#use of "hash" chosen as it is a shell builtin and will add programs to hash table, possibly speeding execution. Use of type also considered - open to suggestions.
hash$prerequisite&> /dev/null
if[[$?==1]]#has exits with exit status of 70, executable was not found
thenecho"In order to use `basename $0`, the executable \"$prerequisite\" must be installed." 1>&2;exit70
#get_EBS_List gets a list of available EBS instances depending upon the selection_method of EBS selection that is provided by user input
case$selection_method in
if[[ -z $volumeid]]
thenecho"The selection method \"volumeid\" (which is $app_name's default selection_method of operation or requested by using the -s volumeid parameter) requires a volumeid (-v volumeid) for operation. Correct usage is as follows: \"-v vol-6d6a0527\",\"-s volumeid -v vol-6d6a0527\" or \"-v \"vol-6d6a0527 vol-636a0112\"\" if multiple volumes are to be selected." 1>&2;exit64
thenecho"The selected selection_method \"tag\" (-s tag) requires a valid tag (-t key=value) for operation. Correct usage is as follows: \"-s tag -t backup=true\" or \"-s tag -t Name=my_tag.\"" 1>&2;exit64
*)echo"If you specify a selection_method (-s selection_method) for selecting EBS volumes you must select either \"volumeid\" (-s volumeid) or \"tag\" (-s tag)." 1>&2;exit64;;
#if purge_after_date is not set then we have a problem. Need to alert user.
if[[ -z $purge_after_date_fe_tag]]
#Alerts user to the fact that a Snapshot was found with PurgeAllow=true but with no PurgeAfterFE date.
thenecho"A Snapshot with the Snapshot ID $snapshot_id_evaluated has the tag \"PurgeAllow=true\" but does not have a \"PurgeAfterFE=xxxxxxxxxx\" date where PurgeAfterFE is UNIX time. $app_name is unable to determine if $snapshot_id_evaluated should be purged." 1>&2
#perform comparison - if $purge_after_date_epoch is a lower number than $current_date_epoch than the PurgeAfterFE date is earlier than the current date - and the snapshot can be safely removed
if[[$purge_after_date_fe_tag < $current_date]]
echo"The snapshot \"$snapshot_id_evaluated\" with the PurgeAfterFE date of $purge_after_date_fe_tag will be deleted."
#date_binary allows a user to set the "date" binary that is installed on their system and, therefore, the options that will be given to the date binary to perform date calculations
#sets the "Name" tag set for a snapshot to false - using "Name" requires that ec2-create-tags be called in addition to ec2-create-snapshot
#sets the user_tags feature to false - user_tag creates tags on snapshots - by default each snapshot is tagged with volume_id and current_data timestamp
#sets the Purge Snapshot feature to false - this feature will eventually allow the removal of snapshots that have a "PurgeAfterFE" tag that is earlier than current date
*)echo"Error with Options Input. Cause of failure is most likely that an unsupported parameter was passed or a parameter was passed without a corresponding option." 1>&2;exit 64;;
#sources "cron_primer" file for running under cron or other restricted environments - this file should contain the variables and environment configuration required for ec2-automate-backup to run correctly
#calls prerequisitecheck function to ensure that all executables required for script execution are available
#sets date variable
current_date=`date -u +%s`
#sets the PurgeAfterFE tag to the number of seconds that a snapshot should be retained
if[[ -n $purge_after_input]]
#if the date_binary is not set, call the get_date_binary function
if[[ -z $date_binary]]
then get_date_binary
echo"Snapshots taken by $app_name will be eligible for purging after the following date (the purge after date given in seconds from epoch): $purge_after_date_fe."
#get_EBS_List gets a list of EBS instances for which a snapshot is desired. The list of EBS instances depends upon the selection_method that is provided by user input
#the loop below is called once for each volume in $ebs_backup_list - the currently selected EBS volume is passed in as "ebs_selected"