current_observation; $tz = new DateTimeZone($obs->local_tz_long); $obs_date = new DateTime($obs->local_time_rfc822); $date = new DateTime('now', $tz); $dst = $date->format('I'); if ($dst === "1") { $dst_text = "is"; } else { $dst_text = "is not"; } if ($obs->pressure_trend == "+") { $pres_text = "and rising"; } elseif ($obs->pressure_trend == "-") { $pres_text = "and falling"; } else { $pres_text = "and steady"; } header('Content-Type: application/xml'); $out = ' '; if ($voice) { $out .= 'Hello. '.$date->format('g:i:s A').' is the current time, on '.$date->format('F j, Y').'. It is week number '.((int)$date->format('W')).' and day number '.((int)$date->format('z')).' of the year. It '.$dst_text.' currently Daylight Saving Time in '.$obs->display_location->city.'. Thank you for calling '.$obs->display_location->city.' Time and Temperature: a free hobby service, courtesy of zye fawn dot com, and Weather Underground dot com. The temperature in '.$obs->observation_location->city.' was '.$obs->temp_f.' degrees Fahrenheit today at '.$obs_date->format('g:i A').'. The weather was '.$obs->weather.' with winds '.$obs->wind_string.'. The dew point was '.$obs->dewpoint_f.' degrees, pressure '.$obs->pressure_mb.' millibars '.$pres_text.', visibility '.$obs->visibility_mi.' miles. The temperature felt like '.$obs->feelslike_f.' degrees. Please press any key to hear this message again. Thanks again for calling. Goodbye.'; } if ($sms) { $out .= 'The current time is '.$date->format('g:i:s A').', on '.$date->format('F j, Y').'. It is week number '.((int)$date->format('W')).' and day number '.((int)$date->format('z')).' of the year. It '.$dst_text.' currently Daylight Saving Time in '.$date->format('T').'. The temperature in '.$obs->observation_location->city.' was '.$obs->temp_f.'F today at '.$obs_date->format('g:i A').' ( via'; } $out .= ''; echo $out;