UniFi Controller for RHEL (yum-based distros)

Ansible Galaxy role for installing UniFi Controller software for Ubiquiti Access Points on RedHat/Centos/Amazon/Fedora and other yum-based distros.

WARNING: This has only been tested on Amazon Linux so far, and may have issues in /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.2.repo for Fedora (probably need to use the /redhat/ mongo repo.) If you install this on any other distro besides Amazon Linux please comment with your experiences.

Forked from https://github.com/fukawi2/unifi-controller-rhel and modified to be an includable role via Galaxy instead of a playbook.


  • You need the EPEL Repository from Fedora Project enabled to be able to install the requirements (MongoDB etc)
  • Ubiquiti's license does not allow redistribution of the software ZIP, so you must manually download the ZIP of the UniFi Controller software from the Ubiquiti website and save it to files/UniFi.unix.zip. The most recent tested version is "UniFi v5.0.6 Zip for DIY Unix/Linux" from 2016-06-01. If you are including this role via Galaxy, you may download this file to your playbook's files directory instead of this role's files directory; both will work.

Role Variables

  • unifi_controller_rhel_ntp_server (optional) sets your preferred NTP server for the UniFi APs to use (default: pool.ntp.org)
  • unifi_controller_rhel_unifi_zip_file (optional) sets the filename of the UniFi controller software on the Ansible system (default: UniFi.unix.zip)



Example Playbook

First, install this role via Galaxy by typing sudo ansible-galaxy install zyphlar.unifi_controller_rhel

Then create and run an Ansible playbook like this:

- hosts: your_unifi_controllers
  become: true
    - zyphlar.unifi_controller_rhel

Or, if you want to override some variables:

- hosts: your_unifi_controllers
  become: true
    - some_other_role
    - role: zyphlar.unifi_controller_rhel
      unifi_controller_rhel_unifi_zip_file: UniFi.unix.5.0.6.zip




There is none. Tested on CentOS 6 x86_64. Not tested on animals.

Your results may vary. Discontinue use and see a doctor if rash occurs.

Author Information

Ansible role for installing UniFi Controller for Ubiquiti Access Points on RHEL/Centos/Amazon/etc
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