
42 lines
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/* User preferences file - Modify this header to use the correct options for your
* installation.
* Be sure to set the passwords/etc, as the defaul is "1234"
/* Hardware options
#define MCU328 // Set this if using any boards other than the "Mega"
#define HWV4STD // Use this option if using Open access v3 Standard board
#define MCPIOXP // Set this if using the v4 hardware with the MCP23017 i2c IO chip
//#define AT24EEPROM // Set this if you have the At24C i2c EEPROM chip installed
#define READER2KEYPAD 0 // Set this if your second reader has a keypad
/* Static user List - Implemented as an array for testing and access override
//#define LCDBOARD // Uncomment to use LCD board
// Uses the "cLCD" library that extends arduino LCD class
// Has issues - must use a non-standard pinout, disables other MCP IO pins
// Library is from the TC4 Coffee Roaster project
// Download here:
#define DEBUG 2 // Set to 4 for display of raw tag numbers in BIN, 3 for decimal, 2 for HEX, 1 for only denied, 0 for never.
#define VERSION 1.40
#define UBAUDRATE 9600 // Set the baud rate for the USB serial port
#define PRIVPASSWORD 0x1234 // Console "priveleged mode" password
#define DOORDELAY 5000 // How long to open door lock once access is granted. (2500 = 2.5s)
#define SENSORTHRESHOLD 100 // Analog sensor change that will trigger an alarm (0..255)
#define KEYPADTIMEOUT 5000 // Timeout for pin pad entry. Users on keypads can enter commands after reader swipe.
#define CARDFORMAT 1 // Card format
// 0=first 25 raw bytes from card
// 1=First and second parity bits stripped (default for most systems)
#define BEDTIME 23 // Set the time to automatically relock front door.
#define BEDTIME_ENABLED 0 // Determine whether or not to relock front door nightly