28.899169509663075 ], [ -81.97943425385435, 28.899926163855309 ], [ -81.979429185507712, 28.900488746587907 ], [ -81.979426615388149, 28.900946662970163 ], [ -81.979421616478675, 28.901162537242147 ], [ -81.979429002345967, 28.901402400130017 ], [ -81.979453738926253, 28.901620459818997 ], [ -81.979490872244256, 28.90180363220713 ], [ -81.979565171409547, 28.902008617028478 ], [ -81.979641953544487, 28.902191795421931 ], [ -81.979748459888683, 28.902431672418547 ], [ -81.979827724446423, 28.902597406025887 ], [ -81.979845054466551, 28.902675908638056 ], [ -81.979847516975909, 28.902756590763989 ], [ -81.979821507961631, 28.902845364016752 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Detar Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982036494834261, 28.762025975314476 ], [ -81.981938560563819, 28.761930417565168 ], [ -81.981882910452583, 28.761861278098152 ], [ -81.981828948116885, 28.761797197228852 ], [ -81.981726081845665, 28.761625191593367 ], [ -81.981617782068099, 28.761438519761892 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Waterloo Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975281601554116, 28.882200887724135 ], [ -81.975516172687591, 28.882226310755424 ], [ -81.975647530624428, 28.882253815204614 ], [ -81.975753417308638, 28.882283558037265 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Leisure Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.946427229214727 ], [ -82.008604032322751, 28.946453402927151 ], [ -82.008594513788751, 28.946479577212205 ], [ -82.008556442691301, 28.946531924213744 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043533754807612, 28.799656811238876 ], [ -82.039845849577276, 28.799606055165032 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.057945183023236, 28.847778432778536 ], [ -82.05817346992265, 28.847829043443102 ], [ -82.058631463030054, 28.847947314763999 ], [ -82.05863530471315, 28.847948306551888 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Leesville Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.954127171379483, 28.903166139054992 ], [ -81.955471066688673, 28.90315521816078 ], [ 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28.850375832918655 ], [ -81.960079621955359, 28.850416344783746 ], [ -81.960163771712772, 28.850469083356685 ], [ -81.960221892753836, 28.850516464403746 ], [ -81.960266132461911, 28.850551620493647 ], [ -81.960304297755016, 28.850592120033184 ], [ -81.960343326620745, 28.850641789046549 ], [ -81.960378015903274, 28.850697568987155 ], [ -81.960463850655245, 28.850880178520939 ], [ -81.960525413383536, 28.851000902553753 ], [ -81.960565299840113, 28.85107883737702 ], [ -81.960824442166967, 28.851549158749275 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Worth Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011807018478777, 28.946972226747345 ], [ -82.012027111472634, 28.946918597449017 ], [ -82.012266762259813, 28.946871790122625 ], [ -82.012474682495693, 28.94683636401075 ], [ -82.012639414071117, 28.946805157894214 ], [ -82.012787655234646, 28.946780199655606 ], [ -82.01291655979152, 28.946756377221021 ], [ -82.013019684871111, 28.946735957804975 ], [ -82.013145723171306, 28.946712019021746 ], [ -82.013292964388526, 28.94668264179279 ], [ -82.013435337409149, 28.946656580796748 ], [ -82.013560779825085, 28.946635073361243 ], [ -82.013715772006805, 28.946606631497353 ], [ -82.013879482234671, 28.946576001430923 ], [ -82.014008388044886, 28.946549909586547 ], [ -82.01413084877683, 28.946533031583396 ], [ -82.014169520098378, 28.946533877621373 ], [ -82.014200459044957, 28.946536425257456 ], [ -82.01423333096885, 28.946541524373234 ], [ -82.014262336134635, 28.946550876382393 ], [ -82.014290376352221, 28.946562778363585 ], [ -82.014319383462947, 28.946578933647871 ], [ -82.014352256769527, 28.946601890913367 ], [ -82.014376430935897, 28.94662314914823 ], [ -82.0143977039871, 28.946643555011583 ], [ -82.014414141344474, 28.946663963176086 ], [ -82.014435959959059, 28.946705842642672 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tietjen Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980032608519522, 28.752548578644774 ], [ -81.98016829482394, 28.752302131224944 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Powell Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020525890353653, 28.860049207230219 ], [ -82.02052595379233, 28.860379122145559 ], [ -82.020526476169209, 28.860531836158863 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Triggerfish Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00322614908174, 28.889495781386323 ], [ -82.003548127612575, 28.889497465674921 ], [ -82.00371664787103, 28.889497461901936 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 142", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02067203104906, 28.861842447504024 ], [ -82.02052753559839, 28.861835596912652 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Scotch Pine Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993997425767375, 28.87129568280006 ], [ -81.994063053462114, 28.871211102988788 ], [ -81.994121650318377, 28.87113889881925 ], [ -81.994245350708496, 28.870946801259983 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vanceboro Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976098709305973, 28.851302890822595 ], [ -81.976248644691566, 28.851219004852162 ], [ -81.976303011468403, 28.85118441285692 ], [ -81.976352312436546, 28.85114437001948 ], [ -81.976395846444888, 28.851099441065184 ], [ -81.976432993294054, 28.851050268332141 ], [ -81.9764632260393, 28.850997551922216 ], [ -81.97648611304237, 28.850942039775695 ], [ -81.9766526504024, 28.850420500071348 ], [ -81.976672508590852, 28.850315538295749 ], [ -81.976690948180149, 28.85022476051633 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Allure Loop", 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[ -81.985350365665312, 28.751864179277831 ], [ -81.985443496270463, 28.751933417136371 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9651775650063, 28.844436968538279 ], [ -81.96522090379014, 28.84478743741235 ], [ -81.965284084507317, 28.845241894077741 ], [ -81.965368499114518, 28.845794827557757 ], [ -81.965439054221022, 28.846306235045184 ], [ -81.965451160855565, 28.846428471784083 ], [ -81.965451123172798, 28.846544592271687 ], [ -81.965447593468511, 28.846720301063755 ], [ -81.965431489912106, 28.846843944450633 ], [ -81.965405207622851, 28.847047296743813 ], [ -81.965371326460513, 28.847166463707953 ], [ -81.965351785813624, 28.847221464153556 ], [ -81.965341797319837, 28.84725010979648 ], [ -81.965327905823543, 28.847276844248952 ], [ -81.965303597025937, 28.847311979186241 ], [ -81.965278859437618, 28.847336037298071 ], [ -81.965251518728351, 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-81.96984140608329, 28.939359290263262 ], [ -81.969853943081944, 28.939368749127627 ], [ -81.969864689922503, 28.939378996192456 ], [ -81.969872749306518, 28.939389239944482 ], [ -81.969881702117547, 28.939399487506289 ], [ -81.9698897625303, 28.939409732159806 ], [ -81.969926469792725, 28.939473565070376 ], [ -81.970103551012215, 28.939752737459909 ], [ -81.970152309251858, 28.939897377916065 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sembler Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957192520096584, 28.8662572674628 ], [ -81.957223054554603, 28.866056278247335 ], [ -81.957271167990001, 28.865751004557616 ], [ -81.957292944143589, 28.865545516346053 ], [ -81.957311249506091, 28.865349949655084 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marnie Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965451279964455, 28.780661536197865 ], [ -81.966014686897509, 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28.811747870459257 ], [ -82.018637388718943, 28.811775709231426 ], [ -82.018720171072545, 28.811805573759585 ], [ -82.018801985676717, 28.811837442398268 ], [ -82.018882523111159, 28.811871165407101 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shady Nook Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024596173288231, 28.845855379997428 ], [ -82.024596313585633, 28.845854929721831 ], [ -82.024636764788582, 28.845740716760719 ], [ -82.024663368352833, 28.845643750219136 ], [ -82.024687638550859, 28.845560944878855 ], [ -82.024724467062796, 28.845452328633936 ], [ -82.024764660591828, 28.845333072684802 ], [ -82.024811611129394, 28.845215746449622 ], [ -82.024865196770662, 28.845100644997402 ], [ -82.024960159708982, 28.844868933759066 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013586097963014, 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], [ -82.204060476595444, 28.869910108364259 ], [ -82.204069310595727, 28.870033855057738 ], [ -82.204068380567676, 28.870157959354266 ], [ -82.204069050925568, 28.870454892693637 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "May Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990469533777429, 28.740441788349276 ], [ -81.990431457335362, 28.740173522958013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "State Route 471", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.054479600938421, 28.725259374533902 ], [ -82.05449525669583, 28.723181214708124 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jackson Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994851642332691, 28.647025553529826 ], [ -81.99415343214757, 28.647043376432002 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 83rd Terrace", 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28.6437023558716 ], [ -82.242446213689661, 28.643644805710871 ], [ -82.242492512061631, 28.643537971772137 ], [ -82.242529481502615, 28.64342293961867 ], [ -82.242881494349646, 28.642261755158732 ], [ -82.243019979698317, 28.64210853883279 ], [ -82.243179090710171, 28.641861035899076 ], [ -82.243258645780443, 28.641754962417014 ], [ -82.243326415162954, 28.641660675497675 ], [ -82.243364719234464, 28.641578173416054 ], [ -82.243391237416404, 28.641460314649557 ], [ -82.243403024228186, 28.641271739337494 ], [ -82.243408917456478, 28.640991823272891 ], [ -82.243403288430457, 28.640851976234281 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 311", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120809379278128, 28.694307582183484 ], [ -82.120820146296921, 28.693164602307679 ], [ -82.120817784057905, 28.691105837227266 ], [ -82.120817116159387, 28.690523703564029 ], [ -82.120810789689443, 28.688518184966515 ], [ -82.120828982446412, 28.685955357764701 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Allure Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011334225880674, 28.885877844679865 ], [ -82.011635394604042, 28.885897228899548 ], [ -82.011649926149218, 28.885897890000177 ], [ -82.011710378069353, 28.885896027202392 ], [ -82.011769944419044, 28.885886779117321 ], [ -82.011827470807262, 28.885870321790783 ], [ -82.011881833618034, 28.885846982854488 ], [ -82.011931976915704, 28.885817208137517 ], [ -82.011938107192904, 28.885812349634485 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clay Drain Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04542474195452, 28.839928083845162 ], [ -82.04385078797597, 28.839914393099857 ], [ -82.04317476994926, 28.839907100375566 ], [ -82.041743695612539, 28.839897396769032 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central 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28.925190685483241 ], [ -81.954384913921047, 28.925197911594069 ], [ -81.954400932528102, 28.925203418336768 ], [ -81.954421445051082, 28.925209613251596 ], [ -81.954442346584514, 28.925215120746163 ], [ -81.954463447390808, 28.925219939853587 ], [ -81.954484742189749, 28.925224416151195 ], [ -81.954506232309043, 28.925227861187821 ], [ -81.954527721554655, 28.925230963348401 ], [ -81.954549408172085, 28.925233031541623 ], [ -81.954571287754391, 28.925234758729019 ], [ -81.954593758389819, 28.925235797661365 ], [ -81.954651587762385, 28.925237193225772 ], [ -81.95483915104667, 28.925242068449705 ], [ -81.954908102103232, 28.925245881288788 ], [ -81.954954019788531, 28.925250265632837 ], [ -81.954994974479888, 28.925252462936108 ], [ -81.955039651737451, 28.925257936807828 ], [ -81.955090565819717, 28.925263201615945 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 412", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.566724773060859 ], [ -82.166224592496221, 28.566719712052947 ], [ -82.166276773699636, 28.56669846951371 ], [ -82.166292242607156, 28.566664813034944 ], [ -82.166290735257718, 28.56660252508502 ], [ -82.166282165317355, 28.566537753466655 ], [ -82.166279297240052, 28.566509102089999 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Major Dade Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.114886888981786, 28.687805620931591 ], [ -82.114886889697175, 28.687409480014921 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cazaras Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974788515034504, 28.946537503274708 ], [ -81.97485869435387, 28.946617098731039 ], [ -81.974889884223529, 28.946655525129422 ], [ -81.974930433069417, 28.946704927864975 ], [ -81.974963180878618, 28.9467447251211 ], [ -81.974995929429269, 28.946790010114391 ], [ -81.975025558460516, 28.946831180060915 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28.906267008783157 ], [ -81.969707457388523, 28.906304928366634 ], [ -81.96959205992033, 28.90633772061512 ], [ -81.969455683159538, 28.906377686667852 ], [ -81.969330961876992, 28.906415604326984 ], [ -81.96927734359862, 28.906428925303082 ], [ -81.969210906564342, 28.906435062823068 ], [ -81.969149133659499, 28.906436075428115 ], [ -81.969097852381935, 28.906431959957349 ], [ -81.969015887171906, 28.906418122329423 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 122nd Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01274111821489, 28.577208958034443 ], [ -82.012423336010599, 28.577252622059412 ], [ -82.012063180639004, 28.577296290656186 ], [ -82.011664184819765, 28.577330607688221 ], [ -82.011462919906478, 28.577352442307699 ], [ -82.011279312021259, 28.577368040966672 ], [ -82.011183977303716, 28.577380516877348 ], [ -82.011063924702469, 28.577386759379017 ], [ -82.010834412759706, 28.577389894082895 ], [ 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28.840991746941135 ], [ -82.003715549232567, 28.84099342177257 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 31st Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037271148591017, 28.801533733710826 ], [ -82.037056870198271, 28.801537822963855 ], [ -82.036847320964981, 28.801546501576663 ], [ -82.036572302048171, 28.801550566565613 ], [ -82.035700412495274, 28.801579830298351 ], [ -82.035692316449911, 28.801579087081741 ], [ -82.035654152684842, 28.801573222891015 ], [ -82.035575408478863, 28.801561074622509 ], [ -82.035497989889237, 28.801558206244739 ], [ -82.03542821705264, 28.801569675401463 ], [ -82.035382223016697, 28.801595095392141 ], [ -82.035374616393582, 28.80160592508296 ], [ -82.035368352917047, 28.801635693052823 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Simpson Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958620787883945, 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[ -81.990069152324509, 28.867274994522486 ], [ -81.990072332051653, 28.867243304955476 ], [ -81.990080806845981, 28.867204155537749 ], [ -81.99009457504846, 28.867174329115254 ], [ -81.990115755305993, 28.867144504145585 ], [ -81.990141172791041, 28.867117475726126 ], [ -81.990173999635118, 28.86709697150566 ], [ -81.990211061474639, 28.86708112979235 ], [ -81.990248123605426, 28.867072742901403 ], [ -81.990354616054248, 28.867071614683475 ], [ -81.990729315785217, 28.867074271612456 ], [ -81.990791216810848, 28.867074964383079 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Glen Hollow Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996729188578357, 28.924569293737299 ], [ -81.996676378502258, 28.924619849821823 ], [ -81.996603377847563, 28.924684069720815 ], [ -81.99655840987316, 28.924722353839101 ], [ -81.996516396329227, 28.924768786656887 ], [ -81.996483778723601, 28.924804314570689 ], [ -81.996454267499189, 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28.837993224145801 ], [ -81.998030053449412, 28.837830709663343 ], [ -81.998043026251892, 28.837674020545641 ], [ -81.998068674095563, 28.837473757379293 ], [ -81.998096786523362, 28.837312658902647 ], [ -81.998106483676835, 28.837267615851967 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Washington Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992711412325775, 28.647967181069095 ], [ -81.992724155246449, 28.647054436290041 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Robinette Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980521640657273, 28.771434826327653 ], [ -81.980569329815921, 28.771349891879371 ], [ -81.980632105927484, 28.771238090412204 ], [ -81.98067329088164, 28.771136503639166 ], [ -81.980698459865451, 28.771023789891434 ], [ -81.980710498188031, 28.770903417194088 ], [ -81.98070174358331, 28.770764441155112 ], [ -81.98067110444309, 28.770623276553835 ], [ -81.980624049091531, 28.770514939458625 ], [ -81.980549636198177, 28.770373774817656 ], [ -81.980469751939339, 28.770247930672056 ], [ -81.980402998790368, 28.770122085686861 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 626 North", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.2477545855579, 28.702795696564991 ], [ -82.24780216178776, 28.702392825536709 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alteza Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957474694752662, 28.852009727451261 ], [ -81.957561461439496, 28.852028852172133 ], [ -81.957627618360476, 28.852046061964881 ], [ -81.957699195777664, 28.852073778071226 ], [ -81.957762096882092, 28.8521005358715 ], [ -81.957809813596128, 28.852126335139552 ], [ -81.95786619727788, 28.852171235304677 ], [ -81.957912822495103, 28.852212312029149 ], [ -81.958014744135255, 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], [ -81.991565848163376, 28.863744579938931 ], [ -81.991495580977798, 28.863743519749804 ], [ -81.991189625791591, 28.863731315946087 ], [ -81.991034291439675, 28.863728523727037 ], [ -81.990979850254746, 28.863728736587234 ], [ -81.990947139852977, 28.86372177669114 ], [ -81.990906786391719, 28.863710314668182 ], [ -81.99087814783833, 28.863697708415547 ], [ -81.99084300339031, 28.863675933395971 ], [ -81.990818270755071, 28.863656450038466 ], [ -81.990793540599313, 28.863632383874066 ], [ -81.990772715226427, 28.863602588345739 ], [ -81.990761002475097, 28.863569356572814 ], [ -81.990750591698202, 28.863533831232495 ], [ -81.990713923067077, 28.863091719496008 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orwell Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970985540621754, 28.872544026317417 ], [ -81.971031992470216, 28.872566756345304 ], [ -81.97123559921431, 28.872685523375079 ], [ -81.971349303764114, 28.872755384150505 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998831614751666, 28.926313531224125 ], [ -81.998954025545089, 28.926386763612253 ], [ -81.999059299517967, 28.926451378823504 ], [ -81.999162123487565, 28.926509534398612 ], [ -81.999274742239848, 28.926569841935777 ], [ -81.999384911955914, 28.926627996486435 ], [ -81.999490186569659, 28.926677535802593 ], [ -81.999607702053083, 28.926733538232117 ], [ -81.999712975867325, 28.92678092178906 ], [ -81.999890687479947, 28.926852551022417 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 92nd Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024518087465225, 28.621327501041197 ], [ -82.024391233691802, 28.621402207967325 ], [ -82.024193888339752, 28.62152349938016 ], [ -82.024046782602838, 28.621647340049744 ], [ -82.02400958544176, 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28.625540825847803 ], [ -82.024640360611272, 28.625711528375014 ], [ -82.024592708926576, 28.625853383512187 ], [ -82.024538233265716, 28.62594475305583 ], [ -82.024494656942622, 28.626043333071063 ], [ -82.024490594438618, 28.626143107199489 ], [ -82.024521951202004, 28.626240471315686 ], [ -82.024576466650203, 28.626314991370066 ], [ -82.024652780555272, 28.626388307465536 ], [ -82.024741349985661, 28.626437576733892 ], [ -82.024842175073474, 28.626459197014825 ], [ -82.024917107696879, 28.62645918373336 ], [ -82.025008386277264, 28.62643873223006 ], [ -82.025099657800581, 28.626393035931507 ], [ -82.025169126583407, 28.626330513961207 ], [ -82.025280815241459, 28.626200668065838 ], [ -82.025393863955188, 28.626067214278745 ], [ -82.025504191000806, 28.625942177005101 ], [ -82.025614514573249, 28.625812329271028 ], [ -82.025734376157359, 28.625681278681164 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Duncan Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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28.801271088365702 ], [ -82.022355872032165, 28.801116423432727 ], [ -82.022219053030767, 28.801006373055774 ], [ -82.022081639269032, 28.800926660171775 ], [ -82.021926973877569, 28.800871337541828 ], [ -82.021718771442437, 28.800838024119994 ], [ -82.021542691365411, 28.80084278211676 ], [ -82.021441564159417, 28.800860031782626 ], [ -82.021351738567461, 28.800880257282717 ], [ -82.021252396606513, 28.800901671608202 ], [ -82.021207781084186, 28.800920706320831 ], [ -82.02119177655095, 28.800944000124353 ], [ -82.021181431794432, 28.800982977061867 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denise Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000951912256525, 28.781971335166265 ], [ -82.000981665021726, 28.781533909938869 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Xanadu Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007061265044101, 28.84594038738225 ], [ 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-82.133882259429782, 28.678878728883308 ], [ -82.133951467554482, 28.678802264126737 ], [ -82.134009863076329, 28.678739177999564 ], [ -82.13403825443973, 28.678703541393212 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Seven Mile Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011253849155636, 28.865461816753907 ], [ -82.011252420083522, 28.865548904513208 ], [ -82.011263840819339, 28.865745922528681 ], [ -82.011266696609525, 28.865805885796959 ], [ -82.011286683333068, 28.865862992827076 ], [ -82.011315236489352, 28.865912960150649 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Point Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999803871216258, 28.863371310745475 ], [ -82.000015640254006, 28.862982157324073 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": 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-82.021815973081601, 28.936134087100527 ], [ -82.021705290119428, 28.936147920489962 ], [ -82.02161121007849, 28.936160372483055 ], [ -82.021508828073536, 28.936183892341791 ], [ -82.021402294487572, 28.936210179200327 ], [ -82.021310982563648, 28.936226780204727 ], [ -82.021218285895955, 28.936243382262404 ], [ -82.021184093277796, 28.936246436366641 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 455", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119895743081571, 28.789772223179469 ], [ -82.119977688300821, 28.78983771645094 ], [ -82.120022386692696, 28.789872645177049 ], [ -82.120074557871945, 28.789935979267806 ], [ -82.120172489367235, 28.790055402078902 ], [ -82.120216185462368, 28.790123809178045 ], [ -82.120278338559785, 28.790237400317029 ], [ -82.120330570006914, 28.790353185603635 ], [ -82.120464973664554, 28.790731160255785 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", 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28.585836245322476 ], [ -82.089163567715104, 28.585936311235798 ], [ -82.089073485952852, 28.586050607487469 ], [ -82.089026354017335, 28.586117631749449 ], [ -82.088953931883793, 28.586214513835571 ], [ -82.088858646997281, 28.586349302840969 ], [ -82.088776709783886, 28.586473976875403 ], [ -82.088670008824224, 28.586648349039162 ], [ -82.088610948393026, 28.586751115491694 ], [ -82.088530251364858, 28.58689253606838 ], [ -82.088462073565964, 28.587026911130405 ], [ -82.088381404818364, 28.587191652668455 ], [ -82.088310155642532, 28.587354224261709 ], [ -82.088206958690236, 28.587610896547407 ], [ -82.088134936681769, 28.587815883199713 ], [ -82.088078506357562, 28.588001916883133 ], [ -82.088033752519294, 28.588148331955082 ], [ -82.087987079900032, 28.588334357515237 ], [ -82.087952109856758, 28.5885169312951 ], [ -82.087917150738534, 28.588711561265939 ], [ -82.087889994098347, 28.588902741970831 ], [ -82.087876392340846, 28.589065519927189 ], [ -82.087859113363649, 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28.600397641435293 ], [ -82.087569890792977, 28.600552673385799 ], [ -82.087530945552629, 28.60065086316121 ], [ -82.087474458918038, 28.600778339711081 ], [ -82.087400429175958, 28.600928218144368 ], [ -82.087333919763694, 28.60104894519344 ], [ -82.087237677035233, 28.601198890032091 ], [ -82.087147138584953, 28.601324411994618 ], [ -82.087069936341678, 28.601422136897327 ], [ -82.086968332825421, 28.601540540880308 ], [ -82.086876087188315, 28.601639812812575 ], [ -82.086780543981774, 28.601732871440113 ], [ -82.086653791081247, 28.601843171844916 ], [ -82.08658086749962, 28.601904093550942 ], [ -82.086524609462913, 28.601947074256358 ], [ -82.086456909517977, 28.601999322895097 ], [ -82.086400650336586, 28.602039776090059 ], [ -82.086320545516259, 28.602092876174748 ], [ -82.086208017656716, 28.60216620276244 ], [ -82.086142811214231, 28.602203431097617 ], [ -82.085962918895262, 28.602303609308425 ], [ -82.085772166457829, 28.60239214304449 ], [ -82.085696816141521, 28.602425872821023 ], [ -82.08561669668768, 28.602457919060061 ], [ -82.085541343890384, 28.602487439327454 ], [ -82.085462172847443, 28.602515274556321 ], [ -82.085296197306661, 28.602567585698964 ], [ -82.085217022409807, 28.602589527593278 ], [ -82.085125443675395, 28.60261231903511 ], [ -82.085051036798092, 28.602630890330076 ], [ -82.084962552205297, 28.602647629539579 ], [ -82.084875504046138, 28.602665522798695 ], [ -82.084775332470343, 28.602680742364754 ], [ -82.084674207582722, 28.602696802526232 ], [ -82.084486256988555, 28.60271376078077 ], [ -82.084193349400124, 28.602726570286634 ], [ -82.083917607997677, 28.602729266930616 ], [ -82.083607516642587, 28.602732823158512 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Casteel Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962579711961865, 28.781041774732515 ], [ -81.96282366771905, 28.780882092861987 ], [ -81.962984735062932, 28.780761264927708 ], [ 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-81.991296843983363, 28.774806483318898 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 607c", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.13129394029275, 28.65591644821453 ], [ -82.131541143479609, 28.65591893590576 ], [ -82.132334305168371, 28.655927384832633 ], [ -82.132644549880453, 28.655927083357092 ], [ -82.133167617779392, 28.655919648954384 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 115th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.175014570626104, 28.588352386680658 ], [ -82.175140671846265, 28.588345003276299 ], [ -82.175251542018742, 28.588338550702947 ], [ -82.175421659933448, 28.588317433641738 ], [ -82.175602922870041, 28.588299249961718 ], [ -82.17577714755646, 28.588300424036195 ], [ -82.175987154974649, 28.588295146869658 ], [ -82.176074603324494, 28.588262684074738 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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[ -82.014427883331464, 28.938595715314609 ], [ -82.014478711229572, 28.938607273850458 ], [ -82.014530143157529, 28.938625363107199 ], [ -82.014561802691716, 28.938648952987407 ], [ -82.014583818915582, 28.938669927215965 ], [ -82.014605836247156, 28.93869897065462 ], [ -82.014624185182015, 28.938732855280495 ], [ -82.014637032212633, 28.938782877103925 ], [ -82.014637159955583, 28.938944746798125 ], [ -82.014632828159208, 28.939229764718725 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Helena Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027010421110731, 28.827332471556375 ], [ -82.027226061846761, 28.827139142274518 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Schoenberger Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00883132659466, 28.75413257646284 ], [ -82.008814497360476, 28.752777505857491 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Olson 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28.624915384960023 ], [ -82.142392041412222, 28.624924231052066 ], [ -82.142605784147662, 28.624931450177289 ], [ -82.142749269424769, 28.624975965773256 ], [ -82.142864622213736, 28.625013062796903 ], [ -82.142977171789497, 28.62505761055791 ], [ -82.143084122324382, 28.625119531396695 ], [ -82.143216405737107, 28.62519879645161 ], [ -82.143312114866362, 28.625265691772839 ], [ -82.14343316265888, 28.625354893235336 ], [ -82.143559846531844, 28.625451532038891 ], [ -82.143711866934581, 28.625567995452265 ], [ -82.143956846170127, 28.625796019464595 ], [ -82.144286286410974, 28.626090952248461 ], [ -82.144531298671723, 28.626341308021473 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 17th Terrace", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.131899350914793, 28.899435135779065 ], [ -82.13205813109073, 28.899684418933631 ], [ -82.1322213764211, 28.899933695721959 ], [ -82.13231753669514, 28.900080908809162 ], [ -82.132420372972845, 28.900212399999127 ], [ -82.13249188719125, 28.90028500093571 ], [ -82.13258797011153, 28.900371326050511 ], [ -82.132670633171372, 28.900434096277479 ], [ -82.132784556058382, 28.900508619771173 ], [ -82.132931961267104, 28.900583108476837 ], [ -82.133088279997096, 28.900647770370117 ], [ -82.133311573186788, 28.90072414830091 ], [ -82.133571014577228, 28.900813929883505 