## wifi-watcher This simple node app will frequently request a small web resource (on S3) to see if your HTTP requests are being redirected by a wifi hotspot. If you get redirected, the app can try to detect which hotspot you're on and log in with the specified credentials. To get it running: 1. Clone or otherwise download this repository: git clone git://github.com/brianshaler/wifi-watcher.git && cd wifi-watcher OR wget https://github.com/brianshaler/wifi-watcher/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip && cd wifi-watcher-master 2. Install npm (Node.js Package Manager) if you don't have it yet: sudo apt-get install npm 3. Install this app's dependencies: npm install 4. Then, run the app: node app.js You can edit app.js to add rules for new wifi hotspots. Right now, it's set up to detect and log in on the wifi at [Cartel Coffee in Tempe](http://cartelcoffeelab.com/)