require 'spec_helper' describe WordPressImport::Attachment, :type => :model do context "an image attchment" do let(:attachment) { test_dump.attachments.first } specify { attachment.title.should == '200px-Tux.svg' } # doesn't get exported atm. for some reason specify { attachment.description.should == '' } specify { attachment.url.should == 'http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/200px-Tux.svg_.png' } specify { attachment.file_name.should == '200px-Tux.svg_.png' } specify { attachment.post_date.should ==, 6, 5, 15, 26, 51) } specify { attachment.should be_an_image } describe "#to_refinery" do before do @image = attachment.to_refinery end it "should create an Image from the Attachment" do @image.should be_a(Image) end it "should copy the attributes from Attachment" do @image.created_at.should == attachment.post_date @image.image.url.end_with?(attachment.file_name).should be_true end end describe "#replace_url" do let(:post) { BlogPost.first } before do test_dump.authors.each(&:to_refinery) test_dump.posts.each(&:to_refinery) @image = attachment.to_refinery attachment.replace_url end specify { post.body.should_not include attachment.url } specify { post.body.should_not include '200px-Tux.svg_-150x150.png' } specify { post.body.should_not include 'wp-content' } it "should replace attachment urls in the generated BlogPosts" do post.body.should include(@image.image.url) end end end context "a file attachment" do let(:attachment) { test_dump.attachments.last } specify { attachment.title.should == 'cv' } specify { attachment.url.should == 'http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/cv.txt' } specify { attachment.file_name.should == 'cv.txt' } specify { attachment.post_date.should ==, 6, 6, 17, 27, 50) } specify { attachment.should_not be_an_image } describe '#to_refinery' do before do @resource = attachment.to_refinery end specify { Resource.should have(1).record } specify { @resource.should be_a(Resource) } it "should copy the attributes from Attachment" do @resource.created_at.should == attachment.post_date @resource.file.url.end_with?(attachment.file_name).should be_true end end describe '#replace_resource_url' do let(:page_part) { } before do test_dump.pages.each(&:to_refinery) @resource = attachment.to_refinery attachment.replace_url end specify { page_part.body.should_not include attachment.url } specify { page_part.body.should_not include 'wp-content' } it "should replace attachment urls in the generated BlogPosts" do page_part.body.should include(@resource.file.url) end end end end