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rigdon Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978600189891907, 28.771722395421271 ], [ -81.978476006585424, 28.77061675466441 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978612218405857, 28.798504564532887 ], [ -81.978649266805391, 28.7984697799589 ], [ -81.978714500169104, 28.798427572008933 ], [ -81.97873752443202, 28.798335476594527 ], [ -81.978722176104995, 28.798247219851604 ], [ -81.978679966084542, 28.798162800889305 ], [ -81.978607464285716, 28.798129407388593 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 42nd Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.174143621634087, 28.668946853103577 ], [ -82.174149017213168, 28.667235839873502 ], [ -82.174159655173042, 28.665675416874457 ], [ -82.174172251742348, 28.66462933014876 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Etheredge Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.114893425050482, 28.662050163510784 ], [ -82.11487629585325, 28.662753870722248 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.047974279222387, 28.927410083047 ], [ -82.047451742247858, 28.927412036425 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Silvana Way", 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-82.078260860002189, 28.865807947424777 ], [ -82.078068581232017, 28.865733605377024 ], [ -82.077912194272599, 28.865675035492046 ], [ -82.077760945675138, 28.865629999728949 ], [ -82.077584063243563, 28.865580465105953 ], [ -82.077361042542464, 28.86552644589456 ], [ -82.077122656706223, 28.865485970465809 ], [ -82.076889400071877, 28.865452260787734 ], [ -82.076661282859632, 28.865436595661716 ], [ -82.076415223172489, 28.865418685377751 ], [ -82.076166614700227, 28.865421081485806 ], [ -82.075779604919873, 28.865419040996958 ], [ -82.074400725688307, 28.865426570329664 ], [ -82.072078667273317, 28.865432332686098 ], [ -82.070774111689687, 28.865435273127119 ], [ -82.069795053903547, 28.86543803444226 ], [ -82.067949001300292, 28.865444865802726 ], [ -82.066250672915046, 28.865451205801246 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 738e", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.115793387408928, 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-81.973540054640338, 28.935224881612502 ], [ -81.973700619174551, 28.93531581493831 ], [ -81.973951907398231, 28.935453437856083 ], [ -81.974212465787318, 28.935614988230409 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brownwood Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02756264403645, 28.846042251627374 ], [ -82.027414581245907, 28.846040352802319 ], [ -82.027287746462235, 28.846033199113513 ], [ -82.027149029824983, 28.846018041473879 ], [ -82.026995068401774, 28.845992895428854 ], [ -82.026913695042268, 28.845973234677519 ], [ -82.026845163498166, 28.84595219627424 ], [ -82.026794337364365, 28.845932903983787 ], [ -82.026751507453085, 28.845911488808547 ], [ -82.026717244100155, 28.845890073772306 ], [ -82.026673000339656, 28.845866089979165 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 209", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053661661436308, 28.925526012386651 ], [ -82.053660430426945, 28.926508276288757 ], [ -82.053660984964807, 28.926660388528813 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 740", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0629000383922, 28.61004171133137 ], [ -82.062231632576626, 28.610015971296342 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Greenville Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986566815340069, 28.881693569536424 ], [ -81.98658751503028, 28.881707322699583 ], [ -81.986719760500989, 28.8818013034494 ], [ -81.98688393071906, 28.881885224748785 ], [ -81.987011031444155, 28.881945835785228 ], [ -81.987140780370297, 28.882006445152523 ], [ -81.987238754836184, 28.882050737739046 ], [ -81.987349967767329, 28.882102023448073 ], [ -81.987453236795972, 28.882160300251392 ], [ -81.987519433522763, 28.882206920278421 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.000315744898145, 28.840387926179233 ], [ -82.000318831536148, 28.840366917769092 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wilkins Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983195776019798, 28.757104323754398 ], [ -81.982763121282332, 28.756935434315501 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Willow Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.12281873164099, 28.667457955023558 ], [ -82.122118670238336, 28.667456134718432 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Xanadu Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007117825160776, 28.846848232998031 ], [ -82.007079472035358, 28.846854607806328 ], [ -82.006976143960927, 28.846873860650319 ], [ -82.006752588751525, 28.846922921136514 ], [ -82.006678635168456, 28.84693658625342 ], [ -82.006617801685181, 28.846935211114079 ], [ -82.006565814056771, 28.846924418192472 ], [ -82.006524910734981, 28.846907515256909 ], [ -82.006470637543657, 28.846875642718089 ], [ -82.006420981190516, 28.846824388422625 ], [ -82.006392854679305, 28.846773397577376 ], [ -82.006380930390577, 28.846732089595715 ], [ -82.006373361352971, 28.846667326879658 ], [ -82.00630142302002, 28.845994868935463 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Winchell Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009090513618219, 28.80150213819589 ], [ -82.00908843913173, 28.80115461092505 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mission Hills Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969177364282501, 28.91813087744989 ], [ -81.969121909196531, 28.918144837641609 ], [ -81.969031756265707, 28.918161298176379 ], [ -81.968940274346849, 28.918170478613028 ], [ -81.968848221356197, 28.918172300625411 ], [ -81.968756362369476, 28.91816675175868 ], [ -81.968677233924453, 28.918203458555162 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Unity Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961934025157106, 28.877294624593667 ], [ -81.961962986318738, 28.877194199361401 ], [ -81.962064918039559, 28.876913655556294 ], [ -81.962146898716142, 28.876707147149283 ], [ -81.962204503543077, 28.876570774992658 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Westwind Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968908158814983, 28.883116964738278 ], [ -81.968982166000828, 28.88315685998964 ], [ -81.969051596555374, 28.883197452525145 ], [ -81.969125206983136, 28.883251470426679 ], [ -81.969225652381425, 28.883335337164048 ], [ -81.969413303441883, 28.88349880401795 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maverick Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": 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28.603222729987042 ], [ -82.210997860299159, 28.603171381916717 ], [ -82.211025850822566, 28.603122530113051 ], [ -82.21104285875424, 28.603065844975973 ], [ -82.211089701218711, 28.602946788119734 ], [ -82.211151426501544, 28.602778605576294 ], [ -82.211213136490343, 28.602602867738952 ], [ -82.211260012539185, 28.602500809030953 ], [ -82.211298386192439, 28.602427093342044 ], [ -82.211343172212011, 28.602349590496836 ], [ -82.211396519855938, 28.602273962940085 ], [ -82.211461478941303, 28.602190939803787 ], [ -82.21152679764306, 28.602127236964996 ], [ -82.21160378806357, 28.602056639228792 ], [ -82.211709206086937, 28.601981185977991 ], [ -82.211770343965966, 28.601933429344452 ], [ -82.211855824160494, 28.601872860393584 ], [ -82.211973396377914, 28.601808463337385 ], [ -82.212090985359836, 28.601753510938245 ], [ -82.212206475226481, 28.601717446767438 ], [ -82.21233480662805, 28.601683251971696 ], [ -82.212456769414615, 28.601673618741504 ], [ -82.212559493131621, 28.601675347013895 ], [ -82.212660085496964, 28.601680855729526 ], [ -82.212773530900932, 28.601693899572535 ], [ -82.21285275014192, 28.60171266081311 ], [ -82.212923412282407, 28.601733324887459 ], [ -82.213006941989846, 28.601767189870014 ], [ -82.213118357988037, 28.601835005883618 ], [ -82.213497652861008, 28.602087488039633 ], [ -82.213553362189415, 28.602121395400466 ], [ -82.213602664820314, 28.602162868977477 ], [ -82.213615575493748, 28.602196842546231 ], [ -82.213615639365827, 28.602228949478452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Big Oak Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993586105324923, 28.81728161607985 ], [ -81.994821065790816, 28.817789817221005 ], [ -81.994887868184549, 28.81782468420057 ], [ -81.994969514882797, 28.817870447112035 ], [ -81.995023948569923, 28.817911849885053 ], [ -81.995093223071592, 28.817972865806148 ], [ -81.995142705205183, 28.818033880058014 ], [ -81.995184764455303, 28.818094894019058 ], [ -81.995219401618257, 28.818160267659138 ], [ -81.995254035920297, 28.818243070313084 ], [ -81.995281246749272, 28.818358559778435 ], [ -81.995409874920355, 28.819081999602307 ], [ -81.995434612933082, 28.81917351906926 ], [ -81.995454404463743, 28.819219280411758 ], [ -81.995486567513836, 28.81926939853081 ], [ -81.995531101902699, 28.819328233379526 ], [ -81.995575636118645, 28.819369635583257 ], [ -81.995637492831577, 28.819411040155305 ], [ -81.995751306271117, 28.819463339985948 ], [ -81.996199146876492, 28.819607169378983 ], [ -81.99623728005929, 28.819619382349767 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vermeulen Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989760809554383, 28.773367203592997 ], [ -81.991474855477406, 28.773023229482064 ], [ -81.99155207592419, 28.773015039565571 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Augustine Drive", "maxspeed": "20 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-81.991348779866144, 28.785333437159412 ], [ -81.991407696669668, 28.785328640661174 ], [ -81.991466777178914, 28.785325813900421 ], [ -81.99152593740898, 28.785324962285522 ], [ -81.992142764905111, 28.785326377078395 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pete Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993140533851985, 28.775771704658155 ], [ -81.993094696689269, 28.775571171603595 ], [ -81.993056023635134, 28.775399284725481 ], [ -81.993008754843402, 28.775201615506695 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968627846598793, 28.922671946999866 ], [ -81.968589106717872, 28.922754470938791 ], [ -81.968557798889947, 28.922821159510629 ], [ -81.968521431862655, 28.922891026576576 ], [ -81.968486414998011, 28.922949051314397 ], [ -81.968463518842796, 28.922985760349519 ], [ -81.968443314959572, 28.923015363531583 ], [ -81.96842042088663, 28.923048522024679 ], [ -81.968397527525809, 28.92307930747539 ], [ -81.968373285802144, 28.92311246383753 ], [ -81.968349044426418, 28.923144435480552 ], [ -81.968324805152179, 28.923172852975643 ], [ -81.968298052828189, 28.923202388718416 ], [ -81.968272186803418, 28.923231256966659 ], [ -81.968244332499239, 28.923262311001544 ], [ -81.968217470328142, 28.923292052425282 ], [ -81.968189615153278, 28.923319170633295 ], [ -81.968162258671114, 28.923345412824595 ], [ -81.968131916626206, 28.923375153403565 ], [ -81.968101575239643, 28.923402707712594 ], [ -81.968071234107811, 28.923429386787635 ], [ -81.96803940161503, 28.923456503113393 ], [ -81.968009061401091, 28.923480118879692 ], [ -81.967976732143441, 28.923505047004056 ], [ -81.967943905186075, 28.923530851130806 ], [ -81.967910643650782, 28.923555723975895 ], [ -81.967878563973542, 28.923579340197886 ], [ -81.967847974464476, 28.923599676021912 ], [ -81.96782702214557, 28.923614382023132 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Larranaga Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99826778777836, 28.959397431899102 ], [ -81.998316727393686, 28.959397143855082 ], [ -81.998719339860031, 28.959397148849252 ], [ -81.999043775352177, 28.959396808224174 ], [ -81.999335180510357, 28.959400934758094 ], [ -81.999557791004321, 28.959400935983339 ], [ -81.999711384161003, 28.959399342265325 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Whispering Oaks Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.035778054412219, 28.92335388034526 ], [ -82.034996514037971, 28.923349941018692 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alexa Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95889583072487, 28.897560476422473 ], [ -81.959177386382365, 28.89733401394718 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-81.960423556712797, 28.920880481268274 ], [ -81.960426674802207, 28.920895609185006 ], [ -81.960430184659202, 28.920910736314983 ], [ -81.960433697726046, 28.920925517866298 ], [ -81.960437794339953, 28.920940303198883 ], [ -81.960450811214969, 28.920990289738587 ], [ -81.960463208027846, 28.921028508346556 ], [ -81.960479328302981, 28.921062362741711 ], [ -81.96049916806767, 28.921104950653358 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tarflower Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980382741459252, 28.844673918523466 ], [ -81.98180760257263, 28.844370778716051 ], [ -81.981988168758022, 28.844334725638422 ], [ -81.982169811480745, 28.84430314194849 ], [ -81.982352388070339, 28.844276052453445 ], [ -81.982535755123152, 28.844253478430542 ], [ -81.982577536114604, 28.844245956804158 ], [ -81.982617518939662, 28.844232897335004 ], [ -81.982654762761499, 28.844214607325995 ], [ -81.982688391196092, 28.844191517159949 ], [ -81.982717612934621, 28.844164170172018 ], [ -81.982741740363963, 28.844133209864271 ], [ -81.982760205746601, 28.844099364763199 ], [ -81.982772574579968, 28.844063431276616 ], [ -81.982778555820175, 28.844026254953217 ], [ -81.982788316142731, 28.843892055233258 ], [ -81.982791500305638, 28.84380866784943 ], [ -81.98278893488515, 28.843725263938918 ], [ -81.982780629339175, 28.843642150539811 ], [ -81.982766614256775, 28.843559633620028 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Milagros Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959776495332321, 28.782173664047175 ], [ -81.959792105815367, 28.780377329337774 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Charlotte Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.970301177254228, 28.850401068011728 ], [ -81.970367582475802, 28.850320867708671 ], [ -81.970518612490537, 28.850161616031215 ], [ -81.970677454220635, 28.849996637148053 ], [ -81.970772496013737, 28.849904983610646 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Causey Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.050246134459584, 28.787941452760876 ], [ -82.050353209772126, 28.78794573561358 ], [ -82.050477590850207, 28.787953946105816 ], [ -82.051741575258404, 28.787955869285945 ], [ -82.051814461987874, 28.787962628986143 ], [ -82.051866189470786, 28.787975561250828 ], [ -82.05190792339674, 28.787986729644476 ], [ -82.051956097514449, 28.788005466898159 ], [ -82.052026490413368, 28.788037627548508 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tradewinds Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041201198668077, 28.882395967463872 ], [ -82.041223138575219, 28.882395117517536 ], [ -82.041244595465457, 28.882390999307116 ], [ -82.041264945488962, 28.882383732567838 ], [ -82.041283596977777, 28.882373528577009 ], [ -82.041300007648587, 28.882360684011232 ], [ -82.041313700369329, 28.882345572320506 ], [ -82.041324277031677, 28.882328632870323 ], [ -82.041331430125723, 28.882310358167206 ], [ -82.041334951680568, 28.882291279539292 ], [ -82.041334739310727, 28.882271951688132 ], [ -82.041330799192849, 28.882252936561006 ], [ -82.041323245885692, 28.882234787012642 ], [ -82.041312298999372, 28.882218030731213 ], [ -82.041298276809982, 28.882203154896207 ], [ -82.041281587005827, 28.882190592013977 ], [ -82.041262714834062, 28.882180707342979 ], [ -82.041242208992358, 28.882173788274159 ], [ -82.041220665675993, 28.882170035975282 ], [ -82.041198711243865, 28.882169559542159 ], [ -82.041176984007748, 28.882172372826826 ], [ -82.041156115673886, 28.882178394034732 ], [ -82.04113671297668, 28.882187448102858 ], [ -82.041119340038406, 28.88219927178962 ], [ -82.04110450196778, 28.882213521328257 ], [ -82.041092630174234, 28.882229782421675 ], [ -82.041084069824919, 28.882247582287736 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97214136577729, 28.82666128428146 ], [ -81.972142261910818, 28.826757999353067 ], [ -81.972139540580443, 28.826776550260011 ], [ -81.972134659306107, 28.826798869662984 ], [ -81.972115561086682, 28.826843938735706 ], [ -81.972074764051513, 28.826930257759905 ], [ -81.972009653504514, 28.827102134047141 ], [ -81.971957545880059, 28.827303044802193 ], [ -81.971941032285542, 28.827413814200433 ], [ -81.971921899645523, 28.827588757055196 ], [ -81.97192445188243, 28.827774398602433 ], [ -81.971938274868108, 28.827984489654281 ], [ -81.971922588182238, 28.828245759798058 ], [ -81.971888707229382, 28.828413822144498 ], [ -81.971857757098746, 28.828531465887657 ], [ -81.97182618790373, 28.828623132927188 ], [ -81.971755005211094, 28.828785840317067 ], [ -81.971675463383761, 28.828928684284495 ], [ -81.971584883152559, 28.829080692419549 ], [ -81.971482473120673, 28.829224293875985 ], [ -81.97129502021987, 28.829441982798876 ], [ -81.971088486099475, 28.829641329730368 ], [ -81.970940966905999, 28.829762003308979 ], [ -81.970738784703954, 28.829905583459844 ], [ -81.970537475939167, 28.830027771566435 ], [ -81.970311010632699, 28.830140023906377 ], [ -81.970149623494379, 28.830208744938631 ], [ -81.969719265945912, 28.830365258664358 ], [ -81.96936731057184, 28.830494289263296 ], [ -81.969126871747719, 28.830581514504452 ], [ -81.968684365107762, 28.830739551537956 ], [ -81.968350532472243, 28.830859797020498 ], [ -81.968113654867807, 28.830963446910093 ], [ -81.968001190694991, 28.831022369776505 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 652d", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.126758815003171, 28.633929603102526 ], [ -82.128133472842364, 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-82.006984650533951, 28.873865976025169 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Deskin Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958756712023771, 28.83248300421981 ], [ -81.959001052119334, 28.832381292276931 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Black Lake Drive", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990876201455507, 28.908660471434604 ], [ -81.991228354398217, 28.908645733672486 ], [ -81.991295945846801, 28.908643675488467 ], [ -81.991394792225222, 28.908637494905626 ], [ -81.99149004319618, 28.90862140949277 ], [ -81.991597176483012, 28.908599347946758 ], [ -81.991676183246895, 28.908583929068048 ], [ -81.99177553115878, 28.908563261841767 ], [ -81.991869496689333, 28.908539892730158 ], [ -81.991963655461078, 28.908510332897535 ], [ -81.992050392898989, 28.908482491429702 ], [ -81.992117984691149, 28.908461613601919 ], [ -81.992223388037701, 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], [ -81.994082224845769, 28.908119914423256 ], [ -81.994176185531757, 28.908145358932199 ], [ -81.994260573886621, 28.908168739400153 ], [ -81.994357074918, 28.908190056782487 ], [ -81.994427008300988, 28.908202779478401 ], [ -81.994532886523345, 28.908215504548995 ], [ -81.994667870924047, 28.908228228923551 ], [ -81.994730576604994, 28.908230295025529 ], [ -81.994773546314249, 28.908238160281655 ], [ -81.99481585559154, 28.908247027048745 ], [ -81.994848092603235, 28.908262982761421 ], [ -81.994888388763428, 28.908294896827122 ], [ -81.994928681041927, 28.908362266684847 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Ridge Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003012293584547, 28.893129326393669 ], [ -82.003068466957188, 28.893077784191671 ], [ -82.003143764684012, 28.893013621135399 ], [ -82.003210694845208, 28.892946302854806 ], [ -82.003327820973468, 28.892804301957089 ], [ -82.003462414649775, 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28.921906609153091 ], [ -82.019305527359833, 28.921899352074551 ], [ -82.019576505904169, 28.921884875519595 ], [ -82.019890466541867, 28.921872455804195 ], [ -82.020179811244063, 28.921865194666843 ], [ -82.020353889653563, 28.921868606024468 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Methvin Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993806608629271, 28.790627999750168 ], [ -81.993570319298101, 28.790334605636364 ], [ -81.993547380044703, 28.790307555856728 ], [ -81.993522961662435, 28.790281529224753 ], [ -81.993497120483269, 28.790256591611342 ], [ -81.993400235844149, 28.79016757896602 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "San Juan Drive", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95706638977029, 28.942671260640726 ], [ -81.957102108306557, 28.942815129205783 ], [ -81.957113228083585, 28.942923282536611 ], [ -81.957117985556735, 28.943980366537549 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28.801152013665021 ], [ -82.010895501919492, 28.801215047401673 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 424", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.134480552855607, 28.79784823351827 ], [ -82.135405063588394, 28.797844699268133 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southern Trce", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007769517314813, 28.929057747725913 ], [ -82.007777694639884, 28.929026811191584 ], [ -82.007829507673648, 28.928934163425158 ], [ -82.007945248281814, 28.928804838343794 ], [ -82.008035606217263, 28.928719788402191 ], [ -82.008136469839329, 28.928623648597345 ], [ -82.008199509449668, 28.928564486033121 ], [ -82.008307239903615, 28.928461200431105 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Austin Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026984704901196, 28.823104208578833 ], [ -82.027113035590872, 28.822593055205314 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Davidson Avenue", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997442958259327, 28.921867633388342 ], [ -81.997644799277609, 28.921771718720201 ], [ -81.997836070784857, 28.921700216996911 ], [ -81.997995104824881, 28.921643838774699 ], [ -81.998143979564901, 28.921578181898052 ], [ -81.99829461438847, 28.921493269876382 ], [ -81.998460291407682, 28.921387734089038 ], [ -81.998653320379361, 28.921262601432279 ], [ -81.998886791494968, 28.921115124420481 ], [ -81.999105022899698, 28.92097967810108 ], [ -81.999199192179802, 28.920921925527207 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Navy Hill Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.023773553951941, 28.836720486642015 ], [ -82.023694423975272, 28.836726655680426 ], [ 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], [ -82.000586356578054, 28.786749513711122 ], [ -82.000636086004121, 28.786755138816723 ], [ -82.000685469244146, 28.786762767943934 ], [ -82.00073440490003, 28.78677238394906 ], [ -82.000782787476496, 28.786783968786263 ], [ -82.00083051557516, 28.786797495386708 ], [ -82.000877489845905, 28.78681293758402 ], [ -82.000923609914167, 28.786830261993366 ], [ -82.000968779502173, 28.786849429816201 ], [ -82.001012903356141, 28.786870404058728 ], [ -82.001055889294761, 28.786893138704055 ], [ -82.001097645136468, 28.786917588637724 ], [ -82.001138084844854, 28.786943698819918 ], [ -82.001178598339095, 28.786972458184621 ], [ -82.001217579585415, 28.787002816442548 ], [ -82.001254947667746, 28.787034710433264 ], [ -82.001290623718134, 28.7870680733871 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shackelford Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.9851033114751, 28.781736996526384 ], [ -81.984878004738349, 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[ -82.015541321049355, 28.844445416917953 ], [ -82.015580362681533, 28.844426313497518 ], [ -82.015621570051465, 28.844367102303707 ], [ -82.015701804145436, 28.84418756329163 ], [ -82.015764678788756, 28.843973650092721 ], [ -82.015797200114278, 28.843855233163318 ], [ -82.015812371030933, 28.843769285864756 ], [ -82.015810194289998, 28.84370625999577 ], [ -82.015794999996785, 28.843647055948768 ], [ -82.015775467900937, 28.843582121835048 ], [ -82.015738581312348, 28.843521010018826 ], [ -82.015671326184815, 28.843435073695826 ], [ -82.015619258349986, 28.843381601554015 ], [ -82.015506447762391, 28.843288028539941 ], [ -82.015318995357617, 28.843132969533215 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yarborough Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964219393101644, 28.855617455390583 ], [ -81.964321353641012, 28.855627032514128 ], [ -81.964538290327013, 28.8556461872607 ], [ -81.964744376011851, 28.8556748906107 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[ -82.092553460908732, 28.895711550944107 ], [ -82.092514566523036, 28.89579640792563 ], [ -82.092487996450117, 28.89590111065456 ], [ -82.092473729578415, 28.896004000392466 ], [ -82.092459595110299, 28.896254890351258 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039980092287053, 28.825049866540862 ], [ -82.039906759804509, 28.825209968219298 ], [ -82.039847127649267, 28.825354412635917 ], [ -82.039805341396004, 28.825477332701748 ], [ -82.039774569155199, 28.825568491012913 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Belvedere Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.017194400378841, 28.922308722459864 ], [ -82.017204663156136, 28.922084623342265 ], [ -82.017180092905789, 28.921857979536242 ], [ -82.01715620506522, 28.92171625523034 ], [ -82.017135076078617, 28.921638532244341 ], [ 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[ -82.023336447926312, 28.816279089119043 ], [ -82.023448480152325, 28.816255446954592 ], [ -82.023479475669404, 28.816242163345859 ], [ -82.023523894089251, 28.816212261426408 ], [ -82.023614172876592, 28.816122317434399 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Talapia Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971746296259482, 28.887986170347624 ], [ -81.971708974672509, 28.888052166673276 ], [ -81.971666756582962, 28.888166293379296 ], [ -81.971656177513012, 28.888280424059438 ], [ -81.971649115194708, 28.888397650372234 ], [ -81.971652603669583, 28.888496315883611 ], [ -81.97166942273229, 28.888556598538408 ], [ -81.971722544071881, 28.888616129119448 ], [ -81.971787747708561, 28.888654405825164 ], [ -81.971855374286292, 28.888669298984794 ], [ -81.971940248624222, 28.888669296935511 ], [ -81.97250821606255, 28.88865703872813 ], [ -81.973577744400544, 28.888623220081055 ], [ -81.974465642770042, 28.88860652199698 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[ -82.090898395108823, 28.898167335430589 ], [ -82.090343523659413, 28.898176333049008 ], [ -82.089171440337765, 28.898179312103235 ], [ -82.088738674701261, 28.898181400510222 ], [ -82.088373596314526, 28.898185248944142 ], [ -82.087903912247356, 28.898187359619271 ], [ -82.087428072632676, 28.898184057033163 ], [ -82.087068277066749, 28.898187069313817 ], [ -82.086819174431639, 28.898186704723827 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Haynesville Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969100902515166, 28.904470203393132 ], [ -81.969103920998251, 28.904467812998178 ], [ -81.969135726907822, 28.904427021097067 ], [ -81.969155610067077, 28.904387392213685 ], [ -81.969157972835589, 28.904372868458381 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tupper Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978536597643611, 28.790937998940191 ], [ 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[ -82.00138527194197, 28.910098524005221 ], [ -82.001300051830171, 28.910045246508652 ], [ -82.001246229275139, 28.909995913650981 ], [ -82.001193061998137, 28.909941379020992 ], [ -82.001149795499899, 28.909879491501897 ], [ -82.001114290659956, 28.909808391475678 ], [ -82.001061241119572, 28.909697696865987 ], [ -82.001001813252685, 28.909565777499104 ], [ -82.000952109005397, 28.909460308038938 ], [ -82.000902092262919, 28.909389623951089 ], [ -82.000764165525354, 28.909242921389662 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denmark Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963678849247515, 28.899671615388229 ], [ -81.963960282866623, 28.899632018123167 ], [ -81.964251385391563, 28.899610233329913 ], [ -81.964556091889762, 28.899592458614279 ], [ -81.964830942192421, 28.899585977581122 ], [ -81.965100109808063, 28.899579860841726 ], [ -81.96514874786233, 28.899579185037858 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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28.864970011135899 ], [ -81.957297928743756, 28.86503000929256 ], [ -81.957301807195947, 28.865095327387024 ], [ -81.957296576994395, 28.865151477887327 ], [ -81.957291342073106, 28.865219084935134 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Darlington Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987519433522763, 28.882206920278421 ], [ -81.987606832162513, 28.882111369293821 ], [ -81.987844628151947, 28.881855611279267 ], [ -81.988099522512414, 28.881577861664848 ], [ -81.988341521979493, 28.881361302723665 ], [ -81.988626681705455, 28.881133060428287 ], [ -81.988819709497506, 28.880963199553452 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mclin Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01285808732959, 28.850189525180976 ], [ -82.013243536169156, 28.850240886104029 ], [ -82.013574036517085, 28.850289217631282 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": 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[ -82.062858198936823, 28.59541460079112 ], [ -82.062796646254654, 28.595415220856015 ], [ -82.062587705627607, 28.595417475434548 ], [ -82.060697989933942, 28.595416299428887 ], [ -82.059560224973069, 28.595414221436847 ], [ -82.058825052992049, 28.595411963305885 ], [ -82.058407878879052, 28.595419865047091 ], [ -82.057585191354022, 28.595425361363503 ], [ -82.057468846332668, 28.595425409081262 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 520", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.065645835799643, 28.745083608183915 ], [ -82.06481063313727, 28.745063958743845 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sherwood Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99709224242963, 28.916995286251776 ], [ -81.997093027096412, 28.916828898196538 ], [ -81.997099876396902, 28.91651021787839 ], [ -81.997102033406634, 28.916239666865721 ], [ 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-82.003098647377428, 28.882188555165932 ], [ -82.002974957201332, 28.882201968283287 ], [ -82.002893392691774, 28.882209069888948 ], [ -82.002841405469482, 28.882203548666222 ], [ -82.002812722665851, 28.882194870797051 ], [ -82.002788520910357, 28.882184614724601 ], [ -82.00275087670002, 28.882163315590692 ], [ -82.002713231148462, 28.882127028314258 ], [ -82.002680064407286, 28.882079695884983 ], [ -82.002652277820076, 28.882030786143357 ], [ -82.002590430463897, 28.88192586471693 ], [ -82.002545612811602, 28.881835932956673 ], [ -82.002518722215711, 28.881779922961108 ], [ -82.002493623378314, 28.881709713413592 ], [ -82.002468762896356, 28.881611943052732 ], [ -82.002448805228127, 28.881533003655999 ], [ -82.002441631832767, 28.88141625042454 ], [ -82.002441915098771, 28.881274894029694 ], [ -82.002430872695157, 28.881209563923257 ], [ -82.00241327962523, 28.881153618742381 ], [ -82.002392328208842, 28.881103064855562 ], [ -82.00236364604423, 28.881055732281848 ], [ -82.002331377910508, 28.881011555998477 ], [ -82.002239057481262, 28.880920835199426 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lakeshore Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038041980478781, 28.845070027933669 ], [ -82.038581226388516, 28.844664694371261 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Provencher Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980402998790368, 28.770122085686861 ], [ -81.980468925948983, 28.770088837707643 ], [ -81.980561138255098, 28.770051145082849 ], [ -81.980630442873391, 28.77002281694319 ], [ -81.980727391492735, 28.769990568563482 ], [ -81.980884893631185, 28.769946818797578 ], [ -81.981084127954176, 28.769899702776424 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jonesbury Run", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955862738821608, 28.878400460967324 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-82.002158758922803, 28.937042897345687 ], [ -82.002177693645891, 28.937036039677544 ], [ -82.002191060761504, 28.937030159260626 ], [ -82.002206652667695, 28.93702428152141 ], [ -82.002220018703184, 28.93701546232926 ], [ -82.002246750819509, 28.937000766322491 ], [ -82.002450857239921, 28.936844520470537 ], [ -82.002509497014273, 28.936811011114344 ], [ -82.002626777654513, 28.936752371932005 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Batesburg Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009535341562653, 28.925582442229246 ], [ -82.009382908259411, 28.925570893012992 ], [ -82.009291679221349, 28.925546642556373 ], [ -82.009156991094784, 28.925486212767431 ], [ -82.009128673765971, 28.925458534850655 ], [ -82.009106647650214, 28.925432242454036 ], [ -82.009085741393903, 28.925392232380922 ], [ -82.00907563597751, 28.925354014481901 ], [ -82.009068557112386, 28.925278464806848 ], [ -82.009064511934412, 28.925214470640171 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-82.0630373736889, 28.741499044502117 ], [ -82.062657657107152, 28.741495435067161 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hannan Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999907359053736, 28.783483778409337 ], [ -81.999988017702691, 28.783468212681257 ], [ -82.000074334796636, 28.783466798303607 ], [ -82.001657768602342, 28.783478127330909 ], [ -82.001701633926217, 28.783485203909667 ], [ -82.001745500406798, 28.783502184281602 ], [ -82.001780876162769, 28.783521995260923 ], [ -82.001816251989226, 28.783546050719764 ], [ -82.001851628992711, 28.783580011781147 ], [ -82.00187002437282, 28.783608312744363 ], [ -82.001887004410491, 28.783645103595941 ], [ -82.001899740210732, 28.783690385261078 ], [ -82.001909644496976, 28.783766796807345 ], [ -82.001923794649528, 28.783874339981708 ], [ -82.001945019282417, 28.784061124375373 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 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-81.998730132192506, 28.737532572884504 ], [ -81.998692494729909, 28.737482390637798 ], [ -81.998674345933011, 28.73742801639424 ], [ -81.998671395254661, 28.737360154372514 ], [ -81.99869661086295, 28.737273985398673 ], [ -81.99873571006448, 28.737166608337386 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Belt Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.112226670143343, 28.668570107054556 ], [ -82.11187814297962, 28.668556362845408 ], [ -82.111813724632071, 28.668556416540557 ], [ -82.111701713274215, 28.668556006567393 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Drew Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.018547663345345, 28.820797290784956 ], [ -82.018580152374525, 28.820806231092281 ], [ -82.018614458119217, 28.820821782373574 ], [ -82.018623614941802, 28.820828377946725 ], [ -82.018633468686673, 28.820842040315473 ], [ -82.018638824090246, 28.820853277871574 ], [ -82.018646315434196, 28.820886238247112 ], [ -82.018644564451662, 28.820933520402651 ], [ -82.018633319867632, 28.821011427299833 ], [ -82.018614045906787, 28.821108865748041 ], [ -82.018573713399419, 28.821234856950163 ], [ -82.018523030586792, 28.821361918738106 ], [ -82.018471989799778, 28.821463640092123 ], [ -82.018431300380044, 28.821535738151947 ], [ -82.018345893139141, 28.821664669486442 ], [ -82.018252955826313, 28.821804873391198 ], [ -82.018160020239563, 28.821950685082417 ], [ -82.018077498971394, 28.822075666459746 ], [ -82.018023206910527, 28.822174567432935 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bella Cruz Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958439303533112, 28.951696296788093 ], [ -81.959008299854545, 28.952280384977779 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": 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-81.969344588214241, 28.895723914270665 ], [ -81.969262207325968, 28.895288226305368 ], [ -81.969191181379273, 28.894935167171042 ], [ -81.969182886930184, 28.894879093648637 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 216a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.082803073722104, 28.909163062920221 ], [ -82.08175949662261, 28.909153767969627 ], [ -82.08043130774513, 28.909143281423415 ], [ -82.078546724949135, 28.909137617386616 ], [ -82.076736498514947, 28.909131884959621 ], [ -82.07322578228829, 28.909114421244848 ], [ -82.072428868473992, 28.909104921638296 ], [ -82.070275578184209, 28.90910213439841 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Forest Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004435988307222, 28.94886614882417 ], [ -82.004490916887093, 28.948736292857205 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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28.812146574091166 ], [ -82.024679053496925, 28.812140036069529 ], [ -82.024642358991798, 28.812135407394013 ], [ -82.024605420079226, 28.812132704282568 ], [ -82.024568361748265, 28.812131936638398 ], [ -82.024550073451252, 28.812132035506234 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tall Trees Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.008565223409434, 28.926082912186388 ], [ -82.008565261482133, 28.926163173184563 ], [ -82.008555614681242, 28.926991906068313 ], [ -82.008558866465378, 28.927182713400917 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Johnson Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044612555315467, 28.853341523813672 ], [ -82.043815945700061, 28.853344015022 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 478", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.0836312670192, 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28.653907540409886 ], [ -82.061855542863611, 28.653907463507707 ], [ -82.062069402397739, 28.653910980899699 ], [ -82.062282951139935, 28.653921721287144 ], [ -82.062354945918756, 28.65392697721072 ], [ -82.062380722777903, 28.65393279098225 ], [ -82.062411027232486, 28.653935115166789 ], [ -82.062441327897275, 28.653932763446015 ], [ -82.062470703125271, 28.653925806621178 ], [ -82.062498265109284, 28.653914453536245 ], [ -82.06252317113676, 28.653899053779561 ], [ -82.062544669607618, 28.653880071495038 ], [ -82.062562102080392, 28.653858085380946 ], [ -82.062574944175594, 28.65383376340565 ], [ -82.062582800448311, 28.65380784205604 ], [ -82.062585355028077, 28.653785863618943 ], [ -82.062584443087644, 28.653728151584893 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sumner Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.974245488113581, 28.815880025954982 ], [ -81.97419465696882, 28.815575018129689 ], [ -81.974174876238976, 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[ -81.988458669344212, 28.952407933500222 ], [ -81.988537393008016, 28.952407940336819 ], [ -81.988613764779316, 28.952422213969129 ], [ -81.988683725720435, 28.952446971645433 ], [ -81.988738568027998, 28.952474633381001 ], [ -81.988811136926074, 28.952535332216652 ], [ -81.988917439389894, 28.952628159953495 ], [ -81.9889480526504, 28.952655909801429 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mclain Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988431155033908, 28.793061506962033 ], [ -81.988489976152138, 28.792991415817283 ], [ -81.988562156414886, 28.792902194939131 ], [ -81.988639347709025, 28.792801946371224 ], [ -81.988718544550736, 28.792691674125589 ], [ -81.988786715229935, 28.792593430550895 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955376700879881, 28.916143195545263 ], [ -81.955147438852762, 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[ -82.020571778284477, 28.89535891595996 ], [ -82.02056902444194, 28.895864402610307 ], [ -82.020560170035893, 28.896960543426733 ], [ -82.020555285079965, 28.897464078599114 ], [ -82.020555284056883, 28.897464090329141 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Holcomb Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.979788992253759, 28.757507931406113 ], [ -81.980967791043412, 28.75750059716442 ], [ -81.981083692939137, 28.757501939942617 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ida Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.034643682228904, 28.871479714678895 ], [ -82.034651921443285, 28.872708953494982 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "C 469", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989987899946115, 28.649882197789108 ], [ -81.988634038011483, 28.649885678525454 ] ] ] } }, { 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[ -82.027739686971742, 28.794225089300426 ], [ -82.027841495627783, 28.794237315148614 ], [ -82.02793429430325, 28.794249338807521 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Walnut Way", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988069573619612, 28.847348859592625 ], [ -81.987988327935867, 28.847599641997409 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 490", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.10607777857976, 28.756113121451953 ], [ -82.106075143186075, 28.756075691815852 ], [ -82.106081866162668, 28.755599800463742 ], [ -82.106076988333569, 28.755523661395316 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eisenhower Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013472757858025, 28.853910734936452 ], [ -82.013497916570316, 28.853864142018303 ], [ -82.013534720157423, 28.853792358330896 ], [ 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[ -81.965739561455493, 28.834369681909294 ], [ -81.965662354477743, 28.834250586434933 ], [ -81.965591608821711, 28.834124393210693 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Quartet Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.963041366922099, 28.844446891667872 ], [ -81.963837662679509, 28.844364470615268 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tamarindo Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989798286921911, 28.950043176828864 ], [ -81.9899196642871, 28.950078773459438 ], [ -81.990037377199869, 28.950116253690922 ], [ -81.990177497143506, 28.95016167024729 ], [ -81.990358157994905, 28.9502278883676 ], [ -81.990472487336689, 28.95027196553329 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Budny Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000896074271196, 28.786464082973595 ], [ 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[ -82.020088663235512, 28.839463464585105 ], [ -82.020086794171078, 28.839513116103728 ], [ -82.020075344281153, 28.839566725613604 ], [ -82.020062379127722, 28.839622352897962 ], [ -82.020045470559424, 28.839672008375501 ], [ -82.020021685051816, 28.839717769575543 ], [ -82.019996616827626, 28.839759733144202 ], [ -82.019966549342783, 28.839799458797785 ], [ -82.019927083269053, 28.8398424963477 ], [ -82.019694029902737, 28.839996449376244 ], [ -82.019549308878013, 28.840075912375728 ], [ -82.019502322871404, 28.84011398545454 ], [ -82.019476014806202, 28.840147090247363 ], [ -82.019461610916167, 28.840176945978335 ], [ -82.019412316201553, 28.840328951841361 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Allure Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012861431336418, 28.884557427148984 ], [ -82.012970934716051, 28.884412180966223 ], [ -82.012975867327057, 28.884406531206793 ], [ -82.013024849782369, 28.884357020151789 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[ -82.020672139191291, 28.855679730557647 ], [ -82.020691613799229, 28.855420747216833 ], [ -82.020713707170913, 28.855241978383649 ], [ -82.020763120325029, 28.85498757517778 ], [ -82.020799537808628, 28.854840891053783 ], [ -82.020851569291892, 28.854665554594391 ], [ -82.020859322523975, 28.854643323346231 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bethel Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026778510365588, 28.9079602642264 ], [ -82.026766797376581, 28.908803425820672 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcneill", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961173477669945, 28.764710328521168 ], [ -81.961385439899786, 28.764350645511637 ], [ -81.961547576339271, 28.763916125083416 ], [ -81.961625402857123, 28.763507545525506 ], [ -81.961618920184875, 28.762956288235099 ], [ -81.961567038007161, 28.762534738721762 ], [ -81.961023989153816, 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28.90702971286623 ], [ -81.982342678710893, 28.907064634448226 ], [ -81.982322194178636, 28.907103272657679 ], [ -81.982320947747709, 28.907106350231793 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137835290992456, 28.873433924912085 ], [ -82.137903016767964, 28.873397819931402 ], [ -82.139466233938961, 28.872473131562892 ], [ -82.139889004301395, 28.872227002067298 ], [ -82.141421546438792, 28.87134608692477 ], [ -82.142067439191635, 28.870975578122241 ], [ -82.142713323841903, 28.870602479338075 ], [ -82.143285810946793, 28.87027342239648 ], [ -82.144084350827001, 28.869814809612148 ], [ -82.145528744682807, 28.868980494756396 ], [ -82.146651770599348, 28.8683342164584 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Wonders Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041135214934144, 28.862303697053495 ], [ 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-81.957825112316172, 28.9221523372821 ], [ -81.95789957547106, 28.922152361581428 ], [ -81.95805719225342, 28.922148041150514 ], [ -81.958235906195981, 28.922143730716385 ], [ -81.958333948859547, 28.922142668534107 ], [ -81.958397244045557, 28.922143780866023 ], [ -81.958459293892332, 28.922148167214765 ], [ -81.958503970005765, 28.922153640840353 ], [ -81.95853747801047, 28.922158018317944 ], [ -81.95856477819045, 28.922162393869147 ], [ -81.958595802990089, 28.92217004589957 ], [ -81.95864668081839, 28.922183164742339 ], [ -81.958803039719356, 28.922221427814748 ], [ -81.958957536225114, 28.922262421385572 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Robertson Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015139869439324, 28.843396259331765 ], [ -82.015144892699283, 28.843386638401181 ], [ -82.0151514641082, 28.843374683037407 ], [ -82.015160736308857, 28.843358545192817 ], [ -82.015162037500019, 28.843356348839102 ], [ -82.015164112238892, 28.843352882857069 ], [ -82.015167003559498, 28.843348093103661 ], [ -82.015170159232184, 28.84334297037071 ], [ -82.01517289176698, 28.843338601109096 ], [ -82.015176317950036, 28.843333214873457 ], [ -82.01517991832155, 28.843327631916193 ], [ -82.015183484897875, 28.843322216791506 ], [ -82.015186808656949, 28.843317237506884 ], [ -82.015189763577396, 28.843312901606375 ], [ -82.015194198020552, 28.843306492046306 ], [ -82.015196415248099, 28.843303331028075 ], [ -82.015201221647686, 28.843296593890539 ], [ -82.015207238109369, 28.843288232470822 ], [ -82.015213527113175, 28.843279485736595 ], [ -82.015216888830722, 28.843274814133661 ], [ -82.015220288459275, 28.843270097411239 ], [ -82.015223070253541, 28.843266243360347 ], [ -82.015226395083715, 28.843261616876475 ], [ -82.015229218884357, 28.843257691538714 ], [ -82.015234537589009, 28.843250304683998 ], [ -82.015238164675878, 28.843245261301611 ], [ -82.015241743607646, 28.843240295522694 ], [ -82.015245586883296, 28.843234942625642 ], [ -82.015249470121233, 28.84322955724112 ], [ -82.015253031633634, 28.843224614923727 ], [ -82.015257070607333, 28.843218994020194 ], [ -82.015260767365149, 28.843213855887463 ], [ -82.0152642930166, 28.843208971321268 ], [ -82.015267682391979, 28.843204248282568 ], [ -82.015270983654418, 28.843199668720047 ], [ -82.015274383278111, 28.843194951996207 ], [ -82.015276311573217, 28.843192259304971 ], [ -82.015278356675779, 28.843189426743567 ], [ -82.01528146940899, 28.843185095335478 ], [ -82.015284602635404, 28.84318074587895 ], [ -82.01528829016921, 28.843175621281063 ], [ -82.015292555577119, 28.843169696274582 ], [ -82.015295664212758, 28.843165384717345 ], [ -82.01529922981733, 28.843160423449834 ], [ -82.015302727798755, 28.843155561443243 ], [ -82.015305862048081, 28.843151211083793 ], [ -82.01530846555535, 28.843147601575474 ], [ -82.015311657180391, 28.843143161881333 ], [ -82.015314412327072, 28.843139335802888 ], [ -82.015317836536525, 28.843134580276075 ], [ -82.015318995357617, 28.843132969533215 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Blanton Fields", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.116941748142395, 28.687889337801352 ], [ -82.11693767688368, 28.687493409735193 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Beville Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.111681361366806, 28.66125406879274 ], [ -82.111668714733668, 28.662056765248941 ], [ -82.111668223620157, 28.662957870966768 ], [ -82.11166595742985, 28.663093921225187 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Paddock Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988680532094349, 28.930089391861323 ], [ -81.988728576933212, 28.930061828130501 ], [ -81.988768359777055, 28.930037042751795 ], [ -81.988806398771914, 28.930004952232142 ], [ -81.988849582911797, 28.929968518485438 ], [ -81.988894337523988, 28.929939360964799 ], [ -81.988930803699134, 28.929920407695786 ], [ -81.988972552510575, 28.929906013251905 ], [ -81.989026938125022, 28.929894170630671 ], [ -81.98908826573242, 28.929888342356882 ], [ -81.989401641994533, 28.929851566788397 ], [ -81.989713459932517, 28.929826141242945 ], [ -81.990117305268328, 28.929813874639667 ], [ -81.990193414322988, 28.929809781177322 ], [ -81.990263309297632, 28.929812517589376 ], [ -81.990406207341451, 28.929835757625366 ], [ -81.990563740170259, 28.929840839864074 ], [ -81.99113157316593, 28.929828976129969 ], [ -81.991251260741294, 28.929818513883607 ], [ -81.991327504392814, 28.929811229273177 ], [ -81.991408719902026, 28.929809775575151 ], [ -81.991732710170737, 28.929803234793145 ], [ -81.992108566397874, 28.929800344329038 ], [ -81.993161667231206, 28.929793571136283 ], [ -81.993499187412809, 28.92979235847012 ], [ -81.993941551135521, 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28.897497312294711 ], [ -81.975729348836126, 28.897424042449298 ], [ -81.975666873136788, 28.897345584283659 ], [ -81.975622159452513, 28.897279914006603 ], [ -81.975554988272123, 28.897191208418779 ], [ -81.975552059791085, 28.897187426346562 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Patrick Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.976808879723265, 28.90106874330327 ], [ -81.977182068762502, 28.901046689432043 ], [ -81.977562899985074, 28.900976541466846 ], [ -81.977606652454668, 28.900958249273842 ], [ -81.977648763433692, 28.900934583601494 ], [ -81.977687367678726, 28.900896510322127 ], [ -81.977707258002127, 28.900862548396709 ], [ -81.977721302860388, 28.90081829567611 ], [ -81.977742241916758, 28.90026921317628 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Legion Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041560722956874, 28.849865797247233 ], [ -82.041546473738862, 28.84975501832535 ], [ -82.041534270687038, 28.849692483240645 ], [ -82.041522078444018, 28.849649603969851 ], [ -82.041420521958784, 28.849444151779085 ], [ -82.04137379809994, 28.849328022939346 ], [ -82.041347388202212, 28.849261918988145 ], [ -82.041325041628909, 28.849202960968 ], [ -82.041308750583383, 28.849132495824374 ], [ -82.041308727702855, 28.849076554701913 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kerwood Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.959487299934068, 28.880335993133713 ], [ -81.959481409341478, 28.880304445085287 ], [ -81.959459942439111, 28.880175654891453 ], [ -81.959453511403012, 28.880113155925326 ], [ -81.959464285334548, 28.880075282358113 ], [ -81.959487965470956, 28.880046881438894 ], [ -81.959524558747802, 28.880012803517481 ], [ -81.959567605250612, 28.879984408421073 ], [ -81.959614951397214, 28.879963588524745 ], [ -81.959761272335115, 28.879957951567636 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[ -82.027131262941566, 28.85162476856479 ], [ -82.025782757764858, 28.851624760909658 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 739", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.075245148900848, 28.54787023898745 ], [ -82.074825350844847, 28.547866184058179 ], [ -82.074070697999744, 28.547873021555272 ], [ -82.07367031555377, 28.547873236934091 ], [ -82.073134039962255, 28.547864951248179 ], [ -82.072663287930794, 28.547863059837304 ], [ -82.071343237694265, 28.547857323447186 ], [ -82.070891897707497, 28.547857557086843 ], [ -82.070506076574773, 28.54786203997438 ], [ -82.069795101401439, 28.547866689111306 ], [ -82.069190886192004, 28.547864852482025 ], [ -82.067785910517912, 28.547865552573786 ], [ -82.067174414755087, 28.547861568384441 ], [ -82.067074929390643, 28.547865901312026 ], [ -82.067014272279238, 28.547876643581201 ], [ -82.066990017688781, 28.547895938602846 ], [ -82.066970630477542, 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-81.982480719017857, 28.886711216217936 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bonifay Path", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980682302824775, 28.863145616966907 ], [ -81.980686615149267, 28.862970520963209 ], [ -81.980676330933591, 28.862858314348973 ], [ -81.980656828568698, 28.862731780516345 ], [ -81.980616179608575, 28.862567049080152 ], [ -81.980570104825318, 28.862416639114599 ], [ -81.980513178033206, 28.862285325721082 ], [ -81.980467097162489, 28.86216833976934 ], [ -81.980415595335685, 28.862034639624795 ], [ -81.980364092270506, 28.861908101949112 ], [ -81.980324259324789, 28.861746784844499 ], [ -81.98031249387266, 28.861557718780727 ], [ -81.980310217425185, 28.861504030436151 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 46th Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.170326460264562, 28.688974944463332 ], [ 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-82.179773548520416, 28.689042843325009 ], [ -82.180436826520136, 28.689055308671172 ], [ -82.180540223221087, 28.689055171464258 ], [ -82.180575523329352, 28.68905067522121 ], [ -82.180613328557726, 28.689037284097246 ], [ -82.180633460838294, 28.689012796138119 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 647", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.25394413250217, 28.634052491732405 ], [ -82.253717366554923, 28.633471067740249 ], [ -82.253676661592749, 28.633314170589934 ], [ -82.253652571977156, 28.633161426354931 ], [ -82.253655014572487, 28.633121967227915 ], [ -82.253703911053549, 28.632807615146874 ], [ -82.253706168088996, 28.632759472305299 ], [ -82.253698873788409, 28.632686230936155 ], [ -82.253682132876975, 28.632629751909271 ], [ -82.253636787421911, 28.632516815214675 ], [ -82.253608194996005, 28.632464544349048 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Durango Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966510767284035, 28.93049457114412 ], [ -81.966696590023332, 28.930546354174009 ], [ -81.966767154328195, 28.930569134800944 ], [ -81.966821254689378, 28.930585704425738 ], [ -81.966865945648792, 28.930602270798762 ], [ -81.966917688833291, 28.93062918732036 ], [ -81.966974137120246, 28.930658173944792 ], [ -81.967021176376349, 28.930689227191063 ], [ -81.967070564793488, 28.9307223508631 ], [ -81.967110547545346, 28.930753402342543 ], [ -81.967138769622977, 28.930776173270555 ], [ -81.967181098921131, 28.930817572823198 ], [ -81.967228133079843, 28.930861870782891 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 114c", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.021253965105444, 28.902930962656612 ], [ -82.021254055943331, 28.903380906425326 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pheil Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.050246134459584, 28.787941452760876 ], [ -82.050258132763801, 28.787853241821225 ], [ -82.050315105101305, 28.787609532267933 ], [ -82.050350398577649, 28.787492383705715 ], [ -82.050367554477944, 28.787459234537799 ], [ -82.050391944307691, 28.787427424452783 ], [ -82.050423668976165, 28.787400231514486 ], [ -82.050458240838054, 28.787381162854995 ], [ -82.050464420936237, 28.787378458154702 ], [ -82.050514855556614, 28.787363923188121 ], [ -82.050564942874871, 28.787355681967011 ], [ -82.050567920263987, 28.787355422808698 ], [ -82.051756176806492, 28.787345924286761 ], [ -82.051889426840006, 28.787336406895431 ], [ -82.052125698487799, 28.787322579627801 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Canvas Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043151264261141, 28.9282354548758 ], [ -82.043152936197572, 28.928506211340011 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Thorne Path", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.043125291377834, 28.922110303685866 ], [ -82.043007653263459, 28.921739770733335 ], [ -82.042904414762162, 28.921434224582413 ], [ -82.042869104383101, 28.921345904546381 ], [ -82.042820234541125, 28.92127907602616 ], [ -82.042773263829929, 28.9212292398268 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.119316228881587, 28.768839963194726 ], [ -82.119648933996004, 28.769335840085795 ], [ -82.120144904266709, 28.770047718668817 ], [ -82.120372896072709, 28.770379906174878 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bradford Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964815001835376, 28.859776596967503 ], [ -81.964872281167672, 28.859764388447061 ], [ -81.965042706331261, 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28.882855293777496 ], [ -81.961985342949959, 28.882853997929335 ], [ -81.961956228146605, 28.882843738634033 ], [ -81.961934396541167, 28.882824512522888 ], [ -81.961919843814073, 28.88280528666898 ], [ -81.961912574282721, 28.882777094907343 ], [ -81.961914041362363, 28.882746340381885 ], [ -81.961925701841409, 28.882713028017125 ], [ -81.961944634584256, 28.882697657269151 ], [ -81.962004628269924, 28.882643244741065 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 491", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.104054258062973, 28.754764328702301 ], [ -82.104074844418719, 28.75434394628131 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rees Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972243121100576, 28.793053626909785 ], [ -81.973391721023134, 28.79304432534985 ], [ -81.973720264355208, 28.792967371225455 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019179133494305, 28.82958875615909 ], [ -82.019191142420837, 28.829616248756096 ], [ -82.019203631373799, 28.82963496543486 ], [ -82.019213866526542, 28.829650583894082 ], [ -82.019242531029107, 28.82968128010598 ], [ -82.01925711098265, 28.829697951861984 ], [ -82.019297518008685, 28.82972172123285 ], [ -82.019356144491013, 28.829744227553643 ], [ -82.01939997443904, 28.829753696638168 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 6th Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.061873251729153, 28.619184987945918 ], [ -82.061881743910376, 28.619693507564239 ], [ -82.06188470628463, 28.620091165487427 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 475", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.118885289429357, 28.930660689121293 ], [ -82.118747055232475, 28.930708603196994 ], [ -82.118626098538883, 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[ [ [ -82.015420985897833, 28.751852838292404 ], [ -82.015378879653909, 28.751871851334187 ], [ -82.015339935837062, 28.751895527249481 ], [ -82.015304815528211, 28.751923464135153 ], [ -82.015274114904869, 28.751955187756973 ], [ -82.015248355120903, 28.751990159599611 ], [ -82.015227973459702, 28.752027786007947 ], [ -82.015213315910941, 28.752067428264343 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Evans Street", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062224881647737, 28.807151009488219 ], [ -82.062208581515549, 28.808706741795483 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016148361316752, 28.837906345187669 ], [ -82.01611249226454, 28.837935570507973 ], [ -82.016077950214338, 28.837971440258713 ], [ -82.016051380012996, 28.838023251060321 ], [ -82.01603411040098, 28.838081704489518 ], [ 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[ -81.999157796153895, 28.874874824770941 ], [ -81.99938190558963, 28.874167921738703 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sunset Pointe Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98971696924265, 28.900437376564941 ], [ -81.98972277734677, 28.900352783762024 ], [ -81.989726468706323, 28.900221705242224 ], [ -81.98972380316431, 28.899805851570019 ], [ -81.989730584134747, 28.899692654143255 ], [ -81.98973871781979, 28.899606863256938 ], [ -81.989768522917572, 28.899455537339357 ], [ -81.989799677774869, 28.899339958809485 ], [ -81.989878239418204, 28.899095696163872 ], [ -81.990116077091642, 28.898376704216922 ], [ -81.990241984971107, 28.897990819920896 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ashville Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003900833135816, 28.874276297798779 ], [ -82.003784941619557, 28.873859587398357 ] ] ] } }, { 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28.883109202317439 ], [ -82.000818419027397, 28.883053191875181 ], [ -82.000861442069763, 28.88301059144646 ], [ -82.000920599438231, 28.882946693044754 ], [ -82.00098154969254, 28.882864648425883 ], [ -82.00103270825538, 28.882781391115 ], [ -82.001066699981649, 28.882703716380341 ], [ -82.001090900189965, 28.882642183845086 ], [ -82.00110882617183, 28.882573551116433 ], [ -82.001128544042132, 28.882488351218814 ], [ -82.001133921825001, 28.882438651525387 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968301146673738, 28.789066732407985 ], [ -81.96837794349284, 28.788980722066118 ], [ -81.968412758555118, 28.788883448168086 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 673", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.199623548070278, 28.602255077918635 ], [ -82.199767371830674, 28.602319042326389 ], [ 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[ -82.011796126895874, 28.951633055496945 ], [ -82.012052504672013, 28.951582391665145 ], [ -82.012269171655973, 28.951537846562687 ], [ -82.012404841507575, 28.951512899776226 ], [ -82.012532679453315, 28.951493419639981 ], [ -82.012676181622368, 28.951459444445849 ], [ -82.012817927043585, 28.95143093444328 ], [ -82.012931321444356, 28.951409552316449 ], [ -82.013002195254444, 28.951400639220154 ], [ -82.013085216305228, 28.951391726754892 ], [ -82.013168241509874, 28.951391718959421 ], [ -82.013277590672146, 28.951402394460271 ], [ -82.013395040522667, 28.95141663224744 ], [ -82.013516540292741, 28.951429088415374 ], [ -82.013631964697424, 28.951439761235335 ], [ -82.013741312703857, 28.951448657039119 ], [ -82.013836486468364, 28.951450429661573 ], [ -82.013929637000331, 28.951450420391794 ], [ -82.014018735135309, 28.951448628535683 ], [ -82.014119982812673, 28.951448619222241 ], [ -82.014231356640664, 28.951439701371086 ], [ -82.014336652442964, 28.951432566982508 ], [ -82.014417651666264, 28.95142543593041 ], [ -82.014512823430351, 28.951420081771449 ], [ -82.014597871175965, 28.951416511536095 ], [ -82.014688993837808, 28.951411158579251 ], [ -82.014875866910231, 28.951393821040966 ], [ -82.015075406990562, 28.951388974105743 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 209", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053730046623485, 28.883859064715296 ], [ -82.053728837113908, 28.884888604396608 ], [ -82.053728723421671, 28.884927000930013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zaragoza Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975920018782062, 28.939401920268402 ], [ -81.975921295003928, 28.939361714283748 ], [ -81.975918337324856, 28.939337370764385 ], [ -81.975917352580183, 28.939319982481678 ], [ -81.975917356859924, 28.939301724565887 ], [ -81.975916373963372, 28.939285206094699 ], [ -81.975915387786173, 28.939269556531897 ], [ -81.975914401405376, 28.939254776780302 ], [ -81.97591341769467, 28.93924173484718 ], [ -81.975911444750153, 28.939226086008649 ], [ -81.975909473239895, 28.939208697547688 ], [ -81.975905521632782, 28.93919304744993 ], [ -81.9759025623311, 28.939175657908365 ], [ -81.975898612369662, 28.939161747433236 ], [ -81.97589565020246, 28.939147836233879 ], [ -81.975892686602123, 28.939135664656817 ], [ -81.975888737663936, 28.939117406027215 ], [ -81.975883799296369, 28.939101756652835 ], [ -81.975878863390392, 28.939084366753722 ], [ -81.97587192564697, 28.939065210703749 ], [ -81.975867126385111, 28.939046899586717 ], [ -81.975862326099403, 28.939028587566995 ], [ -81.975859127365723, 28.9390130937003 ], [ -81.975857050162034, 28.938995937108469 ], [ -81.975855005597595, 28.938975203829369 ], [ -81.975855938562546, 28.938955344508766 ], [ -81.975857065201225, 28.93893193469647 ], [ -81.975862195109684, 28.938909399930179 ], [ -81.975870366139006, 28.938887738231056 ], [ -81.975879977546413, 28.938869429715673 ], [ -81.975892950593419, 28.93884991002534 ], [ -81.975910376636392, 28.938833687216366 ], [ -81.976209882240781, 28.938638493493155 ], [ -81.976243512253831, 28.938615963783175 ], [ -81.976272337084865, 28.938600474713521 ], [ -81.976296360743504, 28.938583575402749 ], [ -81.97632518588199, 28.938566679645458 ], [ -81.976350810002316, 28.938548373029832 ], [ -81.976381236247775, 28.938527251198849 ], [ -81.976410062706449, 28.938508946040244 ], [ -81.976436995034064, 28.938488813396027 ], [ -81.976462010514979, 28.938467503817261 ], [ -81.976486832121083, 28.938446194199638 ], [ -81.976507753695103, 28.938430086518785 ], [ -81.976531775868111, 28.938410372910251 ], [ -81.976559003081533, 28.938387840191034 ], [ -81.976583026198838, 28.938363900228278 ], [ -81.976618260811165, 28.938330101052685 ], [ -81.976677518221038, 28.938277997616133 ], [ -81.976736776073665, 28.938214623598398 ], [ -81.976765606208176, 28.938179416591574 ], [ -81.97680084363364, 28.938137169188639 ], [ -81.976933436499877, 28.93794488621996 ], [ -81.977120688958266, 28.937647406801585 ], [ -81.977154517511948, 28.937596932845747 ], [ -81.977167843684285, 28.93757439852434 ], [ -81.977182012115136, 28.937551234544127 ], [ -81.977195133249865, 28.937528159710673 ], [ -81.977204318656632, 28.937514314673066 ], [ -81.977217049577888, 28.937497784110008 ], [ -81.977235500293105, 28.937479757614771 ], [ -81.977260099593281, 28.937455424225647 ], [ -81.977275474787575, 28.937443706944013 ], [ -81.977288060443271, 28.937434604936978 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Augustine Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971912183106454, 28.945862021043133 ], [ -81.971868553093756, 28.945990385602972 ], [ -81.971838202707957, 28.946075408595231 ], [ -81.971807863229728, 28.94612041669485 ], [ -81.971732015563802, 28.946228769672913 ], [ -81.971610658511366, 28.946403800518929 ], [ -81.971481717739479, 28.946580497973155 ], [ -81.971366051177924, 28.946740525574413 ], [ -81.971271243484878, 28.946870547295095 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southern Trce", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007122887267613, 28.93194935506024 ], [ -82.007170927269215, 28.931879192054812 ], [ -82.007217885475555, 28.931798724877787 ], [ -82.007287418614325, 28.931671662946332 ], [ -82.007350263199015, 28.931544602218054 ], [ -82.00739572682906, 28.931450483328941 ], [ -82.007440906646039, 28.931346773944949 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tolleson Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013629043767921, 28.839760121214532 ], [ -82.013662463590407, 28.839760695487801 ], [ -82.013757903255637, 28.839759922942527 ], [ -82.013790875766929, 28.839764502568507 ], [ -82.013814302855522, 28.839771375876008 ], [ -82.013910615335831, 28.839808036250737 ], [ -82.0139999874186, 28.83984698910006 ], [ -82.014072004921417, 28.83987677707146 ], [ -82.014170053850222, 28.839915728045824 ], [ -82.014257689756164, 28.839951625684851 ], [ -82.014317559163999, 28.839976830121159 ], [ -82.014373959445663, 28.839999743022105 ], [ -82.014426021691563, 28.840021127832141 ], [ -82.014468538623888, 28.840037929875578 ], [ -82.01450064255981, 28.840052442012457 ], [ -82.014538820731275, 28.840062369799405 ], [ -82.014561379644391, 28.840066952107993 ], [ -82.014580468579567, 28.840070769613114 ], [ -82.014611703615074, 28.840070766399034 ], [ -82.014663794064973, 28.840072886858291 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 723", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.042370919569649, 28.595378483452631 ], [ -82.042378596183084, 28.594872080794218 ], [ -82.042326579547449, 28.591404073002913 ], [ -82.042289455633195, 28.59105316475927 ], [ -82.042319466082375, 28.589922343974109 ], [ -82.0423059357786, 28.588693805250973 ], [ -82.042308310800792, 28.588111470573271 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Madison Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.964202166682838, 28.891129242881863 ], [ -81.964307328555563, 28.890890001625859 ], [ -81.964315143618322, 28.890882784400493 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004335212785449, 28.848941323351362 ], [ -82.004326633108519, 28.848980330271946 ], [ -82.004317957925892, 28.849014325786769 ], [ -82.004306679338413, 28.849041446701023 ], [ -82.004294098191139, 28.849069712675316 ], [ -82.004268068181716, 28.84910829326509 ], [ -82.004244640849805, 28.849134650241794 ], [ -82.004221212355858, 28.849157569428513 ], [ 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-82.00023417037778, 28.851491329645885 ], [ -82.000096417382238, 28.851655578527609 ], [ -81.999956493025749, 28.851837970986697 ], [ -81.999881631401323, 28.851953460573828 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 527a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.099926520307065, 28.752549863859258 ], [ -82.09842181246897, 28.752541813016347 ], [ -82.09758817982258, 28.752548507127234 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 27th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.148728565244156, 28.908921673313984 ], [ -82.148727031237726, 28.909298630144782 ], [ -82.148733606547651, 28.90955720964979 ], [ -82.148731966521353, 28.909859504415099 ], [ -82.148732607942051, 28.910311121845272 ], [ -82.148740252597463, 28.912778617960058 ], [ -82.148769423108718, 28.914371991614882 ], [ -82.148773108776822, 28.91551013532294 ], [ -82.148772004505105, 28.916189383989146 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tranquility Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999889279171327, 28.874965679252412 ], [ -82.001047213686391, 28.875145576946803 ], [ -82.001558701812954, 28.875221661109716 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clemente Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.95949909495711, 28.949383526607292 ], [ -81.959533774625186, 28.949522643505539 ], [ -81.959548621418122, 28.949623028918872 ], [ -81.959571959230573, 28.949731192847263 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Duxbury Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002402175381633, 28.891730154272576 ], [ -82.002798982309528, 28.891724888904793 ], [ -82.003091806494893, 28.891716468076623 ], [ -82.003225255449124, 28.89171132244179 ], [ -82.003299769447125, 28.891708051039156 ], [ -82.003371481091563, 28.891695426407729 ], [ -82.003407336846834, 28.891687011717952 ], [ -82.003458731480961, 28.891671232115986 ], [ -82.003496976892293, 28.891654402499089 ], [ -82.003530440985074, 28.891622846531451 ], [ -82.003579652147948, 28.891553368331238 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998677099704949, 28.886156626168383 ], [ -81.999368548689887, 28.886083890296913 ], [ -81.999474625767505, 28.886072890023655 ], [ -81.999475337274419, 28.886072816038585 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Yalaha Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002216508222702, 28.873796814517366 ], [ -82.002231861869603, 28.873719496016545 ], [ -82.002245055822968, 28.87365440283865 ], [ -82.002273223555221, 28.873483840211563 ], [ -82.002308191842346, 28.873265423862112 ], [ -82.002344615401427, 28.873035368674259 ], [ -82.002362047486741, 28.872890282669012 ], [ -82.002374944899927, 28.872711049064552 ], [ -82.002386716780322, 28.872534951873497 ], [ -82.002388890490067, 28.872508372709049 ], [ -82.002399623760795, 28.87243177336979 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 127", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028891745176111, 28.878267083671656 ], [ -82.028894785025997, 28.878787385370945 ], [ -82.028894219386032, 28.878844715930995 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96125443203907, 28.860251967754142 ], [ -81.961238115233044, 28.860212079016875 ], [ -81.961228205041294, 28.860170590147586 ], [ -81.961224890947591, 28.860128294449478 ], [ -81.96122823631228, 28.8600860006521 ], [ 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[ -82.005464991737654, 28.885325311911593 ], [ -82.005274150795543, 28.884923329927236 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 470", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.050130009381633, 28.755980546259522 ], [ -82.049875961228423, 28.755965481456425 ], [ -82.049561056108274, 28.75596442944547 ], [ -82.049178673168271, 28.755962234132841 ], [ -82.045617354740827, 28.755957161606766 ], [ -82.044016129168554, 28.755949945624828 ], [ -82.042420172032749, 28.755950445525816 ], [ -82.038987723356186, 28.755945268721607 ], [ -82.038169553976118, 28.755943949435149 ], [ -82.036331305069709, 28.755936708488694 ], [ -82.034110265324756, 28.755924152152719 ], [ -82.029852405127073, 28.755906400612879 ], [ -82.028489914152985, 28.755903187487796 ], [ -82.028143416594162, 28.755902705598494 ], [ -82.027374244305165, 28.755912008952293 ], [ -82.026924381567127, 28.755913651070532 ], [ -82.02616225904697, 28.755910687274621 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-82.014578422787338, 28.866391206755406 ], [ -82.014565396233408, 28.866372496128545 ], [ -82.014549206718698, 28.866355808790768 ], [ -82.014540047078597, 28.866348354902044 ], [ -82.014530249960558, 28.866341557052934 ], [ -82.014525131568249, 28.866338416660692 ], [ -82.014522521642377, 28.866336913691317 ], [ -82.014519877896703, 28.866335455840549 ], [ -82.014508993419042, 28.866330090959668 ], [ -82.014486401704659, 28.866321853442049 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 38th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.165341889269968, 28.860285511201376 ], [ -82.165358527768319, 28.860415697330186 ], [ -82.165364135439589, 28.860497672585357 ], [ -82.165361684554824, 28.860680928257075 ], [ -82.165348374234924, 28.862662968603313 ], [ -82.165354270891555, 28.862928194290848 ], [ -82.165357201767151, 28.863048752424351 ], [ -82.165382221582661, 28.863282610641289 ], [ -82.165415500734937, 28.863542980054333 ], [ -82.165414565331886, 28.864685900920509 ], [ -82.165420616160631, 28.865049986802809 ], [ -82.165426288795672, 28.86517295158831 ], [ -82.165434676440157, 28.865281446482829 ], [ -82.16545678040012, 28.865401982041046 ], [ -82.165478838756883, 28.865493579997494 ], [ -82.165517343692571, 28.865592392478806 ], [ -82.165547607272984, 28.86567674845676 ], [ -82.165698785990728, 28.866009312625543 ], [ -82.166105355236866, 28.866749057234056 ], [ -82.16614654663654, 28.86681411119433 ], [ -82.166185010667547, 28.866886400419514 ], [ -82.166212512329025, 28.866956291247817 ], [ -82.166229069961574, 28.86703343014652 ], [ -82.166242891530018, 28.867112983346495 ], [ -82.166248495430864, 28.867192545734962 ], [ -82.166235865261996, 28.867865292169537 ], [ -82.166230606323353, 28.868002737756598 ], [ -82.166214430683965, 28.868166719833209 ], [ -82.166171114908238, 28.868489877348342 ], [ -82.16612225328177, 28.868769638345082 ], [ -82.166076059551671, 28.869005994549347 ], [ -82.165958866261533, 28.869382287849724 ], [ -82.165409135046758, 28.870795934881443 ], [ -82.165360100985396, 28.870969602523918 ], [ -82.165346576117827, 28.87107812409932 ], [ -82.165341246409938, 28.871172166395642 ], [ -82.16534959748553, 28.871256550011569 ], [ -82.165368901778521, 28.871338506593663 ], [ -82.165401891737886, 28.871413215424337 ], [ -82.165437615913035, 28.871485508156642 ], [ -82.165487045833615, 28.871562606907826 ], [ -82.165824800826641, 28.872080603845383 ], [ -82.166198163011785, 28.872593736079807 ], [ -82.166872192139294, 28.873547748768082 ], [ -82.167094587333267, 28.873865753820201 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Orange Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994846538451611, 28.647938272629528 ], [ -81.994158441439112, 28.647944938582874 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tamarind Grove Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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[ -82.017197606122778, 28.873420788134474 ], [ -82.017200489727969, 28.873427197737794 ], [ -82.017209422225932, 28.873438666710726 ], [ -82.017214806789838, 28.873449696697783 ], [ -82.017215071309877, 28.87344997457447 ], [ -82.017220748426467, 28.873457107480597 ], [ -82.017224932097847, 28.873465002113509 ], [ -82.017225554588052, 28.873466590089436 ], [ -82.017309269000165, 28.873598162547701 ], [ -82.017343346785751, 28.873651216426786 ], [ -82.017364931950809, 28.873680522342077 ], [ -82.017399619518287, 28.873719677964953 ], [ -82.017441151598916, 28.873758128930142 ], [ -82.017502987531842, 28.873806863593423 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 482d", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120593190229982, 28.776085506014368 ], [ -82.120721516784769, 28.776101705120652 ], [ -82.121176825688238, 28.776117246000631 ], [ -82.122076954997709, 28.776120396955079 ], [ -82.122312648550803, 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-82.014767771387184, 28.820534124654003 ], [ -82.014646238774134, 28.82024040022257 ], [ -82.014604252196847, 28.820123916352337 ], [ -82.014595265617203, 28.820093501315398 ], [ -82.014568072670869, 28.819974623890133 ], [ -82.014546878471975, 28.819839119884509 ], [ -82.014531672303661, 28.819691193162772 ], [ -82.014533054720985, 28.819465153587494 ], [ -82.014530676611116, 28.819327692341407 ], [ -82.014527821387858, 28.819291524445074 ], [ -82.014485943080942, 28.819168744191465 ], [ -82.01442361543802, 28.819068028373536 ], [ -82.014401218688761, 28.819039333576242 ], [ -82.014251288870184, 28.818884419334484 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 738e", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120974419746545, 28.602601780021807 ], [ -82.121201511885047, 28.602601578674093 ], [ -82.122401448486499, 28.602610852895271 ], [ -82.123603838723639, 28.602618869046946 ], [ -82.124162410316757, 28.602615221235531 ], [ -82.124628483743933, 28.602614797533978 ], [ -82.124788586438626, 28.602614650404664 ], [ -82.124905993309184, 28.602614543053061 ], [ -82.124962937250473, 28.602630189881005 ], [ -82.125016055943362, 28.602662919700837 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 122nd Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.16829479678799, 28.577834925769167 ], [ -82.169802137912896, 28.577902155037439 ], [ -82.170444124384304, 28.577890018866182 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Alwyne Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.019971791710191, 28.851566124054521 ], [ -82.020000717708342, 28.851558896961247 ], [ -82.020017808399729, 28.851551969319026 ], [ -82.020033064228144, 28.85154334199434 ], [ -82.020045303739309, 28.851534277482667 ], [ -82.020058152632572, 28.85152296794643 ], [ -82.020065491036959, 28.851513321247271 ], [ -82.020073832129924, 28.851500103980953 ], [ -82.020079585297438, 28.851486390818177 ], [ -82.020083213337188, 28.851475237801228 ], [ -82.020086434538186, 28.851458849666457 ], [ -82.020087846660687, 28.851348954072375 ], [ -82.020088871520997, 28.851261634215291 ], [ -82.020089893611868, 28.851154146025092 ], [ -82.020091305358193, 28.851053189566734 ], [ -82.020092070842097, 28.85097091182633 ], [ -82.020094251460662, 28.850800282830438 ], [ -82.020095398580366, 28.850671020177256 ], [ -82.020096811093126, 28.850563302735853 ], [ -82.020103852978735, 28.849964070641075 ], [ -82.020105712642973, 28.849803632306067 ], [ -82.02010607447302, 28.849771234066445 ], [ -82.020105874527374, 28.849765274366209 ], [ -82.020105146511909, 28.849757913461264 ], [ -82.020104761696516, 28.849755306755554 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mansell Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006121057479618, 28.751356196725894 ], [ -82.006331405957937, 28.751308743589011 ], [ -82.006464871549241, 28.751283431713553 ], [ -82.006610992808646, 28.751262722803464 ], [ -82.006799684070842, 28.75124546595946 ], [ -82.007634989260794, 28.751228213340571 ], [ -82.007706323503953, 28.751240870202622 ], [ -82.007760399299897, 28.751304149807506 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Marsh Bend Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.04310592955035, 28.822751221222095 ], [ -82.042967133326897, 28.822790207462045 ], [ -82.042813657379696, 28.822838985479965 ], [ -82.042620921033134, 28.822906797985848 ], [ -82.042416286308466, 28.82298888841672 ], [ -82.042222360285393, 28.823075737632585 ], [ -82.042035572132576, 28.823169725258037 ], [ -82.041869008999342, 28.823260142343393 ], [ -82.041682221637487, 28.823370786099325 ], [ -82.041488371131749, 28.823502038656887 ], [ -82.041318954077624, 28.823622913356182 ], [ -82.041204738879273, 28.823707621204512 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Brunson Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.961137009412084, 28.90330049575962 ], [ -81.961076874746965, 28.903249855763129 ], [ -81.960956765784232, 28.903161558007824 ], [ -81.960871693411079, 28.90310097183891 ], [ -81.960786941883484, 28.903051745649346 ], [ -81.96070759798836, 28.903008869563436 ], [ -81.960625737952768, 28.902976509885008 ], [ -81.96057593475625, 28.902957587589903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pete Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993008754843402, 28.775201615506695 ], [ -81.992848327957233, 28.774632959322453 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Outlet Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.151394701182824, 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28.892145555499795 ], [ -81.972817390128469, 28.892027540373252 ], [ -81.972857480889417, 28.891843956577691 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Telfort Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989061560358749, 28.757130519612758 ], [ -81.989042133097996, 28.757088373440222 ], [ -81.989019700556071, 28.757036370092379 ], [ -81.989007464820446, 28.756992524536685 ], [ -81.98900032787904, 28.756916048860308 ], [ -81.989001579174086, 28.756415066452973 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 25th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062947361697724, 28.702137900384464 ], [ -82.062911371568376, 28.702070563469427 ], [ -82.062897848399373, 28.701999252319101 ], [ -82.062941286375093, 28.699491243751794 ], [ -82.062959371013051, 28.699104723728471 ], [ -82.062968518873745, 28.698892089300827 ], [ -82.062952678651882, 28.69825693086937 ], [ -82.062965454469634, 28.697827163669007 ], [ -82.062955676937761, 28.69776877391979 ], [ -82.06293823338909, 28.697715743911353 ], [ -82.062903367457537, 28.697650159659059 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 589", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.066390510601863, 28.793088086125827 ], [ -82.066401244011843, 28.793136384399453 ], [ -82.066411976509073, 28.79318647285994 ], [ -82.0664155537672, 28.793247293289106 ], [ -82.066426996948039, 28.793471263299541 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 212", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.09154168053405, 28.931628842892888 ], [ -82.091936252689891, 28.932076026354174 ], [ -82.092057254239862, 28.932375902455519 ], [ -82.092073036102519, 28.932612646199576 ], [ -82.092025685348133, 28.932859911183417 ], [ -82.09192572605707, 28.933075610861909 ], [ -82.091741589446869, 28.933270265594935 ], [ -82.091504844317456, 28.933428094261878 ], [ -82.091231272669518, 28.93351226789299 ], [ -82.090831437344193, 28.933549093988706 ], [ -82.090342231405899, 28.933594150617871 ], [ -82.090027745457775, 28.933623114330892 ], [ -82.089773978006832, 28.933575394503798 ], [ -82.089598413561092, 28.933542380382889 ], [ -82.089438176478566, 28.93351224866198 ], [ -82.089292151632634, 28.933484789896944 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Floridas Tpke", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045446626771223, 28.835890730064644 ], [ -82.045414393956506, 28.835957700051129 ], [ -82.045384454395844, 28.835998291225678 ], [ -82.045352212956402, 28.836042941731993 ], [ -82.045313056750615, 28.836085564325082 ], [ -82.045269291327486, 28.836130725716014 ], [ -82.045226098064433, 28.836162444333517 ], [ -82.045168505883268, 28.836200509095299 ], [ -82.045108230658201, 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[ -82.028856781843416, 28.952861728779077 ], [ -82.028873250124448, 28.953556110023403 ], [ -82.028865234920687, 28.954007104118389 ], [ -82.028883620240691, 28.955761818885016 ], [ -82.028881201979374, 28.956444464101658 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Magnolia Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124143951640619, 28.66632666202284 ], [ -82.124146530441521, 28.667005637921964 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morales Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987671972037589, 28.765198160191652 ], [ -81.987751275657743, 28.765193540389603 ], [ -81.987841357355634, 28.765197390670298 ], [ -81.987929899757901, 28.765211249255017 ], [ -81.988338701863839, 28.76529844033038 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gerardo Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ 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[ -82.051017578711367, 28.607512434843109 ], [ -82.050617451008037, 28.60751496808032 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Emma Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.988431155033908, 28.793061506962033 ], [ -81.988634090884489, 28.793177323693794 ], [ -81.988884649831263, 28.793339605116081 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Soledad Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962029220764791, 28.941383848032807 ], [ -81.962074310467983, 28.9413585767368 ], [ -81.962106901042134, 28.941336475256918 ], [ -81.962133642006918, 28.941319010806673 ], [ -81.962166499927548, 28.941292271599124 ], [ -81.962193507560897, 28.941263616967991 ], [ -81.96222703768467, 28.941221862868609 ], [ -81.962245667428505, 28.94119156910368 ], [ -81.962267094934205, 28.941151448342925 ], [ -81.962282939396331, 28.94110231841033 ], [ -81.962294135200295, 28.941035990354433 ], [ -81.96229838356588, 28.940958219259542 ], [ -81.962299740507163, 28.940818021266757 ], [ -81.962305451064637, 28.940640462322751 ], [ -81.962339082873996, 28.940316186551104 ], [ -81.962510991698679, 28.938627655157653 ], [ -81.962537137340959, 28.93841392709535 ], [ -81.962552984251829, 28.938350876520715 ], [ -81.962568824161025, 28.938309936654118 ], [ -81.962609021735545, 28.938199491764003 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 201", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039172266573516, 28.928149687735075 ], [ -82.039172266594292, 28.928149743677345 ], [ -82.039172337665107, 28.928360367239737 ], [ -82.039172337675154, 28.928360394308577 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Evans Prairie Trail", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998692394652807, 28.853842077752876 ], [ -81.998705865046844, 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[ -81.971951277244003, 28.846513442362909 ], [ -81.972017363049133, 28.846452317691394 ], [ -81.972077988567193, 28.846386952815735 ], [ -81.972132802181022, 28.846317723029546 ], [ -81.97218148506424, 28.846245029800059 ], [ -81.972223759381819, 28.846169292648678 ], [ -81.97225938214136, 28.846090947345136 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Black Oak Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000639471188322, 28.872471097164556 ], [ -82.000973128325896, 28.872463667214298 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sunset Pointe Boulevard", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989280694728151, 28.901091385261534 ], [ -81.989313386755342, 28.901071253095381 ], [ -81.989392888357855, 28.901008947604627 ], [ -81.989408733082229, 28.900992675004566 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Avalos Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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[ -82.129132076443042, 28.648602730242676 ], [ -82.129152980251334, 28.647993436705356 ], [ -82.129166544489166, 28.647577054872791 ], [ -82.129182233688354, 28.646243897511944 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 12th Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.128524069113681, 28.725211048711305 ], [ -82.12825629222317, 28.724887578604669 ], [ -82.128027159970713, 28.724552714965764 ], [ -82.12771409955721, 28.724075945211943 ], [ -82.127546276833726, 28.723823372089871 ], [ -82.127462381263896, 28.723709864158295 ], [ -82.127413947094325, 28.723616199417794 ], [ -82.127365482059332, 28.723496979038298 ], [ -82.127271802564564, 28.723284091735163 ], [ -82.127000392312894, 28.722611345007941 ], [ -82.126745092503498, 28.72194142048502 ], [ -82.126586828725365, 28.721595129804196 ], [ -82.126367171586494, 28.721092713297363 ], [ -82.126176565986825, 28.720638542992653 ], [ -82.126070045856693, 28.720456903353497 ], [ -82.125979661011158, 28.720300805267417 ], [ -82.125876372002338, 28.720127681332006 ], [ -82.125808590902906, 28.720016997029877 ], [ -82.125760169080621, 28.719931850483697 ], [ -82.12567308207538, 28.719838222545043 ], [ -82.125605383791154, 28.719795690707407 ], [ -82.125524803931583, 28.719756008519951 ], [ -82.125376535151673, 28.71968231408016 ], [ -82.125257261208176, 28.719611431535562 ], [ -82.125160562885213, 28.719560406377248 ], [ -82.125079968842741, 28.719509366363646 ], [ -82.125021927996258, 28.71946114702855 ], [ -82.124967072354451, 28.719381686233891 ], [ -82.124925088266636, 28.719290855138077 ], [ -82.124824957145606, 28.71906377381319 ], [ -82.124304951109394, 28.717897145990118 ], [ -82.124082057970554, 28.717366331316715 ], [ -82.123426464244176, 28.71593289350178 ], [ -82.12292902936899, 28.714760561905798 ], [ -82.122027970295491, 28.712728167868434 ], [ -82.121608114272007, 28.711765896052011 ], [ -82.121107506102746, 28.710599236331571 ], [ -82.121062324244591, 28.710522606665485 ], [ -82.121020377506994, 28.710457329894066 ], [ -82.120968789944072, 28.710414781354871 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Merhottein Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96112940132187, 28.78146302374136 ], [ -81.961134412574765, 28.780821832064071 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000087767218815, 28.941918707346254 ], [ -82.000087749773897, 28.941920978419258 ], [ -82.000089531283976, 28.94235023106874 ], [ -82.000089531248875, 28.942706214745009 ], [ -82.000092768008997, 28.942908414218252 ], [ -82.000115430728044, 28.943227375930444 ], [ -82.000138093678842, 28.943509314720359 ], [ -82.000183419419727, 28.943833972630344 ], [ -82.000212557589037, 28.94405895503283 ], [ -82.000264359676805, 28.944357980554354 ], [ -82.000303212505159, 28.944537397126158 ], [ -82.000380915490808, 28.944867749335579 ], [ -82.000490998522125, 28.945297777816915 ], [ -82.000554203733799, 28.945507330880904 ], [ -82.000555004892149, 28.945509985427005 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.960789667720476, 28.928654094732003 ], [ -81.960570033051738, 28.928784585198319 ], [ -81.96047711947989, 28.928844959278067 ], [ -81.960413827759623, 28.928891129993257 ], [ -81.960349191816405, 28.928936116469476 ], [ -81.960295324071211, 28.928981104299744 ], [ -81.960245497093695, 28.929021357159318 ], [ -81.960190283952471, 28.929062794016502 ], [ -81.960144496918204, 28.929103048037906 ], [ -81.960094667997581, 28.92914803698735 ], [ -81.960044837660718, 28.92919658186268 ], [ -81.959996356244417, 28.929239202652052 ], [ -81.959946525710066, 28.929285378063234 ], [ 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[ -81.96104201810202, 28.881911089555064 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fritillary Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.030192001912084, 28.796110854741471 ], [ -82.030217745782764, 28.796114851795139 ], [ -82.030229184940325, 28.796116018700065 ], [ -82.030241090800061, 28.796115786015317 ], [ -82.030251828843319, 28.79611531898291 ], [ -82.030259300060933, 28.796114151565344 ], [ -82.030271439005205, 28.7961122847388 ], [ -82.030282177341107, 28.796109249722033 ], [ -82.030293150051222, 28.796105514458581 ], [ -82.030359215614922, 28.796082637215548 ], [ -82.030569189571381, 28.796008934406483 ], [ -82.030972746562639, 28.795859449835845 ], [ -82.031297159417804, 28.795739280047503 ], [ -82.031434731408396, 28.795688319674557 ], [ -82.031450793992036, 28.795681205805799 ], [ -82.031466158340734, 28.795671866088203 ], [ -82.031479757252825, 28.795660836738186 ], [ -82.031491205717813, 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[ -82.009089615105523, 28.847464223964543 ], [ -82.009298949907787, 28.847478533988937 ], [ -82.00957770170794, 28.847506209509547 ], [ -82.009864049134038, 28.847549162687606 ], [ -82.010072301105751, 28.84758734660479 ], [ -82.010173173532053, 28.847609302590833 ], [ -82.010240096827118, 28.847629757664905 ], [ -82.010289450335847, 28.847651719002659 ], [ -82.010348891448757, 28.84768473194848 ], [ -82.010413945728828, 28.847728946593946 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Iron Oak Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.966812550521908, 28.835379935949533 ], [ -81.966876310401304, 28.83539212471954 ], [ -81.966935739429616, 28.835399015847113 ], [ -81.967001674229508, 28.835406671899079 ], [ -81.967102750274648, 28.835410516158216 ], [ -81.967168688119656, 28.83540862210425 ], [ -81.967222047045993, 28.835407872684698 ], [ -81.967256316951151, 28.835408261816326 ], [ -81.967293621561737, 28.835413619784536 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[ -82.004241987093266, 28.862059961163514 ], [ -82.004328249090847, 28.862063528366722 ], [ -82.004413772346084, 28.862074068542633 ], [ -82.004497829131594, 28.86209149418973 ], [ -82.004579707091054, 28.862115656451145 ], [ -82.004685719879987, 28.862150423630332 ], [ -82.004793623638648, 28.862180339880407 ], [ -82.004903134428517, 28.862205325803053 ], [ -82.005175890431246, 28.862260954848274 ], [ -82.005240930572285, 28.862271855201133 ], [ -82.005306743354922, 28.862278197055073 ], [ -82.005372922873136, 28.862279940721745 ], [ -82.00562544724383, 28.862277802239621 ], [ -82.005662367458626, 28.862280062052093 ], [ -82.005698422841959, 28.862287412687106 ], [ -82.005732711398949, 28.862299666499947 ], [ -82.005764381352151, 28.862316521252179 ], [ -82.005792641390869, 28.862337554697334 ], [ -82.005816789371309, 28.862362243527858 ], [ -82.005836218466982, 28.862389970593085 ], [ -82.005850446894442, 28.862420045650847 ], [ -82.005859117914241, 28.862451717999395 ], [ 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[ -81.975348611670483, 28.936415774940148 ], [ -81.975322535002263, 28.936427842824987 ], [ -81.975293711898303, 28.936442323834214 ], [ -81.975266260463059, 28.936455598723633 ], [ -81.975236066692091, 28.936471285834195 ], [ -81.975207243272976, 28.936486974094404 ], [ -81.975181165253744, 28.936500248318858 ], [ -81.975156459791037, 28.936517145504741 ], [ -81.975133126000074, 28.936532834769288 ], [ -81.975111163882261, 28.936547316113177 ], [ -81.975083714010438, 28.93656662731388 ], [ -81.975057634491378, 28.936585936960082 ], [ -81.975037044618759, 28.936605249431143 ], [ -81.975016455325729, 28.936622145555134 ], [ -81.974998686423689, 28.936640419104549 ], [ -81.974974843292799, 28.936658289993463 ], [ -81.974951194872858, 28.936676850267414 ], [ -81.974928133157405, 28.936695409744885 ], [ -81.974906645056123, 28.936717494777305 ], [ -81.97488331073427, 28.936739219443897 ], [ -81.974859975376788, 28.936760945008476 ], [ -81.974843501656721, 28.936780258223482 ], [ 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[ -82.022624393617619, 28.92226943901974 ], [ -82.022811588719804, 28.922396261984545 ], [ -82.023231116123952, 28.922678087250777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East Sr 44", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.05863530471315, 28.847948306551888 ], [ -82.05894834781769, 28.848029146393031 ], [ -82.059665405026124, 28.848244625597246 ], [ -82.060592742782362, 28.84856750026383 ], [ -82.061049446318791, 28.848738667866812 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Old Wire Road", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037086171427674, 28.869967628735701 ], [ -82.037076957719975, 28.870697366668715 ], [ -82.037080528028838, 28.87081134366219 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 231", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107482739844443, 28.894477298696032 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[ -82.114855468285199, 28.663453972541131 ], [ -82.114853434976197, 28.663954016624732 ], [ -82.114853657003323, 28.664181285280492 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcdowell Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965323148016964, 28.832553316636908 ], [ -81.965541835047588, 28.832250077355418 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hartford Lane", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015024464796184, 28.91885592867979 ], [ -82.015218589126462, 28.91884978830949 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Goldenrod Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001256031960821, 28.883839529115829 ], [ -82.001406615414965, 28.883838739717149 ], [ -82.001506108021943, 28.883838739104682 ], [ -82.001548236514552, 28.883833216738683 ], [ -82.001604703279142, 28.883812705225491 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], [ -82.09597126487229, 28.621696485109435 ], [ -82.095959305442904, 28.621297379007565 ], [ -82.09597082469017, 28.621212091759844 ], [ -82.096013282928624, 28.621137013515799 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Burger Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002007084796674, 28.787184443183889 ], [ -82.002008856512731, 28.786565635978576 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Woodlane Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02434181604518, 28.861827927949705 ], [ -82.024345222394587, 28.860633204576192 ], [ -82.024344119890443, 28.860576563528653 ], [ -82.024344109787819, 28.860532403862415 ], [ -82.02433973872489, 28.860494005271189 ], [ -82.024333190771998, 28.860465206675691 ], [ -82.024324460365349, 28.860444087973402 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Foggy Brook Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, 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[ -81.996800068594169, 28.881516236767983 ], [ -81.996822747021611, 28.881504262885201 ], [ -81.996861299470382, 28.881488294898254 ], [ -81.996891914628577, 28.881482307969687 ], [ -81.9970284721376, 28.881468854283014 ], [ -81.997224148794118, 28.881451041836371 ], [ -81.997420306017418, 28.881439406272968 ], [ -81.997643681935955, 28.881419450810572 ], [ -81.997744597714018, 28.881412467938535 ], [ -81.997831906370138, 28.881401491169214 ], [ -81.997907877669107, 28.881385525328092 ], [ -81.997963437676034, 28.881367562319404 ], [ -81.99803260711677, 28.88134061889393 ], [ -81.998085899604177, 28.881312674536918 ], [ -81.998132389940508, 28.881287726600693 ], [ -81.998177744527069, 28.881254793261132 ], [ -81.998243015709633, 28.88119767669896 ], [ -81.9983704466581, 28.881072777327716 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Abercrombie Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990237210061082, 28.879979125630783 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-81.989957863132076, 28.953574089679375 ], [ -81.990056891170781, 28.953665676200455 ], [ -81.990164174274568, 28.953761736826227 ], [ -81.99027452754072, 28.953863202320388 ], [ -81.990348223204123, 28.953929043462715 ], [ -81.990415394880102, 28.953988721436406 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.069906312072831, 28.733932640041218 ], [ -82.070177780734298, 28.733470516552224 ], [ -82.070304721415852, 28.733251774932782 ], [ -82.070426438871365, 28.733051899868588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lynnhaven Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009327550884151, 28.910144998179021 ], [ -82.009327703957169, 28.910064288536596 ], [ -82.009327691899784, 28.90993521844975 ], [ -82.009328634002927, 28.909811849015941 ], [ -82.009329243804842, 28.90980782653272 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carrabelle Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01921891659812, 28.85182024750943 ], [ -82.019244093107119, 28.851769953153489 ], [ -82.019272614638709, 28.851712976760002 ], [ -82.019324106789924, 28.851610114054541 ], [ -82.019334568087331, 28.851589114156557 ], [ -82.019340434305192, 28.851576569495194 ], [ -82.019353843096255, 28.851543882527839 ], [ -82.019355636777135, 28.851538962910301 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.255946506449703, 28.644114776758002 ], [ -82.256506499598075, 28.64428470832247 ], [ -82.257324280385788, 28.644544203996553 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Craig Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991174112995992, 28.772032398050786 ], [ -81.99130409245177, 28.771993994987639 ], [ -81.991481337824354, 28.771940822106171 ], [ -81.991688124696907, 28.771872879017266 ], [ -81.991851114645854, 28.771812603529238 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rowe Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013982490685137, 28.794135708151209 ], [ -82.013983618244453, 28.793864879625847 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.211223074170405, 28.58480186220747 ], [ -82.211172426606041, 28.584769866104388 ], [ -82.211117111812442, 28.584728897112772 ], [ -82.211038503313873, 28.584670002178644 ], [ -82.210968645654475, 28.58462392403996 ], [ -82.210890042433377, 28.584567595269693 ], [ -82.210799802689479, 28.584506152845293 ], [ -82.210735756893314, 28.584460064688102 ], [ -82.210671762263857, 28.584439636309789 ], [ -82.21060781875255, 28.584444866808543 ], [ -82.210541003630638, 28.58446806372811 ], [ -82.21047425485942, 28.584524617374857 ], [ -82.210424948152479, 28.584581144044893 ], [ -82.210372734027999, 28.584637675187039 ], [ -82.210329231744126, 28.584689062142722 ], [ -82.210268321939793, 28.58475843616376 ], [ -82.210247368171821, 28.584819117592925 ], [ -82.210247476695343, 28.584873195658648 ], [ -82.210262884939979, 28.584919139861633 ], [ -82.210288990709117, 28.584952897667151 ], [ -82.210327352277801, 28.584987990056 ], [ -82.210394840455336, 28.585035204621118 ], [ -82.210451604285183, 28.58508108491672 ], [ -82.210514486641074, 28.585122897902167 ], [ -82.210612217096951, 28.585194113918963 ], [ -82.210687912238654, 28.585250449146795 ], [ -82.210734491699142, 28.585283733949392 ], [ -82.210778148462168, 28.585309324480772 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Upper Elmwood Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.014751341211735, 28.87461960642996 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28.630825885182343 ], [ -82.213363955849729, 28.630776446050511 ], [ -82.213409189171884, 28.630732448528917 ], [ -82.213453304525117, 28.630679303064937 ], [ -82.213490258157151, 28.63062083692277 ], [ -82.213518423063064, 28.630555100909628 ], [ -82.213535024833831, 28.630496875126894 ], [ -82.213545960969284, 28.630442836045997 ], [ -82.213549567417942, 28.630378785324883 ], [ -82.213545259593417, 28.630315032161274 ], [ -82.213539612090642, 28.630271544846323 ], [ -82.213528410931445, 28.630217813007899 ], [ -82.21351209777265, 28.630156785686051 ], [ -82.213494721218524, 28.630091820433361 ], [ -82.213476164751071, 28.630030031445013 ], [ -82.213455748949116, 28.629968724510235 ], [ -82.213429687236101, 28.629898058380068 ], [ -82.213406155718317, 28.629834449953691 ], [ -82.213388338153123, 28.629792085270747 ], [ -82.213352317943801, 28.629719214091711 ], [ -82.213315665321886, 28.62965878710051 ], [ -82.213176395379492, 28.629456119711403 ], [ -82.213108892288119, 28.629361539761547 ], [ -82.213068665821552, 28.62929466479213 ], [ -82.213030779608758, 28.629217261303932 ], [ -82.213004016610242, 28.629148028186897 ], [ -82.212981844817392, 28.629072309108338 ], [ -82.212967222010619, 28.628993196257284 ], [ -82.212962132667968, 28.62892205776425 ], [ -82.212965555650726, 28.628837883440738 ], [ -82.212988740289376, 28.628696343779424 ], [ -82.213018887990671, 28.628526680943423 ], [ -82.213049789241396, 28.628399543096698 ], [ -82.213065879541929, 28.628221196515703 ], [ -82.213068205201353, 28.628169016212961 ], [ -82.213064596524774, 28.62810690777772 ], [ -82.213056204456237, 28.628056349509841 ], [ -82.213039650780644, 28.627996447698809 ], [ -82.213015242198267, 28.627936262214739 ], [ -82.212985521348529, 28.62788247718662 ], [ -82.212957728721705, 28.627835481917792 ], [ -82.21291399914449, 28.627785330844581 ], [ -82.212868683154483, 28.627743680436858 ], [ -82.212811404831115, 28.627701598455378 ], [ -82.212740144112473, 28.627661500888848 ], [ -82.212675032212658, 28.627634242937233 ], [ -82.212603903723107, 28.627613037296857 ], [ -82.212535295520055, 28.62760012285619 ], [ -82.21198466361291, 28.627548420635048 ], [ -82.211868518589895, 28.627533533398633 ], [ -82.211726456836971, 28.627502555328014 ], [ -82.211635255481625, 28.627475923078425 ], [ -82.211532960507498, 28.627441913368738 ], [ -82.211434649065694, 28.627397210126279 ], [ -82.211356118711691, 28.627351488034304 ], [ -82.211291471429362, 28.627305717272289 ], [ -82.211231841667228, 28.627255405355491 ], [ -82.211162650613261, 28.627186088811278 ], [ -82.211082427719234, 28.627116197409556 ], [ -82.210999648627691, 28.627040380672973 ], [ -82.210886367143189, 28.626934007527503 ], [ -82.210822125133106, 28.626881491850177 ], [ -82.210749910907182, 28.626831338170447 ], [ -82.210668469624594, 28.626784056433259 ], [ -82.210583813558159, 28.626743682491341 ], [ -82.210515111596763, 28.626712576074858 ], [ -82.210441720078236, 28.626685291951411 ], [ -82.210356075821721, 28.626660097588314 ], [ -82.210278849265464, 28.626643068938687 ], [ -82.210209682447285, 28.62663215195089 ], [ -82.210120739078263, 28.626623908404881 ], [ -82.209303366840516, 28.626612664230297 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maybank Loop", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.967158883040696, 28.902299458874314 ], [ -81.967209491899268, 28.902189568565433 ], [ -81.967225989258452, 28.902160554670964 ], [ -81.9672474282427, 28.902140248263105 ], [ -81.967270515433825, 28.90213154762143 ], [ -81.967293600217872, 28.902127200566945 ], [ -81.967323278423336, 28.902128658701979 ], [ -81.967351307006467, 28.902135920916852 ], [ -81.967374384240827, 28.902148983702077 ], [ -81.96738922104818, 28.902163496277435 ], [ -81.967395808307387, 28.902182359534049 ], [ -81.967400748456129, 28.902205575079055 ], [ -81.967400742048255, 28.902225887627925 ], [ -81.967395787249771, 28.902249100765992 ], [ -81.967382588822474, 28.902270860099225 ], [ -81.967362797279648, 28.902295521423291 ], [ -81.967287819877512, 28.902367731260231 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Waterman Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96761829618633, 28.794850655906881 ], [ -81.968399696015254, 28.794752560009169 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Burgos Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996051504467886, 28.942795704737932 ], [ -81.996417370121122, 28.942791085797847 ], [ -81.996882598896008, 28.942791965106927 ], [ -81.997379412540354, 28.942791975462807 ], [ -81.997803842943782, 28.942791984530547 ], [ -81.998199319561323, 28.942795752596044 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.037354289276692, 28.926605482556592 ], [ -82.037352684958293, 28.926680095579425 ], [ -82.03735258305035, 28.926684839874767 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968945927952646, 28.906836300600993 ], [ -81.968947813877804, 28.906835761463796 ], [ -81.968977574366974, 28.906827261490779 ], [ -81.969019739818265, 28.906807307900106 ], [ -81.969057179919886, 28.906781048847424 ], [ -81.96907432161052, 28.906765229201891 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Clymer Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010015797314395, 28.796127687447449 ], [ -82.010782795472096, 28.795884312505866 ], [ -82.010913555862274, 28.79584693348497 ], [ -82.01100778291466, 28.795827897517835 ], [ -82.01108368667137, 28.795820046148894 ], [ -82.011175773681487, 28.795819570806614 ], [ -82.011232642397999, 28.795814335717893 ], [ -82.011309260572617, 28.795801249849081 ], [ -82.011378503264979, 28.795786022423457 ], [ -82.011449173712293, 28.795759610679657 ], [ -82.011536738245965, 28.795720825040686 ], [ -82.011607884207322, 28.795697269899019 ], [ -82.01170425224872, 28.795672285227006 ], [ -82.011790150018243, 28.79566181684844 ], [ -82.01187961860137, 28.795660627509804 ], [ -82.01226009529357, 28.795668243772447 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Renee Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96507745495876, 28.790343753247502 ], [ -81.965059113600262, 28.790207961995492 ], [ -81.965214916261218, 28.789840273397473 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fenney Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009494950015011, 28.796280468230773 ], [ -82.009469153135228, 28.796223372424357 ], [ -82.009452075067614, 28.796185175902714 ], [ -82.009420087460427, 28.796108304487923 ], [ -82.009379152065563, 28.79599299780476 ], [ -82.009360121921134, 28.795933678245586 ], [ -82.009340656785824, 28.795866228870072 ], [ -82.009329541318621, 28.795825883546229 ], [ -82.009311972363989, 28.795759499677413 ], [ -82.009287983542663, 28.795640427441253 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Destiny Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990037729470558, 28.780953778185463 ], [ -81.990066868444302, 28.780844216739968 ], [ -81.990121650052814, 28.780683372299389 ], [ -81.990254523684911, 28.780422290851565 ], [ -81.990377374529245, 28.780208595430096 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 482 South", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120599476111323, 28.756198143977283 ], [ -82.120596073784839, 28.754671610758894 ], [ -82.120603431397285, 28.7534803196334 ], [ -82.120611131784003, 28.752586206769561 ], [ -82.120595688997582, 28.75179267022833 ], [ -82.120584161310958, 28.750254330982418 ], [ -82.12058623783004, 28.749884057471494 ], [ -82.120593157161537, 28.74957982278147 ], [ -82.120599266863863, 28.749489001404068 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bigham Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.065354695179096, 28.799860931482048 ], [ -82.065348946951829, 28.801698692490998 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "High Point Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009000111878976, 28.916870869532676 ], [ -82.009340330746639, 28.916872306796449 ], [ -82.009487984551697, 28.916870304818008 ], [ -82.009558348650586, 28.916879646126009 ], [ -82.009620746802298, 28.916904169980082 ], [ -82.009664560016461, 28.916935705006935 ], [ -82.009689258391916, 28.916966135100488 ], [ -82.009711031867468, 28.916995273299047 ], [ -82.009721655843137, 28.917024474511358 ], [ -82.009728142789371, 28.917064453037657 ], [ -82.009733036639034, 28.917179616456085 ], [ -82.009733064447474, 28.917490734702177 ], [ -82.009734992051776, 28.917704288361321 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Meggison Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972648823879808, 28.790704055684603 ], [ -81.972624209891194, 28.790670012692402 ], [ -81.972588756682612, 28.790644356296866 ], [ -81.972545839383784, 28.790622896833739 ], [ -81.972506652732648, 28.790604702691155 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Devonshire Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.962745327229072, 28.881074979920299 ], [ -81.962849311371656, 28.881070635289181 ], [ -81.962932787789484, 28.881055099082328 ], [ -81.963005364285806, 28.8810373320369 ], [ 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28.873704326499528 ], [ -82.142576131721214, 28.873709750153491 ], [ -82.142646260718237, 28.873724759134706 ], [ -82.142700813846304, 28.873743901685945 ], [ -82.142770969017718, 28.873778110602295 ], [ -82.142839568792624, 28.873815062307823 ], [ -82.142905054185576, 28.873853390564339 ], [ -82.14319820235508, 28.874038210142956 ], [ -82.143424290510495, 28.874173729913412 ], [ -82.143619187431796, 28.874284600891947 ], [ -82.143770410693506, 28.874358491211709 ], [ -82.143920062836941, 28.874422783468653 ], [ -82.144085290090757, 28.874482947208158 ], [ -82.144498325744237, 28.874611410430479 ], [ -82.144953438205903, 28.874746684815666 ], [ -82.145131120337069, 28.874799974653843 ], [ -82.145477143755627, 28.874912052345994 ], [ -82.145788873397123, 28.875009079634786 ], [ -82.145983707562905, 28.875071951238244 ], [ -82.146251800100742, 28.875159426738065 ], [ -82.146532358453328, 28.875246887308535 ], [ -82.146812912277483, 28.875332975802465 ], [ -82.146870575663399, 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-81.993536729257428, 28.894570275004906 ], [ -81.993726185727013, 28.894666884422659 ], [ -81.993852357894554, 28.894770710827288 ], [ -81.994013486512856, 28.894937450671527 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038443941513435, 28.947888644801701 ], [ -82.038553589496146, 28.948556397559994 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 675 West", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.158895670889876, 28.589339994682714 ], [ -82.15888970528853, 28.588768936246602 ], [ -82.158884390249042, 28.588632187940725 ], [ -82.158860243272784, 28.588424828010478 ], [ -82.158849529588863, 28.588094224930117 ], [ -82.158871285502684, 28.587841728677301 ], [ -82.158899739267497, 28.587515586239718 ], [ -82.15889262258014, 28.587311213945359 ], [ -82.158888937296823, 28.587124870060983 ] ] ] } }, { 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28.821593143533313 ], [ -82.025393395934131, 28.821612015961996 ], [ -82.025418106763382, 28.82163241085772 ], [ -82.02544119191613, 28.821654230792735 ], [ -82.025462545836291, 28.821677379240057 ], [ -82.025482070136832, 28.821701747941443 ], [ -82.025499674626033, 28.821727224125492 ], [ -82.025515280381995, 28.82175369321418 ], [ -82.025528813603344, 28.821781031605383 ], [ -82.025549436667845, 28.82182400842008 ], [ -82.025572246023856, 28.821866119514596 ], [ -82.025597193496907, 28.821907279177331 ], [ -82.025624230912527, 28.821947402598902 ], [ -82.025653300875447, 28.821986408580834 ], [ -82.025684343941123, 28.82202421682727 ], [ -82.025702180765009, 28.822043990345833 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 582", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.069715472970884, 28.792214048748708 ], [ -82.069654299287492, 28.79223232650881 ], [ -82.069581483296304, 28.792250529864699 ], [ -82.069497510288954, 28.792265209010445 ], [ -82.069419410720457, 28.792272256068976 ], [ -82.069330153396209, 28.792279302427914 ], [ -82.069233262297132, 28.79228223714906 ], [ -82.069162208121597, 28.792292806725882 ], [ -82.069084866658955, 28.792311060829483 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 102", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.028775122738708, 28.960142195809183 ], [ -82.021591731120395, 28.960113519282199 ], [ -82.0203927386667, 28.960118489683129 ], [ -82.016766062285441, 28.960125991219552 ], [ -82.016533586673333, 28.960135770227222 ], [ -82.016450256868907, 28.960141721733667 ], [ -82.016424311980771, 28.960130704230323 ], [ -82.016400237952197, 28.960116572694485 ], [ -82.016374704867829, 28.960101382939456 ], [ -82.016353658030567, 28.96008464702571 ], [ -82.016324513656727, 28.960056269802642 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fiesler Way", "maxspeed": "30 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], [ -82.202900025978806, 28.690961674260123 ], [ -82.203462042670026, 28.69096287346872 ], [ -82.203889909692563, 28.690960194008838 ], [ -82.204919103048823, 28.690954566936789 ], [ -82.206771656274839, 28.690947682918669 ], [ -82.208114234027192, 28.690941556260455 ], [ -82.208232203087249, 28.690949531718193 ], [ -82.208408016517254, 28.690969655756682 ], [ -82.208581527460765, 28.690993864327226 ], [ -82.208773566203377, 28.691032316330947 ], [ -82.208956597721198, 28.691070695285909 ], [ -82.209146594059789, 28.691130199394145 ], [ -82.209334911989913, 28.691195687348184 ], [ -82.209507195624226, 28.691265715002462 ], [ -82.209671560071442, 28.691342957030429 ], [ -82.209835935928922, 28.691426317521657 ], [ -82.209993391255452, 28.691517846446096 ], [ -82.210153182950322, 28.691621608034151 ], [ -82.210294470319198, 28.691723359706266 ], [ -82.210535423296335, 28.691933040350044 ], [ -82.21128150622485, 28.692604876117137 ], [ -82.211508570463977, 28.692806420443162 ], [ 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], [ -82.062039227370349, 28.865464194990146 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kane Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99767422446169, 28.87904407668649 ], [ -81.997743768204501, 28.879076014028868 ], [ -81.997942566081534, 28.879184366774563 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lime Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.07744015228603, 28.799873429795493 ], [ -82.07745375169921, 28.798660957570721 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "El Camino Real", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956581396236587, 28.949040652238175 ], [ -81.956590841074856, 28.949045768589006 ], [ -81.956649746484757, 28.949076411461263 ], [ -81.956714008843008, 28.949104698347959 ], [ -81.956772916333023, 28.949132984378991 ], [ -81.956845212184305, 28.949163630581694 ], [ -81.956938932921489, 28.949198994500243 ], [ -81.957016585780181, 28.949227285544197 ], [ -81.957080851311304, 28.94925086138765 ], [ -81.957155828742458, 28.949274442430159 ], [ -81.957236164092933, 28.949293312467599 ], [ -81.957388801541981, 28.949333403925134 ], [ -81.957485205882662, 28.949354635710328 ], [ -81.957503685927364, 28.949358511504297 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Trenton Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.957358296206806, 28.896887226036082 ], [ -81.957375292482084, 28.896811474374605 ], [ -81.957394112947298, 28.896745327364489 ], [ -81.95743171704224, 28.896697562540542 ], [ -81.957473493284937, 28.896664500192799 ], [ -81.957634315968178, 28.89657451059028 ], [ -81.958022407450841, 28.896397896428248 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 451", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.123677436627418, 28.790411377886574 ], [ -82.123975689693566, 28.790867876845354 ], [ -82.124008003232618, 28.790920299615955 ], [ -82.124040300830899, 28.79095742370912 ], [ -82.124077534884734, 28.790974873810313 ], [ -82.124119711024477, 28.790974835307861 ], [ -82.124164352532333, 28.790961683058722 ], [ -82.124206509067164, 28.790944160466079 ], [ -82.124248654246628, 28.790917894476632 ], [ -82.124308159504167, 28.790885058212869 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Druid Street", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.002135849643921, 28.846668555562893 ], [ -82.002180803628434, 28.846641995689531 ], [ -82.002279157108006, 28.84658391582105 ], [ -82.002376280654474, 28.846524650265209 ], [ -82.00248682799149, 28.846445212500576 ], [ -82.002583870968934, 28.846367426054449 ], [ -82.0026275836601, 28.846341911821813 ], [ -82.002669524582402, 28.846325085006843 ], [ -82.002706260522686, 28.846315353091502 ], [ -82.002750408053899, 28.84630601265475 ], [ -82.002796618836925, 28.846308564569906 ], [ -82.002832070955904, 28.846312254447934 ], [ -82.002872743696386, 28.84632109369532 ], [ -82.002978180430375, 28.846358530454271 ], [ -82.003137127467141, 28.84641891633785 ], [ -82.00340330158798, 28.846534008567907 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 631", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.203531816513092, 28.630776319768852 ], [ -82.204123622077489, 28.630779877469895 ], [ -82.204355309872426, 28.63078175043287 ], [ -82.204521529247444, 28.630788167205449 ], [ -82.204649991440377, 28.630803528560438 ], [ -82.204783503528333, 28.630825545041422 ], [ -82.204932177213394, 28.630874201676527 ], [ -82.20502791226032, 28.630909091569453 ], [ -82.205121386480073, 28.630958382468627 ], [ -82.205244798514059, 28.631037287927803 ], [ -82.205547757147173, 28.631247739005182 ], [ -82.205667447659351, 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[ -81.974299404377476, 28.811664820656063 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shackelford Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983781581087939, 28.779649332460227 ], [ -81.983568993440883, 28.778968045861149 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Gulf Atlantic Highway", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.045501077330101, 28.847146563759182 ], [ -82.045362160652743, 28.847142876088242 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 101", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.016349090645349, 28.945560565422841 ], [ -82.016358469124711, 28.947434448658132 ], [ -82.016340870563766, 28.948994462206141 ], [ -82.016341071026062, 28.95030567974343 ], [ -82.01634640948474, 28.951888103760751 ], [ -82.016344001766655, 28.952813800585151 ], [ -82.016343998767951, 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[ -82.134663854765407, 28.80287629580037 ], [ -82.134307056844293, 28.803062306435113 ], [ -82.134136552082509, 28.80316098724709 ], [ -82.134084964355054, 28.803186297429558 ], [ -82.134010831066732, 28.803208938252883 ], [ -82.13383636714039, 28.803209109389002 ], [ -82.133820169631591, 28.803209469129651 ], [ -82.133804553711357, 28.803206389595424 ], [ -82.133789715332497, 28.803200903737402 ], [ -82.133776628271079, 28.80319266681688 ], [ -82.133760704391065, 28.803098830624737 ], [ -82.133747135426972, 28.803017711059606 ], [ -82.133748772550675, 28.802923514691088 ], [ -82.133798017880864, 28.802824456706691 ], [ -82.134045525883849, 28.802617998914176 ], [ -82.13417589863144, 28.802531988390054 ], [ -82.134261882622823, 28.802494015453632 ], [ -82.134398031573852, 28.802440834937563 ], [ -82.134764910765199, 28.802292703818068 ], [ -82.134957470506237, 28.802268790896434 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Harold Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": 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[ -81.97333798913354, 28.891313573624853 ], [ -81.973551900425775, 28.891386784471006 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Virginia Avenue", "maxspeed": "25 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996865476325638, 28.646134659814717 ], [ -81.996846529259656, 28.645250393182234 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Edisto Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992010348903207, 28.888952870973213 ], [ -81.992638054491252, 28.889293247178124 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Fieldbrook Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981249578884842, 28.8552847032751 ], [ -81.981340038825223, 28.855159815231218 ], [ -81.981436420984366, 28.855032502549751 ], [ -81.981509232767792, 28.854916861468169 ], [ -81.981533503028857, 28.854876172659889 ], [ -81.981550635606055, 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-82.1403841529348, 28.604900887197999 ], [ -82.140463837984441, 28.604931661619737 ], [ -82.140512408547181, 28.604936754043813 ], [ -82.140560981394913, 28.604943560895229 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "English Ivy Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985044243282616, 28.86890890698378 ], [ -81.985339387278174, 28.868842433666551 ], [ -81.985523552317929, 28.868811280099688 ], [ -81.98568883030326, 28.868782200455886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 446", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.127161247684342, 28.787479037554345 ], [ -82.127188436960353, 28.78751667549777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Edenton Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.003463666903059, 28.882842354781417 ], [ -82.003483386420442, 28.882806855117231 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28.934069078407308 ], [ -81.978881686329402, 28.93410689899564 ], [ -81.978891710370135, 28.934142196540662 ], [ -81.978900301530842, 28.934172453640766 ], [ -81.97890745876046, 28.934207752535734 ], [ -81.978916051464239, 28.93424052974353 ], [ -81.978921776063444, 28.934274567003303 ], [ -81.978930365937728, 28.934316169552538 ], [ -81.978934655324252, 28.934356509112341 ], [ -81.978938950111612, 28.934390546145174 ], [ -81.978940373192557, 28.934428366045736 ], [ -81.978944662826549, 28.934477530045214 ], [ -81.978942777257444, 28.934514106963785 ], [ -81.978942767786577, 28.934555222719592 ], [ -81.97894276165934, 28.93458505347802 ], [ -81.978942754901865, 28.934622946237766 ], [ -81.978942746589837, 28.934658419945457 ], [ -81.978942739998018, 28.934695506053547 ], [ -81.978943580604664, 28.935062337619001 ], [ -81.978943497143646, 28.935468675077139 ], [ -81.978941626275457, 28.935653299554328 ], [ -81.978937037268395, 28.935683129584827 ], [ -81.978933365048036, 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"geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.07859074255974, 28.790968382360642 ], [ -82.078485644316416, 28.790857102016368 ], [ -82.078293992941866, 28.790643811621852 ], [ -82.077960148622836, 28.790359423331335 ], [ -82.077672672861738, 28.790180136243801 ], [ -82.077323371625525, 28.790003938805722 ], [ -82.076364299983069, 28.789650519560197 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 634", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.199283989384057, 28.67480172992412 ], [ -82.199304452025956, 28.674770089514141 ], [ -82.199315963521187, 28.674743562189398 ], [ -82.19932429220782, 28.67471499665378 ], [ -82.199329997914504, 28.674674201172945 ], [ -82.199332723336127, 28.674587523875381 ], [ -82.199343638718005, 28.674245911915662 ], [ -82.199322411571586, 28.673720803194403 ], [ -82.199321297700408, 28.673131934275386 ], [ -82.199337431562597, 28.672492055660587 ], [ -82.199362737798324, 28.672117281714026 ], [ -82.199396472652452, 28.671615034908971 ], [ -82.199396289365424, 28.671518165503013 ], [ -82.199387473706381, 28.671441701418082 ], [ -82.199367114037003, 28.671375451490565 ], [ -82.199346755416585, 28.671309201557744 ], [ -82.199314858650965, 28.671255714850471 ], [ -82.199271430612228, 28.67121754043421 ], [ -82.199112165197448, 28.671064819672146 ], [ -82.198848636305783, 28.670802635194672 ], [ -82.198698029629284, 28.670642254021136 ], [ -82.198556041460719, 28.670453819269532 ], [ -82.198272923308423, 28.670026540252369 ], [ -82.198190824078495, 28.669911366426007 ], [ -82.198141508960958, 28.669817115855999 ], [ -82.19810087056679, 28.669725403517422 ], [ -82.198077551953205, 28.669620919619717 ], [ -82.198060027269534, 28.66952407543376 ], [ -82.198051162804362, 28.669422118660677 ], [ -82.19804808092735, 28.669320154367629 ], [ -82.198053723550714, 28.669246219099932 ], [ -82.198093772372118, 28.669024376910855 ], [ -82.198122105675807, 28.668720978361819 ], [ -82.198124756317895, 28.668593513060486 ], [ -82.198115826837181, 28.668455868286937 ], [ -82.198101144638869, 28.668333527298561 ], [ -82.198071986342796, 28.668198460160582 ], [ -82.198001918555761, 28.667826375965685 ], [ -82.197887902600442, 28.667138250175583 ], [ -82.197768640427597, 28.6667356465335 ], [ -82.197727955737761, 28.666618439642232 ], [ -82.197678623471944, 28.666513993437814 ], [ -82.19759744674009, 28.666381551735146 ], [ -82.197527886201172, 28.666279683941209 ], [ -82.197104834694088, 28.665711819986821 ], [ -82.196783165903312, 28.6652610731864 ], [ -82.196554199564503, 28.664922356859712 ], [ -82.196487589184017, 28.664851075076903 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Diver Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027769848712978, 28.790377507756382 ], [ -82.027891888267646, 28.790310969303651 ], [ -82.027977302704883, 28.790265379003408 ], [ -82.028035802080737, 28.79024752848694 ], [ -82.028116822134152, 28.790240388367103 ], [ -82.028364552745174, 28.790241213302799 ], [ -82.02851121215258, 28.790242312099714 ], [ -82.028637406998968, 28.790253413490706 ], [ -82.028761682017858, 28.790270822332307 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odessa Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00631014312988, 28.878489036966108 ], [ -82.006233774916382, 28.878234742564278 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Picnic Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000884160187297, 28.838928838883128 ], [ -82.001351567932645, 28.839063432884366 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Ellsworth Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.011036555750493, 28.929629491149576 ], [ -82.011172356850651, 28.929628955352857 ], [ -82.011177828691999, 28.929628954920418 ], [ -82.011183300533261, 28.929628953585482 ], [ -82.011188576475604, 28.929628954070388 ], [ -82.011194046265572, 28.929628952735186 ], [ -82.011199517081351, 28.929628953204215 ], [ -82.011528159287067, 28.929633051162245 ], [ -82.011535387077728, 28.929633394346315 ], [ -82.011539490702489, 28.929633394010963 ], [ -82.011543594363985, 28.92963373744994 ], [ -82.011547698025581, 28.929634081791072 ], [ -82.011551604762346, 28.929634425245872 ], [ -82.011555707434923, 28.92963511155671 ], [ -82.011559812122272, 28.929635455897383 ], [ -82.011563914795033, 28.92963614311024 ], [ -82.011567822594259, 28.929636829436646 ], [ -82.011571925267233, 28.929637517551534 ], [ -82.011575833066587, 28.929638203877722 ], [ -82.011579935739533, 28.929638891090082 ], [ -82.011583843576034, 28.92963992299504 ], [ -82.011587750349904, 28.929640609320966 ], [ -82.011591659212087, 28.929641640323332 ], [ -82.011595567048701, 28.929642671325649 ], [ -82.011599474922377, 28.929644047004597 ], [ -82.011603382758977, 28.929645076202117 ], [ -82.011607290632938, 28.929646452783121 ], [ -82.0116110035964, 28.929647483801009 ], [ -82.011614911470261, 28.929648857674916 ], [ -82.011618624470842, 28.929650232467043 ], [ -82.011622337508499, 28.929651951033502 ], [ -82.011626048458069, 28.929653326727895 ], [ -82.011629761495954, 28.929655045294137 ], [ -82.01163327863479, 28.929656763876434 ], [ -82.011636991635896, 28.929658138668067 ], [ -82.011640507786353, 28.929660201024681 ], [ -82.011644025951185, 28.92966191960662 ], [ -82.011647543090405, 28.929663637286239 ], [ -82.011651059241245, 28.92966569964258 ], [ -82.011654576380707, 28.929667417322019 ], [ -82.011657898684035, 28.929669480596491 ], [ -82.011661220987492, 28.92967154387086 ], [ -82.011664542302441, 28.92967395001741 ], [ -82.011667863580328, 28.929676011487118 ], [ -82.011670991010547, 28.929678073875081 ], [ -82.011674116426846, 28.929680480939854 ], [ -82.011677243894383, 28.929682886199799 ], [ -82.011680369310852, 28.929685292362162 ], [ -82.011683495753232, 28.929687699426623 ], [ -82.011686427321976, 28.929690104702576 ], [ -82.011689357865407, 28.929692511783166 ], [ -82.011692290460076, 28.9296949170589 ], [ -82.011695024116108, 28.929697667930075 ], [ -82.011697956748264, 28.929700416980111 ], [ -82.011700692418671, 28.929702824076589 ], [ -82.011703232227092, 28.929705574061405 ], [ -82.011705968960541, 28.929708324029814 ], [ -82.011708508806493, 28.929711417788933 ], [ -82.011711048615226, 28.929714166871278 ], [ -82.011713394576333, 28.929716917774272 ], [ -82.01171593442271, 28.929720011533252 ], [ -82.01171827935822, 28.929722760631652 ], [ -82.011720428431971, 28.929725854422994 ], [ -82.011722773405225, 28.92972894910034 ], [ -82.011724922479232, 28.929732042891615 ], [ -82.011727073604575, 28.929735135780383 ], [ -82.011729027805174, 28.929738229587787 ], [ -82.011730980980261, 28.929741323395259 ], [ -82.0117329351812, 28.929744418104903 ], [ -82.011734693482836, 28.929747511928525 ], [ -82.011736648746904, 28.929750949510133 ], [ -82.011738211149321, 28.929754042447733 ], [ -82.01173997051437, 28.929757480947902 ], [ -82.011741535005655, 28.929760917659678 ], [ -82.011743098434138, 28.929764011499394 ], [ -82.011744464975138, 28.929767450032223 ], [ -82.011745833567346, 28.929770886760249 ], [ -82.011747202159754, 28.929774324390564 ], [ -82.011748569726706, 28.929777762923248 ], [ -82.011749742419795, 28.929781199667559 ], [ -82.01175071921368, 28.929784637330457 ], [ -82.011751891907124, 28.929788075879333 ], [ -82.011752869726692, 28.929791512639838 ], [ -82.011753846520776, 28.929794950302735 ], [ -82.01175462950431, 28.929798732658483 ], [ -82.011755411424659, 28.929802169435298 ], [ -82.011755998471443, 28.929805608032936 ], [ -82.01175678042938, 28.929809389486454 ], [ -82.011757366450439, 28.92981282627958 ], [ -82.011757755546611, 28.929816264893709 ], [ -82.011758147757078, 28.929820046379696 ], [ -82.011758538904616, 28.929823484993648 ], [ -82.011758931114926, 28.929827264675051 ], [ -82.011759127388586, 28.929830702402935 ], [ -82.011759127800289, 28.929834484823896 ], [ -82.011759323048238, 28.929837921649543 ], [ -82.011759322396756, 28.929841359393876 ], [ -82.011748482428274, 28.930776429375577 ], [ -82.011748288038689, 28.930780898458664 ], [ -82.011748092548643, 28.930784679993096 ], [ -82.011747898046863, 28.930788117753085 ], [ -82.01174750764369, 28.930791554627078 ], [ -82.01174731317937, 28.930795337063707 ], [ -82.011746726874961, 28.930798774856314 ], [ -82.01174633753493, 28.930802557309168 ], [ -82.01174575123035, 28.930805994199464 ], [ -82.011744969024505, 28.930809432008356 ], [ -82.011744187881561, 28.930813212689259 ], [ -82.011743406701271, 28.930816650498063 ], [ -82.011742625521038, 28.930820089209149 ], [ -82.011741649464867, 28.930823526131878 ], [ -82.011740673446084, 28.930827307731267 ], [ -82.01173950046288, 28.930830745572639 ], [ -82.011738327479577, 28.930834183414035 ], [ -82.011737156547639, 28.930837622157526 ], [ -82.011735985615502, 28.930841059998709 ], [ -82.011734617718901, 28.930844154081893 ], [ -82.011733056009518, 28.93084759195558 ], [ -82.011731688149993, 28.930851028910809 ], [ -82.011730124389089, 28.930854466784616 ], [ -82.011728561616493, 28.930857561786244 ], [ -82.011726804005306, 28.930860999676113 ], [ -82.011725044305351, 28.930864093791786 ], [ -82.011723287719576, 28.930867531681546 ], [ -82.011721335194949, 28.930870625813171 ], [ -82.011719380618899, 28.930873719944962 ], [ -82.011717428093945, 28.930876813174237 ], [ -82.011715277616304, 28.930879908224529 ], [ -82.011713130215441, 28.93088300237223 ], [ -82.011710979737444, 28.930886096520158 ], [ -82.011708830284988, 28.930889190667948 ], [ -82.011706488007931, 28.930892284831721 ], [ -82.011704143642149, 28.930895035221223 ], [ -82.011701602386339, 28.930898129401424 ], [ -82.011699258020329, 28.930900879790872 ], [ -82.011696719803993, 28.930903630196354 ], [ -82.011694178510552, 28.930906380602025 ], [ -82.011691443366786, 28.930909131023732 ], [ -82.011688708222891, 28.930911881445358 ], [ -82.011685974104424, 28.930914630964576 ], [ -82.01168323896033, 28.930917382288392 ], [ -82.011680308902882, 28.930919788049351 ], [ -82.011677377819822, 28.930922195614922 ], [ -82.011674447799237, 28.930924945150096 ], [ -82.011671516715822, 28.930927351813228 ], [ -82.011668389730815, 28.930929759394779 ], [ -82.011665264759671, 28.930931821397152 ], [ -82.01166213777438, 28.930934228978582 ], [ -82.011659012840283, 28.930936636559775 ], [ -82.011655691967192, 28.9309386985781 ], [ -82.011652369042736, 28.930940761498832 ], [ -82.011649048169488, 28.930942824419279 ], [ -82.011645726270459, 28.930944887339749 ], [ -82.011642405396927, 28.930946950260061 ], [ -82.011638888621704, 28.930949013196425 ], [ -82.011635372835002, 28.930950732358276 ], [ -82.011631855033841, 28.930952795294541 ], [ -82.011628339246798, 28.930954513553917 ], [ -82.011624821408404, 28.930956232715634 ], [ -82.011621108693959, 28.930957951893326 ], [ -82.011617397005153, 28.930959671973124 ], [ -82.011613684253419, 28.930961046473936 ], [ -82.011609972527452, 28.930962422779174 ], [ -82.011606260838207, 28.93096414195637 ], [ -82.011602548086458, 28.930965519163774 ], [ -82.011598641484042, 28.930966893680115 ], [ -82.011594928694933, 28.930967924406065 ], [ -82.011591020041095, 28.93096929982466 ], [ -82.011587112376077, 28.930970332370972 ], [ -82.011583205736528, 28.930971364014798 ], [ -82.011579297045571, 28.930972395658674 ], [ -82.011575390405781, 28.930973426399987 ], [ -82.011571482740436, 28.930974458945851 ], [ -82.01156757401246, 28.930975146815033 ], [ -82.011563472496491, 28.930976177571974 ], [ -82.011559564794155, 28.930976866343116 ], [ -82.011555460164388, 28.93097755422799 ], [ -82.011551357549067, 28.930977897435909 ], [ -82.011547450872143, 28.930978585304349 ], [ -82.011543346205627, 28.930978930316773 ], [ -82.011539243626899, 28.930979617298686 ], [ -82.011535139985867, 28.930979961408482 ], [ -82.01153103737056, 28.930980306420359 ], [ -82.011527129594455, 28.93098030673956 ], [ -82.011523026979035, 28.930980650848923 ], [ -82.01151892432695, 28.930980651183784 ], [ -82.011514820649182, 28.930980651518603 ], [ -82.011510717997183, 28.930980652755512 ], [ -82.011260618977772, 28.930977578045717 ], [ -82.011253390105082, 28.930977579523866 ], [ -82.011249285365935, 28.930977235173994 ], [ -82.011245181652598, 28.930976891726225 ], [ -82.011241078964943, 28.93097654827827 ], [ -82.011236975251535, 28.930976203927962 ], [ -82.011232872564037, 28.930975861382016 ], [ -82.011228964716736, 28.930975174143811 ], [ -82.011224861003541, 28.930974830695423 ], [ -82.011220758280373, 28.930974143472451 ], [ -82.01121684940756, 28.930973456233996 ], [ -82.011212747710076, 28.930972768108418 ], [ -82.011208839827518, 28.930971737997549 ], [ -82.011204931980458, 28.930971049856364 ], [ -82.011200829221991, 28.930970018858432 ], [ -82.011196920314077, 28.930968989649589 ], [ -82.011193012431548, 28.930967956831406 ], [ -82.011189105575113, 28.93096692762218 ], [ -82.011185197657312, 28.930965551931671 ], [ -82.011181484651047, 28.93096452 ], [ -82.011177576733516, 28.930963145211582 ], [ -82.011173863692008, 28.930961770407627 ], [ -82.011170150650727, 28.930960396505878 ], [ -82.011166242733395, 28.930959020814818 ], [ -82.011162725558322, 28.930957302220719 ], [ -82.011159013542908, 28.930955927416278 ], [ -82.011155300466399, 28.930954207935148 ], [ -82.011151784317434, 28.930952490242987 ], [ -82.01114807226682, 28.93095077076158 ], [ -82.011144554066661, 28.93094905216709 ], [ -82.011141036857012, 28.930946990700349 ], [ -82.011137519682777, 28.930945272105571 ], [ -82.011134198374862, 28.930943209720922 ], [ -82.011130876041406, 28.930941147336277 ], [ -82.011127358832198, 28.93093908496687 ], [ -82.011124233426145, 28.930937021664263 ], [ -82.011120911093172, 28.930934960181659 ], [ -82.011117588724957, 28.930932554022306 ], [ -82.011114463319274, 28.930930490719476 ], [ -82.011111335827408, 28.93092808634924 ], [ -82.011108211412377, 28.930925679271787 ], [ -82.011105277770724, 28.930923272179307 ], [ -82.01110215130484, 28.930920866906469 ], [ -82.011099220705205, 28.930918116039241 ], [ -82.011096485016978, 28.930915710735583 ], [ -82.011093554417641, 28.930912959868223 ], [ -82.011090817704115, 28.930910555466852 ], [ -82.011088081980816, 28.930907803681787 ], [ -82.011085347283469, 28.930905053701181 ], [ -82.01108280746223, 28.930902304607528 ], [ -82.011080265589598, 28.930899553709413 ], [ -82.011077725768615, 28.93089680461566 ], [ -82.011075184886849, 28.930893710845275 ], [ -82.011072839941747, 28.93089095993157 ], [ -82.01107049393616, 28.930887867048138 ], [ -82.01106815104275, 28.9308851170365 ], [ -82.011066000938783, 28.930882023235348 ], [ -82.011063850834944, 28.930878929434183 ], [ -82.01106170278247, 28.930875834730521 ], [ -82.011059552678972, 28.93087274183155 ], [ -82.011057597451298, 28.930869648015015 ], [ -82.011055839115798, 28.930866211311024 ], [ -82.011053884913821, 28.93086311568976 ], [ -82.011052126613563, 28.930860021857761 ], [ -82.011050368278404, 28.930856585153663 ], [ -82.01104880382843, 28.930853491306472 ], [ -82.011047044467659, 28.930850052797815 ], [ -82.011045676909944, 28.930846616063157 ], [ -82.011044114476519, 28.930843178441364 ], [ -82.011042745928407, 28.930840085481098 ], [ -82.011041377345109, 28.930836646941863 ], [ -82.011040205689042, 28.93083320928951 ], [ -82.011039031981809, 28.930829772539624 ], [ -82.011037859300131, 28.930826333985046 ], [ -82.01103688248493, 28.930822552543091 ], [ -82.01103590467919, 28.9308191148756 ], [ -82.011034927899146, 28.930815677207981 ], [ -82.011034145994842, 28.930812239525192 ], [ -82.011033363064939, 28.930808801842474 ], [ -82.01103258112569, 28.930805020385279 ], [ -82.01103199512275, 28.930801581784895 ], [ -82.011031408094297, 28.930798144086857 ], [ -82.011030823082251, 28.930794363516583 ], [ -82.011030431955049, 28.930790924900975 ], [ -82.011030039767377, 28.930787144315655 ], [ -82.011029843516027, 28.930783707489454 ], [ -82.011029648255132, 28.930779925084178 ], [ -82.011029452003712, 28.930776487355679 ], [ -82.011029451618441, 28.930772704935208 ], [ -82.011029450242688, 28.930769268093794 ], [ -82.011026128440975, 28.930681698821161 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Magnolia Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.062202158914644, 28.80949218869015 ], [ -82.063242003658999, 28.809497777756079 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chester Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.015648127280599, 28.91097977180128 ], [ -82.015668603381286, 28.910738439196759 ], [ -82.015669384202255, 28.910727439199444 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Landstone Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004971516560985, 28.746734896064329 ], [ -82.005009813868554, 28.74677384186441 ], [ -82.005038530374662, 28.746822480699159 ], [ -82.005107604908858, 28.746985707858492 ], [ -82.005307181781234, 28.747622978669899 ], [ -82.005437301510284, 28.748342242828368 ], [ -82.005467319733413, 28.748839322305919 ], [ -82.005463066121393, 28.749600792409119 ], [ -82.005437887336882, 28.749693229875685 ], [ -82.005407026016599, 28.749747737500428 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998322938228213, 28.860713746355998 ], [ -81.998331489905055, 28.860750717496426 ], [ -81.998338539096977, 28.860781275937846 ], [ -81.998340708072661, 28.860827112132974 ], [ -81.998337995190582, 28.860867220433295 ], [ -81.998331485794267, 28.860906850460747 ], [ -81.998323892201824, 28.860934542984769 ], [ -81.998315458258546, 28.860955395126584 ], [ -81.998282563359737, 28.861017835948445 ], [ -81.998164753543819, 28.861241446961696 ], [ -81.997953190350856, 28.861667710325101 ], [ -81.997784622149879, 28.862077377105155 ], [ -81.997626667752755, 28.8625151190456 ], [ -81.99752165192335, 28.862813821247777 ], [ -81.997427917473615, 28.863083494652944 ], [ -81.997267355098799, 28.863535753224475 ], [ -81.997159730794863, 28.863928420087397 ], [ -81.997106892151095, 28.864204603347172 ], [ -81.997064571123872, 28.864473606280921 ], [ -81.997042546838415, 28.864691607831013 ], [ -81.997031676203534, 28.865307573477121 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hugar Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994808616248804, 28.750732550244813 ], [ 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-81.974412793685431, 28.876561705823935 ], [ -81.974374466092328, 28.876495549815687 ], [ -81.974334609657205, 28.876410492074587 ], [ -81.974296291239895, 28.876303835303048 ], [ -81.974251840232085, 28.876194476749696 ], [ -81.974211989062951, 28.87608511906544 ], [ -81.974166006328034, 28.875964958724037 ], [ -81.974097031401584, 28.875786745200802 ], [ -81.97403572089847, 28.87563148408703 ], [ -81.97399430936791, 28.875516238503952 ], [ -81.973957758137573, 28.875420846309023 ], [ -81.973919857131989, 28.875312338874181 ], [ -81.973904968059088, 28.875264643877355 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 621", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.169153506410467, 28.646937406931432 ], [ -82.169772266793444, 28.646947052548292 ], [ -82.170254025721192, 28.646940201489009 ], [ -82.171097099294272, 28.646924563039573 ], [ -82.171855186332735, 28.646929856120607 ], [ -82.171904809122125, 28.646946459596258 ], [ -82.171933187896158, 28.646971424742386 ], [ -82.171949776483459, 28.647006819514626 ], [ -82.171964040265493, 28.647063050315332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sweny Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.993795581197105, 28.759238053588295 ], [ -81.993831049179946, 28.759317664960033 ], [ -81.993860642713571, 28.759411826830554 ], [ -81.993871403841879, 28.75947729140416 ], [ -81.993877680878825, 28.759626156121566 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hollyberry Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.987953197602835, 28.872616396134699 ], [ -81.987855261777725, 28.87255172820948 ], [ -81.987506362516186, 28.872349637820431 ], [ -81.987084010507843, 28.872117904182886 ], [ -81.986937106920479, 28.872039760348525 ], [ -81.986865006707575, 28.87200526633832 ], [ -81.986810928538162, 28.871994930529361 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28.895423569614046 ], [ -82.099164733035309, 28.89549812942958 ], [ -82.099168932080303, 28.895569051476055 ], [ -82.09916903005157, 28.8956727100806 ], [ -82.099171168251488, 28.895749088022729 ], [ -82.09917125075556, 28.895836378954559 ], [ -82.099175464596073, 28.895921849635211 ], [ -82.099175547106029, 28.896009142369405 ], [ -82.09917563820899, 28.896105525745686 ], [ -82.099177823168134, 28.896229186755143 ], [ -82.099177877150865, 28.896287381307957 ], [ -82.099178040456536, 28.896460145930249 ], [ -82.099178110242747, 28.896532889116987 ], [ -82.099178162508579, 28.896589266440952 ], [ -82.099178221980168, 28.896651097246139 ], [ -82.099174141160717, 28.896707476690676 ], [ -82.099172127392265, 28.896763853720127 ], [ -82.099172168645964, 28.896807498728464 ], [ -82.099168082992549, 28.896856603851695 ], [ -82.099163989433961, 28.896898433754608 ], [ -82.099159889691052, 28.896934808370343 ], [ -82.099159935404458, 28.896982092340551 ], [ -82.099164120063662, 28.897036645801265 ], [ -82.099172424769606, 28.897078466632834 ], [ -82.099197262911844, 28.897120275365516 ], [ -82.099215901239475, 28.897160271403969 ], [ -82.099236608729186, 28.897205720313597 ], [ -82.099261444512607, 28.897243892776004 ], [ -82.09928006948499, 28.897272976427825 ], [ -82.099304887061265, 28.897292962185588 ], [ -82.099337967421519, 28.897309305624447 ], [ -82.099381376605393, 28.897322002516734 ], [ -82.099451662895291, 28.897345593869257 ], [ -82.099536415290061, 28.897370990887872 ], [ -82.099604632850401, 28.897392762842873 ], [ -82.099701786389048, 28.897419971480186 ], [ -82.099749338447921, 28.897441759462762 ], [ -82.09978448669824, 28.897459919398983 ], [ -82.099834110028539, 28.897487161117393 ], [ -82.099869262476417, 28.897510776318917 ], [ -82.099898730699877, 28.897530304683748 ], [ -82.099927179369786, 28.897566655325988 ], [ -82.099947873116122, 28.897596192116076 ], [ -82.099966000245004, 28.897641642812022 ], [ -82.099973802849846, 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[ [ -82.037151838122938, 28.881707388633089 ], [ -82.037150278816156, 28.88143024997391 ], [ -82.037146876561621, 28.881011033653589 ], [ -82.037150144187223, 28.880420011023883 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 782a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.097150607817639, 28.573712866152309 ], [ -82.096862157235407, 28.573674493497975 ], [ -82.096740870524641, 28.573653363321778 ], [ -82.096642749975672, 28.573646155213673 ], [ -82.096393572734399, 28.573637870511156 ], [ -82.096131617785147, 28.573632415056242 ], [ -82.095805768994182, 28.573618542531911 ], [ -82.095483117641919, 28.573610308458701 ], [ -82.095217970537888, 28.5736048543686 ], [ -82.094949633187269, 28.573605040729614 ], [ -82.094642957027588, 28.57359961250588 ], [ -82.094425730213445, 28.573596943563718 ], [ -82.094291562055687, 28.573597035124546 ], [ -82.093927370293898, 28.57357472500054 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.053708628770522, 28.894304371507488 ], [ -82.053705186669802, 28.894635739486141 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cosentino Court", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972525253929206, 28.817279219724949 ], [ -81.97236204866563, 28.817072831502806 ], [ -81.971969020454765, 28.816737643758472 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West Noble Avenue", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.120838760545936, 28.664908284766952 ], [ -82.122462692323879, 28.664929201649816 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 97th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.136833266849237, 28.613293165928315 ], [ -82.137474404306587, 28.613308752665574 ], [ -82.137880464982402, 28.613301655639603 ], [ -82.137983873992738, 28.613304236449562 ], [ -82.138047203385682, 28.613308174256701 ], [ -82.138087297037544, 28.613317550494898 ], [ -82.138138640458919, 28.613333600763802 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Robin Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997687822831551, 28.813910366916744 ], [ -81.996102389763848, 28.813863261625968 ], [ -81.994997930697565, 28.813837076047886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Penrose Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.012851383500632, 28.871142928127455 ], [ -82.012850649894204, 28.871886620664128 ], [ -82.012865810169629, 28.871966751000507 ], [ -82.01291128912662, 28.872036054555593 ], [ -82.013000083343087, 28.872090196348609 ], [ -82.013114864776114, 28.872120516693037 ], [ -82.013225315937788, 28.872122683691817 ], [ -82.014888575926364, 28.872111862985523 ], [ -82.015012020675996, 28.872118360907553 ], [ -82.015115975603621, 28.872118361522496 ], [ -82.015252413639573, 28.872127024258376 ], [ -82.015375860384864, 28.872140020231374 ], [ -82.01549280740474, 28.872155179626745 ], [ -82.015659567479389, 28.872170339699711 ], [ -82.015783011639058, 28.872179003344399 ], [ -82.015941107826279, 28.872187667461443 ], [ -82.01610136944619, 28.872185501707353 ], [ -82.016246471760496, 28.872181171990889 ], [ -82.016387243042487, 28.872183338301337 ], [ -82.016508521702789, 28.8721681789375 ], [ -82.016642795675025, 28.872155185254737 ], [ -82.016751081645026, 28.872142191837785 ], [ -82.016876692213827, 28.872133529107373 ], [ -82.016982810768184, 28.872131364300291 ], [ -82.017091097373736, 28.872129199145299 ], [ -82.017216706892881, 28.872127033580213 ], [ -82.017361808756561, 28.872127034618892 ], [ -82.017463597333531, 28.872124869970072 ], [ -82.017584876921219, 28.872129201181547 ], [ -82.017714818899904, 28.872142196000667 ], [ -82.017866418257555, 28.872157357066044 ], [ -82.018035342634818, 28.872172517532242 ], [ -82.018171782007258, 28.872181180921817 ], [ -82.018336376325834, 28.872183347512077 ], [ -82.018503135081588, 28.87219417662298 ], [ -82.018648236929621, 28.872187680599669 ], [ -82.018916784215449, 28.872189847901506 ], [ -82.019064051533306, 28.872192013243094 ], [ -82.019317439324595, 28.872185517906182 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 300", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.178431689433921, 28.821163287705978 ], [ -82.178648780000771, 28.821328191216203 ], [ -82.178934150363176, 28.821533766768759 ], [ -82.17922684017995, 28.821745768168107 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Zingale Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.955950701437189, 28.779105463322299 ], [ -81.956255368610783, 28.77910257233026 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 317b", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { 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-82.178334434273708, 28.678012210053595 ], [ -82.17843520903817, 28.678013928600912 ], [ -82.178470145760244, 28.67803442251439 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rawlins Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99022824798277, 28.78259185319628 ], [ -81.990065396683761, 28.782114766493727 ], [ -81.990065397427244, 28.782055130690907 ], [ -81.990086040192878, 28.782004670259752 ], [ -81.990118152400996, 28.781981733087644 ], [ -81.990161733231133, 28.781963383221342 ], [ -81.991476025588014, 28.781990909545758 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kingston Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997831938791961, 28.916566202070904 ], [ -81.997835420864732, 28.916382004508126 ], [ -81.997835424116985, 28.916207709590257 ], [ -81.997835429158641, 28.916044073503436 ], [ -81.99783515663043, 28.915908148756689 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hickey Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991351277989651, 28.790887144214796 ], [ -81.991305387471229, 28.790840358057647 ], [ -81.991231140174179, 28.790761315909169 ], [ -81.991158821853944, 28.790680896916179 ], [ -81.990959971553238, 28.790454864769291 ], [ -81.99092318777285, 28.790414637114566 ], [ -81.990891098668726, 28.790382120945253 ], [ -81.990891076136393, 28.790382098385866 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Denise Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000541017101597, 28.77813792507694 ], [ -81.999959242566931, 28.77756438027906 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Steiger Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.998246086552541, 28.782893267211904 ], [ -81.999117859808322, 28.782937434005117 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 317a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.170056764407931, 28.674259276136201 ], [ -82.170611593571806, 28.674282608073707 ], [ -82.170656175334301, 28.674282552176589 ], [ -82.170715599649967, 28.674271556738251 ], [ -82.170762604337654, 28.674238734138417 ], [ -82.17078979568825, 28.674205935486246 ], [ -82.170802114121841, 28.674166601867523 ], [ -82.170811944410346, 28.674118535906604 ], [ -82.170818616781943, 28.67365109402801 ], [ -82.170823526311764, 28.673624876058327 ], [ -82.170833381327697, 28.673592099154277 ], [ -82.170848202522137, 28.673568054186571 ], [ -82.170875407840754, 28.673543991863866 ], [ -82.170939789322901, 28.673535174645828 ], [ -82.1710066564127, 28.673532907000268 ], [ -82.172995501556827, 28.673552236942694 ], [ -82.173468564423871, 28.673556002023272 ], [ -82.175809116686708, 28.67358139366943 ], [ -82.176255104194652, 28.673585138876085 ], [ -82.176595714885238, 28.673595024425904 ], [ -82.176843058267693, 28.673598567873697 ], [ -82.176951346513547, 28.673601292895494 ], [ -82.177010906498012, 28.673604079424983 ], [ -82.177057431144746, 28.67360598597427 ], [ -82.177127131955473, 28.673605368298052 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Carvello Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.995599258680755, 28.946661308324646 ], [ -81.995007007981883, 28.946661285950761 ], [ -81.994215793713167, 28.946656787751426 ], [ -81.993871859785074, 28.946661237512185 ], [ -81.993812292358825, 28.946663503972779 ], [ -81.993771832647269, 28.946669271312956 ], [ -81.993700755394343, 28.946689467541354 ], [ -81.993643890973502, 28.946707738027893 ], [ -81.993604523820409, 28.946727934839856 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mahogany Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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28.908495993558063 ], [ -81.983276839128692, 28.908598210510615 ], [ -81.983375443318977, 28.908696571520359 ], [ -81.983465287653345, 28.908773719246721 ], [ -81.98350034713232, 28.90880264855705 ], [ -81.983618678593501, 28.908899083614955 ], [ -81.983701950562192, 28.908960803784957 ], [ -81.983850963557089, 28.909059169692569 ], [ -81.983978064520841, 28.909134392468392 ], [ -81.984123305064699, 28.909208461441953 ], [ -81.984276887086025, 28.909274319429024 ], [ -81.9844120927538, 28.909322849166916 ], [ -81.984600445273841, 28.909381301176502 ], [ -81.98480644948161, 28.90942374907376 ], [ -81.984989249064483, 28.909443866680466 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcduffie Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.982770847252084, 28.878882143660221 ], [ -81.983293192498749, 28.878403931295015 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dragonfly Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { 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[ -81.975962984145482, 28.813481082617248 ], [ -81.976046849626428, 28.813217512788878 ], [ -81.976148684171235, 28.813097707661328 ], [ -81.976442207834168, 28.812900029818909 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Spider Lily Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.032913510703906, 28.796459652854512 ], [ -82.032945540894886, 28.796482579312844 ], [ -82.033079089830551, 28.796574350542816 ], [ -82.033192782708923, 28.796655187668268 ], [ -82.033305621930509, 28.796737537177979 ], [ -82.033336117558591, 28.796756371924356 ], [ -82.033358840426246, 28.796768631581969 ], [ -82.033381860820214, 28.796779095561995 ], [ -82.033408171519994, 28.796789858311353 ], [ -82.03343866714863, 28.796798827149129 ], [ -82.033532131127401, 28.79682270588323 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Britton Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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"coordinates": [ [ [ -82.065308262030555, 28.790374388953847 ], [ -82.065488935002648, 28.790767938273166 ], [ -82.065506824301252, 28.790812659148592 ], [ -82.06553007859975, 28.790894947042712 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kelley Margaret Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.990428784414505, 28.749230265218262 ], [ -81.990120607355081, 28.74892121263106 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Countrywind Court", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.004342998101734, 28.878401355621378 ], [ -82.004902971732292, 28.878935808653601 ], [ -82.004936106983948, 28.878965989602602 ], [ -82.004972938968137, 28.878996458258705 ], [ -82.005011435750106, 28.879025288270167 ], [ -82.00505150608754, 28.87905240655207 ], [ -82.005093050536857, 28.879077747238281 ], [ -82.005135968629105, 28.879101248071979 ], [ -82.005180152719149, 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-81.990953763017203, 28.90039724321764 ], [ -81.991009938882343, 28.900349410754391 ], [ -81.991064305467816, 28.900284038351362 ], [ -81.991102364175632, 28.900223448819929 ], [ -81.99113712757601, 28.900148413246196 ], [ -81.991160295953236, 28.900098590737166 ], [ -81.991178482318986, 28.900057622153664 ], [ -81.991202045017857, 28.899989058908265 ], [ -81.991214734760177, 28.899920493131479 ], [ -81.991223374894616, 28.899833614018661 ], [ -81.9912314453844, 28.89975307803013 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Krilov Place", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039744328451889, 28.818932698227215 ], [ -82.039744332174877, 28.81887982469652 ], [ -82.039742539275949, 28.818830914627569 ], [ -82.039739871174575, 28.818765016128214 ], [ -82.039722025179913, 28.818696308609873 ], [ -82.039631421550425, 28.818352572858995 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 50th Court", "maxspeed": 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[ -82.123513243237014, 28.667467128941588 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Us 301", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.149091256307898, 28.588315660704261 ], [ -82.149092026053495, 28.588314166486018 ], [ -82.149093759010526, 28.588310628311444 ], [ -82.149095747835489, 28.588306569205542 ], [ -82.149098003740761, 28.588301965695099 ], [ -82.149100854965198, 28.588296145176166 ], [ -82.149104861156147, 28.588287968280614 ], [ -82.149107894852008, 28.588281776699265 ], [ -82.149112121231653, 28.588273152000895 ], [ -82.149129054255596, 28.588238589109615 ], [ -82.149423847822533, 28.587636910207344 ], [ -82.149432594056563, 28.587619060410024 ], [ -82.149444821445073, 28.587594102654698 ], [ -82.149464617675363, 28.587553698424784 ], [ -82.149472053998977, 28.587538520091922 ], [ -82.149486417975737, 28.587509203481055 ], [ -82.149511532233376, 28.587457944550117 ], [ -82.149526309032524, 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-82.259981003154806, 28.667196892546482 ], [ -82.26002060860985, 28.667121112684278 ], [ -82.260048596841685, 28.667044010716875 ], [ -82.260068072158532, 28.666942070491434 ], [ -82.260084197962058, 28.666797863505874 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 121st Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020021616765149, 28.932329798713639 ], [ -82.018960597578968, 28.932334659031515 ], [ -82.017903707756005, 28.932327841980403 ], [ -82.017739944072801, 28.932339529684754 ], [ -82.01761123200032, 28.932352303621407 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 81st Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.146904856227749, 28.87534933219969 ], [ -82.146962485043218, 28.875338298604166 ], [ -82.147020111027544, 28.87532452290046 ], [ -82.147161827631891, 28.875281858923959 ], [ -82.147591630689092, 28.87514288817097 ], [ -82.148116421233738, 28.874968157819854 ], [ -82.148466803474662, 28.874855325930316 ], [ -82.148786037563269, 28.874749383936056 ], [ -82.148912169183291, 28.874703990454829 ], [ -82.149147310796934, 28.874626937849161 ], [ -82.1494089142749, 28.874533400406353 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041373583300626, 28.887323570308087 ], [ -82.041395284166271, 28.886962094126627 ], [ -82.041298692115475, 28.883762293139881 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Warm Springs Avenue", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.030508693648599, 28.799592011527594 ], [ -82.029131468651457, 28.799585151331762 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tufts Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001258394339899, 28.83979008034234 ], [ -82.001313233998147, 28.839693041471808 ], [ -82.001454220827, 28.839416107316723 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Beauclair Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.965926322141655, 28.838505604224423 ], [ -81.966000353611719, 28.83847824066104 ], [ -81.966053118864806, 28.83846141063421 ], [ -81.966107527297439, 28.838449296459306 ], [ -81.966163035754349, 28.838442019809108 ], [ -81.966219091874947, 28.838439650923291 ], [ -81.966275137165141, 28.838442214925632 ], [ -81.966748383908765, 28.838484796389395 ], [ -81.9668003511416, 28.838489159267112 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orwell Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.971923030495589, 28.87298649774203 ], [ -81.972042724086478, 28.873038776010912 ], [ -81.972218442993082, 28.873165323505368 ], [ -81.972561669828977, 28.873457605832815 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.138418527175162, 28.674848398402535 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 422a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.138105979565168, 28.799021201866072 ], [ -82.138142265737741, 28.799479201611938 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 212a", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.084421869389217, 28.932529185906436 ], [ -82.084693118117116, 28.932233439776052 ], [ -82.084954322059644, 28.932020126589222 ], [ -82.085189405541954, 28.931906940566325 ], [ -82.085411427578023, 28.931850346985627 ], [ -82.085899005518783, 28.931828582163742 ], [ -82.086051373344347, 28.931876469418771 ], [ -82.086155854605266, 28.93197659726269 ], [ -82.08619938736615, 28.932128965094051 ], [ -82.08619067522045, 28.933221658491096 ], [ -82.08614278686882, 28.933461093474449 ], [ -82.086084041134299, 28.933695234361881 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Charles Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.996488514002763, 28.871865758410813 ], [ -81.996193477402045, 28.871647022786703 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 557", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.103299498121928, 28.65757113415652 ], [ -82.103300581866179, 28.657294800712062 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Roosa Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991455225688341, 28.783269562459445 ], [ -81.99155167773371, 28.783267946253041 ], [ -81.991668677112727, 28.78328567328661 ], [ -81.992081717274758, 28.783383171973497 ], [ -81.992225307649491, 28.783415079982881 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Maywood Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020188171789357, 28.922682525612412 ], [ -82.02019946480614, 28.922624835675858 ], [ -82.020232286011463, 28.922471263725196 ], [ -82.020239118649002, 28.92244547961991 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.121814958180025, 28.668601505961647 ], [ -82.122463432996042, 28.668609212244551 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968720234164394, 28.920164933128952 ], [ -81.968718839528748, 28.920776969443637 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 682", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.171324312784364, 28.592128959173213 ], [ -82.171336890218825, 28.591664223871913 ], [ -82.171349896527261, 28.591464200776745 ], [ -82.171349124377429, 28.590987717476338 ], [ -82.171348047212888, 28.590322994282772 ], [ -82.171360689056428, 28.589899436247311 ], [ -82.171359708215576, 28.589293538307022 ], [ -82.171365923704244, 28.589017051993611 ], [ -82.171365485200567, 28.588746456401164 ], [ -82.171365037170702, 28.588469978441584 ], [ -82.171364312707212, 28.588022905812309 ], [ -82.171383535978521, 28.587546398037585 ], [ -82.171402766576094, 28.587075771685114 ], [ -82.17138861789617, 28.586569892142222 ], [ -82.17138798769669, 28.586181644777252 ], [ -82.171400078091793, 28.585416902450447 ], [ -82.171392317522916, 28.584740421468876 ], [ -82.171402373707465, 28.584365691193305 ], [ -82.171401687343874, 28.583942150442208 ], [ -82.171395357190747, 28.583325668800359 ], [ -82.17137352634478, 28.583015099013299 ], [ -82.171378378126988, 28.582718614630988 ], [ -82.171393793959126, 28.582360936301068 ], [ -82.171417220806404, 28.581974666165472 ], [ -82.171426945794678, 28.58163734458774 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.060396188153589, 28.645260860515133 ], [ -82.060361965420185, 28.645345902691336 ], [ -82.060327038029243, 28.645447323471625 ], [ -82.060276831509171, 28.645548122014471 ], [ -82.060227179119607, 28.645619945377351 ], [ -82.060192933442323, 28.64566341869368 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tyla Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991174112995992, 28.772032398050786 ], [ -81.991082590539762, 28.771624146135228 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bandomo Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999255356481001, 28.73600872956245 ], [ -81.99931808729346, 28.735874315221157 ], [ -81.999378764229434, 28.735749393288433 ], [ -81.999421594566016, 28.735681577534098 ], [ -81.999539378694678, 28.735503119109161 ], [ -81.999701777714122, 28.735297739881396 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oldsmar 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28.757603778363141 ], [ -82.013428933416719, 28.758016886154202 ], [ -82.0134287198225, 28.758127655639704 ], [ -82.013441286748773, 28.758249253556983 ], [ -82.01347070953183, 28.758454772694005 ], [ -82.013519966002363, 28.758833944664072 ], [ -82.013548196086774, 28.758948766489265 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Craft Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000418321098977, 28.815275567873122 ], [ -81.999715706357591, 28.814931942220245 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 466", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.02356436423527, 28.927427865975048 ], [ -82.023975145024423, 28.927429346147292 ], [ -82.024775724114193, 28.927431358198319 ], [ -82.025539579085702, 28.927435527896137 ], [ -82.02609533158379, 28.927437575532394 ], [ -82.026666578691263, 28.927441307867703 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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[ -81.990164968708839, 28.883785083667604 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Greenville Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.985323343725497, 28.880585889198684 ], [ -81.985450599843531, 28.880495755977119 ], [ -81.985479235022552, 28.880473359456442 ], [ -81.985491961828274, 28.880456560884468 ], [ -81.985504691248508, 28.880428562941376 ], [ -81.985522192229581, 28.880404763925597 ], [ -81.98555241783572, 28.880386566874432 ], [ -81.985596954864576, 28.880382372380843 ], [ -81.98563035779847, 28.880390776415513 ], [ -81.985652626174314, 28.880400577811816 ], [ -81.985671710023752, 28.880420179664565 ], [ -81.985684431716749, 28.880446781791274 ], [ -81.985690790381113, 28.880471982861391 ], [ -81.985687605777898, 28.880504182061951 ], [ -81.98567169446379, 28.880530781112252 ], [ -81.985641469270035, 28.880553176600102 ], [ -81.985603292205397, 28.880572772282378 ], [ -81.985510940212805, 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[ -82.121873661049548, 28.788559417591365 ], [ -82.121929440141173, 28.788524535654663 ], [ -82.122013213772718, 28.788493496785534 ], [ -82.122118682783722, 28.788470796491389 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saint Catherine Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.972226089057216, 28.792338197074525 ], [ -81.972243121100576, 28.793053626909785 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 12th Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.082956461174248, 28.774388976088741 ], [ -82.082717294006827, 28.774353468086776 ], [ -82.082089105034456, 28.774329138333492 ], [ -82.081322190490923, 28.774345409504395 ], [ -82.080524725825583, 28.774365573393688 ], [ -82.079910732847381, 28.77435764365179 ], [ -82.079193239578487, 28.774362206879758 ], [ -82.078895656959986, 28.774364450840793 ], [ -82.078458099980551, 28.774364702014818 ], [ 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[ -82.026343420892914, 28.943648733731838 ], [ -82.026201628580907, 28.943782422948775 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Central Parkway", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.005488021912839, 28.750301122626489 ], [ -82.005550531935754, 28.750305069939408 ], [ -82.005611291136645, 28.750289036328141 ], [ -82.005667830530925, 28.750266674874023 ], [ -82.005712305668453, 28.75023034502302 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southwest 116th Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.184855439915125, 28.586180193546873 ], [ -82.184955556788296, 28.58617963902574 ], [ -82.185044395125715, 28.586176444152194 ], [ -82.185152397426748, 28.586173221381422 ], [ -82.185321368842381, 28.586168379844921 ], [ -82.185486875782289, 28.586175842638255 ], [ -82.185624507492932, 28.586180267116028 ], [ -82.185826569686938, 28.586170767102033 ], [ 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[ -81.955862586668459, 28.845225095556252 ], [ -81.955666281675846, 28.845046636881747 ], [ -81.955547307755069, 28.844924689691602 ], [ -81.955386693542735, 28.844778947396652 ], [ -81.955187413047568, 28.844695666818794 ], [ -81.9549494665672, 28.844564797085742 ], [ -81.954765058500598, 28.844419055092835 ], [ -81.954631212223148, 28.844329825126366 ], [ -81.954530085845249, 28.844335774160395 ], [ -81.95439029201026, 28.844320901919104 ], [ -81.954235626990638, 28.844210852797534 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North Buena Vista Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.000335888130152, 28.933081017580427 ], [ -82.000245597944925, 28.933266654650385 ], [ -82.000198980287422, 28.933396517320233 ], [ -82.000170491625823, 28.93349220560712 ], [ -82.000145882033721, 28.933601326359536 ], [ -82.000131643221479, 28.933679025625004 ], [ -82.000119401312773, 28.933791745659015 ], [ -82.000110923697747, 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[ -81.965953764981492, 28.902961466232682 ], [ -81.965822498716619, 28.902964183940522 ], [ -81.965664469641794, 28.902964143560173 ], [ -81.965506440567282, 28.902964102994464 ], [ -81.965378690247292, 28.902964070968054 ], [ -81.965214020745151, 28.90296402744206 ], [ -81.965045836204339, 28.902963984603087 ], [ -81.964921406099975, 28.902963951203969 ], [ -81.964790145686052, 28.902946384233211 ], [ -81.964726277146724, 28.902928491104749 ], [ -81.964646484964121, 28.902896720906163 ], [ -81.964589433637741, 28.902859783789431 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Miona Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994263244945373, 28.908906226542094 ], [ -81.99421337932931, 28.90895969723487 ], [ -81.994181138901908, 28.909016426891579 ], [ -81.994156957064774, 28.90906252151332 ], [ -81.994120688536469, 28.909103294736823 ], [ -81.99407837278676, 28.909145842497193 ], [ -81.994009866483751, 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-82.125242192587535, 28.770806637463167 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Odell Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.968876523090216, 28.870204891620602 ], [ -81.968981697920739, 28.8701241977511 ], [ -81.969092984426865, 28.870045657199665 ], [ -81.96921772035391, 28.869968196090039 ], [ -81.96931432809923, 28.869915481314063 ], [ -81.969426829081144, 28.869863849246403 ], [ -81.969559928813169, 28.869811665941914 ], [ -81.969736010655907, 28.869755202661462 ], [ -81.970058818649463, 28.869675364436624 ], [ -81.970319752316641, 28.869616808820691 ], [ -81.970603481978785, 28.869551392072779 ], [ -81.97101177604533, 28.86945250190039 ], [ -81.971328372830996, 28.869385568539922 ], [ -81.971542898250419, 28.869335362265911 ], [ -81.971726281410369, 28.869306469609764 ], [ -81.971918309810292, 28.86928519214965 ], [ -81.97214147618709, 28.86926848744633 ], [ -81.972212403608467, 28.869266979077739 ], [ -81.972354036047179, 28.869263812400423 ], [ -81.972622438411605, 28.869265722616628 ], [ -81.972770134095342, 28.869262457486908 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Hollyoak Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.00494957197634, 28.851694244088296 ], [ -82.004933327501902, 28.851622220758237 ], [ -82.004868368957673, 28.851205965711657 ], [ -82.004846483968663, 28.851068395442727 ], [ -82.004789783007084, 28.850933075677698 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 48", "maxspeed": "40 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.133071067298729, 28.668639091685638 ], [ -82.134172946912201, 28.668641980825235 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Olympia Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986605407898168, 28.848498938950932 ], [ -81.986873778047951, 28.848713804707959 ] ] ] } 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[ -82.026249329038535, 28.835886544381683 ], [ -82.026306240450651, 28.835877960778969 ], [ -82.026355841112348, 28.835863971012984 ], [ -82.026393994103316, 28.835835992228358 ], [ -82.026415933638148, 28.835799110747033 ], [ -82.026425789782465, 28.835754917460353 ], [ -82.026418794487697, 28.83570754314017 ], [ -82.026355728270758, 28.835263705573858 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boardroom Trail", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.958752230365604, 28.849822351270053 ], [ -81.95803528788602, 28.849785842192372 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Chestnut Terrace", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.992759856029721, 28.872564874859275 ], [ -81.992847753349878, 28.872469465632069 ], [ -81.992967876845015, 28.872366322625361 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Cazaras Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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[ -82.046095045920097, 28.920437667836918 ], [ -82.045894230909312, 28.920392376290998 ], [ -82.045687990909158, 28.920356634356953 ], [ -82.04546546826198, 28.920318512770226 ], [ -82.045264667088446, 28.920299479792774 ], [ -82.045082218947286, 28.920281857954922 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.141354935681051, 28.800302787010121 ], [ -82.143025126630576, 28.800293740085408 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 5th Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.096024043070543, 28.61197340773144 ], [ -82.095986842484947, 28.611728962768904 ], [ -82.095992202029748, 28.611420991137791 ], [ -82.095997361431046, 28.611124607488936 ], [ -82.096021984910792, 28.609709879960025 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southfield Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, 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[ -81.994827350547411, 28.801233905680093 ], [ -81.994849968305147, 28.80132856094707 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lenhart Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983417441021714, 28.780803575563791 ], [ -81.983784968169644, 28.780795585400426 ], [ -81.983916220462859, 28.780792732751994 ], [ -81.98401679985875, 28.780784885617141 ], [ -81.984093838936829, 28.780764913012014 ], [ -81.984174445525426, 28.780729960547937 ], [ -81.984241694993216, 28.78069178880996 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "West C 476", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.153525382465759, 28.657809516885781 ], [ -82.153681440018218, 28.657811524553257 ], [ -82.154404746682687, 28.657812892015972 ], [ -82.154813467949893, 28.657814614438038 ], [ -82.155497146106086, 28.657818204749024 ], [ -82.155695310918787, 28.657817978371831 ], [ -82.155784478680062, 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[ -81.992039444001577, 28.743172721333138 ], [ -81.989298948343261, 28.743494884711389 ], [ -81.989199064833244, 28.743478236029599 ], [ -81.989115828277789, 28.743437806995463 ], [ -81.988878008973828, 28.743295117462154 ], [ -81.988751964461969, 28.743185720056562 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Virginia Avenue", "maxspeed": "25 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99689565006129, 28.648022582416687 ], [ -81.996879859417973, 28.647333578947514 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Boudreau Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.013149194373113, 28.803085791590757 ], [ -82.013132409571725, 28.80331502459229 ], [ -82.013150264445116, 28.803545873164502 ], [ -82.013178322766038, 28.803677239995757 ], [ -82.013216037623536, 28.803785991285807 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tremblay Trail", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, 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-81.956121972609793, 28.78127080280041 ], [ -81.956149862413881, 28.781341893542209 ], [ -81.956165647522781, 28.781424397328959 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 243b", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.137745671293899, 28.873488876802845 ], [ -82.138761159455555, 28.874860714949289 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northwest 3rd Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.058892713860047, 28.619217326439752 ], [ -82.058892799522766, 28.619370967783681 ], [ -82.05887954141636, 28.620084954212455 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Tall Trees Lane", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.007571329432736, 28.92416745065912 ], [ -82.00753935760855, 28.924259005581145 ], [ -82.007533906640361, 28.924290187405436 ], [ -82.00752998890664, 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28.770365778385319 ], [ -81.98507653013128, 28.770553686464947 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 607", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.129065353372454, 28.655016172269622 ], [ -82.129065209428347, 28.654898554957292 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Pepper Tree Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.042841809928618, 28.901595718114965 ], [ -82.042843274378882, 28.901904183670251 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Eaglemont Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.009837458707054, 28.913931958994784 ], [ -82.009847404601672, 28.913734974187076 ], [ -82.009867104934798, 28.913413542953549 ], [ -82.009877047636024, 28.913182524375546 ], [ -82.009878059838641, 28.913160429750558 ], [ -82.009871587539635, 28.913132913737943 ], [ 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[ -82.010123323419748, 28.800461120821144 ], [ -82.009084307810625, 28.800461914070819 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Monument Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.027916135233781, 28.834466230341555 ], [ -82.028010398492853, 28.834441285064489 ], [ -82.028135640893552, 28.834423959735318 ], [ -82.028582335515893, 28.834398492650781 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Old 44a", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.041266695743218, 28.856361498329107 ], [ -82.041118490749966, 28.856256122112974 ], [ -82.040966231491993, 28.856161467221973 ], [ -82.040769310183705, 28.856045383077369 ], [ -82.04069217131169, 28.856011456779804 ], [ -82.040653605673484, 28.856004321062414 ], [ -82.040621133251904, 28.856007903809068 ], [ -82.040548070644647, 28.856022220637254 ], [ -82.040468925075814, 28.856047258597833 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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[ -81.959730512218769, 28.870991264359937 ], [ -81.959679013708026, 28.870995636806658 ], [ -81.959625846256841, 28.871016091379079 ], [ -81.959564362658369, 28.871067251501547 ], [ -81.959507856885352, 28.87112864791828 ], [ -81.959268537990553, 28.871394704366747 ], [ -81.958864685500444, 28.871844952196081 ], [ -81.958572179344173, 28.872170942777039 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Kaden Court", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.989710819395043, 28.793219750298132 ], [ -81.989965511132269, 28.793021660453906 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Amherst Way", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.983520316377252, 28.860862726768001 ], [ -81.983519873366618, 28.860781385773116 ], [ -81.983524397378318, 28.860700142838692 ], [ -81.983533876063731, 28.860619229854962 ], [ -81.983548282723717, 28.860538885928293 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-82.002366885613014, 28.910002893499669 ], [ -82.002323156934892, 28.91010797117276 ], [ -82.002284473320415, 28.910207128789992 ], [ -82.00225588128886, 28.910312206245209 ], [ -82.002234018093233, 28.910406922524121 ], [ -82.002223928598823, 28.910525320362684 ], [ -82.00222224700272, 28.910593397850121 ], [ -82.002242431126191, 28.910648156249941 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Miona Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994474251125609, 28.908751106231708 ], [ -81.994362486015589, 28.90879659893735 ], [ -81.994277858509548, 28.908890556971976 ], [ -81.994263244945373, 28.908906226542094 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Ridge Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001064094704759, 28.893497490937396 ], [ -82.001258915817019, 28.893459624209971 ], [ -82.001565488519702, 28.89340270348357 ], [ -82.001689653462535, 28.893385220478994 ], [ -82.001858518214789, 28.893376475729006 ], [ -82.002082419904909, 28.893381780793529 ], [ -82.00211186736901, 28.893381780468001 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Vineland Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.999465246940076, 28.846204973629582 ], [ -81.999424070504446, 28.846160753180609 ], [ -81.999387041635416, 28.846113663407678 ], [ -81.99924888599854, 28.84590839956557 ], [ -81.999180350371077, 28.84581842289289 ], [ -81.999097862932672, 28.845719389626041 ], [ -81.99900353071672, 28.845617030305611 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mcmurtrie Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.994346950991584, 28.750059227937545 ], [ -81.994333404253652, 28.750122405951061 ], [ -81.994314426507657, 28.75018959544132 ], [ -81.994277496732863, 28.750309100625422 ], [ -81.994226814077535, 28.75044188011988 ], [ -81.994140859466683, 28.750599068481012 ], [ -81.994038358631784, 28.750750827688908 ], [ -81.993922439488912, 28.750898139572847 ], [ -81.99380469254946, 28.751025893500938 ], [ -81.99371638219715, 28.751113024507347 ], [ -81.993611588209532, 28.751193679620997 ], [ -81.993443211599413, 28.751316722482638 ], [ -81.993265414054747, 28.751448007340247 ], [ -81.99316003153011, 28.751515711083769 ], [ -81.993083497235261, 28.751573995134091 ], [ -81.993026011858475, 28.751645085852925 ], [ -81.99299490228573, 28.751718123337945 ], [ -81.992989492185799, 28.751787101736014 ], [ -81.993004847550012, 28.751849359852113 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 36th Street", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.044606664875943, 28.5585291556933 ], [ -82.044536705619919, 28.558325123090036 ], [ -82.044504369628456, 28.558121079248352 ], [ -82.0445043117967, 28.55798346037977 ], [ -82.044520392466353, 28.557879055353151 ], [ -82.044498879119899, 28.557845843237377 ], [ -82.044493485309289, 28.557803135941061 ], [ -82.044498826256046, 28.557722461607913 ], [ -82.044536297492172, 28.557357048240348 ], [ -82.04452546804815, 28.557167233794114 ], [ -82.044498540159211, 28.557039115351099 ], [ -82.044434010649923, 28.556963208916386 ], [ -82.044326473949738, 28.556863588090735 ], [ -82.044278070008048, 28.556792421861026 ], [ -82.044272645623366, 28.556673786477532 ], [ -82.044304864561923, 28.556602593530322 ], [ -82.044326337872278, 28.556540895817911 ], [ -82.044337059618897, 28.556474456098655 ], [ -82.0443370139282, 28.556365310788635 ], [ -82.044315379828063, 28.556042626282107 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 209", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.053680810244884, 28.909243365440091 ], [ -82.053679085680471, 28.909951426571538 ], [ -82.053677736527831, 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-81.96869795867309, 28.880510364300889 ], [ -81.968789979472987, 28.880542785598632 ], [ -81.968829237424558, 28.880569794303604 ], [ -81.968858676403201, 28.880603281047961 ], [ -81.968884970282403, 28.880643217610817 ], [ -81.968900047445999, 28.880694459212162 ], [ -81.968897875520184, 28.880747596156848 ], [ -81.968886841784482, 28.880791208153425 ], [ -81.968861182143485, 28.880871398769727 ], [ -81.968756989715857, 28.881200025275081 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mathews Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.980544584028848, 28.884748916247723 ], [ -81.980811538399408, 28.884845352188279 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jameson Loop", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.956970036061449, 28.784185750485939 ], [ -81.95690555209454, 28.784179564353121 ], [ -81.956830085947246, 28.784164455290899 ], [ -81.956775394982927, 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[ -81.964807392674928, 28.922805489529004 ], [ -81.964887413034333, 28.922802159394383 ], [ -81.964978099024577, 28.922806205563372 ], [ -81.965067259415733, 28.922814945017432 ], [ -81.965110695583505, 28.922822331702303 ], [ -81.965183085994767, 28.922839112485462 ], [ -81.965235664168702, 28.922855886286051 ], [ -81.965262332964812, 28.922866621502461 ], [ -81.965285954401281, 28.922875344706259 ], [ -81.965327863790705, 28.922894126924032 ], [ -81.965379675931089, 28.922916937732637 ], [ -81.965441393369403, 28.922948464548966 ], [ -81.965558734186928, 28.923008837613221 ], [ -81.965642551580189, 28.923045062857703 ], [ -81.965741609042595, 28.923081964158214 ], [ -81.965823141936156, 28.923110814240797 ], [ -81.965961064702029, 28.923152418129895 ], [ -81.966097462526875, 28.923194022393972 ], [ -81.966393879493523, 28.923297349514186 ], [ -81.966523418254482, 28.923342973158416 ], [ -81.966603429274528, 28.923366459140322 ], [ -81.966665913472909, 28.9233852487754 ], [ 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[ -81.987700116544872, 28.849962675894506 ], [ -81.988035436005845, 28.850111569754777 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Triumph Circle", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026385712232809, 28.876509079633223 ], [ -82.026384211865718, 28.876007357586019 ], [ -82.026387217596991, 28.875929244722375 ], [ -82.026360179332372, 28.875864651371369 ], [ -82.026306100624311, 28.875825595607186 ], [ -82.026233997406436, 28.875812075686373 ], [ -82.02510136291329, 28.875815074975314 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Janwood Avenue", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.97137559788959, 28.866683284614645 ], [ -81.971377148878517, 28.866275903889768 ], [ -81.971379211536657, 28.866237837041815 ], [ -81.971384352919713, 28.866208851634493 ], [ -81.971411165191839, 28.866151314742545 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Luca 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28.781362150393342 ], [ -82.120064465998269, 28.781361271474225 ], [ -82.120217859293987, 28.781352619962973 ], [ -82.120327743984561, 28.781337071600721 ], [ -82.120421224631457, 28.781290637081096 ], [ -82.120515850082953, 28.781222572150575 ], [ -82.120664190933667, 28.781097805116843 ], [ -82.120749179867744, 28.780988134821403 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Biscayne Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.010669999793492, 28.878160649113322 ], [ -82.010567787170245, 28.877690620472173 ], [ -82.010543874123698, 28.877578396603848 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oxford Oaks Lane", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.038001496861767, 28.922159569369821 ], [ -82.037375796839044, 28.922173869180252 ], [ -82.037288460736804, 28.922188185399687 ], [ -82.037239473046981, 28.922223053535415 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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[ -82.11846598001145, 28.683191608172162 ], [ -82.120814202515916, 28.683220268730029 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "East C 462", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.100241808981195, 28.894485294719697 ], [ -82.100134760162149, 28.894485373836247 ], [ -82.099437435118787, 28.894485886224427 ], [ -82.098507850459001, 28.894495591454412 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Archer Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.006986307398009, 28.937355821922782 ], [ -82.007026606810143, 28.937334550200923 ], [ -82.007059997049552, 28.937315304453204 ], [ -82.00708072040257, 28.937293020388477 ], [ -82.007091082315128, 28.937261620948874 ], [ -82.007094533395616, 28.937222117439941 ], [ -82.007091077313234, 28.937183630251305 ], [ -82.006987423921885, 28.936795705613893 ], [ -82.006916128501928, 28.936521957460293 ] ] ] } }, { "type": 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-81.989117392534354, 28.854701263411307 ], [ -81.989135843850121, 28.854732521676578 ], [ -81.989147986554002, 28.854766090228502 ], [ -81.989153459974787, 28.854800985526577 ], [ -81.98915211252681, 28.854836193368119 ], [ -81.9891439781358, 28.854870686932276 ], [ -81.989005186158636, 28.85527980598977 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 477a", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.117265501260604, 28.771685737387742 ], [ -82.117460715036643, 28.77168424715234 ], [ -82.117932988440842, 28.771685490849965 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dogwood Drive", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.124143951640619, 28.66632666202284 ], [ -82.123457673299782, 28.666319445542332 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Jesse Drive", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 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-81.981236848798446, 28.913562273756831 ], [ -81.981052943584956, 28.913580005892445 ], [ -81.980895952131704, 28.913593796787129 ], [ -81.980756902696371, 28.913607590988487 ], [ -81.980611122153633, 28.913625328912843 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Dorchester Avenue", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.991333159058655, 28.884997668720228 ], [ -81.991358642389869, 28.884931417114142 ], [ -81.991407586155603, 28.884787625965419 ], [ -81.991492958299546, 28.884515014686404 ], [ -81.991525190969753, 28.884405351957362 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "North C 470", "maxspeed": "55 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.153173677988093, 28.803692495950401 ], [ -82.153184839082584, 28.804924133239538 ], [ -82.153195577756406, 28.805306455252317 ], [ -82.153227783499645, 28.805715482978467 ], [ -82.153269572942307, 28.806025982246474 ], [ -82.153321015810349, 28.806287209976411 ], [ -82.15338216618423, 28.806533437563051 ], [ -82.153450581723902, 28.806760379087059 ], [ -82.153484791708848, 28.806875992811541 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.969129745327265, 28.906674826290363 ], [ -81.9691380007595, 28.906634596519716 ], [ -81.96913801313282, 28.906593201787349 ], [ -81.969129623995428, 28.90655246830833 ], [ -81.969119406646243, 28.906528492792134 ], [ -81.969119260113203, 28.906528148982755 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Appian Way", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.026916206202401, 28.905646308788452 ], [ -82.026902350171014, 28.905680179254631 ], [ -82.02690081063092, 28.905743302523721 ], [ -82.026904796694154, 28.90614852469578 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Glenview Road", 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-81.983743804378662, 28.767861522895593 ], [ -81.983812810455305, 28.76778306396033 ], [ -81.984014530747359, 28.767559660953712 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Gompers Place", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.986360049321959, 28.744896155645858 ], [ -81.986541486796213, 28.744572760593343 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Oak Boulevard", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.98400968896344, 28.807072949804219 ], [ -81.984745862038466, 28.807181877056198 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Orangeburg Terrace", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.981788704672823, 28.886864531957855 ], [ -81.981753578566796, 28.88678159397784 ], [ -81.981712591229098, 28.886670170446394 ], [ -81.981705740237516, 28.886632219631995 ], [ -81.981701943089462, 28.886601811569218 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28.871088861443383 ], [ -81.956822001789206, 28.871154027743668 ], [ -81.956850632069617, 28.871208684916621 ], [ -81.956897681869464, 28.871276098436393 ], [ -81.956941821578482, 28.871326090245294 ], [ -81.956979659783826, 28.871357198432079 ], [ -81.957016692067, 28.871386388956687 ], [ -81.957180044078996, 28.871477824556546 ], [ -81.957335217491718, 28.871566152535948 ], [ -81.957516656886483, 28.871654486841486 ], [ -81.957702869196709, 28.871753333330407 ], [ -81.957924423883583, 28.871869520264578 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bigham Trail", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.020867427734871, 28.796833832256251 ], [ -82.020867409353542, 28.796755338268028 ], [ -82.020872807481823, 28.796029731795098 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reagan Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.001108761078669, 28.788707329830409 ], [ 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-81.962555199187591, 28.843854370263674 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 439", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.123216027690432, 28.785660106513657 ], [ -82.123597600220023, 28.785659760203014 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "South Highland Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.116763401853845, 28.659379923819884 ], [ -82.116761830023762, 28.659334216547123 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Shady Nook Run", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.024960159708982, 28.844868933759066 ], [ -82.024862816950133, 28.844893632913038 ], [ -82.024703344266101, 28.845239719278773 ], [ -82.024642758150634, 28.845391716305176 ], [ -82.024536827357352, 28.845747854553959 ], [ -82.024512697182189, 28.845825270365875 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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-82.211712829577081, 28.599585166904038 ], [ -82.211825991130283, 28.599233269766589 ], [ -82.21216289918685, 28.598315756993198 ], [ -82.212358098474795, 28.597709987245537 ], [ -82.212627165641024, 28.597033759943479 ], [ -82.212805906950024, 28.596739540798524 ], [ -82.213047115026811, 28.59636734363216 ], [ -82.213390702258764, 28.595947251841316 ], [ -82.213773922908047, 28.595421580010445 ], [ -82.214438134019971, 28.594496009719624 ], [ -82.214801410071715, 28.593965342084871 ], [ -82.215545237735355, 28.593006980422299 ], [ -82.215809298141622, 28.592682474030745 ], [ -82.216218524112477, 28.592357738506962 ], [ -82.216289530916342, 28.592282256860468 ], [ -82.216365599264606, 28.592202259041578 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Mary Street", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.039617095825832, 28.850858509107319 ], [ -82.039571487614239, 28.850800550958539 ], [ -82.039578856861439, 28.849073299167355 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-82.207433282153389, 28.620844309448678 ], [ -82.20752907558294, 28.620836113686686 ], [ -82.207638566730665, 28.620833933596529 ], [ -82.207777726040263, 28.620837746572427 ], [ -82.207871248806427, 28.620835590668403 ], [ -82.20797619780889, 28.620843481005014 ], [ -82.208083417443888, 28.620845331155611 ], [ -82.208202055284303, 28.620855213503805 ], [ -82.208313840855496, 28.620859066894546 ], [ -82.208439329222287, 28.620870953468824 ], [ -82.208555688700898, 28.6208808389962 ], [ -82.208683452582392, 28.620890706939569 ], [ -82.208840891673319, 28.620910594802339 ], [ -82.209013737071672, 28.620934230593214 ], [ -82.209144948720194, 28.620956673186665 ], [ -82.209301829381474, 28.620981592801321 ], [ -82.209444460511605, 28.621011565591321 ], [ -82.209601351309061, 28.621041516272957 ], [ -82.209732573208171, 28.621068991515141 ], [ -82.209829586845615, 28.621101548994869 ], [ -82.209912349016804, 28.621136646806228 ], [ -82.209992280147901, 28.621181810891613 ], [ -82.21004937840722, 28.621216947308085 ], [ -82.210103647666998, 28.621262151828834 ], [ -82.210160791070408, 28.621319932268346 ], [ -82.210212233344222, 28.621377722390523 ], [ -82.210263733740319, 28.621465702784437 ], [ -82.210432462080917, 28.621712012744638 ], [ -82.210521108754733, 28.621837676732429 ], [ -82.210593519406743, 28.621944514164557 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Northeast 51st Circle", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.01761123200032, 28.932352303621407 ], [ -82.017604353589974, 28.932282517416066 ], [ -82.017600825149145, 28.931833817541182 ], [ -82.017604271236891, 28.931789250963188 ], [ -82.017613475078605, 28.931748734957708 ], [ -82.017629590023788, 28.931715309208119 ], [ -82.01765146018046, 28.931676816339731 ], [ -82.017682540646206, 28.931643388679561 ], [ -82.017712471130992, 28.931615023032361 ], [ -82.017750462653851, 28.931594761661437 ], [ -82.017787302673213, 28.931576525176737 ], [ -82.017831053793913, 28.931565378026246 ], [ -82.017878818409301, 28.931560727768954 ], [ -82.017932372093142, 28.931557260557337 ], [ -82.018429761053653, 28.931558209529417 ], [ -82.019816361554277, 28.931563861306227 ], [ -82.019838048111524, 28.931568386815186 ], [ -82.019881506410314, 28.931583189939182 ], [ -82.019921132037538, 28.931604766225281 ], [ -82.019955577131128, 28.931632380501075 ], [ -82.019983667124649, 28.931665092749085 ], [ -82.020004445881881, 28.931701786070732 ], [ -82.020017206476652, 28.931741216307216 ], [ -82.020021514789079, 28.931782038202307 ], [ -82.020021564500169, 28.932046402413185 ], [ -82.020021616765149, 28.932329798713639 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Walmer Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.997320538987026, 28.749156200334507 ], [ -81.998617707416003, 28.749114627453125 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": 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28.847054357486869 ], [ -81.956203165066967, 28.847040626287512 ], [ -81.956277357305481, 28.847031483008539 ], [ -81.956356753325409, 28.847028071021935 ], [ -81.956437448968558, 28.847029243124737 ], [ -81.956506429700354, 28.847032703246938 ], [ -81.956588369752552, 28.847045553307549 ], [ -81.956709024122702, 28.847068675011897 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Southeast 108th Road", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.046529633316894, 28.597299907303722 ], [ -82.042394383841426, 28.59733533033663 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "I 75", "maxspeed": "70 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.205554071273212, 28.596692945397422 ], [ -82.20526855595952, 28.597313262923389 ], [ -82.204461905279175, 28.599047615140218 ], [ -82.204231459983689, 28.599558590514075 ], [ -82.20368795041783, 28.60074375065507 ], [ -82.202943394508281, 28.602357043446681 ] ] 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[ -82.030742538336128, 28.793311168289183 ], [ -82.030809459667324, 28.793285698285192 ], [ -82.030893857912503, 28.793257049115951 ], [ -82.030942979461486, 28.793241413710753 ], [ -82.031015046022432, 28.793220126482225 ], [ -82.031070735579448, 28.793204988540396 ], [ -82.031132346586574, 28.793189546068877 ], [ -82.031179508918569, 28.793178635528736 ], [ -82.031249395662655, 28.793164360540136 ], [ -82.03125212208792, 28.793163352944141 ], [ -82.031303692428509, 28.793153848975233 ], [ -82.031351225231248, 28.793145406117688 ], [ -82.031405716177744, 28.793136944523134 ], [ -82.03150794789552, 28.793123718677059 ], [ -82.031605065306451, 28.793114313411177 ], [ -82.031681492822372, 28.79310905171706 ], [ -82.031786321540594, 28.793104116421265 ], [ -82.031887743884795, 28.793100844791077 ], [ -82.032008341737935, 28.793098857158945 ], [ -82.03213462618649, 28.79309899214508 ], [ -82.032226221688418, 28.793100506603658 ], [ -82.032355488116309, 28.793104674931101 ], [ -82.032486742485148, 28.793111343880231 ], [ -82.032621347210537, 28.793120741409471 ], [ -82.032761555925546, 28.793133300988142 ], [ -82.032826571258596, 28.793140426494542 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "35 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.96319338467994, 28.867011103415461 ], [ -81.963193425463089, 28.866896276285136 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Reader Path", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.052026490413368, 28.788037627548508 ], [ -82.052033828163346, 28.788016662222688 ], [ -82.052088436051022, 28.787869669998766 ], [ -82.052110831204914, 28.787771294901717 ], [ -82.052128677818658, 28.787650536937193 ], [ -82.052125698487799, 28.787322579627801 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Lake Ridge Drive", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ 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28.789640067389414 ], [ -81.973735387463421, 28.789608558411103 ], [ -81.973771397958558, 28.789577049422853 ], [ -81.973802907396987, 28.789538789337151 ], [ -81.973823163259112, 28.789491525568902 ], [ -81.97383666806536, 28.789424006242406 ], [ -81.9738794303275, 28.789214695769886 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Inman Mills Road", "maxspeed": "20 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.975552059791085, 28.897187426346562 ], [ -81.975506366442772, 28.897128630470753 ], [ -81.97545793731328, 28.897079462515705 ], [ -81.975409309270702, 28.897043357096805 ], [ -81.975350428720972, 28.897012553489031 ], [ -81.975297400977681, 28.896993832726697 ], [ -81.975224142383794, 28.896979564657521 ], [ -81.975179724266326, 28.896978373513274 ], [ -81.975121804745896, 28.896980736710368 ], [ -81.975041075486388, 28.897000852886219 ], [ -81.974946844973928, 28.897036371447314 ], [ -81.974864343521546, 28.897066288865162 ], [ 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28.676365071786087 ], [ -82.24879053457191, 28.676369612965381 ], [ -82.249281585628339, 28.676375128446278 ], [ -82.249499776292637, 28.676355481282648 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Anthem Road", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.99338587427448, 28.881497693356362 ], [ -81.994051079521796, 28.881521794042555 ], [ -81.994680328080364, 28.881542307851053 ], [ -81.994842374431443, 28.881539895270038 ], [ -81.994906143899058, 28.881537040181048 ], [ -81.994976575233864, 28.881529426579014 ], [ -81.995043201331853, 28.881517052251951 ], [ -81.995128862753361, 28.881488499431697 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Salas Place", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.977598305481848, 28.941273160767569 ], [ -81.977696662012974, 28.941226495267482 ], [ -81.977966884071691, 28.941109959284073 ], [ -81.978083239503533, 28.941096284325173 ] ] ] 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[ -82.030776816351036, 28.826463785830718 ], [ -82.030559238068193, 28.826266470311275 ], [ -82.030443516388971, 28.826172611518363 ], [ -82.030281397856029, 28.826051556377323 ], [ -82.030144344633754, 28.82595343226674 ], [ -82.029972093502082, 28.825837175629133 ], [ -82.029813175793294, 28.825737450704683 ], [ -82.029652657948986, 28.825645192538662 ], [ -82.029458542851927, 28.825523602763738 ], [ -82.029356152106473, 28.825447342426603 ], [ -82.029156704979854, 28.825282558016145 ], [ -82.028920825335888, 28.825085644286165 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "County Road 619", "maxspeed": "45 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.156616745436921, 28.657731540469204 ], [ -82.156731806441982, 28.657800283206601 ], [ -82.1568337801246, 28.657819297993019 ], [ -82.156953086704064, 28.657826813246309 ], [ -82.158703533415462, 28.657845829861419 ], [ -82.159618875744528, 28.657848586905715 ], [ -82.160746834030419, 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"MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -82.107919796041884, 28.663366585698643 ], [ -82.107509503059688, 28.663362250649651 ], [ -82.106879846885406, 28.663354774684837 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Morse Boulevard", "maxspeed": "5 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.978285109033919, 28.798225061234991 ], [ -81.978273212390093, 28.798281754328819 ], [ -81.978261701521859, 28.798335476167637 ], [ -81.978296021606681, 28.798410074113036 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Bernie Lane", "maxspeed": "30 mph" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -81.984289783320492, 28.772155302044435 ], [ -81.984351286759932, 28.771965111785594 ], [ -81.98441965017021, 28.771837625155957 ], [ -81.984510185733086, 28.771721224204573 ], [ -81.984630284193869, 28.771610366805472 ], [ -81.985262182587206, 28.77121497234322 ], [ -81.985339715069799, 28.771160186779149 ], [ -81.985451501985366, 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